Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, April 28, 1904, Image 8
Accidents Sprains and Bruises Burns and Scalds Cuts and Wounds Accidents happen every day. Why not be pre pared ? A household supplied with Hamlins Wl2AW>@ * OIL, W need have no fear of the ordinary ailments and mishaps of mankind. Hamlins Wizard Oil Is a safeguard for children, a comfort to parents, a boon tD the old folks. It will pay to keep thisold-tlme, reliable family medicine always on hand in case of need. Starbuck, Minn., April 13, 1901. I have been in bed for four weeks with a Sprained Back, caused by too heavy lifting. 1 have tried almost everything to cure It. Seeing what Ham lins Wizard Oil had done for others 1 tried a bottie and in two days 1 was able to work. JOHN SMITH. Santa Barbara. Cal. My child foil from a high chair upon a hot stove and burned Its forehead and side cf face severely. It suffered intensely for three days, when we com menced using Hamlins Wizard Oil. Thepainwas relieved in twenty minutes and the bums healed in about five days. W. L. STEELE. There isonly one Wizard Oil—Hamlins—name blown in the bottl-. Signature " Hamlin Bros." on wrapper. Take no Substitute. 50c. and SIOO. Hamlins Cough Balsam Soothes the Throat. Stops the Cough. 25c, 50c. Hamlins Blood £ Liver Pills Act Gently and Without Pain. 25c. L. TAGGART. C. R. Husted. D. D. Webster. C. R. H usted & Co. Opposite M. E. Church, Emporium, Pa. Keep a full line of the Choicest - - Family Groceries, Fruits, Vegetables and Can ned Goods of the finest quality. The pic-nic season is near at hand, so please remember to 'phone for some of our Potted Ham, Roast Beef, Olives, Canned Beets or Pea nut Butter. We also handle a full line of Pro duce and Farm Impliments. THE FOURTH STREET GROCERY C. R. liUSTED & CO., Proprietors. SBSHfiHSSSHSHSHSHSHSfiS?^ K SCHMELZ & CO.'Sa B | | Sluice Pipe. | IMPROVEIYOUR ROADS>ith j{j m STEEL and WOOD SLUICING jj] ju The Steel pipe >s made of cold rolled, U] Ul heavy sheet steel, rivited so at to leave it fu fu smooth inside. The pipe is covered with l/l If] a preparation that makes it rust proof. [ll n) The wood pipe is made of staves matched ul Ul and grouved, bound with heavy iron fll pJ bands, treated chemically against rust Ul ul and coated with a preparation that will (u [II stand climate and will practically ex- u] Ul elude moisture. The entire length is of fu [ll even diameter. Obstructions will not Ul Ul lodge in it. Manufactured in all sizes up fu [U to SIXTY INCHES. Ul ul Write for catalogue and prices, or a [u pJ postal card will bring to you a represen- u] Lfl tative with samples of our goods. [U What are Sluice Pipes Used For ? [Ji ~| They are used on roads and highways [z | n to convey water under the road bed from HI nj streams and ditches to keep the road bed !p [n dry and prevent washouts in heavy rains pi ijj and showers. [~ jj] Schmelz & Co., H m Coudersport, Pa. jjj [i55H SHSESHSH-C!» Opera House For Sale. The Emporium Opera House which has been all remodeled inside, stocked with the best scenery money can buy. All lash, drop and set scenery, fully equipped for all travel ing companies and lighted with natural gas; a big paying busi ness to the right party. For price and general information write or call on J. W. CLARKE, Manager. Emporium, Pa. School Report. Last April month 1903 Total pupils registered "59 755 756 No. attendance during month 615 654 612 Averageattendance 678 577 676 Percentage of attendance 93 90 95 Number present every day SOS 231 207 Number of pupils tardy., 41 6S 53 Number of plipils siclc 97 ISO 70 Number of visitors 58 83 31 Records in attendance in advance of per cent, were made by the following schools: High School 97! Miss Cumming's, 96; Miss Darker, Miss Gregory and Miss Metzger's 95. The time for the reviews which precede the final examinations has arrived and we urge up on the parents the necessity of having the pupils in their places for this final review. The tempt ation seems to be to keep them out to help with household tasks or to inn errands. As far as possible this should be avoided. The teachers desire their pupils to merit promotion but be come discouraged when there is breaches in the work which cannot be bridged over. HONOR ROLL. High School, Seniors—Florence Schleclit, C aude Carpenter. Fred Heilman. Eva Lewis, Nora Ostrum, Alvira Farr, Mabel Edwards, Alice Quiglev, Nellie Thomas, Francis Rlumle, Stella Geary .Carolyn Lechner, Ellen Farrell. Juniors—Myrtle Lloyd, Edward Hughes, Lena Bair, Edith Heilman, Margaret Cunimings, Max Bill com. Sophomores—Elizabeth Lcchucr,Annie Welsh, Li:>n Strayer, Ida Hertig, Vera Geary, Alicia Swain, Edna Palmer, Ruby Ileideck, Julia Hogan.—Jennie Nystroni, Lee Felt, Edith Drarmit, Jane Glenn, William Scbweikart. Bos, sie McQuay, Mary Welsh, Anna Welsh, Cather ine Orr, Nellie Swain, Kathryn llogan. Senior Grammar- Clifford Burkhart, Margue rite Mctzger, David Mulcahy, Lena Ritchie, Alice R ibinson. Junior Grammar— Mildred McQuay, Annie E Iwards. Marion Judd, Ethel Lloyd, Jeane Mc- Narney, Willie Welsh, Kate Welsh, Katie Kraft, E lna Cruice, Kate Metzger, Hilda Hertig, Her bert Vogt, Lewis Leutze. A Intermediate—May Mulcahy, Mary Orr, Louise Welsh, Nellie Tubridy, Warner Judd, Mabel Morrison, Gordon Vogt, Martha Burns, Mabel Butler, Margaret Dodson, Mildred Haupt, Agnes Welsh, Charles Cloyes, George Barker. B Intermediate, W. W., A Class—John Ellis, Wayne |Van Wert. B Class—Ethel Turley, Margaret Cavy, Rena Jordan, Clara Weisenflub. Mary Normanly, George Balcom, Clara Hout, Frank Hoffman. B Intermediate, E. W„ A Class—Dorr Spencer, Esther Nystrom, Julia Bair, Bruce Britton, Neil Coppersmith, Charles Kenley, Mary Hennessy. B Class—Naomi Wliitmire, Grace Keller, Marion Baldwin, Agnes Anderson, Anna Nystrom, Nora Grace, Charles Cuinmerford, Kate O'Malley. A Primary, W. W., A Class—Margaret Streich, Fred Metzger, Harry Sper.ce, Clark Metzger, William Howard, Belen Orr, Paul Van Wert. B Class—Budd Lloyd, Ruth Pearsail, Olive Ellis, Joseph Kinsler, Addie Prosser, Helen Welsh. A Primary, E. W., A Class—lva Peabody, Ruth Ling, Lloyd Johnston, Minnie Frappier, Mariam Barnes, Oscp.r Foster, Katheryn, Welsh, Em mett Geary, Erma Randolph, John Hertig. B, Class—Evelyn Donovan, Ruth Robertson, Bessie Kackenmeister, Frank Egan, James Hathaway, Margaret Cruickshank, Carlton Clark, Eva Kelly, Bertha Kenly, Irene Garvin. Second Primarj,|W.W.,A Class—Agnes Cleary Matilda Scott, Dora Morse, Howard Bingeman, Margaret Twitchell, William May, Hattie Foun tain, Irene McFadden, Helen Friendel. B Class —Whiteley Howard, Marguerite Fawcett, Mar" ion Brady, Nancy Turley, John Creightom Robert Pearsail, Josiah Johnson, John Knarr, Ed Hout, Willie Kraft, Charles Streich, Floyd Sumrnerson, Mary Leutze. Second Primary, E. W., A Class—Charles Cuni mings, Mary Dodson, Mary O'Malley, Edna Pow ell. Helen Vogt, Kathleen Baldwin, Carl Proud foot, Clyde Britton, Mabel McSwan. B Class John Glenn, Roiland Campbell, Pauline Barton, Alice Shoup, Basil Egan, Myrtle Klock, Belva Cheesbro, Sara Kraft. First Primary, W. W., A Class—Hazel Farrell, Ruth Laucks, Charles Bonham, Bessie Edwards, Cathryne Spence, Birney Shaffer, Charlott Rentz. B Class—Corrie Cloyes, Ethel Creighton, Robert Clark, George Tompkins, Grant Ellis, Walter Streich, Marian Blinzler. First Primary, E. W., A Class—Flora Nelson, Fred Strayer, Charles Prime, Frank Hertig, May