Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, April 07, 1904, Image 4

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    €an)ere>9 jfress.
Editor and Manager.
Per year |2 00
If paid is advance
Ad verttsemcnts are publisbedat the rate of one
dollar per square for one insertion and fifty cents
per square tor each subsequent insertion.
Rates by the year or for si* or three monthsare
low ano uniform, and will be furnished on appli
Legal and Official Advert ising persquare.three
timesor less,s2 00; each subsequent insertionSO
cents per square.
Local noticestencents per line for oneinsertion
Qve cents perlineforeachsubsequentconsecutive
Obituary notices over five lines, ten cents per
line. Simpleannouncements of births,marriages
ami deaths will be inserted free.
Business Cards, five lines or less |5.00 peryear
over five lines, at the regular rates of advertising
Nolocalinsertedforlessthan7s cts. per issue.
The Job department of the PRESS is complete,
and aflords facilities for doing the best claaa of
No paper willbe discontinued until arrearages
are paid, except at the option of the publisher.
Papers sent out of thecounty must be paid for
in advance.
*#-No advertisements will be accepted at leas
than the price for fifteen words.
Religious notices free.
For Congress,
[Subject to District Conference-!
For General Assembly,
For County Treasurer,
The war lias stopped all dancing
in Russia. They are inclined to
make the Japanese do the dancing.
"I have not yet pawned my over
coat," says Sully, the dethroned
cotton king. But haven't his
victims made the acquaintance of
nay Uncle? In hock signo vincit.
Judge Parker of New York is
far in the lead of Democratic presi
dential cadidates with members of
Congress. But his chance of lead
ing them to victory may be said to
be small.
If, as now seeuis likely, the St.
Louis, convention is to indorse the
last two Democratic national plat
form, there is but one logical can
didate—William Jennings Bryan,
and apparently it is Bryan or Bolt.
The trial of Judge Swayne ought
not to bo avoided by abolishing his
office. That is not brave, or just.
Moreover, and impeachment with
the llonse prosecuting and the
Senate sitting as judges would be
an educational novelty to the
present generation ot Americans.
Vermont towns are enforcing
their no-license laws since maple
sap has started. "Vermont men,
women, maple-sugar and horses.
The first are strong, the last are.
fleet, the second and third are ex
ceedingly sweet, aud all are very
Lard to beat," as Saxe said.
Senator Bard of California wants
Congress to offer a large prize aud
a large annual salary to the best
weather prophet in the United
States to be settled by competitive
predictions for thirty days. If the
bill passes, the guessing-bee will
begin at New Year's. The present
Weather Bureau is regarded by
Congress as being a monumental
failure, although it can generally
foretell what the weather was
yesterday, or even the day before.
Secretary Taft has a wealthy
brother who is an art collector and
connoisseur. He recently pur
chased a Corot, "La Soil-," for
17.),000, and a Dias, "Autumn
Forest of Fontainebleu," for $35,-
000. The former sum is a good
deal to pay for one evenings enter
tainment, and the latter would
have purchased an immense bona
fide forest.
hy does not the Democratic
convention put forth a Confederate
veteran for President? Is it a
crime to be born in the South?
W hat is the matter with Senator
Cockrell of Missouri, "Brig. Gen.
C. S. A"., and successor in the
Senate of Carl Schurz! He is call
ed "The Wise Man" by his col
leagues. There is Gorman, of
course, but he distinctly shunned
service, perferring a clerkship
throughout the Civil War. And
now he has helped Maryland to
violate the Constitution in dis
franchising the negroes. No, give
us the genuine article!
Letter to Ch&s. Seger.
Emporium, Pa.
Dear Sir: The cheapest thing in the
way of sending anything over the world
is a postage stamp; and the cheapest way
to shed water is paint.
Not whitewash; paint. Do you happen
to know—it don't belong to your busi
ness to know about paint, you know—do
you happen to know that most of the
makers of paint stuff it out with lime
and clay and sand and water and air?
They do stuff it out in the can; but not
on the house. They make more gallons
to sell or to buy; more money to pay for
paint; more money to pay for putting it
on; a good deal more money to pay for
putting it on; but no more beauty; more
rust; decay; disappointment; loss.
Devoe is your paint, because it's all
paint, no sham, and full-measure.
Yours truly,
F. W. DEVOE & Co.
P. S. Murry and Coppersmith sell
our paint. 18.
Love needs no lexicon.
A disordered stomach may cause no
end ot trouble. Wht n the stomach fails
to perform its functions the bowels be
come deranged, the liver and kidneys con
gested, causing numerours diseases, the
mnet fatal of which are painless and
therefore the more to be.dreaded. The
important thing is to restore the stomach
and liver to a healthy condition, and for
this purpose no better preparation can be
used than Chamberlain's Stomach and
Liver Tablets. For sale by L. Taggart.
