Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, February 09, 1905, Image 8

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is 0110 of the main symptoms of
that terrible disease called Rheu
matism, which makes life a daily
torture to many thousands.
is a treatment which affords a
positive cure for rheumatism and
allied diseases.
Applied externally, it relieves
the pain at once. Taken inter
nally, it cures permanently by
purifying the blood of the lactic
acid which causes the disease.
Anthony Smith, of Mayville, 111.,
says:"l had such severe rheumat
ic pains in my arm and shoulder
that I could neither work nor sleep
and was fast losing all hope of
cure, when I heard of and triad
Hamlins Wizard Oil, two bottles
of which performed a perfect, per
manent cure." Price, 50c and sl.
For sale and recommended by
Money to Loan
4 to 5 Per Cent.
1214 Arch Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
43 3m.
\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ s \ \ \ \v
/ Adam, ;
/ Meldrum &
•N Anderson Co.
s S
390-40* Main Street, '
112, - '
! Dress !
| Goods!
FOR 1905
' 8
/ have a stock of Dry
i Goods as largo as the
% combined stocks of all the de- /
/ partment stores in Buffalo and
& an assortment which is not to he
£ equalled outside of New York /
/ City. In making a selection for #
- the new gown you are not con
' fined to a few patterns or a few /
/ colors. You can have just what ,
j you want; if it is to be had you
will find it here. /
/ Wo are now showing the new /
things for spring and summer
< 1905 in /
Wash Goods '
-- Dress Goods -
; Dress Linens '
- New Silks '
% /
% MENT ✓
will be pleased to send you sam
/ pies. We are very liberal in
$ sending samples, but it is impos
' sible to send samples of all we %
/ have. Designate the kind of
! goods, tlie color and about the
price you care to pay. We can /
'/ then send you a good selection, y
*. - %.
\ I
j We are Buffalo agents for But-
,i terick Patterns and the Deline- 'f\
ator. j|
| .
■ Adam, .<
% Meldrum & £
Anderson Co. /
S The American Block, /
/ \ N \ \ S \ \ mum m \ .\\
Bargain in Books.
A complete set ofßrittanica Ency
clopaedia,consisting of thirty volumes
and key. Are all new and in original
packages. Will be sold at a bargain,
Apply at PRESS office. 36tf
All persons are hereby forbidden from
trespassing upon the property of this
Company without a permit from this
office, or the Superintendent at tho
Emporium, Pa., August Ist, 1903.
If Pap Blodgett Marts light in writin
for the Gazette or the Indcpendi rit
either, in 'lie sauie style that is natural (o
us, he'll find a heap of our best Citizens
dead >et agin him. Ennyonc believes
in allowing credit where its cotnin but
there is a pile of difference twixt in end in
shoes, runnin peacut roasters, chewin
gun, slot machines on the outside and
strappin razors and writin for the columns
of these papers as we are.
Y r ine Hanscom and Eilick DeSlietler
are fisin up the saw mill so they can run
it next summer O. K. Vine is the one
that files the saws always when the mill
is runnin and Ellick runs tliem. Vine
is a good man to file a saw allright & so
is Elliek a good otic to run 1. There's
enough logs this time to run longer than
any before if they get them all in.
Some of them arc say in Mabuuom
airit very well educated and trvin to be
little our style of writin and puttin things
but Mabuoon finished up at a school
were they teaehed a language that was
not all writtiti nor found iri books and
off and on in the columns of these papers,
we may put things that will be clearer
maybe, il you read betwixt the lines,
where there aint any words printed on.
George Shaffer who runs the House
his Father used to has takin to writin'
lor the Sun which is peddled on our
streets at night alter the train goes up &
his articklc on account of the big paper
mills at the head of the creek polluttin,
the water and killin' all the fish meets
the sanctum of all our Patriotic Citizens
an 1 maybe if' George keeps onj touchin'
his (iuill to the paper souicthin' 'will be
dote 'bout it.
