Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, August 11, 1904, Image 4

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    &<arr)epe>r) (£-our)fy jfress.
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No local inserted for less than 76 cts.per issue.
The Job department of the PRESS is complete,
and affords facilities for doing the best class ot
Printing. , ...
No paper willbe discontinued until arrearages
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tftf-No advertisements will be accepted at less
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ttf Religious notices free.
For President,
For Vice-President,
For Supreme Court Judge.
For Congress,
S. R. DRESSER, Bradford.
For General Assembly,
For County Treasurer,
The Democratic Change of Base.
1 n our article two weeks ago we
wrested the language of the Inde
pendent from its intended mean
ing. Our satirical construction
upon the Independent's phrase was
abundantly justified by the record
of the Independent and of the
Pennsylvania Democracy. There
has been no change of principle
because there has been no real
principle to change. The flop of
the Pennsylvania Democracy in
189(5 upon the money question is
uuparalled in the annals of state
or national politics. The Inde
pendent and its editor fully partici
pated in this flop.
We may remark in passing that
this criticism upon the political at
titude and record of the editor of
the Independent is very far from
being the same thing as an attack
upon his personal and private char
acter. We trust that the Inde
pendent will bear this distinction
in mind.
Waiving our satirical construct
ion, and considering in all due
seriousness the assurance that the
Democratic change of base involves
no change of principle, let us ask
what this assurance means or is
What does it mean from the
standpoint of Mr. Cleveland and
Judge Parker? Does Mr. Cleve
land declare that the Democratic
change of base involves 110 change
of principle? We should like to
know the comments of the Inde
pendent upon Mr. Cleveland's
article in "Collier's Weekly." Mr.
Cleveland regards the acceptance
of Judge Parker's telegram as a
revolution, as a radical renuncia
tion of wrong mouetary principles.
In Mr. Cleveland's eyes .Judge
Parker is a Moses who has safely
led the Democratic hosts out of the
Egypt of monetary heresy and
through the lied Sea of Bryanism,
and Mr. Cleveland himself is now
playing the part of Aaron in sound
ing "the timbrel o'er Egypt's dark
sea." We should not care to be in
any one's place who would venture
to declare in Mr. Cleveland's pres
ence that the Democratic change
of base involves 110 change of prin
What does this assertion mean
from the point of view of Mr.
Bryan? We certainly concede
that Mr. Bryan would much more
readily endorse the assertion than
would .Judge Parker or Mr. Cleve
land. Hois still the unyielding
champion of the free silver cause
and did all that he could at St. Louis
to prevent the party from declar
ing for the gold standard. He
withstood to the last the proposi
tion to accept Judge Parker's tele
gram, averring at the time that
this telegram would tie the party
up to the gold standard more hope
lessly than the rejected gold plank
would have done. According to
his utterances at St. Louis and liis
manifesto issued a few days later,
Mr. Bryan was far from regarding
the Democratic change of base as
involving no change of principle.
Katlier he was disposed to regard
it as involving a most lamentable
change of principle. Now, how
ever, he is disposed to miminize
the matter as much as possible in
order to strengthen in himself the
hope that the Democratic party
may one day return to his leader
ship. lie is now treating the act
ion of the convention in accepting
Judge Parker's telegram as a mere
episode, unfortunate, indeed, but
still as a mere episode. It is to
his interest to foster the impres
sion that the change of base on the
money question is not to be takeu
very seriously, and that therefore
the change of principle is not very
serious or radical. We were not
aware last week that we were con
veying to any one the impression
that Mr. Bryan has refused to sup
port Messrs. Parker and Davis, but
we did say and do say that he is
not shouting for the gold standard.
He deplores the acceptance of
Judge Parker's position, but seeks
to miminize its significance. He
finds reasons for supporting the
ticket, notwithstanding Judge Park
er's telegram.
Mr. Cleveland magnifies the
significance of Judge Parker's tele
gram and supports the ticket be
cause of the partys radical return
from heretical to sound money
principles. Mr. Bryan belittles
the significance of the Parker tele
gram, and finds reasons for sup
porting the ticket notwithstanding it.
It is left for the East Emporium
Independent to rejoice with Mr.
Cleveland over the acceptance of
Judge Parker's gold standard tele
gram, and to agree with Mr.
Bryan's latest tendencey to assert
that the party has not seriously
changed its principles.
This chaotic attitude of the In
dependent upon the money ques
tion is really characteristic of the
Democratic party taken as a whole.
And to such a party the country
will not entrust the custody and
maintenance of the gold standard.
"J shall not mis.represent the
situation, or appeal for votes for
the ticket upon false {/rounds. A
democratic victory will mean very
, little if any, progress on economic
questions so lony as the party is
under the control ojf the Wall
Street element. * * * The labor
plank as prepared hi/ Judge
Parker's friends on the subcom
mittee was a straddling, meaning
less plank, * * * The notnina
iion of .Judge Parker virtually
nullifies the anti trust plank,"—
William Jennings Bryan, in"The
Commoner," July 13, 1904.
Suicide Prevented.
The startling announcement < liat a pre
ventative of suicide had been discovered
will interest many. A run down system,
or despondency invariably precede suicide
and something has been found that will
prevent that condition which makes sui
cide likely. At the first thought of self
destruction take Electric Bitters. It
being a great tonic and nervjne will
strengthen the nerves and build up the
system. It's also a great Stomach, Liver
and Kidney regulator. Only 50c.
Satisfaction guaranteed by L. Taggart,
The careful weather man lays a few
predictions by for a rainy day.
How a Doctor Was Cured.
'•For two years I was troubled with
lumbago, or pain across my kidneys, the
pain shooting down my thigh (especially
on taking cold the pain would be ter
rible), a continual grinding, aching pain.
One bottle of Thompson's Barosma,
Backache, Live and Kidney Cure gave
me immediate relief. lam now taking
Barosma with great benefit as it reduces
all inflamation ot the stomach, liver and
bladder, the great organs that regulate
the whole system and purity the blood."
Dr. A, S. Hubbard, 04 Brook St., Titus
ville, Pa. For sale by It. C. Dodsou.
The brunette who bleaches her hair is
not necessarily light-headed.
Discovery Concerning Rheumatism.
It is now known positively that rheu
matism is caused by uric acid in the
blood. The only possible way to get this
poison away is to get this poison out of
the Mood is to treat the kidneys, as when
they are diseased or not acting properly,
the uric acid passes from the kidneys in
to the blood. Thompson's Barosma or
Kidney Cure acts quickly, taking up the
uric acid, curing the kidneys and restor
ing them to their normal functions.
Thompson's Barosma is pleasant to take.
For sale by R. C. Dodson.
A Summer Cold.
A summer cold is not only annoying
but if not relieved Pneumonia will be
the probable result by Fall. One Minute
Cough (Jure clears the phlegm, draws \
out the inflammation, heals, soothes and j
strengthens the lungs and bronchial
tubes. One Minute Cough Cure is an
ideal remedy lor the children. It is j
pleasant to the taste and perfectly harm- j
less. A certain cure for Croup, Cough I
and Cold. Sold by 11. C. Dodson.
Trying to keep up appearance lias I
pulled many a man down.
Dewitt is the Name.
When you j_ r o to buy Witch liazcl
Halve look for the name DkWITT on j
every box. The pure, unadulterated i
Witch Hazel is used in making DcWitt's :
Witch Hazel Salve, which is the best
salve in the world for cuts, burns,
bruises, boils, eczema and piles. The
popularity of DeWitt's Witch llazel
Salve, <lue to its many cures, has caused
numerous worthless- cooterfeits to be
placed on the market. The genuine
bears the name K. C. DeWitt & Co.,
Chicago. Sold by R. C. Dodson.
It is impossible to cultivate some luen
without irrigation.
A Sweet Hreath.
Is a never failing sign of a healthy
stomach. When the breath is bad the
stomach is out os order. There is no
remedy in the world equal to Kodol
Dyspepsia Cure for curing indigestion,
dyspepsia and all stomach disorders.
Mrs. Mary S. Crick, of White Plains,
Ky., writes: "I have been a dyspeptic
for years tried all kinds of remedies but
continued to grow worse. By the use
of Kodol I began, to improve at once, i
and after taking a few bottles am fully
restored in weight, health and strength
and can eat whatever I like. Kodol di
gests what you eat and makes the stoin
aah sweet. Sold by 11. C. Dodson.
It is often the barking of the crowd
that makes the dog mad.
Skin Diseases Oui-eci.
All the loathsome skin diseases. Al-1
so Eczema, Pimples, Tetter, Salt Rheum, j
I'oison ivy and Insect Bites are positive- j
ly cured by San-Cura Ointment. It :
softens and and takes out the inflamed j
parts leaving a sound healthy skin. !
San-Cura Ointment is perfectly harmless!
and is a great aid in preventing scars, j
San-Cura Ointment cures Cuts, Burns,
Bruises, Boiles, Carbuncles, Piles and :
Old Sores. Druggists, 25c and .~>Hc, .
For Sale by 11. C. Dodson.
If you try to pick your own company
you will be lonesome.
