Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, October 13, 1904, Page 8, Image 8

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Womanly Health,
Strength and Beauty
Strength and beauty in woman depend entirely |
upon lu r health. A woman cannot look her best
if suilering from one or more of the many ail
ments peculiar to her sex. These ailments in
variably cause, sooner or later, the loss of her
symmetry of form and freshness of complexion,
Makes Strong and Beautiful Women.
It is a most pleasant and effective remi dy 1 r 1
the tr< übles which cause so much nlfering among :
women the world over, it relieve- immediately
and mutually curt 'I c t s «,f ordered men
struation. female w< ikness, prolapsus, chronic
constipation, sick head ache. miv. u n. sand |
sleeplessness. Thee are the ailments which de- j
prive a woman c»f her y< nth and i■ . .i«1 n . ;;c j
her old before hor time. I'll r n i cc; thel'-rbTea •
will enable her to retain these qualitici. !t
the complexion and iuipi v< the 1 rm. A cupful
at bed time will give a woman health and strength.
(?hi. at:o, April 19.1903. j
Hamlin* Wizard <>il Co..Chl«:\ r««. ill
Ccntlemeo : r l> wifriiu * ritwith fom&lo t
woftkiH-M and « \t*< t ' ■ i■ ii' ■* " M'!- i.itti.*!" tno '
phygk'inn n\ lio lui« •cm ixtr• • n iin •In•• t< r a l«»«i«" time
attributed to her Ijeinj; r.ii-t 1 *-• *<* 1-At"i« : t• • - uijjf *lu .■ • . r«lu >. i i.• in them. iu
injf with a terrible lt« u<iache rned'M i- : -meii to l»»
nlde to do M thiiitf for lu-t and < -'.ftant : v get.
ting*v.i • . Shedeeidfd t >tiv \ . ir Tier■; i - an i•; rank i
a < <»i»ful bet ire vetirirr-'. In t i • riling .-he
after a good night's rei*( and without a headache for
the lit-I tiint- ill mouths. '■ eI; i- eontinii' I taking it j
during the past three tie-: th mid hu.- i- iv<-t»i •:> v. not a .
flight inciris. St f.-eliny .-pleiHiid and j
evei v one remark how v ell f-he i looking*. Her < o.j
plexi'ii i asejia? a- a vountr uiri -ami her figure has
iinproved wonderl uliy. V-».;rs trul v.
N. l{. TAYLOR,
1- ■; 4 Cornell M,« hieago.
Prepared by Hamlins Wizard Oil Co., Chicago. Price, 25c. |
Bootlies the Throat. Sti>i-« tlio 2Sc. ami Mc. |
Act Gently an i Without Pain. 25c.
For Files.
Sample mailed free.
One application gives relief.
The continued use of Hum
phreys' Witch Hazel Oil per
manently cures Piles or Hem
orrhoids Externa] or Internal,
Blind or Bleeding, Itching or
Burning, Fissures and Fistulas.
Relief immediate—cure certain.
Three ftizew, 25C.,£M»0. and SI.OO. Kolil by
f^rttutint-4, or sent prepaid on receipt of price.
Humphrey*' Medicine Co., Cor. IVilliam and
.John MM., \«MV orlt.
Vital Weakness and Prostra
tion from overwork and other
causes. Humphreys' Homeo
pathic Specific No. 28, in US3
over 40 years, the only success
ful remedy. $ 1 per vial, or spec
ial package for serious cases, $5.
Bold by Druggists, or scut prepaid on rocelptof prico.
Humphreys' Med. Co., William & John Sts., N. Y.
Ice Cream Freezers,
Hot Plates and Ovens,
Farmers Tools,
New Line of Cutlery,
Agate and Plated
Ware for Kitchen and
Carpenters Saws and
Planes. Something
New in Saws,
Window Screens,
Carpet Sweepers,
Clothes Wringers,
Lucas Paints,
Tin and Iron Goods.
Get our prices on
Stoves, Bath Tubs,
Chandeliers and gen- j
eral Plumbing.
'Phone us when you
need us—we'll do the
The Fourth Street
Hardware Men.
