| SCHWIELZ & CO. S g n pi I Sluice Pipe, 112 li ■ « If fl i j| IMPROVE YOUR ROADS with Uj }j STEEL and WOQD SLUICING j{J "J The steel pipe ' s made ol' cold rolled, [n JTI heavy sheet steel, r, vited so Ht to leave it fu j smooth inside. T'>e pipe is covered with u| J1 a preparation that makes it rust proof, [ll V The wood pipe is made of staves matched U"| J! and grouvea, hound with heavy iron fli U bands, treated chemically against rust LTj Jl and coated with a preparation that will pJ li stand climate and will practically ex- uj J] elude moisture. The entire length is of fL "U even diameter. Obstructions will not IP, J] lodge in it. Manufactured in all sixes up ["U "J to SIXTY INCHES. IH J1 Write for catalogue and prices, or a [U "J postal card will bring to you a represen- ui JJ tative with samples of our goods. |u -? What are Sluice Pipes Used For ? Tbey are used on roads and highways PJ J* to convey water under the road bed from by Xj streams and ditche* to keep the road bed j" dry and prevent washouts ju heavy rains rl and showers. „ Schmelz & Co., Coudersport, Pa. j.j "TcEEEHSSS2 -Cr- 3 d-SriSEiSSH"] Anyone tending a nhetch and description nm? quickly ascertain our opiuion free whether an intention la probably patentable. < oniinuiiloa. tlon# nt.rictlyeontt 4 Send model, sketch or ptioto o 1 Invention for (' 4 frcereport on patentability, Ff r frto tiok, <' | maflam Dean's B Ef A safe, certain relief for Suppressed B Menstruation. Never known tofafl. i'afe! I H Hure! Speedy! Satisfaction (xuarnnU>cd Eg H or money Refunded. Sent prepaid for Eg E |l.Ou per l»ox. Will send thorn <»ti t rlr-l, to I N he paid for when relieved. Samples 1 ree. y| UNiUD MIDIOLCO., Boy. 74. Hkc«»tc» [ Sold in Emporium by L. iTaggart am li. C. Dodson. Easy and Quick! Soap-Making with BANNER LYE To make the very best soap, simply dissolve a can of Banner Lye in cold water, melt 5 1 j lbs. of grease, pour the Lye water in the grease. Stir and put >side to set. Full Directions on livery Package liantur L.ye is pulverised. The can may be opened and closed at will, per mitting the use of a small quantity at a tune. It is just the article needed in every household. It will clean paint, floors, marble and tile work, soften water, disinfect sinks, closets and waste pipes. wVv'rite for booklet " Uses cf Banner Lye " —free. n The I'tnr, Chemical Works. Philadelphlc WE I P.ici, 60 t'l.T*. Ktnp'.t. frrf. fi.ld I ho d In* Emyoriu j by 1 I*Qg%t'. and 4- O Dottaou. EVERY WOMAN 4HfcSometimes needs a reliably monthly roediclna. *£>■ > A DR. P£AL'S PENNYROYAL piLLS, Are prompt, safe and certain ID result. The genu ine (Dr. peal's) neT.tr disappoiat. CI.OO per I>oj\ Sold by U. C. D.tdson, druggist CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH PENNYROYAL PILLS -K^ C .vj• VVjJ ,C ( e«V e \L~ w *" c° Ife p K*»U. AJtvay.*- reliable. Lndirti. n u k Druggist for C IIMKIKVH KS in Ued nnd ri»unf the Norge w'as eight days on the open sea. The party rowed the entire distance to the isl ands. All on board the boat were much exhausted and unable to stand when they landed. Nineteen more survivois of the Ne.rge, picked up from a be at by a tailing ship, have ; been landed at Thorshaven, Faroe 1 1 elands. | CAMERON COUNTY PRESS THURSDAY, JULY 14 1904. MAN HAS QUARTER STOMACH. Other Three-Fourths of Organ T^ken Out by Surgeons to Cure Cancer. With three-fourths of his stomach in a pickle bottle, John Maguire is en Joying appetite and a renewal of health in Crozier hospital, Chester, Pa. The operation which brought the stomach within the bottle was per formed recently by Dr. William B. Van Lennep. It was the last desper ate effort to save Maguire's life. He was a sufferer from cancer of the stomach and the involvment was so great that death seemed to be immi nent. Every precaution was taken to pre vent recurrence of the malignant growth and to insure against blood poisoning. Removal of the diseased part was made with instruments heat ed by an electrical battery. A flap of the intestines was then sewed to the small pocket left by the remaining portion of the stomach and the usual openings left for drainage. It was said at the hospital that all ! Indications pointed towards complete j recovery. While the stomach will hold only