Business Cards. •7 W. GREEN, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Emporium, PA. A bugfnsssralating to estate,collection*. r«al ■atktos. Orphan's Court and gcnerallaw bualu«M •ill receive prompt attention. 42-ly. 1.0. JOBNION. J. P. McNutn JOHNSON A MoNARNEY, ATTORNEYB-AT-LAW j EMPORIUM, PA. Will kltc prompt attention t* all btialneaa *a) | -oatedtothem 16-ly. | BUKNNAN, ATTORNKY-AT-LAW | Oollaciiona promptly attended to. Real aetata and penaion claim agent, - j .15-1 y. Emporium. Pa. THOMAS WADDINGTON, Emporium, Pa., CONTRACTOR FOR MAHOXRY AND STONE-CUTTING. 411 ordirs In my line promptly a*ecuted. All tlnda of Building and cut-atone. supp'ied at lo* fricea. Agent for marble yr grauite monument* lettering neatly done. AMERICAN HOUSE, Eaat Emporium, Pa.," , ■JOHN 1.. JOHNBON, Prop'r, , Having returned proprietorship of this old and w«ll established House I invito the patronage 0/ ■the public. House ntwly furoiahed and thor renovated. 481y O LEFT ATTORNEY-AT LAW and INSURANCE AGT. EMPORIUM, PA I>A UKD OWNBHA AND OTHKItS IN CAMERON INI ADJOINIRU Coi'ttTiKe. I have numerous calls for hemlock and hard wdod timber lands, also stum pitge Ac., and partiea deal ring either to buy or aall will do well to call an me. F. D. LF.ET. THE NOVELTY RESTAURANT, (Opposite Post Office,) Emporium, Pa. WILLIAM MCDONALD, Proprietor. I take pleasure in informing the public that] faavo purchased the old and popular Noveltj Restaurant, looated on Fourth street. It will b« my endeavor to serve the public In a mannei that shall meet with their approbation, Give mi noall. Meals and luncheon served at all houra u027-lyr WM. McDONALD. ST. CHARLES HOTEL, THOS. J. LYSETT, PROPRIETOR Near Buflalo Depot, Emporium, Pa. This new and commodious hotel ia now opened for the accommodation of the public. New tn al Itaappolntments, every attention will be pal< te the guests patronizing thla hotel. 27-17-ly MAY GOULD, TBACHBR or PIANO, HARMONY AND THEORY Also dealer in all the Popular Sheet Muiic, F.inporlum, Pa. Scholars taught eituer at my home on Sixth street or at the homes of the pupils. Out oftowr scholars will be given datea at my ro?ma In tbli place. r O. RIECK, D. D. S.. DENTIST^ Office over Taggart'a Drug Store, Emporium, Pa Gas and other local anaeatlieiics ad ministered for the painleas eztraclloa JJ J. J1" of teeth SPECIALTY:- Preservation of natural te«U, la oluding Crown and Hridga W«rk_ NEW CAMERONHOUSE. Cameron. Pa., Opposite P. & E. Depot, HARRY McQEE, Proprietor. Having taken possession of this house aud thoroughly remodeled and enlarged the building by erecting an addition of eighteen rooms, I am well prepared to meet the demands of the public. Guests conveyed to any part of the county. Good fishing and hunting in the immediate vicinity. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what yova oat. POPULAR SCENIC ROUTE. Buffalo & Susquehanna Railroad Company. Official Condensed Time Table in Effect June 23, 1902. Bun- | | flay Week Days. Daily Week Days. °"iy , P.M. P.M. P. M. A. M. A.M. STATIONS. A.M. P.M.' P.M. P.M. P.M. ft 10, 510 1110 7 IBILt Addison Ar 10 13 443 f.41 5 41 1141 3 01 Elkland 9 41 4 lis f> 16 546 11 46 806 Osceola 936 406 555 555 11 55 822 Knoxville 926 356 «11 611 12 11 840 Westtield 913 3 4.1 647 647 12 47 925 Gaines Junction 836 306 700 700 100 ] Galiton,. jjj 823253 635 740 g4O P. M. P. M. 10 58 Ar Cross Fork Junction Lv 739 209 423 545 210 11 00 Lv. Cross Fork Junction Ar. ' » 200 355 655 300 11 50 Ar. Cross Fork, Pa. Lv. 615 lou 305 *2l 621P- M. A. M. 11 39 Ar Wharton Lv. 653 i 26 310 805 11 40 Lv Wharton Ar 10 53 I 3 00 A.M.; 858 100 Ar Slnnamahoning Lv 955 | 140 845 G43 800 11 SB LV Austin Ar 615 105 950 800 710 845 12 25 Ar KeatingSummit Lv 12 40 9 10! 7 30s V M. P. M. A. M. A. M P. M . A. M. P. M. A. M. P. St. P. M. A. M. 820 935 Lv ..Anjonia ... Ar A l. H. GARDINER, Gen'l Pass'r Agt. Buffalo, N.Y.