Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, November 24, 1904, Image 8

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    C. R. HUSTED
& CO.,
Opposite M. E. Church, Emporium, Pa. 0
Will for the next sixty days give
on all goods sold for cash or
c ish in two weeks and FIVE
PER CENT, off all bills paid in
full at the end of thirty days.
We make an exception when
selling FLOUR and SUGAR
accompanied by no other
Call us up, on phone, No, 74.
Goods Delivered Free and i
Foley's ifoncy and Ta
cures colds, prevents pneumonia.
/ «
I >ti ilding^rime
And we wish to say that we are better prepared than ever
before to supply you with all kinds of
Hardware and Builders Supplies.
We have in addition to our regular stock, (the for
business of U. A. Palmer, known as Hockley's Cool
Yard) consisting of Brick, Lime Cement, Wall
Plaster, Shingles, Coal, Hay, Hardwood, etc., etc.,
a full line of PAINTS, COLORS in OIL, PAINT
Plumbing and Tinning
is among our specialties. Costs you nothing for
estimates in these lines. All our work is positively
guaranteee to give satisfaction.
Stoves and Ranges.
Don't forget we carry the largest assortment of
STOVES and RANGES for gas, coal or wood in
county and every one guaranteed by the maker.
1 j
t %
Pleased and Satisiied Customers
ours are to be found in nearly every
home in this county. You ought to be
one of them! We carry the LARGEST and
BEST stock of
In this county. All made by SKILLED labor.
Our Bed-room Furniture
Was all made in 1904. CROSS BANDED VENEER
and SOLID ends.
Steel beds fr«m fl* A to CQQ Cfl
Guaranteed against breaking v^OauU
Mattresses from QC flfl
Also guaranteed 4)I.ZD J.UU
Baldwin Refrigerators
Do refrigerate, and the price is within fIHIUP
the reach of all vw.UU
We have the best Go-Carts in town audilcliallenge
comparison. Quickest and handiest adjustment
and prices 110 higher than low grade goods.
Lace Curtains from 60c per pair to SIO.OO.
Carpets from per yard to $ 1.50.
Linoleums from 37>ic per yard to $1.50.
All prices marked in plain figures are positively the
lowest for the goods we offer.
Emporium Furniture Co.,
( Store-Rotm Enlarged to Dtuble s
r Capacity. <
i O. B. BARNES' )
{ Family Grocery j
r ' nd Meat Market
[ eflll Jresh fanned
j Goods.
S Opposite 8. D. McDonald's Hotel. s
> 'Phone 81. >
S Call up; We'll do the rest Promptly. \
Hair RaUUa.
Just when the mutllntlon of th« dead
by tearing the skin from the head be
tcnn will never be known, for the origin
is lost In the midst of Hjres, the record
extending buck beyond even the myth
ical period of man's existence. In the
l>ook of Maccabees it is recorded that
at the termination of one of the battles
of which that bloody history Is so full
the victorious soldiers tore the skin
from the heads of their vanquished
foes. This would be evidence that the
custom of scalp taking was one of the
indulgences even of those people of
whom we have record in the Hible.
Re it as It may, it is an established
fact that the custom is a universal one,
so far as savage man is concerned.
Whether ethnologists can build a the
ory of a common origin of man from
this or not, or whether this can lie
taken as an evidence that the Indians
are the descendants of the lost Israelite
tribes because of their habit of securing
mementos of hair from their fallen en
emies, is something time alone will de
velop. He that as it may, it is a fact
that all Indian tribes, to a certain ex
tent, scalp their enemies who have full
en in battle.—London Globe.
Cnrloun Fm'l I■> Natural llltttory.
An incident which will be interest
ing to naturalists is told in a recent
number of the Scotsman. One of the
foresters in the employ of the Marquis
of Lothian was returning from his
■work when he noticed a wild duck Hy
ing from a larch tree. On close exami
nation he observed a common brown
owl looking down from what appeared
to be a nest In the cleft of the tree
about thirty feet from the ground and
apparently near the place from which
the duck had flown. Curiosity prompt
ed him to climb to the place, which he
did with great difficulty. The owl 011
his approach Hew off, and to his sur
prise he found In the nest two eggs
an owl's and a wild duck's. It is not
uncommon for both owls and ducks to
build their nests high up on trees, but
it Is unheard of for one nest to be ap
propriated by both birds.
