€airr)ei*r) @our)fy [f ress. ISsTABLIKHIiD BY C. B. GOULD. HENRY H. MULLIN, Editor and Manager. PUBLISH Kl> KVERY THURSDAY TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: Per year $2 00 If paid is advance 112! 50 ADVERTISING RATES. idvertUementsarepublishedat the rateofooo dollar per square tor one insertion p.nd fitly centß per square tor each subseanent insertion. Rates by the year or for six or threenionthsare nxv ami uniform, ami will befurnn bed on appli cation Tjcg.tl and Officln 1 Vdvertisinp per square, three times or loss, |2 00; each subsequent insertion r »0 cents per square. Local noticestencents ner line for o.iei nsertinn tive cents per 1 ine for eacli s übseqnent uonseculive insertion. Obituary notices over five lines, ten cents per ! ine. Simplcannouncemeiiisofbirths.niarriagoe and deaths will be inserted free. Business Cards, live lines or less $5.03 per year ever rive lines, at the regular rates of advertising No local inserted for less than 75 cis. per issue. JOB PRINTING. Fhe Job department of the PRESS is complete, and att'ordH facilities for doing the best class of work. PAFTTICULAB ATTENTION PAID TO Law Printing. No paper willbe discontinued until arrearages are paid, except at the option ofthe publisher. Papers sent out ofthe county must be paid for i n advance. No ftd\ertisements will be accepted at less t ban the price for fifteen words. Religious notices free. School Report, sth Month. Same month last year. Total enrollment to date, 747 755 Number in attendance .... 681 G62 Average attendance, .... 617 569 Percentage of attendance 921, 89 Number present every day,.... 348 218 Number tardy, 58 66 Number sick ill 195 Number of visitors 79 42 Tlie month just ended has been marked by severe weather, and considerable sickness among the smaller children, hence the percentage is low. The banner schools in attendance for this month were High School 98, A Primary, East Ward, 98V£, C Intermediate, East Ward, 96. C In- I irmediate, West Ward. 95, and B Primary, West Ward, 95. A few boys have been allowed to quit school aud goto work, and some are out of school with out work, owing to short sighted course of their parents. Keep the boys and girls in school regu larly and u e will be responsible for results. HONOR ROM- High School, Seniors—Myrtle Lloyd, Edward JtUghos, Edith Ileilman, Max lialcom, Christina McDonald, Margaret Otimmings, Lena Bair. Juniors—Annie Welsh, Elizabeth Lechner, Edna Palmer, .Tulin Hogan, Uuby Heideck, Ida Hertig. Sophomore—Mary Welsh, Jane Glenn, Edda Horning, Edith DeArmit Kathryn Hogan, Mari an Rent*. William Schweikart, Anna Welsh, Lee Felt. Freshmen—Mary Blumle, Marguerite Metzger, Ida Seger, Alice Robison, Jennie Rob inson, Senior Grammar, A Class—Ethel Lloyd, Marian Judd, Mildred McQuay, Annie Edwards, Jean McNarney, Herbert Vogt, Kate Metzger, Lewis Leutze, William Welsh. BClass- Elsie Morrison, Earl McDougall, Mollie Spence, Hilda Hertig. Junior Grammar Louisa Welsh, Mae Mulcahy, Mabel Morrison, Nellie Tubridy, Agnes Welsh, Martha Burns, Charles Cloyes, Mabel Butler, Joe McNarney, Gordon Vogt, Lena Coyle. B Class—Mary Bailey, Helen Cook, May McCul lougli, Mary Orr. A Intermediate —Edna MeDonougli. B Intermediate-Gladys Lloyd, Ethel Turley, Clara Wisenfiuh, Neonia Whitmire, Agnes An derson, Mildred Faucett, Anna Nystrom, Beatrice Taylor, Margaret Cavey, Charles Cummerford. B Class-Nora Grace, Kate O'Malley, George ltishell, Francis Robinson. C Intermediate—W. W. A Class—Margaret