Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, August 18, 1904, Image 4

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Gditor and Manager.
For President,
For Vice-President,
For Supreme Court Judge,
For Congress,
S. R. DRESSER, Bradford.
For General Assembly,
For County Treasurer,
Aside from the mere fact of its
having been delivered, so marking
a formal step in the campaign,
thereis little of striking significance
in Judge Parker's speech of accept
ance. It is so lacking in positive
significance that the New York
Sun, which of late has been dis
posed to favor Judge Parker's
election, now announces its inten
tion to support Roosevelt and Fair
banks. We do not however agree
with the Sun in characterizing
Judge Parker's speech as cowardly,
neither do we regard it as the ut
terance of a political trimmer.
This speech does not belie the im
pression which we had formed of
Judge Parker as being a man of
courage and of intelligent and hon
est conviction. His speech reveals
him as a man eminently judicial,
conservative, deliberate. A jurist,
trained to look carefully into the
merits of both sides of a case, it is
foreign to his liabit of mind to ig
nore the qualifications and except
ions which must attend the state
ment of general principles. The
man of this habit of mind must,
however, always expect to be
charged with weakness and
In temperament and in under
lying principle Judge Parker is a
typical conservative Democrat.
Ever since the adoption of the Con
stitution there have been strict and
loose constructionists. Judge
Parker in his speech presents him
self as a fair and honest represen
tative of the strict construction
type. The New York Sun is dis
gusted because he did not explicitly
repudiate and attack Bryanism,
but it is only fair to recognize that
the whole spirit and mode of
thought of the speech is the very
antithesis of Bryanism.
While it is plain that Judge
Parker is in fundamental principle
a strict constructionist and while
in a general way he would like to
see the government administered in
accordance with that principle, he
finds himself confronted with a dif
ficult and embarrassing task when
he undertakes to arraign the Repub
lican policies and administration
and particularly when he conies to
outline a specific Democratic pro
gram. It is very easy to indulge
in generalities regarding the con
stitutional restraints of the various
departments of government and to
talk about executive usurpation,
but we have yet to hear from Judge
Parker or from any other reliable
Democratic source, a specific
enumeration of tho acts of usurpa
tion alleged to have been committed
by President Roosevelt or by his
predecessor. When such a bill of
specifi-.'.tions Khali be submitted,
we shall have ready one as long
against the administration of Presi
dent Cleveland.
Judge Parker's views upon the
tariff a;e not likely to awaken
much practical hope "or apprehen
sion as the case may be. He be
lieves in the tariff and in tariff re
form, but holds out no hope that it
would boor could be reformed dur
ing his administration, should he
be elected.
With regard to the trusts he finds
it difficult to apply his fundamental
Democratic principles. In com
mon with the Democratic platform
he regards the trusts as dangerous
combinations, but he seems to think
the chief remedy against them must
lie in modifying the tariff laws
which it is alleged foster them.
Such a remedy will not alarm the
trusts after what he says about the
prospect, for tariff changes. He
also has faith in the ellicacy of the
enforcement of the existing laws
against monopoly, and holds the
executive responsible for failure to
enforce these laws. It is the ex
ecutive and not the judicial branch
of the government that is at fault
in the matter, he says. Yet the
country will not forget that it was
President Roosevelt and Attorney-
General Knox who instituted the
proceedings in the Northern Se
curities case while it was the three
Democratic justices on the Supreme
Court who decided adversely to the
administration. Tho truth of the
matter is that the trusts have loss
to fear from Parker's attitude than
they have from Roosevelt's. Tho
fact that Judge Parker
the enactment of farther anti-mo
nopoly legislation shows this.
Judge Parker's views regarding
our duty in the Philippines do not
warrant him in condemning the
course pursued there by the Repub
lican administration. He recog
nizes that we have a duty there,
and that we should be recreant to
it should we at this stage abandon
the Islands to themselves. He
recognizes that the inhabitants are
not yet lit for self-government, but
emphasizes the importance of so
preparing them for self-government
that we may grant them their in
dependence at the earliest possible
date. Any one who has read Gov
ernor Taft's testimony knows that
the control of the Philippines has
been exercised by our country for
no other purpose than to develope
in the Filipinos a capacity for
self-government. The Philippine
Islands are not being exploited for
the benefit of Americans. But to fit
tho Filipinos for self-government is
not the work of a day or a year, and
it is too soon now to say whether
their future destiny shall be one of
absolute independence or not.
It does not appear from Judge
Parker's speech that there is any
real reason for a change of admin
FOR SALE—A good 22 calibre Stevens
Rifle, with Lyman sights, and in good
condition. Inquire at PRESS Office.
Free trade looks to the moment,
and never to the morrow. It does
not produce interest, but lives on
the principle.
