Wounds and sores of any kind, caused by any kind of accident, cuts, burns, scalds, bruises, sprains, etc., are best treated by the immediate ap plication of HAMLINS WIZARD OIL This great, soothing, curative remedy relieves pain, reduces swelling and inflammation, and heals up all open wounds and sores. It is the one perfect, mod ern dressing, or treatment, for a wound. Its quick use will posi tively prevent blood poisoning. Always keep it at hand. Says Mrs. Jessie Farrls, of Eliz abeth, Ky.: "My little boy was badly burned on both le(p3, which were so drawn out of shape that he could not even crawl. I tried many remedies without relief, but finally Hamlins Wizard Oil made a perfect cure, and he can now walk and run. We thought we should have to amputate both his legs, and feel that Hamlins Wizard Oil saved his life.'' Price 50c and SI.OO. Sold and recommended by L. TAGGART. Money to Loan MORTGAGES ON FARMS 4 to 5 Per Cent. TERM OF YEARS. HENDERSON & Co. 1211 Arch Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 43 :5 m. / We promptly obtain U. 8. ana Foreign 112 Sena ;m«lel, Sketch or photo of invention for 112 112 free re|Kirt on patentability. For free book, € j j w \ \ v \ \ \ .\ \ mm mm | Adam, / Mel drum & % j/5 & a Anderson Co. £ % '/ HUFFALO.N. V. ft % 396-408 Main Street, I % / 112 January < s Sale i % % H o B 11 > I Silk i % \f y As a climax to the magnificent bargains at the great January / sale, the Silk Department offers / & some astonishing reflections on /' the most popular weaves of silks / for shirt waists, suit dresses and % evening gowns. These are , A worthy silks in the newest de- ¥ / signs and colors and at the prices / 'y quoted are the best things in a A month noted for remarkable val- < U ue giving. '■'/ / XSc Liberty Foulards / / Handsome designs and A /> small figures Trb/O / $ 1.00 Fancy Taffetas and / *£ Louisennes— s Regular SI.OO silks, in small and neat de- 5? signs. Also colored CT O $ pongee Cj\y C< # % t $1.35 Black Taffeta— £ 'y Our superior black 31-inch <t» 1 f\(~\ 'it Taffeta, at this sale tpJ-.L/vJ % '"/■ White Habutal Wash Silk— / Handsome Summer Silks that OflA V retail at 59c, this sale Ob/ C ? K I? '/ / / SEND FOR SAMPLES. 1 i ?! I / All the new Wash Goods, White ''L § Goods and Dress Fabrics for *■ summer wear. Beautiful stuffs % '/ that rival silks. '■£ 1 ~~ I 2 Butterick Patterns. '< % We are Buffalo agents for But & terick Patterns and the Deline- 5 ator. 9. % I % \ % Adam, % 4 */ 4 Meldrum & \ Anderson Co. § 5 The American Block, % % BUFFALO, N. Y £ / \ .\ \ \ N V\\ \ \ \ K THE COUNTY. MASON HILL. Mr. Frank Berfield was in Driftwood Saturday. Wc are glad to state that the sick are all improving, Miss Clara Ives and Mr. llenry llill were up from Huntley Sunday. Miss Avis Lane took dinner with Miss Lizzie Jordan Sunday. Mr. Tom Marsh was at Dent's Run on business Monday. Mr. Arling Baker attended Looal In stitute at Driftwood Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Bailey were call ing on the sick at the Barr home Sunday. Mr. W. W. Marsh was home from Driftwood to stay with his family over Sunday. Elmer Lane and Harry Marsh were up from Driftwood on legal business Monday. Although it is considered a hard time of year to find work all of the men ou the Hill who are situated that they can leave home and have the inclination to go find employment at good wages. Mr. Newton Mix and family of Mix Run were visiting at J.M. Russell's Sun day. Mrs. Mix and little son remaining to visit triends for a few days. A load of yonng people went to Deut's Run for a sleigh ride last Friday night. They were royally entertained at the home of Mr. Losey. Mr. Thatnas Marsh was home from the woods to spend Sunday with his family. Snow Bird. FIRST FORK. Mr. Kd. Bowers is ijuite sick aijd has been for several weeks, and is under the care of l)r. Russell, of Sinnamahoning. Mi irtin Bowen fell on the ice one day last week injuring his left hip, and bruis ing the sciatic nerve; so he is unable to help himself. He is attended by Dr. VValraven, of Costello, and is a little bet ter at time of writing. Mr. Sol. Ross, of Wharton, is very sick with erysipelas. 