Eternal hustle is the price of success.
The best physic: Chamberlain's
Stomach and Liver Tablets. Easy to
take; pleasant in effect. For sale by Jno.
E. Smith, Sterling Run.
A soft answer may bo a stiff argument.
Httauit of a Railroad Accident.
Wdi. L. Maynard, of Centerville, Pa.,
for 20 years suffered a great deal of pain
in the side and over the hips, caused by
being crushed between the ears. After
doing a little work he would always pass
gravel. Five years ago he used three
bottles of Thompson's Barosnia, Kidney
and Liver Cure and was completely cured,
having had no return of the disease
since. For sale by 11. C. Dodson.
The time to boost is when you think
you don't need to.
Hobbed the Grave.
A startling incident, is narrated by
John Oliver of Philadelphia, as follows:
"I was in an awful condition. My skin
was almost yellow, eyes sunken, tongue
coated, pain continually in baek and
sides, no appetite, growing weaker day
by day. Three physicians had given
me up. Then I was advised to use
Electric Bitters; to my great joy, the
first bottle made a deccided improvement.
I continued their use tor three weeks,
aud am now a well man. I know they
robbed the grave of another victim."
Ni> one should fail to try them. Only
50 cents, guarantee, at L. Taggart's drug
Never meddle with people who don't
meddle with you.
Church Notes.
The finest eity nnd village Churches
are painted with the Longman & .Mart
inez Paints, and we want every Church
to accept our donation whenever they
8 & 6 make 14, therefore when you
want only eight of L. & M.; and mix six
gallons of pure Linseed Oil with it, mak
ing actual cost of paint about 51.20 per
Don't pay 81.50 a gallon for Linseed
Oil (worth •>() cents) which you do when
you buy other paints in a can with a
paint label on it.
Many houses are well paiated with
four eal'oos of L. & M.and three gal
lons of Linseed Oil mixed therewith.
Wears and covers like gold.
These Celebrated Paints are sold by
Harry S. Lloyd.
What God demands is as nothing to
what He deserves.
A Great Bensation.
There was a big sensation in Leesville,
lud., when W. 11. Brown of that place,
who was expected to die, had his lite
saved by Dr. King's New Discovery for
Consumption. He writes: ' : I endured
insufferable agonies from Asthma, but
your new Discovery gave me immediate
relief and soon thereafter effected a com
plete cure.'' Similar cures of Consump
tion, Pneumonia, Bronchitis and Grip
are numerous. It's the peerless remedy
for all throat and lung troubles. Price
50c, and SI.OO. Guaranteed by L. Tag
gart, Druggist. Trial bottles free.
He lights no lives who make light of
Makes a Clean Sweep.
There's nothing like doing a thing
thoroughly. Of all the salve you ever
heard of, Bucklen's Arnica Salve is the
best. It sweeps away and cures Burns,
Sores, Bruises, Cuts, Boils, Ulcers, Skin
Eruptions and Piles. It's only 25c, and
guaranteed to give satisfaction by L.
Taggart, Druggist.
Bargain in Books.
A complete set of Brittanica Ency
clopaedia,consisting of thirty volumes
and key. Are all new and in original
packages. Will be sold at a bargain,
Apply at PRESS office. 36 tf
Sliervllle Item*.
An Kastcr dance at the hotel last Mon
day night.
Some of the young ladies and gents
took a fishing trip the other night.
'"Me Thinks" I hear the merry peals
of wedding bells in the near future.
Mr. J. DeCoyrccy expects to move to
Buffalo Monday or Tuesday of next
Mr. Edward Sizer is studying the mys
terious art of hypnotism. We expect to
see him on the road soon.
Onjaccount of heavy rains several men
have been placed on the railroad at
night to watch the track.
Tha juice of the apple raised havoc
with some of the "boys" the other day,
making it necessary to place one on ice
to bring him to.
We hear there is a new bath house to
bo opened up near the railroad bridge.
One fellow took a cold water plunge the
other day, accidently falling off the
Sterling; Run.
Floy and Gladys are having a measley
time of it.
Mr. Charles May went to Buffalo
Chick says"he can't even wear an
A number of our school childred have
the measles.
Jay Lewis of Renovo spent Suaday
with his parents.
Mrs. Blanche Lewis is visiting friends
in Emporium this week.
Mr. James Furlong spent Easter with
his brother at Pittsburg.
Jay Ilenry Johnson of Driftwood, was
seen in our town Monday.
Mr. N. T. Arnold of Ridgway, visited
his sister Mrs. J. E. Smith Tuesday.
A number of our young men are home
from the drive, on account of low water.
Mrs. B. E. Smith of St. .Marys visited
relatives at this place a few days last
Mrs. Leonard Smith was called to
Ridgway on account of the serious illness
of Mrs. Eve Smith.
Mr. Robert Lilly died at Blossburg
Wednesday and was brought to this
place for burial Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. William Berry a ltd little
daughter Elsie spent Easter with many
friends in Emporium.
Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Barr returned
home Saturday after a week's visit with
their daughter at Renovo.
Misses Edith Berry and Nora Buncc
two of our popular young ladies attended
a birthday party given in honor of Mar
cilia Quinn of Emporium.
Prof. W. J. Leavitt has closed a very
successful term of school and will move
his family to Emporium this week. We
arc very sorry as Mr. and Mrs. Leavitt
have won many friends while at this
First Fork..
Editor Press:
Early last Wednesday morning, Mr.
Louck's house was found to be on fire
but, the tire Co., soon put two stream on.
so it only burned a hold in the roof.
Same afternoon a prairie fire started from
Fred Williams' sugar camp, and went up
across the country, but the prompt ar
rival of the firemen soon got ii under
control, with but slight damage to tools
and fences.
There was quite an excitement caused
here by the report that Jamison was com
ing up the R. R. track, from Lorsh
baugh. Cliff Pfoutz, a brother of the
youug man who was shot in the "melee"
at Jamison's house, and Nick Vorbeck
went down the R. R. to meet him and
give a signal if it was him, but they
didn't kDow this man. After he passed
First Fork the news got out that Jami
son had gone up the road and a lot of
men took after him and followed liiin up
to Bailey Run, when they found out it
was au old soldier living, in a shanty be
law Blow vi lie. Being prettv well
"blown" by the chase, they made a foot
raft aud came home. They are already a
pretty ashamed lot, I forbear to mention
any names. The man draws a pension
and when the men overtook him one of
the parties in the chase, knew him and
disposed of another Jamison episode. It
might be possible but hardiy probable
that Jamison would be walking along
the public road in the middle of the day
when so many parties here know him.
Barclay's floating "shacks" arc lying
at First Fork switch, and the water is
pretty low already tor driving logs or
breaking laudinas.
M. J. Colcord, of the Potter Journal,
visited his father between trains one day
last week.
Nuff SKD.
April 4th, 1904.
Forbearance is one evidence of for
Best Cough Medicine For Children.
When you buy a cough remedy for
small children you want one in which you
can place implicit confidence. You want
one that not only relieves but cures. You
want one that is unquestionally harmless.
You want one that is pleasant to take.
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy meets all
of these conditions. There is nothin"
so good for the colds incident to child
hood. It is also a certain preventative and
cure of croup, and there is no danger
whatever from whooping cough when it
is given. It has been used in many
epidemics of that disease with perfect
success. For sale by L. Taggart.
Knight*ol Columbut.
For the benefit of those desiring to at
tend the meeting of the Knights of Col
umbus, to be held at Washington, D. C.,
April 13, the Pennsylvanin Railroad
Company will sell round-trip tickets to
Washington from all stations on its lines
at reduced rates. These tickets will be
sold April 11, 12, and 13, and will be
good tor return passage until April 18,
inclusive. 3073-6 2t.
As long as sin is hidden it is growing.
Sciatic Rheumatism Cured.
"I have been subject to sciatic rheu
matism for years," says E. H. Wa'dron,
of Wilton Junction, lowa. "My joints
were stiff and gave me much pain and
discomfort. My joints would crack
when I straightened up. I used Cham
berlain's Pain Balm and have been thor
oughly cured. Have not had a pain or
ache from the old trouble for many
months. It is certainly a most wonder
ful liniment." For sale by Jno. E.
Smith, Sterling Run.
The best kind of hope is that whi S
lends a hand.
Nothing Equal to Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy (or
Bowel Complaint* in Children.
"We have used Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrbosa Remedy in our
family for years," says Mrs. J. B. Cooke,
of Nederlands, Texas. "We have given
it to all of our children. We have used
other medicines for the same purpose,
but never found anything to equal Cham
belain's. If you use it as directed it will
always cure. For sale by L. Taggart.
Laat of the Season.
On April 8 tho Pennsylvania Railroad
Company will run the last special excur
sion for the present season from Buffalo.
Mt. Morris, Bradford, Titusville, Falls
Creek, Kinzua, Tidionte, and principal
intermediate stations on the Buffalo and
Allegheny Valley Division, and from
points on the Philadelphia and Erie
Railroad. Erie to Lock Haven, inclusive,
to Washington for the benefit of all who
may wish to visit the National Capital.
Round trip tickets, good going only on
all regular trains on day of issue, and
good returning on any regular train ex
cept the Pennsylvania Limited, Chicago
Limited, and St. Louis Limited, within
ten days, exclusive of going date, will be
sold at rate of 810.00 tor the round trip
from points on the Buffalo and Allegheny
Valley Division, and from Erie St.
