Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, September 29, 1904, Page 4, Image 4
4 Serrrjepor) (E© r ur)fy J^resss..' ESTABLISHED B"? C. B.OOULD. j 0<) HENRY B. MULLIN, [ th Editor und'Hboagcr. PUBLISHED KVO>Y TUITIiSDAiii TERMSOFSUBSCMSmON: |jyoo- l » l r?er year ..... Slf paid is advance | . ADVERTISING RITFIS. J uniform, and will be furnished on y ' ° a i U p°Bal and Official Advertisvna persquarfc.'^r.W times or less, $2 00; each subsequent per line for ouelT wUir , live cents per line for eacVisubseqoe.iteCMWiiil' '"ohltttUJ notices over Bve lines.ter. < ra,t>* line. and deaths will be inserted free. Business Cards, five lines or le«ft over a "e lines, at the regular rates <%.*/ No local inserted for less than 75 .I** per issue. JOB PRINTING. The Job department of the Pww is completei and affords facilities for best class of work. PARTICULAR ATTENTION , AID TO LAW ''NO paper willbe u ntil arrearages are paid, except at the optioiio , ti u , publisher. Papers sent oat ofthe co«» .y must be paid for in advance. 4#-No advertisements v jj] i )e acC epted at Was than the price for fifteen • words. ,>a- Religious notices tr ee _ QEPUBI iCAN TICKET. National. For President, THEODORK ROOSET'/IILT. For Vjoe-PiM»li» ent) CHARLES W. F> .RUANKS, S'.ate. For Hnpr'me Court Judge, JOHN P. EMC IN. County. For Congress, S. R. DRESSER, Bradford. For (ieneral Assembly, JOSIAH HOWARD, Emporium. For County Treasurer, DR. EUGENE O. BARDWELL, Emporium. g^——■ Roosevelt and I'arker. Everyone ought to read the let ters of acceptance by the opposing candidates for the presidency. The issues of the campaign are clearly and strongly presented on both sides. Judge Parker's letter, pub lished this week, while reflecting the same judicial spirit which char acterized his speech of acceptance, is superior to his speech in point of clearness and precision. But one has only to re-read President Roo sevelt's letter to find a complete answer to every one of Judge Park er's contentions. Judge Parker is himself an unwitting refutation of his own argument for a change of administration because of the al leged imperialism of the Republi cans. In the face of a formidable opposition party, with a man like Judge Parker for its leader and spokesman, not even a Julius Cae sar or a Napoleon Bonaparte could overthrow i lie Constitution and es tablish a despotism. Imperialism is an unreal bugaboo, but it is a cry with which every strong Presi dent has been assailed from the time of Washington down. Jef ferson, Jackson, and even Cleve land, were assailed with this cry; Lincoln, Grant and McKinley did not escape. The truth of the mat ter is that the country needs and desires a strong, progressive and aggressive man at the head of the national government. The Con stitution provides every needful check upon any possible ill-consid ered or unconstitutional initiative on the part of the executive. And j the same end is more surely secured by our system of party government. So long as there exists a strong conservative opposition party to apply the brakes, there is little danger that the wheels of progress will turn faster than is good for the country. The conservative De mocracy is a good brakesman, but a poor driver. Whenever the De mocracy has been allowed to climb into the driver's seat, the national chariot has become stalled in the mud. The last Democratic admin istration applied the brakes so ef fectively that everything stopped. Brakes are very essential, and the country accordingly is going to see to it that the Democracy shall be chosen to fill the role of brakesman in the character of a strong oppo sition party. Roosevelt as Presi dent, with Parker as the watchful leader of a conservative opposition, is an ideal combination, one that will insure to the nation the maxi mum of true prosperity, peace and safety. In criticizing the course of the administration in the Panama af fair, Judge Parker has overlooked the fact that the action of the ad ministration was ratified by a ma jority of the Democrats in the Senate. Causeolriae mocrat | C Apathy. lie .Demur , rat j c managers are m, 1' 1a,1,,! «' of political apathy. Is , any won* er? * NVhat is there in id eimix jj. a tj C platform or the 'iuSh-' ' loaliz '"8 promises that expected to arouse enthu i4iM.ii.oir aoi) g |j u , Democratic hosts? , _ JI " .ist be said to the credit of avm elicit he aroused the enthusi bm! of his followers. The reason T.'