EMPORIUM MILLING PRICE LIST. Emporium, Pa., December 20, 1904. | NoiHOPHILA, persack *1 05 | belt's Fancy, " 1 75 Pet Grove, " 1 75 Graham, " 85 | Rye '• 75 I Bdelcvv:i«at " 75 I Patent Meal, ..." SO Ooarse Heal. per 100, 125 Chop Pee*, •.." i 25 WiiMlings Fancy" 1 40 Bran, .. 125 C >ra, per bushel, 70 White 'Jals, per bushel 48 New Oats Chicken Wheat 1 65 Uhoice* lover Beed, "I Choice Timothy Heed, I At Market Price.. < Mioice Millet Seed, Fancy Kentucky HlueUrass, j R.C. DODSON, THE Ortiyg i st, ICXI'OKir.M, I'A.' IS LOCATED IN THE CORNER STORE At Fourth and Chestnut Sts.. I j^ L K. C. IIODSON. Telephone, 19-2. LOCAL, UEPART9IENT. PERSONAL GOSSIP. Contributions invited. That which you would like to nee in this department,let us know by poa• at card or letter, pcrHonally. Mr. Jos. Lingle made a business call at this office last week. Dr. 11. W. Good who has been ser iously ill, is slowly recovering. Mr. Leo. Fochman attended a dance in St. Marys last Monday evening. Mr. J. B. Bedard, of St. Marys, was in Emporium on business this week. Miss Nettle Grosbeck, of Port Alle gheny visited Miss Lena Bair last week. Mr. George Crawford just returned from a two weeks trip through the South. Chas. W. Shaffer and C. Jay Good nough attended the opera at St. Marys last night. Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Fornes, of Buf falo, N. Y., are the guests of F. B. Mc- Clure and family- Miss Fochman, of St. Marys, spent Sunday with her brother Leo Foch man of this place. Bing Hemphill has been laid up the past week owing to a sore arm, result ing from a sprain. Mr. Mina West, horse trainer at the Elk Stock Farms, St Marys, was in town Monday. O. L. Bailey and wife of Sinnema honing were in town on Tuesday and made the PRESS a short call. Mrs. Home and Mrs. Bailey; of Sin nemahoning were guests of Mrs. C. M. Thomas on Tuesday last Mr. Frank Mundy, our efficient policeman, called at the PRESS last week and '-squared" himself. Mr. Jas. Murry of the Middle Ward, called at this office last Monday and renewed his subscription for the PRESS. Mrs. George Weber accompanied her mother to her home in Buffalo last week. Mrs. Weber will be gone sev eral weeks. Mr. John Howard, while in Wash ington will put forth efforts to secure a patent for Sain McDonald's latest invention. Mr. Geo W. Sypher, of Picture j Rocks, Pa., spent sunday with his brother the Rev. J. A. Sypher pastor of the Emporium Circuit. Mr. James Dougherty, tinner for Murry & Coppersmith, was called to Bradford last Saturday owing to the illness of his brother-in-law. Misses Margaret and Mayme Cum mings, two handsome voung ladies of Emporium, were visitors to Renovo yesterday,—Renovo News, March 4th. Mr. James Sherwood and two daughters, Lulu and Ethel, of Buffalo, spent last Sunday in Emporium,guests of Mr. and Mrs. Earl and Mr. Wm. Mc- Donald and family. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Wiley and family left last week for their future home at Emporium, followed by the best wishes of a host of friends who sincerely regret their removal from Galeton.—Galeton Dispatch. J. Lee McClure, one of the million aire tramps in the Miss Bob White company, and Miss Dorothy C. Har ris, the tall, handsome girl who leads the chorus in that production, were married at Smethport on Monday afternoon by the Rev. Mr. Patterson, of the Methodist church.