one-fourth as a result of the por tion he lost, the deficiency will be made up for a time by more frequent meals. Nature, after awhile, will ac ! commodate itself to the new condition by accelerating the processes of diges | tion in the intestines. The operation has excited extraordi nary interest in the hospitals and among surgeons. It is as rare as it was daring. A TRACKLESS RAILWAY. New Departure in Railroading in Ger. many Gives Every Promise of Success. United States Consul Langer, at Solingen, Germany, reports to the de ; partnient of commerce and labor that ! a trackless railway is being erected by the community of Monnheim, which will be the first of its kind in Prussia. It will run from Monnheim to Langenfpld, about 2V<> miles long, with two short branches intended for freighting purposes. For entering farm yards lying close to the road a connector and flexible cable 50 to 70 feet in length will be used to transmit the current to the motor car. When these trains pass each other one will remain standing under the wires and disconnect its current until the other has passed. Farmers' wagons can be attached to the end of the train, provided the or dinary tongues are replaced by short ! er coupling tongues, i Consul General Cole, at Dresden, ; Germany, reports that experiments al so have been made near Dresden with : Tailless electric roads, but it seems that, the lines did not prove a marked success from a financial point of view. Finds Curious Old Flag. An old flannel American flag with a history has been found by Max Towel, a York, Pa., tailor, in a disused corner i of the altic over his shop. On a paper, yellow with age. in which the tlag is wrapped, is written: "Take good care of this flag. It was made in 177 N." In asmuch as the first flag of its kind was ! made by Betsy Ross a year later, Mr. Tewel does not vouch for the correct ness of the note. The flag is plainly of home manufacture. It has 13 white stars on a blue field. Stars and ; stripes were cut out by hand and sewed together with apparently mticb care and labor. Both Profitable? The visiting editors expressed great satisfaction with the Pike and its variant attractions. The Pike shows, says the St. Louis Globe-Democrat, occupy the same relation to the world's fair that the paid locals do to the country newspaper. WRONG TRACK Had to Switch. Even the most careful person is apt to get on the wrong track regarding food sometimes and has to switch over. When the right food is selected the host of ails that come from improper food and drink disappear, even where the trouble lias been of lifelong stand ing. "From a child I was never strong and had a capricious appetite and 1 was allowed,to eat whatever I fancied —rich cake, highly seasoned food, hot biscuit, etc.—so it was not surprising that my digestion was soon out of or der and at the age of twenty-three I was on the verge of nervous prostra tion. I had no appetite and as I had been losing strength (because I didn't j get nourishment in my daily food to repair the wear and tear on body and brain) I had no reserve force to fall ' back on, lost flesh rapidly and no 1 . medicine helped me. "Then it was a wise physician or- I [ dered Grape-Nuts and cream and saw i I to it that I gave this food (new to me) | ' a proper trial and it showed he knew { ' what he was about because I got !• a (i,OOO-word story before breakfast. | Avoid the unhappy ending, the j harsh, the brutal, the tragic, the hor> J rible —if you care to see in print the ! things you write. Keep a notebook. Travel with it. eat , with it, sleep with it. Slap into it every stray thought that liutters up into your brain. This valuable advice is appended to the story of his own struggle tor recognition. Every one likes to know | how the successful succeed. He had many liabilities and no as sets, no income and several mouths to feed. He lived in California, far from the great publishing centers, and did not know what an editor looked like. But he sat down and wrote. Day by day his pile of manuscripts mounted up. He had vague ideas, obtained from a Sunday supplement, that a minimum rate of ten dollars a thou sand words was paid, and figured on earning SOOO a month, without over stocking the maruet. One morning