Marys, and intermediate points; and at
rate of 88.95 from Driftwood; $8.15 from
Renovo; $7.30 form Lock Haven; and
proportionate rates from other points.
These tickets will be good to return
via Ilarrisburg or Philadelphia, and to
stop off at Philadelphia returning if de
posited with ticket agent at Broad Street
Station, Philadelphia.
For additional information consult
smafl hand-bills, apply to ticket agents,
or address B. P. Fraser, Passenger Agent,
Buffalo District, 307 Main Street, Elli
eott Square, Buffalo, N. Y., or E S.
Harrar, Division Ticket Agent. Wil
liamsport, Pa. 3075-6-2t.
Fine display of
Hats, Caps
§aby Bonnets
April 7thandßtb
I Sluice Pipe. I
pJ The Steel pipe is made of cold rolled, K
u] heavy sheet steel, rivited so at to leave It (ll
[u smooth inside. The pipe is covered with irt
Lfl a preparation that makes it rust proof. |u
[u The wood pipe is made of staves matched ul
til and grouved, bound with heavy iron tu
[U bands, treated chemically against rust u]
Lfl and coated with a preparation that will [ll
[U stand climate and will practically ex- u]
J] elude moisture. The entire length is of tu
[U even diameter. Obstructions will not Lfl
ul lodge in it. Manufactured in all sizes up (U
ul Write for catalogue and prices, or a [y
[U postal card will bring to you a represen- ul
ul tative with samples of our goods. [u
"j What are Sluice Pipes Used For ? [}j
If] They are used on roads and highways [}:
[n to convey water under the road bed from }{]
nj streams and ditches to keep the road bed [J{
[n dry and prevent washouts in heavy rains ii
nj and showers. I:
jj] Schmelz & Co., [u
Coudersport, Pa. jjj
j| Mm A cure jpiarftnte«<l if you *•«
1 PILES Supposllory
I I>. Matt. Thompson, fhipt.
V Ora«led Schools, Btateavilto, N. C.. writes: "I can aaj
H they do all you claim for tbom." Dr. 8. 11. Devoro,
9 Kafoo Rook. W. Va., writes : " They fire universal satlt-
V faction." Dr. H D. Moftlll, Clarksbarg, Tenn., write* :
■ "lu a practice of '23 years, I hare fouad so remedy to
■ equal yours. PRICB, 50 CEHTO. Samples Free. Bold
§WHEN IN DOUBT, TRY They have stood the test of years,
CTDflllO . - ana heve cured thousands off
ftj I nUIID 112 W / £r/\ *// of Nervous Diseases, inch
m. M CY as Debility, Dizziness. S4eeplt»»-
A A A HI I ness and Varicocele,Atrophy,&c.
Ahflln I They clear the brail, strengthm
V, y the circulation, make digestion
vigor to the whole being. All drains and losses are checked permanently. patkats
are properly cured, their condition often worries them Into Insanity. Coniumptio* or Death.
Mailed sealed. Price $i per box; 6 boxes, with iron-clad legal guarantee to cure or rofundtfct
money, $5.00. Send for fre* book. Address. PEAL MEDICINE CO.. Cleveland. 0.
For sale by ft. C. Dodsoti. Druggist. Emporium, Pa.
mm aaaaaaeaeea mm aaaaaaa^a^
[j| Pays Per Cent *
On Savings Accounts.
Compounded Semi-Annually. {
iIH Just as Safe and Easy to Bank by Mail as J
Coming in Person. Ask How. »
Vy A6BCTB OVER *7,000,000. »
II W/K have planned for several months
to make a grand display and choose
the Easter-time for this exhibition. Our
enormous stock compells us to have
I more room to properly show same. We
now occupy the entire "OLMSTED 1
I BLOCK" and have the largest floor
space of any store in the county.
We respectfully invite the public to
visit our store and inspect the different
8 departments.
♦ I We entered this business with de- t
y I termination, energy and pluck and with
the help of the generous patronage of
the public, who appreciate honest and
j . I fair dealing, we have succeeded far be
{4 1 yond our ex P ectat ' ous - We are now in J V
I a position to buy in larger quantities and 1 *
therefore cheaper.
Our prices are marked in plain fig
i ures and are the very lowest that up-to
date furniture, made by skilled labor can
be sold for.
We thank you all and hope to merit
your future confidence and patronage.
lj EipDfii Firnlluie Go. ;!
Who is
If it's K. SEGER & CO,,
you are getting the right
kind of merchandise. There
is no small or grand decep
tion practiced in their store.
Sustained success demon
strates that there is
"growth in truth"in the
retailing of
Foley's Kidney Cure
makes kidneys and bladder right
One Minute Cough Cure
For Coughs, CaMf and Group.