Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, March 16, 1905, Image 8

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    Don't Jump
to conclusiona and think, be
cause you have suffered so long
from chronic PAIN, that it is
incurable. Whether you call it
rheumatism, neuralgia, back
ache, earache, toothache, head
ache, a sprain, indigestion or
some internal trouble, of which
you don't rightly kuow the
nature, the surest and most
reliable relief and cure is
This medicine acts directly
upon the nerves and blood
vessels in such a way as to re
lieve inflammation, reduce
swellings, and drive out the
exact cause of trouble to which
the pain is due. Price 50 cents
and SI.OO. Fully guaranteed.
For sale and recommended by
\. r.lls, Conge*! ion*, liiftatiiiim
cuKiis > lion*. Lung Fever. Milk Peter.
tlX*. Laraenen«. Injur (en.
CUItES ) 111• ij ;iinl Ihiii.
C. ( j wntr: THROAT, Quinsy. Epizootic.
CURES $ l>i»i«vtuicr.
cures \ WOKMB, Hots, UrulM.
K 11. ) fTOl'Cillft. Co 1(1 a, |nfliirn/n, In limned
cuhes \ Lung*, I'letiro-I'neiimoiiia.
F. F. ? COLIC. Bcllvnclie Wind-Blott u,
CURESJ Diarrhea, Dwntery.
ii.ii. Prevents Ml tit' AlltllAGK.
I. I. (HKI\ DISK \ Maiikc, I^ruptiona,
CURES S l-lcers, Grease, Farcy.
.1. K./B\l> COMHTION, starinu Coat.
CUKES ) lmli(ceH(ioii, Slomaeli htaggerM.
dk\ each; Stable Case, Ten Specific*, Book, ftr., $7.
At druggists, or pent prepaid on receipt of price.
Humphreys' Medicine Co., Cor. William & John
Streets, New York.
\\,\ \ \ X \ \ N N \
| Adam, |
x Meldrum & i
■■■ $
Anderson Co. %
r jt,
396-408 Main Street. 112
"1 /
112 V
< >
; White Goods;
FOR 1905
'' TIIE selling of White Goods is /
/ I more active now than during ,
■J any other year at this season.
' This justifies tlie prediction that /
/ this will be the greatest White y
« Season ever known We have
* some very special things for con- /
/ firmation dresses and for gradu- y
-J ation gowns. We would be
fi p eased to send you samples. /
/ White Irish Swiss Mulls, Sheer- ,
vest and daintist of dre c s muslins,
32 inches wide, very special for /
/ graduating dresses, 25c to 75c. ,
v White French Lawns, 45 inches
' wide, for confirmation and gradu- /
/ ation dresses, 25c to 75c. ,
j White Cheviot, 50c.
' White Linen Duck for Ladies /
/ coats, 50c and 75c.
J White Embroidered Soft Mulls
for drosses, twenty patterns, 50c. /
/ White Koval Irish Linens, the y
b<«t lino ever made, over one
: dozen qualities, 50c, <>oc, 65c, 75c, /
/ 86c and §I.OO. .
While Irish Dimities, all sizes,
' stripes and plaids, 25c, .'soc and /
/ 40c. _ >
■ White Percian Lawns, great
' values at 25c and 35c. /
/ White Silk Batistes, soft, fine ,
finish for waists,2sc to 75c.
White Dotted Swisses, large as- /
/ sortment, 15c to 35c >
■< White Piques, French, English
'I and Domestic, 15c to §I.OO. /
/ White Nainsooks, English and j
Domestic, all grades, 121 c to 50c
' White Wastings—All the for /
/ eign and domestic makes, yard y
: i 10c to $1 00. %
112, White India Linons—The best %
/ values on the best lines made, 8c j
' to 50c. ,
White English Shirtings— /
/ Beautiful, cheer fabric which /
launder beautifully, 35c to §1.50.
i White Dotted Swisses—From <"
/ our own factory in St. Gaul, 35c >
to 75c.
' /
<■ ' ' ' %
112 Adam, .<
/ /
* Meldrum & /
Anderson Co. '
S The American Block, ■/;
S\ ' \ \ \ \ v \ \ \ s \.\\
Don't fail to hear the Ideals March
Several fine cows have been purchast d
here this spring.
Mr. Isaac Floyd is home from Laquin
on a visit this week.
J. R. Batchelder captured another
large wild eat a few days ago.
The ice passed out of the creek Thurs
day without doing any damage.
J. 11. Drum went to Bailey Run this
week to scale logs for Barclay Bros.
O. S. Bailey is still hustling for the
dynamite works to be built in the near
Cassius Shafer am 1 Miss II at lie
Shafer arc home this week visiting their
parents and many friends.
The youngest daughter of Mr and
Mrs. Lewis Wykoff who has been very
low with phcuuionia is getting better
under the skill of Dr. .Russell.
Barclay Mros. mill will start up as
soon as the ice is out of the First Fojk.
They have about 16,000.000 feet to saw
this season.
M. Blodget, tax collector, assisted by
Constable Crane, are after ihe"delin<juent
tax payers this week. Better pay your
tax and save costs.
Several improvements will be made
here tiiis spring. Among them, the
Keystone Handle Factorys plant, a furni
ture store and several dwelling bouses.
A large selection of new books were
added to the Dodge library last week.
They have been well selected and will be
highly appreciated by the patrons.
The store room of the P. O. S. of A.
building is ready for the paintirsand will
soon be ready to occupy. The Fulton
Bros., are doing the painting.
The Messrs. Crum Bros, are purchas
ing a large stock of general merchandise
to stock the new store room in P. O. S.
of A. building and will be open April Ist.
It is the finest room and best location in
Hear the Ideal entertainers in their
up-to-date musical sketches, specialties
and characters in Brooks' hall, March 28.
The new grocery at the upper end of
town is cutting prices to beat the band.
Don't know how long it will last.
The following of our patriotic citizens tvent
down to Washington to the inauguration, viz:
George Barclay, Arthur Barclay, Charles Coun
cil and his brother James. T. H. is going to
make the President O. K.
Our pastor, Rev. G. Faus, preached a power
ful s< rmon Sunday in the evening to a crowded
house on the subject of the "Wideatvakeness of
the Devil" as compared with "Easy going dis
position of some church members." Pastor
Faus has been in our midst now for almost four
years and the conference which meets near his
old home at Berwick will determine whether
he'll come back or not.
Our citizens were treated to a nice surprise
Saturday morning. March 4th when they woke
up and looked out and beheld all the trees cover
ed and bowed with the beautiful snotv. Some
how of late the snow don't seem to stick on the
trees anyways like it youst to.
The play we spoke of as going to take place in
the town hall the last of ihe month maybe has
broken up and they aint going to have it now.
We got a very threatening letter through the
U. S mail when we were at the P. O. the other
clay. Somebody about here don't seem to think
very highly of our journalistic efforts and they
think they cau intimidate us by sendin' letters
with no names signed to them, but we are not so
easily scared. The letter was promptly handed
over to the new constable, tt ho promises to fer
rit out the matter. The very kind remaiksbv
outsiders as to the work we ore doin* shows we
are appreciated by the great common people and
is very encouraging to tbe writer.
Bill Crane, who was elected by the Reps, for
High Const, over long John Swart/, Dem., by I
votes is savin' he tinends to carry out his elec
tioneren* promises and make our little village a
moral community. Maybe if Bill does our citl.
Zens will see to it that he gets a higher office.
Scarcely a night passes, both up town and down,
you can hear the P. Balls go clickty click, click.
cl:ck and the slot machines engagin' cur Y. M*
with the music attached to lead them on and on.
Notices have been put up some time on the
old ice house, forbidden' poker playin' inside,
but Satan is ever busy and certain evil influences
were brot to bear over poor little Jimmy Bruno
and they aredoin' most of their playin' now in
the Ike shanty, where Hay Berlield used to live.
Here's hopin' Bill Crane may be true to the high
trust reposed in him and use the oflice of Const,
as a steppin' stone to somethin' higher in the
eyes of our citizens.
H You arehappy because your I
i|j the paint goes farther and costs H
I cause he does bettor work;
I cause he "sells more paint E
In painter to ask his dealer all pji
John Lucas & Co
Miss Cora Yocuin is visiting in town.
Miss Bertha Rhoads is visiting friends
at Beech wood.
Miss Maggie Yocuin has returned from
a visit at Renovo.
Mrs. Margaret Bishop is very sick at
the Valley House.
Mr. William McVain is seriously ill
with stomach trouble.
Miss Millie Ilazelett is acting as assist
ant to postmaster Linninger.
Mrs. Heflinger, of Brock ville, is visit
ing her father Mr. A. Lord.
Mr. J. C. Skillman has resumed Work
again at Square Timber Run.
Supt. MicNhcl Cassidy has gone south,
looking after the interests of the Cameron
Lumber Co.
We are glad to learn that Harry
Zaner is able to resume bis studies again
after a long illness.
The stork visited the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Clias. .James last Sunday, bringing
a beautiful girl baby.
John Khoads and daughter Florence,
of Evergreen Junction, are visiting Mr.
and Mrs. J. C. Skillman.
J. P. S.
Geo. Goss of this place is on the sick
Snow fell about eight inches on inau
guration day.
The terms of school in this township
close this week.
Glyde Mahon is bustling for Penna
Grit here now.
Martin Rowen is able to get around
on crutches now and is gaining slowly.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Lamb tood a sleigh
ride to Mr. Tanner's camp in Mill Run
last Sunday and had a camp dinner.
A protracted meeting was started up
here last Monday but on account of the
sickness of Rev. E. Simpson was discon
Mrs. Anna Welton and sister Mrs.
Win. Foultz and son of Straight called
on friends between trains one day last
A. 1). Nelson is attending Potter
county court thi.-s week in capacity of
juryman and Dr. Colcord is attending to
the P. O. again.
As Fred Williams and <). L. Bailey
received a tie vote, I suppose we shall
have to get along with two auditors, but
then we are used to that.
The postal route ou B. & S., lias been
extended to Wharton and now we can
get mail through to or from Austin the
same day, instead of lrom two to three
days as it used to be.
Malvin Logue and family attended the
funeral of Florence Wheeler at Reese
Settlement one day last week. She had
been teaching the school at that place
until two weeks before her death.
Mrs. Sarah S. wife of Thos. Loiiue,
died on Saturday and the funeral was
at Gilmorc school house on Monday and
interment made in the cemetery at this
place. She bad been nearly helpless for
a lon.' time from the effects of a paralytic
X 1 i > SEU.
Experiences Similar to This Have Oc» j
crsioned Considerable Comment in
Few women art; better known in Lock
port, N. Y., that Mrs. Pattie D. Hall, as
she belongs to one of the bests families
and has a large circle ol friends and ac
quaintances. In a recent interview Mrs.
11 all said:
"The experience 1 have been through
in the last two years seems like a miracle.
I was so badly off that life seemed al
most unendurable, and my deafness in
creased so that I could scarcely hear any
thing. The suffocation in my chest and
the indigestion caused by my catarrh,
produced very severe suffering, I had five
different physicians, bought everything
that anybody recommended to me, but
finally gave up in dispair.
"One day my milliner asked ine if I
had ever tried Hyomei. I began the
treatment, and can thankfully testily
that Hyomei dose cure this terrblo dis-j
ease. Since using it my hearing is great
ly improved, and the only time 1 have
any catarrhal trouble is when I take cold.
I then use Hyonei, and always get in
stant relief. My friends and acquaint
ances marvel at the change in my health
and healing."
Hyomei has made many cures of
catarrh, and in connection with Hyomei
balm, of catarrhal deafness, in Empori I
uin. Similar experiences to that of Mrs. |
Hall's have created a large sale for Hy
omei with L. Taggart.
The complete outfit, including the I
inhaler, costs but 81., while extra bottles !
are but 50 cents. Ask L. Taggart to j
show you the strong guarantee under !
which he sells Hyomei.
Strikes Hidden Rocks.
When your ship of health strikes the [
hidden rocks ef Consumption, Pneu- |
monia, etc., you are lost, if you don't get j
help from Dr. King's New Discovery for i
Consumption. J. W. MeKionoD, of Tal
ladega Springs. Ala., writes: "I had been j
very ill with Pheumonia under, the eare
of two doctors, but was getting no better j
when I began to take Dr. King's New
Discovery. The first dose gave relief, I
and one bottle cured me." Sure cure for |
sore throat, bronchitis, coughs and colds '
Guarranted at L. Taggart'H drug store !
price 50c and SI.OO. Trial bottle free
Mothers and
Every woman who has a Krown daughter knows
well Hie worry and anxiety which always coinesat
that period of lifo when girlhood merges into
womanhood. Upon a girl's condition at this time
depends her future health, strength and happi
ness. Too much care can not be taken to sec that
she passes through this period safely.
Herb Tea
is of the greatest assistance to nature in bringing
about the change which takes place, without dis
arranging the natural functions of the system. It
is a strengthening tonic. It will keep the roses in
a girl's cheeks and prevent that tendency to de
cline which so often endangers her life at this
critical point in development.
This Herb Tea is likewise of corresponding
value and assistance to matrons and mothers at
the end of this period. Its use will at this tiino
prevent endless pain and worry. A woman will
enter the evening of life with scarcely the knowl
edge that the change has occurred. Many are the
thankful women who know the value of Aunt
Dinah's Old Virginia Herb Tea and are grateful
for the benefits derived from its use.
Kemmerer. Wyo., Nov. 29,1902.
Hamiins Wizard OU Co.. Chicago, III.:
Gentlemen:—Enclosed fln«l 25 cent* please send me
another package of your Aunt Dinah's Old Virginia
Herb Tea. lam greatly pleased with it. I would not
be without it. Respectfully, MIHH MARY BYRRB.
Buffalo, N. Y., Dec. 5,1902.
Ilamlins Wizard Oil Co., Chicago. HI-
Gentlemen:—l received the Aunt Dinah h Old \ itginia
Herb Tea ami I f«lt better in every way before 1 had
finished taking one package. 1 feel sure it does all you
Claim forit. MRS. J. L. ACKERMAN, 10H Winnlow Av.
Prepared by Hamlins Wizard Oil Co., Chicago. Price, 25c.
Cures the Cold. Prevents Pneumonia. 25c.
For Torpid Liver and Constipation. 25c.
I New |
I Cook |
I Stove I
} Then come and }
> look at onr line of >
[ Jewett j
]Stoves j
1 the best make that «
I we know of. A )
? Special Price 011 }
[ } every stove we J
| i have for the next >
s week. |
■mx.'l'l IN' ■ 1 tint if IIK 111 ii»rr< trr«3MGC>M>tvrn!'.u«i IIMICTI:
A Destructive F-ire.
To draw the lire out of a burn, or heal
a cut without leaving a sear, u-e De-
Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. A specific
for piles <•. t the genuine. .J. L
Tucker, editor of the II arinoniiicr, Centre,
Ala., writes: "I have used DeWitt's
Witch Hazel Salve in mv family tor
Piles, cuts and burns. It is the best
salve on the market. Kvery family
should keep it on hand. Sold by It. C.
The Pennsylvania Railroad Company
announces that on March 'l'.i and April \
I I it will run special excursions from !
Buffalo, Mt. Morri«, Bradford. Titus- ;
ville, Falls Creek, Kiuzua, Tidioute, and 1
principal intermediate stations on the !
