Horrible • It is horrible to think of the PAIN and suffering which so many people endure, all because they don't know of, or fail to try, HAMLINS WIZARD OIL. Suffering aud pain wears out the brain and nervous system, aud soon wrecks your physical and mental powers. No need to suffer if you will only use this great, modern euro for pain, absolutely safe, sooth ing, curative and healing. Used internally or externally, it goes like lightning to the seat of trouble, and, by allaying the inflammation, it drives out the real cause of all painful sickness and quickly makes you perfect ly well. Price 50 eents and SI.OO. Fully guaranteed. For sale and recommended by L. TAGGART. Money to Loan MORTGAGES ON FARMS 4 to 5 Per Cent. TERM OF YEARS. HENDERSON & Co. 1214 Arch Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 43 3m. \\ \ \ V\ \ \ N \ \ \ /A 1 * / Adam, g / Meldrum & | Anderson Co. | > v N". Y. ' 396-408 Main Street, % /■ % I —— i | Hew | ; Wash Goods 5 3 112 A dream of exquisiteness are / the new wash goods for 1905 / The most charming things are arriving daily and 'ire rapidly / picked up. Our stock in the / / largest and most varied wo have ever oarried suid the choice is - / almost limitless. Send for earn- / / Pies. / * / . Imported Swiss Muslin, embroidered in * dota, white witn colot, and itecflA/t / jk colored ground, 00c aud UUO •s 36-incli All-I.itien Suitiiiß, in solid «•<•!.>re / ofpink. «ky. cadet, nile. iri y, QQ n , brown and tan. Special Oo'L' / Soft finish percale in lurce assortment / of styles, staple dot and rniK -1 Ql / design for shirt waist suits 1 (C/l •/ Rial French Organdie in handsome / /* printings, white and tinted Qff / fields, netv designs OtJL> y Embroidered linen in white field with ' / embroidere figure of color; a service- / able light weight P.C\r> ' ■ fabric tJvvO / . Mohair Grenadine in nice assortment of styles, very serviceable fabric, „ / y principally in greys and blacks Gauze Chiffon, n dainty sheer sabric in / white, handsome floral design: -\ _ > a very special quality 100 ✓ M ercericed Bolienne in solid colors of / pink and liijht blue nile, champagne, ' cadet, navy and black, Qr - / -J permanent lustre iwOO Novelty Mohair Suitings, very popular A ■y for shirt waist suits, in neat QC n designs, dark tones iwOO fl / New Batistes, Dimnites and Swisses in y Dresden set figure and scrole "1 Q 1 r» / designs, handsome colorings JL (£j?\s -p. '■ Novelty BrocheJMadras, shown in green, /' blue, grey and tan, with spot "1 / i\ of color, for shirt waist suits... / / ' | / w BUTTERICK PATTERNS, we are Buffalo Agents. A / ■ Adam, | Meldrum & % Anderson Co. * The Americar Block, • % i BUFFALO, N. Y /. /■S \ \ \ \ V \ \ \ \ \.\\ ■nmni riniawiiM ii 111 i I—l n n"' Bargain in Books. A complete set ofßrittanica Ency clopaedia,consisting of thirty volumes and key. Are all new and in original packages. Will be sold at a bargain, Apply at PRESS office. 36tf Warning. All persons are hereby forbidden from trespassing upon the property of this Company without a permit from this office, or the Superintendent at the works. KEYSTONE POWDEII MFG. CO. Emporium, Pa., August Ist, 1903, 24-tf. SEEING NOISE. The Method h> Which Sound Wave* Are Pliotoffnt plied. Souml can be photographed by tak ing advantage of the motion produced in a tuning fork. Sound travels In waves, each corresponding with an os cillation in the fork, which remains in a state of continuous vibration while the note is sounded. To photograph these sound waves a small mirror is attached to the end of one of the prongs. On this a powerful beam of light is projected by a lens, so as to strike it at an angle of forty-five degrees. The light Is again reflected from its surface, but In a new direc tion, and a very slight alteration In the position of the mirror makes a large one in the reflected beam. To take the photograph the light Is turned upon the mirror in a darkened room, and the tuning fork is set In vi bration, while a sensitive plate is rap idly passed in the path of the reflected pencil of light. Oil development the plate shows sound waves recorded na a wavy line, and each note has its characteristic curves. Reduced Rates to Washington. On account of the Inauguration of President liooseveit on March 1 the Pennsylvania Railroad Company will sell round trip tickets to Washington, March 2, 3, and 4, good tor return passage un til March 8, inclusive, from llarrisburg Pittsburgh, Oil City, Erie, Buffalo, at rate of single fare, plus 2.