Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, May 05, 1904, Image 4

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    S(gnt)eP(?)r) jfress.
Editor and Manager.
Per year 00
If pnirt is advance $1 80
Advertisements are publishedat the rate of one
dollar per square for one insertion and tiftycenta
pe*square for eacbsubitequentinsertion.
Rates by the yearor for or three tuouUisare
low anu uniform, and w ill be furnished on appli
isliua . |
Legal and Official Advertising persquare.three i
tknesor less, {2 00; each subsequent insertionSO
oeuts iter square. _ .
Local notfeesten rents per line for onei nscrtion
tive cents per line for eachsubsequentconsecutive
insertion. . .
Obituary notices over livu lines, ten cents per
line. Himpleannouncementsofbirthß,m»rriageß
an I rteaths will be inserted tree.
191sines*Cards, Ave lines or less ss.ClOperyear
over five lines, nt the regular rates of advertising
No local inserted for less than 75 cts. per issue.
The Job department of the PRESS is complete,
and aflords facilities for doing the best class ol
No paper willhe discontinued until arrearages
are paid, except at the option of the publisher.
Papers sent out of the county must be paid lor
in advance.
advertisements will he accepted at less
than the price for fifteen words.
Religious notices free.
Eor Supreme Court Judge,
For Congress,
S. R. DRESSER, bradford.
For General Assembly,
For County Treasurer,
Recently in Mexico a hail storm
killed 1,800 cattle. It looks as if
it was hunting for a beef trust.
By a recent decision of the
Supreme Court of Illinois, the
right of a negro child to be admit
ted to white; schools has been es
(Jen. Miles is not a chemist, and
yet at Chicago he thought he saw
in the future, danger of the crys
tallization of central power. When
deprecating it he said very wittily:
"We need not cultivate an ap
petite for the horizon."
lion. Robert B. Roosevelt, uncle
of the President, says he has the
highest appreciation of his nephew
personally, and of his unselfish
and unquestioned devotion to the
public good. And Mr. Roosevelt
is an old time Democrat.
The emigrations of Americans
from our Northwestern States into
th»' North West territory of Canada
is becoming a matter of consider
able concern. The land proves to
b< very fertile. It is stated that
the increase in cereals there from
1898, when it was 1),000,000
bushels,reached inl8l)3, 3.'},000,000
bushels. It is not surprising that
farmers are crossing the border.
Congressman Burke Cockran
having had poor success in Albany,
N. Y., pleading for Tammany
Hall, in the Democratic State Con
vention, returned to Washington,
ami last Saturday discharged a
whole broadside of oratorical guns
in the House. The effect was
startling. All the mines and tor
pedo boats of the Republicans were
inaction at once, and there was a
Port Arthur con 11 id?
The Republicans of Maine are
enthusiastic over President Roose
velt. Once it used to be said:
"As Maine goes so goes the
Union." They say they share in
the feeling ..hicli is common
throughout the country of respect
for the President's courage, and
patriotism; and commend the
wisdom with which he has con
ducted our home concerns, as well
as those in the far east.
The Canadians have done a
wonderful thing; bored a tunnel
through the rock under the Horse
shoe falls of Niagara, opening it at
a point behind the falls where a
great volume of water pours over.
Other magnificent views have also
been obtained by branch tunnels.
Rooms have been fitted up in the
tunnel, with glass ends, so that
one can take an ice cream, a cigar
ette, or a hand of whist, behind
the wonderful falls, sitting on a
sofa, high and dry, and at the same
time study the submarine wonders
of the greatest cataract on the
globe. What a place for love
making during the dog days.
Can the Blood be Funded.
Scientists agree that it cannot while
the kidneys are weak or diseased. All
the blood in the body passes through tha
kidneys every three minutes and is
filtered by them. Tn order to have the
blood cleansed properly the kidneys must
be well and stromr. Thompson's Bar
osnia is the greatest kidney cure known.
Thompson's Harosma reduces all the in
carnation, neutrlizes the acid and dis
solves gravel, carrying off all matter that
is poisonous to the blood, kidneys, stom
ach, heart and other organs. For sale by
R. ('. Dodson.
Tell a woman you admire her if you
want her to think you are intelligent.
A Sure Thing.
