KMI'OIIIUM MILLING COMPANY. PRICE LIST. ICmporiuni, Pa., December2o, lilOl. Nli\loPHii,A, persack il »S. r > ! felt's Fancy, " i " r ' I Pet Grove, " ... l 76 j Ur.'liam, .. ■ S3 1 Rve • Itiickwh • «» ' T.'i Patent Meal.. ..." So i CVirse -1,.11, p.-i I : ...'. 1 <n»op •*<•<•«■« " ' ' >1 : till I'llllCV I -ilj I . Cor-I. per bushel 7'» Wil li' , per bu- l'.el. i> New Oats Chicken Wheat 1 W ; i lioice t i')vi ' .Seed. I 'hoiccTiraothy Seed, u Market Prices. i i?hoice Millet sieed. »"*ncy Kentucky Bliu-«ira. s, | vwzv. r,, raKraMMßnransus waxtauaa R. C. DODSON, THE Jragy Ist, KMPUKII'M, PA. IS LOCATED IN THE CORNER STORE At Fourth and Chestnut Sts.. r:J| &F, 1 till), i »«,. c. Telephone, 19-2. LOCAL OtiP IKTMENT. PERSONAL GOSSIP. Onutributionn invited. Thai which you would )ike to sec in departmental u* know by pos nlcard or letter, personally. E. .Matley and wife, of Cresson, Pa., registered at New Warner on Tuesday. Chas. W. Williams, of Mason Hill, transacted business in town on Tues day. Prof. D. D. Stroup, of Sinnamahon ing, visited in town yesterday looking after his fences. Miss Leona and Master Neal Copper smith spant last Saturday in Pori Alle gany with their father. Mrs. Mary Beers has returned to her home in Emporium, after spending the winter in Elmira, N. Y. Miss Helen Mullin, of Buffalo is visit ing her grandfather, Henry Edgcomb and aunt, Miss Edith, at this place. John Gleason and Jos. S. Johnson, ot Driftwood, visited in town Tuesday evening and attended Masonic Lodge. Mrs Robinson, of Sinnawahoning, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. F J. Lex on the South side.—Saturday'sßenovo News. Robt. Graham, of Cameron, while visiting in Emporium last Saturday, ordered the PRESS mailed to his ad dress for one year. Mr. F. M. Overhiser after being con fined to his home for the past few weeks by a serious illness is again able to be on the street. Mr. Frank Bortz, of Greenville, Pa., arrived in Emporium last Saturday and accompanied his wife to their home. Tuesday morning. Mrs. Celia Foley, of Driftwood, ac companied by her daughters Misses Winnie and Celia, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Ilogan, at this place. Mr H. J. Hughson, representing the Brockway Lyceum Bureau, called on Miss Coilins and Rev. Oliver S. Metzler, in the interest of his Bureau. William McDonald is erecting a very creditable barn on his West Fourth street property. Mr McDonald will have a dandy home when completed. Miss Elizabeth Ludlam, of the Broad street firm of E L. & B. E Ludlam, the wide-awake dealers in ladies mil linery and fancy goods, was a PRESS business visitor yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. E. I). White and Mrs. Chas. Seger visited in Buffalo Tues day and Wednesday, the former at tending court as a witness, while the ladies are doing the stores and inei dently the theatres. County Auditor Gordon H. Howlett, accompanied by his wife, transacted business in Emporium on Tuesday. Mr. Howlett who is in the employ of Elk Tanning Company, was a PRESS visitor and pushed his date into 1906. Mrs. James Thomas, of Allegheny Avenue, had a pleasant surprise last Sunday by a visit irom her nephew, Mr. John Alcot. who is one of the ef ficient detectives of the city of Chicago. She had not seen him for a number of years. Mr. W. H. G. Walker, manager of C'aldor Brick and Coal Co., of Cain nron, accompanied his wife to Empori um on Tuesday, while en route for their former home at Buffalo. The Oalder Company are doing big work at Cameron and Mr. Walker is a hustler. Mr. Austin Jones, one of Pennsy's efficient men, returned from Buffalo on Monday, where he rode the goat, in other words was initiated into the mys teries of the Brotherhood of Loco motive Firemens Lodge. A friend in forms us that his shirt did not contain a single button when he showed up in Emporium. J. E. Rousseau, of this place, has recently purchased the plumbing es tablishment from Murry & Copper smith on Fifth street. He is a pract ical plumber of many years experience and will no doubt havo success in his new venture.