jfVcss. USTA IH.ISHI;D BV C. B.QOULD HENRY H. MULLIN, Editor and Manager. PUBLISHKD EVERY THURSDAY TERM.HO F SUBSCRIPTION • 'urveur . JV. 00 Xpp&iA - i.lvance r.O VDVERTISINO RATKS. \ii t * uicotsarepubUshedatthe r:iu ofonc itdi.' ■ r>e; iiareforoneln > rtion and titty cents pz/t s i..re Ic»r each subsequent i n r.'ti • a»;,-by 1h« year or for nix or tbrMßiosthtM txw Tor in, and will be fumif tied ou appli- CMTA • L*«AL :W.d Official Vdvcrt.- n« pei T;uare.lhree i'urit - OR Icsa, $2 00; each subsequent IN -T rtionSO CEWL- per "ijiiaro. LURAT not Ices ton cents perlineforom nsfcrtion OPR nts per line for each subsequentconsecutivi IADWIION. Obituary uotices over five lines, ten cents per ! ;•><;. si mpleannouncementsof births.marriages unldeaths will be inserted Tret. -8r.,..!- .'ardr, five lines or less $5. DP per year j five I ines, at the regular rates of advertising fOi'ocali nscrted for less than 75 cis.per issue. JOB PRINTING. 7UE Job depar'ment of the Put. ' i« • ! pleti , «».! [.'lords fauiiit. 'S for doing the best cla-s of •worts. PAHTICULAH ATTENTION PAID TO Law PROVING. No paper willbe discontinued until arrearages .•repaid, except at the option oft he publisher. Papers seut out of the county must be paid for jßTivance. MfSo advertisements will be accepted at less the price for fifteen words. iW*Religious notices free. WASHINGTON LETTER. (Fromou> Regular Correspondent. Washington. April v . 1905. JEritior P*CSH: The presidential candidacy to be st'Uled in the Republican national convention three years from the canning summer is being discussed Sty Washington to a surprising ex truc, st result, perhaps, of the ab ate? tee of other topics of more ab s*.cbing interest, but also promoted t»y £he incipient presidential booms tsliich have already made their ap |M-M-ance. Among the men who li'kve avwed their aspirations, pri vately or publicly, are Vice Presi dent Fairbanks. Senator Foraker, Sc retarv Shaw and,—the latest of #!.< aspirants—though not avowed, f:-,>tmaster < Jenera 1 (.'ortelyou. Two other names are mentioned in this connection, those of Elihu SvMot, former Secretary of War, William 11. Taft, present Sec retary of War. Of the field. N ice 4*resident Fairi«inks is regarded by public as the most likely candidate and there is no doubt ihat be is playing the game of poli ii. with a. master hand. On the vther hand, there are many shrewd {politicians who say that Mr. Fair banks' boom is premature and aivat, like most premature things, il 's likelv to get nipped by frosts. \ facile speaker and a suave con versationalist, the \*ice Pn-sident stakes many friends but few of the '•"thick and thin" variety, for the vt-ason that he possesses too little ■oagnetism to draw men to him in linkway. His enemies T<»11 ugly stories of Wall Street domination wtd an unholy alliance with J. *' Morgan and E. 11. Harriman. successively, based no doubt on 8< e fact that the \ icc President ffisade his fortune as a railroad at torney and probably on little else. JHut aspiring canditates, can. un fortunately, never escape unwar santed insinuations from those op posetl to them. There is one man who is not a sandidatc and who has no inten sion of becoming one who is re fj-.rded by many of the ablest poli % oians in both parties as the most §«robable nominee-*-his name is Theodore Roosevelt. No one who knows tli< ■ President (piestions the skicerity of his assertion that under so eondi ions would he accept the •ominatioii for another term. On Bhe other band, it is pointed out VLat no man can refuse the insis- i b-niA- of ;i- national convention and Vint Pre-.deut Roosevelt would he ijMAverless to stem the tide, what ever might be his wishes, if it were turned in his favor. Those »ho predict that President Roose- It v<ill succeed himself declare that the next national Republican convention will be the s«ene of tremendous factional activity, that ®nally it will become evident, that «o one of the candidates whose same has been considered can be aomiuated and that, eventually Kjineone will name Roosevelt and fnat he will be> nominated b}- ac «o;uiuation. 