Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, March 02, 1905, Image 5
HMPoimm MILLING COMPANY ] PRICE LIST. Emporium, Pa., December 20, 1904. I Ni3 \IOPiiILA, per sack il 85 j Felt's Fancy, " 1 75 Pet drove, " 1 75 tlraham,. ..." &> i R».« " 75 I Buckwheat " 75 j Patent Meal " 50 . Course Meal, pwr 10U 1 2 > I (Jhno " " 125 I *1 iddiings. Fancy " 1 <0 lira: » » Oom, K*r bushel • TO 1 Win:< >a.' ■ Hixhel ..... : New Oats Chicken Wheat 1 Br ' j Choice Clovi i Seed, 1 OholceTimotbySted > , M , r; , p r j c ,... Choice .Millet Seed, Fancy Kentucky Blue(irass, | mi in iimm Tin mwaaKVURi R. C. DODSON, —THE Druggist, , I*A.! IS CJCATEQ IN THE CORNER STORE A 1 Fourth and Chestnut SI?.. ft W K.C. DOIIHON. Telephone, 19-2. LOCAL. DEPARTMENT. PERSONAL CJOSSIP. Contributions invited. That which you would like to see in thin department,let UH know by pos at card or letter, personally. Daniel Shugart is laid up this week with a cut wrist. Miss Maud Thomas went over to Olean last Monday to do some shop ping Mrs. Ed. May, of Olean, is visiting her mother, Mrs. Patrick Haley, at this place. Miss Bessie Van Wort entertained a party of young friends last Monday evening. Mr. A. C. Fetter, of Renovo was- the guest of his mother Mrs. P. R. Beattie one day this week. Ren S. Gunzberg, an enterprising young tailor of Renovo, spent Monday in Emporium. Mr. Jun Swope, of Gaines, Pa, is visiting his brother, Ex-Sheriff J. D. Swope, at Emporium. Mr. and Mrs. Austin Jones went to Warren, last Wednesday morning to visit relatives at that place. Miss (Jrace Hill, Jersey Shore, is visiting friends in Emporium, guest of Mr. and Mrs. Prank P. Strayer. Miss Laura Strawbridge, of John sonburg, is visiting friends in town, guest of Mr. A. Chapman and family. Miss Edna Clark entertained a num ber of her young friends last Friday evening at her home on Fifth street. Miss Lizzie Evers, of Beechwood, has been spending several days with hnr sister, Mrs. T. R. Lyons, at this place. Rev. J. M. Robertson left on Mon day to attend a church convention at Franklin. He will be absent until Thursday. Blanche, the five year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Diehl, was in disposed somewhat last week, but is now much improved. Mrs. Maggie Lysett, widow of the late Thomas J. Lysett came up from Williamsport Saturday and is the guest of S. J. Cline and family. Prof. D. D. Stroup, principal ofSin namahoning schools", requests the PRESS to state that owing to the illness of his wife he was unable to attend the local instituto at Emporium last Satur day. A. E. Easton, the log scaler, of Cale donia, Pa., stopped in Emporium on Monday, while enroute tor Buffalo to attend the celebrated suit between Dunlevie and other parties. He reads the PRESS. Mr Arling R. Baker, of Driftwood, who has been teaching school on Mason Hill, made this office a pleasant call last week. Mr. Baker informs us that he has resigned his position and will leave Driftwood. We are glad to welcome Harry Derby as a citizen of our town again. Harry is an excellent young man, and will be a valuable personage to the company with whom be has engaged to work - we understand it is one of our Powder companies. Dr. and Mrs. D. H. Lamb, of Gale ton are visiting friends in town guests of Prothonotary Goodnough and wife. Dr. Lamb, who is a former resident of Emporium and one of our subscribers, ; called at the PUESS office 011 Monday, renewing his subscription for another year. The many friends of Mr. Geo. Rishell, formerly of this place, now of Erie, will be pleased to learn that he has recently been promoted by his employers, and now holds the best position in the carpet department, and is therefore under a nice salary. Geo. is a faithful and competent young man and we are glad to learn of his con tinued success. Mr. M. Blodget, Ex-President of Sin namahoning Liars Cluh was in town on Saturday; accompanied by his daugh ter, Mrs. Stewart Chase and her daughter Miss Anna. They took