Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, January 12, 1905, Image 4

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Editor and Manager.
Per year |2 oo
If paid is advance $1 50
Advertisements are publishedat the rate of one
dollar per square for oneiusertion and fifty cents
per square for eachsubsequentinsertion.
Rates by the year or for six or threemonthsare
ow ana uniform, and willbefurnished on appli
Legal and Official Advertising persquare. three
ti'nes or less, |2 CO; each subsequent insertions!)
cents p«»r square.
Loca 1 noticesten cents per 1 i n e for one! nsertion,
• five cents perlineforeacnsubsequentconsecutive
Obituary notices over five lines, ten cents per
I ine. Simpleannouncements of births, marriages
and deaths will be inserted free.
Business Cards, five lines or less $5.00 per
over five lines, at the regular rates of advertising
Nolocalinsertedforleßsthan7s ct.s. per issue.
The Job department of the PRESS is complete,
aail affords facilities for doing the best class ol
No paperwillbe discontinued until arrearage!
are p.iid, except at the option of the publisher.
Papers sent out of the county must be paid for
in advance.
«-No advertisements will be accepted at less
th an the price for fifteen words.
»«-Religious notices lVee.
Spoiled Her Beauty.
Harriet Howard, of 209 \V. 34th St.,
New York, at one time had her beauty
spoiled with skin trouble. She writes:
"I had Salt Rheum or Eczema for years,
but nothing would cure it until I used
Bucklen's Arnica Salve." A quick and
sure healer for cuts, burns and sores.
25c at L. Taggart's drug store.
.Many are willing to lose this world by
swallowing it.
Qreatly in Demand.
Nothing is more in demand than a
medicine which .meets modern require
ments for a bloocJ and system cleanser,
such as Dr. King's New Life Pills.
They are just what you need to cure
stomach and liver troubles. Try them.
At L. Taggart s drug store, 25c, guar
Suffering draws man toman and men
to religion.
Is It Right.
Is it right that a property-owner should
lose §4.20 to let a dealer make 50 cents?
A dealer makes more on fourteen gallon?
of ready for use paint, at 81.50 per gal
lon, than our agent does on eight gallons
of L. & M. paint and six gallons of lin
fctjed oil, which make fourteen gallons of
the best paint in the world, at $1.20 per
gxllon; the property-owner loses just
$4.20. Is it right?
It only requires 4 gallons of L. & M.,
and .'J gallons linseed oil to paint a mod
crate sized house.
Ten Thousand Churches painted with
Longman & Martinez L. & M., Paint.
Liberal quantity given to churches
when bought from Harry S. Lloyd.
'Rah for the Chicago, Milwaukee &
St. Paul Railway. It has advanced, at
one leap, fifty years in the lead, by put
ting on observation cars which have
compartments for women.
Ordinary a woman is pretty much of
an intruder in an observation car,
when she has nerve to fight her way
through the tobacco smoke and timid
ly pick out a seat which isn't occupied
by the feet of some imperial male
There is no doubt about it, the most
effective answer to the man who claims
America to be a paradise for chivalry
would be to dress him up as a wowan
and make him spend two days in an
American railway coach. The custom
of providing 10x10 compartments for
tnen to smoke in and 4x4 closets for
women to dress in, three at a time, is a
regular airbrake on the progress of
The Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul
Railway ought to be given a medal.—
Nonpareil, Council Bluffs, la., Decern,
ber 9, 1904
All persons are hereby forbidden from
trespassing upon the property of this
Company without a permit from this
olHce, or the Superintendant at the
Emporium, Pa., August Ist, 1!)03.
Bargain in Books.
A complete set ofßrittaniea Ency
clopaedia,consisting of thirty volumes
and key. Are all new and in original
packages. Will bo sold at a bargain,
A pply at PRESS office. 36tf
College of Alusic.
Parents desiring their children to
have thorough instruction in music,
and well cared for, can find no better
place than at The College of Music at
Freeburg, Snyder county, Pa. Pupils
from ten years old and from the begin
ner to the advanced are-admitted.
Terms begin May 1, June 12 and July
24. For catalogue address
FOR SALE— One pair of work horses
weight 1200 each, heavy wagon,
harness and sleds wiil sell for $3*20.00.
Inquire of
Emporium, Pa. St.
For Sale.