I Rockwell's jjj;
Drug Store, s;
fb jjl
rd The Cold Cream that
n] we make is unsur
uj passed for face and PJ
ui hands and will[maku
(n the skin soft and
flj white. \\v have ,J ,j j
Nail, Tooth and
n] Hair Brushes, Wist
Brooms. Chamois
Skin and Sponges.
[)l No better goods on
the market. When j[| i
you want your favo
rite recipes filled
Bring them to us. jj. j
< )ur stationeryleads.
[r Alsoour toilet cream, nj j
iji toilet water, toilet !
ru soaps, perfumes and in j
sashet powder. All I
Jj the latest, * j
nj Oar Botanic Dry Kidney Cure [Jj '
jn is an exoellent tonic. A specific pj
|tl ior all of the kidneys. uj
£ ,
I ' jj]
® . !?
it will pay to <;et our prices, uj i
pJ Bananas from 15c to 25c ir j
n] a dozen. [} j
nj [r,
|{j Honie-inade Sausage JQQ [|j
Leave your orders for
Ground Bone.
n] We do not handle any-
tiling but the best, and if J
L{i you get anything here that r£ |
ui is not rfglit, bring it back pj |
and get your money. T]
Our Meat Department is [[]
[Jj first-class. We handle Lrj
ft! nothing but the best,
jjj Do not forget the place. $j
m K
| 'Phone 21.
|G. H. Gross Co. 1
15S2HS , cL5H5c , 3H5EL5£5H5a5P c si?-i!
Notice i
m 1
I SI.OO S°JSi,S? 35C I
I e "' Tmw i|:
I The Old Reliable 1
L. TAGGART, Prop'r.^
Through Passenger Service Between
St. Marys, Brock way ville, Shawinut, Siuethport,
Olean, Friendship, Angelica, Hornellsville,
Wayland, Buffalo, and New York.
Effective Sunday, May 29,190 *■
Eastern Standard Time.
Time of Trains at St. Marys.
7.35 A.M.—ForlCersey (Arr. 8.11 a. m.j, Byrne i
dale (Arr. 8.56 a. ni.,l Weedville (Arr. 9.03 a.
in.;; Elboti (Arr. 8.46 a. in..) Shawmut (Arr.
9.0H a. in.,) Brockwayville (Arr.9.42 a. in.)
12.33 P. M.,— For Clermont (Arr. 1.37 p. ni.j
Snietlipor) (Arr. 2.20 p, in.,) connecting lor
Bradford (Arr. 3.30 p. m.,) Eldred (Arr. 2.49
p. in.,) Olean (Arr. 3.40 p. in.,) connecting
for Buffalo (Arr. 6.10 p. in.,) Bolivar (Arr.
3.33 p. m.,) Friendship (Arr. 4.08 p. in.,)
Angelica (Arr. 4.34 p. m.,) Hornellsville (Arr.
6.10 p. in., Wayland (Arr. 7.23 p. in.,) con- I
net ting at Wayland with D. L. k W. R. It., i
and at Hornellsville with Erie R. K., for all
pointn Ea«t and West.
2.45 P. M.—For Kersey (Arr. 3.20 p. in.,) Elbon |
(Arr. 4.00 p. ni.,) Shawmut (Arr. 4.22 p. m.,)
Brockwayville i Arr. 4 47 p. in.,- connecting !
with P. It. It., for Falls Creek (Arr. 5.10 p. j
m.,i Dußois (Arr. 5.25 p. m.,) Brookville i
(Arr. 6.00 p. m.,) and Pittsburg (Arr. 9.30 !
p. in.)
11.05 A. M. ) From Brockwayville, Shawmut,
6.50 P. M. \ Elbon, Kersey and Byrnedale.
1.45 P. M.—From Wayland, Hornellsville, Can- j
aseraga, Angelica, Friendship, Bolivar, Buf- j
falo, Bradford, Oleau Eldred, Siuethport
and Clermont.
All trains dailv except Sunday.
Vice President, Gen. Pass. Agent,
St. Marys, Penna.
A Trip to The County Fair.
