Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, January 19, 1905, Image 8

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It iu gospel troth to Buy that
no DISEASES such as rheuma
tism, nenralgfo, biliousness,
colic, cold, sore throat, backache,
boils, bowel troubles, skin erup
tions, and all those caused by
local imflammation, can be so
quickly, safely and surely cured,
as by the use of 11AMLINS
It gets right down in, aronnd
the nerves and blood vessels of
the affected tissues, where the
trouble is, and gently soothes
and coaxes them back to health.
For all pain, chronic aud
acute, It is a remarkable rem
edy, and has no equal in safety
and effectiveness iu the medical
world. Price 50c and SI.OO.
Fully guaranteed.
For sale and recommended by
Money to Loan
4 to 5 Per Cent.
1211 Arch Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
l.'i 3in.
obtuin U. S. and KoreigiT^J
t Hend model, sketch or photo of invention for 112
/ freerejiort on patentability. For free book, (
\ HowtoSeeureTDlinC MADIfO write<
\\ S V\ N \ N S \ VA
> Adam,
/ Meld rum & *
\/ p
M Anderson Co. |
/ ✓
396-408 Main Street,
5 *
! Half Price j
I Coats - Suits I
% \
You never see an old stylo or
•| shop-worn garment in our store.
The reason is we never carry i*
6 over from oueseason to the next. %
'fi Everything must be closed outi %
no matter what the loss. The /
f| time has come to part with all of |>
those beautiful garments you
have been admiring. Half price
4 /
takes most of them and there are ''
jj great savings on all lines.
A i/
About 35 stylish suits iu plain
cheviot cloth and fancy men's
wear cloth, tailor made. |£
g Were $12.00, §15.00 and $25.00 p
| Now $6.00, $7.50 to $12.50 j
'/ About 50 very tine tailor made >2
' suits in black and colored broad
% cloths, covert cloth and fancy |j
/ mixtures. g
Regular $25.00 $35.00 and SSO up.
' Now $16.67, $28.34. $33.34 %
/ /
- /
'■s dium lengths, principally small
.p sizes— I
Were $0 00, SB.OO and sl2 00 up. ||
| Now $3.00, $4 and $6 up %
Special values in Jackets with
%, Capes. y
k &
High grade Skirts in all g
wool fancy plaids, latest mod
/ els— >/.
Were $6.50, $9.00 and SIO.OO
> Now $3.25, $4.50 and $5.00. £
\ ~ |
% Adam, \
% %
| Meldrum & J
I Anderson Co. §
The American Block, ?!
/V. V \ S \ -X'\ \ \ X \. \ \
Cold weather continued here.
William Farrell has returned to the
wilds of Potter.
Miss Katherine liaszmann is seriously
ill with inflamatory rheumatism but
seems to be gaining slightly.
11. C. Crawford left for Olean Mon
day and contemplates going to a warmer
climate in the near future.
J. 11. Evans and William Delos
Sprague have discontinued their flow of
language about those bear stories owing
to cold weather.
Leo Bontaparte Pender has arrived
and now holds the positiou as porter at
Sizerville Mineral Springs Hotel.
Wonder what makes Billy look so far
away? Guess some of his la-gentleman
friends have departed.
Miss Gertrude Germond is planning
to take her school to Emporium for a
sleigh ride.
William Randolph Sizer is busy these
days filling orders for our Magnetic
Mineral Water Co., capacity 100 cases
per day.
A pedro party was given by Mrs. Ida
| Martindalelast week. Good time voted by
i iili.
Warren Peterson was called to Gar
deau on Monday on business.
The supper given at Gardeau Saturday
was well attended by our young folks.
Last Saturday evening a party drove
to the supper at Gardeau. Whenjapproach
ing the crossing the driver noticed the
passenger train close upon him but at
tempted to cross ahead of it. The cross
ing was made successfully by the able as
sistance of the ladies with the reins.
The driver may do running a handcar
but should never attempt to use the rib
bons. Ask the ladies what kind of a
driver he will make.
Sweet Corn.
Editor I'rcsa:
Sleigh ride partiesare all the go up the
road and the Bed Biding hoods are in
Mr. Lundeen Johnson and lady, were
seen in town yesterday. He was inspect
ing his teams euiyloyed by the Empori
um Lumber Co.
Miss Sarah (Kephart) Cury, has
severd her connection with uncle Peet
and family and departed for Buffalo,
where she will make her future home.
Mr. Alfred Lewis has eutered the em
ploy of E. I). Sizer. He says his former
employers have gone bankrupt or some
thing and lie was obliged to seek a more
lucrative position.
Our Democratic friends are sure of a
land slide to come their way next town
ship election. They have their slate
made for ideal business. "Glad'we don't
be in it."
Our German friend up the line gave
us' a hard nut to crack, as to who was the
oldest Dandy in the United States.
After much brain racking we gave it up
when he says."l tellcd yea, he be
Yankey Doodle Dandy."
Uncle E. D. Sizer is putting on"the
big kettle for an old fashioned donation
at his house, on Friday evening this week
| for the benefit of Rev. Oyler, pastor in
| charge. A regular home warming time
j may be expected.
The shipments of Mineral Water are
ratnJly increasing. Many physicians in
the cities arc using it regularly in their
practice; one physician in Altoona. sent
a hurry order this week for one dozen
eases; he writes his patients are clear gone
on it.
<>f late our section foreman has been
kept busy keeping the block system
switches in running order on account of
so much snow. Uur genial Prosser
handles the levers like a man.
Mrs. Ilaltie VanDerhoff is ill with
Joseph Vocum and M. Hayes made a
business trio to Emporium this week.
Mrs. Simon Geary has returned from
a visit to relatives at Renovo.
Mrs. J. S. Skillman is quite ill with
Albert Lord is visiting friends at
Moore Hill.
Charles MeLaughin is visiting friends
in Emporium.
Charles Skillman has gone to his home
at Moore Hill on account of a severe
Robert Lord's youngest boy is stricken
with diphtheria. The house is under
Daniel Sullivan, Sr., was a welcome
visitor in Emporium this week.
.Messrs. Hayes and Walker,proprietors
of the Valley and New Cameron Hotels,
respectively, are harvesting their winter
crop of ice. The iee is in splendid con
dition this year.
There is no visible improvement in the
condition of Mrs. Harry Ellis. The is
seriously ill.
Mr. John M tek the popular engineer
for the Caldcr Brick and Coal Co., and
Miss Anna Sullivon, daughter, of Daniel
Sullivan, were (juietly married at Olean,
()ec. 20th. Their tnauy friends wish
j them a long life of happiness and success.
; Everybody around Cameron and vicin
: iiy are getting out their best Sunday
I clothes to be ready to attend the grand
j ball to be given at the K. G. E., hall !
J Friday evening, Jan 20th. All are j
j cordially invited.
James B. Hayes has added a short !
j order restaurant to his hotel, thus enabl-
ing liis patrons to secure a meal or lunch
at any time of day. This new feature is
duly appreciated by the community at
Dayton Heed was in Port Allegheny
this week attending the funeral of his
The smiling face of Manager John
Snyder, of the New Cameron House,
greets the passers-by as they goto and
from the station. It goes without saying
that Mr. Snyder is a sure winner, as
everybody likes John.
Wm. Wykoff's trained dog ''Sport,"
which has been missing for some time re
turned home Saturday night. Mr. Wy
koff looks greatly relieved over his re
J. K. s.
Jan. 17th, 1905.
Fine waather for lumbermen and arc
profitting by it.
The P. O. S. of A. building is going
up on the old stand.
R. 11. Lightner went to Lincoln this
Mrs. Phoebe Belden, who has been in
the hospital at Lock Haven, is expected
home this week.
