Irritation of the throat, sore and Bwollen tonsils, loss of voice, and other throat troubles should never be neglected. These ailments quick ly work down to the lungs, and often end in consumption or pneu monia. HAMLINS WIZARD OIL used as a gargle, and externally on the throat, is a marvelous rem edy for these painful and danger ous disorders, and effects relief and cure after everything else has failed. Says Henry Wade, of Harlin, Mo.: "I am under obligations to you for the great good which Hamlins Wizard Oil did my wife. She suffered from Throat Trouble for a year, and though she doc tored and doctored, nothing did her any good, until she tried Ham lins Wizard Oil." Price 50c and SI.OO. Sold and recommended by L. TAGGART. Money to Loan MORTGAGES ON FARMS 4 to 5 Per Cent. TERM OF YEARS. HENDERSON & Co. 1214 Arch Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 43 3m. \ \ . v \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ w | Adam, g Meldrum & | n Anderson Co. | HUFFAI.O.N. V. p 396-408 Main Street. 4. / I i J NEW S ; White Goods I FOR 1905 / THE selling of White Goods is ' /. I more active now than during / any other year at this season. S This justifies the prediction that / / this will be ttie greatest White / Season ever known. We have some very special things for con- /. / firmation dresses and for gradu- / ation gowns. We would be S pleased to send you samples. ' / Wt lite Irish Swiss Mulls, Sheer- / ■■■> est and daintist of dress muslins, 4, 32 inches wide, very special for ' / graduating dresses, 2oc to 75c. / White French Lawns, 45 inches S wide, forconlirmation and gradu ' / ation dresses, 25c to 75c. / White Cheviot, 50c. White Linen Duck for Ladies ' '/ coats, 50c and 75c. / White Embroidered Soft .Mulls ' for dresses, twenty patterns, 50c. ' / White Royal Irish Linens, the ■/ $ best line ever made, over ono dozen qualities, 50c, 60c, 65c, 75c, '< / 85c anct SIOO. / White Irisli Dimities, all sizes, S stripes and plaids, 25c, 30c and ' / 40c. / White Percian Lawns, great ' values at 25c and 35c. / White Silk Batistes, soft, line / finish for waists,2sc to 75e. White Dotted Swisses, large as- * / sort ment, 15c to 35c / White Piques, French, English q and Domestic, 15c to §I.OO. / White Nalnsocks, English and / Domestic, all grades, 12!e to 50c, ' White Wastings—All the fori / eign and domestic makes, yard / 10c to II 00. fi White India Linons—The best 4 / values cn the best lines made, 8c / to 50c. 0 White English Shirtings— / Beautiful, cheer fabric which / launder beautifully, 35c to 51.50. ; White Dotted Swisses —From '4 / our own factory in St. Gaul, 35c / to 75c. * '/, \ — —===— - | ' Adam. j 4 / / Meldrum & / ' Anderson Go. ' ' The American Block, S / BUFFALO, N. Y | /•\ \ \ X N \'\ \ \ \ \.\N SDR. CALDWELL'S K9 YRUP PEPSI [v CURES CONSTIPATION. B * niinnrno SEEDS GROW AND DUNRLL 5 WIN MORE PRIZES than the products of any other brand ! Besides several Gold Medals, they won th£* only (irand Prize for vegetables at St. Louis Exposition, flfey If you intend to try Burpee's Seeds, we will mail free our Complete Catalogue of 178 pages, with beautiful colored plates and illustrations from photographs taken at our famous FORDIIUOK FARMS, the largest Trial Grounds in America. Write TO-DAY ! W. ATLEE BURPEE & CO. -gM°j£S°*§S§i.PHILADELPHIft THE COUNTY. CAMERON. Two of Supt. Cassidy's children are ill with grip. ' Joseph Yocutn has resigned his posi tion as conductor on the log train to ac ceptja position'in the mill. lie is succeeded by William Nunn. It is rumored that D. C. Kirkpatriek and Chas. MeLaughin, of Beechwood, expect to start a steam laundry here in the near future. We heartily welcome all new enterprises. Mrs. J. F. Sullivan sprained her ankle while walking on the street Tuesday. She is confined to the house. Business is quiet in town at present owing to the deep snow in the woods. Everybody is waiting tor a break up. James Anderson has returned from a business trip to Buffalo. John Ellrick is on the sick list. John Snyder of the New Cameron House is visiting in St. Marys. Wm. Farl is visiting friends in Em porium. The Buffalo crew all returned sick with grip. J. F. S. STERLING RUN ITEMS. Don t forget the Lady Maccabees spelling bee Friday night, March 10th. Mr. A nson Mason of Cameron, .spent Sunday with his family. Mrs. Thomas Eddy ot Kane is visiting her mother at this place. George 11 ulsi utror came up from Re novo Saturday. Mr. Thomas Hart is very ill at the present writing. J. Patrick Furlong spent a few days in Renovo last week. Miss Hat'ie Darrin is ON the sick list. Miss Emma Ellis ot Emporium is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Geo. Kenworthy. Jack Killeen returned from Hamilton, W. Va., last week. Mr. Wilson Berry spent Sunday at home. Charles Smith of Medix Run, visited friends here last week. "Grady" is hustling his lumber job. Let the good work goon Louis. Miss Elizabeth Devling spent Saturday with friends. Mrs. S. L. Bunco and little daughter Nellie have been bick for the last week. Elmer Whiting has returned to Ligon ier. Clarence Quinn came down from Em porium Sunday. Miss Edyth Berry spent Sunday with her brother James. l'rof. Chick Howlett was in Empori um last week. Leonard and Douglas Smith returned from Portland Mills Saturday. X. X. X. SINNAMAHOMING. This communication was received too late for publication. All items should be sent in not later than Wednesday uoon. A Destructive Fire. To draw the tire out of a burn, or heal a cut without leaving a scar, use De- NVitt's Witch llaztjl Salve. A specific for piles, (let the genuine. J. L. Tucker, editor of the Harmonizer, Centre, Ala., writes: "I have used DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve in my family tor Piles, cuts and burns. It is the best salve on the market. Every family should keep it on hand. Sold by 11. C. Dodson. You ought I /j ' to know what I Jf Lucas 7 Paints 1 They are made to I I last. Their looks are fi 0 made to last. Expect g 1 them to hold color fe |j and not crack and Jig CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, MARCH 9, 1905. CONTRIBUTION. HNTITLKD "CAMERON." O! have you heard of Cameron town? The place where the streets go up and down; The people who live there, the best to be fount'; In this beautiful village of Cameron. We have a good store and two good hotels. And every Sunday you'll hear the Church bells. For the large congregation its own story tolls, Of this beautiful village of Cameron. A fine brick plant we also maintain, An up-to-date saw mill, a dandy log train. Coke ovens and coal mines; it is very plain. We are hustlers down here in Cameron. We also support a first-class school. Where the children are taught the Golden Knit* So there's no excuse for being a fool, If you live anywhere around Cameron. And last but not least, I must confess, We are all glad to read the COUVTY PRESS, It keeps us well posted and of good address; Here's success to the village of Cameron. J. P. S. NOT A PATENT MEDICINE Homei, the (luaranteed Catarrh Cure. Prescribed by Physicians. Nd ou" 1 should confound liyomci with the patent niediciucs that are advertised to cure catarrh. It is as far superior to them all as the diamond is more valuable than cheap glass. Their composition is secret, but llyomei gives its formula to all reputable physicians. Tts base is the valuable eucalyptus oil, famous for its antiseptic qualities. This is combind with aromatic snd heal ing guuis aud balsams, making a pure liquid, which when used in the llyomei pocket inhaler, tills the air you breath with germ killing, disease destroying and healing powers that kills all catarrhal germs there may be in the throat, nose and lungs. How foolish it is to try and cure cat arrh by swallowing tablets or liquids. The only natural way to cure th.: dis eases of the respiratory organs is to breathe Hyomei. This treatment has been so successful, curing !)9 per cent, of all who have used it, that llyomei is now sold by L. Tag gart under an absolute guarantee to re fund the money if it does not cure. You run no risk whatever in buying llyomei. If it did not possess unusual powers to cure, it could not be sold upon this plan. The complete llyomei outfit costs SI.OO and comprises an inhaler, a bottle of llyotuei and a dropper. The inhaler will last a lifetime; and additional bottles of Hyomei can be obtained for 50 cents. The most unsound religion is that which is all sound. Letter to E. C. Davy. Emporium, Pn. Dear Sir: A big mill-owner, Spartans burg, S. 0., wanted 5,000 gallons o paint, and bought by price; paid 5 cents less than ours; got a "lead-and-zinc' - paint; but the lead was sulphate of lead, not carbonate. Sulphate costsabout,half and covers about half. That paint was adulterated about tix times as much as the 5 cents paid for. He "saved" 5 cents and it costs him 50. Oh no; it costs liiui more than that; we forgot the labor. Can't work it out exactly; don't know how long it'll wear. Short-measure besides; that alone was twice as much as his "saving" 5 cents. It was thiu. too; souie loss there; don't know how much. There was to much dryer in it. The maker made something on thai: he didn't. Taking it altogether, ho didn't make much by ihat 5 cents. (Jo by the name; and the name is I>e voe lead and zinc. Yours truly F. \V. DKVOE & Co- New York. | I'. S. Murry A: Coppersmith sell our | paint. Any person who conceals the truth lies in ambush. Washington. The Pennsylvania Railroad Company announces that on March 2.'! and April 14 it will run special excursions from Buffalo, Mt. Morris, Bradford, Titus ville. Falls Creek, Kinzua, Tidioute, and principal intermediate stations on the Buffalo and Allegheny Valley Division, and from points on the Philadelphia and Erie Railroad, Erie to Lock Haven, in elusive, to Washington for the benefit of all who may wish to visit the National Capital. Round-trip tickets, good going on all regular trains on day of issue, and good returning on any regular train ex cept the Pennsylvania Limited, Chicago Limited, and St. Louis Limited, within tin days, exclusive of going date, will be sold at rate of SIO.OO for the round trip from points on the Buffalo and Allegheny j Valley Division, and irom Erie. St. I Mary's and intermediate points; and at j rate of 88.95 from Driftwood; $8.15 from [ Reuovo; 87.30 from Lock Haven; and 1 proportionate rates from other points. These tickets will be good to return | direct via Harrisburg, or Philadelphia, j and to stop off at Baltimore and l'hila- ■ delphia returning if deposited with ticket ! Agent I nion Station Baltimore, or Broad i Street Station; Philadelphia. For additional information consult j small handbills, apply lo ticket agents, or \ address B P. Frazer," Passenger Agent, 1 Buffalo District, 307 Main Street, Elli- | cott Square, Buffalo. N. Y., or E. S. ! llarrar, Division Ticket Agedt, Williams- ! port, Pa. 3453-3-2t. Pleasant and Harmless. Don't drug thestomach to cure cough. One Minute Cough Cure cuts the mueus, draws the inflammation out of the throat, lungs and bronchial tubes, heals, soothes and cures. A quick cure for Croup and Whooping Cough. Sold by R. C. Dod son. Womanly Health, Strength and Beauty Strength and beauty in woman depend entirely upon her health. A woman cannot look her best if suffering from one or more of the many ail ments peculiar to her sei. These ailments in variably cause, sooner or later, the loss of her symmetry of form and freshness of complexion. AUNT DINAH S OLD VIRGINIA Herb Tea Makes Strong and Beautiful Women. It is a most pleasant and effective remedy for the troubles which cause so much suffering among women the world over. It relieves immediately and eventually cures all cases of disordered men struation, female weakness, prolapsus, chronic constipation, sick head ache, nervousness and sleeplessness. These are the ailments which de {»rive a woman of her youth and beauty and make ler old before her time. The use of the Herb Tea will enable her to retain these qualities. It clears the complexion and improves the form. A cupful at bed time will give a woman health and strength. Chicago, April 19,1903. Hamlin* Wizard Oil Co..Chicago, 111.: Gentlemen:- wife had heen tmffering with female weakness ami extreme nervoiiHiienK which latter the fihyhlciftii who has been attending her for H longtime attributed to her being unable t<> vleep. Affertosging about all night nhe would invariably rbe in the morn ing with a terrible headache. The doctor necmed to l>e able to do nothing for her and she was constantly get ting worse. She decided to try your Herb Ten and drank a cupful t»efore retiring. In the morning she aione after a good night's refct and without a headache for the first time in months. She has continued taking it during the past three months and has forgotten what a •leeplesK night means. She is feeling splendid and every one remarks how well she is looking. Her com plexion is as clear as a young girl's and her figure has improved wonderfully. Yours truly. N. U. TAYLOR, 5338 Cornell Av., Chicago. Prepared by Hamlins Wizard Oil Co., Chicago. Price, 25c. HAMLINS COUGH BALSAM Soothes the Throat. Stop* the Cough. 2f>c. and 60c. HAMLINS BLOOD & LIVER PILLS Act Gently and Without Pain. 25c. FOR SALE AND RECOMMENDED BY L. TAG PART. HUMPHREYS' Specifics cure by acting directly on the sick parts without disturbing the rest of th» system. No. 1 for Fevers. No. 2 " Worms. No. 3 " Teething. No. 4 " Diarrhea. No. 7 " Coughs. No. 8 " Neuralgia. No. 9 " Headaches. No. 10 " Dyspepsia. No. 11 " Suppressed Periods. No. 12 " Whites. Nt>. 13 " Croup. No. 14 " The Skin. No. 15 " Rheumatism. No. 16 " Malaria, No. 19 " Catarrh. No. 20 " Whooping Cough. No. 27 " The Kidneys. No. 30 " The Bladder. No. 77 " La Grippe, la mall bottles of pellets that fit the vest pocket. At Druggists or mailed, 25c. each. !ES" Medical Guide mailed .free. Humphreys' Med. Co., Cor. William & John Streets, New York. 1 Big 1 | Bargains j ! to | Stoves | > We're not to > tire you with along > % list of articles but t i we are tor C offer you some s ( wonderful bargains * } } j In Stoves j } Bargains that will > surely bring buyers > i and the prices are s 1 sucli as to make > \ buying a pleasure. i { If you need any- s 112 th in g i n th e < 112 STO V E LI N E c it will be worth } ? your time to call } | Hnrteau &| \ 112 orlbes, { HARDWARE, PLUMBING AND \ £ TINNING. j Kodol Dyspepsia Cwe Digests what you eat. | Now is the Time to Fill i in Your I Winter Supply of I Clothing Gents' Furnishings, Shoes and Rubbers ■ We are Selling all Winter Goods at Low Priees in order to make room lor Our Spring Goods I Jasper Harris, Opposite Post-Office, HA. I I * Mk m *Bk *3k mm mt a st ** xs * & US. aat ***& jjfr ** m LOOK ELSEWHERE BUT DON'T FORGET THESE PRICES AND FACTS AT 1 jLaBAR'S | 1 M " " ~ We carry in stock, ' " " "1 J* j* the largest line of Car- j . r ./ffiy j hf £2 pels, Linoleums and &/ i&Sg&i r"": •'?:?" >•! hfi Mattings of all kinds ' W j SI tr* ever brought to this j town. Also a big line j s ** K of samples. M J? A very large line of FOR THE ■ jjfcf pf Lace Curtains that can- „ ~ £* " COHFDRfABiE LODGING »« jkj|J Art Squares and of fine books in a choice library Rugs of all sizes and select the Ideal pattern of Globe- J* M kind, from the cheap-1 Wernicke "blastic" Bookcase. est to the best. I Furnished with bevel French H plats or leaded glass doors. Dining Chairs, ron gale n* Rockers and GEO. J. LaBAR, $3 (tjjj High Chairs. Sole Agent for Cameron County. |fe2 £2 A. large and elegant *- ——- —___J line of Tufted and g^g Drop-head Couches. Heauties and at bargain prices. »£ |3O Bedroom Suits, ciuar- ffOH solid oak at tered oal? )0U ||jj| S2B Bedroom Suits, (£ <1 j Sideboard, quar- jT'ir 51 solid oak at tered oak 0)2 J £2 s2"> Bed room Suits, (112 Ofl §22 Sideboard, quar- ff If" ft 112 solid oak at 4>ZU tered oak, 4*! D A large line of Dressers from Chiffoniers of all kinds and IS $8 up. all prices. N N M s* The finest line of Sewing Machines on the market, the "DOMESTIC" and "ELDRIDGE." All drop- a* heads and warranted. Eg A fine line of Dishes, common grade and China, in El *5 sets and by the piece. » K As 1 keep a full line of everything that goes to M| n make up a good Furniture store, it is useless to enum ** erate them all. Please call and see for yourself that lam telling M kg you the truth, and if you don t buy, there is no harm feg done, as it is no trouble to show goods. S^| | GEO. J. LaBAR. " Iki! **