Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, April 20, 1905, Image 4

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Editor and Manager.
."feryear fv> 00
paid is advance $] SO
Advertlsementsarepublish edat the rate of one
10l <r per squarefor one insertion and tifty cents
per square lor each sub- oam-nt insertion.
Bates by the year or for six or threemontbsare
ow anrlnniform.and will be furnished or n i>pt{-
Li i";! and Ofik ial Advert ising per square, three
tlu. . orles",i'2 1)0; each subsequent insertlonSO
•etiif per square.
Local noticesten cents per line for onei nst rtion
u»o cents per line for eacn.subsequentconsecutivc
Obituary notices over five lines, ten cents per
ienc. Simplearinouueementsofhirths,marriages
»nd deaths will be inserted free.
Business Cards, live lines or less }.".00 per year
**er live lines, at the regular rates of advertising
No localinserted for less than 75 els. per issue.
The Job department of the PKESS is complete,
xtd ift'ords facilities for doing the best class ol
K paper willbe discontinued until arrearages
we paid, except at the option ofthe publisher.
Papers sent out ofthe county must be paid for
• advance.
tv-'Sn advertisements will be accepted at less
Uk an the price for fifteen words.
*4-Religious notices free.
For Sheriff,
JOHN D. SWOPE, Emporium.
For County Commissioner,
JOHN W. LEWIS, Shippen.
For County Auditors.
O. B. TANNER, Gibson,
GEO. A. WALKER. JR., Emporium.
Election, Tuesday, Nov. Ttli.
iFromour Regular Correspondent.)
Washington, April 15, 1905.
3(1 it or P r cßß:
While the carping critics
«arp," as the President is fond of
saying, the administration as daily
demonstrating, in a quiet and un
abstructive manner, the benefits
which this country can,*and has,
find will continue to bestow on the
Philippines, not out of pure phi
lanthropy, of course, but as a re
nulfc of a determination to deal
fairly with "'the little brown man"
and because of the long experience
'tnd superior wisdom of the United
Stales. The experience which the
A.mericau colonies, the early Fed
eration and the infant Republic
gained at high cost, the little Fili
pino is profiting by now. In time
he will enjoy all the prosperity of
this country and will not have
paid half the price, no, not a tithe
*►! that which the sturdy American
A'us compelled to pay before he
knew as much about government
*nd economics as he does now.
For the first time in their history
Jhe Philippines enjoy a stable
•urreney, on the metric system,
Hid they have made money acquir
ing it. I'uder the fatherly guid
ance of the Bureau of Insular Af
farirs,which direct all things Phili
ppine bonds were issued to main
tain the parity between the Phili
pino coinage and gold and the
premium on these bonds has
amounted to from 81.1s to 82.51
cents on each 8100 of every issue.
4s the first two issues were refund-
Ed, the premium was nearly
doubled so that tin* entire trans
action ha- itself proved very prof
itable. riieso bonds were issued to
.purchase tin: Friars lands which
viil now be opened to private set
tlement. Honds were issued to
rai-- ti.e purchase price on these
lands and on the total issue of 87,-
000,000 the premium was 37.. ">7 011
vjvory 8100. When tin' lands are
sold to private parties, in small
areas, the purchase price will lie
aggregated to pay off the bonds
and it is probable that the purchase
price will considerably exceed the
total bond issue. The last issue of
Philippine bonds, made 011 March
f <>, amounted to 82,-">00,000 was
many times over subscribed and
brought the highest recorded prem
ium, $9.06 on every 8100. The
proceeds of this issue will be de
moted to such public improvements
ss port and harbor works, bridges,
*cligol houses, court houses, penal
institutions, etc.
Not >nly has the Philippine gov
ernment been able to sell its bonds
at a premium, because, of course,
of the credit of the I'nited States,
and in marked contrast with those
Sttle Republics in South America,
for instance where the money lend
si exact ruinous discounts, but
new that the money is in the
Philippine treasury it will be ex
pended under the supervision of the
fce t men this country can afford
men whose long experience in con
tracting for public improvements
will insure to the Philipinos tlie
full value of every dollar of public
funds expended. This affords an
other sharp contrast to the usual
course followed in new and weak
President Lincoln Hulley.