11. C. Yearicksis celebrating over the arrival of a 10 pound boy which putin his appearance about a week ago. Barclay Bros are through hauling in Muley Run.and expect to he through in Rattlesnake in a week. Several of Thos. Murdochs teams, of Austin are working for Barclay Bros. Mr. Lamb is able to be about again after "laying up" a couple of weeks with a smashed foot. Frank Coleman and wife have gone in to Brooks ltun to "keep camp"for a gang of pulpwood cutters. Our school has been closed a week on account of the teacher beloning to the 'stifled necked and perverse generation" as the big book puis, but is to begin again to-daj\ A brain Morton has left this place and it is reported that he has gone to Mich. Some parties surmise it is a ease of elopc ment. Oscar Grasslv, of Sinnamahoning, who has been working with his team in Logue l'un. returned to his home on Saturday the hauling having "played out," by the warm weather. Some, of Fred Caldwell's good neigh - | burs killed his bear dog, supposed to b" ! by poison, and it is reported that in skin- I ning him. Fred cut iiis finger and blood I poison set in. lie valued the dog at | SSO. lleriu Krebs was sent to the insane I hosj ital at Warren for treatment. XUKI' SBI). SINNAMAHONING. Lloyd Moore came up from Keating Saturday evening togo with the C. Band to Driftwood. Lloyd is a good player all right and so arc all the boys in the C. 15. lie wore his uniform up. Billy Lupoid, who used to live in our midst came down from Sabula Saturday to look after his property interests here abouts. Maybe Billy will move back in the spring again to stay. Ralph Shafer was seen driving our streets Sunday with Dick Walker's horse and Frank Wolfes' cutter. Latter in the day he was seen driving towards Driftwood with his girl in. lie may have just been taken her to the farm be tween here and there. The R. P. U., which meets at a dif ferent house about the middle of the week, every two weeks, is still holdin forth as usual, with new members coming in and somedroppin out. It is a good thing for what it is intended all right maybe. Rumor has it that one of the most prominent members of the C. B. will be married to his best beloved soon or about the middle of February maybe. Every body seems to be tryiug to do away with steady Co., 0. K. Bobby Lightner has taken unto him self a piece of real estate opposite the de pot. Maybe Bob wiil build a store if he don't build a house to live in. Bob is looking ahead all right. I»v a unamious vote Nace Drum has been made a member of the C. B. Naee is one of the popular V. .V. around here allright. Some of the girls say he is as ] good lookin as most of the C. B . boys with a horn up playin. Nace looks good [ in his uniform also. There was quite a gathering at the Church Sunday I'. M., in the evening. The meeting was for raising money to Chritiani.aa->l"» heathen in foreign lands, also ai nome. They did quite well, I CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, JANUARY 26, 1905. suppose, though the envelopes bad not been opened at the present writing. Mrs. Hall from Driftwood spoke. Wc reeall the old log School where we stood up and spoke pieces years ago also others who stood with us; many of' whoui arc not here now. The I*. O. S. of A., building which burned down about the middle of November is well under way again. The rafters or the roof were lixed up Satur day. I heard they will put a slate roof on. The B. B. C. boys will fix the roof all all righ when ball playin begins again. The following are the natuas of the citi zens of this place who work on the building, Westers George Gore, Jr., also Geo. Meade, Ilunk Berfield, Frank Burk arid Ed and Del. Beldin. Mr. Wylie is the only one from out of town employed on the building to over sec the work. We have a new Doctor in our midst. It has been a long while since we had a Doctor here steady, not since Dr. Reese Used to live in the house fixed over by Bill Robinson in which George Darrin and George Hyde live in now. Mr. Hyde in one side and George in the other. Welcome Dr. Russell. Arthur Barclay and some other uicn also Ross Cram's and Charley Kreb's teams are working in Ellicuts Hun haul ing out logs for Barclay Bros tchsaw next summer which may be the last maybe. Arthur is a good foreman all right and everybody likes him. We heard that Art. Gore and Charley Council were going to build a handla factory to make handles near Arts shop. They will make them faster than we used to when wo whittled them out by hand. Charley and Art. are all right and deserve success. (). S. Bailey and Jim Batchelder visit ed thfc county seat twice last week. They are Jury Commissioners from this end and were elected by a good vote to fill the wheel each time." This town brags of having the only woman mail carrier along the line. We may not have her long unless Henry Lougue gives up the B. & S., mall so she can carry it to, as she says it does not pay very good to carry the one mail. Speaker Jim sold his two year old colt to John Wykoff on the Fork last week. Dave Baird says some one entered his barn and chicken coop some time in the evening Saturday night and milked the cow. He says he could tell they milked the cow allriglit because they spilt some of he milk ou the barn flour but he could not tell whether they touk any chickens because he hid not counted them lately. Mahunom. Fine winter weather with good sleighingjjand all are enjoying it. Chas Council visited the county seat Monday. The carpenters have the frame work of the I'. (). S. of A. building all up. Messrs. McCluskey of Lock Haven, have the contract of putting on the slate roof. Barclay Bros, will have the largest stock of logs to cut the coming season that they have had for several years. Two ot our young men got left at the doojLol the Mountain House one evening I last week. Ne'er mind boys, try again. J. It. Batchelder and <). L. Bailey, j Jury Commissioners were up to the county seat Monday, filling the jury j wheel for the year 10*05. Dr. Stewart Russell, of Knoxville, I Teun., has located at Sinnatnahoning. ; He comes here highly recommended and will fill a long felt want. Klan No. 13tij, started in on the new year with the following officers: 11. I'.. Naee 11. Drum; (J. M.,\Vaireu Fisher; G. \\\, T. S. Fulton; Prophet, T. K. J Fulton; P. G., S. 15. Weibel;G. B, J. It. I Batchelder; It. It., Walter Drum; L. It., C. E Shafer; F. L., E. L. Liuibaugh; <>. j L. Jus. liuling; Grand Inkslinger, .J. it I Batchelder. () L. Bailey has taken the task to se cure the necessary capital to start a dynamite factory at this place. At pres ent writing Mr. Bailey has secured about twenty-five thousand dollars. The Key stone Lever and Ilaudle Fac tory is another new enterprise that is to start here in the spring. The engine and part 61' the machinery is on the ground and the building will be erected as soon as the weather will permit. The firm is composed of Messrs. A. D. Gore and Chas. Council, two of our young and enterprising citizens. Debse. No More Stomach Troubles. All stomach trouble is removed by the use of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. It gives the stomach perfect rest by digesting what you cat without the stomach's aid. The food builds up the body, the rest restores the stomach to health. You don't have to diet yourself when taking [ Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. J. D. Erekine, |of Allenville, Mich., says,"l suffered j Heartburn aud Stomach trouble for some ! time. My sister-in-law has had the same j trouble and was not able to cat for six weeks. She lived entirely on warm water. After taking two bottles of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure she was entirely cured. She now eats heartily and is in good health. lam glad to say Kodol gave me instant relief." Sold by It. C. Dodson. The reason that coughs and colds pro duce constipation and weaken the lungs is because they interfere with all digest ion. That new discovery known as Ken nedy's Laxative Honey and Tar cures all Coughs, Croup, Whooping Cough and assists in expelliug colds from the system by gently moving the bowels. It is pleasant to take and contains no opiates. Sold by It. C. Dodson. Womanly Health, Strength and Beauty Strength and beauty in woman depend entirely upon her health. A woman cannot look her best if suffering from one or more of the many ail uieuts peculiar to her sex. These ailments in variably cause, sooner or later, the loss of her symmetry of form and freshness of complexion. AUNT DINAH S OLD VIRGINIA Herb Tea Makes Strong and Beautiful Women. It is a most pleasant and effective remedy for the troubles which cause so much suflering among women the world over. It relieves immediately and eventually cures all cases of disordered men struation, female weakness, prolapsus, chronic constipation, sick head ache, nervousness and sleeplessness. These are the ailments which de prive a woman of her youth and beauty and make her old before her time. The use of the Herb Tea will enable her to retain these qualities. It clears the complexion and improves the form. A