8 Woman's Ills! How rare a thing to find a woman who is perfectly healthy. Fully seventy per cent, of the sex suffers from ailments which often render life a burden. These afflictions cause nervousness, irritability, melancholia, hysteria, etc. Tliey entirely unfit a woman for life's work and deprive her of most of its joys. AUNT DINAH S OLD VIRGINIA WOMAN'S SAFE GUARD. Tlmso suffering with disordered menstruation, ! female weakness, prolapsus, etc., will find in»» mediate relief from the use of Aunt Dinah's Old Virginia Herb Tea and in them. joi ity of cases it | will bring about a complete cure. It is a positive j cure for chronic constipation, si* k headache and ; indigestion. In case of nervousiu and sleep lessness this tea will 1 p tound indeed a boon. It j has a soothing and quieting effect en the nerves ( and Invariably Indm • ind refi g sleep. ; A cupful at bed time is all that i- necessary to . make a woman well and keep her v. oil. Mayesvllle. S. C., Dec. 8,1902. • Hamllns Wizard oil Ov, ri.ii i ;•»>, u Two years ;••-?«> 1 ! utiv*icii u!« rt ;:mlo complaint ami ; used your Aunt, hinah'a ol«l Virginia I'■ • ri» T« * with ' great*uc«'e I have ju>t l>< :'t:n tailing it apruin and 1 iec-1 union youiurc :• ami htruiiyct*. It ev< rv woman | sufferer couM Know tit" ri iit i : .w, L-o Count V. Aik.,lHv.l, lWli. I Hamlin* Wizard Oil ( .. , Chi-- t ;•>. II!. 1 n»u jrn-allv |. 1«•:» • I with \<- • A it Dlnnli** Ol.i j Virginia II.M b Tea li .ltM-.l I think thin- I mthinir !i„ • ft I'M. llrtt'i . •. 1 Mil bit' l'i 1 I II I l! t eeetliiiKly i- r oo«l for • j. I would | not be with";.t it. Y> .1 ' uly. Miss KF.ta M(.'CORK I.E. | Prepurcu l:y Wizard Oil C ~Ch; . I'ric?, 25c. | HAMLINS COUGH BALSAM Heals the Lunrrs. VnrdsOff C..11 urn;.lion. Ssc. ami 590. j HAMUNS BLOOD &. LiVEll PILLS Regulate the 1 .1 \ • r. Cl< i\-\ «-1 1 System. 25e. FOR SALE AND RECOMMCKDSD BY I - ! j . _ " ■ .. '..T . ; ■ >£>*■. * ,! j yj I t < OK -lIAIIiKD Fit EE. !in!iH. Infiai:!!-...- | .: i ■■•.. . M : . r. . • ■ ' ;.■ V. ... Upturn!*, ' . • ' • ■ ; •; < .1 lr. lal!' .••.!/•!. Inflamed 11.1.:..; y i. t..» - ...ti, j>, i-riU'ry. i *.!! vaai'iGi:. ■- - Useful Specialties: Refrigerators, lee Cream Freezers, Hot Plates and Ovens, Farmers Tools, New Line of Cutlery, Agate and Plated Ware for Kitchen and Table, Carpenters Saws and Planes. Something New in Saws, Window Screens, Carpet Sweepers, Clothes Wringers, Celebrated Lucas Paints, Tin and Iron Goods. Get our prices on Stoves, Bath Tubs, Chandeliers and gen eral Plumbing. 'Phone us when you need us—we'll do the rest. Mil I Forbes The Fourth Street Hardware Men. j SHSHSHS2 ~ SHSH£>HSEScS^ I Rockwell's jjj I Drug Store, ijj The Cold Oram) tluit ill jp] we make is unsur- jn j g passed for face and in hands and will make nj ! jjj the skin soft and $ Inj white. We have -{j Inj Nail, Tooth and In inj I lair brushes, Wist [n brooms. Chamois W jLi Skin and Sponges. No better goods on the market. When you want your favo- Ui ; rite recipes filled L bring them to us. jji i Li Our statimii'i'vleails. nJ • [lj Alsoour toilet creani, j toilet water, toilet | m soaps, perfumes and u'i sashet powder. All |j' 1 - n the latest. m j j-{J Our Botanic Dry Kidney Cure [jJ i m isan exoellcut tonic A specific n| liu lor all diseii t\ oT the kidneys. uj S M.A.ROCKWELL. l\ I LJSBaSTSSHSE •iSBSHSHSE r H?TiSHSJ I ys I (£ nJ I Big Ba® i !|u Before buying elsewhere [[] ; it will pay to &et our prices, uj ru Bananas from 15c to In] a dozen. [r j Uj |l jp Home-mad Sau-age jQQ [!' I v ea\e your orders for f{] pi Ground Bone. Lr, ru In k] We do not handle any- ft | 3 tiling but the best, and if h you get anything here that jjl In is not right, bring it back rJ Qj and get your money. n] [ij Our I\ieat Department is |: first-class. We handle j.' hj nothing but the best, in Do not forirct the place. |U |J Oj GOODS DELIVERED PROMPTLY. = 'Plioiio 21. 