Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, June 15, 1905, Image 8

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Buffalo & Susquehanna Railroad Company.
Condensed Time Table in Effect June 4, 1905.
day Week Days. Il.iily Week Days.
P. M. A. M. A. M. A. M. jP. M. I*. M- STATIONS. A. M. A. M. P. M. P.SI P..M
5 Ist 818 11 IK 5 IS t,v Addison Ar 10 IS 443 850
547 847 11 47 547 Elkland '.l 41 414 820
sso BSd 11 50 5 .'.O Osceola 940 410 815
600 900 12 00 600 Knoxville 1) 30 400 800
614 917 12 14 614 West field 917 347 755
647 917 12 47 047 853 ...Gaines Junction.... 841 858 311037 725
9 511 1" 0" 1 Ar. j (jaieto.i I Lv 8 2:1 714
700 ... 10 20 500 700 905 Lv. i /Ar 880 845 300825 707
740 l(i 09 11 00 541 ... ... Cross fork June... 739 ti 23
800 ' 11 20 602 Mulls 718 002
s2j 11 40 620 Wliarton fi 56 540
12 15 Sinnamahoning.... 5 00
1 02 Modi* Hun 4 08
125 Tyler •) 42
2 00 Dnßois 3 00
P. M. P. M.
P.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. A. M. ■ P.M A.M P.M
820 51 45 020 Wharton 656 520 1110
8 •'» 12 00 629 Costello 644 I 508 1058|
83A 12 15 Ar J . ILv 635 500 1010,
100 638 800 Lv | Austin j Ar :! ](| g s u 80*
200 705 845 KeatingSummit. . A.M. 220 910 740
P. M. A. M.
P. M. A.M. P.M
A ' 8 30 Ansonia 9 21 7 00
® 35 M> Manhatten 9 05 0 44
949 H49 . . South Gaines 901 640
988 852 —Oaines Junction 859 638
8 P. M.
A. M. P. M. A. M. A. M. P. M.
830 330 Wellsville 806 246
853 347 Shongo 7Hi 224
858 352 Genesee 741 218
9 09' 401 West Bingham, 730 200
927 415 Newlield Junction. 713 150
10 10 455 I j Galeton 630 105
11 0i 625 Cross Fork Jtiuc 730 540
11 55 7to I Cross Fork i 03" 440
At Keating Summit with B. & A. V. Div. of Pennsylvania It. R.
At Ansonia with N.Y.C.& H R. R. for all points north and south.
At Newfield Junction with C. & P. A. Ry., Union Station.
At Genesee with N. Y & Pa., Ry. Union Station.
At Addison with Erie R. R., Union Station.
At Wellsville with Erie It. R. for points east and west.
At Sin nam ah oiling with P. R. R.—P. &E. Div.
M. J. MCMAHON, Div. Pass Ag't..Galeton,Pa. W. C. PARK. Gen'l Supt., Galeton. L'a.
E. A. NIEL, Tralllc Mgr. Buffalo, N.Y. C. PETER CLARK, Gen'l Mgr. Buffalo. N. Y.
B Above all, USE GOOD PAINT! fig
The oil I linseed oil! Just pure linseed is the "life"—the one great requis«
|m ite o( pood paint (or which there is no substiiute—and the sure way to get the M
HH pure, fresh linseed oi) is to buy the oil and
y M'nioeh y
jgr 1 ;,. 1 ;,! II H!)I J
BH separately. For every gallon of Kin loch Paint buy one gallon of linseed oil. ■■
BE This makes two gallons of-paint, ready for use. You then know that the paint jpß
you're putting on your house is alive—"the genuine oil is in it,"and paint is not [ ]
gJB paint unless it contains 50* of really pure oil. We will further explain .he virtues ■■
HB of Kinloch Paint if you will call and sec us.
. h]]ii|»(»riiiiiiFiiriiitiir«(](». I
I Our New Year
8 Sale
WE have just finished a wonderfully pros
perous year. One in which all our past
sales-records were thrown so far in the rear
that it will require the most vigorous and
untiring work to surpass them. But
work is our pastime and we are going to
do it.
Your splendid patronage has placediin
• creased purchasing power in our hands,
the force of which will be felt in the ever
increasing values that will benefit every
money-wise person in this county who is
wise enough to profit by it.
Kccjd Your Eye on Us all litis Year
and Wateli Us Grow.