'fho hypocrit'j > the only one who is <t-"eived by his antics. Restored to His Mother. I think it saved my boy's life. You •&> not know how sick he was. His *<inate was like blood, untl it would al ■KXtt take his lift to urinate. He took >iy. bottles of Thompson's Barosina, Kid «*• y and Liver''are which made a eoni cure.— Mrs. I». I). Buchanan, ITierrytree, Pa. Druggist- 50c and i !.(10. For sale by 11. ('. Dodson. The christian life more than curios uj about the next life. A Tried and True Friend. t'liie Minute Cou.'h ('tire contains- not atom of any harmful drug, and it has Wo caring Coughs, ('olds. Croup and t'oUL'h t'oUL'h so loti™ that it has j*.-veii itself to brt a tried and true friend many who use it. Sold by R. C. Oudson. JnOO Reward, SIOO. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages, and that is Catarrh. Mall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now known to 1 the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a con stitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh I Cure is taken internally, acting direct ly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and givity? the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to i cure. Send for list and testimonials. Address P. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by all Druggists. 7. r x>. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipa ! tion. Always Liberal to Churches. Kvery church will be jiiven a liberal quantity of !.. \ M. paint. Call for it. 4 gallons Longman & Martinez L. & i\l . Paint mixcJ with three gallons liti ! seed oil, will paint a house. : \V. fi. IJarr Charleston, W. \ a., j writes, "Painted Frankenburu b'ock I with L. & M. stands out asthouidi varn ished." Wears and covers like gold. I Don't pay 81.50 a gallon tor liuseed j oil. which you do in ready-tor-use paint. Hut oil fresh from the barrei at 60 I cents per gallon anil mix it with L. & M. I It makes paint cost about 81.20 per . gallon. Sold by Harry 8. Lloyd. The Right Name is DeWltt. De Witt's Witch Hazel Salv Is, ! soothes and heals cuts, burns, boils. ; bruises, pile.-; and all skin diseases. K. i K. Zickcfoose, Adolph. \V. Va.. says. ! "My little daughter had white swelling so bad that piece after piece of bone worked out of her leg. We Witt's Witch Hazel Salve cured her." It is the most wonder ful healing salve in the world. Beware of counterfeits. Sold by K. C. Dodson. This world owes even man a chance to earn an honest living. Forget About Your Stomach. II your digestion is bad the vital organs I of your body are not ted and nourished as j they should be. They grow weak and i invite disease. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure j digests what you eat, euro indigestion and all stounch troubles. You forget I you have a stomach from the very day you begin taking it. This is because it gets a rest—recuperates and gradually grows so strong and healty that it troubles | you no in >rc Sold by 1!. C, Dodson. A good many moving spectacles are due to heartless landlords. \ Night Attack. Lsst night the little daughter of Mrs. lirown. as she sweetly and peacefully slept in her little bed near the window, was attacked by a death dealing demon known as ('roup Whooping Cough, and but for the tint-ly use o! Kennedy's Laxa j tive Honey and Tar, which she always j keeps handy, the life of the little one ' might not have been saved. Kennedy s ! Laxative Honey and Tar is different from ! all of the o'd-time cough syrups and is best for children because it acts on the bowels, is harmless, safe and certain. Contains no opiates. Sold by R. C. Dodson. No mau is ready for heaven who is willing to enjoy it alone. A Daredevil Ride. Often ends in a sad accident. To Ilea 1 accidental injuries, use Rucklen s Arnica Salve. "A deep wound in my foot, from an accident, writes Theodore Schuele, of Columbus. (_)., --caused me ureat pain. Physicians were helpless, but Bucklen's Arnica Salve quickly healed it." Soothes and heals burns like magic. 