Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, September 22, 1904, Page 8, Image 8
8 Womanly Health, Strength and Beauty Strength and beauty In woman depend entirely upon her health. A woman cannot look her best if suffering from one or more of the many ail ments peculiar to her sex. These ailments in variably cause, sooner or later, the loss of her symmetry of form and freshness of complexion. AUNT DIN AH S OLD VIRGINIA Herb Tea Makes Strong and Beautiful Women. It is a most pleasant anil effective remeiiy (or I tliu troubles which cause (o much tufferlngamong women the world over. It relieves immediately and eventually cures all cases of disordered men- | struation, female weakness, prolapsus, chronic | constipation, sick head ache, nervousness and sleeplessness. These are the ailments which de prive a woman of her youth and beauty and make her old before her time. The use of the Herb Tea will enable her to retain these qualities. It clears the complexion and improves the form. A cupful at bed time will Rive a woman lu .Ith and irength. , Chicago, April 10, lKt Uamlln* Wizard Oil On.,Chlcaio>, 111. Gentlemen:—Mv \vifoha<l been .Mtirerintr«ltli feinn.o I weakness and extreme iierrou-ne-* which latter the | phvfleinn wlio l.a-l.i en att.n iiug Ik r I . a l.uiir lime attVibuteil toherbelnif mial.le t > fl-ei>. Alicrto int.' about all niuht »he would Invariably i:-oluth< m.irn j inff with a terrible h' folaebc The llorlor eemed lo lie | able t.. do nothiiißfor ler and "be »■« constantly ifet- . tinirwol i. Bliedeeidcd totry % .ur HerbTcttanddrank a 'l','re iviiriwr lu t>..; moininir she aro-e . after a Rood night's ret and without n heartache for j the llrst time in month hi ■ ntinm .1 takliiß it | ilnrinßthe Jia-t thre. month an.! ha-t .iß.itten what a aleeplea. nißht means. She I- feellnß splendid ami every one remark- lew v .11 she N Im.klnir. Iter com plexion Is as clear as a youllCßlli '■< and herlißure has improved wonderfully. Yours tnilv. N. 1!. TAYI.OR, 6338 Cornell Av., Chicago, j Prepared ly flamiins Vizard Oil Co., Chicago. Price, 25c. HAMLSNS COUGH EALSAM Soothes the Tlirout. Stops the Cough. BT>c. an«l 50c. I HAMLINS BLOOD & LIVER PILLS Act Gently anil Without Pain. 25c. FOR SALE AND RECOMMENDED EY L TAG GART. For Piies. Sample mailed free. One application gives relief. The continued use of Hum phreys' Witch Hazel Oil per manently cures Piles or Hem orrhoids—External or Interna), Blind or Bleeding, Itching or Burning, Fissures and Fistulas. Relief immediate—cure certain. Three Pizen, 25c., nud jjfcl.o3. 8o!d by DrugsUts. or t prepaid on receipt of price. ICnmphreyM' Medicine Co., C«>r. William n:id John Kin., tfew York. NERVOUS DEBILITY. Vital Weakness and Prostra tion from overwork and other causes. Humphreys' Homeo pathic Specific No. 28, in use over 40 years, the only success ful remedy. $1 pervial, or spec ial package for serious cases, $5. Bold by Drusulsta, or sent prepaid on receipt of price. Humphreys' Mod. Co, William & John Sts., N. Y> GEU. E. HURTKAU. ED. E. FOHBEB Useful Specialties Refrigerators, Ice Cream Freezers, Hot Plates and Ovens, Farmers Tools, New Line of Cutlery, Agate and Plated Ware for Kitchen and Table, Carpenters Saws and Planes. Something New in Saws, Window Screens, Carpet Sweepers, Clothes Wringers, Celebrated Lucas Paints. Tin and Iron Goods. Get our prices on Stoves, Bath Tubs, Chandeliers and gen eral Plumbing. 