Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, October 06, 1904, Page 8, Image 8
8 Woman's Ills How rare a thing to find a woman who is perfect!} h« iltliv I ully seventy pf r cent, of the sex suit*. front ;ii 11 J i' :.t; which often render life a bunion. The ailiiction.--. enn. c nervousness, irritability, melanch'»l in. h> teria. etc. They entirely unlit a woman ici life's work and deprive her of most of its joys. AUNT DINAHS OLD VIRGINIA WOMAN'S SAFE GUARD. Those suffering with disordered menstruation, female? va-aknc prclapsu etc., will find im ine liato : lii f from th" <• of Am t Dinah's Old Virginia licrb Tea and in the majority ot casps it will bring about aeon 1 ; leto cure, it • api sitivc cure ft r chrtlii : cousti; ati< >n, si< }: itead&r 2a and ' '• lessue's this tea villi f • :nd i r.i ■ . .» 1 a. It lias a soothirv: at { «jt»ic ting <tU : i the la-rv and invariably i■: - • 1 ■ A cupful at bed-time is all that is necessary to make a woman well and k. < p lier well. V.M. svillo, H. C., l>c \ 1903. Uamllns "Wiznrd « il Co., r ii « :•», II T>vi) veni- n.'il -it!Mh u*rim! •'••>!■• r lftir-t au i iiv,- ! \ ..»;»• ' I • i ilt' ' I Viisrir in I!*• i'• i■ i with Ifn-iitMiC'M !I • • : • i .iKii rit ncrainaiul I ftM'l lllllrh NOtII.L.T I I . '! OV.IV WUliiHll Miffervi I'ot.M 1 v t!»f relit ! he would oxjMrieuee |.v Uhln«r vour Herb'lVa fiie would m* • i bo without it. It i amo t wonderful reined> and ltakt ?•!<•<« • online tiding it to any bid,) >i ''« I <• *n« 1«* trotil) es. Miss c. 1.. CAUI'KNTEB. • Mow, T,< <• Count v. \rk., I>. <\ 1.1W2. Hamlin Wi .11 !Ml••• 1 . <' . • i„'o, li;. I i;! i tr-rath j»h M «• i vith Aunt Din «hV «»M VirKinia Heili Tf". I .■< I I tlmo; ? • i«• • i-nofhl r like it I'm Im a.. . i In- ;i i 1 Htniii-j'-ii t: ouhh - an<l I tlu«t it »\ ceedintrU trofxi lor clearing 'he complexion. 1 would not be without it- Your trdv. Miss Nrr.v McCORKi.K. Prepared by Hawlins Wizard 0:1 Co., Chicago. Pr.ce, 25c. HAMLINS COUGH BALSAM IJcalH tho Lunk's. Wards Off Consumption. 2.x-. and TV. HAMUNS BLOOD & LIVER PILLS Regulate the Liver. Cleanse the System. 2."k\ TOR SALE AND RECOMMENDED BY 1.. TAGGART. i _ -f . ~r ■ . >.i& >■ • ,( :* \ %*.'! •'* ">"! . fc\ii ■ .->**}*"■ xt" '* •• > Jv" >• ; BOOK MAILED FREE. V \ ' l'K\ ( oimcstimm. fiitlauiiiia- II ■ > Inn... I.IIIIU FPIIT. Mill. IViit, ti. "-I. S!*Et \!\s, LauiencHH, InjuricM, ci uut. \ IChi'iitnnllfiiii. r. < .Wllfl-; Tiino.VT, Quii»v. EnUoolir. CI-KES * I)iMti<ni:irr. ens'i ! u Hut*. Grul.,i. S' I ' <"Of ( OJIJM, KrifliMMr/.a, Iritlained ccM'-s) I'leuro-PiHMiiiionin. I . 1 OLU'. lii'llV'X'lie W'ind-Illowu, t'UUKS 3 Piari hru, o\»«*nf« r> . I'reventH MlnrAllßlAt;!!. CUI'KS S VT 111. VDUKII FUKOHHKKK. I. !. !llf.KAK|'s, %31111 OuiXiunK, ( i Ul-S) i U-iTK, limni'. l-'ari v. •i. K.):: \:i ( <IM>I I lO\ *i,iriiiL- « imi. cuitl.s ) luili|{rii|[iiii, PMdiimcli htuu^crii, lijc. oai-li; Stable Cum, T> n Spoclflcil, Hook, ftc.. $7. At (Irir^-lsi(>p sent prepaid on receipt of prlci*.!:' v■<' Mi 'liclue Co., Cor. William & John Streets, New York. GEO. E. HURTEAI". ED. K. FOKHES Useful Specialties Refrigerators. Ice Cream Freezers, Hot Plates and Ovens, Farmers Tools, New Line of Cutlery, Agate and Plated Ware for Kitelien and Table, Carpenters Saws and Planes. Something New in Saws, Window Screens, Carpet Sweepers, Clothes Wringers, Celebrated Lucas Paints, Tin and Iron Goods. G-et our prices on Stoves, Bath Tubs, Chandeliers and gen eral Plumbing. 