It is a fact that the greatest re
ductions in prices of manufactured
goods have been in those products
in which the tariff has been the
liighset and the longest.
Free trade brings the machine,
protection the machinist. Given
the men we can not lack the ma
chines; having the art we shall not
want for the article. Possessing
the producer, we shall not lack the
The present attitude of the
Democratic party toward the
Philippines recalls the fact that a
few years ago they talked about
Hawaii in very much the same
The Boston anti-imperialists
may imagine that after reading the
Democratic platform, the Filipinos
are ready for independence, for
getting that independence may be
too dearly bought.
"What is the constitution, as
between friends?" once asked a
Tammany Congressman of the late
Speaker Reed. "What is the use
of a declaratation on money, as
between Democrats?" asked the
recent Democratic convention.
Surely, what is the use? The
country knows that the Demo
cratic party, as a party, is still
against the gold standard.
" I have nothing to take back, I
have nothing to withdraw of the
thing* that I have said against
the methods pursued to advance
his candidacy. It was a plain and
deliberate attewpt to deceive the
party. The New York platform
was vague and purposely so, be
cause the advocates of Judge.
Parker were trying to secure votes
from among the people who woidd
have ojtposed his views had they
known them. * * * The nomi
nation was secured, therefore, by
crooked and indefensible meth
ods."—Willi&m Jennings Bryan, in
The Commoner," July 13, 1904.
How a Doctor Was Cured.
' For two years I was troubled with
lumbago, or pain across my kidneys, tho
pain shooting down my thigh (especially
on taking cold the pain would be ter
rible), a continual grinding, aching paiii.
One bottle of Thompson's Barosma,
Backache, Live and Kidney Cure gave
me immediate relief. I ain now taking
Barosma with great benefit as it reduces
all inflamation of the stomach, liver and
bladder, the great organs that regulate
the whole system and purity the blood."
I)r. A. S. Hubbard, !)4 Brook St., Titus
villc, Pa. For sale by 11. C. Dodson.
Horn to It.
"Some sclentiut has made tlie discov
ery that every one Is born left handed."
"Well, I can go even further than
that. I maintain that every one is
born with a predisposition to say 'I
Sioiifi it.' " —Chicago Keeord-Ilerald.
Always Fljr An«T,
Klches liave wings all right, but they
are, it would soem, trained only for an
outward flight.—Judge.
Philosophy is that which enables a
rich man to say there is no disgrace in
being poor.
A Summer Cold.
A summer cold is not only annoying
but if not relieved Pneumonia will be
the probable result by Fall. One Minute
Cough Cure clears the phlegm, draws
out the inflammation, heals, soothes and I
strengthens the lungs and bronchial
tubes. One Minute Cough Cure is an
ideal remedy for the children. It is
pleasant to the taste and perfectly harm
less. A certain cure for Croup, Cough
and Cold. Sold by It. C. Dodson.
11l nature turns the wine of intellect
into vinegar
Dowitt is the Name.
When you goto buy Witch liazel
Salve look for the name DkWITT on
every box. The pure, unadulterated
Witch Hazel is used in making DeWitt's
Witch Hazel Salve, which is the best
salve in tiie world for cuts, bums,
bruises, boils, eczema and piles. The
popularity of DeWitt's Witch Hazel
Salve, due to its many cures, has caused
numerous worthless eonterf'eits to be
placed on the market. The genuine
bears the name E. C. DeWitt & Co.,
Chicago. Sold by R. C. Dodson.
Long distance charity never reaches
the hearth.
A Sweet Breath.
Is a never failing sign of a healthy
stomach. When the breath is bad the
stomach is out os order. There is no
remedy in the world equal to Kodol
Dyspepsia Cure for curing indigestion,
dyspepsia and all stomach disorders.
Mrs. Mary S. Crick, of White Plains,
Ky., writes: "I have been a dyspeptic
for years tried all kinds of remedies but
continued to grow worse. Hy the use
of Kodol I began to improve at once,
and after taking a few bottles am fully
restored in weight, health and strength
aud can eat whatever I like. Kodol di
gests what you eat and makes the stom
aah sweet. Sold by K. C. Dod.«on.
Religion is never strengthened by re
Skin Diseases Cured.
All the loathsome skin diseases. Al
so Eczema, Pimples, Tetter, Salt Rheum,
Poison Ivy and Insect Bites are positive
ly cured by San-Curti Ointment. It
softens and aud takes out the inflamed
parts leaving a sound healthy skin.
San-Cura Ointment is perfectly harmless
and is a great aid in preventing scars.
San-Cura Ointment cures Cuts, Burns,
Bruises, Boiles, Carbuncles, Piles and
Old Sores. Druggists, 2."> c and 50c.
For Sale by It. C. Dodson.
