Sdntjeror) Gaurjiy [f ress, BHTA BUSHED BY C. B.OOULD. HENRY H. MULLIN, Editor and Manager. PUBLISHBD EVERY THURSDAY TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: Per year $2 00 paid is advance $1 50 ADVERTISING RATES. Ad vert tsements are publishedat the rateofone tolhtr per square for one insertion and fifty cents per square for each subsequent insertion. Bates by the year or foi six or three months are ovr aud uaiiorui, and will be furnished on appli cation Legal and Official Advertising per square, three irnes or less,s2 00; each subsequent insertionSO cents per square. Local notfeesten rents nerline for oneinsertion, five cents per line for eacnsubsequentconsecutive insertion. Obituary notices over five lines, ten cents per line. Siinpleannouncements of births, marriages jfcttil deaths will be inserted free. Business Cards, five lines or less $5.00 per year . -»r live lines, at t he regular rates of advertising No local inserted for less than 75 cts.per issue. JOB PRINTING. The Job department of the PRESS is complete, an l aft'ords facilities for doing the best class of -work. PAKTICULAII ATTENTION PAID TO Law Printing. No paper will be discontinued until arrearages are paid, except at the option ofthe publisher. Papers sent out ofthe county must be paid for i n advance. 49* No advertisements will be accepted at less ihan the price for fifteen WOl 4#"Religious notices free. REPUBLICAN TICKET. COUNTY. For Sheriff, JOHN I) SWOPE, Emporium. For County Commissioner, JOHN W. LEWIS, Shippen. SAMUEL P. KREIIJER, Driltwood, For County Auditors, O. B. TANNER, (iibson, GEO. A. WALKER, J It., Emporium, Election, Tuesday, Nov. 7th. AGKICUTUKAL BULLETIN. The Pennsylvania State College Agricultural Experiment Station Issuesthe Following Bulletin on Adulteration, April 25, 1905. By the ordinary milling process buckwheat is divided into three pro ducts: (a) The flour, which contains chief ly the starchy matters. (b) The middlings or bran, which includes that portion of the seed which is richest in protein and is situated next to the true seed coat; as the name implies, it also contains the seed coats themselves; it is therefore much rich er in protein than any other of the buckwheat products. (c) The hulls, which are largely composed of woody matter, forming a strong protective cover for the seed, and have but little value for feeding. The average proportions of protein and fiber in these three classes of pro ducts are: Protein Fiber Per Cent. Per Cent. Flour 7 .3 Middlings or bran 29 4.0 Hulls 4.5 37.0 The term "buckwheat feed" has come into use to designate a mixture 1 of hulls and middlings, just as the term ! "oat feed" is used to designate a mix ture of oat hulls with a little ofthe fragments of oat kernel, whereas in case of rye and barley the name "feed" applies to a mixture ofthe true bran with the middlings. The com position of buckwheat feed will vary, of course, with the proportions in which the hulls and middings are com bined, but the temptation always is to make it carry as much of the inferior hulls as possible. A number of instances have recently come to our notice in which sales of buckwheat feed have been made under the name "buckwheatmiddlings." As an illustration; a sampleof these "mid dlings" has recently been examined by the station and found to have the fol lowing cnemical composition: Per Cent. Water 11.03 Asli 4.85 Protein— 14.96 Fiber.... 21.06 Nitrogen i. extract 43 84 Fat 4 27 100.00 The microscope revealed the pres snce of grass seeds from green and yellow fox tail and barnyard grasses, probably introduced as accidental im- j puritities with the buckwheat hulls, I which were present in large quantities, j If hulls and middlings were mixed in] equal proportions, the mixture would i contain about 17 per cent, of protein j and 20 per cent, of fiber. It appears, i therefore that in this sample there was j present upward of 50 per cent, of ma- ' terial of extremely inferior value for feeding purposes. In particular, a purchaser intending to use the mid dlings as a source of protein to balance the ration of his dairy herd would be likely to be greatly disappointed in the results obtained and to lose much more than the commercial value of the mid dlings replaced by the hulls. The buyer can, however, readily de tect this adulteration, for the mid dlings themselves are comparatively fine and light-colored and do not have a large quantity of coarse, dark mater ial present, while in the buckwheat feed the hulls are especially conspi cuous. Time Tried and Heric Proven. One Minute Cough Cure is right on I time when it comes to curing Coughs, j Croup, Whooping Cough, etc. It is I perfectly harmless, pleasant to take and , is the children* favorite Cough Syrup. 1 THE COUNTY. FIRST FORK. Messrs. Chas. and 11. C.Jones moved their I ami lies from Burlingamc Orchard, . at Wharton to Jerrys Run in Cameron i county last week. J. M. Brooks and family moved to I Emporium Thursday last and the same | day the family ot Jas. Brooks moved in to the house Brooks vacated and we un derstand are going to board a lot of pipe liners, who will putin the new line. I The work will commence soon. M. J. Colcord of the Journal and son Harold of Bidgway and Albert Colcord | son of Postmaster Colcord of Port Alle ] gany, were into see grandpa Colcord last (Monday and incidentally taking a few | of the speckled beauties as sort of a side j issue. All returned to Coudersport on : Wednesday. The mill crew moved in one day last I week, with their families and are now j manufacturing sawdust and lumber. J. P. llurlburt is doing quite a stroke of farming, besides attending to liis store j business at Brooks Bun. SiNNAMAHONING. Pretty wet weather for corn planting. (J. 15. Barclay has planted (if) bushel jot potatoes so far this season. The big mill is making full time these ) days and all are busy. A large black and tanned hound drove ! a deer into the creek below here this | week. Where is the game warden. There is quite a good deal of dyna j mite used up the run near here, by the i sound of the shooting. It is too bad, to | kill trout with dynamite as it kills all the 1 little trout as well us the big ones. A fisherman on Cooks Run last week I found a sack with about three hundred j trout, less than six inches long. It was | at a camp of fisherman but no fish I warden near. The Keystone Handle factory is all j under roof and the machinery is being | put iu this week. The Fulton Bros., have the job of painting and decorating the hall room of the P. O. S. of A., building and a fine job is looked for when completed. Wm. Lupole is home from the Wil liamsport Hospital, lie speaks very lugh i Iy of the instition. Mr. Geo. I). Mead and Miss Bessie 1 j Walker were united in the holy bond* of | matrimony on Wednesday evening at the ! bride's home, by the Rev. Mr. Noble, I pastor ofthe M. K. Church. The young j couple are highly esteemed and the best ! wishes of their many friends go with j them in their married life. Miss Alice Jordau ot Huntley is visit ing her sister Mr.- (i. W. Batchelder this week. Mrs. Geo. Gore is quite ill. Dr. llus sell is attending her. G. W. Gore visited the county seat. Monday. John F. Berfield visited his wife at ' Williamsport hospital Sunday. A band of Gypsies passed through town Tuesday. The water in the First Fork is getting worse than ever this summer and it seems the people have to put up with it. CAMERON. Among the out of town visitors in town this week are L. L. Cole, county surveyor of Potter county. Engineman Mack of Calder Brick (Jo., has resumed duty after a two weeks ill ness. The Pennsylvania Railroad Co., are preparing to extend the double track to Sterling Run. A carload of laborers arrived Monday night at Emporium, to work en the job. While driving to Emporium Monday, yne of the valuable crrriage horses of E V. Dunlevie, stepped on a small stone and broke its leg. The animal was shot. It was valued at 8300. The families of J. C. Skillman, John Rhoades, Chas. Belden aud Wm. Jollofl have removed from Square Timber Run, after finishing a one year's contract for Cameron Lumber Co. Mr. Rhoades will conduct the boarding house for Mr. Dun levie. Mr. Isaac Wykoff is visiting in Em porium. Mrs. Listen ot Emporium visited friends in town this week. 11. tj. Dunlevie has returned from a visit with friends in New York. Mrs. Dan'l Sullivan has returned from a visit with her sister at Salamanca. Mr. Sprowl of Cleveland, 0., is a visitor in town. J. F. S. May 17th, 1900. STATE OF OHIO, CITYOF TOLEDO, I LUCAS COUNTY. i • Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business in the city of Toledo, County and State afore said, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. FRANK J. CHENEY. Swore to before me and subscribed in my presence, this 6th day of Decem ber, A. D., 18SB. A. W. OLEASON, (SEAL.) Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken intern ally, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials free. F. J. CHENEY & Co., Toledo, O. Sold by all Druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. Subscribe for the PRESS; only $1.50 a year in advance. CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, MAY 18, 1905. When e're you feel impending ill, and need a uiagic little pill, No other one will fill the bill Like DeWitt's Little Early Risers. The Famous Little Pills EARLY RIS ERS, cure Constipation Sick Headache, Uilliousness, etc. They never gripe or sicken, but impart early rising energy, (iood for children or adults. Sold by R. C. Dodson. Letter to J. A. Kinsler. Emporium, Pa. Dear sir: Would you like to hear of a 2(1 year paint? Mr. James A. O'Neil's house, Hend- I crson, N. .vas painted 20 years ago with Devoe lead-aud-zinc, and never I painted again till last year; it then ho'ced | better than common paint in half that time. The reason is; Devoe is all paint and true paint, while the common paints are part true and part false. Don't pay to monkey with paint. And Devoe costs less than any of 'em: not by the gallon, of course; by the house and year. That's how to reckon it. Go by the name. Yours truly F. W. DEVOE & Co., New York. I'. S. Murry & Coppersmith sell our paiut. Those who fight other people's battles love more trouble than 'hanks. Protruding files Cured. Five years ago L was troubled with protruding piles. They were very pain ful. and for six weeks I was unable to re place them. I used one 25c bottle of San-Curr Ointment, which relieved the pain and cured me entirely. I have had no return of them in five years. Sau- Cura also cured my daughter of the piles. I could make oath to the above. John C. Ross, Hydetown, Fa. For sale by R. C. Dodson 25c and 50c. A man is never too old to learn, but sometimes he is young to realize it. A Creeping Death. Blood poison creeps up towards the heart, causing death. .J. E. Stearns, Belle I Maine, Minn . writes that a friend dreadfully injured his hand, which swell ed hp like blood poisoning. Bucklen's Arnica Salve drew out the poison, healed the wound, and saved his life. Best in the world for burns and sores. 25c at L. Taggart's drug store. Silk lined gloves interest a woman more than silver lined clouds. A Tried and True Friend. One Minute Couszh Cure contains not an atom of any harmful drug, and it has been curing Coughs, Colds, Croup and Whooping Cough so long that it has proven itself to be a tried and true friend to many who use it. Sold by R. C. Dodson. People whose troubks doit woiry them need no medicine. Strictly Genuine. Most of the patent medicine testimon ials are probably genuine. The follow ing notice recently appeared in the Atch ison (Kan.)Globe: l- Joe Tack, a well known engineer, running on the Missou ri Paciffic between Wichita and Kiowa, lately appeared in a big one, with a pic ture, and when be was in his office to-day we ask him about it. He says he hud terrible pains in bis stomach, and thought he had cancer. llis druggist recom mended Kodol and he says it cured him. He recommended it to others, whe were also cured. Kodal Dyspepsia Cure di gests what you eat and cures all stomach troubles. Sold by R. C. Dodson. No Gloss Carriage Paint Made. Will wear as long as Devoe's. No others are as heavy bodied, because Devoe's weigh 3 to 8 ounces more to the pint. Sold by Murry & Copper mith Co. Bargain in Books. A complete set of Brittanica Ency clopaedia,consisting of thirty volumes and key. Are all new and in original packages. Will be sold at a bargain, Apply at PRESS office. 36tf "DO IT TO-DAY!" "And to think that ten mouth* ago I looked like this! I owe it to German Syrup." CfThe time-worn injunction, "Never put off 'til to-morrow what you can do to day," is now generally presented in this form : "Do it to-day !" That is the terse advice we want to give you about that hacking cough or demoralizing cold with which you have been struggling for sev eral days, perhaps weeks. y her husband as a bookmark. It had been presented by I Mr. Porter a year or two before, upon | the death of his third wife. Mr. Por ter, with his fourth bride, sat in the congregation while it was being read. —Boston Herald. Kilt huMi AM tie Dirri Architect. The process of the building of a bird's nest is always interesting, and the most wonderful of all nests, those of the weaver birds, can always be seen in the making by any one who will buy a few males of the African red billed weaver, which cost about half a crown each. This is a little bird j much like a small hen sparrow, with a bright red bill and decked in the breed ing season with a pink cap and breast j and a black mask. He is an enthusi astic architect and in France is al ways sold as travailleur, the worker, liven in the cage he will weave any tibrous material in and out of the wires till they are covered, and hi au aviary lie will construct beautiful round nests with the greatest enthusi asm, pausing occasionally to swear at fellow craftsmen who presume to crit j icise his efforts or cast a larcenous eye ! on his materials.—London Express. 111 M Voice Needed Filing. There is a young medical student living in W'estport who has decided not to speak to a girl lie knows. He was | calling 011 the young woman recently, and during the evening he volunteered to sing. When he had concluded his song he turned to the girl. "I'm thlnk | ing of taking voice culture," he said, j "I><> von know of a good teacher whose charge i ; reasonable?" "1 know the very one for you," she replied. "His name is Taylor. Give me a card, and I'll write down his telephone number j for you.' i lie young man gave her the card. Next day lie called Taylor up on the telephone. "Is this Mr. Taylor, the vocal teacher?" he asked. "The what?" came over the wire. "The vocal teach er." "Naw," was the reply. "I don't teach notion'. I tile saws."—Kwnsas | City Times. Tlx* Seared Hero. The man v.-ho goes down with his engine in a wreck is considered worthy of great commendation, when the truth is, as ali railway men are aware, that the uiiforatnate in such cases lost his nerve at the critical moment and hes itated to Jump. When an accident is impending the cool and collected en gineer shut.-; off steam, applies the brakes and opens the valves, all of the actions taking a few seconds. Then he looks out for his own safety. Another man becomes so frightened in the presence of great danger that he does nothing, not even the possible, and he is the person likely to wear a martyr's crown.—Locomotive Engi neering. Malleability of Gold. The malleability of gold Is so great that a single grain may be divided Into 2,000,000 parts and a cubic inch into 9,523,800.52:! parts, each of which may be distinctly seen by the naked eye. A grain and a half of gold may be beaten into leaves of one Inch square, which, if intersected by parallel lines drawn at right angles to each other and dis tance only the one-hundredth part of an inch, will produce 25.000,000 little squares, each of which may be dis tinctly seen without the aid of a glass The Great Headache Cure, Bromo- Pepsin " Note The Word Pepsin. " riIRFQ Headache, liiiliipxtiuii. - insomnia, ftenonsiitss, On the Spot. No Opiates. Absolutely Harmless. All Druggists', 10c, 25c, and 50c. L. TAGOART, Emporium, Pa. 4-ly. ESTRAY NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that a red and brown heifer and steer came to the premises of C'bas. Diek!, West Ward, Emporium, I'a., on Monday evening, May 15. The owner can have the snme by proving property, paying s>.oo for this notice and cost of keeping said cattle. CHAS. DIEHL. Emporium, Pa.. May 18th, 1905. 13-3t. SEALED PROPOSALS, PENNSYLVANIA STATE HIOHWAY DE PARTMENT, HARRISBUBG, PA., APRIL 29, 1905. SEALED proposals will be received by the State Highway Department of Pennsylvania, under the act approved April 15th. 190.t, for the construction of 1,500 feet of road, extending from the western line of Emporium at the county bridge over the Driftwood Creek to a point on the road to Heeeliwood, in SHIPPEN Township, in the County of Cameron. Plans and specifica tions can be seen at the otßce of the County Com missioners, Emporium, Pa., and at the oil ice of the State Highway Department, at Harrisburg, Penna. Bidding blanks will be furnished by the State Highway Department upon request. Bids must he endorsed. "PROPOSALS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF KOAI) IN SHIPPEN TOWNSHIP. CAMERON COUNTY," ana re ceived at the ottlce of I lie State Highway Depart ment not later than JUNE 3rd, 1805. COUNTY COM MISSIONERS, 12-4t Emporium, Pa. 1 i •; • t Y ' thoroughly and go so far Ifsj Last l>ccause they wear so jjjjjjg JBj well and hold their looks so j|| long. ||| Ask your dealer. j||| John Lucas &Co |j|§j IIIIHWLI 111 I I——l——PWWßl Terrific Race With Death. "Death was fast approaching," writes Ralph F. Fernandez, of Tampa, Flu., describing his fearful race with death, "as a result of liver trouble and heart disease, which had robbed uie of sleep and of all interest in lite. I had tried many different doctors and several medi cines, but got no benefit, until I began to use Electric Hitters. So wonderful was their effect, that in three days 1 felt like a new man, and to-day I am cured of all my troubles." Guaranteed at L. Taggart's drug store: price 50c. Before hitching your wagon to a star look to the strength of your harness. Cleared for Action. When the body is cleared lor action, by Dr. King's New Life Fills, you can tell it by the bloom of health on the cheeks; the brightness of the eyes: the tirmuess of the flesh and muscles; the buoyancy of the mind. Try them. At L. Taggart's drug store, 25 cents. Some married women not only have tlie last word hut all the rest of them. There is a Difference. The difference between Kennedy's Laxative Honey and Tar and all other Cough Syrups is that it moves the bowels, thus expelling a cold from the system. This relaxes the nerve tissues and by its healing affect on the throat and lungs the cough is relieved—cured entirely. Ken nedy's is the original Laxative Honey and Tar and contains no opiates. Good alike for young or old. Tastes good. Siilb by It. C. Dodson. You may have a rubber scomcience and still find it hard to erase your sins. Mow a Doctor was Cured. "For two years I was troubled with lumbago, or pain across my kidneys, the paiu sho iting down my thigh (especially on taking cold the pain would be terrible,) a continual grinding, aching pain; One bottle of Thompson's Bnrosma, Back ache, Diver ank Kidney Cure gave uie immediate relief. lam now taking Bar osma with great, benefit as it reduces all inflammation of the stomach liver and bladder, the great organs that regulate the whole system and purity the blood." —Dr. A. S. Hubbard, 9-f Brook St., Titusville, Fa. For sale by R. C. Dod son. If you |have God's approval you can worry along with men's endorsement. San-Cura Ointment Cures Burns and Prevents Scars. Gilbert Hord of Kinard's Mills, Mon roe county. O , says: "My arm was bad ly scalded with steam and was very pain ful. 1 applied San-Cura Ointment, which stopped the pain at once and the arm healed rapidly. 1 alwaps keep it in the house, San-Cura is a wonderful Oint ment.' Druggists, 25c and 50c. Sold by R. C. Dodson. A man may be able to read a woman like a hook but he can't shut her up. Quick Relief. The soreness begins togo aud the pain to stop from the moment you take the first dose of Thompson's Barosiua or Kid ney Cure. No opiate of any form is used in its manufacture. Thompson's Barosma is absolutely harmless and guar anteed to cure all diseases of the kidneys, liver and bladder, also palpitation of the heart, nervous debility and female weak ness. Druggists, 50c and SI. For sale by R. C. Dodson. What does Geo. Elliot say? 'lt is better to bean old maid than an old fool." j Hot Weather Riles. Persons afflicted with piles should be careful at this season of the year. Hot ' weather and bad drinkitu: water coutrib- { ute to the conditions which make piles more painful and dangerous. De Witt's j Witch Hazel Salve >top.« the paiu, draws jut the soreness and ernes. Get the j genuine, bearing the name of E. C. De- | Witt & Co. Sold by K. C. Dodson. Nothing Strikes the Eye >So quickly or appeals to the favor of the ladies more than the appearance of the newest in fine mil linery. You will find many excellent ideas worked ont in our hats, and all hats selling at a moderate price. Suggest changes if yon will. We are glad to make the hat suit your taste. Special Line of Summer Underwear, Fine Hosiery Ask to see onr new line of NECKWEAR. LUDLAMS The Lassies Who use molasses demand the best syrup obtainable. Treacle is not molasses al though there's much treacle sailing under false colors. I The difference between trea cle and molasses lies in the fact that treacle comes from I sugar in the process of inak- I ing, while molasses is ob tained in the process of re refining. You can not get good out of bad, but you can get the best from the best which comes from the sugar. We Sell Molasses That comes from the best and it is the best. Try our New Orleans, finest quality, and be convinced. HOME GROUND HORSERADISH. SOAP! SOAP! SOAP! You all need Soap. A white floating soap 8 bars, 25c Oak Leaf, 8 bais, 25c Acme, 7 bars 25c Domino, 8 bars 25c Sunshine Soap, 10 bars 25c Baking Ohocolate, a lib 32c Just think of it. Enameline Stove Polish, 10c size, 7c Hh can White Puff Baking Powder, 8c 1 lb Corn Starch, 6c A fine loose Coffee, per 11).... 16c 'Phone 21, G. H. GROSS & CO. I Ifrrrirw-Tirn ~n rrmwr rail— nm