8 Mothers and Daughters Every woman who has a grown daughter knows well tlio worry and aiuiety which always comes at that period of life when girlhood merges into womanhood. Upon a girl's condition at this time depends her future health, strength and happi ncss. Too much care can not be taken to see that she passes through this period safely. AUNT DIN AH S OLD VIRGINIA Herb Tea A BOON TO WOMANKIND is of the greatest assistance to nature in bringing about the change which takes place, without dis arranging the natural functions of the system. It is a strengthening tonic. It will keep the roses in n girl's checks and prevent that tendency to de cline which so often endangers her life at this critical point in development. This Herb Tea is likewise of corresponding value and assistance to matrons and mothers at the end of this period. Its use will at this time prevent endless pain and worry. A woman will enter the evening of life with scarcely the knowl edge that the change has occurred. Many are the thankful women who know the value of Aunt Dinah's Old Virginia Herb Tea and are grateful for the benefits derived from its use. Kemmerer, Wyo., Nov. 29,1W2. Hfemiin* Wiiard Oil Co.,Chicago,lU Gentlemen:—Encloned flntl 2* cents please send me another package of your Aunt Dinah'» Old Virginia Herb Tea. lam greatly pleaded with it. I would not be without it. Respectfully, Miss MIRY UTBRS. Buffalo, N. Y., Dec. 6,1002. Harallns Wlrard Oil Co., Chicago. 11l Gentlemen —I received the Aunt Dinah's Old Virginia Herh Tea and I felt better in every way before 1 had finished taking one package. 1 feel sure it does all you claim for It. MR*. J. L. ACKERMAN, 101 Wlnstow AT. Prepared bj Himlins Viurd Oil Co., Chicago. Price, tSe. HAMLINS COUCH BALSAM Cures the Cold. Pre Tents Pneumonia, tfic, HAMLINS BLOOD & LIVER PILLS For Torpid Liver and Constipation. 85c. FOR SALE APP KKCOMMBNDED BY h, TAGO ART. HUMPHREYS' Specifics cure l>y acting directly on th« tick parts without disturbing the rest ot the system. No. 1 for Fevers. No. 2 " Worms. No. 3 " Teething. No. 4 " Diarrhea. No. 7 " Coughs. No. 8 " Neuralgia. No. 9 " Headaches. No. 10 " Dyspepsia. No. 11 •' Suppressed Periods. No. 12 " Whites. No. 13 " Croup. No. 14 " The Skin. No. 15 " Rheumatism. No. 10 " Malaria, No. 1!) " Catarrh. No. 20 " Whooping Congh. No. 27 " The Kidneys. No. 30 " The Bladder. No. 77 " La Grippe. In small bottles of pellets that tit the vest poolcet. At Druggists or mailed, 25e. each. Medical Guide mailed free. Humphreys' Meii. Co., Cor. William & John Streets, New York. GEO. E. HURTEAI". EIJ. E. FOKBES Useful Specialties Refrigerators, Ice Cream Freezers, Hot Plates and Ovens, Farmers Tools, New Line of Cutlery, Agate and Plated Ware for Kitclien and Table, Carpenters Saws and Planes. Something New in Saws, Window Screens, Carpet Sweepers, Clothes Wringers, Celebrated Lucas Paints, Tin and Iron Goods. Get our prices on Stoves, Bath Tubs, Chandeliers and gen eral Plumbing. 'Phone us when you need us—we'll do the rest. Hun 8 forties The Fourth Street Hardware Men. jjj Rockwell's $ | Drug Store. | QJ -J] The Cold Cream that ui m we make is uusur- [n passed for face and hands and wilKmake ill (}j the skin soft and K] white. We have j£| Nail, Tooth and w p] Hair Brushes, Wist jjj Brooms. Chamois [jj Skin and Sponges. ru [}l No better goods on (jj the market. When jjj nJ you want your favo- In n] rite recipes filled uj Bring them to us. ™ m ()ur stationery leads. nl Oj Alsoour toilet cream, (jj toilet water, toilet ru soaps, perfumes and In i{j sasliet powder. All Jj the latest. [}: ijj Our Botanic Dry Kidney Cure [)} in is an exoellent tonic. A specific n| |u tor all diseases of the|kidneys.| u| S M. A. ROCKWELL, ffl ID P I£S2HSHS2SHSaSHS2SSSSHPSSE"J | Big Bargains. J Before buying elsewhere n] [}j it will pay to get our prices, [jj ru Bananas from 15c to 25c in n] a dozen. B jjj Home-made Sausage IOC 1 gj Leave your orders for {jj nj Ground Bone. u] 3 We do not handle any- [)| jjj thing but the best, and if [V "J you get anything here that ju ui is not right, bring it back nl [}j and get your money. n] Our Meat Department is jjj fu first-class. We handle Jj] n] nothing but the best. In in Do not forget the place. (n K GOODS DELIVERED PROMPTLY, ft K 'Phone 21. jjj j G. H. Gross & Go. | liSSES2ScLSc' , S2SHSBSEHHSc ,c S"a°] 1 Not ce! | ! SATURDAY. JULY 23rd. IS THE [||jl LAST DAY THAT YOU CAN - j|| GET A SI.OO BOTTLE OF !|| j DAVIES NON-ALCOHOLIC Wa-Hoo, • SI.OO !W!,2? 35C : GET IT NOW M I ,<W The Old Reliable S 1 Drug Store, : W L. TAGGART, Prop'r. THE PITTSBURG, SHAWMUT & NORTHERN R. R. Through Passenger Service Between St. Marys, Brockwayville, Shawmut, Hmethport, Olean, Friendship, Angelica, Hornellsville, Wayland, Buffalo, and New York. Effective Sunday, May 23,190* Eastern Standard Time. Time of Trains at St. Marys. DEPART. 7.35 A.M.—KorKersey (Arr. B.H a. in.), Byrne dale (Arr. 8.66 a. m.,1 Weedville (Arr. 9.03 a. m.;) Elbon (Arr, 8.46 a. ra..) Shawmut (Arr. 9.08 a. m.,) Brockwayville (Arr.9.42 a. m.) 12.3:1 P. M.,—For Clermont (Arr. 1.37 p. m.,) Smethpori (Arr. 2.20 p, 111.,) connecting for Bradford (Arr. 3.30 p. m.,1 Eldred (Arr. 2.49 p. m„) Olean (Arr. 3.40 p. m.,) connecting for Buffalo (Arr. 6.10 p. in.,) Bolivar (Arr. 3.33 p. in..) Friendship (Arr. 4.08 p. m.,) Angelica (Arr. 4.34 p. in.,) Hornellsville (Arr. 6.10 p. m., W'ayland (Arr. 7.23 p. m.,) con necting at Wayland with D. L. fc. W. K. It., and at Hornellsville with Erie B. R., for all points East and Weßt. 2.45 P. M.—For Kersey (Arr. 3.26 p. ni.,) Elbon (Arr. 4.00 p. m.,) Shawmut (Arr. 4.22 p. m.,) Brockwayville (Arr. 4.47 p. m„) connecting with P. R. R.. for Falls Creek (Arr. 5.10 p. m.,( Dultois (Arr. 5.25 p. in.,) Btookville (Arr. 6.00 p. iu.,) and Pittsburg (Arr. 9.30 p. m.) ARRIVE. j 11.05 A. M. I From Hrockwayville, Shawmut, 6.50 P. M.( Elbon, Kersey and Byrnedale. 1.45 P. M.—From Wayland, Hornellsville, C'an iiseraga. Angelica, Friendship, Bolivar, Buf falo, Bradford, Olean Eldred, Sinethport and Clermont. All trains daily except Sunday. D.F. MAKONEY, C.J. RENWICK. Vice President. Oen. Pass. Agent, St. Marys, Peuna. CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1901. STERLING RUN ITEMS. Mr. Josiuh Howard, Republican candidate for Assembly, was circulating anions: the voteis this week. The protracted meeting in the M. E. Church is in progress, conducted by Hev. Jos. Pugh, of Jamestown, N. Y. Mr. W. H. Smith had the misfortune to lose, last Friday morning, between his place and J. E. Smith's store, where he hud been making some purchases, SIOB.OO. A libera! reward Will be paid to the finder. Ed. Whiting is building himself a Hue house on the north side of tint '-reek. The frame-work is in place and the structure will be pushed to an early completion. Will someone kindly advise if School Directors can impose a minimum tux of one dollar on property holders whose property takes the mill rate or maximum rate. For instance: A\s prop erty valuation is $:joo.oo, rale n mills tax SI.OO. Can a minimum tax of one dollar be levied 011 the above? Does not this minimum tax apply only to those whose occupation or property will not reach the one dollar according to the mill rate and its wording maximum above one dollar, minimum below one dollar as tixed by legislative enact men*. xxx FIRST*FORK. At a meeting of friends to help Dr. I). I). Col. cord celebrate his 83d birthday, 011 Saturday last, there were seven persons whose united ages ag gregated over 500 years, and three whose years footed up over 250. The names of those who are between so and 90 years are as follows: Hon. Sol. Koss, of Wharton, and Dr. Colcord and un cle Hugh Caldwell, the oldest man in this part of the county. After dinner and a social time they all dispersed for their several homes, wishing the host many returns of the happy day. Brook's mill has been running night and day owing to the over abundant order* for lumber and sbiugles. J.O. Spaft'ord was here two or three days last week looking after his lumber interests, ltd Stanton and Walter Swank took the job of saw. ing the timber into logs, and began the contract tbie morning. Owing to the inclement weather Saturday eve ning there was a small turnout at the ice cream social at this place, for the Rev. Simpson, and only a little over |7.00 was netted. The heavy freeze of the 22d and 23d beats the record for this section of the country, although Dr. Colcord recollects one time, a good many years ago, in Potter county, when there was a freeze equal to it on the 12th of September. It will be no use togo north to look for the frigid zone, as it will be only a matter of a few years when we will be using the north "pole" at our 4th of July celebrations for the boys to climb. Geo. Mahon has been down and threshed this part of the country, and gone back to Potter with his machine. The farmers arc doing their best to save something out of the wreck of corn and buckwheat damaged by the freeze. M. Illodgett,of Sinnamalioning, was up on his annual tax collecting trip and incidentally took in the birthday dinner. Mark R. Goss, of your city, drove over with his family on Saturday aud visited his brothers at this place. A Great Discovery. Judging from the number of perman ent cures tliat it lias made Thompson's Harosiua. Kidney and Liver Cure is the greatest discovery in medical science. Thompson's Burosuia has made remark able cures in kidney, liver,bladder, stom ach and blood diseases, also palpitation of the heart and nervousness. It is purely vegetable and perfectly harmless. Just the remedy for young and old. Drug gists. SI per bottle. Six for $5. For sale by It. C. Dodson. Moral masks deceive no one but their wearers. HHS Sold a Pile of Chamberlain's Cougli ltemody. 1 have sold Chamberlain's Cuugh ltemeay for more than twenty years and it has given entire satisfaction. I have sold a pile of it and can recommend it highly.—Joseph MeElbiney, Lintou, lowa. YTou will lind this remedy a good friend when troubled with a cough or cold. It always affords <|uick reliet and is pleasant to take. For sale by L. Taggart. Reduced One-Way Colonist Kates via Pennsyl vania Railroad to Colorado, Arizonu, Mexico, California, and other Western Points. From September 14 to October 14. inclusive, the Pennsylvania Railroad Company will sell one-way Colonist tick ets from all points in its territory to Western and Southwestern points at greatly reduced rates, thus af fording a specially attractive opportun ity to viuit the growing and rapidly developing, crop-producing sections of the great Western Empire. Detailed in formation as to rates and times of trains can be had of all Pennsylvania llailroad ticket agents. 3345-31-2t. aa sasasHSESHSHSu e 512 SHS^ sMy Friend! a 1 Read This! jjj n] Dr. J. M. Card's Branch Dental Office, [n In of Emporium, Penn'a., located over Metz- nj n] ger's Jewelry Store, offers for the next [n m three months, these inducements, viz: n] Full Upper or Lower Set of [jj U Teeth, - - - $7.00 n] Cj Full Gold Crown for any of n] nj the ten Anterior Teeth, $4.00 in nJ Full Gold Crown for any of If] the Molar Teeth, - $4.50 ™ j{] Ordinary Silver Fillings, 50 Cts [jj jjj Gold Fillings, SI.OO and up. jjj A well established reputation for [}{ (n Painless Extraction of Teeth. [y K REFERENCES:— Ask your neigh- n) [d bors; they all earrv my work uj jj] in their mouths. Oj All Material guaranteed, The best to be n] nj purchased at any price. The work in [n talks for itself. nj [n Remember these prices are limited to «] nj the next three inenthN only. [n ni TERMS STRICTLY CASH. jjj asHsaf?? as as hshshshs RSTKAY NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that a Ited and White Spotted Steer came to the premises of Mrs. F. J. Russell, on the Portage, some time ago. The I owner can have the same by proving property, 1 paving $2.00 for this notice and cost of keeping ' said steer. MRS. F.J. RUSSELL, j Emporium. I'a., Sept. 19th, 1904. 31-3' National itanK Charter lix 1 tension. TIIEASURY DEPAKTMEVT I OFFICII oi CuMiTßOi.l,Kit OI'THKCURKEKCY, i Wanhini/ton, September s.l, 1904. \ WHEREAS, by satisfactory evidence presented j to the undersigned, it has been mudo to appear ' that "Tn i Ki ie«r N ATI UNA I. H INK OK EMPORIUM," located in tiie Borough ol Emporium, in the S'ounty of Ganieior. an,l State of I'eiin.-.vlvania, lias complied with all the provisions or the "Act , of Congress tn enable National Hanking Associa- I tions to extend their corporate existence and for otlu r purposes," unproved July l'ilh, IS-2. NOW THEREFORE I, William It. Kidgely Comptroller of the Ourrenoy,do hereby certify j that "Tin. !•'in ST NATIONAL BANK OK EMPORIUM," j located in the Borough of Emporium in the County of Cameron and.State of Pennsylvania, is author- , izcil to have succession fur the period specified in its amended articles of association, namely until close of business on September 23, 1921, IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF witness my hand and Sea) of ofiiee tiiis twenty-third | Heal j day of September, 1901. Ww, B. RIDOELY, Comptroller of the Currency. No. 3265. Ex. No. 2252. 82-5t CIOITKT PROCLAMATION. WHKHHAS: .The / Hon. CHAM. A. MAYER President Judge and the Hons. JOHN MCDONALD and OEO. A. WALKER, Associate Judges of Courts of Oyer and Terminer aud (leneral Jail Delivery, Quarter Sessions ol the Peace, Orphans' Court and Court of Common Pleas for the county of Cameron have issued their precept bearing date the 9th day of fuly A. D., 1904, and to me directed for holding Court of Oyer and Terminer, (leneral Jail De livery, Quarter Sessions of the Peace Orphans' Court and Court of Common Pleas in the Borough of Emporium, Pa., on Monday, the 24th day of Oct. 1904, at 10 o'clock, a. in., and to continue one week. Notice is hereby given to the Coroners, Justices of the Peace and Constables within the county, that they be then and there in their proper per sons, at 10 o'clock, a. m., of said day, with their rolls, records, inquisitions, examinations, and other rememberances, to do those things which to their officeß appertain to be done. And those who are bound by their recognizance to prosecute against them as will be just . „ Dated at Emporium, Pa., Sept. 19, 1904, and in the 128 th year of the Independence of th« United States of America. HARRY HEMPHILL. Sheriff. Sheriff's Sale. HY VIRTUE of a writ of Fieri Fuciai issued out of the Court of Common Pleas, of Cameron county, and to me directed, I have seized, levied upon and taken into execution and will expose to public sale and will sell to the highest and best bidder, at the Court House, in Emporium, Pa., on Friday, 21st Hay of Oct., A. 11., 1004, AT 2:00 O'CLOCK, P. M., The following described real estate to-wit: All the defendant's interest, right, title and claim (being an undivided one-half, subject to widow's dower,) in and to all that certain tract or piece of land, situate in Gibson Township, Cameron County, Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at black oak corner on bank of Bennett's Branch of Hinnema honing Creek; thence by lands of (formerly) Levi Hicks, north, eighteen degrees, west, one hun dredand eignty-one perches to a post; thence south, seventy eight degrees, west, one hundred and eighty-two perches to a post; thence south, twenty-five degrees, east, one hundred and eighty-two perches to the bank of Bennett's Braneh of Sinnemahoning Creek; thencedown the said creek, the several courses and distances thereof, to the place of beginning, containing two hundred acres, more or less, aud being part of warrant No. 58, bearing date May 17th, 1785. Reserving and excepting therefrom four certain nieces of land (heretofore sold out of said two hundred acres,) described as follows: Number One:—Three and one-half acres con veyed to Robert Rothrock (now Adam Hicks'i as described in Deed recorded in said Cameron County in Deed Book "C," page 670. Number Two:—An irregular piece of land con veyed to William Emery and K. C. Reading, as described in Deed recorded in said County in Deed Book "O," page 253. Number Three: —Being a cemetery lot, contain ing one acre, more or less. Number Four:—Forty acres, more or less, con veyed to John K. Dußois by Robert L. Hicks, et. al. by deed dated July 25th, 1901, and recorded in Elk County, Penn'a, where said forty acres are situate. Excluding said four reservations and excep tions from said two hundred acres, there are on the remainder, two bearing orchards, three fair sized dwelliug houses, two barns, aud other outbuildings, and there are about fifty acres of woodland, the balance being cleared and in a fair state of cultivation. Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as the property of JOHN R. HICKS, Deft., and OLIVE J. HICKS and ROBERT IIICKS, terre tenants, at the suit of USE MARY E. HICKS. TERMS CASH. No deed will be acknowledged j until purchase money is paid in full. HARRY HEMPHILL. High Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, I Emporium, PA., Sept. 21st, 190 i./ Sheriff Sale. h> Y VIRTUE OF A WRIT of ali<l§ Fieri Facia* ) issued out of the Court of Common Pleas, of Cameron county, Pa., and to me directed, I have seized, levied upon ami taken into execution and will expose for sale to the highest and best bidder at public vendue or outcry, at the Court House, in Emporium, Cameron county, on Friday,2lst Way of Or!. A. I).. 1904, AT 2:00 O'CLOCK, P. M., The following described real estate, to-wit: All that certain undivided one-half interest in and to all that certain piece or parcel of land situate, lying and being in the Ilorough of Em porium. County of Cameron, and State of Penn sylvania, and bounded and described as lollows, viz: Commencing at the northwest corner of lot No. 551 in Block No. 40; thence easterly along the south line of Fourth street fifty-two feet; thence southerly and parallel with the west line of lot No. 551 one hundred and forty feet; thence west erly and parallel with Fourth street fifty-two feet to the west line of lot No. 551; thence north erly along the west line of lot No. .551 one hun dred and forty feet to the place of beginning, be ing parts of lots N'os. 551 and 552. Having erected thereon a well equipped Opera House, of the size of 48x138 feet, piped for natural gas and city water. Seized and taken in execution and to be sold as the property ol J. W. CLARKE at the suit of USE JOHN T. HOWARD. TERMS CASH. No deed will be acknowledged until the purchase money is paid in full. HARRY HEMPHILL High Sheriff, Sheriff's Office, Emporium, Pa., Sept. 21st. I!HJ4. | Sheriff's Sale. I ) Y VIRTUE OF A WRIT OF Levari Facias is -I~> sued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Cameron county, and to ine directed, I have seized, levied upon and taken into execution and will expose lo public sale aud will sell to the highest and best bidder at the Court House in Emporium, Pa., on Friday, 21st, Day i»f Oct, A. »., 1004, AT 2:00 O'CLOCK, P. M. 112 The following describee! real estate, to-wit: All that certain lot or piece of ground, situate ' in the Borough of Emporium, County of Came- | roil and State of Pennsylvania, bouuded and de- . scribed as follows, to-wit: Commencing at the southeast corner of lot No. 218 in the plan here- ! inaftcr mentioned; thence southeast along the j north side of Third street one hundred feet to the | corner of lot No. 222; thence northerly ulong the west line of said lot No. 222 one hundred and j forty-five and 14 100 feet to a point; thence west- | erly to the east line of lot No. 218; thence south- i erly one hundred and forty-four and 45-100 feet to the place of beginning. Being the southerly one-half parts of lots numbered 220 and 221 as ! laid down on the map or general plan of the said Borough. The said premises being bounded on j the south by Third street, on the east by lot No. j 222, on the north by the remaining parts of lots j Nos. 220 and 221 and on the west by the south : half of lot No. 218. Having erected thereon one frame house, one ! and one-half stories high. 57'j by 16,' v feet, with ! iK>rch and bay window, with wing attached by IS 1 •<' containing ten rooms. Also one frame } stable 12 by 16 feet, usual outbuildings, nine fruit , trees and two grape at bors thereon. Seized and taken in execution and to be sold as the property of FRANK W. WHITE, deceased, : at the suitofTHE KEYSTONE STATE BUILD- I INO AND LOAN ASSOCIATION. TERMS CASH. No deed will be acknowledged until the purchase money is paid in full. HARRY HEMPHILL, High Sheriff. Sheriff's Office. $ Emporium, Pa., Sept. 2Ut, 1901. S Uetiisler's Notice. STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA, T AU. COUNTY OP CAMERON, < VTOTICE i-; hereby given that It. W. Green, i\ Executor of the last Will unci 'l estanient of I' itlelia ('. My tie, late of the Borough of Empori um, deccaftctl; and Charles M. Hpantrler, Execu tor of the last Will ami Testament of Susan Spangler, late or the township of .shippen, de ceased, have filed their first and final accounts; and Hannah 15. Sebring, Executrix of the last Will and Testament of Huldah O. denting, late of the Borough of Emporium, deceased, has filed her first account, of their administration of the said several estates and (In* same will he pre sented to the Orphan's Court, at October term, next, for confirmation ni si. < JAY (iOOI)NOUOIf, Register. Register's Office, Emporium, Pa.,S( pt. 26th. I!KU. 32-lt AdiniiiiMrators' Notice. Extate of HARBISON 1.0(1 UK, Decerned. N OTICE is hereby Riven that letters testa mentary upon the estate of HARRISON I.OM'K, late of Gibson township, Cameron county, I'a., deceased, have been granted to the under signed, to whom all demands should be made and those indebted to said Estate to make pay ment. I). S. LOGUE, W. 11. LOGUE. Administrators. X*'. I). LEET, Attorney. Gibson, Pa...lnly Hi, l.ioi. iW-€t •I I!m unsurpassed facilities for firing A Bu»lne*«,. fl Kducailon, and plating Stud AAU when trained ( IrcuUra on application. DUFR *. SONS, PCRRSBUKG. PA ' 4 Follow the Flag. " Wabash Excursions From Pittsburg DJ 1 Q AA To St. Louis and Return—every ip JL (ZJ• V-* \J Tuesday and Thursday in Sep tember. Tickets limited seven (7j days, and good in free re clining chair cars or first-class coaches on regular trains. I C To St. Louis and Return-every ipJLcJtL/Vj day. Tickets limited fifteen (15) days and good in free reclining chair cars or Pullman sleepers on regular trains, DJ A /"V To Denver, Colorado Springs .\J\J or Pueblo and Return—tickets limited to 15 days—on sale daily. O AA To San Francisco, Los Angeles, Portland, Seattle and other Pacific coast points. One-way Colonist tickets on sale Septem ber 15th to October 15th. The Wabash is the only line landing passen gers and baggage at the big Word's Fair station directly opposite the main entrance to the Ex position, or in Union station, as preferred. Wabash train 3, leaving Pittsburg daily at 7:30 a. m.. city time, carries coaches and parlor car Pittsburg to Toleda, and free reclining chair cars and Pullman sleepers, Toledo to St. Louis. Train at 2:00 p. m., city time, carries McCellan coaches and Pullman sleepers Pittsburg and St. Lomis. Train 19, leaving Pittsburg at 8:30 p. m., daily, carries free reclining chair cars and Pull man sleepers Pittsburg to St. Louis and Pullman sleepers Pittsburg to Chicago. Further information concerning rates to all points West, together with splendid World's Fair folder, containing map of St. Louis and the World's Fair grounds, cheerfully furnished on application to F. H. TRISTRAM, ASSISTANT GENERAL PASSENGER AGENT, Pittsburg, Penna. Jf 1 Row is the Time to Buy Clothing wl ; you are short in the line of Summer Clothing you can get them at Jasper Harris'. He will sell you cloth ing that will fit you as well as a tailor made suit, at prices that will be very satisfactory. The goods are of the latest fancy that fashion has decreed for the well dressed man. Our goods are al ways right, likewise the prices. If you can spare the time to look our F line over, it be a great benefit to you. JASPER HARRIS, the nm - a ciojm « \\.N \ V\ \ \ \ \ \ \ V/ ✓ Adam, *; / Meldrum & £ Anderson Co. / HUFFAI,(),N. V. / 396-408 Main Street, 0 , ■ New Sails; 9 AT A / x | Bargain 112 & This is the second week of the Fall Opening and here are some / s>| extra specials in coats and suits y to start theactive selling. There * were never such values offered / at the beginning of the season. £ SIO.OO. I / Handsome tailored suits of Pan -J j Cheviot in black, blue and * brown, and men's wear cloth in te / grey and brown mixtures; seven - tj J gore skirts, collarless, half-fitted, ™ 24 inch jackets; or double-breast / ed collarless coate; the newest y things; bought to sell at $15.00 % SIO.OO \ 1 SIB.OO New Suits fork 1 > \% sl2 00 £ ' All-wool fancy mixtures, col- '*/ / larless half-box coat with velvet ■> '<£ trimmings, seven gored plaited y. ■;A skirt; also tan colored suite, 30 £ inch coat with plaited box back y and belf, seven gored skirt with " , panel frant— | $12.00 | / BtaTlOO Ladies' Walking Skirts k, of men's wear cloth in grey and 4 brown mixtures, finished" with K if straps and plaiting regular & jj| $6.50, for— -5 $3.98 I % Send for samples of the / New Dress Goods. ' Adam, ' ft Meldrum & H fc g | Anderson Go. g The Americac Block, y V BUFFALO, N. Y. % /V\ \ \ \ ■ \ V \ N .\\
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers