Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, August 03, 1905, Image 5

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IJinporiuiu, Ha., June 29,1905.
NBWOP >II.A. |ie) Hack |1 55
Kelt's Fancy, " 1 "0
Hjt Grove, " 1 "0
llraham, " SO
Rye " 75
liuckwheat " 75
Patent Meal " 50
Coarse Meal, per 100, 1 35
Chop Feed, ." 1 85
Middlings, Fancy " 135
<ran,. • • 1 ;'°
Corn, per bushel, "5
White Oats, p«r l.ushel -IS
New Oats
Chicken Wheal 1 85
C loice Clover Seed,
Oholce Timothy Seed, At M ark et Prices.
Choice Millet Seed,
c incy Kentucky Blue (Jraas, j
At Fourth and Chestnut Sts..
Telephone, 19-2.
Contributions invited. That which you would
like to arc in this department,let us know by poi
nt card or letter, personally.
Hon. I. K. Hockley is visiting his
old home at Muncy.
Miss Jettie Wiley visited at Buffalo
Mondav and Tuesday.
Rev. O. S. Metzle, Pastor of M. E.
Church, visited Williamsport on Mon
Miss Edna McDonough is visiting re
latives and friends at Driftwood for a
few days.
Miss Annie Lynch, of Lancaster is
visiting her sister Mrs. O. Proudfoot
this week.
Dr. S. S. Smith and wife and Miss
Grace Lloyd visited Buffalo Monday
and Tuesday.
Mrs. Joseph Kaye leaves to-morrow
for Westboro, Wis., to visit her son
Elmer and wife
Mrs. Jos. L. Wheeler was spending a
few days at Buffalo this week, tran
sacting business.
Misses Jennie and May Gould visit
their brother and wife at Eldred, Sun
day and Monday.
Maj. M. T. Seibert, of Coudersport
well known in Emporium, died sud
denly last Friday.
Sheriff Harry Hemphill has been
confined to his bed for a week, suffer
ing considerable pain.
Mrs. H. R. Klees and daughter left
yesterday for a two weeks visit with
relatives at Williamsport.
Mr. J M. Miller, Jos. Lechner's
right hand man, was a substantial
PRESS visitor Monday evening.
Mrs. Linsell and daughter, of Wil
cox, visited her mother, Mrs. Ida
Hamilton at this place this week.
George A. Walker, jr., of Emporium,
transacted business in this city one
day last week—Galeton Dispatch.
It is reported there were three wed
dings at Olean, last Sunday, the con
tracting parties being from Emporium.
Mrs. Henry W. Graham has return
ed from visiting her old friends at Bell
efonte. She enjoyed her visit great
Mrs. Jos. Knarr, widow of the late
Jos. Knarr, accompanied by Miss
Carrie Litreneau, were PRESS callers
on Monday.
Mrs. H. S. Lloyd and daughter
Mildred are spending a few days in
Buffalo, visiting the former's sister, Miss
Minnie Baurgelt.
Our old friend and townsman. Mr.
Daniel Downey, was a welcome PRESS
visitor on Monday and carried away a
receipt for 190(5 PRESS.
H. A. Cox, Esq., sales agent for C-
B. Howard Compayy at Philadelphia,
visited in Emporium last Saturday,
transacting business and visiting old
W. H. Howard and family enjoyed
an aAtomobile ride to St Marys last
Sunday They returned on train,
while the machine got here next day
Joseph Sterns, of Erie, the popular
cigar manufacturer was calling on his
trade here last Tuesday. His new
cigar, "Mugsy," is a great big smoke
for ten cents
Alfred Nelson, one of our most in
teiligent Swede citizens was a PRESS
visitor on Monday and placed his name
upon our books for another year's
PRESS. He seldom allows a day to pass
—is always on hand.
Mrs. Minnie Shade, wife of the late
W. T. Shade, accompanied by her little
daughter, were PRESS callers on Tues
day. Mrs. Shade will continue tore
side in Emporium. The pleasant little
lady has n; .y admiring friends at
t his place.
Joel Shiv.K and wife leave to-dav for
Westboro, Wis , intending to reside
there permanently Chan. Hockley
purchased his furniture and his family
are occupying the rooms in E S. Mur
r.v's residence. The PRESS will follow
Mr. Shives and wife.
Mrs. Fred Andrews, of Coudersport,
is visiting A. F. Andrews and wife at
this place. Last Friday
and Mrs. Andrews met a large party of
friends at the always hospitable homo
of A. F Andrews and wife, and from
all accounts, must have enjoyed a
great feast of good things, together
with plenty of fun.
Chester Hookley, of Buffalo visited
his father in town over Sunday.
Miss Jane Crowley, of Lock Haven,
is guest of Miss Christie McDonald.
