Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, November 10, 1904, Image 1
THE CAMERON COUNTY PK ESS. ESTABLISHED BY C. B. GOULD, MARCH 1866. VOL. 39. WEATHER REPORT'1 (Forecast by T. B.Lloyd.) FRIDAY, Snow. SATURDAY. Fair. SUNDAY, Fair. Elk county gives 926 majority for Roosevelt and Fairbanks. The Result. The greatest campaign in the history of this county since 1876, has resulted in a wonderful victory for the Republi can party, far beyond the expectation of the most sanguine. The result in Cameron County, giving Roosevelt and Fairbanks 824 majority, given by any county in the State according to the population. The people of this glorious country emphatically declar ed against free trade and soup houses. It was a maguificent endorsement. In the county the election of Mr. Josiali Howard to the legislature by a majority of 103, after one of the most warmly contested battles, is a credit to the oitizens of this county. "Vindica tion" was the cry and one not familiar with the circumstances would think the editor ot the PRESS was the candi date and not Mr. Howard. The result is very gratifying to us, we can assure you, and thank our friends in all sec tions of the county for their loyalty. We have won and all Republicans can afford to be magnanimous to the enemy. "With malice toward none and charity for all" we go onward to future efforts for the advancement of Cameron county. Tha defeat of Dr. E. 0. Bardwell for County Treasurer, is deeply deplored and regretted, the genial Dr. being a very worthy candidate. While this was his first venture in county politics, he made a manly, clean and honorable campaign. His defeat is no discredit to him and he will remain as ever the same reliable Republican and genial gentleman. Careless Voting. The great number of spoiled ballots and errors of voters who placed the X in the column for Presidential Electors and failed to mark County Treasurer and Member of Assembly evidently defeated Dr. Barclwell. The combined Republican and Democratic vote for President was 333 in excess of that cast for Supreme Judge and 200 more than the combined vote for Congressman. If it wasn't for that elephant that jackass could get up. Married. Mr. Freeman Baird and Miss Lillie Farrell, of Sinnnmahoning, came to Emporium on Tuesday and promptly appeared before his honor, Squire Lar rabee, who neatly and expediously joined them for life. The happy couple were congratulated by their friends. '•ln Silent Numbers" the Voters Talk. The voters of Cameron county have "vindicated" the idea that they cannot be trusted to vote correctly and that their franchise can be purchased for a song or at any price. Our faith has been greatly strengthened in the abil ity of our citizens throughout the county to discriminate between "vin dication" and revenge. Have you read that very interesting magazine, The Smart Set? United They Make the Star Shine. They cannot shine alone and the Star becomes dim if any one point is cut off or neglected. / (home)\ ) vMfe JJ < //PUBLIC< > FARTOM / PLAY ) (AND )\ the aherican star. I am pleased to acknowledge the'receipt of such good will and courtesy from all the people of the county whom I met during my canvass of the districts. I am only sorry that I could not get around to see everybody; and am more than pleased to express my thanks for the confidence of the majority of the voters as indicated by the election. It will be hard to more than half-way live up to the high standard which the writers in the PRESS have promised for me, but I have no private pledges to keep nor personal grudges hold against anyone and shall do my best to be the representative of the whole people, irre- : spective of party or creed, and trust that you will all unite with me in peace and good-will to i try and make the "Star" shine. 1 Verv trulv and thankfully j Jiirs, ' JOSIAH HOWARD. Try It. An exchange speaks of a man who it is said always paid for hia paper a year in advance. As a result he has never been sick in his life, never had corns on his toes nor toothache; his potatoes never rust, his babies never cry at night, his wife never scolds and he succeeded in serving three years on the school board without being cussed. First Signs. The first signs of having taken cold are a chill or shiver—a scrapy throat or a sneeze—a disposition to perspire and always that tired feeling. A few doses of Dr. Humphrey's "Seventy-seven" will restore the checked circulation, start the blood coursing though the veins and break up the cold. "77" will also break up Colds that hang on and do not yield to other treatment. "77" cures Coughs, Colds, Grip, In fluenza, Catarrh, Pains and Soreness in the Head and Chest, Hoarsenes, Sore Throat, General Prostration and Fever. All Druggists, 25 cents each, or mailed. Humphreys' Medicine Co., Cor. William and John Streets, New York. "And her name was Maud," but Maud was on the other side this time Real enjoyment is had when reading j that clever magazine, The Smart Set. "Liberty and Union, One and Inseparable."—WEßSTEß. EMPORIUM, PA., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 10. 1904. Roosevelt Landslide. ROOSEVELT, - - - 7/7 Electoral Voles O tO' PARKER, .... (33. FOR ROOSEVELT. ~~FOR PARKER. ' Electorjil Electoral > ote Vote CALIFORNIA 10 ALABAMA* 11 COLORADO 5 ARKANSAS " " o CONNECTICUT 7 FLORIDA .. t DELAWARE 3 GEORGIA *'" iq IDAHO 3 KENTUCKY iq ILLINOIS 27 LOUISIANA... o INDIANA 15 MISSISSIPPI " in IOWA 13 NORTH CAROLINA "" Jo KANSAS 10 SOUTH CAROLINA ' 9 MAINE « TENNESSEE " .0 MARYLAND 8 TEXAS.. ig MASSACHUSETTS 10 VIRGINIA.. 