—Renovo Record. The many Emporium friends of the young man congratulates him as well as Re novo May he prosper. Miss Carrie MoCloskey, who has very successfully taught one of the Sterling Run schools during the past term, was a PRESS visitor last Satur day, accompanied by Miss Mattie Collins. The editor regrets his absence for no doubt he would have been but never mind ladies. Call again, please; glad to see you any time. J. R. Fetter is resting easy at Buffalo \ hospital. Geo Metzgcr, Jr., has it—one of those beastly colds. The Misses Ludlam have a new "ad" in this issue Read it. Mrs. Edward Morse is confined to her bed this week with the grip. Warren McDonnell was the guest of Ed. Morse and family this week. Frank My lan and family now occupy i the Mankey hour on Pino street. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Thompson en- I tertainen Mr Robbins, of Kldred Bank, j over Sunday. A fashion..nin church wedding is th • next important event to occur in ivu porium in the near future. The Pur. « regrets to report Hon. 1 Taggart on the sick list and confine ! to his bed, under the Dr's care. John Weisinan, of Olefin, visited his children in Emporium over Sunday, j guest of Joshua Bair and family. H. T. Nelson, of Coudersport, repre senting i lie Schuielz Sewer Pipe Co., is transacting business here. Their pipe is becoming very popular. Miss Isabel Johnson returned home after a six weeks visit in Altoona. While there she accompanied her sister and brother to Baltimore and Wash ington, I). C. FINE Easter Millinery We art; showing a complete line of Spring Huts in all the latest and modish style*. our Easter Millinery is at its height of beauty and assortment. We have a pood stock of hats that are service able ami fashionable and that cannot be found elsewhere at equal cost. 8° ft C* T £*" is not far distant. Something I r K new on tl,at day would be ILflw J very appropriate—a new hat or dress. We have a fine line of Hats and par ticular attention is called to our new Polo Turban. WE WANT YOUR TRADE for anyhting you may need in our line. Experience lias taught our customers that every article in the store is the best that the price can obtain anywhere. LUDLAMS B "°" STEEET a«a»Ge.ann* ssMßsasyisssmt, | THE ! J FAIR STORE I | Grand j | Easter 1 Opening j | | Ladies Silk Suits, j I Covert and Silk | Jackets, Rain Goats, I Shirt Waists and Skirts. I SPECIAL HKICES ON ALL CASH SALES I APRIL 18 10 22 sst? I 1 H. A. ZARPS j j & CO. j CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, APRIL 13, 1905. Cheated Death. Kidney trouble often ends fatally, but by choosing the right medicine, H. II Wolfe, ot r> ':»r drove, lowa, cheated death. He says: Two years ago I had Kidney Trouble, which caus d ine great pa i 11. sufierin;r and aiixietv. but I took K'ectrie Hitters, which effected a ci.m plete cure. I h tve ulso found tlieili of jjreat benelit in general deliilily and nerve trouble, and keep tliem constantly on h:it'd, »ine". us I iind h;ive no eijiial L i':tti:irt druggist, guarantees them it ."il)c Lenten Services at Emmanuel Church. Mondays, 1:30 p. 111., in Parish house. Tuesdayn, 1:30 p m., in Parish house. Wednesdays, 7:30 p. m., in Parish < house. Thursdays, 1:30 p. m., in Parish house Fridays, 7:30 j). m., in Cliurch. n ls to save u.omy. si I { y-'ur Jr. -r nsi-« Z«v« />■;,.;>. Tell ; Joh.i »„uc:.s & Co Philadelphia 1 r.. r.. • . Friday and Saturday M , ff 'V\ SPECIALS. |j j|j|i; FANCY 7" FINEST CALI c ORNIA I J CREAMERY ,k-' LRMONS BUTTER •| 20C DOZEN The Satisfactory Store 32cLb || •!®i! A cardinal principle with this house is satisfaction to > J;', the buyer. If for any reason you are not satisfied, do not fail to let us know at once. Errors will occur —cannot be |l[|| gr 1 avoided. We stand ready and anxious to correct any on ill our part. _ _ |l| lifji' Interesting lint for economical housekeepers good for g FKI DAY and SATURDAY, this week. ROLLED OATS-Schumacher's CANNED PINE APPLE—Ex- f|-' Rolled A vena, fresh from the tra quality Singapore, chunks ft. mills, 71ba for 25c /p usually sold at 20c; ICP per lb 4L per can lOU LARD—Pure Lard, in 56 - : * BACON Boneless Breakfast lb tubs at 9c IHP SW'™"'. I2C IUL P BROOMS well made, four c »r R,COTS - r 7sr S^"SBS!aSS.2OC y:\ per can lOU GAS MANTLES—No. 10. cap V STT(; AR <>r ) it, Ivirr rn in r mantle, regularly 20c; Friday M nifyli ~ 1 B VI Ct and Saturday, 2 for 35c IQP best granulated 01.00 per mantle. lOU New Seeds. We are headquarters for Garden and Flower Seeds. is y*l; They are now on sale, in bulk or packets. If anything is • ;jj|! Jig] wished that is not to be