Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, May 04, 1905, Image 8

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    \ \- N \ \ N \ \ X V \ N \/
> /
* Adam,
' Me Id ruin &
w *
Anderson Co. |!
/ 396-408 Main Street, ,/ \
h i
' BUY S;
;Wash ;
; Goods;
7 THERE in no better time to buy '
/ I Wash Goods than now. As- /
/ aortments are at their best, and
• by reason of a very large par-
chase through the syndicate wo /
•j) are able to offer you some rare
5 bargains.
/ quality with handcomb floral designs to .
pink, blue, lavender and yellow, on
'/, white and tinted grounds. /
magnificent assortment
/ Send for Sample*. /
') NUBBE ETAMINE— Novelty goods in
; handsome color combinations; tan, blue r
y and green predominating; veryO ,
, serviceable and pretty wuv/ S
'/■ f Send tor Samples. y
•j UNION LINEN SUITING, in light blue
' oxblood, grey and dark blue, lor Shirt /
Waist Suits and boy's wear; IQp
' regular 25c goods .Liyvv /
/ Send for Samples. >
/ MERCERIZED POPLIN—Most popular , : i
/ suiting of the season; all colors OKn /
and popular shades OUU
/'■: Send for Samples. /
/ PRINTED VOILES—III great variety; .
<\ popular grays, blues and 1H p
/ browns - ■*. y
Send for Samples.
/ MADRAS SUITINGS, 82 in. wide. Book '
> ford, wnovtn colored stripes. in blue, >.
' tan and grey, very popular for"1 '
j shirt waist suits i.V/V/ •
Send for Samples.
/ It is impossible for us to send /
y samples of the thousands ofdif- y
■ ferent patterns and colors wo
' have in wash goods. In order- /
y ing samples pleasestate the kind y
of goods you desire, the color, \
y. and about the price you care to 1
y pa}'. We can then send you a 'y
good selection.
\ \\
| " - : |
(} Adam, *\
i/ ;
4 Meldrum &
' Anderson Co, /
K' The American Block, %. [
/\\ \ \ \ \ \\ \ \ \ \ \!
Willi Mi ■ 111 EI IIMIIIII—II ill I 1 II I II iTFtl—r~
■y- JF ■ I
' ? 111" New Year
I I Introductory I I
% awmawr ~~riinrrrn n dfe
WE have just finished a wonderfully pros
perous year. One in which all our past
sales-records were thrown so far in the rear U j
that it will require the most vigorous and
untiring work to surpass them. But
work is our pastime and we are going to
Your splendid patronage has
creased purchasing power in our hands,
the force of which will be felt in the ever
increasing values that will benefit every
money-wise person in this county who is
wise enough to profit by it.
Keep Your Eye on Us all litis Year gi
and Watch Us Grow.
I Emporium Furniture Co., j
I Undertaking. |
l-or Piles.
Sample mailed free.
One application gives relief.
The continued use of Hum
phreys' Witch Hazel Oil per
manently cures Piles or Hem
■ orrhoids—External or Internal,
! Blind or Bleeding, Itching or
Burning, Fissures and Fistulas.
Relief immediate—cure certain.
Three Bizea. 2»c.. {M..\ nud ®I.OO. Sold by
UriiKKislH, or HI*II t prepaid on receipt of price.
Humphrey** Medicine Co., Cor. \S illinui and
John Hu.. \c« York.
Vital Weakness and Prostra
tion from overwork and other
causes. Humphreys' Homeo
pathic Specific No. 28, in uso
over 40 years, only success
ful remedy. $1 per vial, or spec
j ial package for serious cases, $5.
I Sold by Druggists, or sent prepaid on receipt of price.