Emporium Furniture Co., [
Undertaking. I
A farewell party was given in honor
of Mr. John Rhodes at his residence
Thursday evening last. About twenty
couples were present. After ajbountiful
supper was served by Mrs. Rhoads and
daughters, Reed Brothers Orchestra, of
Beechwood, furnishod some good dance
music, which everybody took advantage
of to their entire satisfaction, James 15.
Hayes capped the climax by distribut
ing a box of Pertcctos to the guests.
Jas. B. Hayes is soon to leave tor
West Virginia, where he will erect a
hotel. Mr. Hayes is a model landlord
and the best wishes of bis many friends
in this county go with him. Bartender
Robt. Glenn will remain with the Valley
House, which means a great deal towards
the success of the new proprietor, Mr.
Cameron people will bo pleased to
learn that Miss Edna Summerson. of
Sterling Run. is going to teach our school
this winter. Miss Summerson is a
splendid teacher and her return gives
general satisfaction. She has just com
pleted a course in the Normal School at
Valpariso, lnd.
The porter at the New Cameron House,
while attempting to jump a freight train
on Saturday, slipped and sprained his
ankle, narrowly escaping being ground
under the wheels. He says l.e will walk
in the luture.
Mr. H. W. Sloan, of the firm of A.
Chalmers Co., Phil'a, has been load
ing lumber at the Cameron Lumber Co s
yards, for the past week. He is stop
ping at the New Warner. Fmporium.
J. W. Fauver has taken the contract
of building the new dwelling houses at
the coke ovens. He is assisted by W.
T. Dininny. A. A. Terry and Charles
Any person giving information as to
the whereabouts of Landlord Walker's
pet crow, will be rewarded by calling at
the New Cameron House.
Mr. and Mrs. Win. Wykoff were call
to Bingham, Sunday ou account ol death
in Mrs. Wykoff's family.
Miss Bertha llhoads is suffering with
a caushcd band, caused by its getting
caught under the piano.
Foreman Joseph Robinson and men
are building the new siding for the Key
stone Powder Co.. west ol Emporium.
Postmaster Lannigcr is suffering from
a relapse and is now conlined to his bed.
Mis. John Mack and Mrs. Daniel Sul
livan are visiting in Oiean.
Mr. Albert Dreyburg is visiting
friends in Morrisdale.
Mr. Merriman and family have moved
to West Virginia.
Mr. James Anderson is visiting his
family in Olean.
Miss Florence Bhoads is visiting at
the Chutes.
E. V. Dunlevie is in New York on
J. F. S.
Mrs. W. R. Smith is suffering with
B. J. Collins was a Driftwood caller on
<l. S. Hill, of Grove Hill, i- visiting
friends in town.
Mr. C. F. Collins has returned from a
visit in the West.
Wm. Kilbourne was a business caller
at Sinnamahoning this week.
Mr. Wayne Nelson killed a large
blacksnake on the road near his residence,
Friday. The snake measured seven feet,
three inches in length. Owing to its
peculiar actions, Mr. Nelson opened it
and found a half grown kitten in its
stomach. The kitten proved to be the
property of Mrs. Campbell, who had
missed it for some time.
J. F. S.
June 13th, 1905.
Frank Berficld made Cameron a busi
ness call Wednesday.
Mrs. J. O. Jordan is visiting her
daughter, Mrs. Lester Losey. at Dents
Miss Coraßusscl is visiting her grand
parents at this place.
Mr. William Kailbourn. of Huntley,
one of our old-time, highly es'eemed
neighbors, made several calls at this place
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Williams drove to
Medix Run the latter part of last week
to visit relatives and friends.
There will be: an ice cream festival held
at the home of J. M. Russell. Saturday,
June 17. All are iwvited to come.
Boys come and bring your best girls and
give them a line treat.
Our Supervisor has been repairing our
roads and this rainy weather makes thein
quite muddy. However we will absolve
hiui from all fault, as they were hereto
fore in a bad condition.
Ron i.\.
Concrete Work.
All kind of concrete work done at
short notice. All work guaranteed.
See Cement walk in front of Emporium
Gas Office.
J. 11. BRENNAN, Contractor,
15-4t. Ridgway, Pa.
Valuable Lots for Sale.
Two good building lots, each 50x200,
located on Third street, for sale at a
bargain. Apply to F. G. Judd, Em
porium, Pa. 16-2t.