A bad accident came mighty near
takin' place last week on day when 1 of
our Citizens viz: Howard Met/.gar who
does the buyin' for Barclays' big store
tumbled backwards out of George Crass
ley's bob sled and lit on his head and
shoulders in a heap. Howard is a
powerful big man all right and had good
foot in' in the slid but when the horses
started mibeknowest to him he tumbled
right out hckitysplit O. K.
There's a heap of talk goin'round bout
the way some of them will be list up
with mack.- for the party like once be
fore 1 told you. Everybody is wotider
iug how the other fellow is goin' to be
rigged up and guessin' whose goin' to get
the prize for haviu' the smartest git up
which some one says is a real old fash
ioned Pumpkin pie, AbeTurain reckons
h'li get the prize. His make up will
kindle your eyes O. K.
Some time ago I wrote in prose
I scarcely know of friend or foes
A sewing circle the R. P. U.
They handle well what ete they do
Tis seldom any one they spars
Of gossip get there proper share
But folks have learned to grin and bear
The news that goes just living round
Until it fall upon the ground
And hits soniebodys name.
I've told yold you of the motely hand
They turn out anything at hand
Tilt latest gossip in the land
Is spread broadcast and round about
You'd wonder how they found it out
To get so quickly spread
The neighbors all declare it true
The Old Maids Club the It. P. U.
The best to say when all are thru
Let it remain uns iid.
You'd scarcely think this hi sy throng.
The It. P. I'., rou d get along,
Within acountr. .id so small.
With such amuzi.-ig skill,
Lc> it b ■ said the gotsi > spread
Is surelv fit to kill.
But then how can we jtli a tone,
When we d > not too' hi rs as we should
When we are saved l>y G:a"*' alone
To gain an eveilisting home
How tan we all be good
This is at best a faulty sphere
Hence we aie left to gues< and fear
And every doubt.
P. S. Note.
The It. P. U. will give a ball
Am told takes place in Brooks' Hall
lust bring you mask and be in line
To do honor to St. Valentine
Am told the doors will close at eight.
Cards are out to one and all
Of stature small and stature tall
Old, young, fats and leans
Maids of fourty, maids of teens
We hope to dance the time away
At the masquerade of St. Valentines Day.
Avoid conjestion at the door.
Edtior Press:—
The time draws near for election,
And surely you have no objection,
A good vote to east,
Hope it won't be your last
For good old Republican protection.
Mrs. Harry Ellis died at her home
Saturday evening at 9:30, after a season
of much suffering. The cause of her
death was catarrh of the stomach and
rheumatism. She is survived by her
husband Mr. Harry Ellis. Mrs. Ellis
was a highly estimable lady aud her loss
will be keenly felt by the community at
large, who join in extending their heart
felt sympathy to the bereaved husband.
Edward Skiliman, while working in
Square Timber Run on Saturday, slipped
on the ice aud fractured his left knee.
Dr. Johnson of Colesburg, who was
visiting at the camp reduced, the fracture.
At the present writing he is able to get
around with the aid of a crutch.
Ernest Wykoff is filling the position
of delivery clerk for the Cameron Store
Co. He gives good satisfaction as he is
popular and is a'so an accomplished
Vice President, E. V. Dunlevie of
the Cameron Lumber Co..| with Supt.
Probst, made a tour of inspection over
their railroad lines Monday.
The Calder Fire Brick Co., expect to
erect three more new plants in the near
future. The outlook for Cameron is |
very encouraging.
The K. (i. E. gave a banquet at their
hall, Saturday evening. It was an en
joyable event in every way.
11. T. Manning of Emporium, hasac
eepted a position with .1.(1 Skillman.
The farmers' institute at Emporium j
was well attended by our people.
Section foreman, Jos. Ilobinson lost a
valuable cow this week.
Mre. Swan is ill with pneumonia.
Mr. Nate Prentiss lias returned from j
a business trip to Kalamazoo, Mich. Mr.