District president, H. H. Rockwell, of
Kenovo, was up and installed the officers
ot W. C. No. 13G, P. <). S. of A., Mon
day evening.
The dynamite works to be erected at
Sinnamahoning is a sure thing. Most of
the money h is been subscribed.
Oren Krebs, son of Chas. Krebs, who
has been a sufferer all his life from a tall
in his infancy, attempted suicide on Sun
day morning. He is in a critical condi
tion at this writing.
Following is a list of the officers ot
W. C., for this term: I' IV. E. L. Liin
baugh; President, F. Fisher; M.of F. C.,
Geo. Chase; It. S.. Nace 11. Drum;
Treas., J. It. Batchclder; Con., T. S.
Fulton; Inspector, A. A. Cnle; <*., S. B.
Weikel; Trustees, .J. 11. Drgin, S. B.
Weikel and T. K. Fulton.
WANTED— GirIs to learn panta mak
j ing. We will pay new beginners §3.00
per week while they learn. Exper
ienced hands are earning §7.00 to §9.00
per week. Address,
Lycoming Panta Co.,
42-Bt. Williamsport, Pa.
School Report.
Report of the Sizerville school for
the month ending Jan. 11, 1905:
Enrollment 29; number presentevery
day, 10; number sick, 4; number of
visitors, 2.
Honor Koll —Flora Edwards, Lena
Agliardo, Kirby Martindale, Ralph
Edwards, Harry Victory, Mary Mark
et, Mary Vellella, Guy Edwards, Henry
Victory, Tinev Kelly.
| ' Now Is the Time You Need Ali-o
na," Says L. Taggart.
Think tor a moment of the extra
strain you put upon the stomach in the
Winter. The hearty food, the lute sup
pers, and the lack of exercise and nut
door life ail weaken and strain the stom
ach, laying the foundation for poor health
and suffering.
Chronic stomach troubles, nervous ir
itability, and serious bowel and kidney
diseases have often dated from a week of
extra'-iiood living." Nearly everyone is
bothered with more or less headaches and
backaches, furred tougue, poor appetite,
dry, hacking cough, heartburn, spots be
fore the eyes, dizziness or vestigo. '•leep
lessness, lack of energy, loss of flesh or a
general week, tired feeling.
Now is the time when Mi-o-ua is need
ed to repair the ravages and wastes the
heartyjeating of Winter has caused in the
stomach and digestive system. This is
the only known agent that strengthens
the stomach and digestive organs, so they
can and will digest whatever food is eat
en. A Mi-o na tablet taken before each
meal will remove all irritation, inflamma
tion and congestion in the digestive
organs, and so strengthen them that they
will extract from the food all that goes
to make good rich blood, firm
muscle, and a sound, healthy body.
This remarkable remedy costs but 50
cents, and if its use does not restore your
full vigor, vitality, and health, L Taggart
one of the best known druggists in this
section will refund your monev. Un
bounded faith Itke this dei-erves your
The first Jacksonville tour of the sea
son via the Pennsylvania Railroad, al
lowing two weeks in Florida, leaves New
York, Philadelphia, and Washington by
special train January HI. Excursion
tickets, including railway transportation,
Pullman accommodations (one berth),
and meals en route in both directions
while traveling on the special train, will
be sold at the following rates: New
York, §50.00; Buffalo, §54.25; Roch
ester, 854.00; Eltnira, §51.45; Erie,
§54.85; Williamsport. $50.00; Wilkes
barre. §50.35; and at proportionate rates
from other points.
Similar tours will be run February 14
and 28.
For tickets, itineraries, and full infor
mation apply to ticket agents, or address
Geo. W. Boyd, General Passenger Agent.
Broad Street Station, Philadelphia.
Real enjoyment is had when reading
hat clever magazine, The Smart Set.
Woman's Ills
How rare a thing to find a woman who is perfectly
healthy. Fully seventy per cent, of the sex suffers
from ailments which often render life a burden.
