£®ur)fy |f BITIBUUID ir C. B.GOULD. HENRY H. MULLIN, Editor and Manager. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: Per year 00 If paid is advance H 50 ADVERTISING RATES. Adverttsementsarepublishedatthe rateofone dollar per square for one insertion and tirtyeents pe* square tor each subsequent insertion. Rates by tile year or for MX or three mouth Bare low ami uniform, aud will be furnished on appli cation Legal and Official Advertising persquare.three tfcuesor less,s2 00; each subsequent insertlonso cents per square. Local notlcesten cents uer line for onei nsertion Sse ceuts perlineforeuchsubsequeutconsecutive insertion. Obituary notices over five lines, ten cents per Iter. Sim pleannouncements of births, marriageß and deaths will be inserted free. Business Cards, live lines or less $5.00 per year over five lines, at the regular rates of advertising No local Inserted for less than 75 cls. per issne. JOB PRINTING. The Job department of the PRESS is complete, and affords facilities for doing the best class of work PARTICULAR ATTENTION PAID TO Lnw Printing. No paper will be discontinued until arrearages ars p-fcid, except at the option of the publisher. Papers sent out of the county must be paid for in advance. 4V-No advertisements will be accepted at less tlutß the price for fifteen words. fcVßeligious notices free. REPUBLICAN TICKET. State. Eor Supreme Court Judge, JOHN P. ELKIN. County. For Congress, S. R. DRESSER, Bradford. For General Assembly. JOSIAII HOWARD, Emporium. For County Treasurer, DR. EUGENE O. BARDWELL, Emporium. EDITORIAL riENTION. On the last day of April the U. S. transport, Thomas, sailed for Manila with §17,000,000 in silver coin for the Philippines. This is a partial new solution of the silver question. There is a great exhibition of rogues at St Louis. This means photographs of people who have been caught as rogues; it has noth ing to do with the famous St. Louis boodlers. It is only a question of time when the old silver dollar of our daddies will be scarce and valu able, since Congress decreed that they be recoined into subsidary coin. Put a way a few in some old stocking. A Boston judge has decided that a wealthy man cannot leave all of his property to his second wife, be cause of her "undue influence" over him. The children by the first wife must have a due portion however the will is made. If the torpedo proves to be the coming naval weapon of warfare, as some experts anticipate, Eng land and her big fleet may, be in jured under the fifth rid. It will be remarkable if all the big war ships are to turn turtle and become obsolete. The New York School Board has finally decided that teachers may marry and still continue to teach school. That has long been the custom in Utah. In fact in some Utah households a teacher is so much married he can set up a select scho.il of his o 11 under the family roof-tree. A giant rice trust has been form ed in some of the Southern States, to control the cultivation of that cereal and boom the market. Steps have been taken in Texas to fight the unlawful combination. The great trick is to induce Ameri cans to live on a diet of riee, after the manner of the Chinese. People interested in Wall street speculation are trying to reconcile tin* retrenchment programs of a number of big railway concerns, with the expansion of business by the United States Steel corporation. Possibly the great lires, notably the one in Baltimore, and the re sulting rebuilding of burnt dis tricts, may account for the many orders for steel. The local weather forecaster in St. Louis knows as little about the weather as those engaged in the same business elsewhere. lie pre dicted for the opening day of the big fair a gloomy morning, a threatening moon and a rainy even ing. The result was the day was perfectly fair, from dawn to sunset, it is quite wonderful how the offi cial forecaster manages to slip up -on all important occasions. Can the Blood be Purified. Scientists agree that it cannot while the kidneys are weak or diseased. AH the blood in the body passe* through the kidneys every three minutes and is filtered by them. In order to have the blood cleansed properly the kidneys must be well and strong. Thompson's Bar osma is the greatest kidney cure known. Thompson's Barosma reduces all the in fiamation, neutrliies the acid and dis solves gravel, carrying off all matter that is poisonous to the blood, kidneys, stom ach, heart and other organs. For sale by R. C. Dodson. Enmity to new ideas is no proof of loyalty to old ones. A Sure Thing. It is said that nothing is sure except death and taxes, but that is not alto gether true. Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption is a sure cure for all lung and throat troubles. Thousands can testify to that. Mrs. C. B. Van Metre of Shepherdtown, W. Va., says "I had a severe case of Bronchitis and for a year tried everything I heard of, but got no relief. One bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery then cured me absolutely." It'* infalliable for Croup. Whooping Cough, Grip, Pneumonia and Consumption. Try it. It's guaranteed by L. Taggart Druggist. Trial bottles free. Regular size 50c, sl. Every man imagines he is some other man's besl friend. Mr. Joseph Pominville, of Stillwater, Minn,, after having spent over $2,000 with the best doctors for stomach trouble, without relief, was advised by his drug gist, Mr. Alex. Richard, to try a box of Chamberlain's Stomach and Tablets. He did so, and is a well man to-day. If troubled with indigestion, bad taste in the mouth, lack of appetite or constipation, give these Tablets a trial, and you are certain to be be more than pleased with the result. For sale at 25 cents per box by by L. Taggart. Some lawyers consider it a crime to confess a crime. Ladies and Children. Who can not stand the shocking strain of laxative syrups and cathartic pills are especially fond of Little Early Risers. All persons who find it necessary to take a liver medicine should try these easy pills, aud compare the agreeably pleasant and strengthening effect with the nause ating and weaking conditions following the use of other remedies. Little Early Risers cure biliousness, constipation, siek headache, jaundice, malaria and liver troubles. Sold by R. C* Dodson. Parading a cross is no proof of pos sessing a crown. When the Sap Hiset. Weak lungs should be careful, Coughs and colds are dangerous then. One Minute Cough Cure cures coughs and colds and gives strength to the lungs. Mrs. 0. E. Fenner, of Marion, Iniji, says. ' I suffered with a cough until 1 run down in weight from 148 te 92 lbs. I tried a number of remedies to no avail until I used One Minute Cough Cure. Four bottles of this wonderful remedy cured me entirely of the cough, strength ened my lungs and restored me to my normal weight, health and strength." Sold by R. C. Dodson. A little sin may hold as much sorrow as a large one. A Cure for Files. '•I had a bad case of piles, says G. F. Carter, of Atlanta, Ga., "and consulted a physician who advised me to try a box of Du Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. I pur chased a box and was entirely cured. It is splendid for piles, giving relief instant ly, and I heartily recommend it to all sufferers. ' DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve is unequalled for its healing qualities. Eczema and other skin diseases, also sores, cuts, burns and wounds of every kind are quickly cured by it. Sold by R. C. Dodson. To-day is never bettered by to-mor row's burdens H. C. Dodson. Dot, not hesitate to recommend Kodol Dyspepsia Cure to their friends and cus tomers. Indigestion causes more ill health than anything else. It deranges the stomach, and brings on all manner of disease. Kodol dyspepsia Cure digests what you eat. cures indigestion, dyspepsia and all stomach disorders. Kodol is not only a perfect di«estant but a tissue building tonic as well. Renewed health, perfect strength and increase vitality follow its use. It is easier to endure failure than to bear success. Excursion Ticket* to Philadelphia and New York. Beginning May 1, the Pennsylvania Railroad Company will place on sale thirty-day excursion tickets to Philadel phia and sixteen-day excursion tickets to New York from the following stations at the rates quoted:— 30-day Ex cursion 16-day Ex- From Tickets to cursion Philadel- Tickets to phia. Nevr York. Jersey Shore. $8 60 sll 65 Lock Haven 9 00 12 20 Renovo 11 65 13 85 Driftwood 81 65 15 50 Emporium 11 65 15 65 Ridgway 12 00 16 00 Johnsonburg 12 00 18 00 Dußoia. 11 65 15 65 Similar excursion tickets will be sold from New York and Philadelphia to the points above at the same rates. 3099-10-3t. CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, MAY 12, 1904. Pint Pork. I A little rain now would help oats and grass wonderfully. J. M. Brooks has the Trumbowor mill about ready to run. The winter wheat crop will be about a total failure, by present indications. Quite a lot of our boys, youns: and old, attended the circus at Austin on Saturday. Lots of potatoes are being planted again this year, in hope of 31 potatoes again next fall. Bark peeling will soon be on now but jobs of that kind are going to be scarce in this "neck ot woods" this season. Barclay Bro's have their Muley Bun landing broken and are now waiting for a rise in the creek for floatiug them. The favorable weather of the last few days has enabled the farmers to get their oats sowed and early potatoes planted. The peach crop for this season is "nit" and not only that, most of the trees ot any eiie are killed. Apple trees bid fair now, if nothing interferes to make a good crop. Bees in this section pretty much kill ed, some bee keepers, not having a soli tary bee left, to start again with. Guess we shall have to get an iron clad brand of bees, or cross them with San Jose scale, as that doesn't winter kill. Nufk SKO. May 9th, 1904. 51 nnamahanlng Item*. Pretty cold weather for this time of the year. Postmaster Chas. Council came home on Monday from the hospital. Barclay Bros, are finishing taking up 1 their railroad at Wyside this week. The Fulton Bros, have the contract of | painting the P. O. S. of A. building and j a good job is expected. A bad accident happened near the | store of Barclay Bros., Wednesday fore- j noon. A team ot Mr. McVicker's of' Driftwood, with a party of fishermen on j their way to Cooks Run, ran away, | throwing them all out and breaking the J left leg of Mr. Isaac flatten, of Dußois, | just above the ankle—a compound fract- ' ure. lie was taken to Driftwood by J. j It. Batchelder and Dr. Smith of Ktnpori- j um came down and reduced the fracture 1 and sent him to the Dußois hospital, j No one else in the party was iujured. | DEBSE. There is no delight for those who turn 1 back from duty. A Oreat Bridge. For over a month I had been troubled with a lame back and neck. The pain was severe that I could not sleep. I bought one bottle of Thompson's Bar osma or Kidney Cure and before the bottle was used up I was as well as ever and wish to speak a good ward for Bar osrna the ''Bridge that carried me safely over." E. S. Gray Shamburg, Pa. For sale by B. C. Dodson. Sins of the imagination are more than imaginary sins. A Startling Test. To save a life, Dr. T. G. Meiritt, of No. Mehoopany. Pa., made a staitling test resulting in a wonderful cure. He writes, "a patient was attacked with violent hemorrhages, caused by ulceration of the stomach. I had often found ' Electric Bitters excellent for accute stom ach and liver troubles so I prescribed them. The patient gained from the first, and has not had an attack in 14 months." Electric Bitters are positively guaranteed for Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Constipation ! and Kidney troubles. Try them. Only t 50c at L. Taggart's. If you can't trust your own feelings \ make them pay cash. Cured His Mother of Rheumatism. i "My mother has been a sufferer for j many years with rheumatism," says W. i 11. Howard, of Husband, Pa. "At times j she was unable to move at all, while at j all times walking was painful. I pre-1 sented her with a bottle of Chamberlain's j Pain Balm aud after a few applications she decided it was the most wonderful i pain reliever she had ever tried, in fact, she is never without it now and is at all 1 times able to walk. An occasional ap plication of Pain Balm keeps away the pain she was formerly troubled with." i For sale by Jno. E. Smith, Sterling Run. Warning. All persons are hereby forbidden from ; trespassing upon the property of this ! Company without a permit from this office, or the Superintendant at the works. <4 KEYSTONE POWDEH MFG. CO. , Emporium, Pa., August Ist, 1903. I A Laughlin A 1 | §j Fountain ig | Jfj t» THC PECR OF ALL jl ffl ptNB *I*D HAS NO aSpi jjf r® j pRR EQUAL ANYWHERE. MfeiM j=J I ||| FINEST GRADE 14K. BE| Jj I HWg YOUR CHOICE OF THESE ijHpf U.J TWO POPULAR STYLES FOR J] il"i' oo E- I jflj 3UPERIOR TO OTHER JkJ ; J p VKS MAKES AT 13 jffiff IJ c~ 9H TheLaughlin PotinUln ] ■ ,2H Pen Holder Umade of fln- |™^fr 'j" J [) «*t quality bard rubber. U rltWtt i.M , • jfe fitted with highest r »de. IBM |J Kl Retired ffexibiHty! I • i II) and ha» the only perfect (1 1 fa 4 feeding device known. I-I J ■St 1 Either atyle. richlv gold ! wWjf 9 I. - [3 I mounted, forjpresentation iM*' "S [i l (I*l * purpose*, II 60 extra. Jfl ■,'J |Sgi J Surely you will not be HH» *fl II ' Jj ' ■ ft able to »ecure anything at Hflß'.ifl 11, n - "" ■ tbnc ttBM tkt price that will |M| 'M [l4 B I SHffl give luch continuous WWHI r. I 0 | fe co il ; 1 g 2 " ■ w <-< ft ffl ™ jp- m 1 B LEO S\ « a !ttj 3. Hi m « p I b m 1 i P |i| ffi p® m I Protruding Piles Cured. Five years ago I was troubled with protruding piles. They were very pain ful, and for six weeks I was unable to re place them. I used one 25c bottle ot j San-Cura Ointment, which relieved the j pain and cured me entirely. I have had i no return of them in five years. San- j Cura also cured my daughter of the piles. I could make oath to the above, John C. Ross, Ilydetown, Pa. Drug gists, 25c and 50c. He that cannot be a servant cannot be ; a saint. Do It To-Day. The time-worn injuetion, "Never put off til to morrow what you can do to day," is now generally presented in this form: "Do it today!" This is the terse advice we want to give you about that j hacking cough or demoralizing cold with j which you have been struggling tor seve I eral days, perhaps weeks. Take somt j reliable remedy for it to-day—and let 1 that remedy be Dr. Boschee's German Syrup which has been in use for over thirty-five years. A few doses of it will undoubtedly relievo your cough or cold, and its continued use for a few days will cure youcompletely. No matter how deep-seated your cough, even if dread consumption has attacked your lungs German Syrup will surely effect a cure— as it has hone before in thouaands of ap parently hopeless cases of lung trouble. New trial bottles, 25c; regular size, 75c, At all druggists. 49-lv. Foley's Kidney Cure makes kidneys and bladder right. 1 lie Poy Envelope! ill's fee I Elcii it Brains are Trump |f'— In games of cards, trumps win. In the great game of life, brains >f w i n - Wc can train your brains for high-grade and well-paid Sf/zfe work in your chosen profession. The positions filled ant! the lidr .x 'NLjIfJI salaries earned by thousands of our students prove the efficiency |j/ ' gi&iiW I ~ j fe ' VI Do You Want? |«&K4 i ■ W No matter what your pnwnt Wnr',. i.r kn™l- Esft •'•>'*'■ ' /i - - ,jfc IgVwiJyi \ r 'fn'fi 1 ' MriifflT** H edpiimy Iw.orto wlmt iiositton yuims|ni>-,wc LPy 112 fj*/'./* .. ,j- .... Ir/f?:*. * I'lCte? ffllMßr ■ cull hflji yuu rapidly npw\ tor full |>:irti< iilur». PfPSswry * V»J9J ? •(£*« pW*<&jP I letters of hiii I ' VrUlluryUt "' J* I I - l. lf|il.. i,e Engineer _ Or.'inminlul I ' iffl tl 1 flnrlnr Knelnrrr II.«LUi |ifr IrM J' * : H l'l.l I 1 ii)Cincrr —SI 'noicni IHT | "" ""I"* Empokxi'M, PA., Dec. 20, 190' J. MR. H. 11. McIIENHY, I. C. S. Rep., Dußois, Pa. Dear Sir:—Yours concerning the German course has just reached me, replying will say, 1 am thoroughly satisfied with the completeness. The amount of drill work given is sufficient to give one the ability to speak the language correctly and readily, and I have no trouble in getting the words in proper order in the sentence. I will confess that in the beginning 1 had doubts as to the practicability of the phonographic method. These doubts have all been removed by closer acquaintnce and lam ready to say that the method has all the advantages claimed for it, and is in no way inferior to that of meeting your instructor face to face, but rather possseseg many advantages. The possibility of taking up the work at any time, of having the word repeated over and over, without exhausting the instructor's patience, etc. I shall recomnieud the course to any one interested in languages. Yours very Iruly, E. S. LING, Supt. Schools. Buy Your Spring Suit Early Sstantial appearance to the wearer look so common in other fines or $12.00 THIS is an ideal suit for business men who know the value of "looking prosperous." It is the product of the art-tailors of Schloss Bros. h. Co.. whose clothing we handle Before you buy your Spring Suit, "drop in and let us talk it over." New line of Summer Hats, Caps and Neckwear. R. Seger & S o n,'""" t, "; co , p 0 1 /* r " c, "" r SYRU P TePSIN Dypopsla Cure CURES INDIGESTION. I * What JTMI Nt