'Phone us when you need us—we'll do the rest. Mil I lies The Fourth Street Hardware Men. r-N , a) I Rockwell s | Drug Store, jjj S The Colli Cream that s] we make is unsur- [jj jjj passed for face and [jj i ft hands and will'make nJ j (}j tho skin soft and fj| white. Wo have jjj Nail, Tooth and In n] Hair Brushes, Wist [n w Brooms. Chamois [jj uj Skin and Sponges. m P No better goods on n| i jjj the market. When jjj ru you want yourfavo- In n] rite recipes filled L Bring them to us. jj! Our stationery leads. nJ [n Alsoourtoiletcream, toilet water, toilet soaps, perfumes and ui ' !j] sashet powder. All |r jJj the latest, 'Jj j i(] Our Botanic Dry Kidney Cure [y jjn is an exoellent tonic. A specific J liu for all diseases of the kidneys. < uj S ~M7"a7~roc kwe L l. §j la I? I I"SSSLSHSaS£SaS2SHSHSSH?SS2»J I I Big Bargains. | 1 . t\ i Before buying elsewhere :{] j []| it will pay to get our prices, bj |nl Bananas from 15c to 25c in! m a dozen. |) ki & uj Home-inade Sausage IOC S [jj Leave your orders for jjj [J Ground Hone. in n| We do not handle any- [k tiling but the best, and if [J! u? you get anything here that [jj ui is not right, bring it back n] [Jj and get your money. -{j jjj Our Meat Department is [jj first-class. We handle tf] m nothing but the best. }n Do not forget the place. [}j m In L| GOODS DELIVERED PROMPTLY, [n 'Phone 21. jjj IG. H. Gross & Go. 112 j (ISEHSaSaSc I 9aSHSaSESaSE'=Sa3 Notice! li SATURDAY. JULY 23rd, IS THE j|f LAST DAY THAT YOU CAN p !)$£ GET A SI.OO BOTTLE OF ||j DAVIES NON-ALCOHOLIC ; '|j Wa-Hoo, | I SI.OO 35C | [pjj GET IT NOW. | 1 The Old Reliable I | Drug Store, | L. TAGGART, Prop'r. ||f BL >—«Ji THE PITTSBURG, SHAWMUT & NORTHERN R. R. Through Passenger Service Between St. Marys, Brockwayville, Shawmut, Siuethport, Olean, FriendHhip, Angelica, Itornellsville, Wayland, Buffalo, and New York. Effective Sunday, May 29, lao* Eastern Standard Time. Time of Trains at St. Marys. DEPART. 7.35 A.M.—ForKersey (Arr. 8.11 a. rn.), Byrne • dale (Arr. 8.56 a. m.,i Weedville (Arr. 9.03 a. m.;) Elbon (Arr, 8.48 a. m..) Shawmut (Arr. 9.08 a. m.,) Brockwayville (Arr. 9.42 a. m.) 12.33 P. M.,—For Clermont (Arr. 1.37 p. m„) Smethpor} (Arr. 2.20 p.m.,) connecting for Bradford (Arr. 3.30 p. m.,) Eldred (Arr. 2.49 p.m.,) Olean (Arr. 3.40 p. m.,) connecting for Buffalo (Arr. 6.10 p. m.,) Bolivar (Arr. 3.33 p. m.,) Friendship (Arr. 4.08 p. m.,) Angelica (Arr. 4.34 p. m.,) Hornellsville (Arr. 6.10 p. m., Wayland (Arr. 7.23 p. in.,) con necting at Wayland with D. L. & W. R. K., and at Hornellßville with Erie R. R., for all points East and West. 2.45 P. M.—For Kersey (Arr. 3.26 p. m.,) Elbon (Arr. 4.00 p. m.,) Shawmut (Arr. 4.22 p. m.,) Brockwayville (Arr. 4.47 p. m„) connecting with P. R. R.. for Falls Creek lArr. 5.10 p. m.,* Dußois (Arr. 5.25 p. m.,) Brookville (Arr. 6.00 p. m.,) and Pittsburg (Arr. 9.30 p. m.) ARRIVE. ll.Gfi A. M. j From Brockwayville, Shawmut, 6.50 P. M. \ Elbon, Kersey and Byrnedale. 1.45 P. M.—From Wayland, Hornellsville, Can aseraga. Angelica, Friendship, Bolivar, Buf falo, Bradford, Olean Eldred. Smetnport and Clermont. All trains daily except Sunday. D. F. MAKONEY, C. J. RENWICK, Vice President, Gen. Pass. Agent, St. Marys, Penna. CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1904. " Follow tlie Flag." Jpll^ Excursions From Pittsburg <t»-{ Q OO To St. I.onis and Return—every tpJLiWiUU Tuesday awl Thursday in Sep tember. Tickets limited seven (7) days, and Rood in free re clining chair cars or first-class coaches 011 regular trains, ct? 1 fX r*A To St. I.oius and Return every -L »_/. (lav. 'llcketslimited fifteen i lc.> days and good in free reclining chair cars or Pullman sleepeis on regular trains, cl?/| r\ f\f\ To Denver, Colorado Springs rt- X\_/. vJV_/ or Pueblo an t Hotnrn- tichen. j limited to 15 days—on sale : daily. d?/1 O (\C\ 't'o San 1-iancisco, Los AngcleP. if/ t\J\J Portland, Seattle atjd other ( Pacific coast points. One-way Colonist tickf ts on sale Septem ber 15th to October 16th. The Wabash lathe only line landing passen gers and baggage at the big Word's Fair station directly opposite the main entrance to the Ex position, or in Union station, as preferred. Wahm h train :i, leaving Pittsburg daily at 7:30 a. ni., city time, carries coaches and parlor car j Pittsburg to Toleda, and free reclining chair cars and Pullman sleepers, Toledo to St. Louis. Train at 2:00 p. in., city time, carries McCellan coaches and Pullman sleepers Pittsburg and St. Lcmis. Train 10, leaving Pittsburg at 8:30 p. m., | daily, carries free reclining chair cars a> d Pull man sleepers Pittsburg to St. Louis and Pullman sleepers Pittsburg to Chicago. Further information concerning rates to all points West, together with splendid World's Fair folder, containing map of s>t. Louis and the World's Fair grounds, cheerfully furnished on application to F. H. TRISTRAM, ASSISTANT GKNKIIAI. PASSENGER AGENT, Pittsburg, Penna. IBOWS -ti-HW.HII iin 111 l Ill' r—IW Sheriff's Sale. I >Y VIRTI*E OF A WRIT OF levari l-'cirias is- I > sued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Cameron county, and to me directed, I ha e seized, levied upon and taken into execution and will expose to public sale and will sell to the highest and best bidder at the Court House in Emporium, I'll., on Friday, 21st Day of Oct, A. !>.. 1004, AT 2:00 O'CLOCK, P. M., The following described real estate, to-wit: All that certain lot or piece of ground, situate in the Borough of Emporium, County of Came ron and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and de scribed as follows, to-wit: Commencing at the southeast corner of lot No. 218 in the plan here inafter mentioned; thence southeast along the north side of Third street one hundred fcettothe corner of lot No. 222; thence northerly along the west line of said lot No. 222 one hundred and forty-five and 11-100 feet to a point; thence west erly' to the east line of lot No. 218; thence south erly one hundred and forty-four and 15-100 feet to the place of beginning. Being the southerly one-half parts of lots numbered 220 and 221 as laid down oil the map or general plan of the said Borough. The said premises being bounded on the south by Third street, on the east by lot No. 222, on the north by the remaining parts of lots N'os. 220 and 221 and on the west by the south halfoflot No. 218. Having erected thereon one frame house one and one-half stories high, .)7'j by 16J4 feet, with porch and bay window, with wing attached 20' j bylll5 1 j, containing ten rooms. Also one frame stable 12 by 16 feet, usual outbuildings, nine fruit trees and two grape aibors thereon. Seized and taken in execution and to bo sol.las the property of FRANK W. Wll ITIO, deceased, at the suit of Til E KKYSTONE STATE iIUILD LN<; AND LOAN ASSOCIATION. TERMS CASH. No deed will be acknowledged until the purchase money is paid in full. HARRY HEMPHILL, High Sherifl. Sheriff's Office, j Emporium, Pa., Sept. 21s', 1901. { ShcriiPH Sale. 1> Y VIRTUE of n writ of aliiß Feri Facias I ) issued out of the Court of Common Pleas, of Cameron county, and to me directed, I have seized, levied upon ami taken into execution and will expose to public sale and will sell to the highest and best bidder, at the Court House, in Emporium, Pa., on Friday, -Ist, Hay of Oct., A. I).. 1004, AT 2:00 O'CLOCK, P. M„ The following described real estate to-wit: All the defendant's interest, right, title and claim (being an undivided one-half, subject to widow's dower.i in and to all that certain tiact or piece of land, situate in Gibson Township, Cameron County. Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at black oak corner on bank of Bennett's Branch of Sinnema honing Creek; thence by lands of (formerly) Levi Hicks, north, eighteen degrees, west, one hun dred and eighty-one perches to a post; thence south, seventy eight degrees, west, one hundred and eighty-two perches to a post; thence south, twenty-five degrees, east, one hundred and eighty-two perches to the bank of Bennett's Branch of Sinneinahoning Creek; thence down the said creek, the several courses and distances thereof, to the place of beginning, containing two hundred acres, more or less, and being