EMPORIUM MULING COMPANY. PfvIOE LIST. Emporium, Pa., May 8, 11/(5. Vdick 55 Kelt's Fancy, '* i 05 f'et drove, " 1 «-5 Oratiam. —" W V 75 Back wheat " 7.» Patent Meal. " fco Coarse Meal, i»-?r • ... 125 Ohop feed, M 125 liddiints }• ney l 35 Bran, .... .... 3 20 Com, ;» rbu'ieJ, 70 WhiteOa v> 1 New Oats Chickvn VV!i it. Ohoioe Clovt: fciced, Choice Timothy Hec.l, !_ V 1 ■ 'Jioice Millet .See-2. LOCAL DEPARTifiIiNT. PERSONAL GOSSIP. > uvitci. That which you would /ike to nee iit this lepurhn A.now by pos■ al card or letter, per-anally. M. McCarthy made the PRESS office a pleasant call Tuesday afternoon. Ben. Nix, oflschua, N. Y., formerly of Emporium was calling on old friends last Saturday. Misses Eva and Gertrude Mclunis, and Miss Vough, ot Ridgway spent Sunday in Emporium. Miss Jennie Norris, of Kane, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler at the New Warner, last Sunday. Mrs. Hugh Hutchinson and daughter Agnes, of Austiu were the guests of Win. Lyons and family last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Owens, Mr. Al. l-iove and grandson and Mr. Jos. Carr, of Buffalo, were the guests of Mrs. Elihu Lewis on Sunday last. Theo. Butler, manager of the opera house, accompanied by Squire How ard, of Sizerville, paid the PRESS sanc tum a social visit last Friday. Jos. Wheeler made a business trip to Bradford last Monday. John Vail, of Jersey Shore, spent Sunday in Emporium with relatives. Hon. L. Taggart is able to be around, after having been confined to his home for several weoks. Hon. Robt. Turner, of Elmira, N. Y., transacted business in Emporium last Friday and Saturday. Miss Richardson, of Driftwood, visit ed friends in Emporium, guest of Miss Nina Bryan, several days this week. Mr. Weller, of Buffalo, came to Em porium last Saturday and fpent Sun day with his wife who is the guest of her sister, Mrs. George Weber. Mr . John W. Coe called here Gve weeks ago on account of her mother's sickness (Mrs. Sara Coleman) left Saturday for her home at Wampsville, N. Y. Miss Carrie Miller, a professional nurse, located at Philadelphia, is visit ing her parents and sister at this place —Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Miller and Mrs. Charles Crandell and family. Henry Zwald returned from Ridg way Monday evening, having visited his sister and husband over Sunday. Ridgway celebrated Dewey Day on Monday, thousands of people being in attendance from adjoining towns. Gordon Howlett and wife, of Sterl ing Run, visited in Emporium on Mon day and transacted business. They have recently purchased the 133 acre Philip Smith farm at Sterling Run, one of the best little farms in that section. Jasper Harris, a popular Fourth street clothier, went to Gettysburg on Monday to attend the State Council of Modern Woodmen of America, as the delegate from Emporium Branch. He expects to take in the famous battle field. F. S. Sherman, of Straight, came over to Emporium last Friday in his automobile. A number of our busi ness men enjoyed a ride in his car. He made the run to this place in two and a half hours, :i distance of thirty-six miles. Jackson M. Thomas, Ex-County Treasurer W. L. Thomas' oldest son, sent to ye editor a beautiful bouquet of arbutus, for which he has our thanks, as well as our good better-half, who promptly appropriated the fragrant blossom?. Thanks, friend. J. H. Drum, for many years a clerk in Barclay Bro's store at Sinnamalion ing, while attending the election of County Supt., visited the PRESS san ctum and renewed his paper for an other year. Mr. Drum has always taken a lively interest in public affairs and is one of our solid,reliable citizens. Mr. aud Mrs. Frank L. Miller, of First Fork, were short business callers at the PRESS oflice Tuesday afternoon, the former to renew his subscription while the Mrs. looked over our com plete