Prentiss is interested in some timber
property in that region and says business
is good there. t'.J.g.
Farmers' Institute.
The Cameron County Farmers' In
stitute closed its sessions at the Court
House, Tuesday evening after a most
interesting and profitable meeting.
Much credit is due the Chairman, Mr. |
W. 11. Howard, for making this one of j
the largest institutes ever held in this
county and which can be reported to
tbe State Department of Agriculture ;
as one of the best in the state. The \
farmers of Cameron county should be
sorry to lose Mr. Howard as chairman, j
this being his last term.
Monday afternoon, Dr. I. A. Thayer, ;
a scientific man of Lawrence county, j
responded to the Address of Welcome i
by W. 11. Howard, in a very creditable j
manner, and complimented the Cam
eron county farmers on their beautiful
American-Switzerland. Hon. A. J.
Kahler, of Lycoming county, gave a
valuable discourse on "Hogs for j
Profit' and L. W. Lighty of Lycoming j
county, talked on"The Farmers' Cow I
and How to make her Profitable." Mr.
Lighty is a practical dairyman and his
talk was very concise and interesting.
In the evening Hon. A. J. Kahler
talked on "Corn Culture.'' Dr. I A.
Thayer on"The Clover as Food and
How to Cure," and L. W. Lighty dis
cussed "Feeding the Dairy Cow." A
beautiful piano solo was rendered by
Miss Flossie Taggart, and Miss Mazie
Gallagher entertained the audience
with a very pretty violin solo. Miss
lJyrde Taggart sang a solo extremely
Tuesday morning, Mr. L. W. Lighty
delivered an address on "Silo Exper
ience and Practice." Hon. A. J. Kah
ler talked on "Proper Care of Barn
yard Manure" and Dr. I. A. Thayer
spoke on "Alfalfa" The question
box was a main feature and many
practical questions were asked and {
The subject "Taxation and How it j
Affects the Farmer," was discussed by j
Hon. A. J. Kahler, "Soiling and Soil- |
ing Crops," by L W. Lighty was an !
exceptionally good talk and Dr. I
Thayer spoke of "Clover as a Fertil !
The most interesting theme of the j
evening was a splendid address on
"Strawberry Culture" by Dr. Thayer
This gentleman is largely engaged in
strawoerry raising and talks intelli
gently on the subject. Mr. Lighty |
talked on "Education for our Boys and j
Girls; What and How " lie compared i
the rural school houses of to-day with I
those of thirty years ago, and really!
there seemed small dilt'erouoe. Mr. j
Lighty spoke of the centralizing of
schools and gave several examples.
Hon. A. J. Kahler gave a short ta'k on
"How Best to keep the Boys on the
Farm." In his remarks he gave the
reasons why boys, who were reared on
the farm preferred employment in the
The music provided by Miss Byrde I
Taggart was exceptionally fine. .Miss J
Grace Lloyd who has a sweet and well I
trained voice, sang a solo "Poppies." j
Miss Flossie Taggart furnished a piano I
solo, Miss Grace Walker rendered two j
violin solos in her capable manner. !
Mr. A. I). Erricsson played two piano I
solos, much to the delight of the audi- I
ence and Miss Frank Huntley sang two |
beautiful songs.
Monday evening the prizes were !
awarded as follows: Master Olson !
won the pig; Mr. li. J. Newton the !
barrell of flour; Mrs E. C. Davy, the i
half barrel of flour; Mrs. Andrew j
Ingersoll the ham.
Tuesday evening—Miss Vina Mur- i
rap won the pig; Miss Flossie Taggart j
the barrel of flour; Mrs. T. F. Moore !
the half barrel of flour; Mr. Close the;
Mr. Howard knows how to make sue- !
cessful farmers' institutes.
Wants to Find Her Brother.
