Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, December 15, 1904, Page 3, Image 3

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    BuslncM Card*.
Emporium, Pa.
A b«i>f»e»iire!»tln* to «v>t*t'.collection.,r«*J
Mtfttea .Orphan's l.'ourt an-' .enerallaw bustn.M
•UlracaWr prompt attention. *2-1 y.
Wtll five prompt attcntiou to all bualnrta .a;
raited to tlirm. IS-iy.
Collections promptly attended to. Heal eatata
and penalon claim nuent,
IS-ljr. Emporium. Pa.
Emporium, Pa.,
An order* In ray line promptly executed. AU
binds of building and cut atone, supp ed at low
toncea Agent for rtiarblq pr granite monument*
neatly dona.
Eaat Emporium, Pa.,
Baylni reanmed proprietorship of this old und
*ra]l eataollahed Hoitre I invite the patronage ol
Bat publlo. Houe. navrly furalaliad and Inor
•aghly ranoTatad. «*ljr
Bki U n Ownaaa AHD OTHF.RU IN Ciaisoii mc
I have nomaroua calla for hemlock and hard
wood timber i A lids, also at um page Ac., anriparttee
desiring either to bu; or aaJ) will do well to < all
•a me. F. D. LEET.
(Opposite Post Office,)
Emporium, Pa.
I lake pleasure in informing the public that )
bare purchased the old and popular Noveltj
BMtaurant, looated ou Fourth street. It will b«
■ay endeavor to serve the public IU a niannai
that shall meet with their approbation. Uive m«
a call. Meals and I'iacheon served at all houra
no'/7-lyr Wm. MCDONALD.
THOS. .1. LYSETT. Psorsisroi
Near Buffalo Depot, Emporium, Pa.
This new and commodious hotel is now openee
for the accommodation of the public. New in&l
ttsappointments, every attention will be pai' te
the guests patronizing this uotel. *7-17-ly
Also dealer 111 ali the Popular sheet Mime,
Emporium, Pa.
Scholarstaught eittier at my home on Blith
street or at the homes of the pupils. Out oftowr
scholars will be given date» at my r<x>iuslu tbii
V C. RIECK, t>. I>. 8..
Office orer Taggart's Drug Store, F.mporlnm, Pa
das and otuer local anaesthetics ad
nWa&Sltiilnis?ere<l for the painless estradiol
of teeth.
SPECIALTY: Pi eservstio aof <>»tural testis, l»
ituding frftwn and Rridaf Werk.
Cameron. I'a.,
Opposite P. \ E. Depot,
HARRY McGKE, Proprietor.
Having taken possession of this house and
thoroughly remodeled and enlarged the building
by erecting an addition of eighteen rooms, I am
well prepared to meet the demanda of the public.
tJuests conveyed to any part of th*-* county. Good
Ashing ana hunting in the immediate vicinity.
Kodol Dyspepsia Guro
Digests what yo« oat.
Buffalo & Susquehanna Railroad Company.
Official Condensed Time Table in Effect June 23, 1902.
day Week Days. Daily Week Days.
W. M. P.M. P.M. A.M. A.M.; STATIONS. A.M. P.M. P.M. P.M.' P. 11.
610 510 11 10 715 Lv Addison Ar 10 13 443
6 41 fi 41 1141 801 Elkland 9 41 4 lli
546 A 46 11 48 806 Osceoltt 936 406
555 5.55 1155 822 Knoxville 926 356
Rll 611 12 11 840 . .Westfleld 913 313
647 647 12 47 925 Guillen Junction 836 306
700 700 100 WI9A r. \ n*l«li.n ' » •>•« ?ra
500 10 20 I.V. 112 Unlelon, / Ar. 8 - < 253 5 3.5
T4O 540 p. M. P. M. 10 58 Ar <Jro*a Fork Junction Lv 739 209 4 23'
545 210 |ll 00 I.v. Cross Fork Junction Ar. 7 ' r - 700 355
635 300 11 50 Ar. Cross Fork, Pa. Lv. 615 100 305
824 624 P. M. A.M. 11 .39 A r Wharton I.v. 653 i 26 310
8 05 11 40 Lv Wharton Ar >0 53 j 300 j
a.m. 858 ioo Ar Kinuarauhoning Lv |(| 1 140
845 643 800 11 58 Lv Austin Ar 635 105 950 8 Oil
71 0 845 1225 Ar KeatingHumiuit L" 12 40 9 10l 7 30i
P- M. p. M. A.M. A. M I 1". M. ______ A - *• v - M - A - M ' M -
I'. M. A. M.
