Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, June 30, 1904, Page 5, Image 5

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Emporium, Pa., April 14, 1904.
NKMOPHILA, per sack "> I
Felt's Fancy, " 1 tn.
Pet Grove, " 1 60 i
(iraliam, " 75
Rye " 65 ,
Buckwheat, "
Patent Meal., " 50
Coarse Meal, per 100, 1 35
Chop Feed, " 1 35
Middlings, Fancy " 1 40 |
Hran, 125 J
Corn, per bushel, 75
White Oats, per bushel 55
Choice Clover Seed, "1
Choice VliTlet Seed?"' [ At Market Prices.
Fancy Kentucky BlueOrass, |
Srdcjcj Ist,
At Fourth and Chestnut Sts..
«. c. »un»ON.
Telephone, 19-2.
Contribution* invited. That which you uiouln
like to see in thi* depart went,let UH know by pon
lalcard or letter, personally.
Dr. J. M. Card and wife, of Olean,
visited in Emporium last Sunday, be
tween trains.
Miss Crawford, of Warren,is guest of
Miss Marion Rentz at her pleasant
West Fourth street home.
Miss Mary Robinson, who is teach
ing school at West Chester, Pa., is
visiting her parents in town.
Herbert Day, who has been connect
ed with Emporium tannery since boy
hood, remembers the PRESS for an
other year.
Mr. J. H. Bennett, the decorator, is
busy engaged on the decorations for
the Fourth and hopes to make the in
dustrial display a leading feature.
J. O. Brookbank, a prominent mer
chant of Driftwood, Pa., was in town
Monday and Tuesday the guest of his
son James, on Tenth street.—-Renovo
Mrs. Bert Georgie and little girl,who
have been visiting her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Sinsbaugh, in Sweden Valley
returned to Cameron Saturday.—Cou
dersport Democrat.
Mrs. Henry Auchu, who had the
misfortune to fall at her home, a few
days ago, causing considerable pain,
is now improving and able to walk
without the use of crutches.
Mrs. Benedict, a interesting as well
as intelligent lady who has been guest
of the Rev. and Mrs. Robertson and
tamily for some months, left on Mon
day for Boston, Mass., to visit her son.
Prof. A. L. L. Suhrie writes the
PRESS from New Baltimore, Pa.,where
he has been enjoying the excellent
Ashing, inviting us to join in the sport.
Wish we could, kind friend, but im
possible this year.
Rev. J. M. Robertson accompanied
his family to Monticello, N. Y., on
Monday. They stopped at Niagara
Falls to view the wonders. Mrs. Rob
ertson and children expect to be ab
sent Jail summer. Rev. Robertson will
return to Emporium to-morrow.
Mrs. Philip Dixon, nee Stella Gar
rity, accompanied by her daughter and
nurse, arrived from St. Marys yester
day afternoon to visit the former's
parents. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Garrity,
until after the Fourth. Mr. Dixon
and Miss Ada Garrity will arrive later
in the week.
Our friend Mr. Edward H. Blinzler,
who has been quite successful as a
raiser of carrier pigeons and has a
large number now ready for exhibition
and no doubt will have a line exhibit
at the fair this fall. Ye editor enjoyed
a nice mess of squab last Sunday.
They were delicious.
John T. Earl, of Philadelphia, where
/ he Is a responsible position with the
Pennsylvania R. R. Co., was asocial
caller at the PRESS sanctum last Satur
day. While John is a resident of the
Quaker City he still retains a warm
spot in his heart for little Cameron,
the county of his birth. We regret to
learn that his brother-in-law, W. E.
Rothrock, is very low at the residence
ofhis sister, at Punxsutawney, with
that fatal disease, comsumption. Mrs.
Earl is now at Punxsutawney assist
ing in caring for him.
Dance at K. G. E. Hall, Cameron,
Friday evening.
Mrs. Ben Lord, of Sterling Run, was
in town Saturday on business.
Orlow Jordan is quite feeble at the
home of his parents, West Sixth street.
Mrs. Kelley, of Austin, came on
Saturday to visit her daughter, Miss
May Kelley.
Prothonotary C. Jay Goodnough
visited at Whitesville, N. Y., his old
home, last week.