BUFFALO, N. Y., Feb. I.—Thirty :
years ago Kate and John Kavanaugh j
came to this county from New Ross j
County Wexford, Ireland. Tbcy went j
different ways and have never met. i
Now Kate Kavanaugh is dying at her j
home, No. 598 Fargo avenue, in this ;
city, and is anxiously trying to locate ]
her brother to leave him her property '
J—Bl 'I Bi
■ Best Couch Syrup. Tastes Good. B
H Use in time. Sold by druggists. E
Wgi I I I I'l I hill II lljl
Woman's ills
How rare a thing to find a woman who is perfectly
healthy. Fully seventy per cent, of the sex suffer*
from ailments which often render life a burden.
These attlictions cause nervousness, irritability,
melancholia, hysteria, etc. They entirely unfit a
woman for life's work and deprive her of most of
it 6 joys.
Herb Tea
Those suffering with disordered menstruation,
female weakness, prolapsus, etc., will find im
mediate relief from the use of Aunt Dinah's Old
Virginia Herb Tea and in the majority of cases it
will bring about a complete cure. It is a positive
cure for chronic constipation, sick headache and
indigestion. In case of nervousness and sleep
lessness this tea will be found indeed a boon. It
has a soothing and quieting effect on the nerves
and invariably induces sound, refreshing sleep.
A cupful at bed-time is all that is necessary to
make a woman well and keep her well.
Mayesvillo. fl. C. 112 Dec. 8,1W02.
! Hanilins Wizard Oil 0%>., < III.:
Two yearn ago 1 suffered with femalo complaint and
u»ed your Aunt Dinah's Old Virginia Herb T« a with
freat auceeua. 1 have Just begun tuning it airain and I
i?el much vounger and stronger. If every woman
1 sufferer could know the relief she would experience by
ualngyour Herb Tea she would never be without it. It
I.* a most wonderful remedy and 1 take pleasure in rec
ommencing it toany lady who is suffering with female
j Miss C. L. CAWKNTKB.
Mow, I,ee County, Ark., Dec. 1,1902.
Hamlins Wizard Oil Co . Chicago, 111.
I am greatly pleased with your Aunt Dinah's Old
Virginia Herb Tea Indeed I think there is nothing Ilka
It for headache and stomach troubles ami 1 tlml it ex
cecdingly good for clearing the.complexion. 1 would
; not be without it. Yours truly.
I Prepared by Hiinlin3 Wizard Oil Co., Chicago. Price, 25c.
Ileal a the Lungs. Wardu Off Consumption. 2-JC. and ofl(\
Regulate the Liver. Cleanse the System. 2"» c.
For Piles.
Sample mailed free.
ORG application gives relief.
The continued use of Hum
phreys' Witch Hazel Oil per
manently cures Piles or Hem
orrhoids—External or Internal.
Blind or Bleeding, Itching or
Burning, Fissures and Fistulas.
Relief immediate—cure certain.
Three SizeH, 25c.,5t».\ ami SI.OO. Hold by
OrutrtfiMtH, or Kent prepaid <;n receipt of price.
Humphrey*' Medicine Co., Cor. William and
John Nts., \ew York.
I Vital Weakness and Prostra
tion from overwork and other
causes. Humphreys' Homeo
pathic Specific No. 28, in use
over 40 years, tne only success
ful remedy. $1 per vial, or spec
ial package for serious cases, SO.
Sold by Drutjgiiit.'i, or sent prepaid on receipt of price.
Humphreys' Med. Co.. William it John Sts., It Y.
I This is the 1
| Store I
For the People.
r enns. solid packed Tomatoes 25c 3
r .'5 eans N Y.. State Corn - 25c J
; £ ;; F ID.- cimii-E IVUS - - - 25c )
112 7li iis ().ik Li'iil' Snap - - 25c J
\ \
' ? Call u< L)v 'plume or have our \
> Old. r Clerk call and *;i.t J'our \
\ order. A lull line of choice \
{ KllKSli mid \
{ V <i KTAIJLBS and \
10. 8. Barnes, j
( 'Phone 81. J
| There is a Universal ]
<; Dread
> Among patients on their approaching \
? the dental chair, owing largely to the i
> traditional story of its tortures. >
? In a modern Dental practice there is J
S little to justify such dread. s
112 Dental operations are not necessarily i
Y painful. With sharp instruments, a »
? skilled hand and a generall kuow how J
\ ability, the worst is over. S
\ Don't Sacrifice Your Teeth Be-
< cause of Imaginative Fear.
{ Have your teeth examined often and c
S filled \v}ien disease has just commenced >
I and it then will be annoying rather c
i than painful. \
t Dr. F. M. ZELIE, )
'Phone 118. <*
NOTICE is hereby given that Arthur Durell
Gore and Charles Albert Uounsil have
formed a partnership under the name of the
Keystone Handle Company, Limited, for the
purpose of manufacturing and selling for a per
oid of twenty years front January 23,1905, all
manner of handles, paper plugs ami general
novelty wooden ware, with a capital of two
thousand dollars, of which amount Arthur Dur
ell Gore has subscribed one thousand dollars
and Charles Albert Council has subscribed one
thousand dollars to be paid in cash at once.
That the liability of each of said partners is
limited in accordance with the Act of General
Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylva
nia, approved the 9th day of May, A. D., 1899, and
that the articles of partnership;have been lelt for
record in the office of the Recorder of Deeds in
and for Cameron county. Pa.
fNow is the Time to Fill 112
in Your §
Winter Supply of I
Clothing I
Gents' FuriiiKliiiigK, Shoes
and Rubbers
I We are Selling all Winter
Goods at Low Prices
in order to make
room lor
Our Spring Goods
I Jasper Harris, 111
g| | Opposite Post-Ofliee, E3II'ORiUi*I, FA. jjj 9
****** *******
»< ————N
1 RAir8 T
II ■ lt
We carry in stock ~ l jt*
fcjt tlie largest line of Car-1 . r^is — 1$
EJ pets, Linoleums and j &/ •iji/Sl I fc*
*3 Mattings of all kinds '\V <■M j E$
ever brought to this • OiXQ:C*UiiliS IS
9 s * town. Also a big line !;•, 'Sj ? 'v*
of samples. M
Avery large line of FOR.I i'lil; j B
*5 Lace Curtains that cm-
IN not be matched ativ- £2
H where for the price. WIIIvMIAPiE N
Art Squares and of fine books in a choice library
Rugs of all sizes and select the Ideal pattern cf Globe
kind, from the cheap- Wernicke "Elastic" Bookcase.
§l* est to the best. Furnished with bevel French
plate cr lcided {;lass doors.
Dining Chairs, F3n CALE rjv
Rockers and GEO. J. LaBAR,
fci! High Chairs. Sole Agent for Cameron County. |j
A large and elegant • „ ,
line of Tufted and
|g| Drop-head Couches. Beauties and at bargain prices. £4
———.—- —————
S3O Bedroom Suits, (Tor IJ-lOJSideboard, quar- <T OA
solid oak at 4)ZO tered oak sPOU
IH S2B Bedroom Suits, (TOi $32 Sideboard, quar- COK 5*
J* solid oak at 4)ZI tered oak J)ZD ||
E3 $25 Bed room Suits, tf'Jft $22 Sideboard, quar- tflC 512
solid oak at 4>Zll tered oak, 4*l U jj^
A large line of Dressers from Chiffoniers of all kinds and fc*
U P- all prices. £2
n u
** The finest line of Sewing Machines on the market, fti
JJj the "DOMESTIC" and "ELDRIDGE." All drop- **
** heads and warranted. jf 1
£* A fine line of Dishes, common grade and China, in £1
sets and by the piece.
SC -^ s I keep a full line of everything that goes to M
make uj) a good Furniture store, it is useless to enum- r*
H erate them all.
1 lease call and see lor yourself that I am telling
you the truth, and if you don't buy, there is no harm kg
J jjj done, as it is no trouble to show goods.
| GEO. J. LaBAR. "