Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, January 19, 1905, Image 4

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Editor and Manager.
Per year |2 00
If paid is advance |1 60
Advertisements are publishedat the rate of one
dollar persquareforoneinsertion and fiftycents
per square for each subsequent insertion.
Rates by the year or forsix or three months are
ow and uniform, and will be furnished on appli
Legal and Official Advertising per square, three
times or less, |'2 00; each subsequent i nsertionso
cents per square.
Local noticeste n cents per li n e for one i nse rtioti,
five cents per line for eachsubseqiientionsecutive
i rcsertion.
Obituary notices over five lines, ten cents per
I iii*. Simpleauuouncementsofbirthf,marriages
and deaths will be inserted free.
Business Cards, five lines or less IS. 00 per year
over five lines, at the regular rates of advertising
No localinserted for less than 75 cis.per issue.
The Job department of the PRESS is complete,
and a fiords facilities for doing the best class oi
No paper will be discontinued until arrearages
• re paid, except at the option of the publisher.
Papers sent out of the county must be paid for
i n advance.
«a-No advertisements will be accepted at less
thin the price for fifteen words.
Religious notices free.
Spoiled Her Beauty.
Harriet Howard, of 209 \V. 34th St.,
New York, at onetime had her beauty
spoiled with skin trouble. She writes:
"I had Salt Rheum or Eczema for years,
but nothing would cure it until I used
Bucklen's Arnica Salve." A quick and
sure healer for cuts, burns and sores.
25c at L. Taggart's drug store.
The preacher's life is the life of his
Greatly in Demand.
Nothing is more in demand than a
medicine which meets modern require
ments for a blood and system cleanser,
such as Dr. King's New Life Pills.
T'rey are just what you need to cure
stomach and liver troubles. Try them.
At L. Taggart 8 drug store, 25c, guar
Divine favor makes a feast of a bar
ren board.
Is It Right.
Is it right that a property-owner should
l.jse 84.20 to let a dealer make 50 cents?
A dealer makes more on fourteen gallons
of ready for use paint, at 81.50 per gal
-1 jn, than our agent does on eight gallons
of M. paint and six gallons of lio-
Bied oil, which make fourteen gallons of
the best paint in the world, at 81.20 per
gallon; the property-owner loses iust
84.20. Is it right?
It only requires 4 gallons of L. k M.,
and 3 gallons linseed oil to paint a mod
erate sized house.
Ten Thousand Churches painted with
Longman k Martinez L. k M., Paint.
Liberal quantity given to churches
when bought from Harry S. Lloyd.
Gratitude helps to kill a reed.
Sickening Shivering Fit*.
Of Ague and .Malaria, can be relieved
aud cured with Electric Bitters. This
is a pure tonic medicine; of especial
b;uefitin malaria, for it exerts a true
euralive influence on the disease, driving
if entirely out of the system. It is much
to he preferred to Quinine, having none
of this drug's bad after-effectes. E. S.
Munday, of Tex., writes: "My brother
was very low with malarial fever aud
jmndice, till he took Electric Hitters,
which saved his life. At L. Taggart's
drugstore; price 50c, guaranteed.
A frozen heart does make a stiff back.
Two Farms for Sale.
The undersigned offers for sale two
firms, adjoining each other, on Moore
Hill, containing about 140 acres, 100
acres improved. Good houses, out
buildings and bearing orchards. For
terms apply to D. A. SKINNER, Em
porium, Pa. 46-tf.
The enn t y head needs a haughty air.
Coughs and Colds.
All coughs, colds and pulmonary com
plaints curable are quickly cured
by One Minute Cough Cure. Clears the
phlegm, draws out inflarnation and heals
and soothes the affected parts, strengthens
the lungs, wards off pneumonia. Harm
less and pleasant to take. Sold by R.