A Clever Milliliter.
"To the town of Norridgewock, In
Maine," said a clergyman, " a strange
minister once came to preach. He
preached duly, and after the sermon
was over he mingled with the congre
gation, expecting that some one would
Invite him to dinner. One by one, how
ever, the congregation departed, offer
ing the hungry minister 110 hospitality,
and he began to feel anxious. Where
was he to eat? As the last deacon was
leaving the church the minister rushed
up to him und shook him warmly by
the hand. •
" 'I want you to come home and dine
with me,' the minister said.
"'Why, where do you live?' said the
" 'About thirty miles from here.'
"The deacon reddened. 'Oh, you come
and dine with me iustead,' he said."
A Gypsy Prophecy.
An English magazine relates a curi
ous Instance of gypsy prophecy. The
third Earl of Malmesbury, as Lord
Fitzharrls, was riding to a yeomanry
review near Chrlstchurch, when his or
derly, some distance in front, ordered
a Kypsy woman to open a gate. The
gypsy woman quietly waited till Lord
Fitzharrls and Ills staff rode up, when
she addressed them, saying, "Oh, you
think you are a lot of fine fellows now,
but I can tell you that one day your
bones will whiten in that field." Lord
Fitzharrls laughed and asked her
whether she thought they were going
to have a battle, adding it was not very
likely in that case they would choose
such a spot. More than forty years
later the field was turned into a ceme
A Country of Llngulttii.
Almost every native of Iceland, even
the peasants and fishermen, can speak
at least one foreign language besides
his local Danish dialect. Some years
ago it became a fad to study languages,
and now a person speaking only one
tongue is looked down upon as ex
tremely ignorant. English leads; then
come German and French. Papers in
these three languages are read exten
sively in Iceland and may be found in
all the village reading rooms.
Tlic Head nnd Feet.
The connection between the head and
feet is well known. A hot head is or
dinarily relieved by a hot footbath.
So cold feet tend to congest the brain
and other internal organs. Sometimes
cold feet are caused by tight lacing or
tight fitting shoes. Hut it Is as much
a suicidal act to hasten death by com
pressing the lungs or the feet as by
compressing the neck with a rope.
A SeriouN Decinlon.
Beatrix (aged six, after remaining in
deep thought for quite two minutes, ad
dressing her mother, who has been
choosing frocks for her) —Mummy,
dear, before you buy the frocks, I've
thought it all over, and I think I'd rath
er be a boy.—London Tit-Bits.
Confined to IIIm lioom.
Benefactor How is your husband
now, my dear woman? Poor Woman
I am sorry to say, sir, he is confined
to his room. Benefactor—Could I see
him? Poor Woman—Possibly, sir, if
you applied at the county jail.
Xotlilnß but I'rniae.
"Mr. Kiehley had nothing but praise
for your work for him before the citi
zens' committee," said the friend.
"Yes," replied the lobbyist gloomily,
"nothing but praise." Philadelphia
Husband—ll'm er—what's the mat
ter with this cake? Wife There can't
be anything Ibe matter. The cookery
book says it is the most delicious cake
that c*n be made.
I 1
1 P
i 1865 mo^T
Furnishing Goods, Shirts, v
Neckwear, Trunks, /
i Satchels, Suit Cases, /
( Etc., Etc. ?
\ A fine line at ✓
V bottom prices. \
> Clothing; S
112 FOR ALL, J
/ Men's, Youth's and \
) Boys' Clothing,
) A new stock just in. r
/ Give me a call. /
Ice Cream Freezers,
Hot Plates and Ovens,
Farmers Tools,
New Line of Cutlery,
Agate and Plated
Ware for Kitchen and
Carpenters Saws and
Planes. Something
New in Saws,
Window Screens,
Carpet Sweepers,
Clothes Wringers,
Lucas Paints,
Tin and Iron Goods.
Get our prices on
Stoves, Bath Tubs,
Chandeliers and gen
eral Plumbing.
'Phone us when you
need us—we'll do the
Kuiieau J Fofbes
The Fourth Street
Hardware Men.
, S£^
| Bargains. J
jjj Before buying elsewhere §
Sj it will pay to get our prices. "J
nl Bananas from 15c to 25c in
n] a dozen. (}
jjj Home-made Sausage |QC jjj
W Leave your orders for [j]
(J Ground Bone. In
n) We do not handle any- jk
thing but the best, and if
uj you get anything here that pJ
C| is not right, bring it back p]
[Hand get your money. J{|
re Our Meat Department is jj]
m first-class. We handle ui
pJ nothing but the best,
[{j Do not forget the place. (n
uj 'Phone 21. (n
16. H. Gross & Co. j
jjj Rockwell's |j
| Drug Store. I
CI ®
m The Cold Cream that
n] we make is unsur- [};
uj passed for face and pi
In hands and will make
& the skin soft and fO
[jj white. We have jf]
p] Nail, Tooth and
nj Hair Brushes, Wist Oj
jjj Brooms. Chamois [u
la Skin and Sponges,
[p No better goods 011 }{]
[jj the market. When u]
p] you want your favo
n] rite recipes filled [n
tfj Bring them tons. g!
1 In Our stationeryleads. rd
i [n Also our toilet cream, [{]
j J toilet water, toilet Jn
pj soaps, perfumes and
l{J sashet powder. All
J] the latest. n.
Our Botanic Dry Kidney Cure n]
m is an exoellent tonic. A specific n]
pJ for all diseases of the kidneys. In
$ M. A. ROCKWELL, jj)
9 P
9 cra^tsraan i can . m^e I
l cerns don't even think I
The makers of our best Clothing,
I K irschbaum, of philade| p hia I
have brought out many new ideas in high grade p
jjjj Clotliing this season and it is a pleasure for us to show K
Kg them to you. When you try them 011 you will realize ■
I that all we say about them is not half enough. |
■ Jasper Harris,!
The People's Clothier.
Opposite Post-office, EMPORIUM, PA.
XmrAvm ■ mr«m /
i Adam,
Meldrum &
| Anderson Co. |
396-408 Main Street. '
112 _ K
; Thanksgiving;
I Linens 112
I %
'/ The Linen Store presents /
a magnificent assortment of /
r fine Linens and Napery at y
its Thanksgiving Sale. For
{£ nearly two-score years we /
have been lieadqnarters for
the best that's made in Lin- jf|
y ens and Damasks. /,
/■ K
• Thirty designs of Brown's finest '
' linens in all sizes, from 2 yards
/. square to 2A yards wide and 5
j£ yards long. V
A special line of Cloths and 'y
/ Napkins to match at 33 per cent. ,/
£ less than value. %
Cloths 2 yards long at $1.65, )/
/ worth $2 50.
Cloths 2A yards long at $1 65, %
!\ worth $3.50". bi
"4 Cloths 3 yards long at $2 15, jr
worth $4 50. %
' 24-inch Napkins to match, $2.50 /■
/ dozen.
. A special line of Napkins, fine %
satin damask, 22-inch size |r
I „ w , o :: b . M ; 00 . $2.50 |
A special line of Napkins, fine 112.
■ft satin damask, 24-inch size, /
| r* 8450 : $3.50 '
A special line of Napkins, 27 inch '
dinner size, worth ff r nr» /
£ SB.OO, at 4)0. UU y
A special line of Fine Hand Em- .
M broidered and Machine Em
broidered Center Pieces and /
Doilies, new and tfP fin %
swell, each, 25c to.. UU 0
* We advertise on the counters by /
112; selling the best $1.50 yard Table
/ Linen sold in tfl ftfk >'
S America, for 4)I.UU '{
J Adam, k f
Meldrum & ,
Anderson Co. '
The American Block, X
| BUFFALO, N. Y. £
/ \ N \ \ V\V \ \ \ \. \ \