10 MICHIGAN 14 MINNESOTA 11 . MONTANA 3 MISSOURI IS NEBRASKA 8 NEW HAMPSHIRE 4 NEW JERSEY 18 NEW YORK 39 NEVADA 3 NORTH DAKOTA 4 i OHIO 23 ORECiON 4 PENNS Y E V A NIA 34 RHODE ISLAND 4 SOUTH DAKOTA 4 I UTAH 3 ! VERMONT 4 WASHINGTON 5 WEST VIRGINIA 7 WISCONSIN 13 WYOMING 3 j TOTAL 343 TOTAL ~133 Whole number of votes in Electoral College 476 Necessary to Elect 239 Tlie Official Vote of Cameron County, Nov. 8, 1904. j President. | Judge Sup. Court I in Congress | Assembly | Co. TreaiT ! Vi„ I-] —: : !~^7F C - . 1 S : a. a! ci 1 «r u . - St « 2 - w flu „* aSf S S 5 _• 2- ! S fc . 1 i g : -1 o if a jj ' o > I 2 i 5 v i 2 * s - -a »> £ 5 « o = big ___ ' Tj w ® Q x 112 S 3 K : o Shippr-n 298 81 3 213 81! 4 205 11)6 t 1<« mi WeitWard... 179 52 3 137 58 m 70 \ 65 9 „4 Middle Ward.. 141 59 3 93 02 1 96 72 2 85 109 80 112 Eastward....! 143 49 2 91 50 3 86 76 2 70 116 73 06 Portage i 18 8 9 10 l 7 n jj 15 9 | ,2 j I.umber 1 111 46 3 77 45; 1 81 55 «8 91 *y ,ni ' Gibson 115 42 6 87 49] 4 86 55 3 85 70 80! ~2 Driftwood .... 79 32 3 62 31 2 59 38 2 62 47 56 1 5? 1228 ~ SOI Plurality 824 I 4MI I 336 103 i | 45 We don't believe in crowing over our defeated friends. We'll let these roosters do that. The Country is Republican. The victory of the President is far more than the success of a man It is the answer of the United States to those who would keep the Nation in leading strings and coop it up within its continental seas. It is the answer to the Democratic plea that this is a white man's coun try. It is the reply to the advocates of tariff smashing, whether they pretend to be careful revisionists or believers in the doctrine that protection is rob bery. It is a fresh commission to the bravest of Presidents to undertake the mighty task of bringing industrial or ganizations surely within control of the law. It is notice to the world that we in tend to manage the Philippines until they are ready, in our judgment, for independence. It is the recognition and approval of the splendid policy of promoting the world's peace by arbitration agree ment so happily inaugurated and eo rapidy proceeding. It is the strongest evidence that in telligence rules in the United States and that falsehood, mudslinging, charges of dishonor brought against honest men and the entire round of arguments of vituperation are wholly unprofitable. It is the final judgment of the Nation on Hillism. It ia the most emphatic condemna tion of Bourbonism. Lecture at Howard Siding. Next Saturday evening, Nov. 12, in the school building at Howard Siding, Mr. Fred Julian will lecture on his trip to the "Oriontial Countries." Mr. Julian's lecture is not only very inter eating but is highly instructive -it is an educator. lie will also have with him many articles which are fine speci mens of foreign workmanship and skill. These alone are worth the small price of admission that will be charged. Af ter the lecture, refreshments will be served. _ . i 10,686 FOR DRESSER. -- ' - 91 BBSBBW' JaliMH&a H PI Congressman S. R. Dresser received a tremendous endorse ment from his District, viz: Clearfield, 7,000; Centre, i 350; Cameron, 336, MeKean, 3,000—; over 10,000 majority in the district, j His opponent, Mr. C. W. Shaffer, of this county, wired his congratulation s At Bcechwood. Preaching service next Sunday, Nov. 13, in the Beechwood M. E. church at 10:?0 o'clock in the morning as was announced. Y J. ALVIN SYPHKR, Pastor. Everybody reads the PRESS TBRMS: 12.00—51.50 IN ADVANCE The Star Course. The attention of the patrons of the Star Course is again cnlied to the fact that the opening number will be given Thanksgiving evening. Nov. 24, the Amphion Male Quartet Co., with Nellie Nichols as entertainer being the attrac tion. It is desired that all tickets be in the hands of subscribers before the opening of the chart, Tuesday, Nov. 22, and the co-operation of all interested persons to that end is earnestly re quested. The committee is endeavor ing to ascertain the pleasure of all, but if anyone should be overlooked, a word to the pastor or Mr. Weiman or to any member of the following committee of ladies will receive prompt attention: Mrs. Strayer,Mrs Heilman, Mrs. Rentz, Mrs. Haupt, Mrs. Julian and Miss Sadie Chapman. The Course is the best,not an inferior number aod the nominal price, $1.60, places it within the reach of all. 324 majority for President Roosevelt is the largest vote ever given a candi date in this county, who had opposi tion. Pennsylvania's majority continues to pile up, now being 400,000. It may reach half a million. Hon. W. T. Young was defeated in i Clinton, by 872 votes, for Legislature. Republicans elect two Representa tives and Prothonotary in Lycoming. Missouri votes for Roosevelt is too much for the old fire-eaters to swallow Mr. Blumle may well exclaim. "God j fJiv" me from my friends!" i The Solid South is "busted." | The Republicans have 101 majority ! in House. Maryland, West Virginia and Mis ! souri are in the Republican column, i once more. Dr. Albra W. Baker was seriously ill last week from obstruction of the bowels, but is now almost as well as usual. Mrs. Baker, who has been suf fering from Bright's disease for sever al mouths, is somewhat improved. • Williamsport Bulletin. Henry Zwald returned on Wednes day from visiting at Ridgway, guest of his sister, Mrs. Zurfluh. Birthday Surprise. Harry Sprung was very pleasantly surprised by a number of his friends, Wednesday evening, the occasion be ing his 20th birthday. Refreshments were served later in the evening, and a very enjoyable time was had by all. Harry proved a congenial host. POSITION WANTED—Housekeeper, address Box 3i7. Good references. NO. 38.