• The Directum thought it hardly fair
| To keep the hoys and girls from the County
j Ho two half*days were grunted
j And the hoys anil girls were landed,
j The wind Mew off our hats,
I And all the girls yelled "rats."
! The coffee anil sanilwitches were line,
j Anil the W. R. C. served our dinner on time.
| The stock exhibit Hist we saw
; And, of course, according to law,
| The aniina's were let their way,
j for it was only a < 'anieron county display.
! The races were.- next at the manager's will.
And Tom, the lucky boy, got the $1 hill,
I The sack race aroused quite a laughter,
And the *lay pole dance came after.
I The liall game was not in line.
And the gain-- was certainly l.iie.
| The Leans thought it hardly fair
! Because the I ats got th■ re.
■ 'Piie bus run from thecily all day.
Although many walked the way.
' Th pumpkin and -miasli. I must not forgot,
I 'or llohxon aml (\aisi.n ■, though t, ua quite i'.
j Of course, 011 the*Hi cond da; ,
Emp<il ium's hand was headed tliat '.'.ay.
The ho-o corapani i marched in line
And the weather mann- -1 us line.
The balloon, first we saw,
Hum up like a piece of •t: .v.
'l'll baby show was next
And many mothers were vexod.
The base ball niius
Drew up in lines
To have their pietur taU a
While the girls on the bank looked forsaken. I
The game was next, and arous"d them all,
From big Hen Listen
To little Tom Law.
And Jimmy Murphy di graced his race,
Although he was padded from head to base.
The Lean* had their way
And won the second day.
And that was the end of our County Fair.
How to lletuin Youth.
Middle iim'i] ami people can re
tain their youtlifulues • I> y ket | in«» u<t
tain r.ignns in a healtliv l uudition In a ;
man the liver ami kidnev-- will e.tuse j
liiin to look, leel and act careworn. In i
a woman the liver and organs peculiar to |
her sex will jiive her a careworn, .'•allow. :
wrinkled l ink and dr nut feelings, j
Ail this can he avoideil by Thouij son's j
li.trosnia. It builds up and st lengthens ;
all those junctions-, uivitio renewed J
youth. Thouiiisoo s Harosma retains j
youth. For sale by 11. ('. Dodson.
To think well you must eat and drink i
Pill Pleasure.
If you over look DeWiti's Little j
j I'.arly Ri vis lor hilinusne,-s or coustijia- i
| tion you know what pill nleastirc is. !
i These iaitious littie pills cleanse the liver
and i i'i the system of all bile without pro
ducing unpleasant elicits. They do not
erij" sicken or weaken, hut pleasantly j
give tune and strength to the tissues and j
organs ul* tin? stomach, liver and bowels, j
Sold by K. <'. Dodson.
Two are needed to start a quarrel, i
I hut one can stop it. p
A Cure Guaranteed,
i Many people alter taking certain rein- j
| t.'die- are to ail appearances etirod hut th.;
| ijuestion always arises. "Do they stay |
| cured? The great claim for that j
| splendid remedy, Thompson s liarosma. j
backache, Kidney and Liver Cure is that |
| it makes a deceidod and lasting eure and |
, that the generai health is restored. Send
I for circulars of testimonials to E. K.
! Thompson & Son, Titusville. Fa. For
j sale by 1!. C. Dodson.
You cannot purify the water by
I painting the pump.
Charity with a string to it uncovers a I
j multitude of sins.
nrnif r -7 r
Cliarter Xolice.
N'OTICE is hereby given that application will
he made hy Alexander McVittie, Charles
1 l». CaUler, William 11. (i. Walker, Eunice N.
; Walker, Alvin F. Knohloeh and Fred 11. Aldrich,
t(. the Governor of Pennsylvania, on the seventh
| day of November, 1004, under the provisions of
an Act of Assembly, entitled "An Art to provide
for the incorporation and regulation of certain
corporations," approved the 29th day of April, A.