found in our stock, can get it for !M, 11k y ou on a few days notice. Also handle Garden Tools and jjjd)! can probably save you money on them. China ware, Queensware, Kitchen Specialties. The ladies enjoy the excellent stock of Chinaware w 'MS and (Queensware which we are handling; also our notable ijf;, Kitchen Specialties. They come into admire it. Some- ||l times they buy, sometimes they don't; but they always $0 come back —the goods are irresistable. The prices we "cf j:J| make on them and the character of the goods do the work. u Gome in and see them. | J. H. DAY, | ' Phonefi. Emporium, Pa. "ASK FOR THE 1905 1| | CURE KODOL ALMANAC jfp, 1 || S digests what you eat j nAA VF A R B5! «£ fr'J| ||lßj |pl| {w® s£§ '.sjj The $ 1 .00 bottle contains 2% timesthe trial size, which se!i3 for SO cents. 3Ji CI tUU IL-r\ n XEsjj Wjj .Jy tfilßL | jfgj 'j£l prepared only at the laboratory of PA! FMHAR " E. C. DeWITT &z COMPANY. CHICAGO. ILL. wMI—C. Sold by R. C. Dodson, Druggist. r^^^T=iETßE^E^sr=:E^E^E r E: □, Ei [i; OUR NEW LINE OF Ncw s l» rin » Line of Window Shades Ijj] ' from ioc 75c per vShade. f] [!| Wall Paper for 1905. | rl ji " The best PAINT. Longman & Martinez. ]. If] ** . All Colors. (pj j[l Consists of the best tilings from three factories. Also - 'fijj the Robert Graves Co.'s line of Decoration Paper of all Rodger's Staillfloor, tile best made I ri , . , It i!| kuuls - for Floors. rajj !jl The Graves line took first prize in competition at St. w « a r* If /~W/ 'lf i llilo Louis against the world. s ■' '■'> V. c L«L«va u «!* San-Cura Ointment. Is guaranteed to relieve at once that itching, burning pain and permanently cure Eczema, Tetter, Salt Rheum, Itch ing, Bleeding or i rotruding Piles, Burns, Bruises, (Juts, Old Soles, Pimples, Boiles. Carbuncles, Chapped Hands or hips, Chilblains, Festers, Insect Bites and Poison Ivy. San-Cura Ointment is a ■ aid in preventing scars. It softens II inflamed parts. Druggists, 25c and • >oc. For sale by I!. ('. Podson. Latest Popular Music. »li*s May Gould, teacher of piano forte, has received a full line of the lat est and most popular sheet music All the popular airs. Prices reasonable. 41-tf. Buckwheat. Prime Chicken Feed, 65c per bushel. Japanese Seed, 750 per bushel. Terms cash only. 4 (it. CLIMAX POWDER COMPANY. UP-TO-DATE JOB WORK AT PRICES IN KEEPING WITH THE QUALITY AT THIS OFFICE. jlkiilclinu-Timel I And we wish to say that we are better prepared than ever '■ before to supply yon with all kinds of | and JtSniictcrM Supplier. We have in addition to our regular stock, (the for -9 business of T". A. Palmer, known as Hockley's Coal Yard) consisting of Brick, Lime Cement, Wall I Plaster, Shingles, Coal, Hay, Hardwood, etc., etc., il a full line of PAINTS, COLORS in OIL, PAINT I BRUSHES, etc. I Plumbing unci Xii mi sing is among our specialties. Costs you nothing for estimates in these lines. All our work is positively guarantee to give satisfaction. I Stoves asid Manges. Don't forget we carry the largest assortment of STOVES and RANGES for gas, coal or wood inn county and every one guaranteed by the maker. I MURRY & COPPERSMITH CO. n_ l__ _ East Emporium's | Gash Store | I 'llL No body ever saw such a Grocery Store. Hl] i m j' The Food Store as at 51s ISest. Our Special Days are Every Day. i | Tuesday, April ißllb, 1905. ji - 1 jj| X.Cel-O Breakfast Pood. 10c pkgs for 8c ||j Hi Cream of Oats, 5 11) pkgs, 25c size for 20c jjnf I |[f| Dold's Sugar Cured Hams, per lb 1 r 4 e pi 1 i[l 25 lbs Granulated Sugar $1.65 jjjji . ' 1 ||[j A full line of White Goods, Summer Underwear, p Ij Table Linens, Etc., just received and ready for inspec- (|jj fa tion and sale. Prices very low. Ijfllj m_ _ m i[tt _ ~ 1 jl|ji We have received a full line of Ijjj X WALL PAPER Iff Call and get our prices and look it over before buy- Pj | rtj ing elsewhere. [H] I I p . k \ |;| We shall have in stock every day Fresh \ egetables, fjy, j[ Lettuce, Onions, Radishes and Celery. jfjjj I 1 ii Ifa Ij Fresli Fish livery Friday. fpj V Ij r-J New Garden Seeds Karl) Sweet Corn j~ ill 111 | [jjfl Mail and Phone orders receive our careful attention, [ajj ji I Watch this Space for Special fjo) Bargains at ifr ri ii ji rompkins & Norris. § 1 Phone 109 Vto .. i on ll UJ . dffi cKF □ □ □ m m p r™- □; CTEiisußMßrgiia □
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers