€jctnc)er«i) J^pe.ss. Bstahusbbd bv C. B.GOULD. HENRY H. MULLIN, Editor and Manager. REPUBLICAN TICKET. National. For President, THEODORE ROOSEVELT. For Vice-President, CHARLES W. FAIRBANKS, State. For Supreme Court Judge, JOHN P. ELKIN. County. For Congress, S. R. DRESSER, Bradford. For General Assembly. JOSIAH HOWARD, Emporium. For County Treasurer, »H. EUGENE O. BARPWKLL. Emporium. WASHINGTON LETTER. {From our liegular Correspondent.) Washington, July lltl), 1904. M&itor Press:— The 50th anniversary of the feirth of the Republican party was celebrated in this city on the oth Mist., l>y the Republican clubs of She District. Ex-Senator John M. Thurston presiding at the mass meeting. In a letter from Geo. B. ©ortelyou, Chairman of the lte wnbliean National Committee, he .said: 'May the celebration which you and your associates have ar ranged voice the spirit of true Re publicanism —the spirit that dur ing half a century has animated Ihe great organization whose prin ciples and whose policies have been among tlia mightiest forces in our iiioral and material development." Senator Turston characterized the St. Louis Convention as repre sentatives of the "ragtag and bob tail of humanity." And speaking the president he said: "lie can be relied upon to preserve all our domestic prosperity and all on in ternational prestige. In his strength, honesty, courage and patriotism the Amerian people can safely repose their trust." It is Announced at Oyster Bay that the President is enjoying picnics with his family in the surround ing forests, and that he will return to the Capital about August first and hold a Cabinet meeting. Most ©f the Cabinet Officers are away from Washington. Secretary Morton has gone to Chicago, to at tend on the 14 inst., compliment ary dinner given by the Merchant's Club. He will return early in August in time to meet the Presi dent. Mr. Cortelyou did not leave Washington for a couple of weeks as recommended by the President, B*nt has opened a temporary office in the annex of the Arlington liotel, where he has taken off his •soat and gone to word preparing ?or the campaign, and waiting for She outcome of the St. Louis Con tention. lie lias been besieged by an army of politicians seeking an interview, offering advice, and ihoping for work and wages. Elmer Dover is also there, as the right hand man of the Chairman, arad some active and decisive work may be expected in the near future. Few people remember that just fbrty years ago this month a battle vras fought in Washington for the defense of the city, and that Abra ham Lincoln was a spectator of the •ouflict. The battle is known as *h at of Port Stevens, in which 0 officers and 50 men were killed, and 8 officers and 137 men were wouncfed. On the 12th iust., a line monument will be unveiled in commemoration of the event. It fcas been erected on the exact spot where President Lincoln stood. Excavations for the new Nation al Museum which is to stand on tiie north side of the Mall have Keen begun. It will be a two-story structure of granite, and will have 27 acres of flooring. The cost is to be 83,500,000. Already it is thought that there are enough articles in J,he old museum to fill She new one. Oue of the well fcuown men connected with the Museum is .Prof. Otis T. Mason, who has recently suffered from a stroke of paralysis. Jit; gives it as Ms opinion that blonde women are Becoming scarcer every year. How the Professor knows is not stated. He seems to be a little off; possibly lie is color blind. He sa3's the cause is because blonde women marry brunette men. Alas! if this theory is true, in time there will be no color line—all Americans will be polychromatic, Composed of red, yellow, brown, and black, and pure white, which is no color at all, will disappear. Anthropology is a wonderful seiunee. It can indicate the color J>f the coming man. No man or woman in the state will fe'sitatc to speak well of Chamberlain's Stomach aud Liver Tablets after once trying them. They always produce a pleasant movement of the bowels, im prove the appetite and (strengthen the di gestion. For sale by Jno. E. Smith, Sterling Run. noney. Money loaned salaried people and others. Inquire of J. W. Veruuson, *5 Bt. Emporium, Pa. THE COUNTY. MASON HILL. Russ Russell, of Medix Run, spent the 4th with relatives here. John Leonard, Jr., of Grove Hill, was seen on our streets last week. Harry Carson, of St. Marys, visited his "rand-parents at this place last week. Miss Kllen Hicks spent the fore part of the week with relatives at Hix Run. Mire Clara Ives, of Medix ltun, visit ed her mother here, the fore part of last week. Miss Lou Miller, of Huston Hill, was the guest of her sister. Mrs. Walter Barr, Sunday. Mrs. W. Hay and son, of St. Marys, are the guests of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Jordan. A number of people of this place at tended the funeral of Mr. Harrison Logue at Huutley, Wednesday. The Misses Nellie Marsh, Kthel Barr and Avis Lane took iu the sights of i many important places Monday 4th. On Thursday a number of people as sembled and gave a surprise to Mrs. J. O. Jordan on her 57th birthday. Mr. Ar'ing Baker, of Andover, N. Y., has returned to this place and will as sume his duties as a teacher here, on Monday. The scholars are glad to wel come their former teacher back. With the Camera Abroad. The sprightly letters of travel that are appearing in The Delineator from month to month take the reader, in the August number, over a most interesting route, from Jerusalem to Nice. Through the aid of camera and pen one gets a very satisfactory impression of many of the Old World' cities, and not only of the customary ; resorts of the sight-seer, but of many out-of-the-way places where history and nature unite to create interest. Con stantinople, ancient Athens, beggarly but none the loss beautiful Naples, ruined Pompeii, Florence, Venice and Rome and the highways and byways of Greece and Italy iurnish the sub stance for this letter of the series, and tfie photographs, where they are not of unusual places, are unusual pictures, giving a new interest to familiar spots, Niagara Falls Excursions. The Pennsylvania Railroad Company has selected the following dates for its popular ten-day excursions to Niagara Falls from Washington and Baltimore: July 8 to 22, August 12 and 20, Sep tember 9 and 23, and October 14. On these dates the special train will leave Washington at 8.00 a. m , Baltimore, 9.05 a. in., York 10.45 a. m., Harris burg 11.40 a. m. Milleisburg 12.20 p. m , Sunbury 12.58 p. m., Williamsport 2 30 p. m.. Lock Haven 3.08 p. in., Re n0v03.55 p. m., Emporium Junction 5.05 p. m., arriving Niagara Falls at 9.35 p. m. Excursion tickets, good for return pas sage on any regular train, exclusive of limited express trains, within ten days will be sold at SIO.OO from Washington and Baltimore; $9.35 from York; $lO 00 from Littlestown; SIO.OO from Oxford, Pa.; 89.35 from Columbia. $8.50 from Harrisburg; SIO.OO from Winchester, Va.; $7.80 from Altoona; $7.40 from Tyrone; $0.45 from Bellefonte; $5.10 from Ridgway. $0.90 from Sunbury and Wilkesbarre; $5.75 from Williamsport; arid at proportionate rates from principal points. A stop over will be allowed at Buffalo within limit of ticket returning. The special trains of Pullman parlor cars and day coaches will be run with each excursion running through to Niag ara Falls. An extra charge will be made for parlor car seats. An experienced tourist agent and chaperon will accompany each excursion. For descriptive pamphlet, time of con necting trains, and further information appiy to nearest ticket agent, or address Geo.W. Boyd, General Passenger Agent, Broad street Station, Philadelphia. 3175-19-Bt. Card's Dental Office. Dr. J. M. Card's branch dental o 112 flee, situated over Metzger's jewelry store; office hours, Ba. m , to 8 p. m. Full upper or low plate, $7.50 Gold crowns, bicuspid or cuspids, $4.00 Gold crowns for molar teeth $4.50 Silver fillings, 50c Gold fillings, SI.OO and up. Crown and bridge a specialty. A well established reputation for painless extraction. No charge for examining teeth. These prices for a limited time only. 19-tf. Good Farm for Sale. Owing to continued ill health, we of fer our farm of sixty-one acres, located on Bryan Hill, for sale. Good land, three springs of water. Call and see It- L. W. SI'ENCE. 19-3t. For Sale. One mowing machine and one hay rake. Have been used one season; are in perfect condition. Will be sold at a bargain. Call on 18-tf. 11. C. OLMSTED. Cured ot Chronic Diarrhoea After Ten Years of Suffering. I wish to say a few words in praise ot Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy," says Mrs. Mattie Burge, of Martinsville, Ya. "I suffered from chronic diarrhoea for ten years and during that time tried various medicines without obtaining any permanent relief. Last summer one of my children was taken with cholera morbus, and I procur ed a bottle of this remedy. Only two doses were required to give her entire re lief. I then decided to try the medi cine myself, and did not use all of one bottle before I was well and I have never since been troubled with that complaint. One cannot say too much in favor of that wonderful medicine." This remedv is for sale by Jno. E. Smith, Sterling- Run. ° CAMERON COUNTV J'KKSS, THI'KSDAY, JULY 14 1904. Chamberlain's Colic, Ciioldru aui Diarr hoea Remedy. This remedy is certain to be needed iu almost every home before the summer is over. It can always 1»J depended upon even in the most sevens and dang'-rous cases. It. is est ceiallv valuable lt»i summer disorders in children. It is pleasant tn take au I njver fails to give ; prompt relief. Whv not buy it now? ; It may save life. Foi site by L. Tail- , gart. Lucky angli'is sh >uld order their fish . in advance. Safeguard the Children. Notwithstanding all that is done by > boards of health and charitably inclined persons, the death rate anions small child- ! ren is very hi«j;h during the hot weather ofthe summer months in the large cities. There i- not probably one case of bowel > complaint in a hundred, however, that could not be cured by the timely use of i Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarr hoea Remedy. For sale by L. Taggart. There can be no education without in spiration. Weak Hearts. Are caused by indigestion. If you eat a little too mueh, or if you are subject to attacks of indigestion, the stomach ex pands—swells, and puffs up against the heart. This crowd-; the heart at>d short en- the br -nth. Rapid heart beats and heart disease is the final result. Ivodol Dyspepsia Cure digests what you eat, takes the strain olf the heart, cures indi gestion. dyspepsia, sour stomach, and con tributes nourishment, strengthen and health to every organ of the body. Sold by H. C. Dodson. A man does not have t > be gullible to be gentle. The pill that will, will fill the bill. Without a grip. To cleanse the liver, without a quiver, Take one at night. DeNVitt's Little Early Risersare small, easy to take, et*y and gentle in effect, yet they are so certain in results that no one who uses them is disappointed. For quick reliefftorn biliousness sick bead ache, t jrpid liver, jaundice, dizziness and all trouble? arising from an inactive, slug gish liver. Early Risers are unequalled. Sold by R. C. Djds ju. Warning. All persons are hereby forbidden from trespassing upon the property of this Company without a permit from this office, or the Superintendant at the works. KEYSTONE POWDER MFG. CO. Emporium, Pa., August Ist, 1903. 24-tf. outward sign < i inward disease. Cure the disease with iSlhiilolhi's Co I o si Cure K® ic Lune ( and the cough will stop. Try it to-night. If it doesn't , benefit you, we'll give your money back. Prices: S. C. WELLS & Co. 7 N'. V., Toronto, Can. Dissolution or Corporation. "VTOTICE is hereby given th »t oil tile lltli clay - > of July, 1904, the DRIFTWOOD BUILD"- ING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION filed in the Court of Common Pleas of Cameron County, its petition praying for a decree of dissolution and that a hearing upon said application for dissolu tion has been fixe 1 by said Caurt for the Bth ot August, 1901, at 1:00 o'cock, p. in., when and whereall persons interested may attend and show cause against the granting of the prayer of tht petitioner, if they so desire. JOHNSON At McNARNEY, Solicitors for Petitioner, Emporium. Pa., July 11th, 19)1. CHARTERJMTICE. NOTICE given, that AN APPLICATION will be made (d ti'g OoVefnor of Pennsyl vania on Tuesday, AugiMt oth. 1904. by JAMBS O. BROOKHANK, J. HENRY COCHRAN and JOSEPH W COCHRAN, under the act of Audibly ofthe Com monwealth of Pennsylvania, t'litlfled, "An Act to provide for the Incorporation Surf Regulation of certain Corporations," approved ApFil 29th, 1874, and the several supplements tttcfrto.- f>r the charter of an intended corporation ttfbe called THE BROOKBANK MERCANTILE COMPANY, the character and object of whicH in dealing in general merchandise and for these 1 purposes to have, possess and enjoy all the rights, benefits and privileges of the said act of Assembly and its supplements. JOHNSON h McNARNEY, Solicitors. July 9th, 1904.—21-31. CHARTERJOTICE. V'OTICE is hereby given, that an application -x-\ will be made to the Governor of Pennsyl vania on Tuesday, August nth, 1901. by JAMES O. BROOKBANK, J. HENRY COCHRAN and JOSEPH W. COCHRAN under the uct of Assembly of the Com monwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled, "An Act to provide for thelneorpora ion and Regulation S*' certain Corporations," approved April 29t1), ia<4, and the several supplements thereto, for ii J.? an '"tended corporation to be called thcDRIH WOOD LAND COMPANY, the character and object of which is the purchase and fa eof real estate and the holding, leasing and selling real estate and for these purposes to have, possess and enjoy all the rights, benefits and priviliges of the said act of Assembly and its supplements. JOHNSON fc McNARNEY, . , Solicitor*. July 9th, 1904.—21-3t. gpaimuEm^g fi ,i\ Laughlin A 1 1 I Fountain O | IS THE ClEtt OF ALL PENS AND HAS NO |3E3 j . EQUAL ANYWHERE. U j FINEST 6BADH I4K. Kj YOUR CHOICE Oh THESE iSt V Jl' TWO POPULAR STYLES FOK ijw; I [J $| 00 1 1 SUPERIOR TO OTHER 'B | MAKES AT $3 | Jjj The Laughlin Fountain Pen Holder is made of fin- j ,ifii v hard rubber. i< |MR- \jr ' j targe aire, pen] 1 richK-" richK-" g-o"d mounted, for presentation, r il C ! l ajri j purposes, 11.50 extra. W i'l .|i | J Surely you will cot * lM a. fi j .'J I lj *ble to secure anythf' jc lEBV J l - (|| I three lines ttat prlc* t v ..gat rjlWf :■ f-fi II |H give such r _, a t will tiMB, M ' M , | pleasure and ontinuouc JaWfe iB | ] $4 ~"w 1 I i J EH A J 1 fie« ' l l i S , § If T=S 1 I i S I - s I 1 W in Pain inChest Sore Lung's Grip How easy it IJ to catch cold! How quickly It S'Jttl'ia on the lu:igs. and how often if neglected it results in Crip, Pneumonia and Consumption I Many deaths are caused in the beginning by a slight cold. Hamlins iijrf WZARB(3| will break up a cold on the lung 3in a night. It should be applied when the first symptoms appear. Rub the chest well with the medicine, lay upon it a linen cloth wet with Hamlin*. Wizard Oil and cover over with flannel bandage. No ordinary cold can withstand this treatment Apply it at Just before retiring and in the morning the cold will be broken up. Ouray. Col.. April 25. 1902. My little girl, aged two years, has suffered more or less with told since her birth and finally became serious. We tried remedies of several kinds and they seemed to give no relief. A friend of mine recommended Hamlins Wizard Oil to me and after | the use of one bottle she has become entirely well. I I shall never be without Hamlins Wizard Oil in my house. I cannot recommend it too highly. RICHARD W. THORNTON, I ... 1 There is only one Wizard Oil — Hamlins —name blown in the bottle. Signature "Hamlin Bros." on j wrapper. Take no substitute. 50c. and SI.OO. Hamlins Cough Balsam Cures the Cold. Prevents Pneumonia. 25c, 50c. Hamlins Blood £ Liver Pills Regulate the Liver. Cleanse the System. "sc. . POO OALB AND RICOMMINOID BY- ■■■ L. T AGO ART. I | J C. R. Husted. I>. D. Webster. C. R. Husted & Co. Opposite M. E. Church, Emporium, Pa. Keep a full line of the ! Choicest - - - j Family Groceries, Fruits, Vegetables and Can ned Goods of the finest quality. I The pic-nic season is near at hand, so please remember to 'phone for some of our Potted Ham, Roast Beef, Olives, Canned Beets or Pea nut Butter. We also handle a full line of Pro duce and Farm Impliments. THE FOURTH STREET GROCERY C. R. HUSTED & CO., Proprietors. ' \ J'J ST THE PROPER IDEA. < II 0. B. Barnes' j 1 \ Family Grocery * C " nJ Meat Market < ■ ( EAAF HitPORlUn, P \ s 'Phone 81. \ 112 Call up; We'll do the rest Promptly. c 112 T!:e public are always interested in J Is matters that will benefit their pockets, s 112 While we afc not entirely in business for c \ our health, yet we stfivo to merit at least % If a share of the public patronage by deal- c \ ing strictly on the square witn all custo- > 112 mers. Our goods are all marked in plain 2 \ figures-one price to all—and invite the % ' » careful inspection of our line of goods as c 1 well as prices. We shall aim to make \ I our store THE FAMILY FAVORITE, by 112 \ keening ou'y absolutely the purest and S | besf. C X OUR MEATS AND GROCERIES are i j 112 fresh and shall take pride in giving our c \ patrons the full value for their money. V If EXTRA LINE OK GLASS AND CAN- < I X NED GOODS, something seldom 4 If brought to Emporium. See them. c ! ■ Give U» a Call. > F Try Our Fresh C ! \ ||t O. B. BARNES, % > Opposite fc>. I). McDoi'&UVs Hotel. j j ■ I DYSPEPSIA CURE jiTf! Mm digests what you eat H E. C. DeWtTT & COMPANY, CHICAGO, ILL. Sold by li. 0. Dodson. .tfrwggist. The School that Educates to Money Making. A ten months' course here fits a young man to AT ONCE earn a larger salary than does a four years' course in any college or university, supplement ed by the usual three years' special preparation. Ten months against seven years, to say nothing of the tremendous difference in expense! It is a positive fact—with hundreds of references for the proof. Young men stenographers and bookkeepers are at a premium. Our 23d school year will open Sept. first. Business, Shorthand, Typewriting, Telegraphy, English and Spanish. Ask for rates and information. E. D. WESTBROOK, Principal, Olean, N. Y. White Lead and Zinc are conceded to be essential to a first-class ready-mixed paint, but they must be thoroughly combined and used in the Jproper proportion to secure the best results. CHAMPION PAINTS. contain both White Lead and Zinc, without any barytes, lime, china clay, or other injurious substances and are combined in the proportions which have been found to give the best resuits after nearly fifty years' experience. They are made by theJ'.Detroit White Lead Works in the finest paint and varnish plant in the country, and ground to the last degree of flneqedß ill Pure Linseed Oil. You take no chances when you use Champion Paints, they give perfect satisfaction to both house owners and painters. A handsome line of colors to select from. Call for sample cards and get prices before painting. L. TAG-GART. Agent. 1 Building Time I I And we wish to say that we arc better prepared than ever £ before to supply you with all kinds of | Hardware and Kuilders Supplies. I We have in addition to our regular stock, (the for- I business of U. A. Palmer, known as Hockley's Coal Yard) consisting of Brick, Lime Cement, Wall Plaster, Shingles, Coal, Hay, Hardwood,"etc., etc., "a |full line of PAINTS, COLORS in OIL, PAINT BRUSHES, etc. Plumbing and Tinning is among our specialties. Costs you nothing for estimates in these lines. All our work is positively guaranteee to give satisfaction. Stoves and Ranges. Don't forget we carry the largest assortment of STOVES and RANGES for gas, coal or wood in county and every one guaranteed by the maker. MURRY I COPPERSMITH CO. Buy Your Fall Suit Earlyj i look so other lines of WMm JLMj Think of in any of the poptimr spring *|y fabrics. NVTICMKN little 2L -~-~SCHt*SS BKOS ii/ f.Cr 112 < Jt fINC.CLOTHW JI2 UU rpHIS is an ideal suit for business men WtW kttow the? value of •'looking prosperous. I It is the product of the art-tailors of Scllfote# Hro3. 00., whoso clothing we handle Before you buy your Spring Suit, "drop in ami lifs Whit over, New line of Summer Hats, Caps and Neckwea'f- R. Seger & Sonr m ZZ™