EMPORIUM MILLING COMPANY. PRICE LIST. Emporium, Pa., April 14, 1904. MiS.VfOPHILA, per sack $1 AO Kelt's Fancy, ' 4 160 Pet Grove, 44 1 B0 Graham, 41 75 Rye " 65 Buckwheat 44 Patent Meal., 44 f»0 Coarse Meal, per 100, 1 35 Chop Feed, 14 1 86 vfiddlings. Fancy •• 1 -*0 [{ran, 125 Corn, per bushel, 75 White Oats, per bushel 55 Choice Clover Seed, Choice Timothy Seed, I At Market Prices. Choice Millet Seed, paucy Kentucky Blue Grass, J R.C. DODSON. THE Qrucjcj ist, EIIPOKIVM, PA. IS LOCATED IN THE CORNER STORE At Fourth and Chestnut Sts.. 11. C. UODHON. Telephone, 19-2. LOCAI- I»«: V vKTMENT. PERSONAL GOSSIP. Contributions invited. That which you would like to sec in this department Jet us know by pott ialcard or letter, personally. R. 11. Hirsch spent Sunday and Mon day in Buffalo. U. B. Russell, of Coudersport, was a PRESS visitor yesterday. Miss Jettie Wiley returned on Tues day from visiting at Galeton, Pa John Sullivan is rusticating at City Hotel, nursing a lame shoulder. Mrs Isaac Wykoff, of Cameron did shopping in town last Saturday Miss Lillian Heilman is expected home Saturday for a brief vacation. Geo. H. Crawford has been spend ing a few days in town the past week. Mrs. K. D. Sampson, of'Binghamton, N. Y., is visiting .Mrs. B. Russell at this place. Miss Martha Gleason, of Driftwood, was guest of Miss Jean McNarney over Sunday. Mrs. Ellen Bennett, of Minneapolis, was guest of her cousin, Mrs. M. B. Judd, last week. Mrs. John E. Smith, ofSterling Run, a very excellent lady was in Empori um on Tuesday. Mrs. John Gleason, of Driftwood, was guest of Miss Mattie M. Collins in town on Saturday. Michael Brennan is engaged selling some excellent nursery stock for Glen Bros., of Rochester. Mrs. Josiah Howard returned from visiting at Atlantic City, and other eastern points of interest. Dr. W. 11. DeLong is expected to ar rive in Emporium almost any day now, to remain during the summer. Norman Macintosh, one of our in dustrious subscribers, was a PRESS caller yesterday and carried away a 1905 receipt. Mr. 11. H. Spanogle, after spending several days at Emporium, guest of Mrs. M. Johnson and family has re turned to Altoona. The many friends and admirers 112 Rev. W. P. Shriner will be sorry to learn that he is confined to his bed with intermittent fever. The many friends of Mrs. W. J. Hughes will be pleased to learn that this excellent lady has almost recover ed from a severe attack of rheumatism. Everything is sunshine and happi ness around Fred K. Zi miners' resi dence, near Gardeau, all on account of the arrival of that beautiful ten pound girl. Prof. J. M. Witheral and brother W. F. Witherel, of Buffalo: N. Y., spent Thursday in town, the guest of Mrs. David Murry and family on Tiiird street. The many friends of Jos. A. Friendel are pleased to see him again upon his ieet, after a severe siege with typhoid fever. He is a little paler than usual but will soon be himself again. Judge Miller, of Mercer county, rules that all foreigners wishing to be naturalized, must be able to speak the English language well enough to talk io the court without an interpreter. Mrs. M. A. Rockwell informs the Pit ESS that Morgan Rockwell, who re sides in the south, is in a very serious condition. He is a brother of the late H. C Rockwell and resided here many year a ago. G. T. Dixon and family, who went to Westboro, Wis., several years ago, returned to Emporium Tuesday evening, to reside here permanently. One by one the boys are coming back to "good old Emporium." Alex. Macdonnell and family arrived in Emporium Tuesday evening, from Westboro, Wis. Their many friends are glad to see them back here again J lac enters at once upon the discharge 112 his new duties as manager of 0. B. toward & Co.'s store at this place. Edgar B. Newton and wife have re turned from Buffalo and are at present occupying rooms at Mr. Edward Blinzler's residence, where they will be pleased to receive their many friends. Mr. Newton made the PRESS a short business call this morning. BRIEF riENTION. Good pasture SIO.OO a season. Apply to Chas. C. Wiley. The cheapest place to buy clothing in Emporium is at N. Seger's. Farm for Sale. —A good farm for sale. Inquire at Daniel Barr farm, Shippen township. 