cupful at bed time will give a woman health and strength. Chicago, April 10,1903. Hamlin* Wizard OH Co. .Chicago. ill Uentlemen-)ly wife had been suffering with female wraknef-s and extreme nervounnetitf which latter the physician v\ho ha* been attending her for a long time attributed to her being unable t<> sleep. Alter tossing about all night vho would invariably rise in the morn. Ing with a terrible headache. The doctor seemed to bo able to do nothing for her and she was constantly get ting worse. Hho decided to try your Herb Tea and drank a cupful before retiring. In the morning she aiose after a good night's rest and without a headache for the llrst time in months. Khe ha* continued taking it during the past three months and has forgotten what a sleepless night means. She is feeline splendid and every one remarks how well she is looking. Her com* plexfon i* as clear a* a young girl's and her figure has improved wonderfully. Yours truly. N. It. TAYLOR, 6338 Cornell A v., Chicago. Prepared by Hamlins Wizard Oil Co., Chicago. Price, 25c. HAMLINS COUGH BALSAM Soothes the Throat. Stops the Cough. Jlfic. and 50c. HAMLINS BLOOD &. LIVER PIUS Act Gently and Without Pain. 25c. FOR SALE AND RECOMMENDED MY L TAGGART. HUMPHREYS' Specifics cure by acting directly on the sick parts without disturbing the rest of the system. No. 1 for Fevers. No. 2 " Worms. No. 3 " Teething. No. 4 " Diarrhea. No. 7 " Coughs. No. 8 " Neuralgia. No. 9 " Headaches. No. 10 " Dyspepsia. No. 11 " Suppressed Periods. No. 12 " Whites. No. 13 " Croup. N».-. 14 " The Skin. No. 15 " Rheumatism. No. 1C " Malaria, No. 19 " Catarrh. No. 20 " Whooping Cough. No. 27 " The Kidneys. No. lio " The Bladder. No. 77 " La Grippe, la *mnll bottles of pellets that fit the vest pocket. At Druggists or mailed, 25c. each. Medical Guide mailed free. Humphreys' 3ted. Co., Cor. William & John SUtx-U, Now York. | Pleased j 112 Customers j Are our best adver- 112 r tisemeut. We make r ? it a point to satisfy. ? ill' we have not just \ X what yon want,we'll \ \ get it for yon. Our i < stock of c C AND \ | Supplies | > Is extensive, large > X enough for almost \ \ any one; but you C i may want something c 112 special. You are £■ then, the one we } i want to satisfy par- > X ticularly. We knows \ we can do it. s > <a&£»if«££s»afcsj | Hurteaisi & j \ HARDWARE, PLUMBING AND \ | TINNING. < Kodofl Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you «at. w Now is the Time to Fill in Your I Winter Supply of I | Clothing J (vents' Furnishings, Shoes and Rubbers We are Selling all Winter Goods at Low Priees in order to make room for Our Spring Goods I Jasper Harris, 11 Post-Office, EMPORIUM, PA. ||| C. B. HOWARD & COMPANY, J General Merchandise. j!|;j STORE ON THE RIALTO. ffl DRY GOODS | Ladies Petticoats Wrappers Black sateen Petticoats, ||| We have them in fiati- adjustable yokes, j;ood Sg py clette, Percales and Cali- quality sateen and trim- ![$)!! |i|, CO Every one is made n]rf h ffl ft Ifrtij 111 the latest style and are ~ , . , « handsomely trimmed;the dion plaited. All made ||p; ij -fljl lining is good and the full an d wide. Assorted :y, >|| seams are bound. From lengths from 50c to iiWjj (i|| 90c to $2.00 each. j $2.70. OUTING. ||| Some of the best grades of Outing that we handle I'M are Lily Cloth, in plain and fancy colors and Cinderilla ffl l||P Flanelette, in plain and fancy colors. These goods have a twilled weave peculiar to themselves, which pii makes them extra heavy and a good heavy fleece on Ifj eitlier side, etc., at 10c and 12c per yard. We also [Ml] have a lot of cheaper grades that are excellent values in m a variety of colors at <Sc and 10c per yard. Mj CALICO | Our stock of Calicoes are always up to date. We ffl My handle the famous Simpson and American prints. W 1®! They always hold the color in washing. Have them in M", blues, greys, browns and black, etc., a6c and 7c a yard. iM McCALL'S PATTERNS. gfj The McCall Patterns are always up to date. You ® will have 110 tiouble in doing your sewing if you use pj| II the McCall patterns. Help yourself to a fashion sheet ||| ll®jji while in our store. j® Gents' Furnishings. i Do not fail to see those new Storm Coats. They are certainly all right, price and all. | ' 1 I C. B. HOWARD & CO. J Kodol Dyspepsia Cu* s Digests what you eat. SDR. CALDWELL'S PR ( YRUP FEPSIiy CURES CONSTIPATION.* »
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers