KM I'OIUUM MILLING PRICE LIST. Emporium, Pa., October'2l, 1901. NEMOPHILA, per sack #' t>o Felt's Fancy, " J Pet Grove, " 1 Graham " Rye " i? Buckwheat. " Patent Meal. " Coarse Meal, per 1)0. J ;» Chop Feed, J Middlings Fancy" J ™ Brail, 1 Corn, per bushel, Jj> White Oa -, ,i • •»« New Oats „ Chicken Wheal * B, " > Choice Clover Seed, } OhoiceTimothvSeed, ' \t Market Prices. Choice Millet Seed. Fancy Kentucky Blue Grass, I R.C. DODSON, THE lDruggist, K«POHU!Mi I»A, IS LOCATED IN THE CORNER STORE At Fourth and Chestnut Sts.. '% Jmj, m""'Mi JSfV/lpW n. c. nonsnN. Telephone, 19-2. LOCAL DKPARTMENT. PERSONAL (iOSSIP. Contribution** invited. That which you would like to see in this department Jet us know by pon tat card or letter, personally. Miss Nellie Thomas suffered an at tack of Grip this week. James Farrell came down from Kane Tuesday to visit friends. A. H. Sliafer came home to vote and at the same time visit his family a few days. Miss May Iva Gould visited over Sunday with her brother and wife, at Eldred. D G'. Kirkpatrick, of Beechwood, was ill Emporium on business last Saturday. Grace and Raymond Andrews were recent visitors in Emporium—Potter Enterprise. Bert Olmsted came home from State College to vote and he has nothing to regret for so doing. J. M. Spafford, of Colesburg, Pa., visited with E. J. Rogers and family last Friday and Saturday. T. F. Moore came home from his lumber operations Saturday evening and remained over election. Lyman Wiley dropped into town Tuesday. We are always glad to see our old friend "Lyme," "by gravy." Miss Gertrude Van Wert gives a party to a number of her little friends this evening, in honor of her sixth birth day. William Auchu found a pair of spec tacles, a few evenings ago. He can't use them and wants the owner to call for them. The Rev. O. S. Metzler having re turned from a ten days absence will occupy his pulpit next Sabbath morn ing and evening. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Felt returned to Emporium last Tuesday, after visiting At Olean for some time, where Mr. Felt is engaged in business. D. 8, Logue of Gibson, and E F Comley, of Lumber, visited the PRESS office yesterday. Of course they were delighted over the results of the elec tion. H. 8. Lloyd was blowing his own horn Tuesday, but not without a dis dainful desire. He will bo all right in a few days with some of Munyon's grip cure. Vernon Heilman and bride returned from their wedding trip iast Saturday night. After a few days sojourn in town they will take up their residence .at Portland Mills. F. P. Rentz, who spent a ten days' vacation in New York and other East ern cities,returned Tuesday morning in time to vote for Teddy and the rest of the Republican ticket. Misses Caldwell and Folimer, of Trout Run, Pa., have been visiting friends in Emporium during the past week guests of Miss Maud Thomas. Miss Caldwell returned home on Mon day. Mr. John L. Johnson the popular and genial proprietor of the American Hotel, had business at Cameron last Saturday. Mr. Johnson is working some of his team* at the new brick works near that place. F. B. Houslercanae up from Somer set county to cast his ballot. Frank McCabe, of Austin, is spending a few days in town with his mother and sister. Dr. 1 [oilman is at Ridgway to-day to read a paper before the Eik County Medical Society. It is reported that II W. Barrows will erect a brick plant at Cameron in the near future. Mrs. Smith and Miss Laura Kirk patriek, of 15 echwood, visited friends in town on Tuesday. Mrs. Lenna Feltwell leaves to-day for Cross Forks to join her husband who is employed at that place. Dr> Colcord came over from - First Fork on Tuesday evening to hear the election news. The Dr. enjoyed the pleasant quarters of Business Men's Club. Miss Grace Lloyd, who is attending Dickinson Seminary, arrived home Friday evening to spend Sunday, and as election occurred Tuesday she de cided to remain long enough to hear the results. Ofcourse Miss Grace didn't vote—she Isn't old enough, and that is not the only reason either. The cli mate agrees admirably with her, and after consulting a physician her gen eral health is as good as the best. World's Fair Excursions. Low-rate ten day coach excursions via Pennsylvania Railroad, afford a fine opportunity for those who have not yet seen it to visit the greatest ex position ever held in this country. Wednesday, November 2, 9, 16, and 23 are the dates during the last month the Fair is open. Rate $15.95 from Em porium. Train leaves Emporium at 8:10 a. m., connecting with special train from New York, arriving St. Louis 4:15 P. M , next day. 3383-37-3t. BRIEF nENTION. A good pastry cook can secure a per manent position by applying at New Warner at once. The Childrens Aid Society would like a home for a little girl of eight. Information will be given by the mem bers of the society. Goosebone Weather Prophet Elias H:rrtz, of Berks county, has made his first prediction for the season, in which he fortells a severe winter, with great snow storms and big ice crops. "The bone," he says, "is dark all the way through," and the winter of 1(104-05 will be severe It will start in early in November, and we may expect very cold weather." Timeliness, freshness, interest arc the keynotes oftlic November Woman's Home Companion. Merely to enum erate is to show the wealth of good things. "Eection Night in a Great news paper Office." "The Rise and Fall of Sully, King of Cotton." "A Visit to Sod-House Land." "Saint Patrick's Purgatory, Old Ireland's Strangest Shrine." "The Strike and the Housewife." "How Wild Animals Prepare for Winter" are all of unusual interest. The Action is of high excell ence—a humorous story. "The Rising Up of Ezzie Wygelia," by Ella Higgin son; "The King of Diamonds," by Louis Tracy; "The Girl and the Game," by Ralph Henry Barbour. The articles to interast the housewife are many— "An Election Day Dinner," "A page of Prize Thanksgiving Dinners," "How to Bring Up the Children." "Some Famous Old Virginia Dishes," and four pages of timely fashions. Published by The Crowell Publishing Company, Springfield, Ohio; one dollar a year; ten cents a copy. Last Chance. The penny picture man will be in Emporium but two weeks longer. Get your picture taken before it is too late. Horse for Sale. The horse for so long driven in the Bakery delivery wagon, is for sale. MRS. C. G. SCHMIDT. Subscribe for the PRESS; only $1.50 a year in advance. The Smart Set magazine will enter tain you. Editor Vrr»n> Uwrer, A lawyer In a courtroom muy call a man a liar, scoundrel, villain or thief, and no one makes a complaint when court has adjourned. If a newspaper prints such reflections on a man's char acter there is a libel suit or a dead edi tor. And this Is owing to the fact that people believe what an editor says; what a lawyer says cuts no figure.— Routt County (Colo.) Courier. The Place Form P«»ll. "And there Is one thing about the pupil of the eye that I cau't say about lots of other pupils," remarked the teacher. "What is that?" asked the scholars In chorus. "It is always found up around the head."