Benj. Dayton, of Sterling Run, trans
acted business in town on Saturday,
Frances Searls. of Franklinville, N.
Y., is guest of Mr and Mrs. Seth J
Edward Blinzler returned this morn
ing from visiting at Atlantic City lor a
few days.
Miss Bella Johnson spent Sunday at
Rock City, accompanied by friends
from (Mean, N. Y.
Tlieo. Hirsch, who lias been visiting
in Emporium having a good time, re
turned to Bellevue on Sunday.
J. S. Crugar, in the employ of
Emporium Iron Company at Coke
Ovens was a PRESS caller on Satur
Mrs. Jas. Hobson, of West Creek,
visited the PRESS on Saturday and re
newed another year's subscription to
the PRESS.
Josiah A. Fisher has placed a live
horse power gas engine in his black
smith shop This is a true sign of
John Kelley, of Maple street, who
has been in poor health for some time
went to Williamsport hospital for
treatment on Monday.
Mr. Herman Johnson, one of C. B.
Howard & Co's hustlers, and Miss
Katharine Hennessey were married at
Olean, last Sunday. Congratulations
are in order.
Mrs. John Hall and her daughter,
Mrs. Thad Windsor, of Milford, Del.,
are guests of Mrs. D. W. Felt and
family, the former lady being Mrs,
Felt's sister.
O. J. Spafford and wife, of Tampa,
Fla., registered at the New Warner
yesterday. This is Mr. Spafford's first
visit to Emporium in ten years. He is
looking remarkably well.
Miss Elayne and Master Merrill
Havens, of Olean, who enjoyed a
week's visit at this place, guests of
Miss Marian and Warner Judd, return
turned home on Sunday.
Miss Maine Logan, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. J. D. Logan, left yesterday
for Charlevoix the-Beautiful, Mich.,
where she will visit Mr. and Mrs.
Osborn for several weeks.
Mrs. Geo. White and Mrs. W. H.
Hoover, of Williamstown, Pa., are
guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E.
D. White, on Fourth street. They are
mother and sister of Mr White.
E. J. Smith, of Sixth street, was call
ed to Conn., last Sunday on account of
the illness of his father who has been
visiting there. He left on Flyer Sun
day night and will bring his father to
Master Frank Housler went to Ben
nezette yesterday to visit his grand
parents and assist in regulating affairs
in that Township. Their friend Miss
Ethelen Dolburn remains here the
guest of Miss Gladys Lloyd.
Fred Lloyd is assisting in the Bank
while Max Balpom is taking a vaca
tion. Fred Heilman goes to Hudson
river country next week. Teller Chas.
Crandell says he will take to the woods
about 20th to fight gnats.
Mr Fred Julian returned this morn
ing from an extended business trip
down east. He is delighted with the
outcome of the Portsmouth explosion,
the powder, forty tons, being manu
factured by Emporium Powder Com
Mr.Judd L.Wilbur is visiting in Em
porium, guest of Ed. Nellis and wife.
He contemplates going to Erie Sold
iers Home, being in a very feeble con
dition. Mr. Wilbur was a PRESS caller
this morning.
"Hello! PRESS!" "Did you know
that H. O. Haupt and wife, Jas. a.
Earl and wife and the Broad street
wagon maker. A M. Haupt, ate tak
ing an outing at Crooked Lake or some
other resort." This accounts for so
many waterspouts in that section.
Mr. M. J. Friel and wife, of Renovo,
visited in Emporium last Sunday,
guests of the latter's sisters and broth
ers at the old home on West Fifth
street—Miss Nellie Morrissey, Mrs.
Bing Hemphill, P. J. and Thos. Mor
County Treasurer John Cummings,
of Emporium, was an interested spec
tator at the ball game yesterday and
saw his home team go down to defeat.
John is game though and all to the
good.—Saturday's Renovo News.
Mrs. 11. J. Rogers and daughter, Miss
Cecil, of Binghamton, N. Y., arrived
in Emporium 011 Monday to visit M.
T. Hogan and family, on West Fourth
street. Mrs. Rogers, accompanied by
her daughter, have passed several sea
sons here, en joying our mountain air.
In the Social Swim.
Mrs. Frank G. Judd yesterday after
noon entertained a number of lady
friends at tea, in honor of her sister,
Mrs. J. H. Cole.
* . *
Mrs. J. H. Cole, of Keokuk, lowa,
who has been visiting her parents and
sisters at this place, leaves for
Buffalo next Sunday where she will
meet her husband. After visiting
Niagara Falls they start for the west,
taking the lake route. Mrs. Cole has
certainly enjoyed her visit at her old
Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Logan entertain
ed the whist club last Saturday even
iDg -
Mr. and Mrs. Green entertain a
large party of ladies and gents this
evening, at their handsome home 011
Sixth street.
Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Moore have is
suerl invitations for a whist party
Friday evening.
Enjoyable Visit.
The PRESS sanctum was invaded last
evening by Messrs. M.T. Stokes and J.
B Coulston, editors respectively of the
Enterprise ond Democrat, ofaCouders
port. They were accompanied by Mr.
A. W. Dodge, one of Coudersport's
leading manufacturers. In company
with Hon. Josiah Howard and Mr.
Chas L. Butler we all enjoyed an ex
joyed an exceedingly pleasant even
ing. The editors were enroute for
Pittsburg, while Mr. Dodge was bound
for New York. Call again, gents.
Changed Hands.
Hon. F. X. Blumle has purchased
the Ki/.ervilln Hotel. He will remodel
and improve the property.
Strengthen the Stomach With Mi-o-na and Keep Well.
A wealthy philanthropist in New
York spends thousands (if dollars every
i summer providing tnilk for the babies.
; with the result that the mortality is great
ly decreased. He appreciates the fact
j that disease germs are common in the j
I summer and that the stomach must he j
| kept healthy to resist their attacks.
Older peeple do not live on a milk
diet to insure health, but they can so
strengthen the stomach and digestive
organs by the use of Mi-o-na that they
too, will be free from sickness in the
i summer season.
Take a Mi-o-na tablet before each
| meal, and it will soothe and heal any in
flammation that may be present in the
lining of the stomach, give tone and
strength to the whole digestive system,
and aid you in naturally and easily di
gesting the food. It is the only remedy
known that cures indigestion and stom
ach troubles by strengthening the diges- j
tive system. It is guaranteed to make a
complete and permanent cure in all dis- 1
cases of the stomach excepting cancer.
Mi-o-na restores complete health to
the whole system and cures headaches,
backache, sleeplessness, pains and distress
after eating, vertigo, heart burn, and the '
genfcral debility which result from a weak
stomach and imperfect digestion.
A guarantee to refund the money if 1
Mi-o-na does not show help, is given '
with every 50 cent box. Ask L. Tag- j
gart to show you the guarantee.
Virtue becomes a vice as soon as you j
are vain of it.
Thin <i>llcg»- ha* recently taken a new placa j
among the colleges of the country. Within four i
yearn tire new buildlnga hare U*vn erected, new
prof'-ssora added and entering rlaasea doubled. !
Five coursea of study, (.lasHlciil, Latin and Mod- j
ern Language, I *tin-MHent.lflc ( Scientific and j
Clrll (Jood traditions, strong fac- :
ulty, * superb location, beautiful groanda ami '
bulldluga, reasonable exposes. Kail term open* ;
September IMb Write for catalog to I'resideat
Crawford. lie*d<rllJe. Pa.
| Summer Groceries, Fruits, ||
m The Satisfactory Store ;
8 12 '* 2 c Lb ' m
®| A little head work 011 the part of the housekeeper lgj|i
™ in connection with the helpful stocks in this Grocery w
Ml Store, will enable a welcome variety in summer meals, Mi
liJP and save less of cooking besides. !l|»J
Boiled Sliced Ham, 35c a lb; Chipped Smoked m
H Heef, 30c a lb; Summer Sausage, 20c a lb; Switzer M
M Cheese, 20c a lb; Roquefort Cheese, 50c a lb; "Royal"
mil Luncheon Cheese in jars, 12c and 25c ajar; Water Mel- M
w 011s, 25c to 50c each; Vanilla Wafers, 20c lb; Chocolate W
Pi' Eclairs, 20c lb; Large bright meaty California prunes, jM)
fit 12c a lb; "Royal" Java and Mocha Coffee, 35c a lb., 3 ||{j
Mi lbs. SI.OO. Our special Blend Tea, 75c a lb., 3 lbs. for
liflj , Just the thing for icing. 'TO
! Close Shaves for Friday and Satur- ||
day, this week.
F"ull Cream Cheese a lb.
25c Selected Queen Olives, 20c a bottle. '®l
Sugar Cured small Hams 13c a lb.
jgji 50c pail Fairbanks' Cottoleue, 45c.
ft 15c package "Force" Food 12c.
HI 15c package imported Macaroni, Spaghetti or Ver
\m\ micelli, 12c. ijmji
M' 7 cakes Acme or Oak Leaf Soap, 25c. J;.;
||| 15c package best parlor matches, 12c. ,jj||i
™ 15c tall can Red Alaska Salmon, 12c.
jM Niagar Laundry Starch in bulk, 6 lbs. 25c.
l'ratts' Poultry Food —25c and 60c packages. It jMij
keeps the Poultry healthy and increases egg produc- M;
lii Crushed Oyster Shell —Needed in summer as well tffj
tlj] as winter, for profitable poultry raising.