'I cured MY cough with German Syrup I"
He wrote to Dr. ('*. <». tirei n ;
"An as true ;is I tell you, doctor dear,
I'm feelin' finer than ever I've been !"
<rrhc- poor consumptive should not be
the victim of experiment, as he often is,
but the moment the dread disease mani
fests its presence he should be given lio
schee's German Syrup—a pure, non-alco
holic medicine that is made specially for
the cure of consumption, and has a world
wide fame as a certain remedy for catarrh,
colds, coughs, croup, sore throat and
nil bronchial affections in old and young.
<JfIL is sold in all civilized countries, and
has been famous as a consumption cure
for almost half a century.
CJTrial bottle, 25c. I'.ig bottle, 75c. At
all druggists throughout the world. •
Low Hate Excursion to Portland,
Account Lewis and Clark Exposition
will be in effect via Wisconsin Central
Railway. If you intend togo to Port
land this year ask the ticket agent to
make your ticket read via Wisconsin
Central between Chicago and St Paul.
Pullman sleepers, free reclining chair
cars and a la Carte meals make the
journey comfortable and pleasant.
Further information cheerfully given
by addressing W. H. Allen, T. A., ti2l
Park Building, Pittsburg, Pa. 13-7t
Al 1 persons are hereby forbidden from
trespassing upon the property of this
Company without a permit trom this
office, or the Superintendant at the
Emporium, Pa., August Ist, 1003
Far Easier to Cure Catarrh Now Than
at Any Other Season.
Now is the time to use Ilyomei, when
the early summer days make it so easy to
cure catarrh troubles. The Ilyomei
treatment, breathed tor a lew minutes
three or four times a day in May or June,
will do good twice as ijuickly as it. did in
January, and nearly everyone knows that
used faithfully then, it completely lids
the system of catarrh.
Hyomei is a purely vegetable prepara
tion whose active curative properties are
given off when it is breathed by the aid
of the pocket inhaler that comes with
every outfit. It destroys all germ life in
air passages, purifies the blood by sup
plying additional ozone, and its healing,
volatic, antiseptic fragrance reaches every
corner of the respiratory tract as no
medicine taken through the stomach can
possibly do.
The complete Hyomei outfit costs but
one dollar, and consists of a neat inhaler
that can be carricTl in the purse or vest
pocket and will last a lifetime, a modi
cine dropper, and a bottle ol Hyomei.
Extra bottles ol Hyomei can be procur
ed. if desired, for fifty cents.
At this season of the year when ca
tarrhal troubles can be so ijuickly and
read cured, the merits of the Hyomei
treatment should be carefully in
vestigated by overyonc and a complete
outfit should be in every home. L. Tag
gart gives his personal guarantee with
every Hyomei outfit they sell to refund
the money if it does not give satisfaction.
There is no risk whatever to the pur
chaser of Ilyomei.
Peculiarity About Insurance.
When insurance companies grant in
surance an life, they are particular to
have the persou examined by a doc-tor to
ascertain if he is i n sound health. They
are most particular about the analysis of
the urine for the diseases of the kidneys
are the most fatal and so many people
have diseased kidneys without knowing
it. If there are any symptoms they are
usually (even by doctors) attributed to
some other cause. Thompson's Barosma
is the safest remedy to take for it will do
good whether you have kidney trouble
or not. Thompson's Barosma gives rest
to the nerves, 50c to 81.00. For sale by
R. C. Dodson.
Asbury Park Booklet.
The Pennsylvania Railroad Company
has just issued and attractive booklet de
scriptive of Asbury l'ark. The publica
tion is designed to present the attractions
and claims of Asbury Park as a Summer
seaside resort and also to announce (he
reduced rate arrangements on account of
the meeting ol the National Educational
Association, which will be held at Asbury
Park July .'1 to 7.
ersons desiring information concern
ing this popular resort may obtain a copy
of the booklet by enclosing two cents in
postage to Ceo. W. Boyd. < leneral Pas
senger Agent, Pennsylvania llailroad.
Philadelphia, Pa. 3506-1(> 2t.
No Gloss Carriage Paint Made.
Will wear as long as Devoe's. No
others are as heavy bodied, because
Devoe's weigh 3 to 8 ounces more to
the pint. Sokl by Murry & Copper
smith Co.