—Yonkers Statesman. Mr. Tott*r ly—Coukl you marry a very old man with a good deal of goooey If be told you frankly bow oM he was and bow much h« was worth? Miss Tlnvely—How much la be worth? TVm HO WeM. Uowataocoe Suitor—Thafs a lovely •oog. It always carries me away. She —lf I had known how much pleasure It trould give us both I wruld have sung it earlier in the evening. CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1904. THE COUNTY. HUNTLEY. Will Nelson, circulated with friends on Mason Hill over Sunday. Dr. Smith, of Emporium, made a pro fessional visit to this place on Saturday. Connty Supt. Miss Collins was tlie •jjuest of 15. J. Collins over Sunday, tak ing care of the sick. O. H. Tanner, the Mason Hill butcher was in town on Saturday, buying beef cattle. Miss Alice Quigley, of .Emporium, visited Miss Alice Jordan on Sunday, while enroute to the drove School. A goodly number of our young people attend church at Castle Garden every Sunday night. Davins Ives, having rented (i. W. Mason's farm, moved his house hold goods to that plaee on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. George Batchelder, of Sinnamahoning, was the guest of J. S Jordan and family over Sunday. Miss Flossie Johnson, who has been visiting her brother P. H. Johuson at Ridgway for several weeks returned home on Thursday. Mrs. M. M. Hill, of Midix Run, and Mrs. ( Jeo. Hill, of Grove Hill, were the guests of Mrs ltay Smith over Sunday. The noted bear hunter J. S. Jordan, has been busily engaged this fall in building bear pens and setting bear traps for the purpose of catching a large cin namon bear and cub, that ho has aoen several times in the vicinity of Lower Run. Mr. Thos. Kailbourne, who has been studyiug music for the last three years, has graduated with high honors. He has fitted up a room at home and is now prepared to teach all kinds of music, and dancing. He will also carry as a side line, bear traps, fishing tackle and sport ing goods, Wo wish bin. »" kin.lrt of SUcueSs, and hope he will show Henry Ilill that the Italians cuts no figure with him. The funny correspondent to the Drift wood Gazette from this plaoe, had an other funny spell last week, (which he is subject to about five times a year) and in an attempt to be smart, wrote about as simple a piece of nonsense as was ever pi n ned in the storm centre of ignorance. Re member brother, that Shakespeare never repeated, and a joke, or story, no matter how good, if repeated four or five times a year, for fourteen years becomes stale and not interesting. Write something sensa tional. If you can't think of anything copy from Barker's Almanac. The school boys are making fun of yotj, A.) Ax. Nov. 7th. 1904' GOODYEAR. Mr. Lei Haskins has purchased the Ostrom farm. Wesley I'oley has returned from an ex tended visit at New Brunswick. Miss Grace Peasley visited Emporium friends one day last week. Mrs. Nell Lucore is visiting at the home of A. Q. Krc'bs, Mrs. McDonald returned last Thurs day from a throe days visit at Mt. Jewett. Mr. Frank Peasley has purchased a new driving horse. Mr. J. Lewis, Shippen Road Super visor, was fixing the sewers on our street last Thursday. Miss Ida Krebs is staying with the little girls of Mrs. Dodge, while she is away. Mrs. Lottie Read, of Buffalo, visited her parents Mr. Geo. Dickinson and family, Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. Win. Allen and family of Austin, drove over Sunday to visit A. Q. Krebs and family, two other ladies accompanied them.* They informed us that the Austin school building burned down last Tues day. Miss Lena Krebs was a very much surprised little girl, when on Monday evening about twenty of her friends drop ped into help her celebrate her ninth birthday. All report having had a very nice time. Honor Roll of Four Mile School pupils who missed no days: - Ethel Housler, Rena Ilousler, Bertha Housler, Aleda Minard, Martha Dodge, Naomia Dodge, Lena Krebs,Fred Minard, Ernest Dickinson. Put Turtlk. MASON HILL. .Mr. Walter Barr came home Sunday from Medix Run. Mr. Darius Ives and family were on the Hill Sunday. Mrs. Amelia Ives visited Mrs. Nancy Lane on Monday. Mr. C. M. Bailey captured a fine bear |A Laughlin A | | Ig Fountain M | J' Kll « HD Ml« N« || ■ «UAI INTWMHI. i m msi CKADE "*• H llf 60L8 PEN HI 1 11] Hfl TOUR CHOICI IF THIM Uf ■ TW« PtPULAR ITTLISfO* K*', „ 111 00 !! ! M tW(MI *• OTMIR ■ I MAKES AT |» ■RI '] ■ Tb« LaafMia Pouotala fc - Pea Holdtr iamadeef fla- jjj t I Mi quality hard rubber, la rrj 11 fitted with higbeet trade, BBjBtW I large aiae, Uk cold pern, jr-i ~... I of Bay deeired flexibility, TBI and haa tbe only perfect rFj feeding device knawn. ■»' % 1 Bilker atyle, richly (*l4 r. 'f. 112 moaattd, for praaentalioa lij ■; I purpoeea, fI.GO extra. ryl '• I Sorely you will not t» H| li abletoeecareeßythlaga* lil r=i Una liaea ifce price that will || I give auch coatiauova M> I plcaeure and aenrice. tgMr:f fl I ' ■ i if * |j I 0 co id 1 fe " 1 | «s a yl m j=*- (Q | a I §. M 11] <53 pi I I P «-o 0 p 9 is in a pen one night last week. He dis posed of it to hunters from away. Miss Lois Miller vissted her sister, Mrs. W. E. Uarr, over Sunday. Mr. John Schwab of Cameron was calling on (). 15. Tanner Sunday. Messrs. G. W. and O. 15. Tanner were in Driftwood on business Monday. Mr. James F. 15arr of Sinnamahoning was calling on the Hill Sunday eveniug. Messrs. Tom Marsh and Emory Hicks were hauling coal for the school house last week. Mr. C. W. Williams went to Empo rium last Thursday and brought back a now team. Mrs. Alzina 15arr returned home Sun day after a visit among relatives for sev eral weeks. Miss Ethel Barr came up from Castle Garden on Saturday and remained home over Sunday. Married—in Glean. N. Y., Wednesday, Nov. 2, Mr Bernard Marsh, of this plaee, and Miss Mabel Drake, of ltenovo. Miss Drake is one of llenovo's most highly esteemed young ladies and Mr. Marsh is a fine young man of good chaiacter and a favorite among his companions. They have the best wishes of the entire com munity and we predict for them a happy futuro, The young oouple will make their homo iu ltenovo where Mr, Marsh is employed as head hostler in ike Penn. railroad yard. Sv Me'h, Love is elastic hut If stretched too ar it becomes hate. GROCERY BARGAINS. D AY'S THE SATISFACTORY STORE. Interesting Prices to Home Providers. Kor FRIDAY AND SATURDAY This week Reftietnliel*, any article of groceries bought at this house is subject to return if not satisfac tory; you run no risks. Schuinocher rolled A vena, continued this week at 4c lb. Mount Friendship—first qual ity, Ilorford Co., Md., tomatoes per can 9c, per doz. SI.OO. Royal Baking Powder, 1 lb cans 45c. Laundry starch in bulk per lb sc, 6 lbs 25c. 5c package Washing Tea, 4c. ioc prunes, lb Bc, y/ lbs 25c. Black, tender and meaty. QC Lb. Bag Sugar jthetrUl»tzs. which «•!!» for 50 centa. H riirARBD ONLY AT THB LASOKATOXY OF Hi m ■ K. C. DeWITT Ac COMPANY, CHICAGO, ILL. Sold by R. C. Dodson, Druggist. Mot Hers and I Daughters Every woman who has a grown daughter knows well the worry and anxiety which always coinesat that period of life when girlhood merges into womanhood. Upon a girl's condition at this time j depends her future health, strength and happi ness. Too much care can not be taken to see that J she passes through this period safely. AUNT DINAH S OLD VIRGINIA Herb Tea A BOON TO WOMANKIND is of the greatest assistance to nature in bringing about the change which takes place, without dis- j arranging the natural functions of the system. It j is a