Making money unmakes many men.
Mrs. Mollic Allen, of South Fork,
Ivy., says she has prevented attacks of
cholera morbus by taking Chamberlain's
Stomach and Liver tablets when she felt
an attack coming on. Such attacks are
usually caused by indigestion and these
tablets are just what is needed to cleanse
the stomach and ward off the approach
ing attack. Attacks of bilious colic may
be prevented in the same way. For sale
by T. Taggart.
Greatness comes only by growth.
Violent Attack of Diarrhoea Cured by
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea ilemedy andi'er
haps a Life Saved.
"A short time ago I was taken with a
violent attack of Diarrhoea and believe I
would have died if I had not gotten re
lief. says Johu J. Pattou, a leadiug citi
zen of Patton, Ala. "A friend recom
mended Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera
and Diarrhoea Remedy. I bought a
twenty-five cent bottle aud after taking
three doses of it was entirely cured. I
consider it the best remedy in the world
for bowel complaints. For sale bv L.
Bargain in Books.
A complete set of Brittanica Ency
clopaedia,consisting of thirty volumes
and key. Aro all new and in original
packages. Will be sold at a bargain,
Apply at PRESS office. 36tf
Adiiiiiiintrator's Notice.
Eitite of PATRICK HALEY, Decea.ied.l
"VfOTICEis hereby given that the under
-i > signed has been appointed Administrator
of the estate of PATRICK HALEY, late of Empori
um, Pa., deceased. All those having claims
against said estate will present the same and
those indebted make settlement.
JAMES HALEY, Administrator.
Emporium, Pa., July 27th, -2)-Gt.
Administratrix's Notice.
Estate of MA V HOLBROOK, Deceased.
I ETTERS testamentary on the estate of MISS
' MAY HOLBROOK, late of Emporium Bor
ough. Cameron county, Pennsylvania deceased
have been granted to MRS. MIN.VIE H. FOKRES.
to whom all persons indebted to said estate are
requested to make payment and those having
claims or demands, will make known the same
without delay.
. , Administratrix.
July 15, 1901.—22-6t.
I " Laughlin A 1
Ijj p . . I]
| i| Fountain M ||
□ kI pens and has no fsafc-lja | ■
y |f| FINEST Gft.iDfc liK. Ifl j.
GOLD PEN ill j fl
'I ayjj YOUR CHOICE OF THESE fttffi! 3 l|)
koo If
ft m MAKES AT $3 «|. ' J |
ej< fflKfij The LAughlin Fountain llf
(ill MM Pen Holder is made of fin- r w£SnL» I'l
! est quality hard rubber, is [••igSPf ) r 1 \
[ifil fitted with highest grade, | fcSV I'
*| mBvB large sixe, Hk. gold pen, > fWlfc ] i ,
£3 -SWM of any desired flexibility, j |1;
HI and haa the only perfect ISrSBt i , . j
In •<'! feeding device known. 'iw» 3 • •
111 « Either ityle, richly gold •'Si'?' I i■,
r-rji 1 mounted, for presentation 1 'I
|PJ 4 purposes, 51.50 extra. 'jiS ,j
ilrn 2 Surely you will not be i gsM ' '
U5J] 5 able to secure anything at |smvS§4 • ;
rj|i 11-- <8 three tims the prlc* that will I'JajsJf • M
|LU Si a give auch continuoua . sfigg..'Jß i!
jjj ly pleasure and service. | l
i |
E " |
**% 1
ffl B ft"
1 I" I
I - B i
I -o 11
How many long, weary day 3 and sleepless nights
have been filled with acony because of one of the
above mentioned complaints? It is absolutely
unnecessary that people should suffer from them.
* OIL,
will drive out the pain Instantly. Why not keep it
on hand for just such emereencies? There is sure
t c >me time of need and Hamlins Wizard Oil will
not fail you.
Great liend, Kan.
I have been subject to Sick llcadm lie 1- r c v-r
five years. I used one bottle of Hamlins Wi. i-.l
Oil as directed and have not hid a Headache sincr.
San Diego, Tex.
I have suffered a preat deal with laracho and
by the use of Hamlins VVi.-.ard Oil 1 have been
entirely cured. SARAH GILLESPIE.
Dennison, lowa.
Hamlins Wizard Oil is the best remedy for Sore
! Throat and loothach* I have ever used. I have
never known it to fail. P. H.SIMONS.
There is only one Wizard Oil Hamlins name
blown in the bottle. Signature "Hamlin Bros." on
wrapper. Take no substitute. 50c. and SI.OO.
Hamlins Cough Balsam
Cures the Cold. Prevents Pneumonia. 25c, 50c.
Hamlins Blood 4 Liver Pills
Regulate the Liver. Cleanse the System. 25c
C. R. Husted. D. D. Webster.
C.R. Husted
§ Co.