; Formerly of Bucknell, Writes About
John B. Stetson University, Deland,
Florida is a land of blue skies, sing
ing birds, beautiful flowers and soft
breezes the whole year round. Hun
dreds of thousands of people stream in
to Florida from the North to spend the
winter. The best thing about Florida
; is its climate. Next, its tine develope
j ment. People North little realize that
the University of Chicago is located in
Florida The John B, Stetson Univer
■ sity of DeLand, Florida, is organically
I affiliated with the University of Chi
cago. Its graduates receive Chicago
degrees. Stetson has four Colleges
and live schools, in 14 buildings with
a Faculty of 48, the Faculty holding
degrees from Chicago, Harvard, Yale,
Dartmouth, Columbia, the U. of P.,
Bryn Mawr, Bucknell, Michigan, Den
nison, Utrecht Holland and other Uni
versities. It has separate and distinct
colleges of Liberal Arts, Technology,
Law and Business. It lias professional
schools for Music, for Art and Normal
and Practice work, an Academy which
prepares for Chicago. Many people
do dot realize that a change has come
over the South—that educational in
terests are booming. Stetson has a
third of a million dollars in buildings
and equipment, a quarter of a million
in endowment, an endowed library, a
beautiful auditorium, a ten thousand
dollar pipe organ, a gymnasium com
plete, an enclosed athletic field with
track, diamond, gridiron and tennis
courts, five great laboratories, several
large museums, a number of techno
logical shops, electric lights, electric
bells, steam heat, cement walks, shell
roads, avenues, spacious campus,
shrubbery and trees. It is the biggest
educational proposition south of Johns
Hopkins. A Pennsylvania citizen,
John B. Stetson, the wealthy hat
manufacturer of Philadelphia, has
given it numerous buildings, large en
downment and constant personal baok
Letter to Frank Pearsal'.
Emporium, Pa.
Dear Sir: Here's something every
painter and builder ought to know.
Mr. J. .1. Hall, Sheffield, l'a.. painted
two houses . ;> years ago, lead and oil;
took 40 gallons. List year, be painted
Devoe; bought 40 gallons had 10 left.
He is one of thousands. The know
ledge is getting about pretty generally;
that Devoe goes further than anything
1 lave you found it out in your i.wu
How much further?
.Suppose a job amounts to 10,000
square feet; how much less Devoe could
you buy?
Is it as easy to paint?. Does it cost
any more or les.i to put on by the gallon
than anything else? how much?
It it costs no more to put-on Devoe
by the gallon, it costs less by the foot,
you know; for the gallon does more feet.
How much less, do you find it, for wages?
Lasts say. twice a3 long; that is the
owner's gain: but perhap- you reckon it
yours: some do. The time, when that
come-in, is when he gives-out the next
Who gets it?
Vours truly
F. W. DEVOE & Co.,
New York.
11.I 1 . S. Murry & Coppersmith sell our
All persons are hereby forbidden from
trespassing upon the property of this
Company without a permit from this
office, or the Superintendant at the
Emporium, Pa., August Ist, 1003.
Easter Millinery
We are showing a complete line of Storing
Hats in all the latest and modish styles.
Our Easter Millinery is at its height of beauty
and assortment.
We have a good stock or hats that are service
able and fashionable and that cannot be found
elsewhere at equal cost.
F AOTm is not far distant. Something
I" I rjl new on that day would be
n| kill very appropriate—a new hat
or dress. We have a fine line of Hats and par
ticular attention is called to our new
Polo Turban.
WE WANT YOI'RTR\DE f>»r auvhting vou
may need in our line. Experience has taught
our customers that every article in the store is
the best that the price can obtain anywhere.
Under tliis Heading, either Wants, Lost, Found
For Hale, To Rent or business announcements
wit) he published at ONE CENT A WORD.
WANTED: Lady or gentleman of
fair education to travel for a firm of
$250,000 capital. Salary §1,072 per
year and expenses; paid weekly. Ad
dress Geo. O. Clows, Emporium, Pa.
FOR SALE—A farm of 08 acres, partly
improved, located two miles from Em
porium. Excellent stone quarry locat
ed 011 farm, the Emmanuel Church
foundation coming from it. Will sell
at a bargain, for cash
Latest Popular Music.
Miss May Gould, teacher of piano
forte, has received a full line of the lat
est and most popular sheet music. All
the popular airs. Prices reasonable.
Homely women frequently have the
most home like borne.
A Night Attack.
Last night the little daughter of Mrs. ;
Brown, as she sweetly and peacefully ;
slept in her little bed near the window,
was attacked by a death dealing demon '
known as Croup Whooping Cough, and
but for the timely use of Kennedy's Laxu- j
tive Honey and Tar, which she always!
keeps handy, the life of the little one j
might not have been saved. Kennedy's j
Laxative Honey and Tar isdifferent from !
all of the o'd-time cough syrups and is i
best for children because it acts on the I
bowels, is harmless, safe and certaiu.
Contains no opiates. Sold by It. C.
It's a poor lover who is unable to ex- i
agerate his affections,
Frightful Suffering Relieved.
Suffering frightfully from the virulent ;
poisons of undigested food, C G. Gray
son. of Lula, Miss., took Dr. King's New
Life I'ills, ''with the result," he writes,!
"that I was cured." All stomach and i
bowel disorders give way to their tonic',
laxative properties. 25c at L. Taggart's i
drug store, guaranteed.
Starve (he .soul and conscience is sure
to stutter.
Cheated Death.
Kidney trouble oft< n ends fatally, but
by choosing the light medicine, E. 11.
\\olfe. of Hear (irovo, lowa, cheated
death, lie says: Two years ago I had
Kidney I rouble, which caused me great
pain, suffering and alixiety. but I took
Electric Bitters, which effected a com
plete cure. I have also found them of
great benefit in general debility and
nerve trouble, and keep them con.stantiy
on hand, since, as L find they have no
equal. IJ. i'aggart druggist, guarantees I
them at 51 )c.
if* jfin r \. Jirt *% i-n m m m I
= _ _ ( ______ JM
Vt " ji __ st
si i LaBAR S II
N =_ _ L »<
H —— H
|| We carry in stock ) (
fcjg the largest line of Car- .
Hi P els > Linoleums and %i [Sl]] fTfiYfiWl'flN fei
H Mattings of all kinds Hf H
N" ever brought to this £1
town. Also a big line ?!
H ofsamples. J M
if A very large line of FOR THE i?!
j* Lace Curtains that can- „ " ] r?
if not be matched am- fflyFAßTs&i£ **
H where f°t the price. VVnlvlllflßlE lUVyllffg N
ftg ||
£2 Art Squares and of fine books in a choice library E2
?? Rugs of all sizes and select the Ideal pattern of Globe- J?
Pf kind, from the cheap- Wernicke "Elastic" Bookcase. £*
Nest to the best. j Furnished with bevel French
H plate or leaded glass doors. H
Jjg Dining Chairs, F3t >
H gockers and GEO. J. LaBAR, H
S' 1 Chairs. Sole Agent for Cameron County. fcj
A large and elegant E2
jj line of Tufted and
Diop-head Couches. Beauties and at bargain prices.
j] •"Kr5 , 5fc.....525 I gf
N s2l M
$25 Bed room Suits, C*! f| 822 Sideboard, quar- <t<f>
$$ solid oak at tered oak,.. sjo N
sj{j A large line of Dressers from Chiffoniers of all kinds and
M ?H "P- all prices.
** _l N
|J the DOMESTIC" and "ELDRIDGE." All drop- &£
jfcgi heads and warranted.
A fine line of Dishes, common grade and China, in
** sets and by the piece. jf*
As I keep a full line of everything that goes to £2
make up a good I'urniture store, it is useless to enuni- 5f
erate tlieni all.
Please call and see for vourself that lam tellim* ||i
II you the truth, and if you don't buy, there is no harm ||
|| done, as it is no trouble to show goods.
i! GEO. J. LaBAR. !J
'< «* *sr %gf w i£f ijjjf »»IZX KKf«ff- K. ■-*** we— *,
st«'.• if*i>Jii &m.m ax mm. m
A man who gets his pay in advance
never works over time.
San-Cura Ointment.