printery plant. Mr. Miller is one of Grove's substantial farmers and citi zens and was in town to assist in the election of Count y Supt. Miss Nellie E Marsh, of Mason Hill, daughter of our respected friend, Mr! D. F. Marsh, was a pleasant PRESS visitor on Tuesday, accompanied by Mr. O. L. Bailey, ot Sinnamahoning. Miss Marsh's father, who has been partially blind for some years, expects to visit Philadelphia in the near future, hoping to get some relief. Geo. A. Walker, Jr., drove over to Austin lust Friday. Mrs. Thou. 11. Norm has been quite ill for several days. Or vis Hemphill pitched a game of ball at Driftwood yesterday. E. J. Jones, of Bradford, transacted business in Emporium Tuesday even ing. Mr. li. \V. Green returned on Tues day from several days visit to his Tioga county farm Frank T. Beers, Chemist at Climax works was P. business visitor at PRESS ofllee lust evening. E. E. Forbes returned home last evening from Mariett, O. lie has oil and gas interests there. Mi- Claire Eddy, of tlir ("alder Uriel: pi nt, nc.r Cameron is the g'K-st of Mis.-; tiolda Lyons. Mr Henry Ludlam went to Phila delphia and New York city last even ing, to be absent several days Jcs. J. Linglo is busy at work pack ing up his household goods, prepara tory. moving to Westboro, Wis. Dr. W. 11. DeLong, of Emporia, Fla., will arrive in Emporium today, tore main during the summer months. Miss Maine Logan has returned from an extended visit in lowa, where she was puest of J. 11. Cole and family. H. R Kleese and son Guy, was called to Williamsport yesterday 011 account of the death of the former's sister, Mrs. J. A. Earn. Miss Nellie O' Day, of Kane accom panied by her nephew was calling on Emporium friends last Sunday, guests of Mrs. S. S. Smith. Mrs. Frank Taylor, who has been seriously ill for some time does not improve. Her brother, .T. T. Zachar ies, is expected today. W. R. Johnson, of Bryan Hill, ac companied ' • >to Philadelphia on Monday a..n placed her in University Hospital for treatment. Don't fail to read Ludlams new "ad" in this issue on fourth page. They bo lieve in advertising and increase their space this iseue as a result of their faith. J. F. Parson had an unfortunate fall one day this week \\ hile walking on a Borough crossing badly in need of re pairs. Fortunately his injuries were slight. Mr. Seymour Hood, of Kane, Pa, is spending several days in Emporium transacting business, guest of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. L. Wheeler at the New Warner. Mrs. W. R. Erchs, of Sterling Run. while visiting in town on Wednesday, ( being called by the serious illness of Mrs. Ed. Morse) was a PRESS business caller, ordering our paper mailed for one year. Mr John R. C. Baker and family, who have been making their home in Emporium for some time, move to Buffalo this week. Mr. Bilker is sales man for Keystone Powder Company, of this city. Fred Crosby, for Ave years clerk in Frank Shives' store, leaves Emporium on the 22d of this month for Grants Oregon to locate permanently, and engage in business. Mrs. Elizabeth Morse, who has been seriously ill for several weeks, does not impove. As we goto press we learn that Dr. E E. Bisbort takes the lady to Philadelphia today for treat ment. Mr. Geo. W. Childs, of Ridgway, President of File Tanning Company, has been stopping at the New Warner this week, while looking after the ex tensive interests of his company in this section. Master Robt. Pearsall, the bright little son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pear sall has been having a longand serious sick spell, but is now improving and hopes to be with the boys in time for the first circus, now heading this way. C. B. Howard Company have pur chased about 2,000 acres of land owned by the Estate of S. S. Hacket contain ing principally hardwood. G. F. Ral com