These afflictions cause nervousness, irritability,
melancholia, hysteria, etc. They entirely unfit a
woman for life's work and deprive her of inost of
its joys.
Herb Tea
Those sufferinß with disordered menstruatioo,
female weakness, prolapsus, etc., will find im»
mediate relief from the use of Aunt Dinah's Old
Virginia Herb Ten nnd in the majority of cases it
will bring about a complete cure. It is a positive
cure for chronic constipation, sick headache and
indigestion. In case of nervousness and sleep*
lessness this tea will be found indeed a boon. It
has a soothing and quieting effect on the nerves
and invariably induces sound, refreshing sleep.
A cupful at bedtime is all that is necessary to
make a woman well and keep her well.
Mayesvllle. fl. C. t Dee. 8, IW2.
Hamlin!* Wizard Oil Co., Chicago. III.:
Two yearn ago I suffered with remale complaint and
used your Aunt Dinah's Ol<l Virginia Herb T<-a with
f:rcat nuccenK. I have JUKI begun taking it again and 1
eel much younger ami stronger. If every woman
sufferer could know the relief »he would eiperienee by
using your Herb Te* she would never be without
1H ft most wonderful remedy and 1 lake |ileu»urc in rec
oinmr nding it to any lndy who 1H Buffering with female
troub es. Bliss C. L. CARPENTER.
Mow, I,ee County, Ark., Dee. 1,1902.
HamlinH Wizard OH Co., Chicago, HI.:
I am gioatly pleased with your Aunt Dinah'p Olti
Virginia Herb Tea. Indeed I think there is nothing like
It for headache and stomach troubles and I find it ex
ceed! ngiv good for clearing the complexion. I would
Hot be without it. Yours truly,
Miss Nkta McCORKI.b.
Prepared by H&mlins Wisard Oil Co., Chicago. Price, 25c.
HealK the Lungs. Wards Off Consumption. 2. r >o. and 50c.
Regulate the Liver. Cleanse the System. 2'» c.
For Piles.
Sample mailed free.
One application gives relief.
The continued use of Hum
phreys' Witch Hazel Oil per
manently cures Piles or Hem
orrhoids—External or Internal,
Blind or Bleeding, Itching or
Burning, Fissures and Fistulas.
Relief immediate—cure certain.
Three hizcH, £«lc., nud SI.OO. Hold by
IlruggiMttf, or Kent prepaid 011 receipt <>! price.
Humphrey*? Medicine Co., Cor. William and
JOIIII Hts., .\ew York.
Vital Weakness and Prostra
tion from overwork and other
causes. Humphreys' Homeo
pathic Specific No. 28, in use
over 40 years, tne only success
ful remedy. $ 1 per vial, or spec
ial package for serious cases, $3.
Bold by Druggists, or sent prepaid on receiptor prico.
Humphreys' Med. Co., William &l John Sis., N. Y.
J Pleased j
\ Customers j
I Mill I"I tIEI "lM'l Willi liHW IIMIIIIM \
112 Are our host adver- c
112 tiscnient. We make £
it a point to satisfy. ?
> If we have not just j
\ what you want,we'll s
\ get it for you. Our i
s stock of <
| Hardware j
C —AND— \
\ enough for almost I
\ any one; but you C
( may want something c
I special. You are
s then, the one we )
> want to satisfy par- }
s ticularly. We know \
\ we can do it. 112
j Hurteau j
j Forlbes,
Kodol Oyspepsia Gur@
Digests what you eat.
1 865 1904 "T to Double
r r < Capacity. <
(N. SEOER H. „ „
0.8. Barnes
( Neckwear, Trunks, ) } up T0 O#TE
( Satchels, Suit Cases, 1 < $
\ Etc., Etc. C I \
\ A fine line at I QrOCCry AND \
V bottom prices. / | I
> Clothing r| Market |
112 for all. / j < |
/ j i\ 5 the cheapest place 5
/ Men's, Youth's and Sj 1 ! o buy your Supplies \
\ R, »R» IL- \ 1 \ tn this rown. A trial \
V Boys Clothing, .1 112 will eoi ince you. <
/ A new stock just in. /j ( Come in 1 i.d see us. £
/ Give me a call. Sj s t
\ 112 S Opposite 8. D. McDonald's Hotel. 7
/ THE PIONEER. C } -Phonest. i
C Call up; We'll do the rest Promptly.
Ao. 3255.
JAN. 11, 1905.
Loans and Discounts. 2S ( . stock $50,000 00
Overdrafts, secured and unsecured.... 8,432 9C g , ug fun{) 37,500 00
U.S. Bonds to secure circulation 50,000 00 j Undivided less expenses and
U.S. Bonds to secure U.S. Deposits... 70,000 00 ; ' id . 30,866 24
U. S. Bonds on hand 31,300 00 National IJatik notes outstanding 46,850 00
Premiums on U. H. Bonds 11,783 76 Due to other National Ilanks 5,308 31
Bonds, secureties. etc 51,239 85 Indi J h i^\ deposl . t f. Bab Jf Ct . tO | 3 8 6 .706 43
Banking house, furniture and fixtures. 13,431 82 Demand certiticatesofdeposit 8»0 00
Other real estate owned 8,554 83 Certified checks
Due iron. Nafl Banks (not reserve .its) 795 72 " B « 594 OS
Due from approved reserve agents 36,665 75
Notes of other National Banks 260 00
Fractional paper currency, nickels and
cents 227 89
Specie $26,242 80
Legal-tender notes 5,420 00 31,662 80
Redemption fund with U.S. Treasurer,
5 per cent of circulation 2,500 00
Total $587,818 6;l $.587,818 63
Slate of Pennsylvania, County of Cameron, ,S.S:-—I, T. B. Lloyd, Cashier of the above named Bank
do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief.
T. It. 1.1.0VD, Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to before me) L„ DBr „ .
this 18th day of Jan. 1905. / | CORRECT- Attest.
M \! „ r u y GEO. A. WALKER, )
' • N. SEGER, > Director*.
Com'is'on expires May 1,1908. J B.W.GREEN, S
General Merchandise.
Ladies j Petticoats
w Wrappers Black sateen Petticoats, |jfj
|l| We have them in flan- adjustable yokes, good M
||| elette, Percales and Cali- quality sateen and trim- sf|
i) co. livery one is made , ' ™ Ml}
© . i . . . 1 , med with nifties, accor-
M in the latest style and are .. . . ' ,
handsomely trimmed;the dion plaited. All made ||J|i
[ipjl lining is good and the full and wide. Assorted
<m seams are bound. From lengths from 50c to jjljj
f$P 90c to $2.00 each. $2.70. 'M
lip Some of the best grades ol Onting that we handle
M. are Lily Cloth, in plain and fancy colors and Cinderilla M
IHI Flanelette, in plain and fancy colors. These goods 'M
||| have a twilled weave peculiar to themselves, which |P
;:||| makes them extra heavy and a good heavy fleece on M
*4 either side, etc., at 10c and 12c per yard. We also fi®|)
|M] have a lot of cheaper grades that are excellent values in i||
M a variety of colors at <Sc and 10c per yard. |Mi
® Our stock of Calicoes are always up to date. We I||
! handle the famous Simpson and American prints.
They always hold the color in washing. Have them in |j||
blues, greys, browns and black, etc., a6c and 7c a yard. |||j
M The McCall Patterns are always up to date. You ™
® will have 110 tiouble in doing your sewing if you use ||j]
;||j: the McCall patterns. Help yourself to a fashion sheet tp
ilpli while in our store.
Gents' Furnishings. |
Do not fail to see those new Storm Coats. They jjjmj;
are certainly all right, price and all.
- C. B. HOWARD & CO. 1
ilosicl Dyspeiis Sa Cure Q v ou p LD prpc s
Digests what you eat. const,'paV, on.ll