House and lot located on West Fifth
street, for sale at a bargain. Apply to j
C. A. VAN LEW, Emporium Pa.
47-2t. !
Wlmt It ('out One* Woman In IVnr*
of Mlntl and Comfort.
Mary Makepeace sat down iu her fa
vorite chair lu her own room an«l
threw her head hack, with a long sigh.
"No words can tell how glad 1 am
that I've made my last visit for the
summer," she said. "Now 1 shall have
some peace, not to mention pleasure."
"My dear!" said her mother reproach
"I ine:ui it," returned Mary. "Of
course I like change of scene, but I
am tired of adapting my whole life to
others, as I am expected to do as a
welcome guest."
"My dear!" said her mother again.
"Think how kind everybody lias been
to you."
"They meant to be— they were kind,"
Mary said wearily, "yet I feel «s if I
had barely escaped with my life, and
you will admit that is not just the
right kind of after feeling.
"Let me tell you, mother," Mary
continued. "At the Fosters' I changed
my hours for rising, for retiring and
for eating my meals. At the Lanes' I
changed father's politics—for of course
I haven't any of my own—to please
Mr. Lane, and I had all I could do to
keep from changing my religion to
please Mrs. Lane.
"At the Jenkins' I changed all my
views about what constitutes diversion
to suit the family In general. At the
Pages' I entirely changed my point of
view concerning music and books. And
at the Kevins', where I was ill, I
changed my doctor and took stuff
which I felt sure would poison me just
to please them.
"I ate cheese, which I abhor, and
gave up fruit, which I like, at the
Fisks'. I slept with closed windows at
Great-aunt Maria's because she Is
afraid of a breath of air, and I drank
twenty-one pints of hot water the four
days I was at Cousin Thomas' to 'flush
my system.*
"No," said Mary in a firm voice. "I
pay no more visits for months to come.
Home keeping youth may have homely
wits, but if I go about much more 1
shall not have any wits at all."—
Youth's Companion.
An Inrlilrnt That Give* nn Innlnrht
Into Hnnnlan Clmrartor.
A few years ago 1 was taking a
country walk in Kovno. The road lay
through a dense forest, and the day
was oppressively hot. I arrived at last
at a crossroad and sat down under the
shade of the trees to rest. A signpost
pointed its two arms down the con
verging roads. On one of them was In
scribed "14 verets to Janova," on the
other "17 versts to Shadowa." Present
ly the creaking of wheels and the slow
"clop, clop" of a horse's hoofs on the
road behind roused me. A cart plied
high with tinware was coming down
the road, with the driver perched on
the top of the load.
"Good day, brother," I called out as
the cart, with Its sorry horse, came
abreast of me. The man returned my
salute, and the horse, glad of any ex
cuse to rest his weary legs, came to a
standstill in the middle of the road.
"Which way are you going?" I asked.
"To Janova. There is a market there
' But there is also a market in Sha
dowa," I answered, "and it Is n more
important place than Janova."
"So it Is, so it is," the driver replied,
with perfect Indifference.
"What have you for sale?"
"Plenty of good tinware, as you can
see, brother. I have worked for six
weeks to make this cartload."
"Well, good luck to you and your
tinware," I said, pulling and eating the
berries within reach. "Will you take It
to Janova or Shadowa?"
The man picked up the bit of cord
which served as reins and prepared to
"I shall leave that to my horse," he
answered callously.
The lumbering wagon moved off and
finally passed out of sight down the
Janova road, which the horse had elect
ed to take.—St. James' Gaeette.
Memorial to a. Robber.
In the little town of Forlimpopoli,
near Bologna, there is a memorial tab
let in the Municipal theater to the mem
ory of a famous robber chieftain named
Passatore. The reason why the the
ater is the homo of his memorial is
that iu it was performed his most fa
mous exploit. In September, 1854,
while one of Rossini's operas was be
ing performed in the presence of all the
local beauty and fashion, Passatore
and his band "held up" the audience
and robbed them of ail their valuables
to the last penny.
IVrfeolly Condon In I.
Naggsby—When a man and his wife
think the same thoughts simultaneous
ly it la a sign that they are exceedingly
congenial. Waggsby—So? Well, then,
my wife and I are congenial ail right,
for the other night when she said that
she wondered why I'd ever been such a
fool as to marry her I had been sitting
there In silence for half an hour won
dering over the same identical thing.—
Baltimore American.