* i cents for the round trip. Deposit of ticket with Joint Agent at Washington on or hefoee March 8 and pay mem t of fee SI.OO will secure extension of return limit to leave Wasli ingtou on ir before March 18. For specific rates and full information apf.ly to ticket agents. 51-3t. A Wonderful Saving. The largest Methodist Church in Geogia, used 32 gallons of L. & M., mix ed with 24 gallons of oil, thus making paint cost about #1.2-ts. El j Pleased j i Customers j !■ * I ; < Are our begt adver- i s tisement. We make \ i it a point to satisfy. t < If we have not just > 112 what you want, we'll c get it for you. Our ) stock of | Hardware j } AND— } | Supplies j > Is extensive, largo \ \ enough for almost \ { any one; but you i C may want something s 112 special. You are } ? then', the one we J > want to satisfy par- j i ticularly. We know \ i we can do it. t | Hurteau j | Forbes, j ( HARDWARE, PLUMBING AND \ | TINNING. | CAMERON COUNTY PRESS. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1905. Tropicus Countries nuil Spire*. In tropical countries, between lati tudes 23 degrees south and 23 degrees north of the equator, the inhabitants use spices with their food as we use pepper. A certain beneficial effect is caused to the digestion—namely, stim ulant and carminative. Hut there Is a secondary effect, which is perhaps even more beneficial, seen In the fact that the volatile oil passes out from the body mostly unchanged through various channels, but chiefly through the lungs and skin. So that in the tropics nature has provided antisep tics which in passing out by the lungs and skiu kill the hurtful microbes which might be breathed In and also prevent to a great extent the attack of mosquitoes. It is a well known fact that Insects, including mosquitoes, dis like volatile oils and will probably not attack an Individual using spices as a food adjunct. It is Interesting to note that spices grow where there Is a high rainfall combined with much heat, conditions under which malarial influ ences prevail. The author quotes vari ous authorities in regard to the anti septic, antipyretic and other properties of aromatics. —Journal of Tropical Med icine. _ A Frlentltililp tbrlatma*. Eustacla "What shall we do this Christmas? Edmonla—You give me back all the things I've given you that you didn't like, and I'll give you all the things you gave me that I didn't like.—De troit Free Press. The Kormlßhted Shopper. With Christmas ncur I'm not distress^ With thoughts of what to buy; No clfts to seek, my BOUI'S at rest— I bought tb«n last July. Agonizing Burns Ave instantly relieved, and perfectly healed, by Buck leu's Arnica Salve. C. RivenbarU, Jr., of Norfolk, Va., writes: "I burnt my knee dreadfully; that it blistered all over. Bucklen's Arnica Salve stopped the pain, and healed it without a scar." Alsu heals all wounds and sores. 2")e at L. druggist. Present indications are that brown will continue popular lor street wear. Poisons in Food. Perhaps you don't realize that many pain poisons originate in your food, but some day you may teel a twinge of dys pepsia that will convince you. Dr. Kind's New Life I'ills are guaranteed to cure all sickness due to poisons of un digested food—or money back. 2") c at L. Taggart's drug Store. Try them. Many eveuing gowns and hats are trimmed with some form offoilageand relieved by a single flower. WANTED —GirIs to learn pants mak ing. We will pay new beginners $3.00 per week while they learn. Exper ienced hands are earning $7.00 to §9.00 per week. Address, Lycoming Pants Co., 42-12t. Williamsport, Pa. Satin crepe is much liked for making costumes with draped bodice and lull >kirt. PROTECT YOURSELF AGAINST GERnfIS. People With Weak Stomachs Host Liable to Catch Disease. When the stomach and digestive org MIS are weak, T ! I ;• food d< - net '!; gest. and tlcre i.i s nr, slimy, fcrun nt ing raa>s, making it an ideal spot for th:: di.