Grass Hooks and Grass\Shears, for trimming the ils!j
jSSji lawn.
||| Sugar —25 lb. bag best granulated $1.50
i J. H. DAY, |
Phone 6. Emporium, Pa. J
Spgl ~ ~ '-.. - □[ ~ t El—' >_— — —rrrr. :zirrJt:.n'lnki)lrri 0 Q —— rr iir ~L :
T OUR NEW LINE OF NeW ®P rin * W5 """" Sh » d «» Iff
||' Jroui ioc to 75c per hhadc. jJ
(4, Paper for 1905. The best PAINT. Longman & Martinez, jj
j| - . All Colors.
|1 Consists of the best things (from three factories. Also II
the Robert Graves Co.'s line of Decoration Paper of all Rodger's Staillfloor, the best made
kinds. for Floors.
W The Graves linelltookllfirst prize in competition at' St. l_l A nH\/ C I I f\\/ pv '-I
fc LOll is against the world. MAKKY &. LLUY L).^
Niagara lulls Excursions.
The Pennsylvania Railroad Conjpanv
has selected the following dates for its
popular ten-day excursions to Niagara
Falls from Washington and Baltimore:
July 7 and 21. August 11 and 25, Sep- '
tembcr 8 and 2-J, and October 13. On i
these dates the special train will leave!
Washington at 7.55 a. hi., stopping at j
intermediate stations will leave Kin- i
porium Junction ">.05 p. in,, arriving!
Niagara Falls at 0.35 p. in.
The special train ot Pullman parlor j
cars and day coaches will be run with ;
each excursion running through to Nia-|
gara Fall.-. An extra charge will be
made tor parlor ear seats.
An experienced tourist agent and chap
eron will accompany each excursions.
For descriptive pamphlet, time of con
necting trains, and further information j
apply to nearest ticket agent, or address j
Geo. W. Boyd, General Passenger Agent, |
Broad Street. Station, Philadelphia.
3530-2-71. I
Romantic Portage Palls.
On Sundays, July lti and 30, Ausrust!
13 and 27, the Pennsylvania Railroad
Company will run special excursions to
Portage Falls from the stations named
below. A special train will be run on the
schedule given, and excursion tickets,
good going and returning only on special
train on date of excursion, will be sold at
the rates quoted:—
Train Leaves. Hate.
Emporium 8.00 A. M. fl 00
Emporium Junction 8.03 " 100
1 Sizerville 8.11 44 100
: Keating Summit 8.33 44 1 00
Port Allegany 8.50 44 100
Larabee 9.08 * 4 80
Eldred 9.14 41 75
Portville 9.29 41 6ft
Olenn 9.45 50
Portage Falls Park Ar. 11.45 ,4 #
Returning, the special train will leave
Portage Falls Park 5:15 p. m., arriving
Olean 7:15 p. m., and Emporium 9:00
p. in.
Children between 5 and 12 years of
ane, half rates. 3538-20-Bt.
I lot Weather Money Savers^
I'j "* jHK Tile Money Saver I
If Ivwmrrfi make you comfortable these I
A Shirts, Underwear and Hose.
I istTsfliaiMia
I i(W
jjgj East Emporium's
I Cash Store |
Nobody ever saw such a Grocery Store. jjf
m = p
H 111
ip] The Food Store is at its Best. Our ||
[I Special Days are Every Day. =1
1= 1
OUR Mid-Summer Sale continues. Our offerings just S=j
E as attractive as ever. Yon can save dollars at every J
[-jj turn. We state the fact about the goods we sell and ggj
||= guarantee all our goods to be as represented.
I We Will Sell Tuesday, Aug. 8.1905 i
I Ml ffi
|m Van Camp's Saner Kraut, 10c cans, 3 for 27c fij
Baked Beans, 10c size, 3 cans for 25c
|= Picnic Baked Beans, 8c size, 5 for 25c =|
3 Mrs. Hopkin's delicious Mixed Pickles.large bottles 8c ft~
Ijl Full Cream Cheese 13c lb !|;
M) Sardines, in oil, superior quality 4c can .Ja
HJ|! 25 lbs Granulated Sugar $1.50 Hi
1 |jjfj Green Apples, Potatoes, Peaches, Tomatoes, at p{
Ifjjl lowest market prices. Jjf
:| It pays you to call on us:
anything we offer saves you
money, both in Dry Goods.
Notions, Hardware and
p Groceries. All our goods are
first-class and all we ask is a
I trial order.
1— - I
P Mail and Phone orders receive our careful attention. =jl
ii u
r 1
Watch this Space for Special h
! Bargains at |
1 - |
1 Tompkins & Norris'. |
Phone 109
iXr infra"! 0 q'HTBo