Humphreys' Med. Co., William ti John Sts., N. Yi
This is the I
| Store |
| For the People. j
> 811) Rice. 25c. j
\ 7 bars Oak Leaf ar Acme >
x Soap, 25c. %
1 3 Cans Corn, 25c. \
t 3 Cans Peas, 25c. >
; 112 3 Cans Tomatoes, 25c. c
i A full line) of fresh fruits,
\ vegetables and canned \
\ meats suitable for camping >
\ parties. \
1 Free delivery to any part s
112 of the city. s
10. B. Barnes, j
t Allegany Avenue, *
if 'PhoneSl. £
*afe, ipeeclv regulator; 25eenta. Druggist* or mall
, Booklet free. DH. LaFKAN'CO, Philadelphia, I'a.
One fSSaiiisi© Cure
For Coughs. Colds and Croup.
The infant child of Mr.-. Emery I)in
ninny is quite ill.
Thus. Shrives h:iN accept i d :i position j
on the loj» train.
Hubert (ilenn is visiting liis parents at
Snow Shoe this week.
Bert Fuller is visiting relatives at
Great Valley this week.
Mr. Henry Dinninny is mfl'erinf; Irotn
a severe attack of ijuinsy. 1 »•
Win. McVain is suffering with a very
sore toot, caused by runuinga rusty nail •
into it. j
Miss Susie Skillmau injured her right
hand Monday, while opening a can of
Nathan Prentiss is the proud owner of
a new automobile, presented by his uncle
in Philadelphia.
Business is booming at the mill tliese
days. Mr. Doutt is employing about
200 men at present,
Operator <». L. l'age holds the cham
pionship f'cr the largest trout this season.
He caught one Friday weighing one and
three-fourth pounds and was ID inches
The'daneegiven at the K. (i. K. hall
for benefit of Mr. Potter, whose home
was recently destroyed by fire, was a suc
cess in every way. Ninety dollars was
the amount received. This speaks well
for the people of Cameron and vicinity.
May 2nd, 1905.
Frank Bertield made a business call to
Emporium Monday.
Miss Ethel Carr spent Sunday with
Sinnamahoning friends.
Leslie Cornell, of Emporium, was seen
driving on our streets Friday.
W Simeon ltobar visited old friends of
the Hill, Sunday.
Harry Marsh, of Kenovo, made a
hasty trip to this place Saturday.
Mrs. James Seward, of Huston llill,
was: entertained by Mrs. J. M. Russc.P,
Miss Ellen Hicks is now couvelesccut,
after a severe attack of the measles.
Mrs. Omar Ives was the guest of
Huston Hill relatives Friday and Satur
Miss Cecil Miller, of Miller ltun, has
been the guest of' Miss Alice Williams
for a few days.
Mrs. O. l>. Tanner and daughters,
Queen and Lillian, returned home Thurs
day after a visit with relatives at Lock
Byron Duell is now busily engaged
hauling lumber from Dents Hllll and in
tends buiidimr a new home in the near
Tin' young folks «rnve a
party for Misses Alice Williams and Avis
Lane, at the home of ('. W. Williams.
last Tuesday rvcninir, to help them cele
brate their birthday. Most of the young
people of lb" llill were present, also some
i'mm Huntley. Delightful refreshments
were served and panics and music wire
introduced to make the evening, enjoy
Hum \.
Wm Curlier i i > occupy then i'!
house with a mill erew to saw out his
I stock.
Two families of Taniuis are -aid to be
j going to Cameron to work for the Brick
| Company.
A valuable cow belonging to I'nclc
Jitnmie O'Brien broke a leg a few days
airo, making it necessary to kill her.
The most of our farmers have their
seeding done, and are 'planting their pota
toes or getting ready to do so.
Moving day is here and a number of
families are about to take advantage of the
time to change their residence.
Work for woodsmen is scarce here as
there is no bark to peel this year and
' most of them are leaving with their
| families.
i Humphrey Smith, landlord at Brooks
j Hun hotel is selling off his stock prepara
! Tory to leaving, but we have not learned
j his destination.
| J. B. Brooks and family leave this
| week for Emporium, I believe, and Mr.
j J. Lamb is to move into the house vacat-
I ed by him.