Streich, Fred Metzger, (irace Ensign, Jay Shafer, Leon Dinlnuy, Kvaßuriis. BClass—Bu,id Lloyd. Carolyn Moore, Irwin Burns, Pansy Hout, Leona Krapf. C Intermediate, E. W. A Class Oscar Foster; Lena Hwarlz, Unmett deary. Miriam Barnes. Kuth Ling. B Class—Margaret Cruikshank, Evelyn Uonovon. Wilbur McCaslin, Nellie Welsh. A Primary. W. W. A Class-Roy Mc.Micliael, .. . Robinson, Thomas Normandy, Leo Kit-hit, Frank Zwald, Marguerite Faucett, Rose Fredette, Helen Friendel, Margaret Twitchell Nancy Turley. H Ciass Mark Orr, Charles Streich, Mary Leutze, Dora Morse, Matilda A Primary, E. \V.— Relle Campbell, Mary I>"!SOI», Agnes C leary, Charles Cuuimings, Roland Campbell. Willie Grace, Kathleen llald v in. Emery O'Dell, Bessie Kackeumeieter, Basil Kgan, Joe Ruberto, Gordon McDonough, Fred Strayer. B Primasy, W. W. A Class—Ruth Loucks, • Mildred Lloyd, Hazel Farrell, Bessie Edwards May Swartz, Carrie Cloyes. Marguerite Hamilton, Gertrude Rieck, Amelia VanWert, Eunice Diehl Charlotte Remz, Ethel Creighton. B Class— Elsie Narby, Roberta Murray, Grant Ellis, Mat thew Burns, Laura Hout, Birney Shafer. B Primary, E. W. A Class—Velma Frappier rlorence Nelson, Frederick McClure, Hazel Shearer. Margaret Klees, Beryl Spauldiug, Edna Armstrong, Avis Dodson, Sara Kraft, Percy Nangle B Class—Mildred Proudfoot, Violet Swanson, Harry Andrews, Elsie Hackell, Frank Hertig. C Primary, W. W. A Class-Nathan Knarr V. illie Ferguson, Laura Swartz. B Class—Dewey Carlson, Felut Leutze, Margaret McCaslin, Ruth Sassman, Gertrude VanWert, William Johnson, Irene Baker, Frank Zidar. C Primary, E. W.CorinneCleary, Grace Foster, Edward O'Malley, Anthony Roberto, Charles Britton, Marie Donovan, JennieO'Dell, Kathryn Hertig, William Adams, Carl Nystrom, Eva ■'rentiss, Helen Van Lew, May Vought, Mary Kindergaiten for attendance)-Ada Gross, C arolyn Knickerbocker, Vera Welsh, Garrett Spence, Homer Gantz, Liah Place, Blanche liiehl, Jaines McMullin, Ronald Robinson, Carl Kinzler, Paul Triebsvether, J. M. Donovan, Em t!y Dorsey, Elodie Frappier, Fred Clarke, Leo Hlinzler. EDWARD S. LINO, Principal. CURES CATARRHAL DEAFNESS One Week's U.;e of Hyomei Did flore Than Six Months' Treatment by Specialists. In the treatment of deafness which is often a result of catairh Ilyoiuei almost immediately upon tlie iollauied liieui- IJIM: cand the hearing beuincs to return at onee. A few days treatment will bring relief, and in three or lour weeks, according to the severity of the ease, a ! cure will be accomplished. Miss Meeks, of Muttowan, N*. | says: 'Tlyomei is truly wonderful. I have used it but a short time and see a great change in ray condition. My hear ing is improving rapidly, arid 1 had no idea I would improve rapidly in so short a time. .Mv breath wbien was so offen sive to myself and others, has lost its bad odor entirely. 1 have spent a great deal of money and caw truly say that six months of their treatment is not erjual to one month of Hyomei." \J. Taggart is selling Hyomei upon (lie unusual plan of agreeing to refund the money if the medicine does not cure. A complete outfit costs only SI.OO i and consists ot an inhaler that can be j carried in the vest pocket, a medicine | dropper and a bottle of Hyomei. The in- j tvaler will last a lifetime and there is | enough Hyomei for several weeks' treat- i ment. Additional bottles of Hyomei can ; be procured for 50 cents. Compare this ! small expense with the fees charged by | specialists and then remember that if, Hyomei does not cure