1)., 1874, and the supplements thereto, for a
Charter for an intended corporation, to be called
The Caldkr Hrick and Coal Company, the
character and object of which is the mining and
manufacture of clay into brick tile and various
other articles ami products, produced from clay
and from clay and other substances, mixed tliere-
I with, and for these purposes to have, possess and
j enjoy all the rights, benefits and privileges bv
said Act «>f Assembly and the supplements thereto
j 84-4t Solicitors.
is My Friend! e
i Read This! 1
'nj Dr. .J. M. Card's Branch Dental Office, [j]
: [n of Emporium, Pen 11' a., located over Metz- nj
I nj ger's Jewelry Store, offers for the next |n
• [n three months, these inducements, viz: nj
Full Upper or Lower Set of [!•
ft Teeth, - - - $7.00 HI
| (Jj Full Gold Crown for any of n]
m the ten Anterior Teeth, $4.00 Lrj
m Full Gold Crown for any of
J{| the Molar Teeth. - $4.50 [H
Ordinary Silver Fillings, 50 Cts W
Gold Fillings. SIOO and up.
| A well established reputation for
I(n Painless Extraction of Teeth. ru
| jjj Ln
Gj REFERENCES:—Ask your neigh- p]
[u bors; they all carry my work u 1 ]
in their mouths. ' [n j
I Ln a! j
i [)j All Material guaranteed. The best to be n] '
I nj purchased at any price. The work In
! m talks for itself. m j
; [n Remember these prices are limited to nj
jn] the next three menths only. m |
Ln nJ
Notice is hereby given that a lied and White
Spotted Steer caine to the premises of Mrs. F. J.
Russell, on the Portage, some time ago. The
owner can have the same by proving property,
paying $2.00 for this notice and cost ol keeping
said steer.
Emporium. Pa., Sept. 19th, 1904. 81-3t
National Bank Charter K\
()FFIC H oFCOMI» OF the OU rrkncv, \
Washington, September 23, 1004.
WHERIr AS, by satisfactory evidence presented
to the undersigned, it has been made to appear
that, " Tin First Nationalß\nk oi'Emforii-m,"
located in the Borough of Kinporium, in the
Jounty of Cameron and St tte «<f Pennsylvania,
has complied with all the provisions of the "Act
of Congress to enable Nutiona I Banking Asi< • i -
tions to extend their corporate ». and for
• .t!■ purpos s, M anproved July 12th, I '.
NOW THEUKroJtK I. Wdliam H. liidgelv
(Comptroller of the C urrt ncy, do hereby certify
that"TffH First National Bank oi Emp ►riiim,"
locateil in the P.omugh of Kinporium in theConnty
Cameron and Stale of Peunsylvania, is author
ized to have sueecssion for the period sp'.-cified in
its amended art icles of ass ,c iation, namely tn»til
In-.- of bu.sini -- -.ii Si-pt'.*mb<rr l{, IWI,
IN 'I'KS n.MONN Wll Krtl"<jl witn my
iiand :iii«i Seal of oltice this tweiity-Uiiril
•falj clay of Suptemt" r, 1904.
V. u li. RIDfiELV,
Comptroller of the < .'tirn iicv.
No. 3255.
\ .x. No. 22f>2. 32-r#t
/ lUI HT PROCLAMATION. -W - 11.iik ■s: i'he
Hon. ( has. A. Mayiih President Judge and
il.r Hons. John M' DoNAi.oand Geo. A.Wai.kek,
Associate Judg< h»l < ourts oi < ).*,« rand r< rminer
and General jail Delivery, Quartei Se? is < t
the Peace, Orphans' Court ami Court of(?ommc»n
Pleas for the eounty of Cameron have is.suet!
their preerpt bearing date the *.Mh day of July
A. D., 11)04, and to nu directed for holding
Court of Oyer and Terminer, General .Jail De
livery, Quarter Sessions of the Peace
Orphans' Court and Court oi Common i'l i
in the Borough of Emporium, Pa., on >i nday,
the *-? till day ol Oct. 1901, at 10 o'clock, a. i.i\,
and to continue one weel:.