? niple; be had a definite policy, ' inly stated so that everybody ' uld understand it and the under tanding permitted those of the party who did not agree with him to shape their course. Bryan him i self was a positive character and did not hesitate togo forth and diligently seek what he wanted. But how is it now? The Demo crats are divided on the one real issue they formerly had. One fac tion, expressing their views through the action of the committee on res olutions of the national convention, declared against the gold standard. Another faction, represented by the gold standard telegram of Judge Parker, are in favor of the gold standard. Which represents the party? How can the plain Demo crat know "where he is at?" What wonder that he fails to get enthused and gives the leaders cause to worry over his apathy? On the other hand, the course of the Republican, the former Demo crat who believes in sound money and the independent voter is plain. The Republican platform and poli cies are clearly stated. The voter knows that he must vote for the Republican candidate for Congress if he wants to preserve the protec tive tariff from the attacks of free traders. He knows that a vote for the Republican Congressional nom inee is a vote for sound money, for the American policy of dealing with the Philippines, for the con struction of the Panama Canal and for the stated policies of govern ment which the Republicans have outlined. The Independent Vote. As each recurring election rolls around it appears that the Ameri can voters are getting more and more away from hidebound parti sanship and becoming more and more regardful of issues in the campaign other than ''party regu larity.'' The Republican party is the beneficiary of that tendency in the voters. It is so because the Republican party has stood and is standing for principles and policies that appeal to the best judgment and business sense of the people. There .are thousands of voters who don't give a rap for the Re publican party, as a political entity, but they vote the Republican ticket because they are convinced that the protective tariff policy of that party is the best thing for the country and themselves. There are other thousands who in the past have preferred the Democratic party as a political organization, , but they vote the Republican ticket because only in that way can they sustain the present financial system. There are others who have in the past been proud to be called "Dem ocrats" but who would not vote the Democratic ticket which stands for the scuttle policy in the Phil ippines. It is reported that this year will find further accessions to the ranks of thinking, reasoning, independ ent men, who recognize the sound ness of Republican doctrines and regardless of past affiliations will vote the Republican Congressional ticket. Peculiarity About Insurance. When insurance companies <*rant in surance on life, they are particular to have the person examined by a doctor to ascertain if he is in sound health. They arc most particular about the analysis of (he urine for the diseases of the kidneys are the most fatal and so many people have diseaaed kidneys without knowing it. If there are any symptoms they are usually (even by doctors) attributed to some other cause. Thompson's Barosma is the safest remedy to take for it will do good whether you have kidney trouble or not. Thompson's Barosma gives rest to the nerves. For sale by R. C. Dodson. Greed is the foe of gain. Healthy Mothers. Mothers should always keep in good bodily health. They owe it to their children. Yet it is no unusual sight to see a mother, with babe in arms, cough ing violently and exhibiting all the symp toms of a consumptive tendency. And why should this dangerous condition ex ist, dangerous alike to mother and child, when I)r. Boachee's German Syrup would put a stop to it at once? No mother should be without this old and tried rem edy in the house—for its timely use will promptly cure any lung, throat or bron chial trouble in herself or her children. The worst cough or cold can be speedily cured by German Syrup; so can hoarse ness and congestion of the bronchial tubes. It makes expectoration easy, and gives instant relief and refreshing rest to the cough racked consumptive. New trial bottles, 25; large size, 75e. At all druggists. 49-ly. CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 29 1904. A Power For Good. The pills that are poteut in their act ion and pleasant in effect are DeWitt's Little Early ltisers. W. S. I'liilpot, ot Albany, Ga., says: "During a bilious attack 1 took one. Small as it it did me more good than calomel, blue tnitss or any other pill I ever took and at the same time the effect was pleasant, j Little Early ltisers are certainly an ideal 1 pill." Sold by R. ('. Dodsoo. Two are needed to start a quarrel, I but one can stop it. Bucklen's Arnica Salve. lias world-wide lame for marvelous j cures. It surpasses any other salve, lo tion, ointment or balm for Cuts, Corns, Hums, Boils, Sores, Felons, Ulcers, Tet ter, Salt Ilhcum, Fever Sores, Chapped Hands, Skin Eruptions; infallible for Piles. Cure guaranteed. Only 25c by 11. Taggart, Druggist. It takes some men an hour to make a 10-minute speech. For a bilious attack take Chamber lain's Stomach and Liver Tablets and a quick cure is certain. For