25c at L. Taggart's, druggist. Whiskey is said to cause almost as many funerals as doctors do. Frightful Suffering Relieved. Suffering frightfully from the virulent I poisons of undigested food, C O. Cray sou. of'Lula, Miss., took Dr. King's New Life Pills, "with the result," lie writes, "that I was cured.' Ail stomach and bowel disorders give way to their tonic, laxative properties. 25c at L. Taggart's drug store, guaranteed. PEOPLE'S COLUMN. Under this ffeading, either Wants, Lost, Found For Sale, To Rent or business annoum- in flits will be published at ONE CENT A WOH1). WANTED: Lady or gentleman of fair education to travel for a tirm of $250,000 capital. Salary §1,072 per year and expenses; paid weekly. Ad dress Ceo. Q. Clows, Emporium, Pa. 4-7t. FOR SALE—A farm of 68 acres, partly improved, located two miles from Em porium. Excellent stone quarry locat ed on farm, the Emmanuel Church foundation coming from it. Will sell ar, a bargain, for cash. 7TF. MKS. ANNIE ZXMMITT. Bargain in Books. A complete set of Brittanica Ency clopaedia,consisting of thirty volumes and key. Aro all new and in original packages. Will be sold at a bargain, Apply at PRESS office. .'ititf The Woman's Home Companion for May is what you would expect a spring number to be bright, attractive, beautiful and scarcely a page not illustrated. "Life-Saving at the Zoo" tells about wild animal surgery and the "Lighter Side of Motoring" describes the beauties of flower carnivals. Henry Irving Dodge concludes his now fatuous seri. s, "The Truth About Food. Adulteration;*' Lewis Tracy's great serial. "The King of Diamonds," is also concluded in this number. Published by The Orowell Publishing Company, Springfield, Ohio; one dollar a year; ten cents a copy. CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, APRIL 13, 1905. Letter to C. E. Crandell. Emporium, Pa. Dear Sir: Two years a<ro, Mr. 4irant Smith, Krie, painted three frame houses and tiie woodwork of a brick house The painter estimate.! 1 Cor tin; | paint, lea»J an.i oil. i|c D.n'oe 897.-10 and return ed %r 1 I '»•». Saved ?.'»! In on the paint. Dont know the co.-t of th work. Hy 1 the tuie. ilie saving of labor would be h'oni stJO tn §<lo. * <)n all, from SMh) In 8120 I'll! i> the tale, as ii eomes from j Messrs, \\ , P. Nick & Son, om a gents tin r<* .'or I" vears. Youvs truly l'\ \\. DK\ OR <fc ('ll . Mew York. I'. S. Mu 117 iV f.'oppcrsiuith sell our ! paint. To Washington via Pennsylvania Railroad. Thi- I'i'niisylvania Railroad Company, un April It. will run ;i special excursion from Hullilo . and priin ijiui intermediate stations on tin; Hut- I | falo and Allegheny Valley Division and from I points on itie I'liifadelyliia and Erie Kailroaii, i ICrie t 1 Ln'k Maven, inclusive, to Washington for the benefit of all who may wish to visit the 1 | National Capita!. Round trip tickets good going j on all regular trains on day of issue, and good I returning on any regular train except the Penn | sylvania Limited, Chicago Limited and St. Louis Limited within ten days, exclusive of going date, i will be sold at rate of SIO.OO for the round trip j from points on the (tulfulo and Allegheny Valley I Division and from Erie, St. Marys anil interme- I <liate points; and at rate offi.9s from Driftwood; i , $8.15 from Itenovo; $7.30 from Lock Haven and j I proportionate rates from other points. ' These tickets will he good to return direct via i Ilarrisljtirg or Philadelphia and to stop oil'at [ Baltimore and Philadelphia returning if deposit- i e.l with ticket agent at Union Station, Baltimore \ or Kroad Street Station, Philadelphia. For