Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, July 14, 1904, Page 5, Image 5

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Emporium, Pa., April 14,1904. \
NEMOPHILA, per sack $1 50 j
Kelt's Fancy, " 1 60
Pet Orove, " 1 80 !
Graham " 75 |
Rye " 85
Buckwheat, "
Patent Meal. " 50
Coarse Meal, per 100, 1 35
Chop Feed, " 1 35
Middlings. Fancy" 1 40
Bran, 1 25
Corn, per bushel, 75
White Oats, per bushel 55 i
Choice Clover Seed, 1
Choice Timothy Seed, I t Market Prices. '
Choice Millet heed.
Fancy Kentucky Blue Grm, |
At Fourth and Chestnut Sts..
U "~J \ i
Telephone, li»-2.
Contributions invited. That which you would
like to nee in this department,let UH know by pos
tal card or letter, personally.
Walter Seeley visised at Jersey Shore
and Renovo last week.
R. H. Welsh, of Medina, N. Y., visit
ed his parents here last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Julian visited at
•'Punkey Camp" a few days ago.
Postmaster Thos. M. Lewis, of Sterl
ing Run, came up last Wednesday to
see friends.
Harry Moore, of Keating Summit,
came down to celebrate the Fourth.
Good boy, Harry.
John Keating, who is working at
Emporium, spent Sunday with Kane
friends. —Republican.
Miss Helen Richardson, of Drift
wood, spent the 4th in town, the guest
of Miss Jean McNarney.
A. Tate, Emporium Lumber Com
pany's woods Supt. was in town on
Monday on his way to Hulls.
Mr. John Market and family, of
olean, N. Y., visited at the home of
Mr. Nickler during July 4th week.
The Misses Agnes and Mary Martin,
of Hulls, who were visiting friends
here returned to their home Saturday.
Mrs. D. R. Branson, of Dußois, is
visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A.
A. McDonald on Fiflh street.
Misses Margaret and Celia Qleason,
of Driftwood, visited in town on the
Fourth, guests of Miss Mattie M. Col
fhe Misses Jennie and Lizzie Mc
tunes, of Corry, have been visiting old
friends in Emporium the past two
*fr. and Mrs. George M. Jewell and
/daughter Florence, of Machias, N. Y.,
are guests of J. P. McNarney and
IVfiss T. Clark, of Philadelphia,
off at Emporium, while en
route for Tionesta, to visit Mrs.
Prof. E. S. Ling and family are
relatives and friends at Johns
tvWfl and Bedford, expecting to be
absent until Sept.
Knight Vernon, Esq ; of Brooklyn,
-N. Y., visited at the residence of M. T.
Hogan and family last week and en
joyed a trip to"Camp Punkey."
Miss Belle Hinkle, of Wilmington,
Del., who has been visiting Mrs. Lizzie
S inkle in town for several days, left
1 Monday for Warren, Pa , to visit
J. E. Rhodes, who completed a suc
cessful log contract for Cameron Lum
ber Company, was in town last Thurs
day. "Jack" is a hard worker and
will get there.
A. Mclnoes, Sr , of Corry, patentee j
of the Melnness tool steel, visited old
friends in Emporium on the Fourth |
He is doing a flourishing business we |
are glad to learn
Miss Margaret Murphy, one of Jobn
sonburg's talented school teachers,
was an Emporium visitor during July
Fourth week She was guest of Miss
Mattie M. Collins.
JVJiss Celia Hogan, who is filling a
responsible position as stenographer
in New York, is visiting her parents at
this place, and enjoying a few days
outing at "Camp Punkey "
Mrs. Peter Murray, residing on West
Fifth street, slipped last Friday and
fell from the back porch of her resi
dence injuring her left wrist. Dr.
Heilman relieved her suffering.
Rev. R. S. Oyler, of Keating Summit,
left last week for Boston, Mass.,
where he will pursue a course in thp
Emerson College of Oratory. He will
also take a special course of study in
Harvard University.
