2 WMiiKyH GUUNTi MS. H. H. MULLIN, Editor. Published Every Thursday. TKRMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Per ye»r *2 0® If paid Id advance I t>o ADVERTISING RATES: Advertisements are published at the rate of •ne dollar per square for one Insertion and flftf sent* per square for each subsequent Insertion Rates by the year, or for six or three months, are low and uniform, and will be furnished on ••plication. Legal and Official Advertising per square, three times or less, t2; each subsequent inser tion .0 cents per square. Local riottees 14) cents per line for one lnser sertlon 5 cents per line for each subsequent •oosecutlve Insertion. Obituary notices over Are llnea. 10 cents per tine. Simple announcements of births, mar riage* und deaths will be Inserted free. « Business cards. five lines or less, S5 per year; over live lines, at the regular rates of adver tising. No local Inserted for lesa than 75 cents per •sue. JOB PRINTING. The Job department of the Phkss Is complete and affords facilities for doiog the best class of work. Particular attention paid to Law Printing. No paper will bs discontinued until arrear ages are paid, except »t the option of the pub- Usher. Papers sent out ot the county must be paid (or in advance. M eta 111s iridium possesses a white, steel-like appearance. The knife edges of delicate balances and other bearings which require extreme hardness aro often made of it. An alloy of 10 per cent iridium and 90 per cent platinum has been found to be very little affect pd in volume by changes of tempera ture and is the substance of which the standard meter kept in the interna tional metric bureau at Paris is made. The craze for pictures has taken away much desire for dolls, and little girls seem to prefer books, music boxes, tracing or drawing slates and fancy blocks that can be arranged into a number of beautiful figures, if the designs are followed with a chart that accompanies the set. The child-mother instinct that was so beautifully illus trated when a girl was caring for her doll baby seems to be decidedly on tho decline. Princess Royal Island, British Co lumbia, possesses a remarkable popula tion in the torni of an Albino colony ot birds and beasts of many species, ■which live "on the snow line in thai island." Already there have been brought three white crows, a whits mink, two white kingfishers and sev eral white mallard ducks. The latest of these captures is a raccoon, its white fur being touched with pink on the breast and sides. The looting of ruins of prehistrrle villages located in the valleys of the tributaries of the Colorado and Gila riv lers, in Arizona, has stirred up archae lologists to urge their preservation !->* legislative action for the benefit of stu fttents of ethnology. Vandals digging in the ruins find relics, which they dis pose of, and so distribute articles of great value in throwing light on the prehistoric inhabitants beyond tho reach of ethnologists. A new and most deadly poison has lieen discovered recently, as noted in a scientific journal, by Mr. I.ascello.i ficott. an Englishman. The substance is scientifically known as di-methylar« sine cyanide, or more familiarly as cyanide til cacodyl. Three grains of ihis substance diffused in a room full of people would kill all present. It in a white powder melting at 33 degrees, and boiling at 140 degrees. When ex jioseil to the air it emits a slight va por, to inhale which is death. Interest is being revived in the pro posal to build a tunnel under the Eng lish channel to connect England and France. This was first taken up se riously :>o years ago, and more recently it progressed so far that the work was commenced at each end of the line, but was abandoned some years ago quite suddenly because of the change of at- Utude assumed by the English nation toward its French neighbor. The mat ter has been taken up simultaneously on both sides of the water. When a year old the plumage of the ostrich is usually large enough and fine enough tu begin plucking, which is one of the most difficult and danger ous operations of ostriculture. A few of them are driven into a small corral, when one by one they are pushed into a small angular inclosure. and a long, siarrow bag is placed over the liec<', with a bole in the end to brea'he through. Then one man holds the bird, while the operator skillfully clips and rnlls at the feathers that are ripe. Wfecn blinded, the bird becomes very tanw. Hew Dr. Percy S. Grant, speaking befone the League for Political Educa tion, at New York, said that the com ing New Yorker would be C feet 3 inch es high and have the chest measure ment ttf a prize fighter. Judging from the increased standard of morality and intellectuality in our universities since athletics, became universal and popu lar. Dr. Grant says that physical train ing should be an important part of the public sehwol system. He had noticed t.rat 25 per cent, of the National guardsmen were too poor physically to pass the doctor. Many stories of big things are fold ia California, but there is a little thing at the missionary exhibit in the chamber of commerce, Los Angelas, that is attracting much attention. II is tho smallest Bible in the world. Dis played in the center of the exhibition hail is a men met in a real estate office Mid after a few words May Richardson drew a pen knife and drove the blade into the other woman's heart. Jealousy was the cause. Woolen Mill Burned. Greenville, Pa., June 9.--The Pcarco woolen mill was totally destroyed by fire yesterday. The loss is about $30,000, with $15,000 insurance. The Engines of War. At a dinner during the Franco-German, war Disraeli did nut open his inoutli till near the end of the entertainment, when he observed in his most seutentious nian er: "Die French embarked in this War he cuuse they conceived that they had the superiority in arms ot precision; they haur World's Fair guj le and rate quotations cost nothing. Write for tlieni. OKO, J. CniRLTOIJ Ccnerr.l Pasaenorr Agent, Chicago, J'l. na jm rpm an Ta quickly Introduce the l»e«t LULL Stomach-Liver Remedy, 111 L 1 VV,, L selhil.il ll ring dune, to any u«l --■ iHuiHi dress a full •Ixcd !»«*♦ I»y mi II FKEE. Address F. 8. CASK. LOuAN, OHIO. PATENTS XFXV Vo KIT/.tiHKALD At'O.. Washington, I>. C. IS UURtS WHEHV ALL USE FAILS. El M Best Cough Syrup. Tastes C»«HRI. Use EH in tlmo. Sold by druggists. fwf