Notice is hereby given to tlieCorom rs, Justices
of the Peace and Constables within the county,
that they be then and there in their proper per
sons, at 10 o'clock, a. m., of said day. with their
rolls, records, inquisitions, examinations, and
other rememberances, to do those things which
to their offices appertain to be done. And those
who are bound by their recognizance to prosecute
against them will be just.
. Dated at Emporium, Pa., Sept. 19, 1901,
ami in the 128 th year of the Independence of the
United States of America.
DY VIRTUE of a writ of Fieri Farias
i > issued out of the Court of common Pleas,
of Cameron county, and to me directed, I have
seized, levied upon and taken into execution and
will expose to public sale ami will sell to the
highest and best bidder,* at the Court Houae,
in Emporium, Pa., on *
Friday, 'ilsl Day of OH.. \. P., si)oi,
AT 2:00 O'CLOCK, P. M..
The following described real estate to-wit:
All the defendant's interest, right, title and
claim (being an undivided one-half, subject to
widow's dower.) in ami to all that certain tract
or piece of land, situate in Gibson Township,
Cameron County. Pennsylvania, bounded ami
described as follows: Beginning at black oak
corner on bank of Bennett's Branch of Sinnema
honingCreek; thence by lands of (formerly) Levi
Hicks, north, eighteen degrees, west, out hun
dred and eighty-one perches to a post: thence
south, seventy eight degrees, west, one hundred
and eighty-two perches to a post: thence >outli,
twenty-five degrees, east, one hundred ami
eighty-two perches to the bank of Bennett's
Brau+li of Sinnemahoning Creek: thence down
the said creek, the several courses and distances
thereof, to the place of beginning, containing
two hundred acres, more or less, and being part
of warrant No. 58, bearing date May 17th, 1785.
Reserving and excepting therefrom lour certain
nieees of land 'heretofore sold out ol said two
hundred acres,; described as folic ws:
Number One:-—Three and one-half acres con
veyed to Robert Rothrock (now Adam Hicks'; as
described in Deed recorded i:i sail Cameron
County in Deed Book "C," page G7O.
Number Two:—An irregular piece of land con
veyed to William Emery a* <1 R. C. Reading, as
described in Deed recorded in said County in
Deed Book "G," page 253.
Number Three: Being a cemetery lot, contain
ing one acre, more or less.
Number Pour: —Forty acres, more or less, con
veyed to John E. Dußoisby Robert L. Hicks, ct.
:i!. by deed dated July 25th, 1904, and recorded in
Elk < ounty, Penn'a, where said forty acres are
Excluding sud four reservations and excep
tions from said two hundred acres, there are on
the remainder, two bearing orchards, three fair
sized dwelling houses, two barns, and other
outbuildings, and there are about fifty acres of
woodland, tin* balance being cleared and in a
fair state of cultivation.
Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as the
property of JOHN !t. IIICIvS, Deft., and OLIVE
J. HICKS and ROBERT I! ICKs, terre tenants, at
the suit of USE MARY E. HICKS.
TERMS CASH. No deed will be acknowledged
until purchase money is paid in foil.
High Sheriff.
Sheriffs Office, 112
Emporium, Pa., Sept. 21st, 1904./
SheriflT's Sale.
1 > Y VIRTUE OK A WRIT of alias Fieri Facias
I ) issued out of the Court of Common Pleas, of
Cameron county, Pa., and to me directed, I have
seized, levied upon and taken into execution and
will expose for sale to the highest and best bidder
at public vendue or outcry, at the Court House,
in Emporium, Cameron county, on
Friday,2lsl Day of OH. A. 11104,
AT 2:00 O'CLOCK, P. M„
The following described real estate, to-wit:
All that certain undivided one-half interest in
and to all that certain piece or parcel of land
situate, lying and being in the Borough of Em
porium, County of Cameron, and State of Penn
sylvania, and bounded and described as follows,
viz: Commencing at the northwest corner of lot
No. r>",i in Block No. 40; thence easterly along the
south line of Fourth street fifty-two feet; thence
southerly and parallel with the west line of lot
No. 551 one hundred and forty feet; thence west
erly and parallel with Fourth street fifty-two
feet to the west line of lot No. 551; thence north
erly along the west line of lot No. 551 one hun
dred and forty feet to the place of beginning, be
ing parts of lotsNos. 551 and 552. Having erected
thereon a well equipped Opera House, of the size
of 48x138 feet, piped for natural gas and city
Seized and taken in execution and to be sold as
the property of J. W. CLARKE at the suit of
TERMS CASH. No deed will he acknowledged
until the purchase money is paid in full.