Mrs. Mollie Allen, of South Fork,
Ky., says she has prevented attacks of
cholera morbus by taking Chamberlain's
Stomach and Liver tablets when she felt
an attack coming on. Such attacks are
usually caused by indigestion and these
tablets are just what is nteded to cleanse 1
the stomach and ward off the approach- j
ing attack. Attacks of bilious colic may !
be prevented in the same way. For sale
by T. Taggart.
Even the nearsighted girl may have a
faraway look in her eyes.
Violent Attack of Diarrhoea Cured by '
Chamberlain's Colie, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy and Per
haps a liile Saved.
"A short time ago I was takeu with a
violent attack of Diarrhoea and believe I J
would have died if I had not gotten re
lief." says John J. Patton, a leading citi
zen of Patton, Ala. "A friend recom
mended Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera
and Diarrhoea Remedy. I bought a
twenty-five cent bottle and after taking
three doses of it was entirely cured. I
consider it the best remedy in the world j
for bowel complaints. For sale by L. I
Bargain in Books.
A complete set of Brittanica Ency- j
clopaedia,consisting of thirty volumes
and key. Are all new and in original i
packages. Will be sold at a bargain, I
Apply at PRESS office. 36tf
Administrator's JVotiee.
Entile of PATRICK HALEY, Deceased.] j '
NOTICE is hereby given that the under- ! I
sinned has been appointed Administrator
of the estate of PATMCKHALBY, late of Empori- j !
urn, Pa., deceased. All those having claims
against said estate will present the same and !
those indebted make settlement.
JAMES HALEY, Administrator. ]
Hmporiuni, I'a., July 27th, 1901.—23-6t. ,
Administratrix's Notice.
Estate of MA V HOLIIROOK, Deceased.
I ETTKRS testamentary on the estate of MISS
-L-J MAY HOLBROOK, late of Emporium lior
ough. Cameron county, Pennsylvania deceased, :
have been granted to IMus. MINYIB H. Founts, I
to whom all persons indebted to said estate are
requested to make payment and those having
claims or demands, will make known the same
without delay.
Administratrix, i
July 15. 1901.-22-6t.
I L Laughlin A 1
| j| Fountain M |
* jEI ITHK riL« OF ALL |l
Q ffi PENS AND HAS NO '*PV^ -J3 ji
[|] ||| FINEST GRAUb I4K. ®1 |jj
112 lj GOLD PEN m {il
DSkB YOUR choice W these ujf
| l g|:B TWO POPULAR STYLES FO* >ffij|
| I SI .OO I J
5T2 SKA The Laughlin Fountain jrofe"" I"
I ill War'tl Pen Holder is made of fin- ' J.I
,|ii est quality hard rubber, i» IW j prl
17| fitted with highest grade, HBl 1 |J
**lj 989 large size. 14k. gold pen, f4§BS .ri
Si of any desired flexibility, lISfE ; 2,1
pi ~ and hai the ouly perfect FIHkV ! r; |
jfisa feeding device known. If i
til| Either (tyle, richly gold i r-i
[Tii mounted, for presentation 112 lSjßffl ' l2j|
ID purposes, sl.soextra. ,111. 1
I m '• Surely you will not be ftiSr / (J
ULI] \ able to secure anything at b|3IHS i rri
(71 J three tines tbeprlc* that will wSSs 4 Mtl
JJ *»■ give such continuous . J ffJ
Plea,Urt an<l ,Cn aHa | J;
co 1
1 = ' 1
15 M
112 « P
i iffi
1 S li!
1 - H 1
ip I
Lame Back,
Stiff Joints,
These affections have made thousands of life
long cripples. Thousands of cripples hava been
cured permanently by the use of the best and
and most reliable of all Family Medicines,
Hamlins .emii*
* OIL Mir
Why not try it ? It can do for you what it has
done for others.
Dennison, Tex
I suffered for year 3 with tame Back caused from
Inflammation of the Kidneys. Sometimes I could
not straighten up and at times could not turn in
bed. Hamlins Wizard Oil has cured me and I feel
betterthan 1 have In thirty years. C. S. BURRELI..
Willows, Cal.
I had Rheumatism in my hand so badly that the
Joints became stiff and I had not been able to close
the hand In two years. A few applications of
Hamlins Wizard Oil removed the Contraction of
the Cords and I have since had entire use of my
There Is only one Wizard Oil—Hamlins—name
blown in the bottle. Signature " Hamlin Bros."on
wrapper. Take no substitute. 50t. and SI.OO.
Hamlins Cough Balsam
Heals the Lungs. Wards off Consumption. 25c.