in all the sights, returning home on after noon train. Squire Biodget came up to "vindicate" the characters of J V. Ilanscom and Alex DeShetler and states that he found everything o. ic., except a few "items" at Warner House, which he assumed and will add to the next bill of costs. Misses Eva Brooks, Stella Warner, and Jessee Willets, all teachers in Grove schools came up on Saturday to take in the Local Institute and inci dentally visit friends and do some shopping. Mr. Jas. J. Earl and Mr. Win. A Sprung were pleasant visitors at the I PRESS ollice Wednesday. Mr. Earl, 1 who has been a sufferer of rheumatism for some time, we are glad to note, is able to bo out again. S. S Hicks, who resides on Britton Hill, while transacting business in town on Saturday. Stopped at the I'kess office and planked down the "dough'' for the paper for one year, that he might be posted on current events. Mrs. Baker and child, of Buffalo, ar rived in Emporium yesterday. Mrs. B. is) wife of .Air. John It. C. Baker, agent for Keystono Powder Company at this place. They will make Empori um their home. Incredible Brutality. It would have been incredible brutality if Chas. 1'". Lemberger, ol Syracuse, N V'., had none the best he could for bis sufl'ei ing son. "My boy,''he says, "cut a f'arlulybh over bis <ye, so I applied Bucklcn's Vrnica Salve, which quickly healed it and saved bis eye. Good for burns and ulcers too. Only 25c at L. Taggart's drug store. The work itsell is the best wage. Startling nortality. Statistics show startling mortality, from appendicitis and peritonitis. To prevent and cure these awful diseases, there is just one reliable remedy. Dr. King's New Life Pills. M.Flannery, of 14 Custom House Place, Chicago, says: "They have no equal for Constipation and 2sc 2sc at L. Ta«:gart druggist. Half the things people say are re gretted later. A Destructive Hre. To draw the fire out of a burn, or heal a cut without leaving a scar, use De- Witt's Witch Ilazel Salve. A specific ! for piles. Get the geuuine. .J. L. j Tucker, editor of the Harmonizer, Centre, j Ala., writes: "I have used DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve in my family tor Piles, cuts and burns. It is the best salve on the market. Every family should keep it on hand. Sold by l{. C. : Dodson. Every man should be a critic of his own actions. By The Tonic Route. The pills that act as a tonic, and not as a drastic purge, are DeWitt's Little ; Early Risers. They cure Headache, Constipation, Biliousness, etc. Early ! Hiters arc small, easy to take and easy to ' act—a safe pill Mack Hamilton, hotel j clerk at Valley City, N. D.. says: — "Two bottles cured mc ot chronic consti pation ' Sold by R. C. Dodson. Letter to A. P. VanCielder. Emporium, Pa. Dear Sir: A gallon saved is 8-1 or S3 earned. Two gallon saved is 88 or 810 earned. Three gallons saved is 812 to 815 earned. Four gallons saved is 81b or 820 earn ed. Five gallons saved is 820 or 825 earn ed. It costs 83 or 81 a gallon to paint, be sides the paint; as much to brush on a gallon of worthless paint as Devoe. Mr. Ezra Rathmell, Williauisport, Pa., always used 11 gallons of mixed paint for his house; Devoe took 6. Yours truly F. W. DEVOE & Co., New York. P. S. Murry k Coppersmith sell our paint. Poultry for Sale. Choice young and old Buff Wyan dotte, at low prices. 50-tf ALFRED NELSON, Emporium, Pa. He Kept up in the Race. James S. Barren, President Manchest er Cotton Mills, Rock Hill, S. C., writes: "Tn 18S3 I painted my residence with L. &M. It looks better than a great many houses painted three years ago. Don t pay 81.50 a gallon for linseed oil, which you do in ready for use paint. Buy oil fresh from the barrel at GO cents per gallon, and mix it with Long nian & Martinez L. & M. Paint. Wears and Covers like troltl Every Church i»iven a liberal quantity i when bought from Harry S. Lloyd. FOR SALE. GREAT Business Opportunities The undersigned desires to dispose of some of his business