9 3t. Frank Pearsall and J. W. Clark are putting the finishing touches to the City Hotel improvements. Fine line of summer clothing at N. Soger's. Make him a call if you want something good at a low price The celebrated Buffalo Ice Cream served in delicious soda, at Rockwell's fountain. Nono more popular. We have just received a large line of room mouldings, and are now able to supply all who wish same. Geo. J. LABar. The residence of Frank Phalin on Fifth street was discovered to be on Are yesterday but by the prompt arrival of some neighbors the lire was extinguished without much damage being done. Readbr glance over the array of ad vertising in this issue of the PRE 33, many of the regular advertisers having something new to tell you this issue Live business men advertise and those are the people to patronize. They want your trade and offer extra in ducements. Council Proceedings. Regular meeting Borougli Council, Emporium, May 2nd, 1904. Present:—Messrs. Cummings, Norris, Green, Wheaton, Friendel, Marshall and Ilousler. Absent:—Messrs. Catlin and Julian. Minutes of last meeting read. A res olution of April 4th, 1904, reci'ing that "The Borough Attorneys be instructed to notify all persons using surface water sewer on Vine street for house sewer purposes to discontinue the same within 30 days after notice" was corrected to read ''That the Borough Attorneys be instructed to prepare a notice to be served on all persons us ing surface water sewer on Vine street for house sewer purposes to discon tinue same within 30 days after notice,'' and the minutes were then approved. Moved by Mr. Wheaton, seconded by Mr. Norris that the matter of tax of poles and wires be laid over for one month. Carried. Moved by Mr. Norris, seconded by Mr. Green that water committee be continued for one month. Carried. Moved by Mr. Marshall, seconded by Mr. Wheaton, that the following bills be paid: Samuel Ostruni, hauling hose cart $3 00 Murry & Coppersmith, hauling hose cart.. 300 " •' " 3 00 St. Marys Gas Co., gas for April 1904 21 90 J. N. McDonald, overtime 5 75 St. Marys Sewer Pipe Co., invoice 7 29 Freight paid 2 07 Jas. itailey, work on streets 7 44 John L. Johnson, " 8 50 Andrew Hout, " 7 50 John Welsh, " 19 25 M. Mulcahy, " 8 75 Thos. Cavanaugh, " 2 68 Jas. Farrell, 1 00 Chas.JVogt, " •••• 23 19 Moved by Mr. Wheaton, seconded by Mr. Marshall, that notices to dis connect house sewers on Vine street be properly executed and served at once. Carried. Moved by Mr. Marshall, seconded by Mr. Green, that Secretary be authorized to buy an Automatic Ex pander for repairing hose. Carried. Moved by Mr. Norris, seconded by Mr Housler that Mr. C. W. Shafer, tax collecter be exonerated from payment of Borough taxes for 1903 as follows: Borough tax, $7; Borough Bond, $4.90; Water $3.70 in accordance with list filed. Carried. Moved by Mr. Marshall, seconded by Mr. Wheaton, that Mr. John Mont gomery bo exonerated from payment of tax for 1902. Carried. Moved by Mr. Wheaton, seconded by Mr. Marshall, that an order be drawn in favor of the Treasurer of Fire man's Rellief Association for the amount due said Association. Carried. Moved by Mr. Wheaton, seconded by Mr. Marshall that Mr. O. B. Barnes be allowed to finish covered ditch in 112 ront of his place of business and that hereafter no person shall be allowed to cover open ditches in the Borough. Carried. On motion the Council then adjourned. C. Jay Goodnouoii, Secretary. Everything in the clothing line for ! boys at N. .Seger's. of except- | ional quality. For timeliuess and variety of interest the May Woman's Home Companion is in the forefront. In"The Wonders of Modern Warfare" Hudson Waxim tells how great battles are fought. "At Home with Admiral and Mrs. Dewey" is an unusdly interesting piece of modern biography. The picture feat ures include a series of life photographs of a racoon, views of some pleasant "Porch Parlors in the New South" and a charming reproduction of a painting of child life "Can 'oo Men' My Dollie?" Tnere are four excellent short stories— ' The Matrimonial Adventures of Bertie." "Mrs. Arnaud's House- Party;" "The Lazy Jaynius," a humor our Irish story; and "Hexerei," a story of the Pennsylvania Dutch. "A Home Made Water Garden," "How to Make Pin Money at Homo," "How to Make Bows and Rosettes," "Frocks for Children," "Shirt-Waist Tub Dresses," "French Home Cooking for American Households," titles which tell the story of the contents of the magazine. Pub lished by The Crowell Publishing Com pany, Springfield, Ohio; one dollar a year ten cents a copy. Quick Arrest. J. A. Gulledge, of Verbena. Ala., was twice in the hospital from a severe case of piles cau?ing 24 tumors. After doc i tors and all remedies failed, Buekleu's Arnica Salve quickly arrested further inflammation and cured him. It con quers aches and kills pain. 25c at L. Taggart, Druggist. CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, May 5, 1904. Republicans Afraid? [Harrisburg Telegraph.l Democratic newspapers and orators of the brand of Baker of New York and Cockran of the same State have been so busy ac cusing Republican leaders of cowardice and with being afraid to do this or that —solely to divert public attention from their own party's shortcomings—that they have failed utterly to appreciate the absurdity of their position be fore the couutry. Democratic blatherskites have a line record of incompetency and obstruction to stand upon while challenging the magnificent achievements of the party of progress and prosperity. Afraid, indeed! Afraid to break the fetters of a tyrant nation from.in oppressed people and give liberty and oppor tunity to millions of subjects? Afraid to hoist the Stars and Stripes where a Democratic Presi dent had lowered the flag of his country. Afraid to insist upon the open door in the orient and the admis sion of American goods? Afraid to enforce a Law against a great railroad trust whichjj the last Democratic administration had de clared could not be enforced? Afraid to protect the millions in vested in Ameriean industries giv ing employment to great armies of men against the output of the underpaid foreign workers? Afraid to stand up vigorously for humanity and for the rights of the individual citizen everywhere? Afraid to make an accomplished fact of the Panama Canal, the waterway of the world? Afraid to build a Navy and equip an Army to assure the preserva tion of peace at home and respect abroad? Afraid, indeed! Pretty party to charge Republicans with cowardice —the party of negation, the party of dead issues, free trade, obstruct ion, the party of isms and hobbies and free silver. Lincoln, the martyr; Grant, the saviour; McKiuley, the peace maker; Roosevelt, the builder—• those are a few of the names which crowd the illustrious page of the great party of achievement, of pro gress, of splendid policies and nat ional greatness. Afraid of what-—the Bakers and Cockrans and Tillmans and Gor mans and Brvans—the host of blind leaders of the blind? Bah! Whooping Cough. "In the spring of 1901 my children ' had whooping cough," says Mrs. D. W. Capps, oi Capps of Capps, Ala, "I used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy with the most satisfactory results 1 think this is the best remedy I have ever seen for whooping cough." This remedy keep 9 the cough loose, lessens the severity and frequency of the coughiug spells and counteracts any tendency toward pneu monia. For sale by L. Taggart. He gives but an empty hand who witholds his heart. An Open Letter. From the Chapin, S. C., News. Early in the spring my wife and I were taken with diarrhoea and so severe were the pains that we called a physician who pre scribed for us, but his medicines tailed to give any relief. A friend who had a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy on hand gave each of us a dose and we at once felt the effects. 1 procured a bottle and before using the entire contents we were entire ly cured. It is a wonderful remedy and should be found in every household. 11. C. Bailey, Editor. This remedy is for sale by L. Taggart. Friends seldom desert a man while bis money holds out. LettertoU.A. Palmer. Emporium, Pa. . Dear Sir: If'it tool: ten gallons to paint your house last time with somebody else's paint, and takes 8 with Devoe, we save you $3 or 810; for paintiug costs two or three times as much as paint. Mr. Ezra Rathmell, Williamsport,Pa., always used 11 gallons of mixed paint lbr his house. Devoe took (i. But that isn't a'l; that only first cost; how long will it wear? The paiut, that goes furthest in cover ing, wears best too. AH paint, true paint, and full-measure, are on one side; part paint, false paint, and short-measure are on the other. What can you expect? Yours truly F. W. DKVOE i, Co. P. S. Murry and Coppersmith sell our paint. 21. Made Young Again. "One of Dr. King's New Life Pills each night for two weeks has put me in my 'teens' again" writes D. 11. Turner of Demseytown, Pa. They're the best in the world for Liver, Stomach and Bowels. Purely vegetable. Never gripe. Only 25c at L. Taggart's drug Store. After all ridicule only slaps our face with the open hand. When you want a pleasant physic try Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tab lets. They are easy to take and pleas ant in effect. Forsaleby Jno. E. Smith Sterling Run. 1 [ Legitimate Successors to Barnes, Bancroft & Co. and Barnes, Hengerer & Co. fc ilntheNc^oreNowl a w e have abandoned the old store on lower Main St. % and are now in our beautiful NEW STORE, between E. * Court and Mohawk Streets. All its delights, modern con- 112 Iveniences, its splendid stocks, its economies—are ready E. tor your full and free enjoyment and profit! Tell your neighbors and friends about it. It is the E. biggest, grandest store in this part of the world, built and carried on in a broad, liberal, generous scale. It's really the most interesting sight in Buffalo! jL j| Come and see it soon —-everybody welcome! j WMwmfo/. I I BUFFALO, N. Y. | ZwfTiwfriwfriww wfyTWfHWfiww*' Garden Seeds, Flower Seeds, Garden Tools. DAY'S! THE SATISFACTORY STORE. Garden seeds in packages from , several well known seedsmen. Also a choice line of Flower Seeds. ! Garden Seeds in bulk from the | old established firm of Grossman ; i Brothers. Crossman Brothers seeds awarded the "Gold Medal" at the Pan-American Exposition at Buffalo, N. Y., 1901. Garden Tools at modest prices. This is house cleaning time and we would call tile attention of housekeepers to the fact that all the prerequisites uecessaty for this work can be had here at right prices. Attractive prices for FRIDAY AND SATURDAY This week Rolled White Oats 10c pkg OP Ambrosia brand. O" Pure Lard, lb. I HP In bulk. IUU Pure Corn Starch, one lb. CP package, Ov Finest Elgin Creamery OCP Butter, lib bricks. ZOU ioc canned Peas, can, OP Dozen, 90c. O" QC Lb.Bag Sugar CI /ifl U Best Granulated. vlifU Garden Truck, Fresh Fruit and Vegetables. The finest the market affords, at reasonable prices. If you can't come to the store use the phone or ask for our order clerk to stop; we'll do the rest. phon.«. J, H, DAY. $ :sDec&3ccs3ee 3£)°c&xs£3oe Bfc 4 I nnv n CCMUSTRr but DON'T forget these & m LUUfV tLotWnLnt- PR | CES AND FACTS AT pr |LABAR'SI §3O Bedroom Suits, solid {THE §4O Sideboard, quartered tfQft oak at .9/0 oak, 4)<3U V §2B Bedroom Suits, solid $32 Sideboard, quartered (fJC ♦ Q oak at 3)21 oak $25 U $25 Bedroom Suits, solid S2O $22 Sideboard, quartered J|o A large linn of Dressers from Chiffoniers of all kinds and YY $8 up. prices. TY | ffTfPW J m^P or * uni * Also a big jj| I matched any where A large and elegant line of Tufted and Drop-head w $ Couches. Beauties and at bargain prices. $ M, The finest line of Sewing Machines on the market, Jvl Irf the "Domestic" and "Eldredge". All drop heads and "nf warranted. ft A fine line of Dishes, common grade and China, in w sets and by the piece. <*! As I keep a full line of everything that goes to make W up a good Furniture store, it is useless to enumerate them V ■J Please call and see for yourself that lam telling you v M the tiuth, and if you don't buy, there is no harm done, as Trf it is no trouble to show goods. 'Jr | GEO. J. La BAR. j