and H. L. Burns estimated the timber for the second party. They are experts. Mr. and Mrs. G. Gordan Green, who have been making their homo at the New Warner left yesterday lor Canoe Run to commence housekeeping in their new cottage recently erected by the Coal and Iron Company. Mr. Green is mining engineer for this com pany. Sheriff Harry Hemphill and Deputy Franklin Housler returned from Hunt ington Reformatory on Wednesday, having accompanied another batch of four. Last Friday the Sheriff landed three in the penitentiary at Allegany City. Cameron county is certainly sending her full quota. Tough on the tax-payers, yet there are more that should take the same trip, yet escape. A Decided Success. The supper at Presbyterian church last Thursday evening by the men of the church was a decided success, and largely attended, netting a neat sum of money to the church. The ladies were not in it and were barred from the kitchen. In addition to the unique meal served the patrons were served with pleasant instrumental and vocal music, the Mandolin Club, composed by Misses May Gould, Flossie and Byrde Taggart, Maud Steele, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Feltwell, Chas. Crandell, (director,) Jool Jordan, Hugh Swartz, and Chas. Wiley. The Club certainly did render excellent music and greatly pleased all who heard tliem This was their first public appearance and all hope it will not be their last. Miss Grace Walker also rendered several pleasing solos and Prof. A. I). Ericsson executed some instrumedtal music of a high order. The music was worth double the price of admission. STATE OF OHIO, CITYOF TOLEDO, ) LUCAS COUNTY. /' ' Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business in the city of Toledo, County and St,ate afore said, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS I for each and every case of Catarrh that [ cannot be cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. FRANK J. CHENEY. Swore to before me and subscribed | in my presence, this 6th day of Decem ! ber, A. IX, 1886. A. W. GEEASON, (SEAL.) Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken intern ally, and acts directly 011 the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials free. F. J. CHENEY & Co., Toledo, O. i Sold by all Druggists, 75c. Take I Hall's Family Tills for constipation. CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, MAY 4, 1905. HOW TO AVOID GERM DISEASES. Strengthen tho Stomach and Digestion, and You Will Get Well. When there is nu epidemic of germ disease, ami most discuses are caused by germs, it is the person with a weak stoni ach who succumbs first. People with healthy digestion are or dinarily uot subject to sick niss, and can throw ofi readily any disease nereis that enter ilie system. Strength' n the stomach aud diges'ivo with a Mi-o-na tablet before e.u h . uien}. aid every Htoin of food taken into the . tumaeh will be dige-ted aud nssiini luted, and the whole digestive syM'-ni made :o healthy, clean and •>< ■< 1 that there will be no dunce for :'! BEANS—-X. Y. State hand- SALMON —Merrimac brand picked pea beans, fine for Columbia River Salmon, *iuj| soup or baking A P Tall cans per can IQf* J»ji alb «w good value at l- r »c \ £,\> 'M. BACON - Light narrow PINE APPLE—Extra qual- (§/ strins delicious boneless ity Singapore Pine Apple, Breakfast Bacon SQ'P Delicious cliuncks, Regu a lb price 18c ICS* M „, a can «U ii S COTTOLENE The most economical shorten-/ r| P GOLD DUST —Fairbanks ing, 45c size *rUl# Gold Dust Washing Pow- .JJ 25c size 20e. der. 111, package- 2QC s|| POTATOES — Good eating : I ear per 45c ' best granulated $1.65 Early Fruits and Garden Truck are fast making their appear- jjj| jfe ance and prices are exceedingly reasonable —if you find the right /MX SSK store. All that's desirable will be found here, kept fresh and j,® t ! clean. i-M' PLENTY OF EGGS will result if hens are properly condition- ed. Here are some egg producing foods. jgs Pratt's Poultry Food—26 oz pkge 25c. Five lb pkge 60c. __ Peerless Crushed Oyster Shell—s lb pkge 10c; 501b bag 50c; sjv? 100 lb bag 90c. We also have Pratt's Stock Food and Animal Regulator and » Pratt's Veterinary remedies constantly on hand. CALL OR PHONE W | J. H. DAY, | |f 'Phone 6. Emporium, ■ nipr — a a fl U i M~ a-r Jlii LUfCL mm ffifsl! Mm K DIGESTS WHAT YOU EAT |dß slfij| ftt?