On account of the convention of the
American Medical Associationf to be !
held in Portland, Ore., July to 14, the
Pennsylvania Railroad Company will ;
run a personally-conducted tour, visit- j
ing the beautiful resorts in the Cana
dian Rockies, Seattle, Tacoma, and •
Portland, allowing four days in the <
latter city for attending the sessions of !
the convention and for visiting the
Lewis and Clark Exposition, and five;
one half days in theYellowstor.e Park,
a full and complete tour of that wonder
land. Tickets covering every neces
sary expense on route, except hotel
accommodations in Portland, will be
sold at the low rate of §215 from all
stations on the Pennsylvania Railroad,
except Pittsburgh, from which the rate
will be $2lO. A special train of high
tirade Pullman equipment will leave
New York, Philadelphia, Ilarrisburg,
Monday, July 3. The route will be via '
Chicago and St. Paul to Banff Hot I
Springs, Lnggan, and Glacier, in the
Canadian Rockies, thence to the Pacific
Coast. Returning the route will lie
through the States of Washington,
Oregon, Idaho, and Montana, to the
Yellowstone Park, and thence via Hil
lings and via Omaha to Chicago, reach
ing New York on July 20. For further
information consult Pennsylvania
Railroad ticket agents. A descriptive
itinerary will be sent on application to
Geo. W. Boyd, General Passenger
Agent, Broad Street Station, Philadel
phia, Pa. 34!)t: 14 4t.
Low-Rute Tour to Denver.
On account of the Epworth League
International Convention, to be held
in Denver, Col., July 5 to 9, the Penn
sylvania Railroad Company has ar
ranged a tour to Denver under its Per
sonally conducted System A special
train of high-grade Pullman equip- I
ment will leave New York, Philadel
phia, Ilarrisburg, Altoona, and Pitts
burgh on Monday, July 3, arriving I
Denver at 12:30 noon on Wednesday,
July 5. Tickets covering round trip |
transportation, Pullman accomodations
(one berth) going, and all meals in
dining car when traveling on special
train, will be sold at the following very j
low rates: Williamsport, $. r )9.75; Al
toona, SSB 75; and at proportionate
rates from other stations.
These tickets will be good for pas
sage to either Denver, Coiorado i
Springs, or Pueblo, and will be good
for return passage on regular trains to j
leave either of the above-mentioned '•
points not later than July 14. Deposit
of tickets with Joint Agent at either
Denver, Colorado Springs, or Pueblo
not later than July 11 and payment of
fee of fifty cents secures an extension
of return limit to leave either of the
above points not later than August 8. I
These liberal return limits will un
able tourists to take advantage of the .
many delightful side trips to rfsorts in
the Colorado Mountains, the Yellow
stone Park, the Grand Canyon of Ari
zona, and the Lewis and Clark Ex
position at Portland, for which special i
reduced-rate tickets will be on sale ai ;
Denver, Colorado Springs and Pueblo. !
For further information concerning !
specific rates, stop-over privileges, and '
returning routes consult ticket agents, i
A descrivtive itinerary will be mailed I
upan application to Geo. W. Boyd,
General Passenger Agent, Broad Street ;
Station. Philadelphia, Pa.
3497 14-4t.
cii.iiiTKii mm:.
N~~OT!CE is hereby Riven that an application
will be made to the Governor of the Mate J
of Pennsylvania, on Wednesday, tin* fifth
day of July, 190 r »,by L.W. Gleason,W.H.Mitchell,
.).<). Brookbank, 11. B. Mutthersbaugli, S. P. :
Kreider. lion. G. W. Huntley, Walter Yothers,
Geo. Metzger, Jr.. Barclay Bros, and J. E. Smith,
under the Act of Assembly of the Commonwealth
of Pennsylvania, entitled "An Act to provide for
the Incorporation and Regulation of certain
Corporations,'' approved April 29, 1874, and the
supplements thereto, for the charter of an in
tended corporation, to be called DRIFTWOOD
TKLKPHONE COMPANY, the character and
object whereof is for the purpose of constructing,
maintaining, and leasing telephone and tele
graph lines for the private use of individuals,
firms, corporations, municipal and otherwise,
tor general business and for police, fire alarms,
and messenger business, the operation of tele
phone exchanges and the furnishing of facili
ties for communication by means of the trans
mission of electricity over or through wires and
doing a general telephone and telegraph business
by such means, with ail the rights and powers
in said Acts granted, the general route of the
lines of said company is as follows: Beginning
at a pnint, being No. 11, East Fourth street, in
the Borough of Emporium, thence to
Barclay Brothers *tore in the village of
Sinnamahoning, in the Township of Grove,
via villages of Cameron and Sterling
Lumber township, and the Borough of Drift
wood; passing through in said route the town
ships of Shippen, Lumber. Gibson and Grove.