Hamlins Blood 4 Liver Pills
For Torpid Liver and Constipation. 25c.
C. R. Hosted. D. D. Webster.
C. R. H usted
& Co.
j Opposite M. E. Church, Emporium, Pa. j
Keep a full line of the
Choicest ....
Family Groceries,
Fruits, Vegetables and Can
ned Goods of the finest
, The »iic-nic season is near at hand,
v> please remember t<> 'phone for
some of our Potted Ham, Roast
Beef, Olives, Canned Beets or Pea
nut Butter.
We also handle a full line of Pro
duce and Farm Impliments.
C. R. HUSTEI) & CO..
j 0. B. Barnes' j
1 Family Grocery >
} and Meat Market )
! \ EAST EnPOHllin, PA <
% 'Phone 81. X
112 Call up; We'll do the rest Promptly. £
( The public are always interested in P
s matters that will benefit their pockets. \
112 While we are not entirely in business for s
\ our health, yet we strive to merit at least \
J a share of the public patronage by deal- P
S ins strictly on the square with all custo- \
112 mors. Our goods are all marked in plain
\ figures—one price to all—and invite the 4
J careful inspection of our line of goods as P
S well as prices. We shall aim to make >
112 our store THE FAMILY FAVORITE, by J
\ keeping only absolutely the purest and \
112 best. A
112 fresh and shall take pride in giving our c
X patrons the full value for their money. >
X NED GOODS, something seldom S
112 brought to Emporium. See them. c
< Give us a Call.
112 Try Our Fresh Meats. < j
J Opposite 8. D. McDonald's Hotel. >
(Ha Tha SI.OO bottle contains 2Vi the trial site, which sells for 50 cents.
Sold by R. C. Dodson, Druggist.
(Most people think too lightly of :i I
cough. It is serious matter and i $
needs prompt attention. / I m g ■ ■■■ 1 ■ ■ £
** Iv A ■l H k I Pfcl j
SMioih. 3 © jULuJU3IAEi£
__ m ! 112 Send model, sketch or photo of invention for 112
Cure rinic""® sfyTsnTTTTTlj|j
J when the first sign of a cough or 'I P* i 111.
| cold It will cure you \ (IM VV 3kl | ■ i fgl \
! easi' quickly then —later it
«| will ij~- . i der to cure. * i
I Prices 25c., 50c.. and SI.OO. 11 1 {
White Lead and Zinc
;iro conceded to be essential to a first-class ready-mixed paint, hut they must bo
thoroughly combined and used in the proper proportion to secure the best
contain both White Lead and Zinc, without any barytes, lime, china clay, or
other injurious substances and are combined in the proportions which have
been found to give the best resuits after nearly fifty years' experience.
They are made by tho Detroit White Lead Works in the finest paint and
varnish plant in the country, and ground to the last degree of fineness in Pure
Linseed Oil.
ou take no chances when you use Champion Paints, they give perfect
satisfaction to both house owners and painters.
A handsome line of colors to select from.
Call for sample cards and get prices before painting.
L. TAGGART, Agent.
1 HuildingT ime
And we wish to say that we are better prepared than ever
before to supply yon with all kinds of
Hardware and Builders Supplies.
We have in addition to onr regnlar stock, (the for-
I business of U. A. Palmer, known as Hockley's Coid |
Yard) consisting of Brick, Lime Cement, Wall I
Plaster, Shingles, Coal, Hay, Hardwood,"etc., etc., I
a !full line of PAINTS, COLORS in OIL, PAINT I
Piunsiiiiujt' and Tiimiisg
is among our specialties. Costs you nothing for I
estimates in these lines. All our work is positively
guaranteee to give satisfaction.
Stoves and Ranges.
Don't forget we carry the largest assortment of
STOVES and RANGES for gas, coal or wood in
county and every one guaranteed by the maker.
iniiii i —Wi/mi iHi mi«i ■ i iiniminiii—i"n»
Buy Your Fall Suit Earlyj j
a. Vj'T JL i /OU thus have a larger as
-jrtVi I sortment to select from,
you get longer wear
1 " lc !U ' < ' Pl ' satisfaction of'being
BSUlrj'i among the tirst to appear in up-j
i i" sl ' ' aclvanr'- lit' tile
chest effect which gives a fullsub
look so common in other of
ochtlemcn MT At so little a
IrpHIS is an iileal suit for business men who know the value of "looking prosperous.'
I It is the product of the art-tailors of Sell lois Hros. i Co., whose cloth ing we handle
Before you buy your Spring Suit, "drop in and let us talk it over."
| New line of Summer Hats, Caps and Neckwear.
I R. Seger & ''° nk:ux "
J —___