Mrs. Chas. Auelm was a PRESS visitor
on Wednesday and advanced her hus
band's PRESS to 1905.
Mr. P. H. Mason and grandson
Grover, of Sterling Run, was in town
Monday on business.
Street Commissioner Mundy is dress
ing up all the streets on the line of
march for the Fourth
R. 11. Welsh, of Medina, N. Y., is
expected home to-day to spend the
Fourth with his parents.
D. 11. Lamb, formerly of Emporium,
is one of the directors of the new Na
tional Bank at Galeton, Pa.
Ross Overturf and wife went to Pen
field 011 Tuesday to attend the wed
ding of Mr. OveVturPs sister.
Mrs. Web. Walize and son, of Reno
vo, spent Sunday in town, guests of
her sister, Mrs. Elwood Ness.
Miss Elizabeth Pool, of S ommer
ville, N. J., is visitinp her sister, Mrs.
A. P. VanGelder on Sixth street.
Editor Hockley and wife are taking
in the Editorial Convention at Wil
liamsport and Eaglesmere this week.
Miss Stacia Pendar who has been
visiting Mrs. Mayleu the past to weeks
returned to Keating Summit last week.
We regret to learn that Harrison
Logue is in very feeble health at his
home at Huntley. He is in his 80th
Chas. Staff, as prompt as the town
clock, was a PRESS caller 011 Saturday ;
and renewed his paper for another I
Miss Ella McFarland, of Bradford, is !
visiting Mrs. Daugherty and son Jas., |
at their rooms over Taggart's drug ]
Mrs.M. C. Caskey, of Randolph, N. j
Y., is guest of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas 1
Gallagher, visiting her many Empori
um triends.
Mrs. Editha Howard, and daughter
and son, will arrive this p. m., to re
main for the Fourth with her mother,
Mrs. M. A. Rockwell.
Chas. L. Butler went to Port Alle
gany this noon to visit his brother
and do some coach painting work. Ho
knows how to do it, all right.
Wm. 11. Logue, of Huntley, while
transacting business in Emporium on
Monday, called 011 the PRESS and push
ed the (late on his paper ahead another
Miss Anna Metzger returned home
011 AVednesday from visiting her
brother Ward and wife at Wellsville,
N. Y., Miss Ethel Winward, of Boston,
Mass., who has passed the last three
summers in Emporium, returned home
with her.
T. M. Mattison, of Norwich, Mc-
Kean county, came to Emporium last
Saturday with a cargo of potatoes and
soon disposed of them. After trans
acting his business he called on many
of his friends, the PRESS included,
when hepushed his paper far into 1905.
We are glad to know he is prospering.
Mrs. Flora T. Ryan, who has been
spending some months at Williamsport
is visiting in Emporium, guest of her
brother, Hon L. Taggart and family.
Her friends will be pleased to learn her
health has improved. Mrs. Ryan call
ed at PRESS sanctum on Monday and
changed her paper to Ladona, Pa.,
where she will visit for some time.
Henry Hamilton, the hustling Elk
county lumberman, well known to our
citizens, is spending a few days in
Emporium. Mr. Hamilton had the
misfortune to poison his left arm and
is here receiving treatment from Dr.
DeLong. Years ago having lost his
right hand, his present affliction great
ly worries him.
That Throbbing Headache.
Would quickly leave you if you used
Dr. King's New Life Pills. Thousands
of sufferers have proved their matchless
merit for Sick and Nervous Headaches.
They make pure blood and build up
your health. Only 25 cents; money
hack if not cured. Sold by L. Taggart
Niagara Fall* Excursion*.
The Pennsylvania Railroad Company
has selected the following dates for its
popular ten-day excursions to Niagara
Falls from Washington and Baltimore:
July 8 to 22, August 12 and 2(5, Sep
tember 1) and 23, and October 14. On
these dates the special train will leave
Washington at 8.011 a. in., Baltimore,
[>. Os a. m., York 10.45 a. m., Harris
burg 11.-10 a. m.. Millersburg 12.20 p.
in , Sunbury 12.58 p. m., Williamsport
2.M0 p. m., Lock Ilavcn 3.08 p. 111., He
novo 3.55 p. iu., Emporium Junction
5.05 p. m., arriving Niagara Falls at. 9.35
p. m.
Excursion tickets, good for return pas-
I sage on any regular train, exclusive of
1 limited express trains, within ten days
will be sold at 810.00 from Washington
! and Baltimore; §0.35 from York; §IO.OO
j from Littlestown; SIO.OO from Oxford,
j Pa.; 39.35 from Columbia; 88.50 from
j Harrisburg; 810.00 from Winchester,
Va,; 87.80 from Altoona; 87.40 from
Tyrone; 80.45 from Bellefonte; £.1.10
| from Ridgway. 80.00 from Sunbury and
j Wilke&barre; 85.75 from Williamsport;
and at proportionate rates from principal
points. A stop-over will be allowed at
1 Buffalo within limit of ticket returning.
The special trains of Puliman parlor
cars and day coaches will be run with
! e ach excursion running through to Niag
j ara Falls. An extra charge will be
| made for parlor car seats.
Au experienced tourist agent and
j chaperon will accompany each excursion.
For descriptive pamphlet, time of con
! necting trains, and further information
| appiy to nearest ticket agent, or address
1 leo.W. Boyd, General Passenger Agent,
I Bread street Station, Philadelphia.
Driven to Desperation.
Living at an out of the way place, re
mote from civilization, a family is often
driven to desperation iu ease of accident,
resulting in Burns, Cuts, Wounds,
Ulcers, etc. Lay in a supply of Buck
len's Arnica Salve. It's the best on
earth. 25c, at L. Taggart's Drug Store.
School House Letting.
The contract for the erection of a
school house, near Shippen, will be let
to tho lowest and best bidder, on Satur
day, July 2d, 1904, at Court House,
Emporium, Pa.
By Order of Board,
Delbert Towner,
17-3t. Secretary.
A Continual Strain.
Many men and women are constantly
subjected to what they commonly term
"a continual strain ' because of some
financial or family trouble. It wears and
distresses them both mentally and physi
cally, affecting their nerves badly and
bringing on liver and kidney ailments,
with tin; attendant evils ot constipation,
loss ol" appetite, sleeplessness, low vitality
aad dispondency. They cannot, as a
rule, get ride of this "continual strain.''
but they can remedy its health destroy
ing effects by taking freouent doses of
Grceu's August Flower. It tones up the
liver, stimulates the kidneys, insures
healthy bodily functions, gives vim and
spirit lo one's whole being, and event
ually dispels the physical or mental dis
tress caused by that "continual strain.'
Trial bottle of August Flower. 'Joe; reg
ular sine, 70. At all druggists.
.Misery may love company but it gets
tirad of miserable company.
A Strong Heart.
Is assured by perfect digestion. Indi
gestion swells the stomach and puffs it up
against the heart. This causes shortness
of breath, palpitation of the heart and
general weaknecs. Ivodol Dyspepsia
Cure cures indigestion, relieves the stom
ach. takes the strain off the heart and re
stures it to a full performance of its func
tion, naturally. Kodol increases the
strength by enabling the stomach and
digestive organs to digest, assimilate and
appropriate to the blood and tissues all of
the food nutriment. Tones the stomach
and digestive oigans. Sold by R. C.
She Struck Luck.
About six years ago I sent to the store
for some medicine and they sent me some
Thompson's Barosma or Kidney and
Liver Cure. The first bottle did me so
much good that I bought the second and
it cured me of female weakness, with
which I had been troubled over two years.
I gained in strength and flesh and have
been well ever since. Mrs. M. Grove,
Plum Pa. Sold by R. C. Dodson.
Hot Weather
5(1 Per Cent.