'Phone us when you need us—we'll do the rest. M\m I Ms The Fourth Street Hardware Men. ; Rockwell's sj IS Drug Store. I In nJ ffi $ The Cold Cream that |nj we make is unsur- [}j i pa.-scd for faco and liands and will inake pi i[n tic skin solt and white. We have Xail. Tooth and jrO Hair r.rushes. Wist j"j Hrooms. Cliamoi ; ffi Skin and Sponges. [J; Xo better uood- on the market. When yon want > our favo- Lrj rite reci]»es Idled l>rin}i them to us. J < )ur stat iont ryleads. Alsoour toilet cream, Hj toilet water, toilet |jj ni soaps, perfumes and L-) sashet powder. All the latest. ; ru Ln | |{] Our Botanic Dry Kidney Cure [J \[n is an exoellent tonic. A speciflc pj iiu for nil diseanes of the kidneys. IjJ S M.A.ROCKWELL. & i (r I£S73HSHSHSc. - cISH£JHS3SSH?SSHSJ | ii Big Bargains. | , 'u lr m pj i[M Before buying elsewhere n] it will pay to our prices. }nJ Hananas from 15c to 25c tr n] a dozen. [} i ,J 1 []: j Home-made Sausage IflP j [n lUu [j| Leave your orders for W | [j| Ground Done. g m We do not handle any- 1 tiling but the best, and if ™ j [u o ' in 1 "j you get anything here that pi j In is not right, bring it back p] I [n and get your money. •{] ;re Our !\ieat Department is [j] ! (jJ first-class. We handle ui I pJ nothing but the best. i/j i m Do not forget the place, [n C] GOODS DELIVERED PROMPTLY, [n uj 'Phone 21. Ifj | G. H. Gross & Go. jj L°SH asasras-r 1 sas as asasß sp=sh9 Notice! V' 2 SATURDAY. JULY 23rd. IS THE ffj! LAST DAY THAT YOU CAN S \'l\ GET A SI.OO BOITLE OF DAVIES NON-ALCOHOLIC | Wa-Hoo, | SI.QO 3% T R L $| F o°0 R 35C | GET IT NOW j The Old Reliable 11M Store, | ! Prop'r. THE PITTSBURG, SHAWMUT & NORTHERN R R. Through Passenger Service Between j St. Marys, BrockwaVville, Shawmut, Sinethport, i Olean, Friendship, Angelica, Hornellsville, ! Wayland, Bufl'alo, and New York. Effective Sunday, May '29,190.*- Eastern Standard Time. Time of Trains at St. Marys. DEPART. T. 35 A. M.—PorKersey (Arr. B.U a. M.i, Byrne daletArr. 8.56 a. m.,l Weedville (Arr. 9.03 a. | m.;) Elbon (Arr, 8.46 a. m..) Shawmut (Arr. 9.0H a. m.,) Brockwayville (Arr.9.42 a. m.) l'i.XJ P. M.,—For Clermont (Arr. 1.37 p. in.,) Suietlipor) (Arr. 2.20 p.m.,) connecting lor Bradford (Arr. 3.30 p. m.,) Eldred (Arr. 2.19 p. in,,) Olean (Arr. 3.40 p. m.,) connecting i for Buffalo (Arr. 6.10 p. m. t ) Bolivar (Arr. 3.33 p. m..) Friendship (Arr. 1.08 p. m.,) Angelica (Arr. 4.34 p. w.,) Hornellsville (Arr. 6.10 p. m„ Wayland (Arr. 7.23 p. »n.,) con necting at Wayland with O. L. Ii W. R. It., and at Hornellsville with Erie R. R., for all I points East and West. ! 2.45 P. M.—For Kersey (Arr. 3.26 p. in.,) Elbon (Arr. 1.00 p. m.,1 Shawmut (Arr. 4.22 p. i 11.,1 Brockwayville (Arr. 4.47 p. m.,) connecting with P. R. R.. for Falls Creek Arr. 5.10 p. m.,i Dußois (Arr. 5.25 p. m.,) BrookvilJe (Arr. 6.00 p. ni.,) and Pittsburg i.\rr. 9.30 p. m.) ARRIVE. 11.05 A. M. J From Brockwayville, Shawmut, 6.50 P. M. < Elbon, Kersey and Byrnedale. 1.46 P. M.