-"ii*' germs to multiply. The only way to protect your-elf against disease germs is to strengthen the stomach and digestive organs, and Mi-o na is the only agent, so far as is known, that will ac complish this. The ordinary medicine that i- taken for indigestion and stomach troubles is advertised to act upon the food alone and hence can no more than temporary re lieve. Mi-o-na is a certain cure in all cases of stomach troubles, excepting can cer, because it enables the stomach and digestive organs to act in the way nature intended they should. Drugs cannot dij gest the food; they simply decompose it. If you suffer with distress alter eating, pains in the head, chest, sides and back, belching of gases and undigested food, bad taste in the mouth, dizziness, or vertigo, heartburn, variable appetite, sick headaches, spots before the eyes, and have a general feeling of despondency, weakness, and debility you should at once strengthen the stomach and digestive sys tem by the use ot Mi-o-na. There is no liquid, no alcohol, no spoonful doses with Mi-o-na. Just one simple tablet out of a fifty cent box before eating, and your stomach will soon become so strong and healthy that you will be germ proof. Ask L. Taggart to show you the guar antee under which he sells Mi-o-na; costs nothing unless it cures. Florida. The second Jacksonville tour of the season via the Pennsylvania Railroad, al lowing two weeks in Florida, leaves New York, Philadelphia, and Washington by special train February 14. Excursion tickets, including railway transportation, Pullman accommodations (one birth), and meals eu route in both directions while traveling ou tha special train, will be sold at the following rates: New York, $50.00; Buffalo, 855.25; Roches ter, $54.00; Elmira ssl.4s;'Erie, $54.85. Williamsport, $50.00; Wilkesbarre $50.- 34; and at proportionate rates from other points. A similar tour will be run February 28. For tickets, itineraries, and full infor mation apply to ticket agents, or address, Geo. W. Boyd, General Passenger Agent, Broad Street Station, Philadelphia. :j4:w-si-2t. | Womanly Health, Strength and Beauty Strength and beauty in woman depend entirely upon her health. A woman cannot look her best if suffering from one or more of the many ail ment* peculiar to her sex. These ailments in variably cause, sooner or later, the loss of her symmetry of form and freshness of complexion. AUNT DINAH S OLD VIRGINIA Herb Tea Makes Strong and Beautiful Women. It is a most pleasant and effective remedy for the troubles which cause so much suffering among women the world over. It relieves immediately and eventually cures all cases of disordered men struation, female weakness, prolapsus, chronic constipation, sick head ache, nervousness and sleeplessness. These are the ailments which de f>rive a woman of her youth and beauty and make icr old before her time. The use of the Herb Tea will enable her to retain these qualities. It clears the complexion and improves the form. A cupful at bed time will give a woman health and strength. Chicago, April 19.19 M. limn! ins Wizard Oil Co..Chicago, 111.: lifiitlemcn —My wife had been nutrerinf? with female weakne»H ami extreme nervousness which latter the phvsieian w ho has been attending her for a lonj? time attributed to her being unahle to sleep. AI in toeing about all night she would invariably rife in the morn ing with a terrible headache. The doctor seemed to he able to do nothing for her and she was constantly get ting worse. She decided to try your Herb Tea ami drank a cupful before retiring. In the morning she arose after a good night's rest and without a headache for the ilrst time in months. She has continued taking it •luring the past three months nml ban forgotten what a sleepless night means. She is feeling splendid and every one remark- how well she Is looking. Her com plexion is as clear as a young girl's and her flgure has improved wonderfully. Yours truly. N. K. TAYLOR, 53118 Cornell Aw, Chicago. Prepared bj Hamlins Wizard Oil Co., Chicago. Price, 25c. HAMLINS COUGH BALSAM Soothes the Throat. Stops the Cough. 2.0 c. and 00c. HAMLINS BLOOD &. LIVER PILLS Act Gently and Without I'ain. 25c. FOR SALE AND RECOMMENDED BY L. TAGGART. HUMPHREYS' Specifics cure l>y acting directly on the sick parts without disturbing the rest of the system. No. 1 for Fevers. No. 2 " Worms. No. 3 " Teething. No. 4 " Diarrhea. No. 7 " Coughs. No. 8 " Neuralgia. No. 9 " Headaches. No. 10 '• Dyspepsia. No. 11 " Suppressed Feriods. No. 12 " Whites. Ni>. 