Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, August 04, 1904, Page 5, Image 5

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Emporium, Pa., April 14, 1904.
NEMOPHILA, per sack #1 50
Felt's Fancy, " } 60
Pet Grove, 14 1 £0
f'raham, 44 ][•?
Rye 44 ®">
Buckwheat 44
Patent Meal ~ 44
Coarse Meal, per 100, J ;>>
Chop Feed, J
Middlings, Fancy 44 J JO
Bran, 1 j*
Corn, per bushel, *j»
White Oals.|>er bushel 55
Choice Clover Seeil, 1
ChoiceTimothySeed, . At Market Prices.
Choice Millet Seed,
Fancy Kentucky Blue Grass, |
At Fourth and Chestnut Sts..
Telephone, 19-2.
Contributions invited. That which you would
like to nee in thin department Jet us know pott
tnl card or letter, rersonaUv.
Hon. J. C. Johnson visited Corydon,
Pa., on Tuesday.
Mr. B. W. Green returned on Tues- |
day afternoon from visiting his Tioga I
county farm.
The Misses Sloatman, of Williams- j
port, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank :
P. Rentz.
Mrs. W. C. Cool, of Roulette, was j
guest of Dr. Rieck and wife during the j
past week.
Chas. W. Saft'er has purchased a
handsome horse and two seated car
riage for family use.
Mrs. 11. A. Cox and children, of
Philadelphia, are expected in Empori
um to-day to visit relatives.
Capt. and Mrs. Perry R. Smith, of
Ridgway, visited in Emporium last
Friday, guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. H.
Miss Mary Mulroy, of Bene/.ette,
(who has visited in Emporium fre
quently) was on Tuesday married to
Mr. Eugene Crandall, of Detroit.
Dr. F. C. Reick, dentist, returned
from Buffalo last Friday, where he had j
his eyes treated. He is now feeling j
much better and will personally at- j
tend to his dental office.
Rev. O. S. Metzler and Mr. F. P. j
Rentz enjoyed the hospitality of Mr.
and Mrs. E. C. Davey, at their pleas
ant home at Four Mile last Thursday
and incidentally brought home one of
the nicest catches of trout of the
M. P. Whiting'of Ridgway, former
ly cashier of First National Bank of
Emporium, visited here last Saturday
shaking hand with his many friends.
Mr. Whiting fills the responsible posi
tion of private Secretary to Mr. N. T.
Arnold, the attorney and capitalist.
Miss Florence Robertson and Edna
Becker, of Buffalo, are guests of Miss
Eva Yates. These pleasant young
ladies have visited in Emporium be
fore and met many ol our younger
folks. A hop was given in their honor
at Keystone Pavilion Tuesday even
W. D. Chilson, of Renovo visited in
town over Sunday with his wife and
children who have been hero for two
weeks visiting. Mr. Chilson, who is a
constant reader of the PRESS, called to
see us on Monday. He expresses him
self well pleasod with Renovo but en
joys a visit to old Emporium.
B. U. Taylor and wife, of Olean, N.
Y., were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Julian, old-time friends, over Sunday,
at this place. While here they enjoy
ed a carriage ride to North Creek and
viewed the beautiful scenery. During
their ride Mr. Julian killed a monster
rattle snake measuring four feet, and
sporting nine bells.
Geo. H..Gross and wife are delight
ed over the arrival of a handsome boy
at their residence. The young man
hung up his coat last Wednesday
evening and expects ere many days to
be behind the counter in the store of
Geo. H. Gross & Co., scattering beans
over the floor for a time before wait
ing on the patrons.
Mrs. Bliss and son Fred are taking
in the sights at St. Louis.
Miss Mattie Collins and a party of
friends are doing St. Louis.
Harry Jordan arrived on Tuesday
from Chicago, to remain until Satur
Geo. A. Walker, Jr., passed Sunday
at Jim-and-Andy Camp, near St.
Mr. John Gleason, of Driftwood,
transacted business in town Tuesday
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Julian left on
Tuesday for Alexandria Bay, N. Y., to
rusticate for a few days.
O. L. Bailey, the enterprising ro
prietor of Mountain House, Sinnama
lioning, transacted business in town
Rev. Father *Eihvard Downey, of
Victor, Col , visited in Emporium over
Sunday, guest of his brother, Rev.
Father Downey.
Jas. G. Earl, at the haDds of his esti
mable wife, presented j e editor and
wife with a very nice mess of "water
cress." Thanks, friends.