—-Williams port Evening News. Rev. O. 8. Metzler transacted busi- ; ness in Buffalo this week. Mrs. Jame McQovern has been ill I the past week with the grip. Mr. George Hurteau has been a grip j victim the past few days. C. A. Van Lew made Sinuamahoning | friends a visit one day last week. Mrs. Goo, W. Faus, of Sinnamahon ing was an Emporium visitor on Tues day. Miss Mae Gerwick, of Port Allegany, visited Miss Mame Cummings in town, Wednesday. Miss Mayme McCabe, of Emporium, ! is the guest of her brother, Frank. — j Austin Autograph Mrs. Chan. Healey, of Port Allegany, was the gueat of Mr. and Mrs. (Jlias. Butler, Wednesday. Master Charles Gordan Maylon who has been quite ill with pneumonia, is better at this writing. D. H. Lamb and wife who have been visiting friends in town for a few day < returned home last Friday. Vernon Heilman and wife, of Port land mills visited in town over Sun day, the guests of their parents. Mrs. P. W. McHalo returned yes terday afternoon from a visit with friends at Emporium.—Kane Republi can. Mrs. W. Garrity, of Emporium, was the guest of her daughter Mrs. Philip Dixon, this week.—St. Marys Enter prise. Miss Minnie McGill was at Empori um, Pa., Saturday and Sunday visit ing Miss Lillian Heilman—Renovo Record. Mrs. Seth J. Hackett, is the guest of Mrs. Charles W. Hatch, Kaul Avenue, St. Marys, Wednesday and Thursday of this week. As Sunday was Mr. P. R. Beattie's 75th birthday, his daughter Mrs. John Kelly and Mrs. Bell Beattie gave him a surprise party. Misses Maude Thomas and Byrde Taggart went up to St. Marys last night to witness "The Wizard of Oz." Quite a number from Emporium saw "The Wizard of Oz" at the Temple theatre in St. Marys, Wednesday night. Robt. McManus, of Howard Siding, made the PRESS sanctum a business call this morning and carried away a receipt for the paper. Mrs. John E. Smith, of Sterling Run and Mrs. Hankie, of Beechood, were in town on Tuesday in attendance at the Sunday School assembly. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McDonald and Miss Christie McDonald were among those who saw the "Wizard of Oz" at St. Marys Wednesday evening. Miss Ava Beck and Miss Nora Jordon were pleasant callers at the PRESS of fice last week. Miss Beck renewed the subscription of J. 11. Beck ior PRESS. Managers of the Opera House Messrs. Butler and Morrisey were at tracted to St. Marys Wednesday night. The "Wizard of Oz" carries a beauty chorus with them. Miss Florence Robertson and Miss Alice Lester, two charming young ladies of Buffalo, returned home Sun day afternoon after spending a few days in Emporium, guests of Miss Eva Yates. Miss Nina Bayan, of Emporium, came to St. Marys on Saturday to see "Under Southern Skies." On Sunday she was the guest of Miss Ada Garrity. ....Mr. Dunlevie, of Emporium, visit ed friends in St. Marys over Sunday.— Elk County Gazette. Saturday evening Miss Mildred Douglas of South Barry street pleas antly entertained a company of young friends. Among the guests were: Miss Kate Metzger, Miss McNarney. Miss Marion Judd, Messrs. Harold Seger, Clark Metzger and Warner Judd, of Emporium . ..Dr. J. H. Kane was called to Emporium Tuesday on prefessional business.—Olean Demo crat. Twenty-five young people arranged a surprise party for Miss Florence Faucett Tuesday evening, the occasion being the fifteenth birthday of Miss Faucett. The surprise was complete, and was enjoyed by everybody. Miss Florence is the oldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rrobert Faucett of Vine street. A sleigh ride was one of the features of the entertainments. And everybody reports a very enjoyable evening. Incredible Brutality. It would have been incredible brutality if ('has. F. Leuiberger, of Syracuse. X. Y., had none the best lie could lor his suffering son. "My boy, he says, "cut a farful gash over his rye, so i applied Bueklen's Arnica Salve, which quickly healed it and saved his eye. Good for burns and ulcers too. Only 2.">e at L. Taggart's drug store. FOR SALE. «;rkat Business Opportunities The undersigned desires to dispose of some of his business establishments in Emporium, now doing a prosperous business. Not having time to devote the attentions I must sell. I will dispose to the right party either