Boroughs of Emporium and Driftwood. All the
said route being in the county of Cameron, and
state of Pennsylvania, with branches extending
to and connecting other villages in said county,
also telephone exchanges in the several boroughs
and villages above mentioned, and other vil
lages to be connected. The lines of such ex
changes connecting offices, places of business,
and residences with each other and with thecen- i
tral office, and for these purposes to have, possess
and enjoy all the rights, benefits and privileges
of the said Act of Assembly and its supplements.
B. W. GREEN, Solicitor.
Emporium, Pa., June 2nd, 1905.
Ilarrisburg, Pa.
SEALED proposals will be received by the
State Highway Department of Pennsylvania,
under the Act approved May Ist, 1905, for the
construction of 1,500 feet of road, extending from
the western line of Emporium at the County
Bridge over Driftwood Creek to a point on the
road to Beechwood in Shippen township in the
county of Cameron. Plans and specifications
can be seen at the otlice of tho county commis
sioners, Emporium. Pa., and at the office of the
State Highway Department, Ilarrisburg, Pa.
Bidding blanks will be furnished by the State
Highway Department upon request. Bids must
CAMERON COUNTY,"and received at the office 1
of the State Highway Department not later than
July Bth, 1905. I
ii 17-1. State Highway Commissioner.
Join Lucas & Co Philadelphia T>-
| This is the )
| Store
| For the People. j
£ 81b Rice. 25c. 1
> 7 bars Oak I.taf ar Acme \
i Soap, 25c. 1
I 3 Cans Corn, 25c. *
s 3 Cans Peas, 25c. *
£ 3 Cans Tomatoes, 25c. <
$ A full line' of fresh fruits, \
) vegetables ;nd canned 3
5 meats suitable for camping >
s parties. \
* Free delivery to any part s
of the city. 2
10. B. Barnes, j
s Allegany Avenue, C
( 'Phone 81. £
New Rotaryj
I■ in V/e have now so equipped ,
Iy! f-f °, ur ' a ctory as lo produce an I
I, abundant supply to meet the I
I crest demand for cur high s
v —' I low priced Rotary— i
! stitch and does everything any other sewing ma- E
chine will, and does it better and easier.
Shipped on 90 days Trial. Warranted for ajj
term of years. |
We Are The Fir sip
to effer the people the new type Rotary Sewing H
Machine at less than $65.00 to $75.00. R
High prices must give way before us. jj
You Must Have
our new, elaborate Sewing Machine Book H
and !
40 large pager.. 11x14 in. The finest sewing jj
machine bock ever published. Fully describes jj
t lxe newest Rotary and other standard machines o
at prices never equaled. It is free to you. Write ft
J ? or it today. li g
j Montgomery Ward & Co., i
I Michigan Ave., Malison and Washington Sts. W
* 11 11 1 CHiCAGO 112
Specifics euro by acting directly on the
sick parts without disturbing tlio rest of
the system.
No. 1 for Fevers.
No. 2 " Worms.
No. 3 " Teething.
No. 4 " Diarrhea.
No. 7 " Coughs.
No. 8 " Ni uralgia.
No. 9 " Heiwlaches.
No. 10 " Dyspepsia.
No. 11 " Suppressed Periods.
No. 12 " Whites.
Nti. 13 " Croup.
No. 11 " The Skin.
No. 15 " lihenniatism.
No. 1G '• Miliaria,
No. 19 " Catarrh.
No. 20 " \Vhon;>ing Congb.
No. 27 " The Kidneys.
No. lio " The Bladder.
No. 77 " La Grippe.
Is small bottles oE pellets that lit the vent
pocket. At Druggists or mailed, 25c. eaeh.
Medical Guide mailed free.
Humphreys' 3led. Co., Cor. William & Johu Streets,
New York.
Hotel I
Between I2tli and 18th sts., on Filbert St. I
Philadelphia, Pa.
Three minutes WALK from the Heading &
Terminal. —■ Hj
Five minutes WALK from the Penn'a It. S
European Plan SI.OO per day and upwards. B
American P an per day.
dr. mmncompound.
Safe, speedy regulator; tTiCPiits. Druggist* <»r mall
Booklet free. DR. LAFII/.NCO. Philadelphia, Pa.