Mrs. Charlotte Smith, Miss M. B.
Smith and Miss Helen Kunkle, of Wil
liamsport, are guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Geo. Guinn at this place.
The many Emporium friends of Mrs.
A. W. Baker, of Williamsport, for
merly of Emporium, will be pained to
learn of that excellent lady's serious
Our friend J. A. Dice, Pennsylvania
agent at Sterling Run, remembers ye
editor with a box of beautiful and
fragrant flowers, for which he will
please accept our thanks.
Geo. S. Trainor has been visiting in
Emporium for several days, guest of
Joseph Newton and wife. Mr. Trainor
has been employed in Elk county but
now goes to Forest county, where the
Press follows him. He is a good, con
scientious citizen.
Mrs. E. C. Davison and daughter,
Miss Mary, accompanied by Miss Mary
Schauble, of Lancaster, the for
mer's cousin, visited in Emporium
Monday and Tuesday. They enjoyed
a visit to Howard Company's lumber
camps, under the protection of Mr. J.
M. Davison, who is also a cousin of
the pleasant lady, whom the Prkbs
editor had the pleasure of meeting.
In the August McClure's two talent
ed young college gradutes offer charm
ing bits of verse as evidence that the
college training of today is not entire
ly prosaic. They are Gouverneur
Morris, of Yale, and Witter Bynner, of
Harvard. Both show much felicity
and grace of expression and true poetic
What Dewey Said.
"Gridly, you may fire when ready."
These words destroyed the Spanish fleet
and amazed the world. Thompson's
liarosma Kidney and Liver Cure will
destroy diseases just as (juiekly and ef
fectively. It not only gives quick relief
but makes a permanent cure. The pro
prietors of Thompson's Barosma guar
antee all that is claimed for it. Thomp
son's liarosma is also warranted purely
vegetable and harmless. It is pleasant to
take and suitable for all ages. SI, or 0
bottles for $5.
Bargain in Books.
A complete set ofßrittanica Ency
clopaedia,consisting of thirty volumes
and key. Are all new and in original
packages. Will be sold at a bargain,
Apply at Press office. 36tf
Cholera Infantum.
This disease has lost its terror since
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarr
hoea Remedy came into general use.
The uniform success which attends the
use of this remedy, in all cases of bowel
complaints in children has made it a
favorite whereever its value has become
known. For sale by Jno. E. Smith,
Sterling llun.
Portage Falls Low Rate Sunday Excursions
via Pennsylvania Railroad.
On Sundays. July 17 and 31, August
14 and 28, the Pennsylvania Railroad
Company will run special excursions to
Portage Falls. A special train will be
run on the following schedule and ex
cursion tickets, good only on date of ex
cursion on special train in each direction,
will be sold at rutes quoted from the fol
lowing stations:
Train Leaves. Kate.
Emporium 8.00 a. in., $1 00
Emporium Junction 8.03 " 1 00
Hhippeu 8.13 " 1 00
Keating Summit 8.33 14 1 00
Port Allegany 8.60 " 1 00
Larabee 9.08 14 80
Eld red 9.14 •• 75
Portville ....9.29 " 65
Olean 9.45 '• 50
Portage Falls Park Ar. 11.30 44 ....
Returning, special train will leave
Portage Falls Park 5.15 p. m., arriving
Olean 6.57. Emporium 8.45 p. m.
Children between 5 and I'J years of
age, half rates. 21 7t.
City oft on I rail let ions.
| Lussa is u city of magnificent build
ings, where the streets are never re-
J puired and, except for a slight cleaning
! in January and March of the Tibetan
calendar, are dreadfully dirty. Every
where people are laden with rich orna
ments, but unwashed as Caverley's or
igan grinder. A vast Buddhist temple
j stands in the center of the city, and it
J is encircled by a street lined with
shops and roadside venders. Both men
and women are enthusiastic traders,
and especially striking is the sight of
Buddhist priests selling divers mer
chandise at roadside stalls, with the
sleeves of their clerical robes rolled
high ui> their arms.—London Globe.
C. C. Bowen, Attorney-at-Law, l)al
ton, (ia., to Pincher & Nichols.
"Have just finished painting three of
my houses with L. &. M. Paint. It
covered almost twice as much surface as
expected. Had no idea that cost of'paitit
would be so small. Always give me L.
& M."
Actual cost of Longman & Martinez
L. & M., l'aint less than $1.20 per gal
lon. Wears and covers like gold. Sold
by I lan v S. Lloyd.