additional information consult small hand- 1 bills, apply to ticket agents or address B. P. I Kraser, Passenger Agent, Buffalo District, ;OT ! ! Main Street, Ellicott Square Buffalo, N.Y., or B. ! j S. Harrar, Division Ticket Agent, Williamsport, j ' Pa. " '.G J. Election ol Count> Superin tendent. J To the School Director* of Cameron County: OKNTLKMKN:— In pursuance of the forty-third j ; HOC ion of the act of May 8, 1851, you are hereby I ! notified to meet in convention, at the Court j in Emporium, on the first Tuesday iu | May, A. L>., 1905, at 1:30 p. m., being the second ! day of the month and select, viva VL ice, by a ma- | 1 jority of the whole number of directors present, | 1 one person of literary and scientific requirements j • and of skill and experience in the art of teach- ! iriK. as County Superintendent* for die three suc ceeding years; ana certify the result to the State , Superintendent, at Harrisburg, as required by j the thirty-ninth and fortieth sections of said act . 1 MATTIK M. COLLINS, County Supterintendent ot Cameron County. ! April 7th, 1906.—8-3t. ; - i Notice. | CA MICRON COUNTY, SS: i "vro riCE is lien by given that Veldora Seavor < . N Executrix of the last Will and Testament of , Eleanor Hamilton, late ol the liorotigh of Kni i porium, deceased: and William 11. Crane, Ad : m inistrator of the estate ol .John Leono, late of - the township of (iibson,deceased, have tiled their J first i'.ml linal accounts of their administration i : of the said estates and the same will be presented j to the Orphans Court at April term, next, for confirmation ni si. C. J. CiOODNOrGU, Register. Register's Olfiee. ) Emporium, Pa.. March 21th, 1905. s no. *J- It. j Sale of Un seated I/tind. The County Commissioners will sel! at public sale on JUI RSDAY, APRIL 27, 1905, at 11 o'clock, a. in. The following described real estate of unseated land: 130 acres in Grove Township, Cameron county. Pa., in warrant Vacant. Former own i r. Dodge, James and Stokes, i Warrant 2973, Shippen township, 3UO acres, • Housler, Herdic & Co., owners. A. I". VO<;T, A. W. MASON, .1. W. LEWIS, County Commissioners, i ATTEST:— I. K. lIoC'KLKV, Clerk. Commissioners * )ttice. I Emporium, Pa., March 13,1905. ( 5-4. Notice to Stockholders. [ N accordance with a resolution of the Board 1 of Directors, a special meet nig of the stock holders of the Emporium Powder Manufactur ing Company will be held at the office of the Company in the Borough ol Emporium on Tues day, May 2, 1905 at 2 o'clock, p. in., for the pur pose of voting upon the question of increasing the capital stock of said corporation from seventy thousand to one hundred and five thousand. (. W. SHAFFER, Secy. Emporium, Pa.. Feby. 28, 1905.—2-9t. / lOURT PROCLAMATION.— WHKRHAS:— Thf V,Y Hon. CHAS. A. MAYER President .Judge and the Hons. JOHN McDoNALnand GEO. A. WALKER, 1 Associate Judges of Courts of Oyer and Terminer | and General Jail Delivery, Quarter Sessions ot ; the Peace, Orphans' Court aud Court of Common , Pleas for the county of Cameron nave issued i their precept bearing date the 19th day of Dec. i A. I)., 1904, and to me directed for holding I Court of Oyer and Terminer, General Jail De livery, Quarter Sessions of the Peace, Orphans' Court, and Court «>f Common Pleas in the Borough of Emporium. Pa., on Monday, the 24th day of April, 1905, at 10 o'clock, a. m , and to continue one week. Notice is hereby given to the Coroners, Justices of the Peace and Constables within the county, that they be then and there in their proper per sons, at 10 o'clock, a. in., of said day, with their rolls, records, inquisitions, examinations, and other rcmemberances. to do those things which to their offices appertain to be done. And those who are hound by their recognizance to prosecute against them as will be just. Dated at Emporium, Pa., March 27, 1905, ant 1 in the 129 th year of the Independence of the I Uuited States of America. HARRY HEMPHILL, Sheriff. ■ %.' arvMnaMaMHunM j Old Reliable Drug Store fil fc. Cj $; S Si IF [i. : Ci SPRING DRUGS rj j [ii Clear the system of im- nj j j jjj purities. |jj j I [H SPRING WALL PAPER S | jjj Brightens tlie home. jj] j | Bj SPRING PAINT f3 : jnj Does away with and covers !