sale by Jno. H. Smith. Sterling Run. Charity with a string to it uncovers a multitude ot sins. What is Life. In the last alalysis nobody knows, but we do know that it is under strict law. Abuse the law even slight ly, pain results. Irregular living means derange ment of the organs, resulting in Consti pation, Headache or Liver trouble. Dr. King's New Life Pills quickly re-adjusts this. It's gentle, yet thorough. Only 25c at L. Taggart's Drug Store. You cannot purify the water by painting the pump. Emergency Medicines. It is a good convenience to have at hand reliable remedies for use in eases of accident and for slight injuries and ail ments. A good liniment and one that is fast becoming a favorite, if not a house hold necessity is Chamberlain's Pain Balm. By applying it promptly to a cut, bruise or burn it allays the pain and causes the injury to heal in about one third the time usually required, and as it is an antiseptic it prevents any danger of blood poisoning. When Pain Balm is kept at hand a sprain may be treated be fore inflamation sets in, which insures a quick recovery. For sale by L. Taggart. People who blame others arc apt to praise themselves. A Miraculous Escape. A miraculous escape was made by a prominent citizen by not putting off but but taking in time that splendid remedy, Thompson's Barosma, Backache, Kidney and Liver Cure. Thompson's Barostua reduces all the infl unation, neutralizes the acid and dissolves gravel, carrying off all matter that is poisonous to the blood, stomach, heart, kidneys and liver. It is purely vegetable, pleasant to take and guaranteed to cure. For sale by 11. C. Dodson. Radium has knocked the speculation out of liqued air. A Boy's Wild Ride For Lite. With family around expecting him to die, and a son riding for life, 18 miles, to get Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, W. 11. Brown, of Leesville, Ind., endured death's agonies from asthma; but this wonderful medicine gave instant relief and soon cured him. He writes: "I now sleep soundly every night." Like marvelous cures of Consumption, Pneu monia, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds and Grip prove its matchless merit for all Throat and Lung troubles. Guaranteed bottles 50c and SI.OO. Trial bottles free at L. Taggart's drugstore. Vice is never so dangerous as when it wears wings. Latest Popular Music. Miss May Gould, teacher of piano forte, has received a fuil line of the lat- \ est and most popular sheet mu3ic. AH the popular airs. Prices reasonable. 44-tf. ' Stomach Trouble. "I have been troubled with my stom ach for the past four years," says 1). L. Beach, of Clover Nook Farm, Green field, Mass. "A few days ago I was in- i duced to buy a box of Chamberlain's Stomaeh and Liver Tablets. I have taken part of them and feel a j,'re,«t deal better." If you have any trouble with your stomach try a box of these Tab'cts. You are certain to be pleased with the result. Price 25 cents. For sale by L. Taggart. I if) Laughlin A 1 I gj Fountain M | B KTHt Flt> Of ALL 1^ □ MB 'INI AND MAS NO njfß JfT : EQUAL ANYWMtAI. - j ra fff FINEST GRADE I4L 111 Ji GOLD PEN m , SI VOUR CHOICE OK THESE 9|; I^l p Epa TWO POPULAR STYLES FO* » l' 111' 00 1! ri IB SUPERIOR TO OTHER K ft ®1 MAKES AT $9 ; 1 BraTi The FountAln |HP (112 19 MS Pen Holder i* made of fin- jiHlltfc. iL ■ cit quality hard rubber, is fSMmt. " JB ffl I fitted with highest grade, j IE M LL large size, 14k. gold pen, I rf BH of any desired flexibility, I MM LLI Va and has the only perfect I ff| ?>■ feeding device known. I Hrfl Lii W Either style, richly gold oWK m If .<4 mounted, forpre»«ntatioa IH W LfJI purposes, fI.GO extra. KlH.'j ffl If] ijjLjjl Surely you will not be [ll -J- i&M able to secure anything at MHt jfl if (if Jfc M tkmtiassths pries that will nlߧ 9 UJj [ ; give such continuous flMwI ifl ffl !|| MB jlj| I Is ffl If II j!j| © E3 S s m I 3' I I I |J -O 0] m! P 3 fll Lame Back, Stiff Joints, Contracted Cords. These affections have made thousands of life— -1 lo:»e cripples. Thousands of cripples have been I cured permanently by the use of the best and | and most reliable of all Family Medicines, Hamlins WtZAM© * OIL w PENETRATES THE PORES OF THE SKIN, REACHES THE SEAT OF THE TROUBLE, DRIVES OUT THE PAIN, CORES THE DISEASE. Why not try It ? It can do for you what it has done for others. Dennlson. Tex I suffered for years with lamo Back caused from Inflammation of the Kidneys. Sometimes I could not straighten up and at times could not turn in bed. Hamlins Wizard Oil has cured me and I feel betterthan I have in thirty years. C S. BURRELL. Willows. Cal. I had Rheumatism in my hand so badly that the Joints became stiff and 1 had not been able to ciosa the hand In two years. A few applications of Hamlins Wizard Oil removed the Contraction of the Cords and I have since had entire uso of my hand. JOHN OGDEN. There Is only one Wizard Oil —Mamtins—name blown in the bottle. Signature" Hamlin Bros."on wrapper. Take no substitute. 50c. and SI.OO. Hamlins Cough Balsam Heals the Lungs, Wards off Consumption. 25c. Hamlins Blood 4 Liver Pills For Torpid Liver and Constipation. 25c. L. TAGGART, C. R. Hlisted. D. D. Webster, j C.R. H usted § Co. Opposite M. E. Church, Emporium, Pa. Keep a full line of the Choicest - - - Family Groceries, Fruits, Vegetables and Can ned Goods of the finest quality. The pic-nic season is near at hand, so please remember to 'phone for some of our Potted Ham, Roast Beef, Olives, Canned Beets or Pea nut Butter. We also handle a full line of Pro duce and Farm Impliments. —THE FOURTH STREET GROCERY C. R. HUSTED & CO., Proprietors. ( JUST THE PROPER IDEA. j 0. B. Barnes' j i Family Grocery i < and Meat Market ) \ EAST EIPORIUn, PA S s 'Phone 81. \ 112 Call up; We'll do the rest Promptly. J 5 The public are always interested in P s matters that will benefit their pockets S ( While we are not entirely in business for } X our health, yet we strive'to merit at least % 112 a share of the public patronage by deal- g X ing strictly on the square with all custo- \ 112 mers. Our goods are all marked in plain g \ figures—one price to all—and invite the 4 112 careful inspection of our line of (foods as 112 \ well as prices. We shall aim to make s 112 our store THE FAMILY FAVORITE, by S X keeping only absolutely the purest and S 112 best. J X OUR MEATS AND GROCERIES are 4 { fresh and shall take pride in giving our c X patrons the full value for their money. % 112 EXTRA LINE OF GLASS AND CAN- i X NED GOODS, something seldom J 112 brought to Emporium. See them. c ( Give us a Call. c 112 Try Our Fresh Meats. < O. B. BARNES, I \ Opposite S. D. McDonald's Hotel. J K A J A | DYSPEPSIA CURE gg || &H| gg| DIGESTS WHAT YOU EAT ||j E- Cm DeWITT & COMPANY, CHICAGO, ILL. Sold by R. C. Dodson, Druggist. Worry wont cure a cough. Whea ; you find a cougli holding on~ when everything else has failed— j try SKiloi&'s Consumption Cure T^c Lims It is guaranteed ta cure. If it I doesn't, we'll refund your money. | Prices: S. C. WEUS & Co. 4 25c. 50c. sl. LcRoy.N.Y.. Toronto, Can. White Lead and Zinc are conceded to bo essential to a first-class ready-mixed paint, but they muft be thoroughly combined and used in the proper proportion to secura ibe best results. CHAMPION PAINTS. contain both White Lead and Zinc, without any barytes, lime, china clay, on other injurious substances and are eombinod in the proportions which hay<> been found to give the best resuits after noarly fifty years' experience. They are made by the Detroit White bead Works in the finest paint and varnish plant in the country, and ground to the last degree of fineness »n Pure Linseed Oil. You take no chances when you use Champion Paints, they give perfect satisfaction to both house owners and painters. A handsome line of colors to select from. Call for sample cards and get prices before painting. L. TAGGART. Agent. Building Time 1 And we wish to say that we are better prepared than ever I before to supply you with all kinds of Hardware and Builders Supplies. We have in addition to our regular stock, (the for business of U. A. Palmer, known as Hockley's Coal x'ard) consfsting of Brick, Lime Cement, Wall Plaster, Shingles, Coal, Hay, Hardwood,"etc., etc., a full line of PAINTS, COLORS in OIL, PAINT BRUSHES, etc. Plumbing' and Tinning is among our specialties. Costs you nothing for estimates in these lines. All our work is positively guaranteee to give satisfaction. Stoves and Ranges. Don't forget we carry the largest assortment of STOVES and RANGES for gas, coal or wood in county and every one guaranteed by the maker. MURRY & COPPERSMITH CO. . j Buy Your Fall Suit Earlyj r I CLOTH rpHIS is an ideal suit for businessmen who know the value of "looking prosperous. 1 It is the product of the art-tailors of dchloss Bro.j. h. Co., whose clothing we handi Before you buy your Sprin? Su't, "drop in and let us talk it over." New line of Summer Mats, Caps and Neckwear. t* Outfitters to Particular / We promptly obtain U. K. and Foreign, jHESE ; r Send mode'..sketch or photo of iny<Sß.»io» for 112 i < frccreport on patentability. For srea book, # Patents aiM TRADE" MARKS'^* SEMi YOU thus have a larger as sortment to select from, and you get longer wear for the same outlay, with the added satisfaction of being among the first to appear in np to-dute apparel. The four button Sack Suits shown in the picture will appeal to good dressers who want to he just a little in advance of the "merchant tailor's styles." They have broad shoulder and chest effect which gives a fullsub stantial appearance to the wearer without that stutl'ed and padded look so common in other lines of ready made Clothing. Think of buying a suit like this in any of the popular spring fabrics. At so little a Price as $12.00