It is said that nothing is sure except
death and taxes, but that is not alto
gether true. Dr. King's New Discovery
for Consumption is a sure cure for all
lung and throat troubles. Thousands
can testify to that. Mrs. C. B. Van
Metre of Shepherdtown, W. Va., says
"I had a severe case of Bronchitis and
for a year tried everything I heard of,
but got no relief. One bottle of Dr.
King's New Discovery then cured me
absolutely." It's infalliable for Croup.
Whooping Cough, Grip, Pneumonia and
Consumption. Try it. It's guaranteed
by L. Taggart Druggist. Trial bottles
free. Regular size 50c, sl.
A wise man never tells a woman that
she reminds him of an old friend.
Mr. Joseph Pominville, of Stillwater,
Minn,, after having spent over 82,000
with the best doctors for stomach trouble,
without relief, was advised by his drug
gist, Mr. Alex. Richard, to try a box of
Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver
Tablets. He did so, and is a well man
to-day. If troubled with indigestion, bad
taste in the mouth, lack of appetite or
constipation, give these Tablets a trial,
anu you are certain to be be more than
pleased with the result. For sale at 25
cents per box by by L. Taggart.
Never swap your honor for notoriety
nor your consciense for public office.
Bitter medicine, like bitter experi
ence is usually the be-t.
Ladies and Children.
Who can not stand the shocking strain
of laxative syrups and cathartic pills are
especially fond of Little Early Risers.
All persons who find it necessary to take
a liver medicine should try these easy
pills, aud compare the agreeably pleasant
and strengthening effect with the nause
ating and weaking conditions following
the use of other remedies. Little Early
Risers cure biliousness, constipation, sick
headache, jaundice, malaria and liver
troubles. Sold by 11. C" Dodson.
Enthusiasm and lying are synonymous
with some people.
When the Sap Hises.
Weak lungs should be careful,
Coughs and colds are dangerous then.
One Minute Cough Cure cures coughs
and colds and gftes strength to the lungs.
Mrs. G. E. Fenner, of Marion, lud.,
says. 'T suffered with a cough until I
run down in weight from 148 te !)2 lbs.
I tried a number of remedies to no avail
until I used One Minute Cough Cure.
Four bottles of this wonderful remedy
cured me entirely of the cough, strength
ened my lungs and restored me to my
normal weight, health and strength."
Sold by R. C. Dodson.
Boarding houses drive a lot of their
victims to matrimony.
A Cure for Piles.
"I had a bad case of piles, says G. F.
Carter, of Atlanta, Ga., "and consulted
a physician who advised me to try a box
of Do Witt's Witch Hazel Salve, I pur
chased a box and was eutirely cured. It
is splendid for piles, giving relief instant
ly, and 1 heartily recommend it to all
sufferers." DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve
is unequalled for its healing qualities.
Eczema and other skin diseases, also
sores, cuts, burns and wounds of every
kind are quickly cured by it. Sold by
R. C. Dodson.
It's a case of minority rule in a house
where there's a baby.
H. C. Dodson.
Do not hesitate to recommend Kodol
Dyspepsia Cure to their friends and cus
tomers. IndigCi ion causes more ill
health than anything else, tt deranges
the stomach, and brings on all manner of
disease. Kodol dyspepsia Cure digests
what you eat, cures indigestion, dyspepsia
and all stomach disorders. Kodol is not
only a perfect digestant but a tissue
building tonic as well. Renewed health,
perfect strength and increase vitality
follow its use.
Excursion Tickets to Philadelphia and New
Beginning May 1, the Pennsylvania
Railroad Company will place on sale
thirty-day excursion tickets to Philadel
phia and sixteen-day excursion tickets to
New York from the following stations at
the rates quoted:—
30-day Ex
cursion 16-day Ex-
From Tickets to cursion
Philadel- Tickets to
phia. New York.
Jersey Shore |8 60 sll 65
Lock Haven.. 9 00 12 20
Renovo 11 65 13 85
Driftwood 81 65 15 50
Emporium 11 65 15 65
Ridgway 12 00 16 00
Johnsonburg. 12 03 16 00
Dußois 11 65 15 65
Similar excursion tickets will be sold
from New York and Philadelphia to the
points above at the same rates.
3099-10-3t. i
Do It To-Day.
The time-worn injuetion, "Never put
oft 'til to morrow what you can do to
day,'' is now generally presented in this
form: "I)o it today!" This is the terse j
advice we want to give you about that '
hacking cough or demoralizing cold with
which you have been struggling tor seve
eral days, perhaps weeks. Take sonit
reliable remedy for it to-day—and let
that remedy be Dr. Bosch en's German i
Syrup which has beeu in use lor over
thirty-five years. A few doses of it will
undoubtedly relieve your cough or cold, >
and its continued use for a few days will
cure youcompletely. No matter how I
deep-seated your cough, even if dread j
consumption has attacked your lungs j
German Syrup will surely effect a cure— j
as it has hone before in thouaands of ap- I
parently hopeless cases (if lung trouble. |
New trial bottles, 25c; regular size, 75c. j
At all druggists. 4!)-lv.
Fortunate is the man who can borrow
enough money to pay his debts.
Relief at Once.
Immediate relief from backache, pain
in the side, groin or hips is experienced
by taking a large dose of Thompson's
Barosma or Ividuey and Liver Cure. A
continuation of use will make a positive
cure. Thompson's Barosma does not
contain opiates and a large reward is of
fered for any injurious drug found in its
composition. It is purely vegetable and
a remedy adapted to all ages. Druggist.
For sale by E. C. Dodson.
Good breeding seldom causes a man
to leave the dinner table hungry.
A Great Bridge.
For over a month I had been troubled
with a lame back and neck. The pain
was severe that 1 could not sleep. I
bought one bottle of Thompson's Bar
osma or Kidney Cure and before the
bottle was used up I was as well as ever I
and wish to speak a good ward for Bar- j
osma the " Bridge that carried me safely |
over." E. S. Gray Shaniburg, Pa. For
sale by B. C. Dodson.
The easiest way for a girl to catch a
husband is to not run after him.
A Startling Test.
To save a life, Dr. T. G. Meiritt, of
No. Mehoopany. Pa., made a stattling
test resulting in a wonderful cure. He
writes, "a patient was attacked with
violent hemorrhages,caused by ulceration
of tin stomach. I had often found
Electric Bitters excellent for accute stom- |
ach and liver troubles so I prescribed j
them. The patient gained from tho first,
and has not had an attack in I t months."
Electric Bitters are positively guaranteed
for Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Constipation
and Kidney troubles. Try them. Only
50c at L. Taggart's.
One man's greatness is do to the aid
of many smaller men.
Cured His Mother of Rheumatism.
"My mother has been a sufferer for
many years with rheumatism," says W.
11. Howard, of Husband, Pa. "At times
she was unable to move at all, while at
all times walking was painful. I pre
sented her with a bottle of Chamberlain's
Pain Balm ;ind after a few applications
she decided it was the most wonderful
pain reliever she had ever tried, in fact,
she is never without it now and is at all
times able to walk. An occasional ap
plication of Pain Balm keeps away the
pain she was formerly troubled with."
For sale by Juo. E. Smith, Sterling
Any man will have a good opinion of
vou if you always agree with him.
THE LADIES fi 1 vol' painting their j
churches, and therefore we urge every 1
Minister to remember we give a liberal
<|iiautity of the Ltugman & Martinez!
Paint toward the painting.
Wears and covers like gold.
I>• >n't pay 81.50 a gallon for Linseed ;
Oil (worth til) cents) which yoti do when j
you buy other paints in a can with a I
paint label on it.
8 k (i make 14. therefore when you ■
want fourteen gallons of paint, buy only!
eight of L. & M..and mix six gallons j
pure Linseed Oil with it.and thus get j
paint at less than 81.20 pci gallon.
Many houses are well painted with
four gallons of L. & M., and three gal- j
lons of Linseed Oil mixed therewith.
These Celelnatad Paints are sold by !
Harry S. Lloyd. 2
All persons are hereby forbidden from 1
trespassing upon the property of this j
Company without a permit Irom this
office, or the Superintendant at the
Emporium, Pa., August Ist, 1003.
| A Laughlin A I
| M Fountain g |
J? fi l« THE PIER OF ALL 1'
[gj jߧ3 PENS AND HAS NO |}l
I fSil tQUAL ANVWHCRK. jl|jjjj |J
Jj ||| FINEST GRADE I4K. tt| lj
1 1 SI.OO || |
- - a"™** The Laughlin Fountain Hf| , '
rail HRIa Pen Holder is made of fin- IWHiil IB J I
'S 1 *9 e«t quality hard rubber, is I I
L'n fitted with highest grade, IBN |J
• U large sixe, 14k. tola pen. Ml il
. i.| MB of any desired flexibility, Ipfl
? V and has the only perfect
- \ J feeding device known. JH 1 (J
c Either style, richly gold ■ rp
, .i * mounted, for presentation jHB"TI A I
TJJ J purposes, »1.50 extra. IB'j jy
I . | Surely you will not be ■fW'-'l (J
il "~iJ able to secure anything at aIM ifl ipr,
71 - tbmtints tb« prlc* that will J|Mj : H nil
J! * I WWm give such continuous IBM- ;E , I
IIJ) pleasure and service. HIK «
« ■ |!
II ?ill
it <-< WP il
[HI c/a 1
i g' i
I «£. i
Ib m
i §. if
m eh (ii
|L js
flj f°
Protruding Files Cured.
Five years ago I was troubled with
protruding piles. They were very pain
ful, and for six weeks I was unable to re-,
place them. I used one 25c bottle of
San-Cura Ointment, which relieved the
piin and cured me entirely. 1 have had
no return of them in five years. San-
Cura also cured my daughter of the
piles. I could make oath to the above,
JohnC. lloss, Hydetown, Pa. Drug
gists, 25c and 50e.
I Special |
I Bargains, j
jjj Having moved in larger quar. }|J
ru ters we are in good shape to l/i
n] show you what we have.
|j] Our meats are fresh and the [}j
uj best to be had. |.
K A few specials for Friday and jj]
Qj Saturday. !{]
jj] 4 Lbs. Soda Crackers, 25c. [=
In 3 cans of tomatoes, 25c.
fu 3 cans of Corn, 25c. jjj
3 pkg. Macaroni, 25c. Qj
[n 12c can Peas, 10c. nj
pJ 200 Peaches, 18 cts., 2 cans 35c. jfl
j{] 25c Coffee, 23c. {n
IG. H. Gross & Go.i
j Adam, )
j Meldrum & j
| Anderson Co. i
e HtJF , B'AT,O, >T. V. >
j 396-40S Main Street. J
A Most |
Extraordinary )
| Rug i
j Sale! |
\ * * A leading mill decid- \
s cd to discontinue the manu- i
\ facturc of wool rugs and «
112 offered us their entire pro- )
c duct at less than half manu-
£ facturer's sale price. These }
} rugs are guaranteed all \
3 wool, fast colors and to \
\ wear equal to any $25 rug \
i in the market. They come \
Kin sizes 7 feet 6 inches, by <
t 10 feet 6 inches, 9 feet by
1 £ 10 feet 6 inches, 9 feet by 9 >
j £ feet and 6 by 9 feet. j
j | A 9x12 i
> Guaranteed Fast Colors )
\ Each a copy of an Oriental j
j design, 500 in the lot, )
j 24 different designs—your }
°k°' Ce ' j
> Adam. j
C Meldrum & 112
) Anderson Co. j
112 The American Block, \
} BUFFALO, N. Y. )
Buy Your spring Suit Early
rI N E C L $12.00
rpHIS is an ideal suit for business men who know the value of "looking prosperous."
1 It is the product of the art-tailors of Schloss Bros. & Co., whose clothing we handle
Before you buy your Spring Suit, "drop in and let us talk it over."
New line of Summer Hats, Caps and Neckwear.
R. Seger & son;' u '"'";„'; lw ' t-1 "
i\\/E have planned for several months
to make a grand display and choose
the Easter-time for this exhibition. Our
enormous stock compells us to have
more room to properly show same. We
now occupy the entire "OLMSTED
BLOCK" anrf have the largest floor
space of any store in the county.
We respectfully invite the public to
visit our store and inspect the diflerent
j We entered this business with de-
termination, energy and pluck and with
the help of the generous patronage of
the public, who appreciate honest and
j9 I fair dealing, we have succeeded far be- I I
'I $ I y° nd our expectations. We are now in I ■
I™ 1 a position to buy in larger quantities and
I therefore cheaper.
Our prices are marked in plain fig- I
1 ures and are the very lowest that up-to- I
g date furniture, made by skilled labor can | I
||| We thank you all and hope to merit I
j| your future confidence and patronage.
j jEmif in Firiinn if:
The Best Printingdone here
Why not get the best?