strengthening tonic. It will keep the roses in j a girl's cheeks and prevent that tendency to dc- . cline which so often endangers her life at this critical point in development. This Herb Tea is likewise of corresponding value and assistance to matrons and mothers at the end of this period. Its use will at this time prevent endless pain and worry. A woman will enter the evening of life with scarcely the knowl edge that the change has occurred. Many are the thankful women who know the value of Annt Dinah's Old Virginia Herb Tea and are grateful for the benefits derived from its use. Kemmerer. Wyo., Nov. 29,1902. Hdmiins Wizard Oil Co..Chicafto,lll.: Gentlemen Enclosed find 25 cents please tend me another package of your Aunt Dinah'* Old Virginia llerh Tea. lam greatly pleased with it.l would not bo without it. Respectfully, Miss MARY IITKBS. Buffalo. N. Y., Dec. 5.1902. Hamlins Wizard Oil Co., Chicago. III.: Gentlemenl received the Aunt Dinah it Old \ it ginia Herb Tea and I felt better In every way before 1 had finished taking one package. 1 feel sure it does ail you claim for it. Mas. J. L. ACKKKMAN, lOSWlnslow Av. Prepared by Hamlins Wixard Oil Co., Chicago. Prioo, 25c. HAMLINS COUGH BALSAM Cures the Cold. Prerenta Pneumonia, ale. HAMLINS BLOOD &. LIVER PILLS j For Torpid Liver and Constipation. !&;. 1 FOR SALE AND RECOMMENDED BY L TAGOART. IP C. B. HOWARD & COMPANY, 1 | General Merchandise. STORE ON THE RIALTO. f-J. 8 * DRESS GOODS New arrivals in Dress G-oods, 8 Wj staples; year 'round stuffs that come I m in with an air of having fully learned fi If) the fineness of combining strength '-1 with beauty. m | Heavy Light | I Suitings Weight | Ajji. Such as I Slack Cheviot, 36 ■li nri o |||| inches wide at $1.35 a UUI 111 lyO w yard Mi ' Crepe tie Chine, an elegant 111 Navy Blue Camel's Hnir, shade of brown, very Iff extra heavy, 56 inches stylish now-a-days, 38 ffl |||j wide at SI.OO a yard. in. wide at 80c a yarn. ||| 111 Gray Dress Goods, extra Several pieces of fancy W heavy, 52 inches wide mixed suitings; mannish Ik at 75c a yard. effects, showing bright H III! „, colors stirred up in the I Gt J ier h ?f v >' Dress Goods weave and hav £ all of M ft for suits and skirts, 30 the staple Dress Goods It |g inches wide at 35c. in stock. || I CLOTHING | ||i We carry in stock a full line of the 112 H best make of Gents Hats and our | IK G-ents Furnishings are always up-to- Mi idate. We are also agents for the fa- If mous "Born Cloths." We have the |j cloths made to order and guarantee a J; fit. We are also agents for the fa- |1 mous Demorest Sewing Machines. gj Just the thing to aid you in your fall j§l li sewing. |j C. B. HOWARD & CO. J J (my Friend !a | Read This! | ,n] Dr. J. M. Card's Branch Dentnl Office, [n m of Emporium, Penn'a . located < v< r Metz- n] in] ner'a Jewelry Store, offers for the next [n m three months, these inducements, viz: nj I Jjj Full Upper or Lower Set of [jj Teeth, - - - $7.00 I [n Full Gold Crown for any of n] jpi the ten Anterior Teeth, $4.00 m i fu Full Gold Crown for any of ; [{J the Molar Teeth. - $4.50 ™ | n] Ordinary Silver Fillings, 50 Cts [}j ■ S Gold Fillings, $1 00 and up. |}j W A well established reputation for HJ jjj Painless Extraction of Teeth. Jj] [}j REFERENCES:—Ask your neigh- In Q] bors; they all carry my work [s in in their mouths. r] Di S nj All Material guaranteed, The best to be |n If] purchased at any price. The work nj Stalks for itself. [n Remember these prices are limited to [n In the next three months only. nj S IX] m TERMS STRICTLY CASH. £p c HS B5 SSHSHS HT Kodol Dyspepsia Cure I Digests what yon eat. t Kouol Dyspepsta Oure Digests what yo u oat.