Is guaranteed to relieve at once that j
itching, burning pain and permanently*
cure Hezema, Tetter, Salt ltheum, Itch
ing. Bleeding or ' rotruding Piles, Burns,
Bruises, (Juts, Old Soles, Pimples, Boiles. |
Carbuncles, Chapped Hands or Lips,
Chilblains, Festers, Insect Kites and 1
Poison Ivy. San-Cura Ointment is a
great aid in preventing scars. It soften
all inflamed parts. Druggists, 25e and
50c. For sale by It. C. Dodson.
The keen eye for blemi.- hcs often
misses the blessings.
Always Liberal to Churches.
Every church will be given a liberal
quantity of L. &M. paint. Call for it.
4 gallons Longman >V Martinez L. \
| M. Paint mixed with three gallons lin
| seed oil, will paint a house.
W. G. Barr Charleston, W. Va.,
| writes, "Painted Frankcnburg b'ock
j with L. & M. stands out as though varn
Wears and covers like gold,
i Don't pay 81.50 a gallon for linseed
! oil. which you do in ready-for-use paint.
But oil fresh from the barrei at (>0
i cents per gallon and mix it with L. A; M.
It makes paint cost about 81.20 per
| »allon. Sold by Harry S. Lloyd.
It's impossible to buy a man off if he
' is on the square.
The Right Name Is DeWitt.
DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve cools,
j soothes and heals cuts, burns, boils,
I bruises, piles and all skin diseases. K.
| Iv Zickefoose, Adolph, W. Va.. say.-:
i 'My little daughter had white swelling so
j bad that piece after piece of bone worked
out of her leg. WeWitt's Witch Hazel
| Salve cured her." It is the most wonder-
I fill healing salve in the world. Beware
of counterfeits. Sold by It. C. Dodson.
j Some puns an? almost as pointless as a
! woman's pencil.
Forget About Your Stomach.
If your digestion is bad the vital organs
; of your body are not fed and nourished as
they should be. They "row weak and
invite disease. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure
digests what you eat. cures indigestion
and all stomach troubles. You forget
you have a stomach from the very day
you begin taking it. This is because it
gets a rest —recuperates arid gradually
grows so strong and healty that it troubles
jou no more. Sold by 1!. C. Dodson.
Bargain in Books.
A complete set of Brittanica Ency
clopaedia,consisting of thirty volumes
and key. Are all new and in original
packages. Will be sold at a bargain,
Apply at PRESS office. 36tf
Restored to Mis Mother.
I think it saved my boy's life. You
do not know how sick he was. His
! urinate was like blood, and it would al
| most take his life to urinate. He took
-ix bottles of Thompson's Burosma, Kid
ney and Liver ('ure which made a com
plete cure.—Mrs. I). D. Buchanan,
Cherry tree. Pa. Druggists, 51 le and
81.00. For sale by It. C. Dodson.
Fortunate is the man who knows
euoiiuh law to avoid it.
Mercantile Appraiser's Notice.
N'A MRS tind kind of license of dealers in the
County or Cameron, Pa. The appeals .vill
I be beld in the County Treasurer's office on Fri"
. day, May 5, 1!)D5. between the hours of 9 a. m.,
| to 3 p. in.
j Harries, O. R., .Geift*ial Merchandise
I Balcom A: Lloyd General Merchandise
Heattie, P. R Cigars and Tobacco
C'ostello. John Cigars
Clark, Elizabeth, Fruit and Confectionery
Cramer, W. H Millinery and Dry Goods
Catlin C. G., Flour and Grain
Cninmings. John Cigars
Cruice, John Tobacco
Dodson, R. C Drugs
| Donovan, D. W., Cigars
Day, J. H Groceries
Dolan, M.J Cigars
Diehi, Charles, Groceries and Meats
Edgcomb. Henry, General Merchandise
Emporium Furniture Co., Furniture
Fisher. J. A Vehicles &c
Emporium Milling Co., Seed aud Grain
Gross, Geo. H. h Co., Groceries and Meats
Furnace Supplt Co., General Merchandise
Gross, William, Meats
Howard, C. B. Company, .General Merchandise
Hamilton, Melva, Cigars
Hacket, S. J., General Merchandise
Hirch, R. H Jewelry
Hurteau and Forbes, Hardware
Harris. Jasper, Clothing
Hogan, M. T.,.... Groceries i
Haupt and Hauber Vehicles and Machinery I
Jcssop, C. H., Produce and Machinery i
Johnson, J. L., Cigars I
Judd, I'. G Harness I
K -lly, R Cigars 1
Kelly, Misses Millinery
Kinsler, J. A Groceries
Leet and Company, General Merchandise
l.oyd, Ft. J., Cigars
Llovd, H.H., Stationery
I.echner, Joseph, Boots and Shoes
Larrabee, M. M., Furs, Ammunition Ate
Ludlara, Misses, Millinery j
Laßar, Geo. J ...Furniture
Murry & Coppersmith Co., .Hardware and Fuel I
McDonald, A. A., Cigars and Tobacco !