part of warrant No. 58, bearing date May 17th, 17K.V Reserving and excepting therefrom four certain Kieces of land (heretofore sold out of said two undred acres,) described as follows: Number One:—Three and one-half acres con veyed to Robert Rothrock (now Adam Hicks') as described in Deed recorded in said Cameron County in Deed Book "C," page 670. Number Two:—An irregular piece of land con veyed to William Emery acd K. C. Reading, as described in Deed recorded in said County in Deed Book "G," page 253. Number Three:—Being a cemetery lot, contain ing one acre, more or less. Number Four:—Forty acres, more or less, con veyed to John E. Dußois by Robert L. Hicks, ct. al. by deed dated July 25th, 1904, and recorded in Elk County, Penn'a, where said forty acres are situate. Excluding said four reservations and excep tions from said two hundred acres, there are on the remainder, two bearing orchards, three fair sized dwelling houses, two barns, fifty acres of woodland, the balance being cleared and in a fair state of cultivation. Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as the property or JOHN R. HICKS. TERMS CASH. No deed will be acknowledged until purchase money is paid in full. HARRY HEMPHILL, High Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, I Emporium, Pa., Sept. 21st, 1904.J Sheriff's Sale. BY VIRTUE OF A WRIT of alias Feri Facia* issued out of the Court of Common Pleas, of Cameron county, Pa., and to me directed, I have seized, levied upon and taken into execution and will expose for sale to the highest and best bidder at public vendue or outcry, at the Court House, in Emporium, Cameron county, on Friday,2lst Day of Oct. A. D., 11)04, AT 2:00 O'CLOCK, P. M., The following described real estate, to-wit: All that certain undivided one-half interest in and to all that certain piece or parcel of land situate, lying and being in the Borough of Em porium, County of Cameron, and State of Penn sylvania, and bounded and described as follows, viz: Commencing at the northwest corner of lot No. 551 in Block No. 40, thence easterly alongthe south line of Fourth street fifty-two feet; thence southerly and parallel with the west line of lot No. 551 one hundred and forty feet; thence west erly and parallel with Fourth street fifty-two feet to the west line of lot No. 551; thence north erly along the west line of lot No. 541 one hun dred and forty feet to the place of beginning, be ing parts of lots Nos. 551 and 552. Having erected thereon a well equipped Opera House, of the size of 48x138 feet, piped for natural gas and city water. Seized and taken in execution and to be sold as the property of J. W. CLARKE at the suit of JOHN T HOWARD. TERMS CASH. No deed will be acknowledged until the purchase money is paid in full. HARRY HEMPHILL, High Sheriff, Sheriff's Office, > Emporium, Pa., Sept. 21st, 1(104./ ESTKAY NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that a Red and White ! Spotted Steer came to the premises of Mrs. F.J. Buacell, on the Portage, some time ago. The owner can have the same by proving property, ! paying $2.00 for this notice and cost of keeping ! i said steer. MRS. F. J. RUSSELL, i Emporium, Pa., Sept. 10th, 1904. 39-::t i IScsertlon Notice. : \[ OTIC'K is here by given that my wife, IDA ! I.N KING, having li ft my bed and board with- ] j out just cause or provocation, I hereby forbid \ i any person or persons to trust or harbor her on i my account, for I shall pay no bills of M?r con ' trading. CHARLES KING, | Shipper), Pa.. Aug. 31, 11)04. 2K-3t. Administrators' Notice. Iv.daln of HARRISON LOGVE, Deceased. I AyfOTICE is hereby given that letters testa ±\ mentarv upon the estate of HARRISON LOGI;K, lateofGibson township,Cameron county, I Pa., deceased, have been granted to the under signed, to whom all demands should be made and those indebted to said Estate to make pay ment. D. S. LOGUE. W. 11. LOGUE. Administrators. i F. 1). I,EFT, Attorney. Gibson, Pa., July 19, 1904. 