Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, June 02, 1904, Page 8, Image 8

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Executrix's Notice.
Estate of DANIEL D. WMISTER, Deceased.
I ETTEHS testamentary on the estate of
1 J DANIEL D. WKBSTRR late of Emporium
Borough Cameron county, Pennsylvania, de
ceased, have been granted to JENNIE P. WEB
STER, residing in said borough to whom all per
sons indebted to said estate are revues' ea to
make payment and those having claims or de
mands, will make kuown the same without de
Emporium, Pa., May 20th, 1904.—14-«t.
Executrix's Notice.
EiUUe of CHARLES M. THOMAS, Decerned.
TETTERS testamentary on the estate of
J CHARLES M. THOMAS, late of Emporium
Borough, Cameron county, Pennsylvania, de
cease*!, have been granted to IDA R. THOMAS, re
siding in said borough to whom all persons in
debted to said estate are requested to make pay
ment, and those having claims or demands, will
make known the same without delav.
IDA R. THOMAS," Executrix
JOHNSON k. MCNARNKY, Solicitors.
Emporium, Pa., May 10th, 1904. 17-4
Clerk's Notice in Bankruptcy, j
I N the District Court of the United States for
the Middle District of Pennsylvania, Richard
Pierce Bingeman, of Emporium, Cameron county,
Pennsylvania, a bankrupt under the Act of Cou- I
gress of July 1,1898. liaviug applied for a full I
discharge from all debts provable against his I
estate under said Act, notice is hereby given to
all known creditors and other persons In inter-;
est, to appear before the said Court at Scranton,
in said District, on the 28th day of June 1901, at
lOp'clock in the forenoon, to show cause, if any i
they have, who the prayer of the said petitioner |
should not be granted
382,000 Acres
For Settlement
Rosebud Indian Reservation, South Dakota, open for
settlement in July. Registration for these valuable
lands, and permits to goon the reservation, at Cham
berlain and Yankton, S. I)., July sto 23. Drawing
of lots under Government control, at Chamberlain
on July 28. Chamberlain is reached only by the
Chicago, Milwaukee & St.
Paul Railway
The best places from which to enter the reservation
are Chamberlain, Geddes, Platte and Yankton,
reached by this railway.
Illustrated folder with valuable maps and com
plete information about rates, routes and train ser
vice for two cents' postage.
John r. pott, Room D, Park Bldg.,
District Passenger Agent, PITTSBURG.
I Pleased and Satistied Customers 1
/"VF ours are to be found in nearly every
home in this county. You ought to be
one of them! We carry the LARGESTI'and
BEST stock of
In this county. All made by SKILLED labor.
Our Bed-room Furniture
Was J'all made in 1904. CROSS! BANDED VENEER
and SOLID ends.
Steel beds from C / to COQCfi
Guaranteed against breaking <DZu a wU
Mattresses from I HO
Also guaranteed <9 I ■ £. <3 ' vJ ■ U U
I Baldwin Refrigerators
Do refrigerate, and the price is within fIH UP
the reach of all 00.UU
We have the best Go-Carts in town and challenge
comparison. Quickest and handiest adjustment
and prices 110 higher than low grade goods.
LaceJCurtains from 60c per pair to SIO.OO.
Carpets from 15c per yard to $1.50.
Linoleums from 37^c per yard to $1.50.
All Iprices marked in plain figures are positively the
lowest for the goods we offer.
Emporium Furniture Co.,
Sheriff's Sale.
I ) Y VIRTUE OF A WRIT OF levari Facia* is-
O sued out of the Court of Common Pleas of
Cameron county, and to me directed, I have
seized, levied upon and taken into execution and
will expose to public sale and will sell to the
highest and best bidder at the Court House in
Emporium, Pa., on
Friday, Ist Day of July, A. D., 1904,
AT 2:00 O'CLOCK, P. M.,
The following described real estate, to-wit:
ALL that certain piece, parcel or lot of land
situate, lying and being on the west rideof Broad
street in the Borough of Emporium, County of
Cameron and State of Pennsylvania and being
lots Nob. 49 , 60, 51, 52, 53 and 54 in block 41 as
laid down on the Oeneral Plan of Emporium re
corded in the office for Recording of Deeds in
and for Cameron county in Deed Book "D," at
page 558, Ac., having in front on Broad street
one hundred and filly feet and extending back one
hundred and eighty feet to Wood street, bounded
on the uorth by Fourth street, on the east by
Broad street, on the south by lot No. 55 and on
the west by Wood street, being the same land
which Alniira J. Sweazey conveyed to Joseph L.
Wheeler by deed dated March 27th, IWII and
having thereon erected a large three story brick
veneered hotel with two-story wing, containing
about sixty rooms fully supplied with bath,
1 laundry and toilet rooms and water closets,
| lighted with gas, heated with steam and natural
I gas, having stone side walks, city water, electric
enunciators and all other necessary appurtenan
ces of a first-class hotel.there is also erected there
on one large frame hotel and livery barn and ice
house, one two story frame dwelling house, one
frame building used as harness shop and insurance
| office, one frame coal, wood and storage house
* and other necessary and useful outbuildings.
| This property adjoins the passenger station of
I the Pennsylvania Railroad, is known as the
I Warner House property and is one of the best
I known, best patronized and most desirable
' hotel sites in the state.
Seized, taken into execution and to be sold as
I the property of JOSEPH 1... WHEELER and
j others at the suit of JOSEPH W. COCHRAN,
I Trustee.
TERMS CASH. No deed will be acknowledged
] until the purchase money ia paid in full.
Sheriff's Office, >
Emporium, Pa., May 28th, 1901. {
Womanly Health,
Strength and Beauty'
Strength and beauty in woman depend entirely
upon her health. A woman cannot look her best
if suffering from one or more of the many ail
ments peculiar to her sex. These ailmeuts in
variably cause, sooner or later, the loss of her
symmetry of form and freshness of complexion.
Herb Tea
Makes Strong and Beautiful Women.
It is a most pleasant and effective remedy for
the troubles which cause so much suffering among
women the world over. It relieves immediately
and eventually cures all cases of disordered men
struation, female weakness, prolapsus, chronic
constipation, sick head ache, nervousness and
sleeplessness. These are the ailments which de-
Erive a woman of her youth and beauty and make
er old before her time. The use of the Herb Tea
will enable her to retain these qualities. It clears
the complexion and improves the form. A cupful
at bed time will give a woman health and strength.
Chicago, April 19.1903.
Ham litis Wizard Oil Co.,Chi<«a*ro. 111.:
Gentlemen.—My had b«?en snfTerinp with fVmalo
weakness ami extreme m-rvonstiess which latter the
phvsioiun who ha.-, been attending her for a long time
attributed to her beinit unable to sleep. After tossing
about nil night she would invariably rise in the morn
ing with a terrible headache. The doctor seemed to be
able to do nothing for her and she was constantly get
ting worse. She decided totry your Herb Tea and drank
a cupful before retiring. In the morning she aroso
afteragood night's re-1 and without a headache f<>r
the ilrst time in months. She has continued taking it
during the im.-t three months and has forgotten what a
sleepless night means. She i« feeling splendid and
every one remarks how well she is looking. Her com
plexion is us clear a« a yoiimr girl's ami her ilgure has
improved wonderfully. Yours truly.
N. K. Tayt.OFl,
f*s3B Cornell A v., Chicago.
Prepared by Hamlins Wizard Oil Co., Chicago. Price, 25c.
Soothes the Throat. Stops the Cough. 2.*>c. and 50c. j
Act Cently and Without Pain. 25c.
I Is eager to employ intelligent, practi- j
I cal workers. Young men and women i
| who can do skillful, accurate work as ;
I stenographers, accountants orcorrespon- j
I dents are in tremendous demand.
We have prepared hundreds to (ill the j
most profitable positions. Business men i
come to us because tliey know that our i
thorough, practical training fits our
students to clo real work from the start. j
There is a paying position for you in
the world. There are riches and fame i
awaiting you.
We will prepare you to pluck the ripe j
fruit of Success from the tree of Endea- j
Now is the time to begin your btisi ness
education. Our terms are moderate.
Our training and instruction arc invalu
We have Business, English, Shorthand, I
Typewriting and Telegraphy Courses.
Write to-day for catalogue and particu- j
Olean, N. Y.
(From our Regular Correspondent.)
Washington, May 28, 1!)04.
Editor P'CSH:
The reports of a general sagging
in business, which reach this city,
while undoubtedly exaggerated, some uneasiness in political
circles. There is what Mr. Samuel
Gompers president of the American
Federation of Labor, calls a "re
action," quite natural after the
high tide of prosperity. He keeps
in touch with labor, and feels sure
that the general prosperity will
continue, and that anything like
a panic is many years off. That
his views have weight is evident
from the fact that the President
invited him to the White llolise
yesterday for a prolonged confer
ence. During the past year this
country has sustained great and
extraordinary financial losses by
flood, fire, an unusually severe
winter, the cotton ball weevil and |
other pests, the falling oil of im
ports, the drain upon gold and the |
numerous labor troubles. These j
things combined, which are neither
political nor partisan, have pro
duced a condition of serious
throghtfulness on the part of poli
tical managers. But, as Senator
Foraker of Ohio, who is in this
city, says there are no fundamnent
al differences among Republicans,
and President Roosevelt is popu
lar. His views on public quest- j
ions are well known. The season
is propitious for good crops, and
there should be no falling off in
production. The greatest liability
is the possibilities of the industrial
and labor situation.
This reminds one of the old-em
bracing and premptory order which
the President issued not long ago
about enforcing the law in Ne
braska against the sheep and cattle
growers who fenced in public lands
for the exclusive use of their
flocks, contrary to law. The j
President commissioned Col. John ;
S. Mostjv, a special agent to the
Land Office, togo to Nebraska
and cut down the fences. Once
on the field, ax in hand, he went,
to work with such vigor that eon- |
sternation spread :unon'g the cattle j
men, and a small physical, if not a
political revolution, came near
being the result. But the work
was well done so far as it weut.
When the Secretary of the Interior
called Col. Mosby to Washington,
he was received at the White
Houes with distinguished consider
ation. A few days since, for his
gallantry in the field, he was made
Asst. Atty. Gen., in the Depart
ment of Justice, at an annual
salary of $2,400. The president
loves a strenuous man.
Many Senators and government
officials remain in town. Senator
Cullom it one. He says the fight
in Illinois is a good natured one
and will leave no scars. Senator
Spooner is back from his contest
with the Governor of Wisconsin.
He says conditions in that state
are not as desperate as the press
represents. Senator Gorman has
returned from Maryland elated
with his political success in that
state. He says he has not spoken
in favor of or against Parker, lie
is in a receptive mood. Senator
Fairbanks is back in town from
Indiana and strange as it may
seem, it is said he can still have
the Vice presidency if he wants
it. He has had a. long conference
with the President.
That Throbbing lleadacho.
Would quickly leave you if you used
Dr. Kind's New Life Pills. Thousands
of sufferers have proved their matchless
merit for Sick and Nervous Headaches.
They make pure blood and build up
your health. Only 2.") cents; money
back if" not cured. Sold by L. Taggart
When you borrow trouble you need
| not look for a dun.
R. C. Dodson.
Ask the readers of this paper to test
j the value of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure.
I Those persons who have used it and who
have been cured by it, do not hestitate to
recommend it to their friends. Kodol
digests what you eat, cures indigestion,
' dyspepsia and all stomach tioubles. In
j creases strength by enabling the stomach
i and digestive organs to contribute to (he
; blood all of tin.' nutriment contained in
' the food. Modal Dyspepsia (.'tire is pleas
! ant and palatable.
- . 0*
It is easy to put on a bold front it
I you have good backing.
She Struck Luck.
! About six years ago I sent to the store
j for some medicine and they sent me some
| Thompson's Barosma or Midney and
i Liver Cure. The first bottle did me so
| much good that I bought the second and
| it cured me of female weakness, with
| which T had been troubled over two years.
1 gained in strength and flesh and have
5 been well ever since. Mrs. M. Grove,
| Plum Pa.
A woman's idea of a good complexion
is one that will wash.
Tho American Woman.
It is a fact that American women have
degenerated in point of health and phys
ique until they have literally become a
race of invalids. Thompson's Barosma
will remove that sallad complexion, that
tired feeling,that bearing down sensation.
Thompson's Barosma invigorates all the
organs, strengthens and builds up the en
tire system. All druggists. SI per
bottle, (J for s>.">.
A lot of misery comes to the man
who sits down and waits.
Great Suffering;.
E. J. Nourse, of Mapleton, lowa,
says:"For fifteen years I was afflicted
with inflamation of the kidneys and pains
in the groin, side and back and suffered
no one knows how much until I procured
Thompson's Barosma. Backache, Midney
and Liver Cure, whicli made a complete
cure as I have been perfectly well for
several years." Thompson's Barosma is
guaranteed harmless and pleasant to take.
It is aspiration that makes life rather
! than respiration.
Worst of all Experiences.
Can anything be worse than to teel
that every minute will be your last?
Such was the experience of Mrs. S. If.
Newson, Decitur, Ala. "For three
years" she writes, "I endured insufferable
pain from indigestion, stomach and bowel
trouble. Death seemed inevitable when
doctors aud all remedies failed. At
length 1 was induced to try Electric Hit
teas and the result was miraculous. 1
i improved at once and now I'm complete
ly recovered." For Liver, Midney,
Stomach and Bowel troubles Electric
Bitters is the only medicine. Only 50c.
It's guaranteed by L. Taggart, Druggist.
An Alarm Clock for 25c.
If you want to get up early and feel
good all day take a Little Early Biser
or two at bed time. The famous little
pills relax the nerves, give quiet rest and
refreshing sleep, with a gentle movement
of the bowels about breakfast time. W.
I 11. Ilowell, Houston, Tex., says "Early
I ltisers are the best pill made for Consti
' pation, sick headache, biliousness, etc."
1 Sold by B. C. Dodson.
Bargain in Books.
A complete set of Brittanica Ency
i clopaedia,consisting of thirty volumes
and key Aro all new and in original
I packages. Will be sold at a bargain,
Apply at PRESS office. 36tf
I Balcom & Lloyd. 1
i 1
I prepared 1
1 For|
1 the Sedsot? 112
| We have opened and are displaying a fl
| choice line of . .
112 1
, specially selected for the . . ffij
| Winter
I M, I
I ® Se&sot?. I
We have gathered such articles as j
combine elegance with VJ
and utility at
| Very Reasonable j
jj ~ IVices |
I Balcom & Lloyd. I
Correct I
come where correct fit «»..,«».B
is a specialty. We are the sole agents lor the following
celebrated makes of clothing: Browning, King &Co
of New York and Desbecker Block Tailoring Co., of
IhifFalo, and a perfect fit is guaranteed.
Yon will find the novelties of the season in the
Ichidren's department.
Stylish and Serviceable Clothes I
For the Little ones.
Men's and Boys Hats and Caps of the latest crea- H
tions. Shirts in the newest spring styles.
Men's and Boys' Shoes in all styles. We are sole
for Waukerz also W<> •
I Jasper Harris, I
The People's Clothier.