Dougherty, Percy Nangle, Lottie Halderman, Anna Griffith, Francis Kelly, Laura Commer ford, Velma Frappier. B Class—Harry An drews, Lilian Walsh, Violet Swanson, Mildred Proudfoot, Margaret Klees, George Ness, Mabel Foster, George Burnett, Virgil Krebs, Marie Edelman, Henry Seger, Rodney Haupt. Kindergarten—lrwin Anderson, Irene Baker, Aloysa Metzger, Blanche Deilil, Flossie Goss, Agnes Keenau, Corrinne Cleary, Jimmie Mc- Fadden, Catherine Egan, Gertrude Van Wert, Emma Schweikart, Henry Cuimuings, Louise Letourneau. The Best Family Salvo. DeWitt's Witch Hazel gives instant relief from Burns, cures Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Eczema, Tetter and all abrasions of the skin. In buying Witch Hazel Salve it is only necessary to sec that you get the genuine DeWitt's and a cure is certain. There are many cheap counter leils on the market, all of which are worthless, and quite a few are dangerous, while DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve is perfectly harmless and cures. Sold by 11. C. Dodson. World's F»!r. The first opportunity afforded residents of the eastern section of the country to see, at tbe lowest possible rates the great World's fair at St. Louis, which opens April 30, will be the coach excursion of the Pennsylvania llailroad Company, May 10. A special train qf standard day coaches will be run from New York, leaving at 8:25 a. in., arriving at Pitts burg at 10:45 (eastern time;) and St. Louis at 4:00 p. m. Tickets will also lie sold from other stations on the Pennsylvania Railroad, east of Pittsburg and south of and in cluding Elmira, Olean, and Mayville, good going in coaches on regular trains to point of connection with special train. The following rates will apply from the stations named:— Bellcfonte, Pa., 31 i>.r»s; Bradford, Pa.; £15.50; Corry, Pa., 814.10; Driftwood, l'a., sls.7<>; Emporium, Pa., 810.82; Lock Haven, Pa., $15.95; Oil City, Pa., 813.73; Olean, N. Y.. 815.50; Punxsu tawney, Pa.; $14.75; Sunbury, Pa., 817.- 00; Warren, Pa., $14.50; Williamsport, Pa., $17.00. Proportionate rates from other points. Returning, tickets will be good in coaches on regular trains leaving St. Louis (Union Station) on day of valida tion and not later than May 19. For rates of fare from other stations and leaving time of connecting trains consult nearest Ticket Agent. 3101-10-3t. CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, APRIL 28, 1904. Council Proceedings. Special meeting Borough Council. Emporium, April 20th, 1904. Present: Messrs. Wheaton, Cum mings, Housler, Catlin, Green, Marsh all and Norris. Absent: Messrs. Friendle, Julian. The President stated that the meet ing was called for the purpose of con sidering the plans and specifications for a building to be erected by the Borough in the East Ward and to order notices to rebuild and repair side walks to be served and to consider contract with Water Company. Moved by Mr. Wheaton, seconded by Mr. Green, that Water Committee be continued to next regular meeting and procure from Water Company a draft for proposed contract. Carried. Moved by Mr. Marshall, seconded by Mr. Wheaton, that plans and specifica tions for proposed new building be ac cepted, subject to changes ordered and details to be furnished. Carried. Moved by Mr. Green, seconded by Mr.Catlin, that building Committee be authorized to advertise for bids for building said building. Carried. Moved by Mr. Marshall, seconded by Mr. Wheaton that Secretary be in structed to place in the hands of the proper officer for service upon the following property owners in the Bor ough of Emporium notices to rebuild or repair their sidewalks located in front of their respective properties in said Borough within