the postman brought him, instead of the usual long, thick manuscript envelope, a short, thin one. ! He couldn't open it right away. It ! seemed a sacred thing. It contained 1 the written words of an editor of a big ' magazine. When, modest as ever, lie had figured in his mind what the off* r j for this 4,000-word story would be at the minimum rate—s4o, of course—he • opened the letter. Five dollars! Not having 1,300, went to a lawyer's wife in an obscure Missouri town. It has just inaugurated another con test in which $10,600 will be paid to writers in sums of from SIOO to $1,500. This will, no doubt, add many new i names to the lis/ of those who have : "arrived" through its recognition. The conditions are announced in the j current issue of The Black Cat, and will also be mailed free to any one by The Shortstory Publishing company, Boston, Mass. Even those who can not write a winning story themselves may earn ten dollars by giving a time ly tij> to some friend who can. But. all should bear in mind that it ' will be entirely useless for any one to send a story to The Black Cat without first reading and complying with all the published conditions. Here >3 a chance for the reader to dig dol lars out of his brain, for what life does not at. least contain one tale wortb telling? WISE BEYOND HER YEARS. Senators Cullom and Cannon Baffled by a Bright Little Girl. At the republican Mute convention in Springfield, 111., Imitator < ullom and , v peuker Cannon tiled in get u pupular ruling .is lo winch in tne handsomer man, sayis the New York Herald. "li I hud a face like your*, Joe," said the senator, "I'd wtar a veil or bund a lence around it." "And il 1 looked like,t on, Shelby," replied "Lncle ' Joe, "I ij walk backward all tne tune. Your rear elevation isn't >o bud, but the Iron! facade i-- a bad blotch." "11l tell you, -loe, we'll leave it to tlii» little girl. Site doesn't want any political job and I gue-* she'll be honest," suggested Senator <'ullom. The little girl's mother was with her. "Which do you think is the best looking, DorothyV" asked the proud mother. The child looked at both out of big. frank eyes and said: "I don't like to say. mamma, which I like best. 1 might 'fend Mr Cannon." It Pays to Head Newspapers. Cox. Wis., July 4. —Frank M. Russell of this place, had Kidney IX.-ca.-e so bad that he could not walk, lie tried Doctors' treat ment and many different remedies, but was getting worse. He was very low. lie read in a newspaper how Dodd's Kidney Pills were curing cases of Kidney Trouble, Plight's Disease, and Rheumatism, and thought he would try them. He took two boxes, and now he is quite well. He "I can now work nil day, and not feel tired. Before using Dodd's Kidney Pills, 1 couldn't walk across the floor." Mr. Russell i< the most wonderful ease ever known in Chippewa County. Tr i-nu w remedy Dodd's Kidney Pill—is making some miraculous cures in Wisconsin. Making of Great Man. "Socrates w;is u wonderfully patient, for bear. ng. forclvii'g. thouni greatly imposed upon, until." said Mrs, M'iktbn. "Ye*." answered Leonidas. "and I under stand' he owed i: all to iii- wife."- Wash ng ton Star. It Cures While You Walk, Allen's Foot-Ease is a certain cure for hot, sweating, callus, and swollen, aching feet. Sold by all Druggists. Price 25c. Don't accept any substitute. Trial package I'KKE. Address Allen S. Olmsted, Le Roy, N. Y. Utopian existence means a mode of ilfe where the other fellow hat, lo di\nle with you. —Chicago Tribune. Fits stopped free and permanently cured. No (its after first day's use of Dr. Kline's Great Nerve Restorer. Free 82 trial bottle & treatise. Dr. Kline, Ml Arch tt., Pliila., Pa. A real grief needs no uu.form.- -Chicago Tl biune. Piso's Cure cannot be too highly spoken of us a cough cure. J. \\ OUrien, 322 l hird Ave., N., Minneapolis, Minn., Jan. ti, 1900. What a great wrath a little sass kind leth! St. l'aul Globe. | For Infants and Children. The ou ave F _ ' - -\i Always Bought :J AVcgctaulePreparalionrorAs a w similating ihe Food and Reg ula- M | lmj4 the Stomaclis and Dowels of " 1)63X8 tllP Jf 1 Signature /Xw Promotes Digeslion.Chcerful- ■ M %/ lAf ness and Rest.Contains neither Jy JT. Jf > j Opium.Morphine nor Mineral. m 01 /1\ IT NOT >1 Aitc OTIC . 