my elothing stock and good-will, located nest door to Bank, or my Merchant Tailoring store, near M. E. Church. With the latter I will sell the building, known as the old Masonic building, at a bargain. This is a good opportunity for a live business man, to engage in a well known and established trade. i A number of good lots for sale?, located near my tailoring establishment, at low price. These lots are located in the centre of Emporium on Fourth Street, the Main business street. We will talk business to only business men. K. SEGER) Emporium, Pa, CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, MARCH 9, 1905. A Newspaper That Speaks Out, On Feb. 2nd the Pittaburg Times was 25 years old. Its owners claim its un diminished popularity is demonstrated by the frankness with which it has discussed subjects of public interest. Whenever there is before the people some question of absorbing import ance newspaper readers are 011 the qui vive to know what The Times has to say, and what The Times says is right to the point. It hews to the line. That, however, is only one of the merits claimed for its publishers. Its general news service is eomprehen sive and complete. It is accurate in its financial department and up-to-date 011 its sporting page. Its serial stories are by the best modern authors. It pays especial attention to the news and views of all the churches, and in this respect has won the admiration of the best people. Its editorial page is a daily feast of the best and brightest thought. It endeavors to avoid the "yellow" and caters only to the people j of the home and the family. It has no ! Sunday issue. Six cents a week, $3 a year l-4t. Latest F'cpular Music. Miss May Gould, teacher of piano forte, has received a fail line of the lat est and most popular sheet music. All the popular airs. Prices reasonable. 44-tf. fj CURES WHtHE ALL E.3E FA.. , ' 4 J B Si ' "ti Use in time. I. :i by dm n:!-' '7Jjj KtqflS| j. •*'T' - •} i'i.i ffjgfti*! 0 ? i M l 'fl-'i li -r - 1 |g Savings for Housekeepers, "jjl 7 CAKES V""\ \ T*l dry FINEST % || SOAP FOR |J /\ J CREAMERY g W 25c. ACME BUTTER a or OAK LEAF The Satisfactory Store 360L8 Quality, desirability and low prices make these specials for >M I Friday and Saturday ® intensely interesting to tlirity bnyeis. U. RICE-Carolina Head Rice, nc. MACARONI—Genuine imported Maca- MS ; v I lbs for roni, Me/zani Spagetti or 1 I Vermicelli, lb r , i ' pemiVne^'M ake r 'made 'at' °' O C CANNKD VEGETAHI,EH Peas, To- M || Ma's lb . 30C Un ' pki,, .\ ,Hc """T 25C M BAKING POWDER—RoyaI A SUGAR—2S II) bnc (H t\ r It Baking Powder. Hb can 45C best granulated J 1.00 [,/jnton CZ »•/"» r > i* IMOC We are prepared to serve you through the «*-S» I.enten Season with a fine array of fish Ml|| smoked, canned and salted; also fresh frozen lish and oysters. The Hay is now Sfifili l|f(J)| cleared of ice and we shall be able to procure the same high quality ot oysters we have been acaustomed to have at reasonable prices. ® GOOD COOKING HANS HAPPY HOMES, Good Utensils MaKe Good CooKs. SAVORY The only Sanitary Roaater; no seams or appe- |^j; corners. As easy to elean as a plate. Always tizing. gives good results. $1.26. 60 CENTS. My, IMPROVED PERFECTION TINS. if The Improved Tins have the Patented Groove and "will not leaH Batter. Other Kinds are useless. For rich, delicate caKos olwftys u»« . | the Improved Perfection TIDI> 12 AND 15 CENTS. 10 AND 12 CENTS, jbl We Have a Full Line of Such IlitcHen Conveniences U I J. H. DAY, | tw 'Phone 6. Emporium, Pa. & ■bumam ;~i"r r~r3 KODOL ALMANAC II DIGESTS WHAT YOU EAT i q /-\ r\ wr- a q S|lsg jflflk 2|3 pPB jjSro ujraj ripgja |s?j 888 The $ 1 .00 bottle contains 24 time 3 the trial size, which sells for 50 cents, a riQ dLVJvJ I Li. r\ fl PAIFNHAR" H iHi fl E. C. DEWITT & COMPANY. CHICAGO, ILL. Sold by 11. C.|Dodson, Druggist. I / Laughlin A 112. to.M s , in jjj |j Fountain ;|| | Q fH,; PEtft ALL 1 1 _' jgfea PENS AND MAS NO JM j| jj|j —' THS* EQUAL ANYWHERE. J. 'I !!| If | FINEST 08ADE ItK. K8 L | i | GOLD PEN |1 | I Ifi i*C i : ..UR CHOICE Ot- THEsn i5J| § UjT TWOPOPULARBTVLESFOIi r1 || rill SUPERIOR TO OTHER |ft j MAKES AT $3 | ' I fill P-? 3 The Laughlin Fountain |» |f By -j Pen Holder is made of fin- wSSSi ■■« (Jil 1! Si™F est quality hard rubber, is «flf tffl <— I -J ■|Sj £ fitted with highest grade, ' nSL *j§ [ J 112 ft? TO large size. Ilk. gold pen, I jWaj '[J l( J IP of any desired flexibility, Tjl (] | and has the only perfect j rrl feeding device known. | IJB® 3 |J Either style, richly gold I i ifi mounted, for presentation IBB® *1 J j [j purposes, Sl.oO extra. =[ ! Surely you will not be | vmV 1 li I able to secure anything at is?Bx > Irj ■i three times tbe price that will S&Sfti j Ml |l £L I B lve such continuous IgMSa | prl i IKS pleasure and service. rasre j LI i " P#r bT jjKj jj 1 I §j C " il p =S i ill m i m 3 M T ® 1 li | 3" Ip Is m ifi (i P "-C3 l'l m P 3 i C IDEALIZING WORK THE TAILSMAN ( { OF SUCCESS ( 112 The royal road to SOCOew is unweary" j \ >ng well directed work. x i Idealizing your work is to throw your J 5 whole soul and energy into it, to do the \ ? best you can. J S Any possible or probable work that we \ C niay do for you will be done with the de- 1 \ termination that the duty will be per- > r formed the best we know how; and any i \ service thus rendered which is not satis- 1 i ? fictory will be made so at your pleasure, J ! \ either by doing the work over, or your X \ £ money back for the asking. 5 j £ GAS ADMINISTERED. ? \ } Dr. F. M. ZELIE, } ? DENTIST, ) 112 CRANE BLOCK. EMPORIUM. PA. } \ 'Phone 118. \ iin miiimwi II IWII—IIIIIH iinim im i I 1 bar Bon Ton Sand Soap. .. 5c I \ Ibx Delmonte Seeded Raisins 10c \ t 1 Bottle Lutz & Schratns pre- ? £ serves 24c \ i 1 can I. & S's Baked Beans.. 18c \ 112 1 can Auto brand Corn 9c < 112 1 can Kenwood Peas 9c \ \ 1 can Tomatoes 9o X < 1 can Pumpkin 9c c \ 1 can Table Beets 9c J \ lean Strawberries 15c \ <; 1 can Red Raspberries 15c s 1 efin Lima Beans 14c i i 1 can Pineapple 24c \ 112 2 lbs Prunes 9c s ( §2 50 \ \ This assortment for the next Jen days only. S 0. B. Barnes. I s Allegany Avenue, < ( 'Phone 81. J Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. | East Emporium's | | Cash Store | ill H U Special Bargain Day Every Tuesday i 1 i |j» I Tuesday, March 14th I jjt p The Clean Sweep Sale is on. Crowds Ij| Come, to the sale of all sale. |jj ft Fine Granulated Sugar, 'J.'tlbs 51.60 i til nrp g j|ll Atlas Hrand Sugar Corn, •'> cans for ZOU JJ' •'f Fancy Mount Friendship Tomatoes, nrp i.~ :t cans for | jy Fancy Mount Friendship Tomatoes, Ca Qfl Iff 2 dozen in case ' i;!— [|||" Gold Label Penobscot Little Neck Clams SHP | H per can IU Uyj hi qp W yj All Campbell's and \an Camps Soups,can Ob lljj k Extra Fancy Table Beets, 12c kind, can 9C ffj Till 1/P '] ■fjj The Finest California Prunes, 50 to 60, lb III! a ce I | |j| The Finest California Prunes—l)o, lb. Uu ill P Come quick while you can buy at these prices. IP Dry Goods, Gloves, Underwear, Overalls and Jumpers, ||= |L Shoes of all kinds. Everybody come. It I [jjj Mail and Phone orders receive our careful attention. JJj] i Watch this Space for Special a Bargains at |ft m -————. — t v __ ; i Tompkins & Norris. i Phone 109 §|in ad' Bias mmmffiw 1865 1904 "v \ N. SEQER | C Furnishing Goods, Shirts, ? / Nackwear, Trunks, • Satchels, Suit Cases, r 1 C Etc., Etc. C \ A fine line at v V bottom prices. / > Clothing - < FOR ALL. £ / Men's, Youth's and S ) Boys' Clothing, } } A new stock just in. / / Give me a call. S THE PIONEER. S ,3 TBSS RSlnute Cough CUP© f f or Coirghs, Cold 9 and Croup.