Trimmed ilats
One Third Off
Oall and see our
Beautiful Summer
1,1 ULlll'S
jjj Rockwell's jjj
| Drug Store. |
& 3
pj The Cold Cream that
we make is unsuf- 0}
n] passed for face and jjj
Ifl hands and will make
the skin soft and n]
(= white. We have j{j
[u Nail, Tooth and In
Hair Brushes, Wist [}j
=} Brooms. Chamois
If] Skin and Sponges. ni
No better goods on p]
[n the market. When
fil you want your favo- Ln
rite recipes lilled Dj
Bring them to us. jy
In Our stationery leads. itJ
[n Alsoour toilet cream, n]
[jl toilet water, toilet uj
u soaps, perfumes and m
n] sashet powder. All [,
the latest. [J;
[j] Our Botanic Dry Kidney Cure [y
m is an exoellent tonic. A specific nj
l"U for all diseases or tho kidneys. uj
9 (r |
| Special I
. I
pj WeJiave something nice to "]
ffl show you this week. Call ltj
|jj and see what it is. [jj
uj Seeded Raisins, 10c lb. [jj
P Stuffed Olives, SI.OO bottle; n)
[J{ something fine. n]
nl Columbia Macaroni, 15c. In
jj| Full weight. Try it.
'Phone 21.
| G. H. Gross & Go. j
(■jraaS£s2sc , 52525a5H5 , Hsc' c sEJ!ll
Prepare for a hot time, don't
bother about cooking; let this
store help you. There's a good
deal ot oooking one can skip if
full advantage is taken of the
ready-to-serve food and the al
most ready sorts to be found here
and anything saved in summer
cooking is a boon to be thankful
lor in hot weather and especially
so at this time.
Choice fresh fruits and vege
Sugar cured hams, delicious
Boiled Ham, sliced 35c lb.
Chipped Smoked Beef, lb 30c.
Summer Sausage, lb. 20c.
Grape Juice, pint bottle, 30c.
Salad Dressing, 15c and 25c a
bottle, Lemon and Orange Sugar
10c a bottle.
Uneeda Biscuit, sc; Excelsior
Butter Crackers, 10c; Graham
Crackers, 10c; Nabisco Sugar
wafers, 25c; Libby's Potted
Chicken or Turkey, Sardines,
Lunch Tongue, Rolled Ox Ton
gue, Roast Beef, Peanut Butter,
Olives, Pickles, Mustard, Jams
and Jellies, Preserves.
Special for
This week.
Sugar Cured Hams, lb. lOf*
8 to 15 lbs each. Iwu
Finest Elgin Creamery OQP
Butter, one lb. bricks Zvii
Full Cream Cheese, lb. lOi/P
New made, mild.
12c Canned Tomatoes, (HP
Something very nice. IUO
roc Package Rolled White OP
Oat?, Ow
OC Lb.Bag Sugar CI AH
AU Best Granulated, vI ■
Store open Monday morning,
July 4th, but kindly do as much
of your trading on Friday and
Saturday as possible.
J. H. DAY.
E Grand Celebration! 1
At Emporium, Pa. ©$
i : "^it
SS «3f
fijtily Fourth it
S W _ M
»«■ 1 ,i,j 1 111 '■
gg| Popular County Celebration. Grand Industrial,
Fantastic and Civic .Society Paiade at 11 a. in. jjr^fl
~ --===== =
hKS| Music by Sinnamalioning and Emporium Bands
£yij} and Drum Corps.
M Platform Dance « 13
yJXIv Park Pavilion, afternoon and eveninir.
g —: H
|jp A Grand Display of Fire Works j|j|
Races, Automobile Races, Sack Races, Etc.
See Small Bills for Particulars.
I Pleased and Satisiied Customers
/"\P ours are to be found in nearly every
home in this county. You ought to be
one of them! We carry the LARGESTIJand
BEST stock of
In this county. All made by SKILLED labor.
Our Bed-room Furniture
Was all made in 1904. CROSS)BANDED VENEER
and SOLID ends.
vSteel beds from / to EH
Guaranteed against breaking v/ui9U
Mattresses from I OE to <M E flfi
Also guaranteed Ol«ZU vIUiUU
Baldwin Refrigerators
Do refrigerate, and the price is within flfl UP
the reach of all 00«UU
\\ e have the best Go-Carts in town and challenge
comparison. Quickest and handiest adjustment
and prices 110 higher than low grade goods.
Lace Curtains from 60c per pair to SIO.OO.
Carpets from 15c per yard to $1.50.
Linoleums from per yard to $1.50.
All prices marked in plain figures are positively the
lowest for the goods we offer.
————— mmmm———— — mmm —■
Emporium Furniture Co.,