Harry Weaver and wife, of Kane,
spent a week in Emporium, guest of
J. W. Clarke and wife. They are a
popular as well as pleasing young
couple and have many friends here,
all of whom were pleased to meet
A. C. Blum is out of town on a busi
ness visit.
Miss Anna Garrity is visiting her
sister, Mrs. Philip Dixon, at St. Marys.
Miss Dollie Hogan returned on
Saturday last from visiting friends at
B ififalo.
Wm. K. Wright and wife, of Reno"o,
were guests of T. F. Moore and wile
on the Fourth.
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Norie visited the
former's parents at Renovo during
part of last week.
Roy Beattie came home from La
quin, Pa., to spend the Fourth with
his mother aud brothers.
Mrs. H. P. Spence, of Bryan Hill,
and Miss Bessie Kackenmeister were
PRESS callers on Monday.
Mrs. William Garrity is visiting at
Philadelphia and Atlantic City. Mr.
Garrity will join her later.
Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Gould and Miss
Lillie Lawrence Eldred of visited in
Emporium over the Fourth.
A. J. Siegfried, who is living at the
Coke Ovens, visited his daughters in
JeffcTnOi) county on the Fourth.
Mrs. Cavey and daughter Margaret
and Miss Jennie Halderman have re
turned from St: LG!1!» Exposition.
Geo. Beattie who is attending school
at Williamsport, visited his mother
and brothers in town over the Fourth.
Miss Laura Deemer, of Williamsport,
daughter of Congressman Deemer, has
been guest of Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Van
Gelder during the past week.
Mrs. James Morrisey returned on 2d
from visiting her daughter, Mrs. Harry
Steele, at Kane. We regret to learn
her health continues to trouble her.
Mrs. App, nee Annie Seibert, of j
Coudersport, stopped in Emporium on
tier return from Lock Haven Normal
Commencement to visit her old friend,
Mrs. H. S. Lloyd.
Joseph Kaye arrived in Emporium !
last Sunday from Wis., to spend the j
week here. He will return on Friday, I
accompanied by his daughter, Mrs.
Jas. L. Norie, who will visit there j
for some months.
Mr. J. J. Schwab, Lumber, has the
thanks of ye editor for two baskets of
the largest strawberries it has ever
been our pleasure to eat. They were
beauties. Mr. S. has grown about 800
quarts this season.
Mrs. William Howard, of Williams
port, has been visiting in Emporium
forseveral days,looking after property
interests. We understand she has
sold the building formerly occupied as
a harness shop, to Mr. J. R. Fetter.
Parker and Davis are both at the
Warner House to-day—the former
chief porter and the latter chief clerk.
These are not the democratic candi
dates for President and Vice Presi
dent, because the tail can't wag the
Fred B. Lloyd, who came home from
Philadelphia Commercial College to
spend his vacation, has entered the
First National Bank, while Mr. Zuber
is taking a vacation. He takes to the
work as naturally as a duck does
Mrs. Alva Wright, of West Sixth
street, had a slight stroke of paralysis
Tuesday and Drs. Bardwell and Heil
man were summoned. At this writing
she is reported much better with
bright prospects for her complete re
Mr. Chandler and several other gen
"emen interested in the Cameron
w'ck and Coal Company, were here
last week looking over their property,
with an expert. It is hoped they will
commence operations in the very near
Hon. I. K. Hockley arrived in Em
porium last Sunday from St. Louis,
where he went to look at the demo
cratic convention and take a trot on
the pike. He evidently smelled a
mouse, for he left before Billy Bryan
tied up the gang,
Chas. L. Butler, our modest and se
date friend returned on Saturday from
Port Allegany, where he completed a
special contract of painting. We un
derstand he took a hand in evangelis
tic work, while in that wicked city.
Sam Jones will have to look to his
John D. Morrissey, ofSuperior, Wis.,
came to Emporium July sth, to see his
mother and chat with old friends, all
of whom are pleased to see him. Mr.
Morrissey is R. R. agent at Superior,
as well as fire and police commissioner.
Give aa Emporium boy a show —he'll
get there.
Godfrey Howard, Williamsport,
Samuel E. Cameron, Towanda, Pa.,
and Peter Snyder, of town, were
PRESS visitors on the eve of the Fourth.
All are enthusiastic Americans and if
the Fourth was a little noisy they aided
in the good work. Call again, boys;
you are always welcome.
Patrick Dulling, one of Shippen's
good natured fellows and an enthus
iastic Roosevelt sliouter from "way
back in the woods" was a PKESS
visitor last Saturday week, getting on
to the program for the Fourth. He
started"in right by renewing his sub
scription to the PRESS for another
Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Forbes, ol Mari
etta, Ohio, are residing here for the
time being, while settling up the estate
lof the late Miss llolbrook. Mr. Forbes
i is engaged in the oil business and re
j turns this week for a business visit, his
son who is now a young man of 21
years, comes here to assist and remain
with his mother.
George B. Foutz and son Irvine
! Earl, of Caledonia, Pa., visited in
I Emporium just a few days before the
I Fourth and regretted they could not
remain and assist us in celebrating.
! Mr.F. and son, who formerly resided at
I Sinnamahoning, called to see the PRESS
j gang and, of course, carried away a
| receipt for another year's reading of
I tho PRESS. While here Sheriff Hemp
! hill took them in charge and treated
j them well until train time.
Percey Cochran, son of Hon. J. W.
I Cochran, of Ashland, Wis., stopped in
i Emporium, July sth and 6th, while re
turning from Princeton College and
| visited his uncle and family, Mr. G. F.
I Baleom. When be left here for the
| west with his respected parents he was
| a small lad, yet he remembered his
! childhood friends and many of the
| older ones. He has grown to be a fine,
I athletic young man—a veritable chip
|of the old block. His cousin Max Bal
| com took him in hand and pointed out
j all the points of interest.
Miss May Kelly, of Austin, has re
turned to Emporium.
lion J. G. Johnson is visiting his
son Thomas at Pitteburp.
Our friend Henry Auchu is busy
breaking in a three legged bicycle.
Mr. and Mrs. A F. Andrews visited
Coudersport relatives over Sunday.
Miss Mabel Wahl, Westfleld. Pa., is
guest of Mrs. C. Q Schmidt and family.
Mr. A F. Frappier was a pleasant
bus.less caller at this office this morn
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Swain of Keat
ing Summit, visited in Emporium over
Miss Mabel Fowler, of Montgomery,
Pa., is the guest of Miss Myrtle
Fred Johnson is spending the sum
mer months at Buffalo,taking a special
course of study.
Mrs. A. I> Good, of Allegany, Pa., is
visiting her sister, Mrs. Win McDon
ald at this place.
William McDonald attended the
funeral of Daniel Crowley at Lock
Haven on Tuesday.
Michael Mulcahy and wile, of St.
Marys, visited their parents in Eljl
: porluna Oil Uie Fourth.
Mr.ii John K<ickenmeister and
daugltWr returned last Saturday from
visitiil# friends at Dußois.
Miss Beach, of Pittsburg, formerly a
clerk in the Climax Powder office is
visiting old friends in town.
Mrs Cowing nee Josephine Kautz,
of Watkins, N. Y., is visiting her
mother and friends at this place.
Mrs. C. J. Goodnough, is visiting at
Corn wall-on the-Hudson, guest of Mr.
Goodnough's brother and family.
Mrs. Katie Robinson, of Fourth
street returned from Buffalo 011 Tues
day, where she visited relatives.
J. L. Fobert and family have moved
to Salamanca, N. Y., where he has
opened a tailoring establishment.
Miss Byrde Taggart, who has been
visiting friends in eastern portion of
the state, is now rusticating at Trout
Dr. Heilman is spending to-day at
the regular bimonthly meeting of the
Elk county Medical Society at Ridg
Mrs. John Beattie accompanied by a
party of ladies celebrated her birthday
yesterday, with a picnic at Keystone
Missses Etta and Minnie Fetter, of
Renovo, were the guests of their
grand-parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. R.
Beattie last week.
Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Fisk and two
daughters visited in Emporium last
week, guests of City Hotel. They re
side at St. Marys.
Mr. Fred Julian has gone to"Camp
Punkey" again. If the campers do
not chase him out there will not be a
trout left in the stream.
Mrs. R. W. Robinson and children,
ot Westboro, Wis., after visiting here
for several weeks, returned home last
Sunday on Buffalo Fiver.
Miss Blanch Morse and cousin, Miss
Naomi Jenson, of Sinnamahoning,
were guests of their uncle, Edward
Morse and family one day last week.
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Wheeler went to
Buffalo on Tuesday on a business trip.
They are making extensive plans for
remodeling and refurnishing The New
Miss Adeline Garrity, stenographer
in the law offices of D. J. Driscoll,
spent the Fourth with her parents at
Emporium. She returned to St. Marys
on Tuesday.—Gazette.
Mr. and Mrs. John Powell, of Buf
falo, formerly residents of Emporium,
who were called here to attend the
funeral of the former's are
meeting many Emporium friends.
Chas. W. Williams, of Mason Hill,
was in town yesterday endeavoring to
hire men to assist with his haying.
Wm. Snyder has agreed to help him
out with his work and goes over on
Misses Hazel Crawford and Blanch
Jackson, two of Warren's pleasant
young ladies, who have been visiting
in Emporium during the past three
weeks, guests of Miss Marion Rentz,
returned home to-day.
Misses Grace and Bessie McCaslin,
two of Emporium's most popular
young ladies are visiting their broth
ers, at their cabin on the lake near
Cleveland. We understand others
are to follow—ladies of course.
Read Chas. Diehl's special announce
ment on eighth page. 'Phone No. 36.
The Keystone Powder Company
have completed their new soda house,
and moved their force into the same.
It is lire-proof.
Sneak Thief.
A sneak thief, a lew evenings ago,
broke a screen in J. W. Clark's dining
room window and was in the act of
entering the room when discovered.
The family had just finished their
supper and were entertaining their
guests in the parlor when the thief
was caught in the act, but he escaped.
No doubt he was after either the silver
or grub.
Warner House Changes Hands.
On Friday, July Ist, the well known
Warner House at this place was sold to
Mr. J. L. Wheeler; consideration, sls
- Mr. Wheeler has taken charge
and already commenced upon exten
sive alterations and improvements.
When the contemplated alterations
and complete renovation has been com
pleted The New Warner will rank with
| the best hotels in the country.
Teachers Selected.
Emporium School Board met last
Monday andcompleted the selection of
teachers for the ensuing term, viz:
Assistant Principal—Miss Esther
Rumsey, advanced from A Interme
j Miss Edith McCormick, Tidioute,
I Pa., A Intermediate, East Ward.
Miss May G. Belig, Bloomsburg,
! Pa., C Intermediate East Ward.
| Miss Julian Fritzpatrick, Mansfield,
1 Pa., C Intermediatee, West Ward.
I . '
1 Burning the ledger will mt balance
the books.
Subscribe for the PRESS; only $1.60 a
I year in advance.
(Foods Ready
To Serve
Picnic and informal meals
when 011 pleasure excursions
have fewer limitations to their
enjoyment when thoughtful use
is made of available foods already
prepared. The delicatessen sen-.
' A •
tion of this store oners a bewil
dering choice of palatable foods
that require little or no prepara
tion before serving ;"and then the
array of canned goods—in tin or
glass jars—from soups to sweet
potatoes is a powerful reinforce
ment to the|delicatessen section.
Choicest fresh Fruits and
! Butter and Cheese of the best
High grade Teas and Coffees.
Attractive Grocery list for
This week.
Pearl Tapioca a lb /f*
7 lbs for 25c.
Large can Pumpkin, OP
A dozen 90c. Ou
Pure Corn Starch, 1 lb. pkg 6C
Shredded Whole Wlieat lOP
Biscuit, 15c package IZU
Queen Olives, 16 oz bottle OOP
Selected. ZOw
QC Lb. Bag Sugar <M Afl
*3 Best Granulated.
I'ratts Poultry and Stock Food.
Pratts Veterinary Remedies.
Crushed Oyster Shell.
pb.ii.a. J. H. DAY.
State Normal School,
J. R. FLICKINGER, Principal.
Fall Term IS weeks begins September 5, 1005,
. ' A
Last year was the most successful in the his
tory of this important school-about 700 students.
Location among the mountains of Central Penn
sylvania, with fine water, splendid buildings and
excellent sanitary conditions make it an ideal
training school. In addition to its Normal
course it also has an excellent College Prepara
tory Department in charge ot an honor graduate
of Princeton. It also has a department in Music,
Elocution and Business. It has a well educated
Faculty, fine Gymnasium and Athletic Field.
Address for illustrated catalog.
jfspecial Sale |
I Wa-HooJ
® CI nn bottle FOR orp if
II 3)I.UU 3 for si.oo «3DL ||j
fflj Every bottle Guaranteed [||j
or money refunded. J||
I The Old Reliablel
| Drag Store, |
ifjL> L ta(kiart ' i>r °p' r - j|j
r. bf IL n!IS? l is'T bdbiihr'SdbiiS^
S Rockwell's jjj
| Drug Store. |
m The Cold Cream that ui
m we make is unsur- [JI
{jj passed for face and jj{
In hands and will make m
(n the skin soft and H]
white. We have jjj
fil Nail, Tooth and Gj
Hair Brushes, Wist jn
I Brooms. Chamois fij
uj Skin and Sponges. ni
No better goods on n]
re the market. When jfl
ru you want your favo- Uj
pj rite recipes filled fp
uj Bring them tq ft)
Uj Our staf^neryleads. nJ
uj our toilet cream, j{]
toilet water, toilet
u ssoaps, perfumes and
sas.:!" n °wdor, AH J.
jjj the latest. [J;
[{] Our Botanic Dry Kidney Cure fr|
m is an exoellent tonic. A specific fu
re for all diseases of the kidneys. uj
ft P
| Special !
i Bargains. I
re lt
r . s
[]| We have something nice to"l
m show you tliis week. Call ui
nJ and see what it is. [n
jfl vSeeded Raisins, ioc lb. [jj
K Stuffed Olives, SI.OO bottle; [fl
C{ something fine.
ru Columbia Macaroni, 15c. in
jjj Full weight. Try it.
'Phone 21. jjj
gj G. H. Gross & Go. 112
(ksaasasHSfsasss asass srp <=sHi]
' N
Pleased and Satisiied Customers
/"\F ours are 16 be found in nearly every
home in this county. You ought to be
one of them! We carry the LARGESTIJand
BEST stock of
______ MM
In this county. All made by SKILLED labor.
Our Bed-room Furniture
Was all made in 1904. CROSSjBANDED V T ENEER
and SOLID ends.
Steel beds from / to COQCH
Guaranteed against breaking OH v/ui3U
Mattresses from frl oG to <tlK fIH
Also guaranteod 4) I■ Z 0 010 ■U U
Baldwin Refrigerators
Do refrigerate, and the price is within <£C ftH UP
the reach of all vOiUU
We have the best Go-Carts in town and challenge
comparison. Quickest and handiest adjustment
and prices no higher than low grade goods.
from 60c per pair to SIO.OO.
Carpets from 15c per yard to $1.50.
Linoleums from per yard to $1.50.
All prices marked in plain figures are positively the
lowest for the goods we offer.
Emporium Furniture Co.,
Hot Weather
511 Per Cent.
Triiiimwl Hats
One Third Oft'
Call and see our
Beautiful Summer