establishments in Emporium, now doing a prosperous business. Not having time to devote the attentions I must sell. I will dispose to the right party either my clothing stock and good-will, located next door to Bank, or my Merchant Tailoring store, near M. E. Church. With the latter I will sell the building, known as the old Masonic building, at a bargain. This is a good opportunity for a live business man, to engage in a well known and established trade. A number of good lots for sale, located near my tailoring establishment, at low price. These lots are located in the centre of Emporium on j Fourth Street, the Main business street. We will talk business to only business men. It. SIUiICR, Emporium, Pa. CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, MARCH 2, 1905. A Newspaper That Speaks Out, On Feb. 2nd the Pittsburg Times was 25 years old. Its owners claim its un diminished popularity is demonstrated by the frankness with which it has ! discussed subjects of public interest. , Whenever there is before the people some question of absorbing Import ation newspaper readers are on the qui vive to know what The Times has to say, and what The Times says is right to the point. It hews to tlie line. That, however, is only one of thr merits claimed for its publishers. Its general news service is comprehen sive and complete. It is accurate in its financial department and up-to-date on its sporting page. Its serial stories j are by the best modern authors. It pays especial attention to the news and views of all the churches, and in. i this respect has won the admiration of the best people. Its editorial page is a daily feast of the best ai.d brightest thought. It endeavors to avoid the • "yellow" and caters only to the people of the home and the family. It has no Sunday issue. Six cents a week, $3 a , year. lit.i Latest Popular Music. Miss May Gould, teacher of piano- j I forte, has received a fuil lino of the lat | est and most popular sheet music All j the popular airs, Prices reasonable. •14-tf. | TaßsmEiaaa&Ffji j CURES WHERE ALL E! SE FAILG M Brut Synr 7a:. J|| I Use in time. Sold by druggi-t: tffl V TTTTT~7r"~Tj For the Best in Groceries at || Fairest Prices. 112 j PRATT S a -w ~y a / 1 DAY S ™ 1 M POULTRY - ; FOOD The Satisfactory Store shells »| A wonians delight is tlic prompt and correct filling W M of her oider for Groceries. We make this a speciality, |jf| |p Leave your order at the Day Grocery Store and we will tp ll' fill it promptly and correctly from on. stock of pure and j||| wholesome goods. |j| Special Grocery List for I Friday and Saturday I I [|| I HrS WEEK. gf 8 " ill PRUNES—Fine Cali fo rn i a ORANGES—California Navel W. Prunes, good size black and Oranges, sweet and f|f»P ?n 88 ?' R on fI7P j ui cy, doz ZUL M .i lbs for 20c. U/U iwiurixro v tiijfl LEMONS—Fancy California i[y' Ural i Lemons, almost seed ft f\f* W SHREDDED WHEAT- 15c lessdoz zUL package whole wheat IOP u\ i \irw 'Vr i"i n , ; ' biscuit \2\i H.? l; ,c . «l«al»ty Colum- |«- bia River Salmon, tall ( C\f* 'o<' wArww a ii • cans, per can IZu ;foii BACON—SmaII narrow strips ttIT ,, .t> A . _ _ \% Boneless ion SUG£R-25 lb bag Q| PP Bacon a lb IZu best granulated 4)1.00 I - Bishop's California Jams, p I| % |;|jj I Jellies and Preserves. i SI,OOO Guarantees the Pi !ty. || p[ California's finest tribute to the dining tables of $$ the woald. Every housekeeper who wants to serve pure 8$ fruits will delight in having Bishop's. $$ w SI,OOO guarantees every jar to be free from preser- W M vative of any kind or substitute for pure Fruit or Sugar. M ?? Try them. r? t J. H. DAY, 112 ' Phone 6. Emporium, Pa. KODOL ALMANAC iffc B DIGESTS WHAT you EA/ and 200 YEAR II 111 MM W m The $ 1 .00 bottlft contains 2V4 time3the trial sfz®, which sells for 50 cents. CALENDAR" ® la E. C. DeWITT & COMPANY. CHICAGO. ILL. Sold by R. C.|Dodson, Druggist. 