—From Wayland, Hornellsville, Can aseraga, Angelica, Friendship, Bolivar, Buf falo, Bradford, Olean Eldred. Sinethport and Clermont. All trains daily except Sunday. D. F. MAKONEY, C. J. RENWICK. Vice President, Gen. Pass. Agent, St. Marys, Peuna. CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1904. That Per Capita Tax. EIHT.IU Till' question of school tax is Ml oil en raised that w.* request you to publish the 1 Inllowinir ruling <■: Vtloinev de ,eral: Oil ICE ,1 ATTORN i:v « il'M I. AI,, liarrisbur;/. I'n., Jii'y 13th, ISiIS. 1 HON. JOHN Q. STEWART, iJipiiti, Sit/il. „112 I'ubttc 1,.*1, urtiati. j ,MY IJHAR Sih: J ■ \ our letter of July 9th 112 raises a question as to J the pro). r ecu -ruction of Hie A<" or July 22nd, i 1897 P. I». :I.K). This Act i- entitled "An Act to authors. and empov. t r Die .-> -ho. : directors and I controllers i.l thc several school districts within ] thi* t'oniieonweallh to levy and collect a per ' en pit,, tux annually tor -elm -i pii'UoH V and in j tin- fli-t ctiliii provid' ■ that it -hall In-lawful I ir tin >1 dii • etors or ehool controller of ; any city, borough or town.-hip within thin Com j inonw -tllh to lev.', and collect annually a /wr j | capita lav ■ l on .Polar |V>r school purposes from ; each and every male inhabitant t.f tin- age ni' j twcn!\ one ycaisand upwards within their n j spec'iv. ili triel... The third -"ction of the Act ! provides tlnu Hi per :.,,it„ I. >. hall lie in Jieu j of the . iiiMtion t..x f..i - h'l-il purposes ' J purn is : follow -: 1 ;I. Thai I. i-• 11 on leal rflnlo I:d | r onal | I properly, and j ■2. Thai I. • lon trade-',' eupati 'iis, prof - 1 Hions. &c., providing fur a ininiuium occupation . i tax of one dollar in such < ises wl.cre the rate on the valuation of occupation would not yield tine 1 dollar. , The Ac!'t .1 uly :■!, IH.IT, . xpn provides that J il shall in no wise lini.'l or abridge >he power of j ' cliool directors or -outrollers to levy a tax on 1 real ami personal property for school and build- I ing purposes. It, therefore, does not in any J manner seek to'change oi modify the method or l ' rate of taxing real estate and personal property subject to such tax. The precise question, then prisented h" your communication is, what is the effect of the Act of 1 July 22,1897. upon prior legislation so far as it "l relates to the levying anil collecting of occupa J tion tax '.' j | When we remember that this Act is one alfect i ing public interestsand relating to publicolHccrs. J and that it is, therefore, mandatory upon such , public oil,-ers, we can have uo doubt us to the i legal elfect thereof. The old laws provided one J method of ascertaining the Occupation tax, while J the new Act provides a diflerent one. Both can i not stand, and lor this reason the later Act must be held to operate as a repeal of the former pro \ ision. •| With these observations, you arte advised that, J under the laws, as modified by the Act of July j 22, 1897, school boards have authority i I. To assess and lew taxes lor school purposes J upon rent estate ami pei'Bonul property in the j manner heretofore provided; and l 2. To assess an occupation or per capita tax of < one dollar upon each and every male inhabitant ] of the ago of twenty-one years and upwards, i 'I bis prr ca/iila tax is in lieu of the occupation J tax levied under the old law, and the amount ] I thereof cannot be exceeded in any case, no inat i I ter at what suyi the occupation, trade or profes | j sion may have been valued by the assessor for J | State ami county purposes. Yours very respectfully, ' (Signed) WILBUR K. REEDER, Deputy Attorney General. ] 1 How to Ketain Youth. j I Middle ajicd and uued people can rc- J j tain their youthf'ulness by keeping oer ■j I tain organs in a healthy condition, In a | i man the liver and kidneys will cause J I him to look, ieel and act careworn. In ] j a woman the liver and organs peculiar to J i her sex will give her a careworn, sallow, J i wrinkled look and dragged out feelings, i All this can be avoided by Thompson's | B.irosma. It builds up and stiengthens ! j all those functions, giving renewed ; youth. Thompson's Barosma retains | youth. For sale by it. C. Dodson. j Meekness is not mushiness. Pill Pleasure. | If you ever took OeWiti's Little Karly liiseas for biliousness or constipa tion you know what pill pleasure is. These famous little pills cleanse the liver and rid the system of all bile without pro- I dueing unpleasant effects. They do not j gripe, sicken or weaken, but pleasantly ! give tone and strength to the tifsue-i and i organs of the stomach, liver and bowels. ; Sold by It. Dodson. Moral masks deceive no one but their wearers. A Cure Guaranteed. Many people after taking certain rctu j edies are to all appearances cured but the ' question always arises, "Do they stay | cured? The great claim for that splendid remedy, Thompson's Barosma, j backache, Kidney and Liver Cure is that it makes a deceided and lasting cure and i that the general health is restored. Send i for circulars of testimonials to K. K. ! Thompson & Son, Titusville, Pa. For ' sale by It. (J. Dodson. 2 SHSHSHSH e 5H Sci . My Friend! 1 1 Read This! $ jnj l)r. .1. M. Card's Branch Dental Oilier, (n I [n of Emporium, Penn'a., located over Met/- nj nj ger's Jewelry Store, offers lor the next In jJn three months, these inducements, viz: nj ; Full Upper or Lower Set of : L Teeth, - - - $7.00 n] [n Full Gold Crown for any of H] jpi the ten Anterior Teeth, $4.00 In | oi Full Gold Crown for any of J{] the Molar Teeth, - $4.50 jj] Ordinary Silver Fillings, 50 Cts [j{ j Gold Fillings, SI.OO and up. jjj A well established reputation for Ij ; (jj Painless Extraction of Teeth. nJ ! m REFERENCES: —Ask your neigh- n] j JJJ bors; they all <;arrv my work uj in their mouths. * j|j j [Jj All Material guaranteed, The best to be ij] I m purchased at any price. The work n j[n talks for itself. pj i m Remember these prices are limited to nj ' I jvj the next three menths only. m TERMS STRICTLY CASH. {jj ESTRAY NOTICE. [ Notice is hereby given tliut a Reil and White Spotted Steer came to the premises of Mrs. !•'. .1. 11■. :-ij.*?lI, oil the Portage, some lime ago. The*' owner can have tiie same bv proving prop'jrt-., paving i 2.00 fir this notice and cost of keeijiii'.' said 'cer. MRS. I'. .1. Iif.SSKI.L, Emporium. Pa., Sept. I'Jtli, 11KM National Itanlv Cliartcr Kx tension. TI:I:ARI;KV DKPAKTM I:A*T > OFKICI: OI- C*»M PTIIOLI.KICRI: (.'rum st v, ( \Vanhiiii/tan, S ittcnibcr i:;, 1904. WHi:itFAS, by -atislHt tory evidence l<> l!ie uiicl< rsi jjin-'!, it littt- l»<*eu inii'l - t" ippear that *• IHI FIUST NATION. M. H\ NK OI KMHI.HH-M/' lot it-din the Borough «»r KIIJJH riura, in the ' • '(it.lit\ «■: i m.i i . i l State or Pennhylvania, . of'( «.»ri« -s to ■ nahio Nat i-.' H.inkii. A i< t.t- j ( tionsto< xlt 'id theircorporate existoii .