5 G. 11. Gross & Co. j ! C'.SO '■ tr- iqptr-iq:-r7-: —j - c CVP ' nuiiw i CW3OAY, "JLV 2 Irt. 13 Tilt LAST CAY THAT YOU CAM GET A SI.OO BOITLE OF i v ;| DAVI Lb KQfi-ALCOHOLiC : . f|n BOTTLE FOR qrp j ! i 3 FOR SI.OO GET IT NOW. it m Sj -■— The Old Reliable | Drug Store, > j L. T AGO ART, Prop'r. '4y ■ • -g'l' •• j M ■ ' 'il ■vw D«M. MI ■ —w r ■■ HI r~ 1" vfriinr T'T KfiU KY*&- AAM>.'TAUDUMMBCM-Jtirjßur UHMHOaonK IHrmi * .«*e* U»O»ARR»GC,.»- scci mcs^. A'o. >'i''•«•>• REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE !' I uwt National i Jakk, AT EMPORIUM. IN THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA, AT THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS, SEPT. 6. 1904. RESOURCES. INABILITIES. Loans and Discounts... *279,673 30 IUJ s(ock jn mjm QQ Overdrafts, secured and unsecured.... 1,1.0 12 ug fun( , 37,500 00 U. 8. Bonds to secure circulation 50,000 00 . . , .».! w » Undivided profits less expenses and U. S. Bonds to secure U. S. Deposits ,0,000 00 1 \ „ , taxes paid io,«zi «♦» U. 8. Bonds on hand 31,300 00 xational Bank notes outstanding -16.900 00 Premiums on U. 8. Bonds 11,783 76 Due to other National Banks... 1,001 61 Bonds, secureties, etc 51,714 85 I,l(l '^i^ l l,e P ositß si'l'ject Banking house, furniture and fixtures. 8,(i(i!l 1!) Demand certilicatesofdeposit "Vj 67 Other real estate owned 5,00"> 00 Certified checks 5,172 26 Due from Nat'l Banks (not reserve agts) 795 72 Cashier's checks outstanding Jj.'® Due from approved reserve agents.... 44,278 33 United States deposits 0,000 00 422,934 00 Checks and other cash items 102 09 Notes of other National Banks 1,250 00 Fractional paper currency, nickels and cents 69 31 LAWFUL MONEY RESERVE IN BANK: Specie |20,470 50 Legal-tender notes 2,980 00 23,450 50 Redemption fund with U.S. Treasurer, 5 per cent of circulation 2,500 00 Total 1585,057 53 $585,057 63 Stale of Pennsylvania, County of Cameron, SS: -I. T. B. Lloyd, Cashier of the above named Bank j do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. T. n. U.OVD, Cashier, Subscribed and sworn to before me ) I „ this 9th day of Sept. 1904. / I CORRECT —Attest: C.W.SHAFFER, Notary Public. I Com'is'onexpires at end of next Session ofSenate I ti. W.UREEN, J I CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1904. " F-ollow the i-lag." /\ ' ■ fp|\ Wabash Excursions From Pittsburg (ij -l Q /-vri T.. . t.ou; and IMurn—every I tQIo.UU Tiik ■ . and Tlmi-lay hi S.-|- ' Umber. Tickets limited scvpn ] (7'day and Rood ill free re- j t!inin« cliuir cars or first-eUu". I coaches on reKular trains. tl # ICC - every \ (J) LO.UL' <■.!>. l':ckcts lillliK'il i'llii :u ]> (liiv .indg 'od in Iref reclining ehair ejr< or t'lillm alt Meckel j ot> regular trains. &-AC\ C\C\ T " n =• ' ti/T,V.UU (.!• P'i-UIo and Return Ui!.:< 's | | limited to 1 > days -jii hale i dmly. A/O Art TuSi.i l-'r:! !!<•;•••.>, Lo* Ar.seV I i W {.) Portland, ittl t other , Pacilie e«.;*st points. One--.-,. < 'olonidt ticket-; on sale Septem ber 15th to October 15th. | The Wabash is- ihe only lire landing pa- - li ners and baKxiiKeat the ]>ijt Word's l-'air : tat ion i directly opposite llie main entraii;e to tbe K\- povitio'n. or m I'liion station, as preferred, i ! Wabash train 3, leaving I'iltsburg daily ut 7:;; • i m.. city time, carrio e i.-.ehes and parlor . sr I l'ittsb'irs to Toleda. mi l Iri'e reeiiiiing ehair ears and Pullman sleepers. To!, do to SI. l,o::is. j Traill at op. r.i., city l in-, carries MeCell.ni 1 i ,>ai In - and ''nllia.- i sleep i ■ I'ill ibiir/c ami s:. I.om.i'. Train ID, It -.viiiß I'iHsburg at »-» p. in., j daily, earn- • IVe-ie -.inin elr.ir i n-i a- d I'u.l- I man sleepers Pittsburg to-S . I.oulaanu Piillina; 1 . sleepers Prt.-.imr,; to Chic. -{O. Further infuimillion con;- rtj".n't rate- I i..11 « points West, together with splendid Woil t's I Fair folder, containing map of St. Louis and the 1 World's Pair grounds, clieeifully furnished on I application to I F.H. TRISTRAM, Assist \:;t < ii'.\i:n ai. Pa-henoicii Aolnt, Pittsburg, Pcnna. Descrlioit X<»tiee. \T OTK'K is ln reby e.iven t":at my wile. I lev j Kiwcl having left my be 1 and board with out jui I e.in.-e or priivocatlof:. I hereby forbid ' lira person or person . t.> trust < ; liarbur her on i.iy account, for I shall pay no bills of her cm- I tractine. CHARMC.) KiMi. 1 Hhippen, "a.. Mv;. V, I'.IM. 2- -:U. AtlJitiuislratoi'ii' Not icv. Estate ofllMiniSOX LOGVE, Dci tiui I. ! VTOTICK is hereby gh< i that letters testa .N meiitiiry tipon ihi ' -1»i«* «»1 Harhihon 1 LOGCI:, lateol «iih; »uto Miip,(':un MA county, j Pa., liavt been jfrauU'd tot in* uwlcr i Big. •d, t-j 1 ; " • land &h mid • made ! ii nd thojso iidebted to vit Estate to nmkt pay- I). i LOUTK. \v. it. loguk. Ai :.ini.-tratois. R.I». I.'. '. A . ' liiK;'.s>StitlCH Noiit'C. %1 ori;:i: ; -.. tjv :n that t:.e c> •p vi-iner , N >bip h etofe e cxistini; beteil the lin ■ i r-!•• ned. u.r tin- fum l) line il' I- riendel J; ■ • .ml - .t'.s. A. Frit id-. I r irinsf. All monies due 11 . r. i it; t be j r. i lltcd, .1; ) S. A. KRIEKDET.. OKO. i'.. HI 'RTKAI : I i;w ritini, Pa., Aug. Villi. 19DI Th. -f the late firm will be eon lue-t- I I . !h ■ .-if.a : - - ' ED. E. ruRHISS. '£Vis".tee 5 H Sale. I*.-,. .•77" » i-. ItlOlIAItl) I'li.iiv 1: liIXGEM \N \ nankn:utcy, | ... ? N jmrMian -• « fan or.! rto m .'lircct. «1 i . ; i sell at public a l . ! •!» in ao-l t'» :>ii ?. . : <:> :.a pi tc, j ' ; • ■ • in the town'hip oi'Siiippon, county t>f Camertiii, | :md state of Pennsylvania, lying south ol the- i Borough «.!' Kmporiuni, and bounded and de- I scribed as follows, to-wit: He;lining at apo t; corner 011 th s lulii bank 1 i . •- j autahoning ( reek, thirteen rod ; and twenty links cast i ? :i sin ill run; t!i nee sout'i i 10 degrees, east 125.5 rods to a po-t on the war- j | rant line; thence east nijfj said war r int line 100 rods to a beech < -r i; theiMN-iic :h j I;. 6 rods to a post on Faid bank of Driftwood | I! ranch < i'thc Sinnamahoning Cit - k; thenci up; the south bank of said Greek at low water orth 51 degrees, west 10 rorN; thence s »\ith 7» j degrees and 30 niinuti--, -t2;> ro .to :» wi»' < walnut; thence north 51 . John Markle, Coal Baron, Lines Up Against Ilim. VENTING SPLEEN ON ROOSEVELT Men Who Advocate the "Shot Gun" Policy of Settiinj Labor Disputes Naturally Take KitvJly to the WolJ Street Candidate. [Special Correspondence.! Harrisburg, S"pt. 13. Pennsylvania lias furni3h'il .Tuijgo ; Parker, the Democrat if nominee tor j president, with a "hoodoo." His name is John Markle. Markle Is the Luzerne coal baron. ' who believes in settling labor disputes i with the Khotgun. lie ilo -i not iik i ]'resident Ruii: 01 It bei -iutie l'rt; ident ! Roosevelt did not. send federal troops I into the coal region two years ago, and I with them enable Markle 'and his as sociate. to cany out their schemes o' intimidation. The whole country was then shock' (1 by the awful demand th:.l a thousand xni r. r: b shoL rather than I have the •t; rted up under | any but. tl«> conditions impojod by tii coal barons. Who doe; not recall tlie sufferin which the public had to endure through this < oal : : ike? Who does not re raoMb- r !:■••• the i ii< i.' of coal wen' soaring ?-,! . vard, how the poor were freezin-.; aini t'.i? rich, ready to pay any price for • < •»!. we;- frequently unable to get even i small supply? President Roosevelt's action, not as a public official, but a citizen inter ested in the ial welfare, in urging that the isßiies in the > oal strike l;e submitted to arbitration was generally applauded the time. The strike \w . ended nml th r - miners end the oper ators, with one or two < m ' :.Lion:cor dially agre. d to tlie terms of settb niMit. Mai !j!o di.- '; ntod. but he was obliged to ;o alon;; with th' others. Now John Markle is venting his spleen on i recid sit. Roosevelt. Althougii ii ■ ha - been a Republican for many v-ars, lie i: out for Pari: '. i the Den:. 'ie e\::dldnle for ;ii'e.-ident. He lias oi'i one grievare ■ again: t j Pre ident lire, volt- lib; action in th-> I coal stlike. John : . '. I.<: ing to the r.-.ana- j fers oi the Republican cam] icn in i Piv.sident !•: •i.web than any . 112 . - tor in the . - nv::;in this state. The Pi. ratie lead rs v, ;d give : anytliiv t-i »■ -, ■ M- ikl ; : 1 ■ the balan. of the eair. ;> ti.-.u. Ili -y; j they h: v ■ ' "»j d" e\: r i ?n< • ; the annoua .e at was made that Mar- : They \,-;-r,t to foi - t that Markle is , ( nia ami ; . < :u:Un.'-m, in i" • i !of Showin,- w: I,- e .apt foi this t" i'Tunti. -i •:• . a than by volirn; for i Pre id tl, elt. . that Parker's nomination for the prer ! ici- ncy was broi..,ht. about by Wall | sin .t. \\ith Beln.ont in command o# ' : the corpoia-.tion fore s. j 'I Urj'aTi?" at S-. Louis had no ' ' til ti y v/er • confronted with the Wall ! street politi- ians < ' the David B. Ilill ' flounce, which bco.m- d Parker ail v\ 1 i the country. I'arker was distinctively I ) the corporation candidate at the i. l Louis convention. While Bryan aio j bis followers had the cheers of th j spectator.--., the Parker nana; -rs, who. j | with money to burn, had been goina ' over tiie country setting up delegate : in IVikcr's interest, had the vote.; re: i i the floor of the convention. The Parker candidacy naturally ne- ' peals to John Markle. The Parker candidacy has not, how- j ever, aroused any enthusiasm anion the rank and file of the voters. It has j not. appealed to the workingmen of the | country, and it has not been received : with favor even by the masses of the | Democracy. Parker has nothing in common with ■ the average Democrat. He is a corpo ration-backed candidate, and his candi ; daey stands for Wall street and corp.; rate domination of the Democratic mi- i tional organization. John Markle is for Parker! That is enough for the great army j of workers who will goto the polls on j the 81 ii day of November next. The calamity howlers have been giv- i en a severe setback by recent develop- i ments. A temporary stagnation in bus ' iness is at an end. There is a marked i revival of activity in nearly all lin of trade, and manufacturers are start ing up their establishments on ful | time. The predictions of the Democratic ' orators of hard times will not be ful ! filled. Right here in Pennsylvania the mns I gratifying news conies from the Penn j sylvania railroad. In the Altoona shoo 1 of this great road on the last payd j the vum of $428,500 was paid out i wages, which was an increase of ssl 50*, over the previous month. The m; j have since been put on full time in tie ! shops, and many men who had bet ■ laid off have been re-employed, and i i is expected that next months' pay wi! exceed sfioo,ooo. Improvements con templated all along the line of t!v j road will be pushed to early romnlc- j tion, and every effort will be made to ! prepare for the increased traffic whic! ! ■will follow the steady improvement ir j general business conditions which i j now in progress. Meanwhile John Markle still wear? his Parker button. And the "hoodoo" is still on. Peculiarity About Insurance. K J t" When insurance companies fjrant in-, ? surance on life, they are particular to 112 have the person examined by a doctor to \ ascertain if he is in sound health. They \ arc most particular about the analysis of, < the urine tor the discnses of the kidneys J are the most iatal and so many people j I have discaaed kidneys without knowing % it. If there arc any symptoms they arc | \ usually (even by doctors) attributed to | c some other cause. Thompson'.-* linrosma ; 3 is the safest remedy to take for it will do | j good whether you have kidni y trouble or: \ not. 'J'hotnf).-oillJarosma rest t(> i S ; the nerves. For sale by It. <. '.as. 1 3 I had not s!e],t for wi ■' s, with ilchin-. J burning jain. It was tcrrilik! The : > first night I u.-.ed San-(.'ura tlintmcnt. ' slept all night lor the first time in weeks. J s i and in a short time wn.s conipleleK cur- j J cd. (.'has. Fay, Townsville. i' ». Drug | s gists, 2.1 c and obc. For sale by 1!. C. j I.lcjdson, j y Love at first sight, s upj.-lit < a lot of! i work for divorce judges. i } A Great Discovery. ; s Judging from the number of rman-, < cnt cures that it has made Thompson'.- | j Barostua. Kidney and Liver Cure i.-, tin { greatest discovi ry in medical science, j \ Thompson's Han Miia ht- niade remark- ! { able cures in kidney, liv r, bladder, stum- 112 aeh and blood diseases, also j aipiialion of ? the heart and nervousness. It i purely r* vegetable and perfectly hattn!. -s. Just i \ the remedy for young and old. I>ruv-! \ gi.-ts. s'l per bottle. Six for 85. For c sale by 1". C. u. I One God made man i: worth a hun-j died self made nuuivrs. ! s HrsEolda Pile of Chambtrlam'j Cougli ! \ Remedy. I j I have sold Chamber! in Cough | I Item. d_\ fur uio'ic than tw uv \iarr' and ; \ !it has given entile satisfaction. 1 have j C I sold a pile of it and can recommend it , c ! highly .—Joseph McKlhiney, Linton. \ lowa. You will find this i i. ; Jy a good j > I friend wlieffitroubled with a cough or | \ I cold. It always afford.-; <|ui.-k relief and ! i. u'e-isant to take. For ale In L. > i j Taggart. * \ } Von Hdldoui in t a mani 1 in.m v. hoi i '■ thinks he knows ii all. I \ ■*» <=» — ' c Latest Popular Music. j A Mi May Could, teacher of piano- ? forle, hna received a fail lino oft.ho lat- \ :c .t and most popular sheet music. All \ ■ the popular airs. Price > ret;. mablo. ** J. L tew 1b 100 fee to Buv t| gjA) : ji&j in |g IHUi■!■!!I limill■!■!IIilMII HIM ■llililH 111111 l IHill'Hl 111 Ml I'lif ® fc: rv? [SI "; I i I BgJ * . j|| j I' you are short in the line of Summer j|| ||| Clothing you can get them at ||| wJs _ _ raj I Jasper Harris'. Me will sell you cloth- E||i ing that will fit you as well as a tailor- H made suit, at prices that will be very satisfactory. The goods are of the latest fancy that fashion has decreed for the B well dressed man. Our goods are al ways right, likewise the prices. If you can spare the time to look our m line over, it be a great benefit to you. 1| fflgggmft awg aa sg-a v M, JASPER HARRIS, THE PEOPLES CLOTHIER Adam, Meldrum & Anderson Co. J HUP'FAI,(),,V. V C ' 39G-108 Main Street. s - Penlllg | : | hi pry i > (ill II! 0 J, J I f|(|(l nearly as largo r.3 all the depart !f is to be had you wiii find it hero. £ You g*c your money back ii'tlis- j i .sat is lied or if you change your \ j mind. \ i ■■ Adam, } Moldriin:. &• i * s \ Anderson G . ) J Th * Ameri'i '.!oc! , k BUFFALO, 27. Y. }