S«rr)ei»®r) £h Sold by Murray & Cop persmith. CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, JUNE 2, 1904. Huntley Notes. Well, "Bruiser" is on deck again, but my time is limited on account of so much business. You see Willson Bro's took such a liking to ine that they want ed me to accept a position as Assistant Superintendent and so 1 accepted it, and it takes about all my time to keep Harry Cloyes straight, and Billy Esterbrook too —be needs a little watching—then there is Boy Willson. I have a hard time to keep him away from the new licensed hotel,which just started. Of course Boy don't drink, but there seems to be such au attraction up there. I met Mr. Taylor coming down the road; he looked awful blue. I said "what is the matter, Charley?" "Why," said he,"l was just up sampling a gin-cocktail and a few whiskey skins and then finished up on a few bottles of Blumle's lager bear." Well, said I, no wonder you look blue. I was over to B. J. Collins' inquiring for C. J. Miller, I wanted to to see him about some business matters, but B. J. said he had gone up on Mason Hill to clear away the brush from his house to see if the forest fire had destroyed it. The thought just struck me and I said what do you think is going to happen? Why.said B. J. didn't you know that he expected to move his bride there in the near future? Well, said I, I never thought of such a thing, but that is the way Huntley goes and —pop goes the weasel. The next thing I saw, which was most curious, was W. B. Smith run ning up and down the road swetting with all his might and I asked him what was the matter. He answered nothing, but kept ongoing as fast as he could. I be gan to get weary and thought maybe he had hydraphobia or some other awful disease, so halloed to biui and asked again what was the matter. He replied he was trying to reduce the surplus fat, which had accumulated last, winter, so he could peel bark with some comfort. 1 asked him why he did not work it off, when he said ho never thought that he could do that. O! dear, such dumb people we do have here. Well, 1 under stand the Consolidated Lumber Co., is doing a rushing business in Huntley's Bun. They expect to erect a saw mill and a tannery in the near future. I was up to hear Brother Faus preach his .Mem orial sermon on Sunday, and able dis co u re. Quite a large audience was pres ent. As news is scarce you will please excuse this short note. BHTISER. Sizcrvillc Items. Editor Press: This wet May ought to bring lot? of hay. H. McDowell sportn a bran new (Democrat) wagon put up by the famous M'f'rs. Haupt & Ilauber. Landlord Evans is busy entertaining mineral water guests, who are flocking here from the city. We could all guess what the shaking of the ground meant on Monday after noon. We are pleased to know there were no fatalities. The Maguctic Mineral Water Co., are sending out large quantities of water daily. They are prepared to serve their customers at all times and their facilities are up-to-date. Arbor day was appropriately observed here by planting a row of thirty trees around the cemetery, which in a short time will add much to the appearance of the grounds. Messrs. Messuiith, of Philadelphia, are sojourning here for a few days in quest of health and they are finding it be yond their expectation. Farmer Howard is putting in a large amount of crops. All he lacks is more land for his increasing herd of stock. Eldred Freeman and daughter have purchased the Jones farm and are mak ing rapid improvement thereon. We predict a modern farm here soon, if energy and good luck amount to any thing. TIPICANO. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets are just what you need when you have no appetite, feel dull after eating and wake up with a bad taste in your mouth. They will improve your appe tite, cleanse and invigorate your stomach and give you a relish for your food. For sale by L. Taggart. When religion is but recreation life is likely to become desecration. '-I have been troubled for some time with indigestion and sour stomach," says Mrs. Sarah W. Curtis, of Lee, Mass., "and have been taking Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets which have helped me very much so that now I can eat many things that before I could not." If you have any trouble with your stomach why not take these Tablets anil get well? For sale by Jno.E. Smith, Sterling Bun. Iff "%{ fi /j\ Laughlin A 1 01 Lj c i . fej I] || g Fountain | l|l |hl IS THrf PECK or AIL nßn |j ijgSJ PENS *HD HAS NO Ssfegj < EQUAL ANYWHERE. li| ft M FINESI GKAI)t l4K ' l ill] YOUR CHOICE OF THESE .2j| 1 j ] j I | J TWO POPULAR STYLES Fof» |.| isj.oo ft j ! '! Bill SUPERIOR TO OTHER I 1 ! |ij MAKES AT $3 'j -Ll • |jM|is Thel,aughlin Founrs'n ; BKJ Pen Holder is made of !;»• 112 lwt «J| j; I" I est quality hard rubber is : ffWfyjj ; zj fitted with highest grade, . /%9i, ; >1 I) HH large size, 14k. go'.ii pen, '-gfrnß 1 ' I Wf* of any desired flexibility, "jjew j t jil' lr* and hat the only perfect j ' "I feeding device known. . * ■ • v!; •! j *' •« Either style, richlv gold i - . f~| 0 mounted, forjpresentalioa s J] [1 1 J purposes, JI.M extra. !•*'/£■■ rf I^l 9 Surely you will not be j , "Ala! - 1 IS j ! I able to secure anything at i : ; V i ■-- * three times the pries that will -> :i ! 1 | j j nH give auch continuous '-•*<&£ | | pleasure and service. | ■ il J .s%, I I £ "N 1 1 >. , I Letter to F. (1. Judd & Co. Fhiiporiutn, Pa. Dear Sir: We manage to get some fun out of paint. J. H. Kohlineyer, Grove City, I'a., putin Devoe. Along came a salesman of somebody else's paint before ours had got there. Salesmau said ours was short-measnre. Kohl meyer weakened, hunt; fire and flopped; stopped ours and took his. It was our turn now. Wc emptied our can into his and his into ours. The short measure was his not ours; and we kept our man. Aud, ever since then, that paint manufacturer, gives full measure; his paint is not pure, but his gallon contains four quarts. Go by the name; and the name togo by is Devoe lead-and-zinc. Yours truly F. W. DEVOB k Co. P. S. Murry and Coppersmith sell our paint. 26. When you shut the eyes in prayer you open the Heart on heaven. Startling Evidence. Fresh testimony in great quantity is constantly coming in, declaring Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds to be unequaled. A recent expression from T. J. McFarland, Bentorville, Va., serves as example. He writes: "I had Bronchitis for three years and doctored all the time without being benefited. Then I began taking Dr. King's New Discovery, and a tew bottles wholly cured me." Equally ef fective in curing all Lung and Throat troubles, Consumption, Pneumonia and Grip. Guaranteed by L. Taggart, Drug trist. Trial bottles free, regular sizes 50c, and 81.00. The handsomer a mam is the less use other men have for him. A Valuable Publication. ((n Juue Ist the Passenger Department of the Pennsylvania ltailroad Company will publish the 1001 edition of the Summer Excursion Route Book. This work is designed to provide the public with descriptive notes of the principal Summer resorts of Eastern America, with the best routes for reaching them, and the rates of fare. It contains all the principal seashore and mountian resorts of the East, and over seventeen hundred different routes or combinations of routes. The book has been compiled with the greatest care, and altogether is the most complete and comprehensive handbook of Summer travel ever offered to the public. The cover is handsome and striking, printed in colors, and the book contains several maps, presenting the exact routes over which tickets are sold. The book is profusely illustrated with fine half-tone cuts of scenery at the various resorts and along the lines of the Pennsylvania Bail road. On and after Juue 1 this very interest ing book may be procured at any Penn sylvania Bailrod ticket office at the nominal price of ten cents, or, upon ap plication to Geo. W. Boyd, General Pas senger Agent, Broad Street Station. Philadelphia, Pa., by mail for twenty cents. 3127-15-lt. Heaven is not satisfied with fine liuen insteod of fine living. World's Fair. June 9, 16, 23, and 30 are the next dates for great coach excursions to St. Louis via Pennsylvania Railroad on ac count of the Louisiana Purchase Exposi tion. The rates for these excursions have been fixed at such a low figure that they afford those of limited means an op portunity of seeing the World's Fair at an exceptionally small cost. The un usual success attending the first Pennsyl vania Railroad excursion indicates that these will be very popular. Special trains of standard Pennsylvania Railroad coaches of the most modern patern will be run on the above mention ed dates from New York, Philadelphia, Harrisburg, Altoona, and Pittsburg, di rectly through to St. Louis with ample stops for meals at convenient hours. Each train will be in charge of a Tourist Agent of the Pennsylvania Railroad. The rates will be the same as for the first excursion, May 10,320 from New York, 818.50 from Philadelphia, and propor tionate rates from other stations. Specific information regarding time of s'pecial train and connections, and rates from principal stations east of Pittsburg, will be announced shortly. 3137-15-2t. Warning. All persons are hereby forbidden from trespassing upon the property of this Company without a permit from this office, or the Superiutenrtant at the works. KEYSTONE POWDER MFG. CO. Emporium, Pa., August Ist, 1003. i ISpecial j l Bargains. I n] Having moved in iarger quar [n ers we are in good shape to H; uj how you what we have. [u Irj Our meats are fresh and the nj [n best to be had. jj] Watch This Space. I GOODS DELIVERED PROMPTLY, L IG. H. Gross & Go.l ssas EsHsas? c SH3 ( JUST THE PROPER IDEA. | 0. B. Barnes' | I Family Grocery i } anJ Meat Market ) { EAST EHPORIUfI, PA. 112 K 'Phone 81. \ 112 Call up; We'll do the rest Promptly. £ £ The public are always interested in 112 s matters that will benefit th»"r pockets. % r While wc are not t-ntire'y in business for \ our health, yet we strive to merit at 1< ast \ a share of the public patronage by deal- £ S ing strictly on the square with all custo- s r niers. Our are all marked in plain £ \ figures one price t<» all—and Invite the \ £ carefUl inspection of our line of goods as c S well as pri< < •<. We shall aim t » make > 112 our store THE FAMILY FAVORITK. by \ keeping only absolutely the purest and \ l>ESt. <> S orit .MEATS AND fiROCKRIKS are } 112 fiesta and shall take pride in givingonr c \ patrons tlie full value lor their money. S 112 EXTRA LINE OF GLASS AND CAN- > s Nlil) GOODS, something seldom > 112 brought to Emporium. See them. c < Give us a Call. < £ Try Our Fresh Keats. < | O. B. BARNES, \ \ Opposite S. D. McDonald's Hotel. j NEW CAMERONHOUSE. Cameron. Pa., Opposite P. <& E. Depot, HARRY McGEE, Proprietor. Having taken possession of this house and thoroughly remodeled and enlarged the building by erecting an addition of eighteen rooms, I am well prepared to meet the demands of the public. Guests conveyed to any »art of the county. OJoori fishing and hunting in the immediate vicinity. Buy Your Spring Suit Early \RTNC CI.OTI' ' MA° P. -J ' rpnis is an ideal suit for businessmen who know the value of •'looking prosperous." I It is the product of the art-tailors of Sch loss Bros. & Co., wiiose clothing we handle ftufore you buy your Spring Suit, "drop in and let us talk it owr." New line ul Hummer I hits, Caps and Neckwear. | R. Seger & sonr m 'ZZ~' j Adam, j iMeldrum & \ Anderson Co. < HUFFAIjO, N. V. \ 396-408 Main Street, 3 £ Coats... } I and Suits | Quality, fit, finish and style ) characterize all our ready-to- j wear garmenta. There is no 112 sacrifice of quality to make ? these low prices They are all > the A. M. &A. kind—the best \ there is for the money. Ladies' black and colored Cloth \ Coats in the very latest styles, i box and tight fitting— J $5.00 value $3.76 < $7.50 value $6.62 3 SIO.OO value $7.60 \ $12.00 value sit.OO < $15.00 value $11.26 J One lot of 25 Ladies' Tailor-made } } Suits, in good desirable styles, j } at HALF PRICE. \ \ 50 Ladies' Tailor made Suits, J 112 black voile, black and colored J \ broadcloth and men's wear i s cloth, up-to-date styles, j off J J real value. 1 > About 26 Walking Skirts, left I > from our special sale. They 2 r are great values CQ Qfi ) S worth $7.50, special 4)0.t!70 \ j Free Delivery. j \ Whether you order by mail or s < come in person, we deliver the 3 > goods to your nearest express of- > \ lice free of charge. s s Goods Exchanged Quickly J ( Money Refunded Instantly s We Satisfy Our Customers \ Mail Orders. ] l We have the largest and best selected P s stock of Diy Goods between New York \ I and Chioag and every advantage of this £ S great store is brought to your verydoor % c through oar efficient mail order depart- A ? ment. What you order to-day you res ceive to-morrow. If thef goods do not ? S suit you, return them and w • will reiund s c the money. 2 < SEND FOR SAMPLES. < > Adam, i i Meldrum & } Anderson Go. ) £ The American Block, \ £ BUFFALO, N. Y. The Place to Buy Cheap S N IS AT ? ) J. F. PARSONS' ?