13 " Croup. N< . It " The Skin. No. 15 " Rheumatism. No. 10 " Malaria, No. 19 " Catarrh. No. 20 " Whooping Cough. No. 27 " The Kidneys. No. :J0 " The Bladder. No. 77 " La Grippe. Ia small lio'.tl. of )iell(;ts that fit the Test pocket. At Druggists or mailed, 25c. e*cb. 7'~"~ Medical Onide mailed free. Humphreys' Sic.;. Co., Cor. AVilliam& Jului struts, 1 New York. [ This is the j | Store For the People. \\ 51bs bext granulated Sugar.. .'Joe X !lb mixed TV a .... 13c < i > lib sack Mother's Rice, 9c j ; i 31b prepared ijuckwliuut Hour 14c \ j \ 2 bars Domir.o Soap !)c: ? j > ! bar 15: i Ton Sand Soup. .. 5c j it Ihx U lmonti Seeded Raisins 100 i : £ I Bottle Lutz & Schrums pre- < J > stives 24c \ i l 1 can \J. & S'ti Baked Beans.. 18c i < 1 can Auto brand Corn 9c »; > 1i an Kenwood Pc-as ........ 9c \ I 1 can Tomatoes .. 9a \ £ 1 can I'umpliin 93 < \ 1 can Table Beets ... 9c \ X lean Strawberries 15c X < 1 can Red Raspberries 15c < 1 can Lima Beans 14c j \ i can Pineapple 24c x \ 2 lbs Prunes 9c ? This assoitmt'iit for the next i ten days only. 0, B. Barnes. I t Allegany Avenue, c r 'Phone 81. J i There is a Universal J J Dread > Among patients on their approaching \ x the dental chair, owing largely to the s ' traditional story of jts tortures. eln a modern Dental practice there is % little to justify such dread. > i £ Dental operations arc not necessarily \ } i painful. With sharp instruments, a I ? skilled hand and a generall know how \ i ability, the worst is over. s \ Don't Sacrifice Your Teeth Be- i } t cause of Imaginative Fear. 2 ' < Have your teeth examined often and e filled when disease has- just commenced > and it then will be annoying rather c i £ than painful. S 112 Dr. F. M. ZELIE, ) > DENTIST. I s CRANE BLOCK. EMPORIUM. PA. \ | 11H. < CO-P\IIT.\KRSIIir NOTICE >TOTICE is hereby given that Arthur Durcll « (iore and Chailes Albert Oounsil have | farmed a partnership under the name of tlie | Keystone Handle Company, Limited, for the 1 purpose of manufacturing and selling for a pcr ! oid of twenty years from January 23, 1905, all | manner of handles, paper plugs and general j novelty wooden ware, with a capital of two j thousand dollars, of which amount Arthur Dur i ell Clore has suh(icribed one thousand dollars I and Charles Albert Council has subscribed one j thousand dollars to be paid in cash at once. | That the liability of each of said partners is ; limited in accordance with the Act of General \ Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylva nia, approved the 9th day of May, A. I)., 1899.and ■ that the articles of partnership;have been left for j record in the office of the Recorder of Deeds in and for Cameron county. Pa. I KEYSTONE HANDLE COMPANY. LIMITKD. Now Is the Time to Fill in Your I Winter Supply of I I Clothing I Cients' Furnishings, Shoes and Rubbers "We are Selling all Winter Goods at Low Priees BK in order to make room for Our Spring Goods I Jasper Harris, | KB Opposite I'ost-Office, I*A. i S LOOK ELSEWHERE BUT DON'T FORGET gg THESE PRICES AND FACTS AT | | Lab AM &|j | y - We carry in stock the largest line of Car- . . t .112. ' j J* l K ' ls ' Linoleums stad &/' ' ■; I M •: J Mattings ot all kiiuls ' W H'. ever brought to this I if M town. Also a big line fw--- of samples. '4 A very large line of FOR IffE Lace Curtains that can- A II r™ roiTte scT'- COMfORTABIE »i Art Squares and of fine books in a choice library Rugs of all size? and select the Ideal pattern of Globe- *2 N kind, irom the cheap- j Wernicke "Elastic" Bookcase. I $4 est to the best. Furnished with bevel French |fj plate or leaded ijlass dnors. Dining Chairs, roH CftLE rv Rockers and GEO. J. LaBAR, || Chairs. Sole Agent for Cameron County. ttitt A large and elegant ' • line of Tufted and Drop-head Couches. I'eauties and at bargain prices. 3C S3O Bedroom Suite, Zi tered oak 4)^3 £2 $25 Bed room Suite, Clfi $22 Sideboard, quar- &IT solid oak at tered oak, 3)11) A large line of Dressers from Chiffoniers of all kinds and lI P- all prices. s* H M —— h 1 he finest line of Sewing Machines on the market, JJ the "DOMESTIC" and "ELDRIDGK." All drop heads and warranted. gg A fine line of Dishes, connnon grade and China, in sets and by the piece. H As I keep a full line of everything that goes to Si! make up a good Furniture store, it is useless to enuni- ** crate them all. (Ef h# Please call and see for yourself that lam telling It fcg you the truth, and if you don't buy, there is no harm if done, as it is no trouble to show goods. »1 GEO. J. LaBAR. " 15 «