J.P. Hurlburt is running the store at
Brooks Hun. on - his own hook," as Fees
have moved their stock of goods over to
Lyman Hun, I'otter county.
Cameron county as well as Potter
sceius to have an overdose of candidates
for County Supt., and it is to be liopod
that the one best suited for the ofliee, will
be elected in each place on Tuesday.
Since the state has fixed the price for
that office there scorns to be more of an
effort to "get there' and that should in
sure the teacher with the best qualifica
tions the election. As the state ban al 0
fixed the minimum of teachers' wages at
S3;") we should be able to get a little
higher grade of teachers than when they
were hired for 818 to $25 per month.
Nijit SKI».
May Ist, 11)1)5.
All persons are hereby forbidden from
trespassing upon the property of this
Company without a permit from this
office, or the Superintendant at the
Emporium, Pa., August Ist, 11)03,
Changeable Weather Causes Disease,
Breathe hyomei and Cure Catarrh.
The changeable weather of' Spring,
j with its warm days and cold nights, is .
responsible for a great increase iu the i
number of cases of catarrh. It is now j
that llyotnci, the only guaranteed treat
rnent for catarrh that cures without stom
ach dosing, should be used in every j
For more than a century physicians I
have been sending persons suffering from :
catarrh to Egypt, Colorado, or Australia,
where the pure healing air would cure
I the disease. For one person who could
take thistiip, thousands have been com
pelled to stay at home and continue their '
daily toil. To these sufferers who could (
not change their climatic conditions, we
offer Hyomei, a method by which pure
air impregnated with Nature's own remed
ies for the en re of catarrh, can be inhaled
by every sufferer in his or her home. 1
Breathed through the neat pocket in- j
baler that conies with every outfit, its
healing, volatile, autisepiic fragrance,
reaches the lungs and air passages as no
stomach dosing possibly can do. It gives
immediate relief and makes lasting cures, j
The complete outfit, consisting of the
inhaler, medicine dropper, and bottle ot
Hyomei. costs only one dollar, and extra
bottled of Hyomei, if needed, can be pro
cured for fity cents.
l'roof that the Hyomei treatment will
do all that Is claimed for it is found iu
the guarant( e under which L. Taggart
sells it. an agreement to pay back the i
price, if the purchaser can say that Hv
omci has not given satisfaction.
Latest Popular Music.
Miss May Gould, teacher of piano
forte, has received a full line of the lat
est and most popular sheet music. All
the popular airs. Prices reasonable.
Bargain in Books.
A complete set of Brittanica Ency
clopaedia,consisting of thirty volumes
and key. Are all new and in original
packages. Will be sold at a bargain,
Apply at PRESS office. 36tf
Notice to Stockholder**.
rjUIE annual meeting of the Stockholders of
1 tin- St. Marys Gat; Company wilt be held at
the office of the Company at St. Marys, Pa
Tuesday, May 9th, 1905, at 2 o'clock, p. in., for
the purpose of electing a Hoard of Directors to
serve for the ensuing year.
Kit EN J. RIJSS, Sec'y. !
St. Marys, Pa., April 11, 1905.-9-3.
Jh ii iii
[fi] »•, i
Li D st Cou°h>. Tnrt-s G .|
Pg Use in time. Ly d:u;. ..
■p ill i"
A Vehicle Comparison by F. j
Manager of the Vehicle Interests of Montgomery Ward Co., Chicago
take special pride in the construction of our good work and in the promptness with which we fiil svory order. As I
much pains are taken in the building and shipping of our $36.00 buggy as our $60.00 job. Differences in prices with I
us, mean different 8
„ • -i • grades of materials, and |
A. Side-by-Side Comparison I . \ the amount of labor I
weeks to net iti It Is on our fleer now. By the side of it It one cf our Jobs wliich we sell at about expended. We court itl- S
the sane price. Note seme cf the differences: VCBtiU'U tioil.
On Ours On the Other We ask for your order because I
- •" - we can show it pays to buy
/ P? r .- X \ V/ard Vehicles. 60,000 orders
I I*s „ in our Vehicle Dept. in 1904.
5*2 •.;! Just think of it I 'Wie very
11 f\ j |,j! c| \ U ji iI best at tlie price every
too, exactly as
; ' V leldom you see I
.^13 from a manufacturing concern I
v ; iiHirii (linn ours. 'Notiecilif ihh'U that builds (so they say) more I
BODY -24 inches wide. t;s iiiciir* w iiie. Tiiin monna n smaller dash. vehicles than any other factory j
Bn.iiiicr boot, narrowor rnrpet, ot»M j n the country. This job they
AXI.EH Lone dlnf mice, with double. col. Old style couiiuuii axle IIMCII SO year* IIK«. ~«n Healer* nt DO tn !
larn and extra COIIIIIKO diml.proor collar. fceu ,0 dealers ai q>oa.W to j
to-ixcii IVI(OI'«;IIT IIIO.v sth H'liKci.. iiiiiiiciiiiic. with no anti-rititicr. $40.00 (depending upon how j
I.'SITAFT MIACK 1.1-18. You can't break Mallei*. Iron. !•:*,>■ to break. easy the man is). The same job |
them.) would be retailed or sold to the
WItOi:«;HT9TKICI. HIII.I V l.oors. .Hallealilw Iron. .Onennodlick and It'aaU over. user at from $50.00 to $55.00. I
twist it, but won't break.) ~, , , |
s-ioi.vru IUHM» SIUIII.k CI.II'S. iiair.ind! oval. " c ~ el " U P an " examined it ?
i conui \ ATIO.V it Air, A.VO t.cpnruto cimtiiiKx - niiiriiiiß rail. carefully ar.d fairly. Will say, j
PASIEL iiiiArK. we positively would not allow
SKAT— Kl Inelic* deep. 15 luclteN. 'l.efni loth or leather in trunminic.' , , . , ItJ _ . fc
M.L-IIK KllltV ulillKl.s. litel.orj null elm IUIICII cheaper. OUT superintendent to build and |j
li iiKMHtiMi-iu btkki, TIRES. inch Ntcct. ship such buggies on our $36.00 s
uK.vnvi: i-KATium-Titi.tiuim Kinrr*. iiack iriinmcii. buggyorders. That'safact. |
There aronmnj-other differences and wliil-' .-h of them imiv wem miall in Itwlf. !t is difficult for US to tell of
when taken toaether they renretseiil n fair profit on a bui:ir\. ....... . I
!• all ti-.e aifference between our
vehicles as compared with
others priced at about the same figure. The illustrations look much the same and with people who care little or nothing [
about what they say. the descriptions are much the same. Our book is copied every year even our terms.
I c , - Our Wheels are Hand-Painted.
| Send for our \ehicle Catalogue Some Factories Dip Theirs.
It finishes the story. It tells you how our Fv w Btt ir. I iv ~,i
work is built and shows further that most of fifs j' I ."' GkJ&J W't t ■
the vehicles offered at prices lower than ours ' aintcd heel I
are the poorest that are made. Wheel I
■ stronger, better propor- wl'
I tioned, nicer trimmed / |i9
| job, with greater lasting ; v Mmi Ijf i
Qualities.for less money l |;|
I than any factory in the | * '
I Send for our hook. \j
I Ward £^Co M Chicago I
H *°* i - £
ftwnr'wi ftmj Only General Catalogue Owning and Directly a Vehicle Factory riagfcgaitf
; gt
My science doesn't stop with j
building smart, well-tailored trousers
—equal skill is shown in moderating
the price. vIIT
My Mark W-
For men and youths —Imperial,
Model and Peg Top. Just ?.sk —
| I
• •
| Opposite Post-office, Emporium. Pa. J