Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, August 17, 1905, Image 8

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    • ••MBHiMHWnHitait
i W i
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I ® I
Mil III! IIIMIMIHII 11111 l 11l ■
sa y s: *
My science doesn't stop with
building smart, well-tailored trousers
—equal skill is shown in moderating (y wLJ
the price. V \ *1
For men and youths—lmperial,
Model and Peg Top. Just ?.sk —
• •
| Opposite Post-office, Emporium, Pa. ■
omtmmmmaum mmmmmmammmmmmmm*
Our New Year
WE have just finished a wonderfully pros
perous year. One in which all our past
sales-records were thrown so far in the rear
that it will require the most vigorous and
untiring work to surpass them. But
work is our pastime and we are to
do it.
Your splendid patronage has placed|in
creased purchasing power in our hands,
the force of which will be felt in the ever
increasing values that will benefit every
money-wise person in this county who is
wis® enough to profit by it.
Keep Your Eye on Us all tills Year
and Watch Us Grow.
Emporium Furniture Co., £
■ I
cwpMB—na— MIWII mil MI wi n—mmmmmmmmmmmm
I Undertaking. ff
Continued from first Page.
southwest or at about right angles with
the centre of (he navy yard nnd dry
dock. The layers stood on edge, which
was also favorable. On this account
the work lias been of special interest to
geologists, representatives of the state
having spent some time there during
the summer making investigations.
For over a century, or frcm the time
of the birth of the navy yard this point
has been a menace to the development
of the yard, and while numerous at
tempts had been made to have the gov
ernment provide for its removal, it was
not until the big $1,000,000 dry dock ■
wis well under way t bat the item of'
$750,000 was inserted in the naval bill
in 1902 for the removal of the point, or
at least 320 feet of it, to a depth of 35
feet at mean low water.
The following August the contract
was awarded to the Massachusetts Con
tracting company for $740,000.
The excavation had been carried out
directly under the cofferdam, the maxi
mum excavation being 64 feet 6 inches.
This left a rim of solid ledge, estimat
ed at 35,000 cubic yards, varying in
thickness from 40 to 90 odd feet, and
with an elevation of from 30 to 60 feet.
The bottom of the pit has been cleared
away to the required level, and huge
horizontal drills, especially constructed
set at work boring 200 gdd holes at the
bottom outward, the longest being 80
feet. They vary from six inches at
the mouth to 2A inches at the end. At
the extreme end of the point, where
the lodge was especially hard, ten or a
dozen holes were bored at a height of
20 feet from the ground and along the
shore ends of the rim 18 vertical holes,
18 feet in length, have been bored.
j jjfz- good thing when he I
\M sees it. He knows that I
1 Paints I
jfl (Tinted Gloss)
H spread easier and go I
M iarther than other 1
K paints. He knows they I
1 are made of pure mate- H
jfj rials by a reliable house I
lag ence. He knows they I
jg cost less all around. I
I o-ut better in the end.
John Lucas & Co
How Is Your
I Complexion?
I Do you rtali/e that you can
have a clear, !-mooth, velvety
t skin l>y simply using
| The of;' MaKer
Emporium, - - Pa
Veterinary Specifics euro diseftßeß
of Moreen, Cattle, Sheep, Dogs, Hogs and
Poultry by acting directly on the SICK PARTS
without loss of time.
|A. A.? FEVERS. Contention*. Tiiflnmina-
CUK£B j (loot. Lung Fever, Milk Fever.
B. H. ISPRAIXfi, Lameness. Injuries.
CURES (Hbeuinalliin.
C. C. ISOIIE THROAT, Quinsy, Epizootic,
cuaus) Distemper.
j WORMH - Bot »* Uruba.
i E. E. M'OL'GIIK. foidn, Influenza. Inflamed
; CURES ) Lungs, I'leuro-Pneuinonla.
! F. F. ICOLIC, Bollynche, Wind-Blown,
CURES ) Diarrhea. Dysentery.
i 1.1. j WKl!>' OlfcKAfcE*. Mntifce, ICrnptloas.
I OUREK ) fleers. Grease, Farcy .
J. K. j RA It CO.\nrnOV, Murine foot,
J CURES > ludicestlut:. Stotuaeli Scawrm.
60c. each; Stable Cane, Ten Specifics, Book, &e., $?. 1
j At druggists, or sent prepaid on receipt of price. ;
I Humphreys' Mcdlcluo Co., Cor. William and John I
| Streets, New York.
Song, Entitled the County Ticket.
Tune—Yankee Doodle.
Election time is drawing near,
We must call your attention—
To the nolid men from whom to vote,
Their names I now will mention;
They're honest, upright, brave and true—
The people all respect them,
Republicans the county through
Must hustle and elect them.
For Sheriff we want John D. Swope,
There's none lo make objection—
He'll make law-breakers jump the rope,
And give us all protection;
John Commissioner,
He surely lias no equal,
You'll find him in condition sir
To satisfy the people.
Another good strong man you see,
His name is Samuel Kreider—
Driftwood is his
He'll see no harm betides her;
Another good Commissioner
Whose heart is with his party,
The people on election day
Will welcome him most heartily.
Our Auditors are up to date.
We'll rally to their banner—
George Walker is a gentleman,
And so is O. B. Tanner,
So ring your bells and blow your horns,
And best of all remember,
Be sure to show tip at the polls
The seventh of November.
Officers Elected.
At tbeltannual convention of the j
Northwestern Penn'a Firemen at j
Bradford last week the following offi- j
cers were elected; President, Burt j
McAllister, of Bradford; first vice j
president, S. E. Bell, of Smetbport; |
second vice president, T. J. Kinsler, of I
Renovo; secretary, Fred Seger, of Em- J
poriuui; treasurer, Moses Chon, of!
Bradford. A. C. Blum was elected a !
member of the legislative committee, j
This is the third term for Mr. Seger j
as Secretary.
No Stomach Dosing, Just Breathe
Hyomei—Stops Sneezing and
L. Taggart is recommending to his cus
tomers as a cure for hay fever, Ilyomei.
It is claimed for this remedy that it
stops the spasmodic paroxysms, the sneez
ing, the smarting and running of the
eyes and nose, and other acute symptoms
of this disease.
Many persons have been cured of hay
fever by Ilyomci, and the discoverer of
t lie remedy professes to be able to prevent
both the occurrence of the annual attack
and to stop the progress of the disease,
even in the most chronic forms.
A. Hamlin, ofWestford, Mass.. writes
"Hyomei cured me ot hay fever in one
week's time. I consider it a duty to tell
others who sufler from this disease."
This endowment is only one of "hun
dreds that have been received by the pro
prietors of Hyomei,and'L.Taggart offer to
refuud the money if ifyomei does not do
all that is ciaiuied for it, is the strongest
proof that can be given as to the confi
dence he has in Hyomei's power to cure
hay fever. The complete outfit costs but
81.00, while extra bottles can be procur
ed for 50 cents.
Heads of households are the billfooters
of their families.
The Only Way.
There is no way to maintain the health
and strength ot mind and body except by
nourishment. There is no way to nourish
except through the stomach. The stom
ach must be kept healthy, pure and
sweet or the strength will be let down and
disease will set up. No appetite, loss oi
strength, nervousness, headache, consti
pation, bad breath, sour risings, rifting,
indigestion, dyspepsia and all stomach
troubles that arc curcable are quickly
cured bv the use of Kodctl Dyspepsia
Cure. Kodol digests what you eat and
strengthens the whole digestive apparatus.
Hold by R. 0. Dodson.
Public is Aroused.
The public is aroused to a knowledge
of the curative merits ol that great med
icinal tonic, Electric liitters, for sick
stomach, liver and kidneys. Mary H.
Walters, of 54(5 St Clair Ave , Colum
bus, 0.. writesr For several months, I
was given up to die. I had fever and
ague, my nerves were wrecked; I could
not sleep, and my stomach was so weak,
from useless doctors' drugs, that I could
not eat. Soon after beginning to take
Electric Bitters, I obtained relief,
and in a short time I was
entirely cured." Guaranteed at L. Tag
gart's drug store; price 50c.
Reduced Rates to the Seashore.
Pennsylvania Railroad low-rate fifteen
day excursions for the present season
from Erie, Corry, Buffalo, Olean, Brad
ford, Warren, Dußois, and principal in
termediate stations to llenovo, inclusive,
to Atlantic City, Cape May, Sea Isle City,
or Ocean City, N. .J., will be run on
August 15, and 25.
Excursion tickets; good to return by
regular trains within fifteen days, will be j
sold at very low rat<s. Tickets to At- j
lautic City will be sold via the Delaware j
River Bridge. Route, the only all-rail line,
or via Market Street Wharf, Philadel- j
pliia. Tickets from Erie, Tionesta, and !
intermediate stations will be good going i
lon trains leaving Erie at <>. so a. m., and j
| 5.35 p. m., and connecting trains there- i
j with. Tickets from other points eood
! going ou all regular trains,
i Train leaving Buffalo at 9.00 a. in., j
| will be run through to Atlantic City.
Srop over can be had at Philadelphia!
| either going or returning.
For information in repaid to specific !
; rates and time of trains consult hand j
I bills or apply to ticket agents.
:{542-2")-2t. I
'Tis a joy to eat—l welcome mv dinner hour;
Because I rout indigestion with August Flower!
is the result of indigestion,
biliousness, flatulency, loss of appetite,
self-poisoning, anemia, emaciation, uric
acid, neuralgia in various parts of the
system, catarrhal inflammation of the in
testinal canal and numerous other ail
ments that rob life of its pleasures if they
do not finally rob you of life itself.
<U"l'm bound in the bowels," is a com- I
moil expression of people who look mis
erable and are miserable—yet who persist
] in "letting nature take its course."
I qwiiat a foolish plan, when nature could
be aided by the use of Green's August
j Flower, which is nature's own remedy for
| constipation and all stomach ills,
j <1 August Flower gives new life to the
| liver and insures healthy stools. 3
| <p'wo sizes, 25c and 75c. All druggists.
! \ 1865 1904 "T
| N^ SE^ R
112 is at hand—Suite, Men's, 3
r Boy's and Children's Hate / 1
j and Shoes, Trunks, Satch- X
v els of all binds at the low- /
y est prices. Please call |
y you will find we cannot S
General Merchandise. |
| White Suitings, |
>l| ) We have our new line or White Shirtwaistings and If
|p Suitings for Spring and Summer. Do not fail to see '4
HI them. Prices very reasonable.
I Bate's Seersuckers. §
We received lately 2000 yards of Hate's Seersuckers fflj!
M that we are selling at 12c a yard, and they are going
||| fast. The patterns and color are much better this year mC
ft than before.
I McCall Patterns |
jjiaK The McCall Patterns are always up to date. Use fj|;
fti McCall patterns and you will always have a good fit,
Ml and you wi'l have 110 trouble in doing your spring sew- E
fill in<r. Fashion sheets free. <kf
I 1
| Demorest Sewing |
| Machines |
Iff, We have a full line of Demorest Sewing Machin |p."
W and[all in good working order. The kind you need
do your spring sewing. Hf
I® Any persou contemplating the purchase of a new
>W sewing machine will do well by calling 011 us.
| Prices, $19.50 to $30.50 I
ML 7
I This is the j
) Store |
1 For the People. \
p 81b Rice. 25c. 3
> 7 bars Oak Leaf ar Acme \
\ Soap, 25c. \
I 3 Cans Corn, 25c.
112 3 Cans Peas, 25c. <
? 3 Cans Tomatoes, 25c. <
( A full line'of fresh fruits, }
3 vegetables and canned \
\ meats suitable for camping >
\ parties. %
> Free delivery to any part *
| of the city.
i 0. B. Barnes, j
if Allegany Avenue, c
j 112 'Phone 81.
j Old Reliable |
I Drug Store jjj
1 I
[n Clear the system of im
[}j purities. If
J [jj Brightens the home. «
j[n Does away with and covers j|
I [}| up disease germs,
i ru Buy them of L. Taggart. [}
i"! ft
j nj We carry the largest line of if
ni Drugs, Wall Paper and Paint u
n] in Cameron countv. [}
l{] Get health, cleanliness and |}
jj] good cheer at the
Ln rt
5 I
fold Reliable^