All persons are hereby forbidden from
trespassing upon the property of this
Company without a permit from this
office, or the Superintendant at the
Emporium, Pa., August Ist, 1!)03.
A little practice proves more than a lot
of polemics
End ot Bitter Fight.
"The physicians had a long and stub
born tight with an abcess on my right
lung" writes J. F. Hughes of UuPont,
(la., "and gave me up. Everybody
thought my time had come. As a last
resort I tried Dr. King's New Discovery
for Consumption and 1 was on my feet
in a few days. Now I've entirely re
gained my health." It conqueis all
Coughs, Colds and Throat and Lung
troubles. Guaranteed at L. Taggart's
Drug Stnre. Price 50c, and SI.OO.
Trial bottles free.
Reduced Rates to Toronto.
On account of the Friends' General
Conference to be held at Toronto, Ont.,
August 10 to 19, the Pennsylvania Hail
road Company will sell round-trip tickets
to Toronto and return from all stations
on its lines, on August 9, 10 and 11, at
reduced rates. Tickets will be good to
return until August 31, inclusive.
< >n account of the meeting and parades
of the Northwestern Pennsylvania
Volunteer Firemen's Association, at
Warren, Pa.. August 1(1 to 12, the Penn
sylvania Railroad Company will sell ex
cursion tickets to Warren, August 9 to
12. good to return until August 14, in
clusive, from a'l stations on the Philadel
phia and Erie Railroad Division, west of
and including Williauisport. and from all
stations on the Buffalo and Allegheny
Valley Division in the State of Pennsyl
vania. at rate of sinele fare for the round
trip. 3222-23-2t.
Potter County Centennial.
On account of the Potter Couuty Cen
tennial celebration, to beheld at Couders
port August 9 to 11, inclusive, the
Pennsylvania Railroad Company will sell
excursion tickets at reduced rates from
Kldrcd and intermediate stations to Em
porium Junction and return. Tickets
will be sold August 9to 11, good for re
turn passage until August 12, inclusive.
' 23-2t.
Tour to the Yellowstone Park and Pacific Coast
On account of the Triennial Conclave.
Knights Templar, to be held at San
Francisco, Cal.. September 5 to 9, the
Pennsylvania Railroad Company will run
a personally-conducted tour, visiting the
Yellowstone Park, the principal cities
and beautiful resorts of the Pacific Coast,
Salt Lake City, Colorada Springs,
Denver and the St. Louis Exposition, in
addition to affordidg five days in San
Francisco. Tickets, covering every neces
sary expense en route except hotel ac
commodations in San Francisco, will be
sold at the low rate of $250 from all
stations on the Pennsylvania Railroad.
A special train of high-grade Pullman
equipeuient will leave New York, Phila
delphia, Ilarrisburg, and Pittsburg,
Wednesday, August IT. The full five
and one-half day's of tour of the Yollow
stone Park will be made, three days will
be spent at Los Angeles, two days at
Colorado Springs, and two days at St.
Louis, the party reaching New York,
Monday, September 19. Stops for sight
seeing will be made at Seattle, Tacoma,
Portland, San Jose, Monterey, Santa
Baibara, Salt Lake City, Glenwood
Springs, and Denver. A descriptive
itinerary will be sent on application to
Geo. \V. Boyd, General Passenger Agent,
Broad Street Station, Philadelphia, Pa.
3254.24 2t.
Greatest season yet. Noted lectur
ers, entertainers and artists.
School of elocution, dramatic culture,
physical training, language.
Rates for room and board, $4 00 to
$5.00 per week. Entertainment, recre
ation and education. Season closes,
Aug. 29.
For information or catalogue write
to Dr. BYUON KINO, Program and
Platform Mgr., Findley Lake, N. Y.
One ol the oldest and best Colleges in the
country. Good traditions. Strong faculty. Health
ful and attractive situation, beautifully wooded
campus. Commodious buildings. Adequate equip
ment. Five courses of study. Over fifty Elective
course* offered. Only Phi Beta Kappa College In
Western Pennsylvania. Moral and religious tone
healthful and wholesome. Expenses unusually
moderate. Help for needy students with good
brain«. Kali term opens September 20. Write
President William H. Crawford, Meadville, Pa.
Foods for
Lunches and
Luncheons at a moments notice, one
niiylit say, should the unexpected guest
arrive. Foods that require little or no
preparation—great saving in cooking,
helpful alike in town home or out of
town camp or cottage.