twenty days after services of said notices or the said walks will be rebuilt or repaired, as the case may be, by the Borough of Emporium without further notice and 20 per cent, will be added to the coat thereof which cost of rebuilding or re pairing will be charged to and collect ed from their repective estates. The persons upon whom notices shall be served and the location ot the side walks and the nature of the work re quired are as follows: Fanny Kclley, North side 6tl» street, new walk, Mary Ualrymplc, North Hidesth street, new walk Frank White estate. North side 3rd street, new walk; F. P. Kentz, South side 4th street, new walk; Mrs. Hose Poorman, South side 4th street new walk; Mrs. Andrew Moore, North stde sth street, new walk; Frank Coppersmith, North side Alleg. Ave., new walk; Mary Beers, South side Alleg. Ave., new walk; Mrs J. S. Wiley, North side Alleg. Ave., new walk; Phil. & Erie Land Co., North Side sth street, new walk; J. F. Parsons, North side 4th street, new walk; Jos. Barner, North side 3rd street, new walk; Rhoda Russell estate, North side 3rd street, new walk; Ed. Murry, West sidj Pine street, new walk; Wm. Sprung North side 3rd street, repairs; Mrs. Mary Butler, North side4th street, repairs; Robt. Warner, North side 4th street repairs; Mrs. Jas. Morrisey, South sidesth street, repairs; Mrs. T. Dininy, South side sth street, new walk; Jas. (J'Day, North side Alleg. Ave., new walk; Climax Powder MTg Co., West side Portage street, re pairs; Mary Winfleld, South side Allegany Ave., uew walk; Chas. Weller, South side Allegany Ave., new walk; Henry Eigcomb, West side Chestnut street, uew walk; B. A. Sloeum, West side Portage street, repairs; S. S. Ilacket Est West Spring street, new walk; George Metssger, Jr., north Fifth street, repairs; Thos. Welsh, north Fifth street, uew walk; Harvey Welsh, north Fifth street, new walk; Herbert Day, north Ffth street, repairs; G. J. La Bar, west side Popular street, repairs; John Summerson, south side Filth street, new walk; P. & E. Land Co., south Sixth street, repairs; Elk Tanning Co., West Woodland Ave., repairs; Joseph Newton north Allegany Ave., repairs; H. L. Burns, south Allegany Ave., new walk; Jas. Farrell, west Broad street, repairs; Hackeuberg & Thomas, west Broad street, repairs; P. Si E. Land Co., north Fifth street repairs; J. W. Kriner, east Maple street and north Fourth street, new walks; A. A. McDonald, north Fifth street, new walk; William Law, south Allegauy Ave., new walk. On motion the Council then adjourned. C. Jay Goodnolgh, Secretary. Slzerville Items. Winter still holds on. Mr. Vivian Lewis has accepted a posi tion as fireman on P. It. It. Our shingle mill is laying idle a few days on account of no stock. Mr. J. 11.. Evans made a business trip to Emporium one day last week. Wm. ltaszmann has returned from Buffalo. He his quite a stranger. K. M. MeNerney has returned from Hcllefonte where he was attending the funeral of his umcle. Mr. Floyd Minard the night operator at Shippeu was out landing the "speckled beauties" one day last week. Messrs. Silas Farrell, Sherm Kriss and Wm. E. McDowell left this week for Portage to work in the woods. Miss Germond our estimable lady teacher has closed a very successiul term of school. We hope she may come back next year. Mr. 11. D. Sprague has returned from Hulls|where he has been working for Dan McDonald. Ho has a severe attack of rheumatism. Fininiky Tini nikin. April 22, 1904. Best Cough Medicine For Children. When you buy a cough remedy for small children you waut one in which you can place implicit confidence. You want one that not only relieves but cures. You want one that is unquestionally harmless. You want one that is pleasant to lake. Chamberlaiu's Cough Remedy meets all of these conditions. There is nothing so good for the colds incident to child hood. It is also a certain preventative and cure of croup, and there is no danger whatever from whooping cough when it is given. It has been used in many epidemics of that disease with perfect success. For sale by L. Taggart. Bargain in Books. A complete set ofßrittanica Ency clopaedia,consisting of thirty volumes and key. Are all new and in original packages. Will be sold at a bargain, Apply at Press office. 36tf Mot Hers and Daughters Every woman who has a grown daughter knows well the worry and anxiety which always conies at that period of life when girlhood merges into womanhood. Upon a girl's condition at this time depends her future health, strength and happi ness. Too much care can not be taken to see that 6he passes through this period safely. AUNT DIN AH S OLD VIRGINIA Herb Tea A BOON TO WOMANKIND is of the greatest assistance to nature in bringing about the change which takes place, without dis arranging the natural functions of the system. It is a strengthening tonic. It will keep the roses in a girl's cheeks and prevent that tendency to de cl;ne which so often endangers her life at this critical point in development. This Herb Tea is likewise of corresponding value and assistance to matrons and mothers at the end of this period. Its use will at this time prevent endless pain and worry. A woman will enter the evening of life with scarcely the knowl edge that the change has occurred. Many are the thankful women who know the value of Aunt Dinah s Old Virginia Herb Tea and are grateful for the benefits derived from its use. Kemmerer. Wyo., Nov. 29,1902. Ilarniins "Wizard Oil Co..Chicago,lll.: Gentlemen:—Enclosed find 25 cents please send me another package of your Aunt Dinah's Old Virginia Herb Tea. lam greatly nlea>ed with it. I would not bo without it. Respectfully, Miss MABY BYEBS. Buffalo, N. Y M Dec. 5, 1902. Uamllns Wizard Oil Co., Chicago, ill.: Gentlemen-—I received the Aunt Dinah'S Old Virginia llerh Tea and 1 ft It LETTER In every way before 1 had finished taking one package. 1 feed sure it does all you claim for it. MBS. J L. A« KKKSIAN, 108 Winalow Av. Prepared by Ha ml ins WIZARD Oil Co., Chicago. Price, 25c. HAMLINS COUGH BALSAM Cures the Cold. Prevents Pneumonia. 25c. HAMLINS BLOOD &. LIVER PILLS For Torpid Liver and Constipation. 25c. FOR SALE AND RECOMMENDED BY L. TAGGART. When the little folks take colds and coughs, don't neglect them and let them strain the tender membranes of their lungs, Give them Slhiilolhi 9 © Consumption Cure K° ic Lung It will cure them quickly and strengthen their lungs. It is pleasant to take, Prices, 25c., 50c.. and SI.OO. 9 S The Place to Buy Cheap S \ 18 AT ? £ J. F. PARSONS' ? recursion Tickets to Philadelphia and New York. Beginning May 1, the Pennsylvania Railroad Company will place on sale thirty-day excursion tickets to Philadel phia and sixteen-day excursion tickets to New York from the following stations at the rates quoted:— 30-day Ex cursion 16-day Ex- Froui Tickets to cursiou Philadel- Tickets to phia. New York. Jersey Shore $8 60 sll 65 Lock Haven 9 00 12 20 Henovo 11 65 13 85 Driawood 81 65 15 50 Emporium 11 65 15 65 Ridgway ... 12 00 16 00 Johnsonburg 12 00 16 CO Dußois. 11 6"> 15 65 Similar excursion tickets will be sold from New York and Philadelphia to the points above at the same rates. 3099-10-31. The best religion to have in hand is the kind we give away. Good For Children. The pleasant to take and harmless One Minute Cough Cure gives immed iate relief in all cases of Cough, Croup ami LaGrippi because it does not pass immediately into the stomach, but takes effect right at the seat of the trouble. It draws out the inflammation, heals and soothes and cures permanently by enabl ing the lungs to contribute pure life-giv ing and lif'e-sustainiug oxygen to the blood and tissues. One Minute Cough Cure is pleasant to take and is good alike for young and old. Sold by R. C. Dod son. Divorce cards are now quite popular in society circles in the large cities. Are You n Dyspeptic? If you are a dyspeptic you owe it to yourself and your friends to get well. Dyspepsia annoys the dyspeptic's fiiends because his disease sours his disposition as well as his stomach. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure will not only cure dyspepsia, indi gestion and sour stomach, but this palat able, reconstructive tonic digestant strengthens the whole digestive apparatus, and sweeteus the life as well as the stom ach. When you take Kodol Dyspepsia Cure the food you eat is enjoyed. It is digested, assimilated and its nutrimenl properties appropriated by the blood and tissues. Health is the result. Sold by- It. C. Dodson. That the girl who wears diamonds has some excuse for wringing her hands. A Thoughtful Man. M. M. Austin, of Winchester, Ind., knew what to do in the hour of need. His wife had such an unusual case of stomach and liver trouble, physicians could not help her. lie thought of and tried Dr. King's New Life Pills and she got relief at once and was finally cured. Only 25c, at L. Taggart's Drug Store. & I nnif n QnAfUETQET but don't forget these 1 h LUUFV tLot,Wntnt-p R | CES AND facts at y j LAB AR 'S | t §3O Bedroom Suits, solid Or S4O Sideboard, quartered tfQfi '• oak at 4>ZJ oak, 4>dU W S2B Bedroom Suits, solid (T OI $32 Sideboard, quartered QP tyk V oak at 4>ZI oak, 4>ZO U $25 Bedroom Suite, solid S2O $22 Sideboard, quartered ..sl6 # jh A large line of Dressers from Chilfioniers of all kinds and TvY $8 up. prices. TT aK O. A We carry in stock the j* / ||f if. largest line of Carpets 'u fX r v|P 11 (J V (ijfcjv |!\j L'lioleutns and Mattings A o all k| n '.' s l *y cr fought !: ! ! A very large line of 4 $ Ii s Lace Curtains that can -1 ' i not k e , ma * tc l lct * an >' where jj jj| A large and elegant line of Tufted and Drop-head w rj Couches. Beauties and at bargain prices. # CI The finest line of Sewing Machines on the .market, M Tf the "Domestic" and "Eldredge". All drop heads andy 5 warranted. 25 W A fine line of Dishes, common grade and China, in w n sets and by the piece. $ ♦ As I keep a full line of everything that goes to make 6 up a good Furniture store, it is useless to enumerate them 'a & all. U Please call and see for yourself that I am telling you Q, the tinth, and if you don't buy, there is no harm done, as jJL >T it is no trouble to show goods. J GEO. J. LaBAR. I >. y B| Now Ready for Spring. I \\/K have just received a fine W line of CLOTHING for the Spring trade and if you want goods that are strictly up to date you should see our stock. Our Clothing is perfect in style, workmanship and fit, for solid comfort and our guarantee accom panies every article we sell. We want all our customers to* be _ perfectly satisfied. Never any chance for a kick. We have pur- fp chased a large stock for the spring sj| | trade, and our goods are sure to §§s ft please in every particular. jj/ The place to buy your clothing is |H * where you are Jsure to get your H moneys worth and we think you %, i can find no better place thanlhere. | j Our prices are always reasonable. py '1 Gents' Furnishing Goods, Shoes, ffi Hats. Shirts and in fact every- S tiling to dress you in an up-to-date f)- |g_ manner. Come in and see us and If get acquainted. §|; I Jasper Harris, I The People's Clothier.