High Sheriff,
Sheriffs Oflice, (
Emporium, Pa., Sept. 21st. 1901.)
Sheriff's Sale.
I > Y VIRTUE OF A WRIT OF Levari Facias is
-1 ) sued out of the Court of Common Pleas of
Cameron county, and to me directed, I have
seized, levied upon and taken into execution and
will expose to public sale and will sell to the
highest and best bidder at the Court House in
Emporium, Pa., on
Friday, 21st Day id Oct, \. I)., 11)04,
AT 2:00 O'CLOCK, P. M.,
The following described real estate, to-wit:
All that certain lot or piece of ground, situate
in the Borough of Emporium, County el' l ;i 1111-
ron and Statu of Pennsylvania, bounded and de
scribed as follows, to-wit: Commencing at the
southeast corner of lot No. 218 in the plan here
inafter mentioned; thence southeast along the
north side of Third street one hundred feet to the
corner of lot No. 222; thence northerly along the
west line of said lot No. 222 one hundred and
forty-five and 1-1-100 feet to a point; thence west
erly to the east line of lot No. 218; thence south
erly one hundred and forty-four and 45-100 feet to
the place of beginning. Being the southerly
one-half parts oi' lots numbered 220 and 221 us
laid down on the map or general plan of the said
Borough. The said premises being bounded on
the south by Third street, on the east by lot No.
222, on the north by the remaining parts of lots
N'os. 220 and 221 and ou the west hy the south
hall of lot No. 21H.
Having erected thereon one frame bouse, one
and one-half stories high. . r )7'., by feet, with
porch and bay window, with wing attached 20'..
by 15!,j, containing ten rooms. Also one frame
stable 12 by 16 feet, usual outbuildings, nine fruit
trees and two grape aibors thereon.
Seized and taken in execution and to be sol I as
the property of h'KANK W. \VH I'l'B, deceased,
TERMS CASH. No deed will be acknowledged
until the purchase nu.oey is paid in full.
ItAUItY HEMPHILL, High Sherifl.
Sheriff! Office, (
Emporium, I'a., Sept. 21st, 1901. (
Keglsftr's Notice.
State ok Pknnsyi.vania, >
County op Camkiion, s
N'OTICE is hereby given that B. W. Green. :
Kxecutor of the last Will and Testament oi
Kidelia C. Hyde, late of the Borough oi'Empori- 1
j mil, dt cea-ied; and < lii.rle . M. Spammer. Evrcu- '
I tor of the last Will and Testament of Susan
I Hpangler. late or the township "I Shippen, de-
I ceased, hav<, filed tin ;r fii t and final accounts; ,
and Hannah K. I.ring. Executrix of liie lasl
1 Will and Testament of Huldah C. Oenung. late !
| of the Borough of Emporium, deceived, has Sled
I her firs' account, of their administration of the !
; said several estates and the same will be pre- I
sent«d to the Orphan's Court, at October term, I
next, for confirmation ni ni.
« JAY OOODNOUtiH, Register.
Register's Office,
Emporium, Pa., Sept. 2Bth, 1901. 32-11
Estate of 11A JiIUSON J.fK, I /•.', Deceit*.
; VTOTICE is hen I y given that letters testa
. > ineiitar.y upon the estati of llabiuson
! Loo uk, late of Gibson lownsh ip, Cameron coun'y
j Pa., deceased, hav. b.-.-n granted to the iiinle'r
| signed, to whom all tie- anils should lie made
and those indebted to siid 1. t.,te tomaki nav-
I UlC'llt.
! I. S. LOOCE.
W. 11 LOCI !■;.
I I". I>. I.KET, Attorney.
j (illison. Pa., Julv IS, 1904. 28-fit
.fjF -
Kan unitirpassed for Rlvlntc .1 ,
j 1 Kducailon, and placing Hturteats nU«n ti i »
, Circulars on application.