1 A l\. Ji*V* afOU UrSAKCELPtTCmR « f\/\ V ihtmpkm, SeeJL" V S \lf % j4ix.Se/uta * I; 33 |/« m RocktlU SmUt I ui I JfcS: > If\ .III* II) Jit CarttnickAoda * A 5*1% |jl | WnpSetd - 1 'ffl 11 ft f/evj/t+d ■ Sun AT I Jm wf 9 ■ ■ Vintmj~e» rtawr. / iW 5 || £/ Or Aperfecl Remedy forConslipa ft 112 \| fV I# 0> C ! Tion, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea » I lir 1 1 Worms .Convulsions .Feverish- ifi I Pj P_ w „ ness and Loss OF SLEEP. X \y* BOF UV 0 s I FacSmiilc Signature of ||J Thirty Years EXACT copy OF WRAPPER. iCASTORIJi ▼MS OCNTIIUN fOMMNf. NIW YORK CITY. I Make Lazy Liver Lively i w You know very well how you feel when your liver don't act. Bile collects in the blood, bowels become constipated and your 1 $ whole system is poisoned. A lazy liver is an invitation for a Tr W thousand pains and aches to come and dwell with you. Your pf. life becomes one long measure of irritability and despondency j» 9 and bad feeling. Jj* 9 Act directly, and in a peculiarly happy manner on the liver and yj bowels, cleansing, purifying, revitalizing every portion of thee V liver, driving all the bile from the blood, as is soon shown by in- JC )S creased appetite for food, power to digest it, and strength to jj. i throw off the waste. Beware of imitations! 10c., 25c. All s I druggists. | Best for the Bowels ~ | +» "ja-jo-jo-x* xi • •»•»< I PAY SPOT CASH FOR |fc| | PA ANAKESIS £1" £ "'iiV-VvLand Warrants PIS ES&B^SS Isrucil lo BOlrtlors of any *ur. Write nre at onc» B ■ VuiL IUIA.NK 11. ltfcUElt. liunti Block. Utuvtr. C«iu J - one buUrtiu*. Nut Kuilk Bone Pains, Itching, Scabby Skin Diseases, Swellings* Carbuncles. Scrofula Permanently cured by taking Botanic Blood Balm, h destroys the active Poison in tlie blood. If you hav# aches and pains In bones, buck and Joints, lulnna Scabby Skin, Wood feels hot or thin; Swollen Glands Risings and Bumps on the Skin, Mucus Patches in Mouth, Sore Throat, or offensive eruptions; Copper- Colored Spots or Rash on Skin, ail run-down, o* nervous; L'lcersonaoy part of the body, Hair** Lyebrow* fall.ng out, Carbuncles or Boils, talit Botanic IJlooil Balm, giinrantoiMl to cure oven the worst and most deep-seated cases where doctors, patent medii ines, and hot springs fail. Heals all sores, stops all a< hes and pains, reduce* all swellings.makes blood pure and rich,completely chang ing the entire body into acle.in, healthy condition. B. B. IJ, has cured to stay cured thousands of cases** Blood Poison even after reaching the last stages. Old Rheumatism, Catarrh, Eczema i»re caused by cn awful poisoned condition of the Blood, B B, B. cures Catari h, stops Hawking arrf Spitting; cures Rheumatism, with Ac hes and Palnst heals all Scabs, Scales, Eruptions, Watery Blisters, with Itching and S« ratching of Eczema, by giving * pure, healthy blood supply to affected parts. Cancer Cured Botanic Blood B.ilm Cures Cancers of all Kinds. . Suppurating Swellings, T.. I .i g Sores, Tumors, ugly Ulcers. It kills the Cancer Poison and heals the Sores or worst Cancer perfectly. If you have a presistent Pimple, Wart, Swellings, Shooting, Stinging Pains, take Blood Balm and they will disappear l>efore they develop into Cancer. Many apparently hopeless cases of Cancer cured by taking Botanic Blood Balm. I OUR GUARANTEE.—Take a largo bottle of Botanic Blood Balm(B.B.B)as directed cn label, and when the right ouantitv Is taken a cure is L certain, sure and lasting. If not cured your money will promptly h? refunded without argument- Botanic Blood Ba!m (8.8.8.] J« Pleasant and safe to t..ke. Thoroughly tested for .«J years. Composed of Pure Botanic Ingredients. Strengthens Weak Kidneys and Stomachs, cure* Dyspepsia. Sold by all Druggists, sl. Per Large Bottle,with complete diret tion tor home cure. Sample Sent !• ree by writing Blood Balm (Jo., Atlanta. Ga. Describe your trouble, and special free medical adv ke. to suit your case, will be sent in sealed letter. It Cores Cold*, Coughs. Sore Throat, Croup, Influ enza, Whooping Cougri, Bronchitis and AetUuia. A certain cure for Consumption in first stages, and a Hire relief in advanced Use al om c. You Will see the excellent effect after taking tl»» flrnt dose. Sold by dealers everywhere, bottles 'io cents and 50 cents. 7