Things for picnic lunches. All these
and more are amply provided for in this
Best appointed Grocery Store iu the
Borough—as we hear from customers—
and they ought to know. No store
"owns" its customers, or has claim to
them except by right of gook goods, best
service and fiaircst prices.
Here's a helpful list:
Canned Shrimp—-wet or dry pack, 12c
and 25c a can.
Columbia River Salmon. 10c, 15c,
20c and 25c a can.
Kippered Herring, Herring in Tomato
Sauce, I7e a can. Sardines in mustard,
fine mayonnaise dressing, or pure Olive
()il, 10c to 25c a can.
Klite Lobster, nothing finer, 25c a can
Finest salad dressing ready to use Isc
and 25c a bottle.
Devilled Crabs, with shells, 25c a can.
The following list good for
This week we offer:
California Hams a Lb. IIP
5 to 8 Lbs. mild cure. 11U
12c Canned Tomatoes I HP
A dozen, sl.lO. IUU
10c Package Egg Noodles OP
3 packages 20c. Oil
5 cake Acme Soap, A P
Everybody knows its value. TU
Lump Starch lb. TP
6 lbs 25c. OU
OC Lb.Bag Sugar /f|
Best Granulated.
J. H. DAY.
State Normal School,
J. R. FLICKINUER, Principal.
lall Term IS weeks begins September 5, I <>os.
"Wu . -
Last year was the most successful in the his
tory of this important school—about "00 students.
Location among the mountains of Central Penn
sylvania, with fine water, splendid buildings and
excellent sanitary conditions make it an ideal
training school. In addition to its Normal
course it also has an excellent College Prepara
tory Department in charge ot an honor graduate
of Princeton. It also has a department inMusic,
Elocution and Business. It has a well educated
Faculty, fine Gymnasium and Athletic Field.
Address for illustrated catalog,
| Notice! I
I SI.OO B 3°r T o T R L !, F o°o R 35C |
P 6ET IT NOW Ijjjj
1 The Old Reliable I
| Druf> Store, |
L. TAGGART, Prop'r.
jjj Rockwell's |
I Drug Store. I
m fL
m r rhe Cold Cream that
we make is unsur- (s
"j passed for face and ft
In hands and will make
the skin soft and }{]
jjj white. We have
pJ Nail, Tooth and m
Hair Brushes, Wist
jjj Brooms. Chamois
Ln Skin and Sponges.
No better goods 011 n|
jjj the market. When "1
(u you want your favo
rite recipes filled U
Bring them to us.
m Our stationeryleads. nJ
Also our toilet cream, H]
j}* toilet water, toilet b]
u soaps, perfumes and
Ksashet powder. All P
the latest. fi
ll] Our Botanic Dry Kidney Cure ft
m is an exoellent tonic. A specific n]
ijj for all diseases of the kidneys. ul
r 5eSS^
| Special
i Bargains.
E U 1
u "1
} We have something nice to b]
} show you this week. Call ui
{] and see what it is. [n
II [p
Seeded Raisins, 10c lb. [}:
{] a)
ji Stuffed Olives, SI.OO bottle; n)
}j something fine.
1J [n
3 Columbia Macaroni, isc. In
i 3 Full weight. Try it.m
3 "8
J 1 nJ
'Phone 21.
| G. H. Gross & Co. j
lISB BScSHSTr 1 5 EH as ESHSH 5P c 550]
j Pleased and Satisiied Customers 1
ours are to be found in nearly every
home in this county. You ought to be
one of them! We carry the LARGEST and
BEST stock of
In this county. All made by SKILLED labor.
Our Bed-room Furniture
Was all made in 1904. CROSS BANDED VENEER
and SOLID ends.
Steel beds from frA to COQKfI
Guaranteed against breaking v/uiuU
Mattresses from <M OCtoCIC Hfl
Also guaranteed vI ■ 3 v'ViUU
■ Baldwin Refrigerators
Do refrigerate, and the price is within <£C flfi UP
the reach of all
We have the best Go-Carts in town and challenge
comparison. Quickest and handiest adjustment
and prices no higher than low grade goods.
Lace Curtains from 60c per pair to SIO.OO.
Carpets from 15c per yard to $1.50.
Linoleums from 37><c per yard to $1.50.
All (prices marked in plain figures are positively the
I lowest for the goods we offer.
Emporium Furniture Co.,
Hot Weather
51 Per (M
One Third lilt'
Call and see our
Beautiful Summer