Emporium .Machine Co Tile and Fixtures !
McCormick, Daniel, Cigars
McDonald, 8. D Oianrs '
Metzger, Geo., Jr., Jewelry '
Murphy, Michael Cigars |
McDonald, Wm.,. Cigars '
•McDougall, Ale.v., .... ... .Groceries and Meats I
Overhiser, Kate Confectionery and Fruits
Overhiser, I. (}., ...Confectionery and Fruits t
Palmer, t .A Boots and Shoes !
Par.-mis, John F General Merchandise j
Rockwell, M. A., Drugs I
Raymond, 11. L Millinery
Schmidt, Mrs. C. G Confectionery and Fruits
Segcr. It., and Son Clothing
•>eger, N., Clothing ;
Shade, 11. ]• Cigars
Schlecht. John, Groceries >
Sliives, Frank Groceries and Meats '
rajfgart, L., Drugs j
lhompkinsftiid Norris, ..General Merchandise '
Talis, M. c: Oeueral Merchandise |
\»gt,A. F Boots and Shoes j
Winfield, Mary Confectionery and Fruitfi i
Wheeler, J. L., Cigars I
Zarps, 11. A. C 0...... Toys, Furnishings &c '
Accorino. Tony .Groceries i
Brooks, M. J. B Confectionery, &c
Brook bank Mercantile Co..Genera! Merchandise !
Crum Bros., Meats I
Callihan. Geo. A Groceries [
Fox, Lydia Millinery j
Kriderand Yothers General Merchandise
Met -Pole. Mrs. S. I).. Millinery '
We lyTake Clothes
for Over 500,000
■ OcO-'lMg" T %*• •% '»•'• SiffgU''girv.-H riftlm.j' VjW|f
Select H | "|j
Want I nP"" El llSi % l f.V : f j Pf) 1
Ac Tun! !If lilU I®' 31l |!
Fabri " L|i H iii:iyi & -M..
< T<iT! VCM.UA -9 . if
Our Clothing is worn in every State in the Union. We even do business with
commercial and professional men in New Yc rk City, the fashion ccnter of the country.
They teil us we give them Perfect Satisfaction at One-Half the Price '.i cy
formeily paid at home. You can easily appreciate that with such an enormous vol
"™siV?: business over a thousand clothing orders a d::y we cun make lowest
J prices. We save the average buyer abo ut one-third si.d guarantee sat .faction.
Men's Made-to-Order and Ready-Made Suits,
$4.75 to $30.00; Spring O'Coats $0 to f?2.ZO
X° u ™" s , t f w ? ar c,oth ' s . an tl there !3 no en- i reason why you should r t M from us dl-ee»
k„T !•'? ™ n , u, s c A Urer> "j' l :avea:l « -n;s and d-aiefs" profits. I • .i, .jtJte If you ■ r
have ne/et tried it, you do not know How easy it is to eet a perfect fit frcm t:„.
Send for Free COUPON
Samnlp Rr»r»lr Montgomery Ward & Co., Chicago:
It co3ts you nothing to see our W 1 jV'"i" Outiim Hult«. < Wrv | u lit |i
fabrics and prices. and you are tu "*l7 w woUht". Fl#nn. ; l«, cu-. •
under no oblI E ations to ssnd us y| M siflt. • ' "" '"' r B"it
your order. —V 1 gprini on.) Sw __ V 4 i'"'I'/''',Y 1 '/''',Y < ! r ' l " r »"' i '
Fill in ThU rnii-»r»n Prices *lo.<« to <7 K f ,il ay-Ma«le Sprui«
1111 in 1 Hlj coupon \/0 Mn<l*vto (>» lr»r Suit*. Overcoats un»l Knincoat^.