P. DUFF i EOIMS, PlTT'Jirjr.c., i J a
" Follow the Flag."
From Pittsburg*
A 1 Q A A T.i Si Louis uu«i lift urn—evor.v j
Tu lay in Sep
tuiibct. Tickets limited seven j
7)«iay>, and good in free re
clining chair cars or li rat -class j
coacln s ( ji regular trains. |
1 *1 aa To St. Louis ami Return-every !
; OXU«vv day. Tickets limited flfteon l"» {
days and goorl in free reclining j
chair car>. or Pullman sleepers '
on regular trains.
AA To Dcnvpr, Colorado Springs j
or I'ucblo and Kcturu ticket;,,
limited to 15 dava— 011 sale }
C> DA To San I'raneiseo, Los Angeles. :
Portland. Seattle »nd Other
Pacific coast points. One-way!
Colonist tickets on sale Septem- j
her lath 10 October 15th.
j The Wabash is the only line landing passen-|
j ',-ers and baggage at the l>x Word's Fair station
; directly opposite the main i-ntranee to the Ex- i
j position, or in Union itation, as preferred. I
Wabash train leaving Pittsburg daily at 7::« l a. '
m.. eit}* time, carries coaches and parlor car
Pittsburg to Toledo, and free reclining chair I
cars and Pullman sleepers, Toledo t.> St. Louis.
Train at 2:i'oT>. ill., city lime, carries McCeilan
coaches and Pullman sleepers Pittsburg and St.
Lomis. Train 19, leaving Pittsburg at p. 111..
daily, carries free reciinii g chair ears and Pull
man sleepers Pittsburg l<> St. Louis and Pullman
sleepers Pittsburg to Chicago.
further information concerning rates to all
points West, together with splendid World's
Fair folder, containing map of St. Louis and the
i World's Fair grounds, cheerl'ullv furnished 011
i application to
Assistant Gkni:iial I'assic.nokk Aukst.
Pittsburg, Penna.
I! «. J3L
The makers of our best Clothing,
Kirschbaum, - l> " ilat ' elp " ia |
have brought out many new ideas in high grade ||j
Clothing this season and it is a pleasure for us to show
them to you. When you try them 011 you will realize H
that all we say about them is not half enough.
Jasper Harris,!
The People's Olothier.
\\ \ V V \ \ .S.,V V \ V \/
/ Adam, ;
' Meldrum &
Anderson Co. ~
/ HUFH'A I.< >. .N*. Y.
/ 398-408 Main Street, '
/ .<
/ Seven
: Dress ;
N ' /
s Bargains X
|1 /
' 36-inch all wool Pebble Cheviot!, /
/ all colors, extra OQf"' /
, special &uu
i / Manufacturers' sliort length-* of y
1 > 38-inch all wool Granite Suit
ings, 50c grade, 'Y'i 1 p /
/ special for u/ Vu /
Rainproof Coverts, all colors, /
/ everywhere 750 fQP /
. special \J CH/
: / EXTRA SPECIAL- Read's all
J y Wool, Imperial Granite Suit
ings, greys,tans, browns, blues, •'
! / greens, reds, -10 inches wide. /
I , Extra Mf'
special l/'iu /"
! y 52-inch all wool Fancy Tailor
1 •' Suitings, neat check suitings, /
/ sold everywhere at 0; I j"»r» .
■ $1.50 extra special 4*!.sUSJ
/ 11-inch Black Wool Crepe de ,
. Paris fine black French im
ported cloth; every where SI.OO /
/ yard. Extra ' COP /
special >uS3j
' 50-inch Black Peca Thibet 14 < z /
/ Fine all woo! tailor cloth. /
, Regular selling price QlCf* ✓
si. 50. Extra special Jifit '
/ /
/ . /
y Send for samples.
/ Adam, >
Meldrum &
; Anderson Co. /
/ The American Block, /
/ BUFFALO, N. Y. /
/\ N \ \ \" \« \" N \ \ X.W