{] 1 m up disease germs. Ul j Buy them of L. Taggart. in rU : nj We carry the largest line of U] I Drugs, Wall Paper and Paint in | f[] in Cameron county. [}j I j Hj Get' health, cleanliness and jn in good cheer at the 112" K p) ■CI a 1 ij ol Old Reliable | aStiSBS?-Sa5H5H5H5aSE£a^ I The Lassies Who uw! molasses demand " ' the best, syrup obtainable. T Treacle in not molasses al- | j though tbere'n much treae.le I , sailing under false colors. ■ ; The difference between trea- | ; cle and molasses lies in the yj | fact that treacle cones from ■ j sugar in the process of inak- B I ing, while molasses is ob- 5 | tained in the process of re- H refining. You can not get B I good out of bad, but you can j get the best from the best I which comes from the sugar. j We Sell Molasses That comes from the best I and it is the best. Try our i New Orleans, finest quality, I I and be convinced. HOME GROUND HORSERADISH. SOAP! SOAP! SOAP! I You all need Soap. A white floating soap S bars, 2'tc Oak Leaf, S bars, 25c Acme, 7 bars 25c Domino, 8 bars 25c Sunshine Soap, 10 bars ,25c Raking Chocolate, a Lb 32c Just think of it. Enameline Stove Polish, 10c size, 7c jib can White Puff Baking Powder, 8c lib Corn Starch, lie A fine loose Coffee, per 1b.... 1 fie 'Phone 21, G. H. GROSS & GO. i j j '5; Our Spring sj! is d-- • Opening Jt v* It# 1 I I R* Seger &Son | J| Sicxl to K:mk J1 Ol' Have received their f{j |[n first invoice of IS in Stylish Spring ,3 FL LP r] C lot Sling and | I^iariiisliiiigs. j a LT| LATEST I>i HATS [u The most popular Jj trj makes and strictly ui i [n up-to-date. [n K lr J KV E R T H ING NEW gj i I I P Don't fail to call m and see ns early for u| j |{] Spring Clothing is [}; ripe. Call now. []i 1 I I R. Seger & Son | ft r ||] Call Early. Next to Bank. p =?HHHSHS SHSHSHS2P iCodol llyspepsia Cpuk u ® | Digests what you eat. Jj !iiii|M»riiiiiiFiii'iiitiirHV.|] Our New Year | I|- t I & | Introductory |j 112 Sale j | I WE have just finished a wonderfully pros perous year. One in which all our past sales-records were thrown so far in the rear that it will require tlie most vigorous and untiring work to surpass them. But work is our pastime and we are going to Your splendid patronage has placed in creased purchasing power in our hands, the force of which will be felt in the ever increasing values that will benefit every money-wise person in this county who is wise enough to profit by it. Keep Your Eye oil Is all this Year m h and Watch Us Grow. I" Emporium Furniture Co., j BERNARD EGAN, Manager. * nd< rtal ig | C. B. HOWARD & COMPANY, Genera! Merchandise. STORE ON THE RIALTO. ||| | H ft «s' p.: M 1 White Suitings, i We have our new line or White Shirtwaistings and j® 's;l Suitings for Spring and Summer. Do not fail to see |pj them. Prices very reasonable. Bate's Seersuckers. | We received lately aouo yards of Bate's Seersuckers M| (P that we are selling at 12c a yard, and they are going tg- fast. The patterns and color are much better this year Kl than before. ® ■ ll MeCall Patterns I 1 The MeCall Patterns are always up to date. Use |H ©| AlcCall patterns and you will always have a good fit, and you wi'l have 110 trouble in doing your spring sew- |fs[| I ing. Fashion sheets free. li Demorest Sewing I I Machines | We have a lull line of Demorest Sewing Machines IP Wand all in good working order. The kind yott need to ||| do your spring sewing. i||f< Any person contemplating the purchase of a new It sewing machine will do well by calling 011 us. mj| I Prices, to $30.50 I | 1 C S. HOWARD & CO.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers