Ssnpepoi) Qour)l/y jfWss. ESTABLISHED BY C. B. GOULD. HENRY H7~MULLIN, Editor unci Manager. PUBLISH 101) EVERY THURSDAY TEHMSOP SUBSCRIPTION: Per year $2 00 If paid is advance t' 60 ADVERTISING RATES. Adverttsementsarepublishednt the rateofono dollar per square for one insertion and fifty cents per square for each subsequent insertion. Rates by tiie year or for six orthreemonthsare 1 ONV ana uniform, and will be furnished on appli cation Legal and Official Advertising per square, three timesor lesa.f'2 00; each subsequent insertions!) cents per square. Local notfeesten cents per line foroneinsertion five cents per li ne fore a cxi subsequent consecutive insertion. Obituary notices over live lines, ten cents per line. Him plea n nonnceroents of births, marriages and deaths will be inserted free. Business Cards, five lines or less $5.00 per year over five lines, at the regular rates of advertising No local inserted for less than 75 ets.per issue. JOB PRINTING. The Job department of the P RISKS is complete, aud aß'ords facilities for doing the best class of work. PARTICULAR ATTENTION PAID TO Law Printing. No paper willbe discontinued until arrearages are paid, except at the option of the publisher. Papers sent out of the county must be paid for in advance. ftN T o advertisements will be accepted at less than the price for fifteen words. notices free. REPUBLICAN TICKET. National. For President, THEODORE ROOSEVELT. For Vice-President, CHARLES W. FAIRBANKS, State. For Supreme Court Judge, JOHN P. ELKIN. County. For Congress, S. R. DRESSER, Bradford. For General Assembly,' JOSIAH HOWARD, Emporium. For County Treasurer, DR. EUGENE O. BARDWELL, Emporium. EDITORIAL JIENTION. Mr. Davis is to old a bird to be trapped into parting with any of his hard earned savings for the purchase of a piece of blue sky. Would Judge Parker have un earthed the postal frauds in the vigorous and fearless manner of President Roosevelt? No, that would have been undignified. Judge Parker's lips and Mr. Davis' money bags arc both secure ly locked. David B. Hill holds the combination to the one; chair man Taggart would like to know the combination to the other. The fact that the Republicans in Nebraska are confidently claiming the state for Roosevelt, while con ceding tb? legislature to Bryan, shows plainly what kind of sup poi ti Urytm io giving to Parker. When reading Judge Parker's speech of acceptance the Indepen dent must have skipped the para graph dealing with the Philippine question. We ask our readers to compare Judge Parker's utterance upon this subject with the declara tion in the present Democratic county platform. .May we ask which of these deliverances repre sents the views of the Indepen dent. In writing the report of the late Democratic county convention we presumed that the chairman of the county committer knew how to take some good-natured chaff. It was simply our little way of recognizing him as the most active and influential force in the local Democratic situation. The refer ence to "grammatical and rhetor ical errors'' was a piece of empty chaff. The chairman of the Demo cratic county Committee does not need to come to us, nor to any one, for a diploma in grammar or rhetoric. Healthy Mothers. Mothers should always keep in good bodily health. They owe it to their children. Yet it is no unusual sight to see a mother, with babe iu arms, cough ing violently and exhibiting all the symp toms of a consumptive tendency. And why should this dangerous condition ex ist, dangerous alike to mother and child, when Dr. Boschee's German Syrup would put a stop to it at once? No mother should be without this old and tried rem edy in the houfe—for its timely use will promptly cure any lung, throat or bron- ( chial trouble in herself or her children. The worst cough or cold can be speedily cured by Cerman Syrup; so can hoarse- i ness and congestion of the bronchial tubes. It makes expectoration easy, and gives instant relief and refreshing rest to the cough racked consumptive. New i trial bottles, 25; large size, 75c. At all druggists. 49-ly. , Warning. Allpersons are hereby forbidden from trespassing upon the property of this 1 Company without a permit irom this J office, or the Superintendant at the i works. KEYSTONE POWDER MFG. Co. Emporium, Pa., August Ist, 1903. 24-tf. Straw votes are being taken in various parts of the country as an indication of the blowing of the political wind. In Chicago these votes show a great gain for Roose velt. In Savannah the vote might be just the other way. 1 The State Department announces . that the Government has not in -1 | vited any of the crowned heads of ' the Old World to visit the St. . j Louis exposition. The reason is ' I that Congress neglected to make , an appropriation for their enter . I tainment. If one should happen 5 j to come over, however, he will be J | made welcome, and tlie President • j will take him rough riding on , ' horse back, rain or shine. . _ „ In his letter of August Kith to the Grand Army in Boston the President foreshadowed his policy regarding the Filipinos, lie said: t "Under the lead of your comrades tHe Philippine Islands were won for the cause of civilization, of civil liberty, and of peace and justice." This is all any reason able people can ask for, and with these will come prosperity and contentment. There is considerable anxiety manifesting itself among the Democrats regarding the part Messrs. Bryan and Hearst will take in the campaign. This is amusing, when one considers with what scant courtesy they have been treated by those who are now run ning the party. If Bryan and Hi ■arst were of such slight conse quence before the St. Louis con vention it can be of little import encc what they do or say since the convention. It is generally admitted that this year New York is a doubtful state, and the political tight will be hot there as in any state in the Union. It has not yet been decid ed who will be the candidate for governor for either party, but it is Mr. Root positive ly declines t<\ run. Col. Lamont says the nomination has not yet been offered to him! Whoever runs for governor, neither party will surrender the st ite ,without a desperate effort to hold it. It is the Port Arthur of the situation. The great fair at St. Louis is doing very well, and if no calamity befalls it, the money advanced by the United States is likely to be re paid. Already nearly two mil lions of dollars have been refunded to the Treasury which leaves 82,- 600,000 more to be paid. The people of Europe appear to take a deeper interest in the fair than those of this country. It was the Emperor of Germany who advised some of his wealthy American hosts to return to the United States, and visit St. Louis. He hoped they would look at some of the art treasures contributed by Germany, and possibly purchase a few. Letter to Fred Julian. Emporium, Pa. Dear Sir: A gallon saved is 34 or S5 earned Devoe saves 2or 3gallons in 10. How much is it worth a gallon? A gallon saved saves the painting too; and both together cost $4 or $5 —gl where labor is cheap; 85 where labor is dear. Our agents in Bridgeport, Conn., Hub bell & Wade Co., tell us: <; Thcre are a | meat many workingmcn's houses here. | fhey Uied to paint lead-and-oil and take | ten gallons. We have been selling them ten gallop Devoe lead-and-zine. and have had, in every instance, two gallons returned. The proportion is often higher than that; we have known it five in ten; but that is exceptional. This is the explanation; Devoe is grouud by machincrry, and is ground tine; lead-and-oil is mixed by hand, and isn't ground at all. Yours truly, P. W. DEVOB & Co. P. S. Murry & Coppersmith Co., sell our paint. 30. It isn t every musical composer that can borrow money on his notes. What's in a Name? Everything is in the name when it comes to Witch Hazel Salve. E. C. DeWitt & Co., of Chicago, discovered some years ago how to make a salve from Witch Hazel that is a specific for Piles. I'or blind, bleeding, itching and protrud ing Piles, eczema, cuts, burns,' bruises and all skin diseases, I)eWitt's Salve has no equal. This has given rise to numer ous worthless counterfeits. Ask for De- Witt's—the genuine. Sold by R. C. Dodson. CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER i, 1904. A Miraculous Escape. A miraculous escape was made by a prominent citizen by not putting off but but taking in tin»u that splendid remedy, Thompson's Barosma, Backache, Kidney and Liver Cure. Thompson's Barosma reduces all the infiuruation, neutralizes the acid and dissolves gravel, carrying off all matter that is poisonous to the blood, stomach,heart, kidneys and liver. It is purely vegetable, pleasant to take and guaranteed to cure. For sale by R. C. Dodson. A woman sometimes kills time by suppressing a tew of her birthdays. A Boy's Wild Itide For Life. With family around expecting him to die, and a son riding lor life, 18 miles, to get Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, W. 11. Brown, of Leesville, Ind., endured death's agonies from asthma; but this wonderful medicine gave instant relief and soon cured him. lie writes: "[ now sleep soundly every night." Like marvelous euros of Consumption, Pneu monia. Brouchitis, Coughs, Colds and Grip prove its matchless merit lor all Throat and Lung troubles. Guaranteed bottles 50c aud 81.00. Trial bottles free at L Taggart's drugstore. Stomach Trouble. "I have been troubled with my stom ach for the past four years," says D. L Beach, of Clover Nook Farm, Greeu ficld, Mass. "A few days ago 112 was in duced to buy a box of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. I have taken part of them and feel a great deal better." If you have any trouble with your stomach try a box of these Tab'ets. You are certain to be pleased with the result. I 'rice 25 cents. For sale by L. Taggart. dgtsew ~ Has unwrpsMPd facilities for clvlntr a limine:*.. j! Education, and placing Students when Irainiil ' I Circulars on application. P. DUFF &. GONS, PITTSBUHC., PA CENTRAL State Normal School, I.OCK HIVIiN, PA. J. R. FL.LCKINOER, Principal. Full Term IS weeks begins September 5, 1905. Last year was the most successful in the his tory of this important school—about 700 students. Location among the mountains of Centra! Penn sylvania, with fine water, splendid buildings and excellent sanitary conditions make it an ideal training school. In addition to its Normal course it also lias an excellent College Prepara tory Department in charge of an honor graduate of Princeton. It also has a department in Music, Elocution and Business. It has a well educated Faculty, fine Gymnasium and Athletic Field. Address for illustrated catalog, THE PRINCIPAL. Notice! 11 SATURDAY, JULY 23rd. IS THE j|| G LAST DAY THAT YOU CAN Jg GET A SI.OO BOTTLE OF || || DAVIES NON-ALCOHOLIC JJPJJ ! Wa-Hoo, J | SI.OO !% T „ L !, f „°„ R 35C I GET IT NOW The Old Reliable 112 j Drug Store, ffl Hi L. TAGGART, Prop'r. | A Laughlin A I 11 Fountain jj | it ■ IB THE PEER OF ALL □ HE&. ptNB and has no 1 1 ~ lKs| EQUAL ANYWHERE. J L |J| FINEST mm I4K. ®i If! GOLD PEN [B-' j (li M S»« YOUR CHOICE OK THESE M*! J Jj ■A fji TWO POPULAR STYLES FO* ii,| 112 j | ill* 00 !! 112 SUPERIOR TO OTHER j!- tiv Mi The laughlin Fountain /jaHflP! | * r ii Wn Pen Holder is made of Au- 1 (J | |JJ ■■ est quality hard rubber. it llUtv f— ! 'til fitted with highest grade, LjHfc 1 H '•/ I SHH l«rge tixe, 14k. gold pen, ffgfiE ,~ i 11l of any desired flexibility, HIB i J.j f"J v. 71 and ha» the only perfect frl j-r. i feeding device known. fISSB." II Ji j Either *tyle, richlv gold IMjXfij' iiri nil I mounted, for presentation 'IS# ' m I|LM i purposes, Jl.fiO extra. M fTI m I Surely you will not be i|lil <3fl H JJi| J Able to secure anything at Iffißia "« fil Ti l three times the prictthat will HgSajlß (M PI jjHNI give such continuous llmmS pI ft I [ j, pleasure and service. jJ I 1 i 1 IB o j jF*- fTl«j p S "m If, « 11 ! P S ftj I ffl -= ill tl B II i ~ i it rp Hi] ft itJ tik „ , _ M Sore Throat Throat affections should never be neglected, i Sore Throat leads to Quinsy and Diphtheria. It is j of vital importance to have a remedy at hand in the I early stages of troubles of this nature. Many are the deaths that have resulted from a neglected I Sore Throat. Hamlins * OILW will cure this disease more quickly and effectually than any other liniment manufactured. Animas City, Colo. ' -Last summer I suffered constantly v/ith Sore Tlirout and had the best doctors I could get, but they Rave me no relief. The first application of Hamlins Wizard Oil gave me rs-l'ef and by using it a few days I was entirely cured. A bottle of Hamlins Wizard Oil is worth its weight in gold to any person. C. A. BRYANT. Washington, La., Sept. 4, 1900. My wife suffered with Sore Throat for a year, and though she doctored and doctored nothing seemed to help her. I procured a bottle of Hamlins Wizard Oil and it has done her more good than anything in the world. HENRY WADE. There is only one Wizard Oil—Hamlins name blown in the bottle. Signature "Hamlin Bros."on wrapper. Take no substitute. 50c. and SI.OO. Hamlins Cough Balsam Heals the Lungs. Wards off Consumption. 25c Hamlins Blood £ Liver Pills For Torpid Liver and Constipation. 25c. L. TAGGART. C. R. Muster!. D. D. Webster. C. R. Husted $ Co. Opposite M. E. Church, Emporium, Pa. Keep a full lino of the Choicest - - - Family Groceries, Fruits, Vegetables and Can ned Goods of the finest quality. The pic-nic season is near at hand, so please remember to 'plione for some of our Potted Ham, Iloast Beef, Olives, Canned Beets or Pea nut Butter. We also handle a full line of Pro duce and Farm Implements. I I ™ E FOURTH STREET GROCERY J C. R. HUSTED & CO., Proprietors. j ( JUST THE PROPER IDEA. 5 | 0. B. Barnes' j i Family Grocery \ } and ftj ea t Market < EAST EnPOßllin, PA I s 'Phone 81. \ 112 Call up; We'll do the rest Promptly. A \ The public are always interested in \ matters that will benefit their pockets s 112 While we are not entirely in business for \ our health, yet we strive to merit at least S I a share of the public patronage by deal- 2 S ing strictly on the square with all custo- \ 1 mers. Our goods are all marked in plain £ \ figures-one price to all—and invite the S \ careful inspection of our line of goods as < s well as prices. We shall aim to make s \ our store THE FAMILY FAVORITE, by ? \ keeping only absolutely the purest and S J best. p \ OUR MEATS AND GROCERIES are \ i fresh and shall take pride in giving our { \ patrons the full value for their money. S 112 EXTRA LINE OF GLASS AND CAN- 2 J NEI) GOODS, something seldom j I brought to Emporium. See them. £ ( Give us a Call. 112 Try Our Fresh Meats. < | O. B. BARNES, j j p Opposite S. D. McDonald's Hotel. b K A J A |DYSPEPSIA CURE Jill Jill P DIGESTS WHAT YOU HAT sill wl Hi SSi Tha SI.OO bottle contains 2H timettha trial size, which Mill for 50 cents. E. C. DeWITT & COMPANY, CHICAGO, I'LL,. Sold by R. C. Dodson, Druggist. I The harder you cough, the worse I the cough gets. slhdil©]h ! 's CoEHStuimptl(Din\ I! Omre Tonic ung is guaranteed to cure. If it 112 | doesn't benefit you, the druggist ! ; ; will give you your money bach. j| , Prices: S. C. WKI.LS & Co. 2 I ; I 25c. 50c. rI Lcßoy, N. Y., Toronto,3 White Lead and Zinc are conceded to bo essential to a first-class ready-mixed paint, but they must be thoroughly combined and used in the proper proportion to secure the best results. CHAMPION PAINTS. contain both White Lead and Zinc, without any barytes, lime, china clay, or other injurious substances and are combined in the proportions which have been found to give the best results after nearly fifty years' experience. They are made by tho Detroit White Lead Works in the finest paint and varnish plant in the country, and ground to the last degree of fineness in Pure Linseed Oil. "V on take no chances when you use Champion Paints, they give perfect satisfaction to both house owners and painters. A handsome line of colors to select from. Call for sample cards and get prices before painting. L. TAGGART, Agent. [BuildingTimel I And we wish to say that we are better prepared than ever I before to supply you with all kinds of ■ Hardware and Builders Supplies. We have in addition to our regular stock, (the for business of IT. A. Palmer, known as Hockley's Cool Yard) consisting of Brick, Lime Cement, Wall Plaster, Shingles, Coal, Hay, Hardwood,"etc., etc., a full line of PAINTS, COLORS in OIL, PAINT I BRUSHES, etc. 1 Pluinhiiig and Tiiiniiijf ifj is among our specialties. Costs you nothing for estimates in these lines. All our work is positively Iguaranteee to give satisfaction. Stoves and Ranges. Don't forget we carry the largest assortment of b STOVES and RANGES for gas, coal or wood in 1 county and every one guaranteed by the maker. 1 IV3URRY I COPPERSMITH CO. J j Buy Your Fall Suit Earlyj ~ —— j 'r INt C LOT MBS ' MAKE ft 3 I HIS is an ideal suit for business men who know the value of "looking prosperous I It is the product of the art-tailors of Schloss Bros. * Co., whose cloth ing we handl Before yon buy your Spring Suit, "drop in and let us talk it over." New line of Summer Hats, Caps and Neckwear. IR, Seo;er & Son,"" 8 ""' ,0 |,artlcl "" r | v <3 j, " People. ; I t We promptly obtalu U. 8. and ForeiKii^^T nrniTin J w IB i B k B / Send model, sketch or photo of invention for v 112 free report on patentability. For free book, < ; ill : I YOU thus have a larger as sortment to select from, and you get longer wear for the same outlay, with the added satisfaction of being among the first to appear in up to-date apparel. The four button Sack Suits shown in the picture will appeal to good dressers who want to be just a little in advance of the "merchant tailor's styles." They have broad shoulder and chest effect which gives a fullstib stantial appearance to the wearer without that stuffed and padded look so common in other lines of ready made Clothing. Think of buying a suit like this in any of the popular spring fabrics. At so little a Price as $12.00