C. Hodson.
All persons are hereby forbidden from
trespassing upon the property of this
Company without a permit from this
office, or the Superintendant at the
Emporium, Pa., August Ist, 1903,
Bargain in Books.
A complete set of Brittanica Ency
clopaedia,consisting of thirty volumes
aud key. Are all new and in original
packages. Will be sold at a bargain,
Apply at PRESS office. 36tf
College of Music.
Parents desiring their children to
have thorough instruction in music,
and well cared for, can find no better
place than at The College of Music at
Preeburg, Snyder county, Pa. Pupils
from ten years old and from the begin
ner to the advanced are admitted.
Terms begin May 1, June 12 and July
24. For catalogue address
For Sale.
House and lot located on West Fifth
street, for sale at a bargain. Apply to
C. A. VAN LEW, Emporium Pa.
1 Lucas a
I Paints
If he asks why, say ■
ly they go farther, wear K
pi longer, look better and I
F 1 hold their color and K
I gloss longer. Better ■
■ foryou—more econom- ■
H ical. Better for him— I
W sure to turn out right ||
"-i His dealer knows. ■
,1 Let him ask him.
John Lucas & Co g;
u Philadelphia *
112 "He good and you will be C
? lonesome," says the humorous 3
\ writer, but the only permanent \
< foundation ot a Dental Practice s
112 is honesty and ability. Twelve J
\ years experience justities us in \
< saying that we will endeavor to s
r render honest professional Her- i
\ vices to the public at MODER- \
> and professional fees are usually }
\ regulated by the character of the \
112 service. <
P HOURS:—8:00 a. 12 m., Ito 5 p.m. \
Odd Notice in Prominent Southern
Paper of Interest to Emporium
One of the best known newspapers in
the South is the "Guide" of Dunn, N.
C. Its publisher, J. P. Pitman, sends
us the following clipping with request to
"Found.—by the editor of the Guide,
a bottle of Hyomei, the wonderful treat
ment that cures catarrh without stomach
dosing. We can speak in highest praise
of its remarkable power to cure and re
lieve catarrh of the head and throat.
This mention is Grade not as an adver
tisement but in the interest of those who
suffer the torture of that terrible disease,
In sending the clipping, Mr. Pitman
wrote the following letter:
"I enclose a little piece from my
paper, issued to-day. You will see from
this that I desire to push the selling ot
Hyoniei as far as possible. 1 am using
it in my own family, and find that it
gives the desired relief, so that I take
pleasuee in spreading far and near the
knowledge of the sure relief for catarrh."
L. Taggart, in preparation for the Ca
tariha! troubles of this season of the year,
has ordered a large stock of Ilyomei,
and sells it under guarantee to refund the
money if it does not relieve. The com
plete outfit costs but SI, and extra bot
tles can be obtained lor 50 cents. Ask
him to show the strong guarantee under
which he sells it. This remarkable rem
edy medicates the air you breathe, sooth
iug and healing the mucous membrane of
the air passages, and making a complete
cure of the worst case of catarrh.
The reason that coughs and colds pro
duce constipation and weaken the lungs
is because they interfere with all digest
ion. That new discovery known as Ken
nedy's Laxative Honey and Tar cures all
Coughs, Croup, Whooping Cough and
assists in expelling colds from the system
by gently moving the bowels. It is
pleasant to take and contains no opiates,
j Sold by It. C. Dodson.
A Grim Tragedy.
Is daily enacted by thousands of homes
as Death claims, to each one, anothe
i victim of Consumption or Pneumonia
j But When Coughs [and colds are prop
| erly treated, the tragedy is averted. F.
G. Huntley, of Oaklandon, Ind., writes:
I "My wife had the consumption, and
! three doctors gave her up. Finally she
j took Dr. King's New Discovery for Con
! sumption. Coughs and Colds, which
j cured her, and to-day she is well and
I strong. It kills the germs of all dis
! case. One dose relieves. Guaranteed
j at 21 Ic and Sl.oo by L. Taggart, drug
gist. Trial bottles free.
Valuable Farm For Sale.
A good large farm for sale; 19(5 acres,
; of which, 150 are under cultivation.
| Buildings are in fair condition. Al
! ways plenty o< water, within one-half
| mile of two large brick plants. Excel
i lent market within two miles. All the
stock and farming and dairy impli
' ments will be sold with farm. For
terms etc., inquire of
47-3t. Cameron, Pa.
Bpeedy Relief.
A salve that heals without a scar is
De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. No rem
edy effects such speedy relief. It draws
out inflammation, soothes, cools and
heals all cuts, burns and bruises. A sure
cure for Piles and skin diseases. De-
Witt's is the only genuine Witch Ilazel
Salve. Beware of counterfeits they are
dangerous. Sold by 15. C. Dodson.
Worry is the worst well that comes to
our door.
No More Stomach Troubles.
All stomach trouble is removed by the
use of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. It gives
the stomach perfect rest by digesting
what you eat without the stomach's aid.
The food builds up the body, the rest
restores the stomach to health. You
don't have to diet yourself when taking
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. J. D. Erskine,
of Allenville, Mich., says,"l suffered
Heartburn and Stomach trouble for some
time. My sister-in-law has had the same
trouble and was not able to eat for six
weeks. She lived entirely on warm
water. After taking two bottles of
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure she was entirely
cured. She now eats heartily and is in
good health. lam glad to say Kodol j
gave me instant relief." Sold by 11. C.
Tonic to the System.
For liver troubles and constipation
there is nothing better than DeWitt's
Little Early Risers, the famous little
Pills, They do not weaken the stom
ach. Their action upon the system is
mild, pleasaut and harmless. Sold by
It. C. Dodson.
N OTICE is hereby given that the partnership
lately subsisting between 11. O. Tompkins,
J.D.Bell and William H. Van Wert, under the
firm name of H. G. Tliompkins fc Co., is dissolv
ed. to take effect on the 31st day of December,
1904, by mutual consent. H. O. Tompkins is
authorized to settle nil debts due to and by the
NOTICE is hereby given that aco-partnership
has been entered into to take effect the 31st
day of December, 11(04, between H. G.Thomp
kins and Thomas H. Norris, under the firm
name of Tompkins & Norris, for the purpose of
conducting a general merchandise business.
That they have this day purchased the stock of
goods and good-will of the late partnership ex
isting between H. G. Tompkins, J. D. Helf and
William H. VanWert, doing business as HO.
Tompkins Co. That the new firm will con
duct the said mercantile business at the same
place formerly occupied by the old firm.
Mice of Meeting of Stockholders.
THE Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of I
the Emporium and Rich Valley R. R. Com
pany, will be held at the law offlceofß. W.
Green, Tuesday, January 2ltb, 1905, at one
o clock, p. m., for the election of officers and the
transaction of such other business us may come
before them.
HENRY AUCHU, President. !
B. W. GREEN, Secretary.
Emporium, Pa„ Jan. 7, 1905.
; n
*> j
Emp« riHiiiFnriiitHre do.
Our New Year
* J
WE have just finished a wonderfully pros
perous year. One in which all our past
sales-records were thrown so far in the rear
that it will require the most vigorous and
untiring work to surpass them. But
work is our pastime and we are going to
Your splendid patronage has placed in-
I creased purchasing power in our hands,
the force of which will be felt in the ever
increasing values that will benefit every
money-wise person in this county who is
wise enough to profit by it.
ji Keej) Your Eye ou Us all this Year 11
and Watcla Us Grow.
I Emporium Furniture Co., 1
j| Undertaking. 1
JOHN W. KRINER, Poormaster, in account
with Emporium Borough Poor Fund.
From C. H. Jessop, Coll., 1901 tax, ♦2O o0
'• •' " " 1902 " 162 BH
'• C.W.Shaffer, " 1903 " 050 79
SSI3 45 1
Balance due from last audit, $lOlO5 !
Paid State Hospital,acc.insanepatients, :;09 U9
Paid for relief of Mary Mundy, 120 00
Paid for relief of George Harrison,. ... 20 15
Paid fur relief of Jesse McFaddeu, HO 24
Paid for relief of Thomas Smith, 25 90
Paid (Ireen & Shaffer, retainer 1902-3,.. 40 00
Paid 1 K. Hockley, making out dup.,.. 5 00
Paid Cameron Co. Press, printing audi
tors report, 20 00
Paid Portage township, Potter county,
acc. Jack Smith case, 52 20
Paid for relief of sundry paupers, 11 95
Paid with report to State Board of Char
ities 5 0O
Paid Emporium Independent, printing
order books,. 3 00
$791 18
Balance in bands of J. W. Kriner, $39 27
A.CHAPMAN, Poormaster, in account with Em*
porium Borough Poor Fund.
Balance on hand from last audit, $29 53
From C. H. Jessop, Coll., 1901 tax, 128 01
! •• « " " 1902 '• 166 16
•' C.W.Shaffer, " 1903 " 798 29
*1,121 02
Paid for relief of Mrs. Detrick, $206 00
Paid for relief of Lew Gifford 121 90
Paid for relief of J. Hitchcock,.. . 180 80
Paid for relief of M. F. Hanna 217 34
Paid for relief of Sam Parker 92 50
Paid for relief of Mrs. Segee .. 148 61
Paid for relief of Mrs. Byers, 3 82
Paid for relief of Catherine Drum, 1 00
Paid for relief of sundry trampu, 7 31
Paid bal. Dan'l Stone funeral expenses, 40 65
Paid bal. A. Coldyrian funeral expenses, 30 00
Paid M. M. I.arrabee for services, 4 50
$1,057 51
Balance in hands of A. Chapman SB3 51
Cash in hands of J. W. Kriner, $39 27
Cash in hands of A. Chapman, 63 11
Due from C. H. Jessop, Coll., 1900 tax,. 153 58
Dae from C. H. Jessop, Coll., 1901 tax,. 73 37
Due from C. H. Jessop, Coll., 1902 tax,. 1 13
I Due from C. W..Shaffer,Coll., 1903 tax,. 91 20
$122 06
Due Ray Lyons, outstanding order No.
10, by Chapman $147 85
Due R. C. Dodson, outstanding order
No. 12, by Chapman, 22 00
Due E. Independent, outstanding order
No. 15, bv Chapman, 20 0#
Due Balcom A Lloyd, sutstanding order
No. 16, by Chapman, 26 90
$216 75
Excess of Assets over Liabilities, $205 31
We, the undersigned, Auditors of the Borough
of Emporium, do certify that we have examined,
audited, adjusted and settled the accountsof J. W.
Kriner and A. Chapman, Poormasters of the
Borough of Emporium, and that the foregoing
■tatements of same are true and correct.
Witness our hands this 30th day of December,
C. E. CRANDELL, > Auditors.
rOiey't- and Tl>
i res cotrf" r " pneumnr
& CO.,
Opposite M. E. Church, Emporium, Pa.
Will for the next sixty days give
on all goods sold for cash or
citsh in two weeks and FIVE
PER CENT, off all bills paid in
full at the end of thirty days.
We make an exception when
selling FLOUR and SUGAR
accompanied by no other
Call us up, on phone, No, 74.
Goods Delivered Free and
Matches, regular price 50c, 40c
Canned Peaches, 25c kind, 20c
Canned Plums, 25c kind, 20 c
31h. Java and Mocha Coffee, Ofic
Regular 35c kind.
Sun dried Tea, 30c kind, 2.7 c
Baking Chocolate, - .!#sc
Half pound cans Co3oa, - 20c
Regular price 25c.
Give Our Meat
Department a Trial.
Home Made Sausage
We can save you money
on yonr Meats and Grocer
ies. Give us a trial and we
will convince you that this
is the cheapest place to buy.
Our goods are cheap be
cause they are good. It's
not the price that makes
them cheap, it's the quality.
Don't forget we sell depend
able goods. Dependable
goods are not to be obtained
in every store. You can't
buy any other kind here.
We don't keep them.
'Phone 21,
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure
Digests what eat.
I Building Time
1 And we wish to say that we are better prepared than ever
before to supply you with all kinds of
I Hardware and ISuilders Su]>|>lies.
We have in addition to our regular stock, (the for
busiuess of U. A. Palmer, known as Hockley's Coal
Yard) consisting of Brick, Lime Cement, Wall
Plaster, Shingles, Coal, Hay, Hardwood, etc., etc.,
a full line of PAINTS, COLORS in OIL, PAINT
I Plumbing; and Tinning;
is among our specialties. Costs you nothing for
estimates in these lines. All our work is positively
guaranteee to give satisfaction.
I Stoves and Ranges,
Don't forget we carry the largest assortment of
STOVES and RANGES for gas, c > 1 or wood in
■ county and every one guaranteed by the maker.
ja Rockwell's jjj
I Drug Store. |
K ijl
ft The Cold Cream that
jy we make in unsur- (i
[3 passed for face and ft
hands and will^make
(n the skin soft and K]
ft white. We have J{]
'fu Nail, Tooth and (n
Hair Brushes, Wist 5]
|{] Brooms. Chamois [u
iln Skin and Sponges.
| Gj No better goods on I{]
jft the market. When «]
; [j| you want your favo- uj
rite recipes filled Oj
!s] Bring them to us. J"
j In Our stationeryleads.
Alsoour toilet cream, !{]
(}! toilet water, toilet ui
; p soaps, perfumes and uj
sashet powder. All [}j
j{J the latest. J|i
;n] Our Botanic Dry Kidney Cure ft
!UI is an exoellent tonic. A specific n]
jft for all diseases of the kidneys. In
:§ M. A. ROCKWELL. §
9 P
! & SOI I
Ql Next to Ilaitk ~j
I 1
Xlie Popular
Store. ft
C| We have taken extra pains ton]
f}j serve our patrons with the best "j
n| of the season's offerings. How [n
; l/i well we have succeeded you can nJ
[Jj tell by taking a look at our beau- ft
f{] tiful display. We invite you all iy
!Uj to drop in. While we do not ui
112" pose as a bargain counter, yet ft
n| we call upon our patrons who n]
Iji desire to purchase practical and b
ft reliable goods. We are prepar- "1
, n] ed to satisfy the most critical [Jj
Ln buyer, with an array of GOOD nl
jft PRACTICAL THINGS for the "j
; n] season that are annually found [}j
In only in the large city stores. nJ
ft Our prices are right for good f{|
J goods. ft
| Jk |
ft Coats and Mufflers, 50c, to $3 00 |{j
ft Silk Suspenders, 50c to - 2.00 "1
nJ Silk and fancy Hosiery, 25c to 3.00 U|
jd Silk Handkerchiefs, 25c to 1.50 [n
Sul Silk Umbrellas, $1.25 to - 10.00 ™
House Coats, $5.00 to • - 12.00 nj
n Bags and Suit Cases, SI.OO 15.00 nj
gj Trunks, $4.00 - - 15.00 !{]
p] Bath Robes - - $4.00 to 8.00 If]
|j Smoking Jackets, $4 00 up. jjj
Uj Popular Brands of Shirts and ft
[}| Collars, Exclusive Agents f{]
m for the most popular nj
uj Hats. ui
The largest and best line of jj]
| Suits and Overcoats j)!
[JJ in the County. Ilj
S R Seger & |
| Son, |
jjj Call Early. Next to Bank. jjj