2H-lit Dissolution Notice. ; \r OTICE i, hereby given that the co-partner ! i_N ship heretofore existing betwi en the un i dersigned, under the firm name of Friendel it ! 11 urteau, was this day dissolved by mutual con sent -Jos. A. Friondel retiring. All monies due the late firm arc payable to Geo. E. Hurtcau, to whom all claims must be presented, JOS. A. FHIKNDEL, GEO. 10. HURTEAU, Emporium, Pa., Aug. 25th, 1904. The business of the late firm will be conducted i by the undersigned under the firm name of Ilur ; teau & Forbes. GEO. E. HURTEAU. 28-3t ED. E. FORBES. -LlcniO.i- ' * MM r» . - MASON HILL. Mr. Ruben Jordan was in Huntley Saturday. C. M. Bailey lost one of lii.s horses lu.-.t Friday. Mrs. Martha Jordan was in Stalling last Friday. Miss Maggie Farley end niece were in Ernpoi iuni Tuesday. School closed Thursday so ail could at tend the golden wedding. Mr. Edward Johnson, ol' Dents llun. was buying fat cattle here last week. Misses Viola Jordin and Daisy Cor- IH!I visited Sterling last Wednesday. .Mrs Will Carson, of St. Mary.-', is visiting at the home of J. O. Jordan. Mi s Ethel I'arr. teacher of Castle (Jarden school, was home over Sunday. Mr. Clarence Miller, of Huntley, visit ed his sister. Mrs. C. W. Williams, San day. Messrs. Leslie Cornell and Simon En bar were at Emporium Saturday on busi ness. Messrs. ('has. Collins and Thos. Kail bcurne of Huntley, drove over the Hill Sunday. The event of the season was the golden wedding of Mr. and Mrs D. F. Marsh last Thursday. Mr. Bernie Marsh returned to his work at Renovo last Friday altera two week's vacation. The thrashing machine finished its ] work lor this season and moved to John j son Hill last week. Mrs. Will Mix and two daughters re i turned to their home at Dußois Tuesday after a week's visit with relatives here. Mr. B.J. Collins, of Huntley, was making a trip through the town last week ooking after tbe interest of the schools. A surprise party was given Mr. Simon Itobar at the camp of Cornell & Robar, last Saturday evening. AH report a good time. Mr. Will Mix and family, of Dußois and the Misses Emma, Pearl and Nellie Marsh were visiting at Mrs. Alzina Barr's Sunday. The little folks were all invited (o Omer Ives' last Saturday to help his daughter, Miss Minnie, celebrate her fifth birthday. Delbert Marsh, who came home to at tend the golden wedding of his father and mother, returned to West Virginia Monday, where he is employed. Mr. Ambrose Marsh returned to his home at Trout Run, Saturday. The re maining members of his family will visit a fortnight with friends and relatives. Mrs. Susie Russell and son Roy, were down from Medix Run last week. They returned home Saturday, accompanied by Mrs. Sibley, who will make an extended visit with Mrs. Russell. Burglars are getting quite conspicu ous around here. On Monday they broke into Emory Hicks' house and Friday night into Clarence Miller's. They must be getting armed for all these peo ple missed was giws and revolvers. Sv MKS. Bucklen's Arnica Salve. Has world-wide fame for marvelous cures. It surpasses any other salve, lo tion, ointment or balm for Cuts, Corns, Burns, Boils, Sores, Felons, Ulcers, Tet ter, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Chapped Hands, Skin Eruptions; infallible for j Piles. Cure guaranteed. Only 25c by j L. Taggart, Druggist. For a bilious attack take Chamber lain's Stomach and Liver Tabl« ts and a quick cure is certain. For sale by Jno. E. Smith, Sterling llun. What is Life. In the last alalysis nobody knows, ! but we do know that it is under strict law. Abuse the law even sligh'ly, pain results. Irregular living means derange ment of the organs, resulting in Consti pation, Headache or Liver trouble. Dr. King's New Life Pills quickly re-adjusts this. It's gentle, yet