820 !1 35 *' v Anjonla Ar y 7 '(,()
835 9 19 905 644
i 839 953 South Ottilies, 901 610
1 812 955 ; Gaines Junction K r )9 fi 38
855 10 09 Ar Gale ton Lv H 45 g25
j j
j r.M.i A V.| A. M. P.M. I
I P. M. A M. , „ , , . P. M.
105 li 30 l,v 1L ~ Ar !° 1° *56
1 124 647 v"^ a ij OI J 951 4.39
1 1.50 7 13 Newfleld Junction „ v 4 , 5 |
| 2"6 7 :#) Bln K' ,arn 909 401
2 is: 7 11 Genesee 85H 352
124 746 ■; Tvnfi? 868 3 471
246 8 06;"" Wellsville Lv g 3O a 30'
. ' ' i 1 A. M. P. M. i
At Keating Summit with B. & A. V Piv. of Pennsylvania R. R.
At Anponia with N.Y Ci H R. R. for all point* north ami soutli.
At Newtield Junction with C. A P. A. Ry., Union Station.
At Genesee with N. Y»V Pa.. Ry. Union Station.
At Addison with Erie R. R., Union Station.
At Wellsville with Erie H. R. for points east and west.
At Sinnamahoning with P. R. R.—P. & E. I)iv.
H. H. GARDINER. Gen'l Pass'r Apt. Buffalo, N.Y.| W. C. PARK. Gen'l Supt., Galeton, Pa.
M.J. MCMAHON, Div. Pass Ag't., Galeton, Pa.
popular """ cv^ EA ,
Daily Delivery All orders <rivcn prompt and
skillful attention.
§ WHEN IN DOUBT, TRY They have itood the test of yca».
\TPnMP * * and have cured thcusandk ol
0 nUKII ft G# 112 r ©DI * / / V caj: «s °f Nervous Diseases, such
M Debility, Dizziness, Sleepless-
P fi jM I —2 ness and Varicocele.Atroohv.&e.
ftUAIN J the bra.n. strengthen
£ vigor to the * hole being. All drains and losses are checked permanently. Unless patients !
5 C f r^ pC i y '.* U « tl,e,r cont, ition often worries them into Insanity. Consumption or Death, j
J Mailed sealed. Price $i per box; 6 boxes, with iron-clad legal guarantee to cure or refund tht '
mouey.| 5 .00. bend lot free book. Addrcw, PEAL MEDICINE CO.. CleviilMd. 0.
For sale by R. O. Uodacu,Diuggist, Emporium, Pa.
Taking effect Ma y 27th. 1901.
10 8 4 16 1 2
Fort Allegany,.. Lv. *3*s *7 06 H 36
Coleman, *3 23 .... 00 # ll 41
Burtville, «3 30 .... 7 16 11 47
Roulette, 340 ... | 7 25 11 66
Knowlton's, *3 45 ... 1 00 ... *ll 69
Mina, 3 5» 7 35 12 05
Olmsted MO-i *7 38 # l2 09
Hammonds, 00 .... 00 *l2 13
r 'ot dfrsimrt \ ' 420 A. M. 745 12 16
rspori. yj y 6]o ft fto , (>0
North Coudersport, *6 15 00 # 1 >»5
Prink'a, 6 25.... *6 10 *1 12
(Jolesburg, ... *6 40 *6 17 120
Hnven Bridges # 6 4"» ... *6 21 *1 '."4"
Raymonds'* *7 00 .... •0 30 Ili 6
Gold ! 705 636 141
New field ... 00 ... 1 45
NewtfeldJunction, 737.. .. 6 4*> 150
Perkins, # 7 40 •<$ 48 *1 58
Carpenter's 746 ... . 00 # 1 57
Orowell's, 7 50 .... 53 - 2 01
U lyase* Ar..... 8 05,.... 705 210
A. M _ P. M,
101 8 I
A. M. P. M. A. M
Ulysses Lv. 720 225 910
Orowell's, *7 27 *2 32 • 9 19
Carpenter's, 00 *2 34 •9 22
Perkins. # 7 32 *2 37 # 9 26
NewfieldlJunction, 737 242 932
Newfield, •: 41 246 °" ....
Gold 744 249 940
Raymond's. •" 4P 2 54 * 947
Seven Bridges, 01 *3 06 10 (ri
Colesburg *8 0* 3 09 'lO 10
Frink's, »8 12 »3 17 *lO 20
North Coudersport, 00 326 *lO 35 ...
( Ar. n 2ft 330 10 45
Coudei sport, < P. M
( Lv. P2B 600 120
Hammonds 00 00 **
Olmsted, 33 *6 or>0 r > *1 31
Mina, 837 610 137
Kno wl ton's, 00 *6 17 °°
R<: ilette 8 47 6 21 1 51
Burtville. 854 628 201
Coleman, cc "6 31 c
Poit Allegany, I 9 08 «40 225
(*) Flag stations. ( 00 , Trains do not stop
♦ » Telegraph oftlcps. Train No*. 3 ami 10 will
carry passengers. Tains 8 and 10 do.
Trains run on Eastern Standard Time.
Connections—At ('lyases with Kail Brook R'y
for points north and south. At B. A: S. Juuc
tion with Buffalo »v Susquehanna It. It. north for
Wellftville, south I'or Galeton and Ansonia. At
Port Allegany with W. N. V.& P. It. It., north
fr>r Butlalo, Olean, Bradford and Hinethport;
south for Keating Summit, Austin, Emporium
and Peun'a R. H., points.
B. A. McCLURE OenMSupt.
Coudersport. l*a.
The Place to liny Cheap S
\ IS AT ?
J. F.
Kodol Dyspepsia Cuh-e
Ditjosts what you cat.
Foley's Kidney Cure
makes kidneys and bladder right.
"-•» mo-* h««ilng salve in tho world-
down as a result of his troubles. CASHIEB SPEAR.
It Is Said that Mrs. Chadwick Will be
Prosecuted in Ohio on Charges
of Forgery—Beckwith Is Re
ported to Have Made a
Startling Confession.
New York, Dec. it.—Mrs. C'assie L.
Chadwick lust night occupied one of
Hie scantily furnished cells in the j
Tombs. She was held in default of j
$ 15,000 bail for a hearing on Decem
ber 17, after being arraigned before j
Commissioner Shields. After a l'ruit- j
less search all day for bail, her at-;
torneys gave up the fight and i'hilip j
Carpenter, her chief counsel, stood in ,
tiie corridor of the federal building at |
It o'clock when United States Marshal ;
Henkel threw open the doors of his |
of*ce and led the woman out on her j
way to prison.
The party passed through a double
row of curious people to a carriage !
which was in waiting.
They were driven directly to the '
Tombs. Arriving there Mrs. Chadwick
was half carried up the steps and into
the building. Warden Flynn met the i
party, and after the usual prelimi- j
naries had been attended to the wo- ,
man asked permission to have her i
nurse remain villi her. This was de
nied, the warlen saying that she
should have nave no privileges not
allowed other priso'v.'vs.
While lying on a couch in the Uni
ted State marshal's office awaiting a
bondsman, Mrs. Chadwick, for the
first time since her name has been be
fore the public, consented to talk for
publication, and gave the representa
tives of the Associated Press a state
ment in which she denied relationship
to Mrs. York, of San Francisco, who
gave out an interview yesterday tell- i
ins of tiie earlier life of Mrs. Chad- !
Mrs. Chadwick also told of the
Wade Park and Oberlin bank matters, i
Referring to the failure of the latter
institution she said: "I would not like
to live a minute if I did not think i
could pay these poor people back."
In the communications in New York j
between Mr. Carnegie and representa- j
tives of the Oberlin bank, Mr. Came- j
gie denied absolutely that he had j
signed the notes which have figured in !
the case as the Carnegie notes, and J
denied that he knows or ever saw Mrs. j
Cleveland, Dec. 9. — Frank M. Chan- j
dler. United Stales marshal, and Ben
jamin Parmely, assistant in the office
of the United States district attorney,
went, to Oberlin Wednesday night and
succeeded in getting a complete con
fession from < . T. Beckwith, president
of the wrecked Citizens' national
The forged Carnegie notes were ut
tered in Cuyahoga county, according
to testimony given before the grand
jury of Lorain county Thursday.
Prosecutor Lee St roup telephoned j
to Prosecutor Heeler yesterday that j
the testimony of Cashier Spear and j
other witnesses showed that the notes j
had not been negotiated in Oberlin. !
This will make Cleveland the center j
of the criminal trials that are apt to j
be the outcome of the Chadwick case. I
Cleveland, Dec. 10. —The package in
the possession of Iri Reynolds, sup
posed to contain $5.00it,000 of Mrj.
Chadwick's securities, was opened
Friday. It contained securities with u
The End of a Long Strike.
Chicago, Dec. 9. —A bitter tight of a
year and a half between the H. A.
Rysdon Co., sheet metal contractors,
and Sheet Metal Workers' union No.
7:>, lias been settled. In the struggle
one killing and many assaults were
committed, public school building re
pairs were tied up by sympathetic
stiikes and the Rysdon Co. was fined
a total of $:!,000 by the Sheet Metal
Contractors' association and the
union. The settlement is a complete
surrender by Rysdon. His employes
go back on a "closed shop" basis, a
union scale of wages.
face value of $5,000,000, but with an
actual value of not one cent. There
was another package containing a se
curiiy of very small face value, which
may or may not have actual value.
The "$5,000,000" package has been in a
safety deposit vault in Jersey City un
til Friday, when it was brought to
Cleveland by Iri Reynolds.
Cashier Spear and Director Whit
ney, of the Citizens' national bank of
Oberlin, testified before the grand
jury in session here Friday afternoon.
Adjournment was taken at 3:30 p. 111.
Prosecutor Keeler said the testimony
showed the Carnegie notes had been
uttered in this county, and conse
quently lie had jurisdiction in the
■ case.
New York, Dec. 10.—After a day's
| wrangling with her counsel as to
I whether she should waive examination
| and goto Cleveland, Mrs. Chadwiek
; finally consented to remain another
! night in the Tombs, but expressed the
! hope that she might leave there to
Mrs. Chadwiek had made up her
; mind to ignore the advice of her local
| counsel. Messrs. Carpenter and Pow
j ers, and go to Cleveland to stand trial
there, when late in the afternoon she
! received a telegram from her Cleve
; land counsel. Judge Albaugh, asking
i her not to return to Cleveland just yet.
i This telegram caused her to remain
I over night.
1 Mrs. Chadwiek was led to her cell in
the Tombs by an attendant about 4
o'clock and ate a hearty supper.
The Comptroller of the Currency in
His Annual Report Says We are the
Richest People in the World and
Must Continue So.
Washington, Dec. 9. —The annual
report of the comptroller of the cur
rency shows that the number of 11a
; tional banks reporting has increased
|in the past year from S,US to 5,412,
and the aggregate increase of re-
I sources has been from $0,310,429,9t»6
|to $0,975,080,504, a growth of $004,-
i 050,537.
In the past year 2G national banks
were placed in receivers' hands. Six
have been restored to solvency. Fight
jof the failures were due to the dis
i honesty of cashiers.
The business of the building and
Moan companies was satisfactory, al
| though the aggregate assets show an
! apparent decrease of $10,000,000 in
| Ohio, due to the organization of a
I number of building associations into
! trust companies.
i The aggregate, stock of money in
I the world is $12,313,100,000: the
i amount of gold, $5,028,200,000; silver,
$3,201,400,000. Of the total stock of
I money in the world $2,500,200,000, or
I approximately one-filth, is held in this
country. The stock of gold in the
United States, $1,320,400,000. is greater
than that of any other country, and is
nearly one-fourth of the world's stock.
The amount of silver is $079,200,000.
The per capita circulation of the l T ni
ted States is $30.70, and is greater
than that of any of the principal coun
tries of the world except France,
1 wherein it is $40.09.
In conclusion the comptroller says
his report shows the most marvelous
growth in the wealth and commercial
importance of the United States. Its
people have become the richest in the
world, and the natural resources of
the country are so great that this is
sure to continue and increase for
many years to come. He says:
"111 spite of all this, however, we do '
not seem to be taking our proper rank
anil position in foreign and interna- !
j tional banking."
A Former Banker Is Indicted.
Ftica, N. Y., Uec. 10.—Manning C. ;
Palmer, president of the defunct '
American Exchange national bank, of
Syracuse, pleaded not guilty yester- j
day to an indictmeni in the district i
court. There are about 70 counts in j
the indictment, in which Palmer is i
charged with allowing overdrafts of
the Adamant Plaster Co., a bank
rupt. corporation of which he was
treasurer, with making false entries
on the books, abstracting money from
the cash drawcv and making false re
ports to the comptroller of th<? cur
h. k
a'ik P at 00rn Suits ' BOlid 525 * 4O S J deboard > quartered > '
S2B todroom Suits, solid $32 Sideboard, quartered s2ss
Q, A large line of Dressers from Chiffioniers of all kinds and
W $8 up. prices.
tA larjje and elegant line of Tufted and Drop-head
Couches. Beauties and at bargain prices. #
Q, The finest line of Sewing Machines 011 the market, A
\J the "Domestic" and "Eldredge". All drop heads and *£f
n warranted. ft
yy A fine line of Dishes, common grade and China, in
ft sets and by the piece. )«■
As I keep a full line of everything that goes to make
W up a good Furniture store, it is useless to enumerate them w
& an. _ *
W Please call and see for yourself that I am telling you
JUL the tiuth, and if you don't buy, there is 110 harm clone, as ft
i*r it is 110 trouble to show goods. w?
I GEO. J. I.a BAR. |
|Balcom & Lloyd, 112
| for |
I the Se&sot? it
full ■!
ill We have opened and are displaying a m
, , ll
igi choice line ot . . PJ
L pi
[J specially selected for the . . (fil
I „ Summer I
I *®' Se&soft. 1
p 1
wjl We have gathered such articles as |jj
y combine elegance with
(| and utility at jj
1 Very Reasonable I
I Prices I
ißalcom & Lloyd.
Wpa jsjj]