Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, January 19, 1905, Image 5
Opera House, Emporium, Pa.. Jan. 23,1904 One Night Only. The Fielding Amusement Co. Presents the Favorite American Comedian MR. GEO. F. HALL With a competent company of 20 people, in Maurice J. Fielding'? spectacular scenic comedy drama A Ragged Hero Mr. Hall will sing several of the latest popular successes and will also repeat his famous impersonations of prominent actors. Other up-to-date Specialties by the Company. PRICKS —75c, 50c, 35c; Gallery 25c. Seats 011 sale at H. S. Lloyd's. EMPORIUM MILLING COMPANY. PRICE LIST. Emporium, Pa., December 20,1904. NEMOPHILA, per sack $1 6.5 Felt's Fancy, " 175 1 Pet Grove, " 1 75 [ Graham, " 85 \ Rye '• 75 Buckwheat, " 75 Patent Meal. " 80 I Coarse Meal, per 100, 125 | Chop F'eed, " 125 ; Middlings. Fancy " 1 40 Bran, 125 j Corn, per bushel, 70 I White Oats, per bushel 4H j New Oats Chicken Wheat 1 65 | Choice Clover Seed, "1 ChoiceTimotbySeed, I AtMarke , Priceß . | Choice Millet Heed, Fancy Kentucky Blue Grass, J R C. DODSON, THE Qrucjcjist, EMPORIUM. PA. 1 IS LOCATED IN THE CORNER STORE At Fourth and Chestnut Sts.. It. c. IIOItHON. Telephone, 19-2. LOCAL DEPARTMENT. PERSONAL GOSSIP. Contribution/! invited. That which you would like to hpc in this department Jet un know by pon tit card or letter, personally. Miss Clara Seger is visiting friends and relatives in Pittsburg. Miss Fannie O'Day retnrned home from Buffalo where she has been visit ing relatives. Mrs. Mary Edwards, of Portage was a PRESS visitor last Saturday for the purpose of renewing the PRESS another year to her mother, Mrs. L. Lucore. Burlington (la.) Gazette —Mr. Green possesses a bass voice that thrills and soothes simultaneously. It is a sponta neous combination of resonance and pathetic depth, embracing a range of extremities almost inconceivable. At Star Course, Jan. 23. H. A. Cox, Esq., of Philadelphia, ac companied by Mr. Ralph E. Sumner of New York city, visited in Emporium on Tuesday, looking over C. B. How ard Company's lumber plant. Mr. Cox is sales agent for above firm in Philadelphia, while Mr. Sumner is en gaged as lumber dealer in New York. Our old friend F. 11. Mayer of Cler mont, visited in Emporium on Tues day and favored the PRESS sanctum with a visit. Mr. Mayer is a Pennsy freight and ticket agent at Clermont, having recently moved his family to that place from Sizerville. Mr. and Mrs. Mayer were popular citizens of this county and we can assure our Mc- Kean friends that they can safely "tie to them." Miss Blanche Ludlam is attending Normal school at Clarion. Mr. Guy Klees is visiting relatives and friends at Williamsport. The music at St. Marks C hurch next Sunday morning promises to be of a very high order. T. B. Lloyd, Cashier of First Nation al Bank, goes to Buffalo to-day to spend a few days. C. C. Fay, of East Emporium, was a welcome PRESS visitor yesterday and carried away his 1905 receipt. Mrs. Boyd Bloom left yesterday for Newport News, Va., to join her hus band, who is employed there. Robt. Clark and family leave next Monday for Canada, to attend the Golden Wedding of Mr. Clark's parents. Miss Etta Spense who has been em ployed in Buffalo, returned home Saturday evening to visit her mother. Miss Ida Hacket of Third street, has returned home from Philadelphia, where she has been learning the dress making trade. Mrs. Dorcas Hamilton has been granted a pension of SB.OO per month and about fBOO back pension since she applied ten years ago. John Farrell, son of our townsman James Farrell, who is now located at Kane, was married at Corry on Mon day and is now visiting his parents here. Rev. Sypher is conducting revival services at West Creek. Much inter est is manifested in the meetings, there being over fifty in attendance last evening. Mrs. Josiah Howard and children ac companied by nurse, Miss Halderman, and Mrs. Howard's mother, Mrs. Bisel, left last Monday for DeLand, Fla., to pass the winter. Kenneth, the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank McCabe, died on Friday last of pneumonia, aged 3 months. Funeral services at the house on Satur day, and intermet in Forest Hill ceme tery.—Austin Autograph. Mrs. M. McCabe and daugher Mayme, of Emporium were in Austin on Saturday attending the funeral of Kenneth McCabe Misses Alice and Lillie Kempher of Emporium, were the guests of Mrs. Thas. Met to, Saturday. —Austin Republican* Maurice J. Fielding's well liked comedy drama of rural New England life, "A Ragged Hero,' with every body's favorite, George F. Hall, in the title role, will be the attraction at the opera house, Monday evening, Jan. 23rd. The central figure of the play is a tramp who has become a wanderer because of family misfortunes, but he heroically redeems himself and begins life anew The episode of the rescue of the child from a burning house by means of a swing, and the race for lile between a girl on a bob-sled and a rail road are the chief sensational incidents of the play. FPnrfnl Rrvpncf. Watts—-Does your wife ever scold when you have been out late at niglitl Potts-Oli, no; she never says a word! She gets up the next morning about 4 o'clock and practices on the piano, and I daren't say a word. A Mnrk of Culture. Maud —That's a letter from Jack, 1* tt? What horrid spelling! Mabel—l know It. He does it on purpose. H« eays that bad spelling is a mark of high literary culture nowadays.—Chi cago Tribune. CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, JANUARY 19, 1905. m GILT EDGE « -w j- JA-MA-KA (Ml || FLOUR I 1 Z\ Y A GOOD 25C if; ft 1-8 BBL. COFFEE v , I SACK 85c The Satisfactory Store 23CALB J ! Every housekeeper is on the look out for a good Wi flour. Not moreso than the Day (Grocery Store how- JpJ ever —not nearly so keen in the search, either. It means money to us and extra care is used to select a M flour that will please our customers; in brief a fine family flour. We have it—The "GILT EDGE." W Want you to try one of the 24!/ lb. sacks at 85c ,M j||l and see if it is any better than the one you pay the same (ffl l)m for, or as good as the one you pay more for. In either 'MI Hi") event it will pay you to change to "Gilt Edge" flour. | jj|| Special Grocery List for I Friday and Saturday § THIS WEEK. ||i COTTOLENE, Fair- II CALIFORNIA HAMS, 11 IHI bank's pure, wholesome, (trimmed shoulders) ll®! economical sugar cured Qp : m 50c pail. .... "vv medium size, lb. O\j p l| ' ; DOMESTIC SARDINES H ffl PURE MAPLE SUGAR lb tins, packed in oil, fi fll Cakes weighing about good value at 10c «-p §3lbs each |Alp per tin 3b fa. a pound .... IZvw A rare bargain, 12c Earlv June Peas irip W || PITRE HAKING SODA per oaii |UL | "Gilt Edge" brand, SUCiAR, 25 lb. bag Jp> |i| There's none better pp best <pn Pjj ||| at any price Du , granulated. «DlabU - P| That comforteth the heart and |M| IT .T Hi Hi aideth digestion, that's our ra "Royal" Java and Mocha, 35c a lb, 3lbs SI.OO. Try it. lf lf you don't like it come back and get your money. & JA-MA-KA, a good coffee at 23c a lb—slbs sl.lO. We'll put it in competition with any 25c coffee. & § J H. DAY, I 'Phone 6. Emporium, Pa. ASK FOR THE 1905 WW ■ I DYSPEPSIA CURE KODOL ALMANAC M A I DIGESTS WHAT YOU EAT and 200 YEAR ■m■■Mm ■■ ■ rh ' sl - 00 ™:^ZT^^:^r P.AI FNDAR" ■ ■ E. C. D«WITT & COMPANY. CHICAGO, ILX. UNLTNUNN, GOLD BY R C DODSOI)( DRUGGIST . Special Bargain Day Every Tuesday. || Tuesday, Jan. 24th. H |s| V bars an OLeaf Soap, - - 25C 42 in. Black all-wool 65c Serge, at 45C [£a| 1§! 3 lib. pkgs Peacock * Seeded Raisins 25C 36 in, Black Henrietta,worth 35c _24C 18f 3 Cans Columbian Cream 25C 36 in. Red Henrietta, worth 35c 24C |g| Baked Beans, LotzandschramraCo, at - I3C Lancaster Apron Ginghams, AllCo,ors 6vC f| Look for January White Goods Sale || & Next Week. Look every week at this space for special bargains at jS§| H Tompkins & Norris' Cash Store.® | /i Aaughlin A I | gj Fountain M jjr ill. itf IB TH£ PEER OF ALL fpj-5l l^j W gaa PENS AND HAS NO Jl COUAL ANY WHERE. BglSli jj ||j FINEST GRADE 14K. jj jl Sip YOUR CHOICE OK THESE V X] TW^POPULAR STYLESFor " 1 1 l SUPERIOR TO OTHER |j 111 5 The Laughlin Fountain I! Pen Holder is made of fin- igsSaUß UJI [L 'cWc est quality hard rubber, it MMBf-- JB rrl -J .sfj I fitted with highest grade, iHE;]| IJ 112» W 2 large size, 14k. gold pen, MJBE' fl !«-, 11 ® of any desired flexibility. j-siEß® [lll ™ and ha* the only perfect LfISW sB l-T I ' feeding device known. •"Sjjßfc « JIJ Either style, richly gold Mgrf® fl :« mounted, for presentation PrS® W |jlj] purposes, $1.50 extra. !»!* M fill Surely you will not be [Jfißlv J | J able to secure anything at I BMm |H Jrri J three times the prlce'that will SB |Jj| If ( agr J give such continuouf ifgMi iB fSli i j and iervice. |J IT ffl I sr " 1 | M ]SL | Ib m te ■§ ii i 3. MS M r=i HI i S 111 i - i ri -o m •IT) P 3 1 J Now is the Time to Fill 112 in Your 1 Winter Supply of Clothing Gents' Furnishings, Shoes and Rubbers ———_ We are Selling all Winter » Goods at Low Priees m in order to make room for Our Spring Goods Jasper Harris, I Opposite Post-Office, EMPORIUM, PA.