Buffalo and Allegheny Valley Division, |
and from points on the i hiladelphia and j
Erie Railroad, Krie to Loek Haven, in- j
elusive, to Washington for the benefit of j
all who may wish to visit the National i
Capital. Round-trip tickets, good going i
on all regular trains on day of issue, and 1
good returning on any regular train ex- I
ccpt the Pennsylvania Limited, Chicago j
Limited, and Sf. Louis Limited, within j
tm days, exclusive of going date, will be j
sold at rate of § It). 00 for the round trip j
from points on the Buffalo and Allegheny !
Valley Division, and lrom Krie. St.
Mary's and intermediate point:-; and at I
rateofsS.9s from Driftwood; §8.15 from j
ltenovo; -ST..'SO from Loek Haven; and j
proportionate rates from other points.
These tickets will be good to return
direct via Ilarrisburg, or Philadelphia,
and to stop off at Baltimore and Phila
delphia returning if deposited with ticket
Agent I 'nion Station Baltimore, or Broad
Street Station; Philadelphia.
For additional information consult
small handbills, apply to ticket agents, or
address B. P. Frazer, Passenger Agent,
Buffalo District, .'507 Main Street, Klli
cott Square, Buffalo. N. Y., or E. S.
Harrar, Division Ticket Agent, Williams
port, Pa. :5458-3-2t.
I Now is the Time to Fill
| in Your
I Winter Supply of
I Clothing
Gents' Furnishings, Shoes
and Rubbers
We are Selling all Winter
yt Low Priees
ler to make
>Olll fur
►ring Goods
r Harris,
ice, ENPORiI'iH, PA.
% Aiik m #tk nest sOk ms% **■**. m.* s. xm xti ** xs *% tat m *%. Z
fc a Li
** —— ~ K
%% 3t£
|| We carry in stock " ' " ! *#
%.* the largest line of Car- ~, -ofr- - - . ~-j i £5
»* % ®|IM 1 II
f vcr br °7 ht 1° , Uns !**
town. Also a big line I **
»« of samples. " [HH |«
|J Avery large line oi FOR THE ffiSJ «
ff Lace Curtains that can- „ nv^r P*
SI :;tre e j';i:: 1 pr < !ce ,y " COHfORTABIt LODGING II
Art Squares and f' ne books in a choice library II
112? Rugs of all size? and select the Ideal pattern of Globe-
IM kind, from the cheap- Wernicke ''Olaitic" Bookcase.
H est to the best. I Furnished with bevel French j
H plate or leaded glass doors.
Dining Chairs, FOB CfiLt °»
Rockers and GEO. I. LaSAR,
*3 High Chairs. -Sole Agent for Cameron County.
112 ? A large and elegant *- ■■■ —— .
Bjjj line of Tufted and
jfej; Drop-head Couches. Beauties and at bargain prices.
' *■>*
N*** S3O Bedroom Suits, COT s4olSideboard, quar- tfOO IS
solid oak at 2>£o tered oak SOU $$
jj| \ S2B Bedroom Suits, fr')! $32 Sideboard, quar
jpf solid oak at 4>Zf tered oak
- Ci c H
M solid oak at j tered oak, *lO jg
M A large line of Dressers from [ Chiffoniers of all kinds and M
$s up. all prices.
feljj The finest line of Sewing Machines on the market, j||j
|| the "DOMESTIC" and "EKDRIDGE." All drop- E2
heads and warranted.
A fine line of Dishes, common grade and China, in £*
** sets and by the piece. PI
p| As I keep a full line of everything that goes to £$
H make up a good Furniture store, it is useless to emnn- II
M erate them all. H
Please call and see for yourself that I am telling
fc# you the truth, and if you don't buy, there is no harm fc*
done, as it is no trouble to show goods.
\\ GEO. J. LaBAR. «
tk m Jim ** jm mm j«t JL A muk ** ** m # ** ** *t* m. m, mm. *