1 Laughliri \ I 111 1 .:J li I & Fountain g | HI IS THIEPIER OF ALL j li, |— j] fflfc'Ji PENS AND HAS NO /■ggj| jf t! EQUAL ANYWHERE. ggjffgpi .j y m f,nest graue ,4k - bti ii k if GOLD PEN 111 iWR -,uR CHOICE OK THEs» ffll' § J j g Cjft TWO POPULAR STYLES FOR SK I M |s r i IB SUPERIOR TO OTHER 1] }j [l] |g| MAKES AT $3 fTJ SSfi' The Laughlin Fountain ft5&S»" M jrf VI Pen Holder is made of fin- UJ 111 Hfl c'ffMf 3m p; I ilfiTl fitted with highest grade, fll If ij E | 55s » large size. 14k. gold pen, M irji 5 1 ™ of any desired flexibility, l:'l ; and has the only perfect !||K' 9 ; | ■y feeding device known. | HW m lISJ 5 Either style, richly gold fclgßy m irr - j mounted, for presentation kwBB 1 IDI purposes, 51.50 extra. 1 B|BS vjj . | I--, ! Surely you will not be PlHf V It j able to secure anything at [«Mr .9 |ljr -. J three times the prlce'that will |BK ;l LLj I I j fflg J give such continuous Jfl fT J.j pleasure and service. IXHH I l i e" 1 i «§. i ib m In s a I 3- if! i - s i ft »-o la jjj p 3 ft { IDEALIZING WORK THE TAILSMAN C \ OF SUCCESS ( r The royal road to success is unweary" 1 \ ing well directed work. S J Idealizing your work is to throw your 1 > whole soul and energy into it, to do the \ c best you can. 1 S Any possible or probable work that we \ c may do for you will be done with thede- S S termination that the duty will be per- 1 c formed the best we know now; and any i \ service thus rendered which do* satis- i ' r factory will be inndeso at your pleasure, 5 I \ cither by doing the work over, or your \ . 1 money back for the asking. j ! > s r GAS ADMINISTERED. \ \ J: } Dr. F. M. ZRLIE, ) } DRNTIST, ) } CRANIZ fiIOCK. EMPORIUM. PA. > S 'Phone 118. s i-'W A W / W /s V /w V /v VrA^/A^" / W I Windsor j Hotel | I I Between t2th and 13th fits., on Filbert St. Philadelphia, Pa. Three minutes from the Reading I Terminal. w Five minutes from the Penn'a R. R. H European Plan SI.OO per day and upwards. |S American Plan $2.00 per day. FRANK M. SCHKIBLEY. Manager. | This is the ) Store | For the People. | \ 51bs best granulated Sugar...2sc "ji T jlbmixedTea 13c < 112 lib sack Mother's Itice, 9c \ \ 31b prepared Buckwheat flour 14c \ C 2 bars Domino Soap 9c c 112 ] bar Bon Ton Sand Soap. .. 5 • s x Ibx Delmonte Seeded Raisins 10c \ t 1 Bottle Lutz & Schrams pre- <; 112 serves 21c \ j 1 can L. & S's Baked Beans.. 18c X 112 lean Auto brand Corn 9o < 112 1 can Kenwood I'eaa 9c \ X 1 can Tomatoes 9o \ C 1 can Pumpkin 9c c j 1 can Table Meets 9c 3 s 1 can Strawberries 15c X <? 1 can Red Raspberries 15c < P 1 can Lima Beans ....14c s X 1 can Pineapple 24c \ 112 2 lbs Prunes f>c s 1 This assortment for the'next i en days only. 10. B. Barnes, i { Allegany Avenue, s j 112 'Phone 81. j i Kodol Dyspepsia Our 1 ® Digests what you est. | East Emporium's | !! Cash Store \ ; I' Special Bargain Day Every Tuesday 'l , "-Jit?: ji - _—- kj I! Tuesday, March 7th | we will Sell \% j'jijl Fresh Alaska Salmon OCP A*P ifi ! 3 cans for ZJb Fancy Broken Rice lb. r 4,'.U |j ! r L Sardines in oil, Melected "7p Q'P ;|ri Ip fish, retail at 12c can / U Vermicelli, lib., Pkg OifU I • J QIC* Granulated Sugar <fl Pft t [PJ Fancy Head Rice lb ' 25 lb bags 4)1. DU ill! 1 | Jj \ j| ' ! Odr Clearance Sale Qofitrndes | Fine knit worsted Gloves for Men. E ip Women and Children at cost. A Fine new line of Women and | it Men's Hosiery. A job lot of Pictures and Frames. L |[p Landscapes and G-raceful Figure fl [[ Pictures that would retail at $3.00, | 111 890 each. Jji h —— jJ |i Remember anything we sell means Strictly ||| Casli Prices. Don't Walt, Coiue and See us. J? i i tl Mail and Phone orders receive our careful attention. !i| m p 11 Watch this Space for Special I Bargains at L 111 • jpi li I Tompkins & Norris. Phone 109 V 1865 1904 "T { N. SEGER \ C Furnishing Goods, Shirts, ? C Neckwear, Trunks, J i Satchels, Suit Cases, v Etc., Etc. v \ A fins lino at C \ bottom prices. / s > Clothing; HOk ALL. < I / Men's. Youth sand p ) Boys' Clothing, 1 } A now stock just in. > Give me. a call. \ > < J THE PIONEER. ©oaagh Osaß»e Fw Soughs, Coids and Croup*