Just take out your PrirM Mt') immer * U 1 i, o ,'!* 11 •
prnci! Right Now (never mind a V/sAln/h. tt' i .rX.r nnd lV , -s 'of !5« Bto
pen) and check off like this 'X) —VS Kewlv-Mn.i.* Summer " '
theSarnple Book you want. Then ah • i i i *»,».. m.. ....
tear out the coupon, put it in an 1 . V',... ,i,1^ 1 1,,11 # rm ' !tsuro '
I envelope. mail it to Montgomery
Ward & Co., Chicago, and ycu v
will receive, free of all charge, HA «*
tho finest Book of Clothing
Samples you ever saw, and at Postofpice
prices that will surprise you.
Do it right now, .. ,
before you forget '' ' '' '" rvrY ij
Montgomery Ward Co. 1 :
No, 7 Michigan Avenue, Madison and Washington Z etts i
,1— , CHICAGO -Jj
McDonald. A. M„
MoVicker.MrH.Kred., Cigars
McCoole. O. H Ci K a la &c
McWllliam*, A. 8 Clothing fcc
Nefcy, M. E.. Millinery fcc
11, le >-- T - J - Cigars
Cameron Store Co General Merchandise
Ebersole, K. M„ Groceries
• Furlong, Mary A. Cigars
I ""I™. ■>»<<• » Cigars
i '"""K cr . D-' Cigars and Notions
• * ob,uson . !»• ■' Cigars
smith, J. E General Merchandise
Walker, ,\. F
1 Cigars
Wilson Bros. General Merchandise
Baiky, (j. I cigai s
Barclay Bros., General Merchandise
Uuiii Bros., Groceriesaiul .Meats
ee l<r ' ,s General Merchandise
Smith II a- & Co Cigars
h "V Clothing
Stater, Geo P Cigars
Wolfe and l.ightner Groceries
Evans, J, If Cigars
i Mrs - • B General Merchandise
, Hughes, w. J., Produce and Meats
Horning, Amos, Produce and Meats
Kline and Co., Oeneral Merchandise
Low is, P. J.. .. ft
' ' Groceries
• r^° nd ' Mar J a "' l hon Emporium
Mrs. Henry Emporium
liJfJ.rA ltr>S AND TOOL.
Creighlon, James P., Emporium
McDonald, A. A,, Emporium
Itippey, Jesse Drill wood
Atlantic Refining Co Emporium
All persons so ascertained or assessed who
shall fail to attend such appeal or to appeal
from the decision of the Appraiser, to the Com
mon Pleas within ten days thereafter will not be
permitted to set up a defense to the recovery of
the amouut of license to which he is requested
to pay, when suit shall be brought that he is not
a dpaler in merchandise, &c.
The law further provides that it shall be the duty
of the County Treasurer to sue for the recovery
of all licenses duly returned to him by the Mer
cantile Appraiser ifnot paido;i or before the first
day of July in each and every year within ten
days after date, and said Treasurer shall not be
discharged from any such license unless he
bring suit to recover the same on or before that
Mercantile Appraiser, 1905.
Recently Enlarged
25,000 New Wor .in I
New Gazetteer of iKo "Vf •vf Z
with niorethan :?5,0f.0 titles, base*l c.> fl
latest census returns. S
New Biographical Diclior.u?y y
containing; the names of ovor 10,000 n ■ted 5
persons, Uutc of birth, death, etc.
Edited liy'W. T. IIAIUiTS.Th.r;., T.L.T>„ I
United StatesCommi&sioiu.;• oi! 1 '■
2380 Quart
New Pl.atos. EOW Ulaatrali, . , Pinfl:nss. 3
Needed m live: yfir ■ ~o jij
Also Webster's ColieelatelU'c;i. * t ' ! *i
111# Tagcs. liWIHa-tr. ' 1 *
Regular Edition 7*iDxgjji,-. •, . 31 1
De Luxe Edition fj? 4 ig' s i]'J l-i. r- -i:--11 -i !
«am« platfi, rn 1:■,
FREE, "DictlonaryWrin!.: • ,"i; ... . , ■
G. 6 c. merri/,.? i c
Sprlaelic!d, .