Opposite M. E. Church, Emporium, Pa. I
Keep a full line of the
Choicest ....
Family Groceries,
Fruits, Vegetables and Can
ned Goods of the finest
The pic nic season is near at hand,
so please remember to 'phone for
some of our Potted Ham, Roast
Beef, Olives, Canned Beets or Pea
nut Butter.
We also handle a full line of Pro
duce and Farm linpliments.
Proprietors. I
I 0. B. Barnes' j
5 Family Grocery >
C and Meat Market )
s 'Phone 81. X
( Call up; We'll do the rest Promptly. A
112 The public are always interested in c
\ matters that will benefit their pockets. S
[ While we are not entirely in business for £
X our health, yet we strive to merit at least \
J a share of the public patronage by deal- £
sin? strictly on the square with all ensto- \
112 mers. Our goods are all marked in plain 2
X figures—one price to all—and invite the \
( careful inspection of our line of goods as e
S well as prices. We shall aim to make i
112 our store THE FAMILY FAVORITE, by <
X keeping only absolutely the purest and S
112 best. 2
112 fresh and shall take pride in giving our e
S patrons the full value for their money. >
X NED GOODS, something seldom S
112 brought to Emporium. Sec them. c
{ Give us a Call. <
( Try Our Fresh Meats. <
[ O. B. BARNES, j
Opposite S. D. McDonald's Hotel. |
i: , | Sgl gj&J &||j @| gftS Tha $ 1 .00 bottle contains 2 1 4 time3the trial sire, which sella for 50 cants.
p*sp V; 1 . ■'• ,• <j 5;- " j PREPARED ONLY AT THE LABORATORY OF
01:1 vL» i.,;d M E. C. DeWITT 6c COMPANY, CHICAGO, ILL.
Sold by R. C. Dot!son, Druggist.
I You can't cure a cough or cold
from the outside. You must
cure it through the blood.
CUP© Tonic" 1 " 1 "
lis the only remedy that will do this,
ft gets light to the root of the
trouble. It is guaranteed to cure.
Prices: S. C. WEI.LS & Co. 12
White Lead and Zinc
are conceded to be essential to a first-class ready-mixed paint, but they must bo
thoroughly combined and used in tho proper proportion to secure the best
contain both White Lead and Zinc, without any barytes, lime, china clay, or
other injurious substances and are combined in tho proportions which have
been found to give the best results after nearly fifty years' experience.
They are made by tho Detroit White Lead Works in the finest paint and
varnish plant in the country, and ground to the last degree of fineness in Pure
Linseed Oil.
Vou taUe no chances when you use Champion Paints, they give perfect
satisfaction to both house owners and painters.
A handsome line of colors to select from.
Call for sample cards and get prices before painting.
L. TAGGART. Agent.
And we wish to say that we are better prepared than ever |
before to supply yon with all kinds of
Hardware and Huildcrs Supplies.
We have in addition to our regular stock, (the for- I
business of IT.l T . A. Palmer, known as Hockley's Coal i
Yard) consisting of Brick, Lime Cement, Wall 3
Plaster, Shingles, Coal, Hay, Hard wood, "etc., etc., I
a Jfnll line of PAINTS, COLORS in OIL, PAINT R
| BRUSHES, etc.
Plumbing and Tinuiijo
is among our specialties. Costs you nothing for I
estimates in these lines. All our work is positively I
guaranteee to give satisfaction.
! Stoves and Ranges.
Don't forget we carry the largest assortment of i
STOVES and RANGES for gas, coal or wood in I
county and every one guaranteed by the maker.
_ ; •
I Buy vour Fall Suit Earlyj
T I . " C lOT^a^K
I rpnis isan ideal suit for business men who know tho value of "looking prosperous.'
4 I It i 3 the proi'ict of the art-t iilors of Broj. Co., whose cloth ing we handle
\ Before you buy your .Sprin»Su t, "drop in an l let us talk it over."
j Nov line oi iummer llati, Caps and Neckwear.
: R. Seger &
| t U■ ; obtain anil Fort <>
1 <J Bend model, sketch or photo of in vent if .11 for 112
! 112 frecreport on patentability. For free book, r
i ■« TOU thus liave a larger as
] sortment to select from,
j I and you get longer wear
for the same outlay, with
J the added satisfaction of being
among the first to appear in up
to-date apparel.
The four button Sack Suits
shown in the picture will appeal
to good dressers who want to be
just a little in advance of the
"merchant tailor's styles."
They have broad shoulder and
chest effect which gives a fullsub
stantial appearance to the wearer
without that .stuffed and padded
look so common in other lines of
ready made Clothing.
Think of buying a suit like this
in any of the popular spring
At so little a
Price as