thorough. Only 1 25c at L. Taggart's Drug Store. Subscribe for the PRESS; only $1.50 a j year in advance. ' Peculiarity About Insurance. When insurance companies grant in surance on iifo, they are particular to have the person examined by a doctor to ascertain if he is in sound health. They are most particular about the analysis of the urine for ihe diseases of the kidneys are the most fatal and so many people ' have diseaaed kidneys without knowing ; it. If there tire any symptoms they are usually (even by doctors) attributed to some other cause. Thompson's Barosma I is the safest remedy to take for it will do good whether you have kidney trouble or not. Thompson's Barosma gives rest to ; the nerves. For sale by R. C. Dodson. | The careful weather man lays a few predictions by for a lainy day. A Terrible Case ol .Eczema. San-Cura Ointment has no equal for Eczema. One Tear ago my face and neck were one mass ol raw sores; the 1 doctor said I had Eczema and Eiysipclas. i I had not slept for weeks, with itching, | burning pain. It was terrible! The : first night I used San-Cura Ointment, I slept all night for the first time in weeks, and in a short time was completely cur- 1 ed. ('has. Fay, Townsvillc. Pa. Drug- ; gists, 25c and 50c. For sale by 1«. C. Dodson. If you try to pick your own company j i you will be lonesome. A Great Discovery. Judging from the number of perman ent cures that it has made Thompson's Barosma. Kidney and Liver Cure is the greatest discovery in medical science. Thompson's Barosma has made remark- I able cures in kidney, liver, bladder, stom ach and blood diseases, also palpitation of the heart and nervousness. It is purely vegetable and perfectly harmless. Just the remedy for young and old. Drug gists. 81 per bottle. Six for 85. For sale by R. C. Dodson. Trying to keep up appearance lias pulled many a man down. ; Ens Isold a Pile of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. I have sold Chamberlains Cough Remedy tor more than twenty years and it has giveu entire satisfaction. L have sold a pile of it and can recommend it highly.—.Joseph McEihiuev, Linton, lowa. You will find this remedy a good friend when troubled with a cough or cold. It always affords quick relief and is pleas'tit to lake. For sale by L. Taggart. Religion is never strengthened l»y re- I taxation. ! Latest Popular Music. Alias May Gould, teacher of piano forte, hat; received :i fuil line of the lat est and most popular sheet music. All the popular airs. Prices reasonable. 41-tf. i i. Now is the Time to Buy Clothing g_ I: Ii" you of Summer B Clothing you can get them at Jasper Harris'. He will sell you cloth ing that will fit you as well as a tailor made suit, at prices that will be very satisfactory. The goods are of the latest fancy that fashion has decreed for the I well dressed man. Our goods are al ways right, likewise the prices. If you can spare the time to look our line over, it be a great benefit to you. JASPER HARRIS, peoh - es cl ° thier \ Adam, j | Meldrum & j Anderson Co. < e HUFX'Aho, >r. v. c ? 396-408 Main Street, S | | I 01 < | llilll, | i Si i lis. i lis. l«. 1 S as, Iks a*. j | AND X I hs Accessories I <. Wednesday, Sept. !4 > ( Thursday, Sept. 15 | | Friri jy, 1 THL- STORE THAT HAS THE > \ GOODS. \ j 112 We have a stock of dry goods i ) nearly as large as all the depart < \ ment stores of Buffalo combined. J J There is a moie comprehensive \ 3 assortment-, a more extensive < \ range of styles and consequently \ 112 a wider choice of selection. Beet i ( i of all we save you money. We < \ buy direct from the original 2 source and import direct—that 3 } means a big saving to you If it V if is to bo had you will find it here, s J You get your money back if dis- 3 \ satisfied or if you change your S 1 i mind. \ > Adam, <> i Meldrum & ? } Anderson Co. i if The Amaricar Block, j ( BUFFALO, N. Y. | i