L. Taggart will re turn your money. PROTECT YOURSELF AGAINST GERMS. People With Weak Stomachs Jlost Liable to Catch Disease. When the stotnach and digestive ! I organs are weak, the food does not di- j 1 gest, and there is a sour, slimy, ferment- 1 i ing mass, making it an ideal spot for the j ; disease germs to multiply. The only ' way to protect yourself agaiust disease I germs is to strengthen the and ! digestive organs, aiid Mi-o-na is tlie only i agent, so far as is known, that will ac- j ' eomplish tlii-. The ordinary medicine that is taken | ior indigestion and stomach troubles is I ! advertised to act upon the food alone and hence can uo- more than temporary re- ; l lieve. Mi-o-na is a certain cure in all i cases of stomach troubles, excepting can- j cer, because it enables the stomach and 1 digestive organs to act in the way nature ! intended they should. Drugs cannot di ! gest the food; they simply decompose it. j If you suffer with distress after eating, pains in the head, chest, sides and back, belching of gases and undigested food, bad taste in the mouth, dizziness, or vertigo, heartburn, variable appetite, sick headaches, spots before the eyes, and have a general feeling of despondency, weakness, and debility you should at once strengthen the stomach and digestive sys tem by the use ot Mi-o-na. There is no liquid, no alcohol, no spoonful doses with Mi- o-na. Just one simple tablet out of a I fifty cent box before eating, and your stomach will soon become so strong and healthy that you will be germ proof. Ask L. Taggart to show you the guar antee under which he sells Mi-o-na; costs nothing unless it cures. The energy that women expend in making fools of men would run an Em pire. Strikes Hidden Rocks. When your ship of health strikes the hidden rocks ef Consumption, Pneu monia, etc., you are lost, if you don't get help trom Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. J. W. McKinnon, of Tal ladega Springs, Ala., writes: "Iliad been very ill with Pheumonia under, the care of two doctors, but was getting no better when I began to take Dr. King's New Discovery. The first dose gave relief, and one bottle cured me/' Sure cure for sore throat, bronchitis, coughs and colds. I Guarranted at L. Taggart's drug store, price 50cand SI.OO. Trial bottle free. The more a man puffs the less freight he hauls. Night Prowling Thieves. Croup and Whooping Cough come like a thief in the night, stealing into fasten the fan us of mortal disease upon the children a* they peacefully sleep in their littl" beds. Kennedy's Laxative Honey and Tar. the new discovery for Coughs and Colds, will drive out these I death dealing demons before the doctor j ; can arrive. It protects the lives and j J health of the little ones. Contains no I ; opiajes. Keep it handy. Sold by H. I i C. Dodson. W hatcver i.> is right—where (iod is- A Dinner Invitation. After a hearty meal a dose of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure will prevent an attack of j Indigestion. Kodol is a thorough di- j gestant and a guaranteed cure tor Indi- I gestion. Dyspepsia, (las on the Stomach, Sour Risings. Had Breadth and all stom ach troubles. N. Wat kins, Lesbus. Ky., says:"l can testify to the efficacy of Kodol in the cure ot Stomach Trouble. I was afflicted with Stomash Trouble for fifteen years and have taken six bottles of your Kodol Dyspepsia Cure, which has entirely cured me. The six bottles were worth 81.000 to me." Sold by It. C. Dodson. Nothing fails like a selfish success. The Colonel's Waterloo. Colonel John M. Fuller, of lloney Grove, Texas, nearly met his Waterloo, from Liver and Kidney trouble. In a recent letter, he says:"l was nearly , dead, of these complaints and, although ' I tried my family doctor, he did me no good; so I got a 50c bottle of your great 1 Electric Hitters, which cured me. I con- | sider them the best medicine on earth, I and thank God who gave you the know- | ledge to make them.' Sold, and guaran- j teed to cure, Dyspepsia, Biliousness and ! Kidney Disease, bv L. Taggart druggist, j and 50c a bottle. Sorrow is the secret ef happiness. Notice t«» Slock holders. r N accordance with a resolutions of t lie Board j I of Directors. A special meeting of the stock I holders of the Emporium Powder Mauufactur- i ing Company will be held at the office of the j company in the Borough of Emporium on Tues day, May 2,1905 at 2 o'clock p. ill., for the pur pose of voting upon the question of increasing the capitol stock of said corporation from seventy thousand to one hundred and five thousand. C. W. SHAFFER, Secy, Empriuni, Pa., Peby. 28, 19U5.—2-9t. TAX APPEAL. f"PHE Annual Tax Appeal will be held at the I office of the County Commissioners in Em porium, Pa., on Tuesday, March 21, 1905. Those having grievances can lay them before the Board at that time. By order of the Board of County Commission ers. I. K. HOCKLEY, Clerk. .—.COLLEGE F/J yj //\ IMPART* a HOUIKI //V 'J. / A BufciiH'NH » Kduca- | V//y /ry) tlon, giving young J / *men and women a / / Ktart. in lift*, enabling them to earn u liveli hood in lit IK age of com merce. Nohummer vAcaiion.ent^ratuny time. Win. 11. IMtfT, l*reK. t l'ittaharg, f*a. 3APi NE R SALVE mo" 1 salve In tho world. CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, MARCH 2, 1905. C. R. HUSTED & CO., Opposite M. K. Church, Kmporiuni, l'a. ! Will for the next sixty clays give 10 PER CENT. OFF ! on all goods sold for cash or I cash in two weeks and FIVE I PER CENT, off all bills paid in j fail at the end of thirty days. We make an exception when 112 selling FLOUR and SUGAR |j accompanied by 110 other I groceries. Call us up, on phone, No, 74. Goods Delivered Free and I Promptly. THE FOURTH STREET GROCERY C. R. HUSTED & CO., Proprietors. Special I Sale I Friday AND Saturday Matches, regular price 50c, 40c l| Canned Peaches, 25e kind, 20c I Canned Plums, 25c kind, 20c I 31b. Java and Mocha Coffee, Ufic I Regular 35c kind. Sun dried Tea, 30c kind, 2"> c I Baking Chocolate, - .75c B Half pound cans Cocoa, VOc I Regular price 25c. 21b pail of Cottelene . 23c I 41b pail " 4r>c 8 3 cans Tomatoes . . 23 c if 12c canned Corn - !Oc I iGive Our Meat I Department a Trial. I Home Made | Sausage 1 I I I We can save you money B 1 on your Meats and Grocer- fl : ies. Give us a trial and we B 1 will convince you that this | is the cheapest place to buy. B • Our goods are cheap be- B cause they are good. It's | not the price that makes I them cheap, it's the quality. I Don't forget we sell depend- | able goods. Dependable I goods are not to be obtained I in every store. You can't I buy any other kind here. | We don't keep them. 'Phone 21, G. H. GROSS & CO. I KodoS Dyspepsia Cure Digests what yo u tsat. | Huildin^rirne I And we wish to say that we are better prepared than ever ] before to supply you with all kinds of £ Hardware and Ktailderw VVe have in addition tu our regular stock, (the for busiuess ot U. A. Palmer, known as Hockley's Coal Yard) consisting of Brick, Lime Cement, Wall Plaster, Shingles, Coal, Hay, Hardwood, etc., etc., a full line of PAINTS, COLORS in OIL, PAINT BRUSHES, etc. | Plumbing and Tinning is among our specialties. Costs you nothing for estimates in these lines. All our work is positively guaranteee to give satisfaction. I Stoves and Ranges. Don't forget we carry the largest assortment of STOVES and RANGES for gas, coal or wood in county and every one guaranteed by the maker. I MURRY & COPPERSMITH CO. ST3SHSHS3 SB SSSSSSSB 512 gj Rockwell's 1 | Drug Store. | a] The Cold Cream that n] we make is unsur- (J; passed for face and jf hands and will make nJ Oj the skin soft and [{] [j| white. We have Nail, Tooth and llaii Brushes, Wist [n Brooms. Chamois [jj Skin and Sponges. No better goods on H] [jj the market. When h (ii you want your favo- In rite recipes filled [k M Bring them to us. nj . " , , in m Our stationery leads. nj [n Also our toilet cream, n] jjl toilet water, toilet jj] m soaps, perfumes and u t{j sashet powder. All ■(] the latest. nj J{] Our Botanic Dry Kidney Cure []j [n is an exoellent tonic. A specific nj ill for all diseases of the kidneys. uj :§ M. A. ROCKWELL. £ PS HS sau B-c 1 5Hia d SHSHSTHSHSH 525^ j' | [Jj Next to Hank iT 1 iH H The Popular • 112 Gj Store. [}J rum U] We have taken extra pains to nj 1 [}j serve our patrons with the best "I n] of the season's offerings. How [n In well we have succeeded you can al l]j tell by taking a look at our beau- ft !jj tiful display. We invite you all n] Into drop in. While we do not uj ft pose as a bargain counter, yet ft n] we call upon our patrons who jj] In desire to purchase practical and IS ft reliable goods. We are prepar- J{l m] ed to satisfy the most critical ft Ln buyer, with an arrav of GOOD nj ft PRACTICAL THINGS for the jj] season that are- annually found [n In only in the large city stores. nJ ft Our prices are right for good Jj] jjj goods. [n ! llitlul 1 P g | Articles K nJ n Coats and Mufflers, 50c, to $3 00 !{] jjJ Silk Suspenders, 50e to - 2.00 tjj ru Silk and fancy Hosiery, 25c to 3.00 m n] Silk Handkerchiefs, 25c to 1.50 Silk Umbrellas, §1.25 to - 10.00 Jj uj House Coats, §5.00 to • - 12.00 m jj Bags and Suit Cases, SI.OO 15.00 nj jj Trunks, §4.00 - - 15.00 tj] nJ Bath Robes - - §I.OO to 8.00 bj m Smoking Jackets, §4 00 up. m Popular Brands of Shirts and K [Jj Collars, Exclusive Agents [}j for the most popular m Hats. W H] The largest and best line of [}{ [{] Suits and Overcoats (n I Win the County. [jj 1 1L | | I Call Early. Next to Bank. jjj lH I Tj—— I—ITITWII1 —ITITWII IBI—I MIBIIWI SW I IlisijNiiisiiiil'iiniitiirHVl | Sj | | ■ M I Ossr New Year .IS r-JVi | | Introductory | 1 WE have just finished a wonderfully pros perous year. One in which all our past sales-records were thrown so far in the rear that it will require the most vigorous and untiring work to surpass them. But .work is our pastime and we are going to Your splendid patronage has placed in creased purchasing power in our hands, the force of which will be felt in the ever increasing values that will benefit every J money-wise person in this county who is 112. wise enough to profit by it. Keep Your Kye on Us all this Year and "Watcli Us Cirow. I Emporium Furniture Co., I BERNARD EGAN, Manager. P Undertaking. I gp 112 i|p C. B. HOWARD & COMPANY, General Merchandise. STORE ON THE RIALTO. I $ I I White Suitings, $ 1 J§ _We have our new line or White Shirtwaistings and |§| M Suitings for Spring and Summer. Do not fail to see