| W. C. PARK, Oen'iSupt., Oaleton, Pa. M.J. MCMAHON, Div. Pass Ag't.,Oaleton,Pa. G.SCHMIDT'S,^ —. HEADQUARTERS FOR fresh BREAD, J popular / * NUI | # ' ' V CONFECTIONERY Daily Delivery. All order."i given prompt and skillful attention. , WHEN IN DOUBT, TRY They have ttood the trst of yc at vTuflSttP J 9 aQt * have cured thousands ct I OinUilU 0Q& '// leases of Nervous Diseases, such 'Br _ Sfei >9 ff C\ Debility, Dizziness, Sleepless *s iPillj 1 I my D(:sii and Varicocele. Atrophy.&c. \ I They clear the brain, strengthen .w. • * « . perfect, and impart a healthy whole bring. All dmns and losses are checked permanently. Unless patients Kv.' ?5 C P r S pcr V V l t% J co pdllion often worries them into Insanity, Consumption or Death, tw Nr v ' a '- eJ sea t »d. Pricesi per box; 6 boxes, with iron-clad legal guarantee to cure or refund tho WMl.i mouey, $5 oo- bead for free book. Addrcw, 112 tAL MEDICINE CO.. Cleveland, 0. For sale by ft. C. Dodson, Druggist. Emporium, P%. TIME TABLE No. 27. COUDERSPORT & PORT ALLEGANY R. R. Taking ett'ect Ma y 27th. 1(01 EASTWARD. 1 10 11 r 4 i i 1 » STATIONS. 1 P. M. .... P. M. A. M. A. M. Port Allegany,.. Lv.' 3 15 705 11 36 Coleman, !«3 23 .... 00 , *ll 41 Hurtville *3 30 7 18 11 47 Roulette 3 40 i 7 25 11 65 Knowlton's *3 45 .... I <" *ll 59 Mlna 3 59 7 35 12 05 Olmsted *4 05 ..... *7 3H *l2 09 Hammonds, 00 00 *l2 13 _ , , (Ar. 420 A. M. 745 12 15 Coudersport. -j J v ! fi 10 800 100 North Coudersport, .... *8 15 03 *1 05 Prlnk's 0 25 ... "8 10 *1 12 Colesburg, v 8 40 .... *6 17 120 Seven Bridges, .. *6 45 *6 21 *1 24 Raymonds's .... *7 00 *8 30 1 .35 Gold, I 705 838 141 Newfield 00 1 45 Newfield Junction, 737 845 150 Perkins ..... *7 40 *« 18 «1 53 Carpenter's, 748 °° *1 57 Groweir* 7 50.... »6 53 *2 01 Ulysses, Ar. 805 i 7 05 2 It) I A. M.I P. M . WESTWARD. II!• I • I STATIONS. A. M. P. M. A. M Ulysses, Lv. 720 225 !l 10 Crowell's »7 27 *2 32 • 9 19 Carpenter's *2 34 • 9 22 Perkins *7 32 «2 37 * 9 28 NewiieldlJunction 737 242 932 Newlield *7 41 246 or> Gold, 741 249 940 Raymond's *7 49 2 54 * 947 Seven Bridges, »8 01 *3 03* lO 02 Colesburg »8 04 3 09 *lO 10 Frink's, »8 12 »3 17 *lO 20 North Coudersport, 00 *3 26 *lO 35 .... !Ar. 8 25 3 30 10 45 P. V Lv. 828 800 120 Hammonds 00 00 Olmsted *8 .33 *8 05 *1 31 I Mina 837 810 137 Knowlton's, 00 »8 17 00 !Rc ilette 847 621 151 Burtville 854 828 201 ; Coleman <*- '8 31 00 Poit Allegany I 9 08 840 2 25l (♦) Flag stations, ( lX >) Trains do not stop ♦ 1 Telegraph offices. Train Nos. 3 and 10 will carry passengers. Tains 8 and 10 do. Trains run on Eastern Standard Time. Connections—At Ulysses with Fall Brook R'y l'or points north and south. At B. & S. Junc tion with Buffalo & Susquehanna It. R. north for J Wellsville, south forGaleton and Ansouia. At I Port Allegany with W. X. Y.&P. R. R., north for Bu/lalo, Olean, Bradford and Smethport; south for Keating Summit, Austin, Emporium ! and Penu'a R. R., points. B. A. McCLURE Gen'lSupt. Coudersport. Pa. The Place to Buy Cheap S > J. F. PARSONS' \ Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. Foley's Kidney Cure makes kidneys and bladder right. BANNER SALVE I *"-■» mo*' :-.»wiing salve in the world- CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, JULY 14, 1904. SCENE OF ACTIVITY IN THE RUSSIAN-JAPANESE WAR. J r ( / j \ ) ' iMas j \ ) f 7% 7 r^A/<^//c/*/yocy/^ r/& §jj l /a4r j^FZZTfCFi The lighter rectangular figures indicate the approximate position of the Russians. Those in black show general location of the Japanese. The curved line with arrow marks the direction in which the latter are report ed to be attempting a movement aroun d and behind Kuropatkin'3 army to cut off his connection with his base at Mukden. Tha star indicates posi tion of Tatchekiao, which may be center of great battle. I War Bulletins, j RUSSIANS LOST 200 MEN. St. Petersburg, July 6. —Thirteen companies of Russian troops sent out by (Jen. Keller in a reconnaissance in force to ascertain the strength of the Japanese columns advancing on Liao Yang carae into collision Monday with the Japanese between Mo Tien and Ken Shui passes. Sharp fighting re sulted and the Russians retired before overwhelming numbers after ascer taining the exact strength of the Japa nese forces. The Russian losses are officially stated to be 200. The Japa nese lost 15 killed and 30 wounded. A DARING EXPLOIT. London, July 7. —The Liao Yang correspondent of the Daily Telegraph, in a dispatch dated July T at I a. m., says: "A battle is proceeding 25 miles from here. Numbers of wounded are being brought in from the mountains. Evidently the engagement is a severe one. It is believed that the Japanese are continuing their advance with the object of cutting off Mukden." St. Petersburg, July 7.—A few nights ago Admiral Togo attempted to repeat the Japanese exploit with tor pedo boats at. Wei-Hal-Wei, during the Chino-Japaneae war. by sending torpedo boat destroyers into the har bor of Port Arthur for the purpose of sinking ships at their anchorage, but the attempt ended in disastrous fail ure. Four torpedo boat destroyers succeeded in creeping into-the harbor, which was not protected by bootns, but only one escaped. Two were sunk by the shore batteries and one was crippled. The reckless bravery of the Japanese ingoing to almost certain destruction excites nothing but admi ration here. The channel at Fort Ar thur is so tortuous and strewn with wrecks without that evidently it was regarded as unnecessary to use a boom. The Peterl>ourgsky Listok last evening published a dispatch from Liao Yang announcing tlmt an en gagement has occurred at Ta Tche Kiao during which Russian cavalry under Gen. Samsonoff, supported by a battery of horse artillery, dislodged a Japanese force from the heights in face of a heavy machine gun and mus ketry tire. The Russians pursued the Japanese and inflicted heavy loss upon them. TIGHTENING THEIR GRIP. Tokio, July 8. —Operations of para mount. importance are going on with in the war zone, but the government succeeds in veiling them in almost absolute secrecy. Since the occupa tion of Dalny the government officials have been silent concerning condi tions at Port Arthur. It is generally believed, however, that the Japanese army and navy are daily tightening their relentless grip on the beseiged city and that a final assault, followed by the fall of the fortress, is now only a matter of weeks. Che Foo, July 8. —Chinese who ar rived here Wednesday night from Port Arthur say the Japanese forces have formed a complete cordon around the land side of and Murdered His Father. Hopkinsville, Ky., July G.—Mack Hern, of Paducah, aged 28, shot and killed his father, James Hern, aged CO, a barkeeper. The dead man had been divorced and married again and the son took offense at remarks made against his mother and they exchang ed blows. Lives Lost Because of Fire. Boston, July 6. —Three lives were lost during a fire which destroyed the grain elevator UDd three freight houses of the Boston & Maine Rail road Co.on Mystic wharf,Churlestown, yesterday. jy j that they are occupying all the com ! mantling bills within a radius of seven : miles of the fortifications. The Chi nese say also that two large warships are missing from the squadron which i went out from Port Arthur on Jun* I 2:! and that the Russian battleship Sevastopol was damaged on that day. JAPS CAPTURED TEN GUNS. London. July 9.—The Tokio corres pondent of the Daily Chronicle undet date of July H, says that the Japanese captured ten guns and 50 prisoners near Kai-Chou. Tien Tsin, July 9. —Three French men who arrived at Takuya from Port Arthur, having come over in a Chi nese junk, report that. 30,000 soldiers and 10,000 marines compose the gar- I rison of the Russian stronghold and that the Russians have mounted 70t guns on heights north of Port Arthur. St. Petersburg, July 9.—Gen. Sak. haroff, commander of the eastern army, in a dispatch to the general staff reports outpost skirmishes over a wide territory throughout July 5 and 0, FLOODS IN KANSAS. Rising Rivers Cause Great Damage to Homes and Crops. Kansas City, July 8. —One-half oi Armourdale, the packing house town in the suburbs of Kansas City, is un der water from the overflow of the Kaw river. The water is still rising at a rapid rate and conditions ap proaching the great flood of 1893 are feared. The stage of the river is higher than at any time since then. The lowlands of Argentine and Rose dale, other suburbs, also are flooded and hundreds of laboring people have left their homes. Heavy damage is reported through out Kansas, from Abilene, Arkansas City, Ottawa anil Lawrence, where the Smoky Hill, the Solomon. tl»e Walnut and the Marais Des Cygnes rivers are rising at the rate of two inches per hour. The damage to crops will be enormous. In the vicin ity of Abilene alone it is estimated that the damage will amount to $250,- 000. Hundreds of wagons were engaged all day in removing household goods from the suburbs of Kansas City, Kan., along the Kaw river, while in the west bottoms near the Missouri- Kansas line, thousands of dollars' worth of goods were either removed from the district or placed upon upper floors. Topeka, Kan., July B.—The Kaw river is above the 22-foot mark and rising slowly. In North Topeka the water is running through the princi pal streets knee deep and the town is deserted. Wichita, Kan., July 8. —Wichita is flooded worse than ever before in its history. The dykes at several places along the Little river gave way be fore the rush of water which poured down Waco avenue, one of the prin cipal residence streets. The house of Cass Woods, a park policeman in Riverside park, was was washed away and Mrs. Woods and her two children drowned. A Japanese Victory. Ta Tche Kiao, July 8. —The Japa nese swarmed over the mountain crests Wednesday and advanced on Kai-Chou, compelling Gen. Chirikoff, with the Russian vanguard, to fall back. A brigade of Japanese, with masses of cavalry, followed and oc cupied the village of Nan-Tay, driv ing out two companies of Russian in fantry and two companies of Cos sacks. The Japanese arrived within live miles of Kai-Chou. Gen. Sam sonoff made a heroic attempt to check the Japanese, inflicting groat loss on them. # sp*3fac&x:'s ooaßDC&Die- ■& 112 LOOK ELSEWHERE § ILABARS; S2B Bedroom Suits, solid s2l $32 Sideboard, quartered $25 112 £ $25 Bedroom Suits, solid S2O $22 Sideboard, quartered ..sl6 -r Q, A large line of Dressers from Chiffloniers of all kinds and 1 rT $8 up. prices. OK We carry in stock the * /#£ & 112 V !)'IW \ n lar gest line of Carpets W Q, r m)|l O Linoleums and Mattings n, ( of all kinds ever brought # * ' | Emporium. Also a big w A large and elegant line of Tufted and Drop-liead K Couches. Beauties and at bargain prices. o ♦ $ i-JL The finest line of Sewing Machines on the market, Jvl •g the "Domestic" and "Eldredge". All drop heads and yf n. warranted. ° ■ft A fine line of Dishes, common grade and China, in <*• $ sets and by the piece. <> As I keep a full line of everything that goes to make W up a good Furniture store, it is useless to enumerate them W & all. U Please call and see for yourself that 1 am telling you JvL the tiuth, and if you don't buy, there is no harm done, as tt it is no trouble to show goods. «*£ i GEO. J. LaBAR. 112 # y <*pc#DJCso*: $ | Balcom & Lloyd. a_ _ s I prepared | I ror ( ; the Seasonl jjj We have opened and are displaying a 4 | choice line of . . if S FANCY I DRY GOODS 1 fe r p specially selected for the . . IM] Summer a | Season, i to a .Ifj We have gathered such articles as combine elegance with 1 and utility at , J 1 Very Reasonable I I! Prices 1 Jii| | ii! Balcom & Lloyd. I 3