-jui.i f\»r ot t tmrpos. s," aoproved .) \ 12th, 1- ' NOW 11111:1 i (HJi, l. William i;. liidgely c"ontptrolh rof r 1..• / urrt ncv. il. her./ 1 11; i% tliiit'Tii: 1-IK.WJ \ATI"MI. HANK MI- I.MI-: : | !«i<*at( <1 in the Hor* •iijjjh rt' 10m pori'ihi i u the Count v , '>t l.'aim Mi.l M;ite »'! l'»-nn>.yiv -.Mi.:, i ;• ith.jr i/.ed t> In • i t, for thv ;>r ri(» ! ! ml in •i. • I close of !• i-int « n .Si*pte?nlu r 23, IJ2I, FN Ti-sTIMI) n V WHKI:i:Ui • itn—«iuv! hand ami S.-al of oHiec litis twentv-thi: I {.Sea 1 1 dayofSept' nber. 1901. Wm. ii. Kiiyji:? , Comptroller of the Currency, i t MJt irr l'ltOCi. AM ATI ON. WIIKI.KVS- lil ; 1 ' Hon. CHAS. A. MAYEB Preside nt -i u o I the Hon-;. JOHN AlcDoN'Ai.oan i (»KO. A.WALKIM:, A -o ia tc- J iulk«'s <»t <Jourts of Oyer ami Terminer and ("leneral Jail Delivery, Quartei Sessions of the Peace, Orphans'( oiirt and Court ofCommon i Pleas for tlx* county of Cameron have issued i their precept bearing da: the Dili dav of July , A. I >.. 19I)», ami to me directed for holding I ; Court of Oyer and Terminer, Oeneral Jail l)e- ! j liverv, Quarter Sessions of the Peace j ; Orphans' Court and Court of Common i'!<-a* ! | in the Korough of Emporium, Pa., on Mondav, ' the 24th day of Oct. 1901, at 10 o'clock, a. in,, j and to continue one week. Notice is hereby K'ven t<» tl-.e Coroners. Justices j i of the Peace and Constables within the county, j j that they be then and there in their proper per- j p.ons, at 10 o'clock, a. m., of said day. with tlieir j rolls, records, inquisitions, examinations, and other reineiuberances, to do those things which to their offices appertain to be done. And those who are bound by their reeognizanceto prosecute against them as will be just. Dated at Emporium, Pa.. Sept. 19, 1904, 1 , and in the 128 th year of the Independence of the I ' United States of America. j HARRY HEMPHILL, Sheriff. ! SltcriJPH Ssale* nv VIRTUE or a writ .if Fieri FacUu I J ) issued out of the Court ofCommon Pleas, | of Cameron county, and to me directed. I have I seized, levied upon and taken into execution and | will expose to public sale and will sell to the highest and best bidder, at the Court House, in Emporium, Pa., on Friday, -Isf Hay or OH., \. IL 1901.! AT 2:00 O'CLOCK, P. M„ The following described real estate to-wit: All the defendant's interest, right, title and olaim (being an undivided one-half, subject to widow's dower.i in and to all that certain tract f»r piece of land, situate in Gibson Township, Cameron County. Pennsylvania, bounded and i described as follows: Beginning at black oak corner on bank of Bennett's Branch of Sinnema honing Creek; thence by lands of (formerly Levi Hicks, north, eighteen degrees, west, one hun dred and eighty one perchef to a post: tbence south, seventy eight degrees, west, one hundred and eighty-two perches to a post; thence south, twenty-five degrees, east, one hundred and eighty-two perches to the bank of Bennett's Branth of Siunemahoning Creek: thence down the said creek, the several courses and distances thereof, to the place of beginning, containing two hundred acres, more or less, and being part of warrant No. 58, bearing date May 17th, 17H5. Reserving and excepting therefrom four certain ! pieces of land (heretofore sold out of said two j hundred acres,• described as follows: [ Number One:—Three and one-half acres con- S veyed to Robert Kothrock now Adam Hicks') as 1 described in Deed recorded in said Cameron t County in Deed Book "C," page 070. I Number Two;—-An irregular piece of land con j veyed to William Emery ar.d K. C. Reading, as j described in Deed recorded in said County in i • Deed Book **G," page 253. j Number Three: —Being a cemetery lot, contain- t j ing one acre, more or less. Number l*'our: —Forty acres, more or less, con { veyed to John K. Dußois by Robert L. Hicks, et. I al. by deed dated July 25th, 1904, and recorded in j Elk County, Penn'a, where said forty acres are ; situate. Excluding said four reservations and excep tions from said two hundred acres, there are on the remainder, two bearing orchards, three fair sized dwelling houses, two barns, and other outbuildings, and there are about fifty acres of woodland, the balance being cleared and in a fair state of cultivation. Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as the property of JOHN It. HICKS, Deft., and OLIVE J. HICKS and ROBERT HICKS, tcrrc tenants, at the suit of USE MAItV E. HICKS. TERMS CASH. No deed will be acknowledged until purchase money is paid in full. ' HARRY HEMPHILL, Iligh Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, ) Emporium, Pa., Sept. 21st, 1904./ Sheriffs Sale. h)Y VIRTUE OF A WRIT o t'alias Fieri luteins ) issued out of the Court of Common Pleas, of Cameron county, Pa., and to me directed, I have seized, levied upon and taken into execution and will expose for sale to the highest and best bidder at public vendue or outcry, at the Court House, in Emporium, Cameron county, on Friday, -Is! Day nt OH. A. 0.. 11104, AT 2:00 O'CLOCK, P. M„ I The following described real estate, to-wit: All that certain undivided one-half interest in ami to all that certain piece or parcel of land situate, lying and being in the Borough of Em porium, County of Cameron, and State of Penn sylvania, and bounded and described as lollows, viz: Commencing at the northwest corner of lot No. 551 in Block No. |i)j thence easterly along the south line of Fourth street fifty-two feet; thence southerly and parallel with the" west line or lot No. 551 one hundred and forty feet; thence west erly and parallel with Fourth street tifty-two feet to the west line of lot No. 551; thence north erly along the west line of lot No. 551 one hun dred and forty feet to the place of beginning, be ing parts of lots Nos, 551 und 552. Having erected thereon a well equipped Opera House, of the size of 18x138 feet, piped for natural gas and city water. Seiz.ed and taken in execution and to be sold as the property of J. W. CLAKKE at the suit of USE JOHN T. HOWARD. TKKMS CASH. No deed will be acknowledged i until the purchase money is paid in full. HARRY HEMPHILL, High Sheriff, , Sheriff's Olllce, i Emporium, Pa., Sept. 21st. 1904.)' Sheriff's Sale. I ) Y VIRTUE OF A WRIT OF Levari Facias is- | i i ) sued out of the Court of Common Pleas of j I Cameron county, and to me directed, I have ' seized, levied upon and taken into execution and will expose to public sale and will sell to the i highest and best bidder at the Court House in | Emporium, Pa., on Friday, 21st Day of Oct. A. I>„ 1004, AT 2:00 O'CLOCK, P. M., The following described real estate, to-wit: All that certain lot or piece of ground, situate j ill the Borough of Emporium, County oi'Came ron and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and tie- i i scribed as follows, to-wit: Commencing at the | | southeast corner of lot No. 218 in the plau here- ! inaftar mentioned; thence southeast along the : north side of Third street one hundred feet to the corner of lot No. 222; thence northerly along the I I west Hue of said lot No. 222 one hundred and ! forty-five and 14-100 feet to a point; thence west- ' erly to the east line of lot No. 218; thence south- i ! erly one hundred and forty-four and 4.5-100 feet to | I the place of beginning. Being the southerly ; I one-half parts of lots numbered 220 and 221 as ! i laid down on the map or general plan of the said | Borough. The said premises being bounded on ; the south by Thud street, on the east by lot No. ! 222, on the north by the remaining parts of lots ! Nos. 220 and '221 and on the west by the south i halt of lot No. 218. Having erected thereon one frame house, one j and one-half stories high, 57' . by 16'., feet, with | porch and bay window, with "wiiig attached 20' , 1 by 15' i, containing ten rooms. Also one frame i stable 12 by 16 feet, usual outbuildings, nine fruit I trees and two grape aibors thereon. ! Seized and taken in execution and to be sold as ! the property of FRANK W. WHITE, deceased, I at the suit of THE K I'. Y.STONE STATE BUILD i IN'tl AND LOAN ASSOCIATION. TERMS CASH. No deed will be acknowledged ! until the purchase money is paid in full. HARRY HHMPHILL, High Sheriff Sheriff's Olllce, ) Emporium, l'a., Sept. 21s - , 1001. \ I Register's Notice. STATU or PENNSYLVANIA, I COUNTY OK CAMKUON, S , : VTOTICK is hereby given that 11. W. Green, I L x< riitor of the la-T Will and Testament of : Fideli:' 0. Hyde, lut, of tin- lioroiif!' <■, 1.. um, deceased; and Charles M. Spantler, EX ecu- 1 "or of the last Will ami T< on I■» ■ ,SU I;I 1 Spangli R, laic of tln- township of shippen. (I an I Hannah E. Sebring. l-wnlnx of the 1.1 ' Will and testament ol Huldfih C. Genimg, late i of the Borough of Emporium, deceased, has filed • her llrst if ■:*,,*int, of tneir .tdiiiini.-trati< i oi th■ said si vei il e-iati sand th. sarin will hi p . ■ s.-uti'.l to the O'-pli in' f'xirl, .'I 112)(.: .br :• i.-tii, next. or ennfirina inn )ii hi . i\ Y < •<)< > 1 >N'<ll '; H I: ster. I Regis!. T'sOlHt'e. Emporium, PU., B*'pt. 28th, IS I.:12-I F ' Administrators' Notice.' of UAJiIiISOS I.QGi I'-x-ku,! d. \TOTICE IS lieinhy given that lettei U :X --• * '•"< ••• 'I! til.' . I. ~C If \ NI: 1..MilI..Mil • , i lie "! < I ill-t.'l ti.ivnsli ,".( imc i »n count' . signed, to whom all demand- ihould be 'uade I and t.ios-e ln.i -lited to -aid |.SUITE to make | . I>. -. LOCI I:. W. 11. 1.1 Kill;. I . I>. F. At I - -rney. 1 . Has unsurpassed for plvlntr r\ ?■ •> • s J! Kdunition, and plnMnir Mu«irtit% v,l. i • Circulars on appllcaticu. j [j P. PUFF A. SONS, PtTTSL?;jnG, . ———— '• Follow the l-laK." IX Wabash Excursions From Pittsburg I DJL Q NN To St Louis and Return — every ; i u tem*>tT. Tickets limited seven i (71 days, and Rood in free rt dining rhair cars or lir;4-class j coaches on regular trains. • To St. Louis and Return-every TP \J V i days and good in frre reclining i crhair cars or Pullman sleepers j on regular trains. O On '^ (> '• <'oloradn Sptines or Piu bo and Return limited to 15 days—on sale ' daily. no s an Fraiu isco, Lo, An:.'« les, Portland, Pacific c.irist points. One-way i ( 'loiii-i tickvu Di|salc .St pteiij ber 15th t.. October 15th. I itt* Wabash is the only line landing; passen gers and baggage at t |, e big Word's Fair station directly opposite the main entrance to tiie Kx posinon, or in Union station, as preferred. abash train leading Pittsburg daily at 7:."40 a. ni.. city time, carries coaches and parlor car i Pittsburg to 'ioletla, and free reclining chair cars and Pullman sleepers, Toledo t.- St. Louis.* Train at 2:<>o p. m., cit.v time, carries MeCellan - coaches and Pullman sleepers Pittsburg and St. Lonns. Train PJ, leaving Pittsburg at s. iO p. ni.. 1 daily, carries free reclining chair cars aid Pull-' man sleepers Pittsburg to St. Louis and Pullman sleepers I ittsburg to Chicago. Further information concerning rates to all P, 0, . nt 4? , CBt » together with splendid World's ! 1,1 containing inapt,f St. Louis and the , World s i*air grounds, cheerfully furnished on application to F. If. TRISTRAM, ASSISTANT (»I:NI:KAL PASSENOKR AOKNT I Pittsburg, Penna. atflfj.dhiwii.' iit htit 11 'Sii .It: ■■•#>:.; || I I KIRSCHBAVA\ CP.EATCOAT I'" v '' I-/ r'SSri [ mighty line tailoring I f;m'wJ«ii and 01ll >' tlie ,JCSt I I can make I I I l I lie makers ol our best Clotiii nj^, | kirschba um. " 112 p " il; "' c ' nlli;i | rM '\ ave brought out many new ideas in high grade p| Clothing this season and it is a pleasure for us to show |lj them to you. When you try them on you will realize that all we say about them is not half enough. Jasper Harris,! The People's Clothier. pi Opposite Post-office, EMPORIUM, PA. \\\\\\\\\\\\\/ / Adam, , Meldrum & . ' / Anderson Go. , HUFFAW), N. V. X S 396*408 Main Street, / |jj | ,< ivy Is yltllki AT A / / T\ - B I Bargain N ' This is the second week of the / v - Full Opening nnd here are some / s -i tra specials in coats and suits i to start the active selling. There were never such values offered / / at the beginning of the season. / $15.G0 New Suits for / $!0.00. / Handsome tailored suits of Pan j Cheviot in black, blue and * ' brown, and men's wear cloth in / / grey and brown mixtures; seven . uore skirts, coilarless, halt-fitted, ' 24 inch jackets; or double-breast- / ; / ed eoilariess coats; the newest y things; bought to sell at $15.00 / SIO.OO ' / SIB.OO Hew Suits far ' ' sl2 00 ' All-wool fancy mixtures, col- / larlese half-box coat with velvet | , trimmings, seven gored plaited '( | ' skirt; also tan colored suits, :i0 / / iiieli coat with plaited box back . and belt, seven gored skirt with ' panel front— / / $12.00 / tfc..r'loo Ladies' Walking Skirts "f men's wear cloth in ure.y and brown mixtures, finished with \ / straps and plaiting regular / „ $6.50, for— -53.98 ' ✓ / Send for samples of the / New Dress Goods. / / Aclam, Meldrum & / Anderson Co. ' / The American Block, / BUFFALO, N. Y. / / \ \ \ \ \ \ \' \ \ \ v. . \ \