| KB The SI.OO bottle contains 2Mi times the trial size, which sells for 50 cents. JreS VaS BSm PREPARED ONLY AT THE LABORATORY or Y ii E. C. DeWITT & COMPANY. CHICAGO. ILL. OMI-C.IN Soltl by k. C. Dodson, Druggist. :IBfigj'=rsl gg '-Sii^B i New Spring Line of Window Shades h, fi. OUR NEW LINE OF / fe . «. i 1 ||| ironi xoc to 75c per Sliade. p lij, Jfi = ~ All Colors. (E r«| Consists of the best things from three factories. Also - ffl the Robert Graves Co.'s line of Decoration Paper of all Rodger's Stainfloor, the best made I, kin(ls - for Floors. pj [I The Graves line took first prize in competition at St. si a J)I)\/ Q I I AVH P |j| Louis against the world. * I/\rV*'V* L«L*w I LJ, Me Kept up in the Race. James S. Barren, President Manchest er ('otton Mills, Kock Ilill, S. C., writes: "In 1883 I painted my residence with Ij. &M. It looks better than a great many houses painted three years ago. I Don't pay $1.50 a gallon for linseed oil. which you do in ready for use paint. I>uy oil fresh from the barrel at 00 cents per gallon, and mix it with Loop. [1 man & Martini / L. & M. Paint. Wi ass and <.' over : li!;.' :rold. Kvery Church given a liberal quantity ■ when bought from Harry S. Lloyd. Some sermons .'listen beeau-e thev are I frozen. Saved by Dynamite. Sometimes, a flaming city is saved by j dynamiting a space that the fire can't •' cross. Sometimes, a cough hangs on so 11 loiii;, you feel as il nothing but dynamite would cure it Z. T Gray, of Calhoun. Ga.. writes: "My wife had a very aggra • vated cough, which kept her awake ; nights. Two physicians could not help j ! her; so she took Dr. King's New Dis- 1 j covery for Consumption, Coughs and ; Colds, which eased her cough gave her j sleep, and finally cured her." Strictly Js. i ntilie cure for bronchitis and La ! Grippe. At L. Taggart's drug store, j j price sllc and $ 1.00; guaranteed. Trial ' bottles free. UP-TO-DATE JOB WORK AT PRICES IN KEEPING WITH THE QUALITY AT THIS OFFICE. 112 I Bui lcli ri£> I And we wish to say that we are better prepared than ever B before to supply you with all kind of B | Hardware and Supjslics, H ... 1 H We have in addition to our regular stock; (the for- B 9 business of U. A. Palmer, known as Hockley's Coal S Yard) consisting of flrick, Lime Cement, Wall B Plaster, Shingles, Coal, Hay, Hardwood, etc., etc., B a full line of PAINTS, COLORS in OIL, PAINT 1 I BRUSHES, etc. I i'lunibhig and Tinning 1 is among our specialties. Costs you nothing for B B estimates in thc.->e lines. All our work is positively B guarantee to give satisfaction. I Stoves and Ranges. a Don't forget we carry the largest assortment of g STOVES and RANGES for gas, coal or wood in § county and every one guaranteed by the maker. g NIURRY & COPPERSMITH CO. |j Emporium's jj| Nobody ever saw such a Grocery Store. j|| The Food Store is at its Best. Our ft 1 , . 11l Special Il'Skyw are Kvery Day. Tuesday, May 2, K9QS. m ' m f.i ... ® If; Cl'.oice seeded Raisins or Currants, lib package . . .9c f||j |jj| Danaliy pure 112. - rcl, 55Tb tubs S}4'c lb |if |y Picnic Baked Beans in Tomato Sauce, 3 cans for 25c p ||J Sterling Brand Lima Beans 9c lb K | ljj| 25li)s Granulated Sugar $1.65 =| \% Note Our Stock White Goods |j ji| Bleached Sheets all Standard Mill?. M j jjjj- Bleached Sheets, Haivest Home, 81 to 90, . . .only s