Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, May 25, 1905, Image 4

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    S<arr)ep«r) Jfpess.
Editor and Manager.
Per year $2 00
p»id is advance |1 s 0
Ad vertlsetnent * are publish t-ilat the rate of one
ioUar per square for one insertion and tifty cents
per square tor each subsequentinsertion.
Rates by trie year or for six or three months are
ow and uniform, and will befurnished on appli
Legal and Official Advertising per square, three
tru'-'Sor less, $2. 00; each subsequent insertions*)
cents per square.
Local notici stencentsperlineforoneinscrtion
Hv cents per line for eftchsubsequentconsecutive
Obituary notices over five lines, ten cents per
1 iii . 81mpleannonncementHofbirths,marriage»
ami deaths will be inserted free.
Business Cards, five lines or less $5.00 per year
r Ave lines, at the rates of advertising
Jfolocalinserted for less than 75 els. per issue.
The Job department of the Pm:ss is complete,
an l affords facilities for doing the best class of
No paper willbe discontinued until arrearages
ar<- paid, except at the option ofthe publisher.
Papers sent out ofthecountymust be paid for
i n advance.
C»-No advertisements will be accepted at less
tb u the price for fifteen wordß.
««-Keligious notices free.
mi mi mn
For Sheriff,
JOHN I' SWOPE, Emporium.
For County Commissioner,
JOHN W. LEWIS, Ship pen.
For County Auditors,
O. B. TANNER, Gibson,
GEO. A. WALKER, JR., Emporium.
Election, Tuesday, Nov. Ttli.
When ere you feel impending ill,
and tieed a magic little pill,
Xo other one will fill the bill
Like DeWitt's Little Early Risers.
The Famous Little Pills EARLY RIS
ERS. cure Constipation Sick Headache,
Billiousness etc. They never gripe or
sicken, but impart early rising energy.
Good for children or adults. Sold by 11.
C. Dodson.
If a woman suffers in silence it must
be she finds pleasure in talk.
Protruding Piles Cured.
Five years ago 1 was troubled with
protruding piles. They were very pain
ful, and for six weeks I was unable to re
place them. I used one 25c bottle of
San-Curr Ointment, which relieved the
pain and cured me entirely. I have had
no return of them in five years. Sau-
Cura also cured tny daughter of the piles.
I could make oath to the above. John
C. Ross, Hydetown, Pa. For sale by R.
C. Dodson 25c and 50c.
A man who worries about the .short
comings of others.
A Creeping Death.
Blood poison creeps up towards the
heart, causing death. J. E. Steams,
Belle Maine, Minn . writes that a friend
dreadfully injured his hand, which swell
ed up like blood poisoning. Bucklen's
Arnica Salve drew out the poison, healed
the wound, and saved his iifc. Best in
the world for burns and sores. 25c at
L. Taggart's drug store.
All men are born equal and all women
are born a little more so.
A Tried and True Friend.
One Minute Cough Cure contains not
an atom of any harmful drug, and it has
been curing Coughs, Colds. Croup and
Whooping Cough so long that it has
proven itself to be a tried and true friend
to many who use it. Sold by 11. C.
A good njany trains of thought are
uuable to get off the side-track.
Strictly Genuine.
MUM i. patent medicine testimon
ials an.' [• !ilv genuine. The follow
ing notice re .tly appeared in the Atch
ison (Kan. !<r«' be: "Joe Tack, a well
Sktiowti i• 11 j;■ r. running on the Missou
ri Pacifli. tween Wichita and Kiowa,
lately appeared in a big one, with a pie
•ture, and when be was in his office to-day
we ask him about it. lie says he had
'terrible pain~ in his stomach.and thought
he had cancer. His druggist recom
mended Kodol and he says it cured him.
He recommended it to others, who were
also cured.' Kodal Dyspepsia Cure di
gests what you eat and cures all stomach
troubles. Sold by R. Dodson.
Men who are always on the make
never make much of anything.
Paint Your Buggiesfor 75c.
To SI.OO with Devoe's Gloss Carriage
Paint. It weighs 3to 8 ozs., more to
the pint than others, wears longer and
gives a gloss equal to new work. Sold
by Marry & Coppersmith Co.
Keep hour temper if it is good and
don't lose it if it is bad.
The Great Headache Cure,
Bromo- Pepsin
«' Note The Word Pepsin. "
niftFQ Headache. Indigestion,
uunLO Insomnia. Nervousness,
On the Spot.
So Opiates. Absolutely Harmless.
All Druggists', 10c. 25c, and 50c.
L. TAGCJART, Emporium. Pa.
{Fromour Regular Correspondent.)
Washington, May 20th, 1905.
"The protected hogs must titko
' their hind feet out of the trough."
"I demand the most favored na
tion treatment for ourselves in the
construction of the Panama
Canal." "For American manufact
urers to sell to foreigners, at a
I profit, at from one-third to one
« half lower than they sell the same
| goods at home is not a square deal
to the folksat home." With these
j characteristic ami forceful, homely
phrases President Roosevelt has
launched a new issue, at least a
new one for the Republican party,
and there are strong indications
that he will gain the support of the
American people and put some
hide bound ultra protectionists to
In his messages to Congress, last
December, the President wrote, "I
will have something to say on the
tarilT question latter on," but
prominent members of his party
who were permitted to read a proof
of the message before it was made
public pursuaded him to strike out
the sentence. He yielded to their
request, but then endeavored to
secure some sort of an agreement
from the leaders that provision
would be made for a readjustment
of the Dingley schedules later on.
They had urged that agitation of
the subject in advance would un
settle business, so he called them
to the White House and asked
what they thought of calling Con
gress in extra session this spring
for the purpose of readjusting the
tariff schedules. The stand pat
ters claimed that it would require
time for investigation and that the
session had better be called in the
Fall. To this the President agreed
and October was fixed as the date
of the special session. The Presi
dent supposed, of course, that Con
gress would make provision for the
existing schedules during the sum
mer. and the Senate did. but the
stand patters who control the
House failed to do so and adjourn
ed in fancied security, supposing
that they had defeated the Presi
dent. Hut they counted without
their host.
The President is himself gratifi
ed at the turn the affair has taken.
Lie believes in all the protection
necessary to make up the differ
j ence between the wages American
j workmen and the wages of poorer
i paid foreign workmen, but in
I not one penny more. He has
I proved to his own satisfaction that
there are some schedules of the
Dinglv tariff which American in
dustries have outgrown and which
are now being used to foster mono
polies and extort exhorbitant prices
! from American consumers. He
i realies on the American people to
I realize that this is just one more
| step in the progress of his cam
! paign agaiust the great corpora
! tions and in favor of the square
deal for every American citizen,
j He has, to use his own homely
phrases, no objection "to good fat
i protected hogs" but he is violent
ly opposed to "those protected hogs
j who have grown so fast that they
j are now able to swing round
! anil get their hind fact in the
! trough while they prevent their
weaker fellows from getting their
share of the meal," and he counts
j on the cordial support of the peo
| pie for this new issue.
| Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he
i is senior partner of the firm of F. J.
I Cheney & Co., doing business in the
j city of Toledo, County and State afcre
! said, and that said firm will pay the
j for each and every caße of Catarrh that
| cannot be cured by the use of Hall's
I Catarrh Cure. FRANK J. CHENEY.
Swore to before me and subscribed
j in my presence, this 6th day of Decem
ber, A. D., 1886.
(SEAL.) Notary Public.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken intern
ally, and acts directly on the blood and
| mucous surfaces of the system. Send
, for testimonials free.
F. J. CHENEY & (Jo., Toledo, O.
Sold by all Druggists, 75c. Take
Hall's Family Pills for constipation.
I irne Tried and flerii Proven.
One Minute Cough ('ure is right on
time when it comes to curing Coughs,
Croup. Whooping Cough, etc. It is
perfectly liar in less, pleasant to take and
i.s the cliildrens favorite Cough Syrup.
School Report—Eighth Month.
Last Year
Number of pupils registered to date, 766 763
Number in attendance during month,66l 628
Average attendance 616 576
Percentage of attendance as P4
Number present every day in month 357 29ti
Number tardy 50 85
Number sick 65 67
Number of visitors 11l 73
The following pupils attended every day dur
ing the term:
High School—Max lialcoin, Margaret (Jurn-
Myrtle Lloyd, Ida Hertig, Elizabeth Lechner,
Jane Glenn, Mary Welsh, Harry Keller, Margue
rite Motzger. Senior Grammar—Clair Craven,
Herbert Vogt, Myrtle Dinniuy, Annie Edwards,
Hilda Hertig, Mariam Judd, Etliol Lloyd, Mollie
Spence. Junior Grammar—Harry Shearer
Gordon Vogt, Martha Burns, May MuCullogh'
May Mulcahy, Mary Orr, Louise Welsh.
A Intermediate-None. B Intermediate Chm.
Cummerfoi'd, Nora Grace. C Intermediate, W.
W.—Leon Dinninny, Panl Van Wert, Charles
SpencC, Robert I.utzu, Olive Ellis, I.eonu Krupf.
StellaTebo, Clark Metzger. C Intermediate, E.
W. Carlton Clarke, John Hertig, Edwin Olson,
Meriam Barnes, Evelyn Donovon, Huth Ling,
Katbryti Welsh. A Primary, W. W.—Howard
Bingeman. A Primary, E. VV.—Roland Camp
bell, Edgar Garvin, Willie Grace, Ward Shearer
Agnes Cleary, UelleC'ainpbell.Mary Dodson,lrene
Garvin, Mabel MeSwan, Florence Hennessy. It,
Primary, W. W., Kathryn Spence, Ruth Loucks,
Marguerite Hamilton, Hazel Farrell, Ethel
Creigbton, Elsie Narby, Birney Shafer, Matthew
Burns, Grant Ellis.
B Primary. E. W.—Forrest Campbell. Percy
Nangle, Karl, Schweikart, Charles Viner, Sara
Kraft, Hazel Shearer, Martha Swartz. C Pri
mary E. W.—None. Kindergarten—Paul Trebs
wetlier, Vera Welsh, Garret Spence. Total, 76.
In the final examinations the best averages
were made by the* following:—High School,
Juniors-Annie Welsh, 05. Sophomores—Lee
Felt and Mary Welsh. M. Freshmen—Margue
rite Metzger, 93. Senior Grammar—Marian
Judd, 93. Junior Grammar—Charles Cloyes, 91.
A Intermediate—Margaret Ullrich. 91. 1$ Inter"
mediate, Charles Cumnierford, Ethel Turley, 95.
C Intermediate, W.W.—Fred Metzger. 97. C In
termediate, E. W.—Margaret Cruickshank, vi,
A Primary, W. W.—Marguerite Fawcett,94. A
Primary, E. W. -Mary Dodson, 92J 2 . B Pri
mary, WAV.—Hazel Farrell, Marguerite Ham
llton and Charlotte Reutz, 96. B Primary, E. W
Velma Frappier, 93.
The following is a summary of the promotions
made: High School to .Senior Class, II; to the
Junior Class, 13; left in the Sophomore Class, 1
promoted to the same 13, total 19; left in the
Freshman Class 2, promoted to the same 21,
total 23.
Left iu senior Grammar 8, promoted to same
31. total 89.
Left in Junior Grammar 11, promoted to the
same 37, total 48.
Left hi A Intermediate 4, promoted to the same
40, total 41.
Lett in B Intermediate 4, promoted to the same
84, total 88.
Left in C Intermediate, W. W., 5, promoted to
the same 37, total 44.
Left in C Intermediate, E. W.. I, promoted to
the same 40, total 48.
Left in A Primary, W. W., 6, promoted to same
42, total 48.
Left in A Primary, E. W., 4, promoted to the
same 40, total 41.
Left in B Primary, W. W., 9, promoted to the
same 33, total 42.
Left in It Primary, E. W., 9, promoted to the
same 39, lotal 48.
Left In C Primary. W. W., 16; C Primary, E.
W.. 13. Not assigned, 12.
E. 8. LING, Principal.
hold their color longer ■
and last longer than any Bj
Another thing : they fl
cost less because they I
cover the surface so jj|j
These are reasons I
enough why you ought I
to use them, but there £
John Lucas & Co
N'OTICE is hereby Riven that an application
will be made to the Governor of the btate
of Pennsylvania, on Wednesday, the twenty-first
day of"June, by L. VV. Gleason, W. If. Mitchell,
J. O. Hrookbank, H. B. Mutthersbaugh, S. P.
Kreider, Hon. G. W. Huntley, Walter Yothers,
Geo. Metzger, Jr., Barclay Bros, and J. R. Smith,
under the Act of Assembly of the Commonwealth
of Pennsylvania, entitled "An Act to provide for
the Incorporation and Regulation of certain
< 'orporations," approved April 29, 1874, and the
supplements thereto, for the charter of an in
tended corporation, to he called Driftwood Tele
phone Company, the character and object where
of is for the purpose of erecting, constructing,
purchasing, leasing, maintaining and operating
telephone linesano exchanges, in and through
the county of Cameron, with the right to make
connections for the purpose of telephonic com
munication with other similar lines m said
county, and for these purposes to have, possess
and enjoy all the rights, benefits and privileges
of the Mild Act of Assembly and its supplements.
H. W. GKKEN, Solicitor.
Emporium, May 23rd, 19C. r >. M-lt.
HArrishuro, PA., APRIL 29, 1905.
SEALED proposals will be received by the
State Highway Department of Pennsylvania,
under the act approved April 15th. 1903, for the
construction of 1,500 feet of road, extending from
the western line of Emporium at the county
bridge over the Driftwood Creek to a point on
the road to Beechwood, in SHFPPKN Township,
in the County of Cameron. Plain and specifica
tions can be seen at the olllce ot the County Com
missioners. Emporium, Pa., and at the office of
the State Highway Department, at Harrisburg,
Penna. Bidding blanks will be furnished b.v
the State Highway Department upon request.
Bids must be endorsed. "PROPOSALS FOR
ceived at the office of the State Highway Depart
ment not later than JUNE3rd, 1905.
12-4t Emporium, Pa.
Nothing Strikes
the Eye
So quickly or appeals to the
favor of the ladies more than
the appearance of the
newest in fine mil
You will find many excellent
ideas worked out in our hats,
and all hats selling at a
moderate price.
Suggest changes if you will. We
are glad to make the hat
suit your taste.
Special Line of Summer
Underwear, Fine Hosiery
Ask to see our new line of
The Lassies
Who use molasses demand
the best syrup obtainable.
Treacle is not molasses al
though there's much treacle I
sailing under false colors. B
The difference between trea- I
cle and molasses lies in the B
fact that treacle comes from I
sugar in the process of muk- 1
ling, while molasses is ob- 2
tained in the process of re- I
refining. You can not get I
good out of bad, but you can j
get the best from the best |
which comes from the sugar. I
We Sell Molasses
That comes from the best I
and it is the best. Try our
New Orleans, finest quality, I
and be convinced.
You all need Soap.
A white floating soap 8 bars, 26c H
Oak Leaf, 8 bars, 25c ffi
Acme, 7 bars 25c B
Domino, 8 bars 25c 8
Sunshine Soap, 10 bars 25c B
Baking Chocolate, aLb 33c a
Just think of it.
Enameline Stove Polish, H
10c size, 7c H
Ub can White Puff Raking
Powder, 8c H
lib Corn Starch, Gc B
A line loose Coffee, per 1b.... 16c ■
! 'Phone 21, M
G. H. GROSS & GO. |
IIWiiIUM i—i—| MlillßM WMM
My science doesn't stop with {
building smart, well-tailored trousers
—equal skill is shown in moderating (|' \t
| the price. \ : i^7
For men and youths —Imperial,
Model and Peg Top. Just ask —
! I
i I
| Opposite Post-office, Emporium, Pa. J
• «■■■■» wmbhw® mm •
jttfeie's Jurt. -uri. & M *sh jSfc ** tn.
I | LaBAR'S | 1
** - M
M . '
M We carry in stock j - ]
it* the largest line of Car- . | ,^jg lTr ' TlTr iaii. rT .' 1 1.1M 1 ?!!
H % It
N ever brought to this ESOffil
JJ town - Also a big line M
*5 of samples. IBS®)! H
A very large line ot FOR THE M
" Lace Curtains that can- $4
Art Squares and of fine books in a choice library If
" Rugs of all sizes and select the Ideal pattern of Globe- M
Ml kind, from the cheap- Wernicke "Elastic" Bookcase.
£ £ est to the best Furnished with bevel French feg
II ... —. plate or leaded glass doors.
M Dining Chairs, I ron saLE ar
Rockers and GEO. J. LaBAR,
Mlgll Chairs. Sole Agent for Cameron County.
A large and elegant **
line of Tufted and N
mm ft j
Drop-head Couches. Heautif sand at bargain prices.
N** 900 Bedroom Suits, (Tnr s4olSideboard, quar- C9rt £!.
solid oak at 4)ZO tered oak sfl
M S2B Bedroom Suits, $32 Sideboard, quar- (Tnr
grf solid oak at J>ZI tered oak J)ZD 5*
r* $25 Bed room Suits, $22 Sideboard, quar- (TIP
solid oak at 4>ZU tered oak, 4)1 D
A large line of Dressers from Chiffoniers of all kinds and &£
m $8 U P- I all prices.
""""TrAT'™™" -^ H
fej J ' le finest line of Sewing Machines on the market, itu
II the "DOMESTIC" and "ELDRIDGE.' All drop-
P2 heads and warranted.
A fine line of Dishes, common grade and China, in
* " sets and by the piece.
As I keep a full line of everything that goes to fcC
>< make up a good Furniture store, it is' useless to enum
erate them all. **
*£ Please call and see for yourself that I am telling
** you the truth, and if you don't buy, there is no harm £1
fdone, as it is no trouble to show qoods.
&12 ||
1 GEO. J .LaBAR.
*£ H7 r>2" jLD> JUS XI. 17' m C3r,.
.. ~ Sl-I.