Saved llio Trouble.
She—They say that the best hus
bands are always thoughtful in little
things. Are you that way, Mr. Smith?
Bmith—No. I don't have to be. My
wife always calls my attention to them
before I have a chance to think.—De
troit Free I'ress.
ll y CotiNtniit ('MO,
"Yes, she's a woman of few words."
"And. mercy, how frayed she keeps i
them looking!"- Cleveland Plain Deal- |
Love is only a woman's device foT i
wasting time.—J. M. Barrie. I
Speedy Relief.
A salve that heals without a scar is I
DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. No rem- j
edy effects such speedy relief. It draws !
out inflammation, soothes, cools and
heals all cuts, burns and bruises. A sure
cure for Piles and skin diseases. De-
Witt sis the only genuine Witch Hazel
Salve. Beware of counterfeits they are
dangerous. Sold by R. C. Dodson.
Burdens may be the ballast that saves
the ship.
No More Stomach Troubles.
All stomach trouble is removed by the
use of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. It gives
the stomach perfect rest by digesting
what you cat without the stomach's aid.
The food builds up the body, the rest
restores the stomach to health. You
don't have to diet yourself when taking
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. J. D. Erskine,
of AUenville, Mich., says,"l suffered
Heartburn and Stomach trouble for some
time. My sister-in-law has had the same
trouble and wa3 not able to eat for six
weeks. She lived entirely on warm
water. After taking two bottles of
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure she was entirely
cured. She now eats heartily and is in
good health. lam glad to say Kodol
gave me instant relief." Sold by 11. C.
"Forgetting the things behind" is no
reason for ingratitude.
Tonic to the System.
hor liver troubles and constipation
there is nothing better than DeWitt's
Little Early Risers, the famous little
Pills, They do not weaken the stom
ach. Their action upon the system is
mild, pleasant and harmless. Hob.
Moore, of lnd., lnd., says: No use
talking, DeWitt's Little Early Risers do
their woik. All other pills, I have used
gripe and make me sick in the stomach
and never cured me. DeWitt's Little
Early Risers proved to be the long sought
relief. They are simply perfect." Per
sons tr.iveljng find Little Early Risers
the most reliable remedy to carry with
them. Sold by R. C. Dodson.
The authority of the good does aot
rest on its austerity.
Coughs and Colds.
All coughs, colds and pulmonary com
plaints that are curable are quickly cured
by One Minute Cough Cure. Clears the
phlegm, draws out inflamation and heals
and soothes the affected parts, strengthens
the lungs, wards off pneumonia. Harm
less and pleasant to take. Sold bv R.
C. Dodson.
The quicker the lunch the slower the '
The Suuday suit never made the Mon- !
day saint.
I Kmporiiiiii Fiirnitnre€o. I
Our New Year
Introductory I
I Sa,e _J I
WE have just finished a wonderfully pros
perous year. One in which all our past
sales-records were thrown so far in the rear
that it will require the most vigorous and
untiring work to surpass them. But
work is our pastime and we are going to S
Your splendid patronage has placed in
creased purchasing power in our hands,
tlie of which will be felt in the ever
increasing values that will benefit every
money-wise person in this county who is
H Sveej) Your Eye OJI Us all tliis Year ||
and 'Watch Us Grow.
I Emporium Furniture Co., i
I Undertaking 1 , I
Matches, regular price 50c, 40c
Canned Peaches, 25c kind, 20c
Canned Plums, 25c kind, 20c
31b. Java and Mocha Coffee, USc
Regular 36c kind.
Sun dried Tea, 30c kind, 25c
Baking Chocolate, - #se
n Half pound cans Cocoa, - 20c
Regular price 25c.
Give Onr Meat
Department a Trial.
Home Made Sausage
We can save yott money
011 your Meats and Grocer
ies. Give us a trial and we
will convince you that this
is the cheapest place to buy.
Our goods are cheap be
cause they are good. It's
not the price that makes
them cheap, it's the quality.
Don't forget we sell depend
able goods. Dependable
goods are not to be obtained
in every store. You can't
buy anv other kind here.
We don't keep them.
'Phone 21,
V 865 '^ N> * N^V^9O4 V T
\ Furnishing Goods, Shirts, ?
c Neckwear, Trunks, J
i Satchels, Suit Cases, i
( Etc., Etc. C
\ A fine line at C
V bottom prices. /
> Clothing <
/ Men's, Youth's and \
) Boys' Clothing, *
} A new stock just in. y
/ Give me a call. S
s Store-Room Enlarged to Double 1
\ Capacity. ,
112 O. B. BARNES' !
i Family Grocery
112 " nd Meat Market «
112 [MI
i —' El— .:
M E ATS. :
lIT I 1 •
( ■ -
S. 1
I fill Jtesh (J&fciied ]
\ Goods.
\ Opposite S. D. McDonald's Hotel. 1
r 'Phone 81.
Call up; We'll do the rest Promptly.
& CO.,
Opposite M. E. Church, Emporium, Pa. I
Will for the next sixty days give
on all goods sold for cash or
cash in two weeks and FIVE
PER CENT, off all bills paid in
full at the eud of thirty days.
We make an exception when
selling FLOUR and SUGAR
accompanied by no other
Call us up, on phone, No, 74.
Goods Delivered Free and
uninnriMirriiiiiiiin HlllUM IIIIIMI 111111
And we wish to say that we are better prepared than ever |j
before to supply you with all kinds of
Hardware and liuildern Supplies.
We have in addition to our regular stock, (the for- lj
business of U. A. Palmer, known as Hockley's Coal 1
Yard) consisting of Brick, Lime Cement, Wall I
Plaster, Shingles, Coal, Hay, Hardwood, etc., etc., I
a full line of PAINTS, COLORS in OIL, PAINT I
Plumbing and Tinning
is among our specialties. Costs you nothing for
estimates in these lines. All our work is positively
guaranteee to give satisfaction.
Stoves and Ranges.
Don't forget we carry the largest assortment of
I STOVES and RANGES for gas, coil or wood in
county and every one guaranteed by the maker.
S Rockwell's 8
| Drug Store, j
K w
[jj The Cold Cream tliat
nl we make is unsur- [«
yj passed for face and [jj
ul hands and willjmake
(n the skin soft and ,{]
[jj white. We have j{|
[J Nail, Tooth and Dj
Hair Brushes, Wist Uj
Brooms. Chamois [}|
jn Skin and Sponges. nl
No better goods on [{]
[jj the market. When "1
[u you want your favo- m
rite recipes filled Dj
Jjj Bring them to us. JJ!
uj Our stationery leads.
Alsoourtoiletcream, K]
(jj toilet water, toilet jj]
ro soaps, perfumes and uj
l{j sashet powder. All J
Jj the latest, * nj
«] Our Botanic Dry Kidney Cure Hi
Ln is an exoellent tonic. A specific n]
(Jj for all diseases of the kidneys. 11l
3 P
ssasascis Hsasasas asEsSߣj
5? as d SHSHSHSB 5H SaSfcT
! &SON 112
[]j Next to Hank jjj
I The Popular
$ Store. 3
Uj We have taken extra pains ton]
[Jj serve our patrons with the best
nj of the season's offerings. How jn
In well we have succeeded you can nl
tell by taking a look at our beau- f 1 "
n] tiful display. We invite you all «]
Into drop in. While we do not [n
[Jj pose as u bargain counter, yet [W
nj we call upon our patrons who n]
In desire to purchase practical and uj
reliable goods. We are prepar- Uj
nj ed to satisfy the most critical [}j
S buyer, with an array of GOOD nj
nj season that are annually found {n
In only in the large city stores, ol
[Jj Our prices are right for good |f|
nj goods. [Jj
| |
jj Coats and Mufflers, 60c, to $3 00 nj
Uj Silk Suspenders, 50c to - 2.00 "]
m Silk and fancyllosiery, 25c to 3.00 (n
jj Silk Handkerchiefs, 25c to 1.50 jn
Sw Silk Umbrellas, $1.25 to - 10.00 ™
House Coats, $-5.00 to - - I 2.0& H
n Bags and Suit Cases, SI.OO 15.00 n)
W Trunks, $4.00 - - 15.00 !{]
ii Bath Robes - - SI.OO to 8.00 In
U Smoking Jackets, $4 00 up. [jj
n Popular Brands of Shirts and 111
JJ Collars, Exclusive Agents }{]
U for the most popular nj
jj Hats. IS
{] The largest and best line of |}j
{] Suits and Overcoats in
in the County. In
IR- §©§ & |
I |
Sj Call Early. Next to Bank [jj