8 JOS. A. FREINDEL. GEO. E. HURTEAU Freindle lMot General Hardware, Stoves, Tinware, Etc. Since opening our new store we have been kept on the jump continually arranging our new goods. We have not had time to tell the PRESS readers what we are doing, scfthey are all in vited to call and see for them selves. Our line of goods now com prise a full line of Hardware, Stoves, (warden and Farming Impliiueiits, General House Furnishings, Paints, Oils and Varnishes. In fact anythingyou may need* If we have not what you want we will order for you on short notice. Our prices are right and we will not be undersold. Plumbing, Roofing and Tin Work, Having had eighteen years ex perience in this department we guarantee all work entrusted to us. Keep your eye on this space. FREINDEL & HURTEAU. j Adam, \ j Meldrum & j Anderson Co. i ) HUFPAIiO.N. V. > * 396-408 Main Street, J 1 Rugs and j I Carpets, j £ No matter what the color or > \ size rug you desire there is just \ S the thing in this vast stock of ) } ours. We are the only direct I > importers of rugs in Buffalo, > Sand we have the largest and best J J assortment of perfect rugs to > > be found west of New York City. \ } Antique Persians } s of rare beauty in all sizes. We ) J have a splendid lot of these in > \ various sizes which we are sell- \ S ing as low as §2O. J c Our stock of Persian, Indian 3 % and Turkish rugs in carpet sizes \ s is not equalled in this country. ) > Domestic Rugs \ c Over 150 designs in the differ- \ sent sizes of Wiltons, Axministers 1 < and Body Brussels. P j Carpets £ All the new patterns for spring \ \ are now shown in all their beau- \ t ty and richness of design and \ ? color effects— c } AXMINISTERS, 5 i WILTONS, \ > BODY BRUSSELS, } \ TAPESTRY, 112 { INGRAINS, < r in all reliable makes and exclu- s 3 eive patterns. \ j MAILORDERS. All mail orders j % are filled the same day received. 1 \ Send for Samples. 2 > Adam, ? c Meldrum & r \ Anderson Co. 112 The American Block, J | BUFFALO, N. Y. | Tragedy Averted. ' Just in the nick ot time our little boy was saved" writes Mrs. W. Watkins of Pleasant City, Ohio. "Pneumonia had played sad havoc with hiiu and a terrb ble cough set in besides. Doctors treat ed him, but he grew worse every day. at length we tried Dr. King's New Dis covery for Consumption, and our darl ing was saved. lie's now sound, and well.'' Everybody ought to know, it's the only sure cure for Coughs, Colds and all Lung diseases. Guaranteed by L. Ta<;gart Druggist. Price 50cand 81.00. Trial bottles free. McClure's For April. McClure's for April is fairly stunning in its effect. ' The first of a series of articles on"The Enemies of the Re public," by Lincoln Steffens, which will consider the mis government of states, takes up Missouri and gives the readers a shock he will not soon for get. It is almost paralyzing in its re lentless array of fact and logic concern ing corruption as a custom, a system, a revolution in government. Ida M. Tarbell follows close with an account of the a.leged ' Breaking up of the Trust" in her "History of the Stan d Pleas of Cameron County. Carrib WiiiTsr ) No. 3, July Term, 1903. SUBPOENMN DIVORCEE. To CARRIE WHITE, Respondent: ~V R OU ure hereby notified to appear at the next 1 term of court to be liolden at Emporium, Cameron county, Pa., commencing on Monday, 25th day of April, A. I).. 1901, at one o'clock, p. m,, and answer to the complaint of said liabell ant and answer to the charge, and show cause if any you have, why decree should not be made, divorcing the said libellant from the bonds of matrimony which be has contracted with you, and if you fail to appear then and there such de cree will be made in yourabsence. HARRY HEMPHILL, High Sheriff. Sheriffs Oflice, j Emporium, Pa., March 23, 1901. { 6-It. PROCLAMATION.— Whbiibas: —The V_' Hon. Chas. A. Mayer President Judge and the Hons. John McDonald and Geo. A.Walkhr, Associate Judges of Courts of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery, Quarter Sessions ot the Peace, Orphans' Court and Court of Common Pleas for the county of Cameron have issued their precept bearing date the 28th day of Febru ary, A. D., 1904, and to me directed for holding Court of Oyer and Terminer, General Jail De livery, Quarter Sessions of the Peace Orphans' Court and Court of Common Pleas in the Borough of Emporium, Pa., on Monday, the 25th day of April 1904, at 10 o'clock, a. in., and to continue one week. Notice ishereby given to the Coroners, Justice* of the Peace and Constables within the county, that they be then and there in their proper per sons, at 10 o'clock, a. m., of said day, with tneir rolls, records, inquisitions, examinations, and other rememberances, to do those things which to their offices appertain to be done. And those who are bound by their recoguizanceto prosecute against them as will be just. Dated at Emporium, Pa., March 29th, 1901, and in the 127t1i year of the Independence of the United States of America. HARRY HEMPHILL. Sheriff. LIST OF CAUSES. T IST OP CAUSES SET DOWN FOR TRIAL JJ at Aoril Term of Court for 1901, com mencing Monday, April 25th. No. 6. January Term, 1901. Eugene Kellcy, Executor of the estate ofA.G. Kelly deceased vs S. S. llackct, now 11. 8. Hacket, S. J. Hacket and T. N. Hacket, Execu tors of the last Will and Testament of S. S. Hacket, deceased. P. 1). Leet for Pit!'. Green redhot bricks, through the crevices of which the blue flames were curling. lie said nothing, but before starting home he went to the yard and bought a lot of brick and hauled them home. He burned up six boxes of matches and all the dry wood his wife had cut try ing to get the bricks to burn and final ly hauled them back to Bartlesvilla and told the yard man they were no good.—Pawhuska (Okla.) Capital. Tlae Tibetans. The Tibetans are not beautiful. How could they be when, by their own con fession, the national ancestry runs back to the king of the monkeys and a hobgoblin? Bonvalot says of them, "The very bears are better looking." The type is midway between the Es kimo and the Chinese. Broad, flat noses, without visible bridge; no eye brows, wide mouths, full lips, oily skins, hair as coarse and straight as horsehair, and short, square, ungainly figures—these are the elements of the unpleasing picture. Talking Knj£li»!i. Here is a story that comes from Lon don and illustrates the peculiarities of the American boy: The youngster was at the Hotel Cecil, and be listened in tently to a group of English folks. Suddenly he looked up at his mother. "Sa3% ma, ilo these people talk Eng lish';" "Certainly they do, my child. What a question!" "Then we don't," said the cub. An Old Testnment Verne. The twenty-first verse of the seventh chapter of Ezra in the Old Testament contains all the letters of the alphabet. "And I, even I Artaxerxes the king, do make a decree to all the treasurers which are beyond the river, that what soever Ezra, the priest, the scribe of the law of the God of heaven, shall re quire of you, it be done speedily." tier (iuod Point. Even the most Impulsive women have their good traits. An Irishman, mourning his late wife, tearfully remarked: "Faith, she was a good woman. She always bit me wid de soft ind av the broom." Hon to Hold At-torn. "It always makes me mad to talk to an actor, lie pretends to listen polite ly, but his attention is wandering all the time. Ever notice It?" "No; I always talk to them about themselves."—Philadelphia Ledger. IIIN Waterloo. Hewitt—CJruet has lost all his money. Jewett—But I thought he was a Napo leon of finance. Hewitt—He was, but he met a Wellington. Take a good book slowly. You see much finer country In a mover's wagon than you do from n oar window. WASHINQTON LETTER. (From our Regular Oorretpondent.) Washington, March 2(», 1904. Editor Press:— Congress, as well as the Execu tive, has had many difficult and perplexing questions to contend with, and it has required much tact, wisdom and patience to meet them. Many of the problems have been solved; others have been post poned to a more convenient season; while a few remain to vex political parties. On the whole legislation has proceeded with commendable rapidity, and with caution. It is extremely difficult to introduce new measures and transform them iuto laws, or indulge in any ex perimental legislation, in the face of a presidential campaign. If many good measures fail the public will understand that it is not that they are of themselves bad, but because Congress hesitates to expend large sums when it is neces sary to practice economy to retain the confidence of the people. The Post Office bill made slow progress through the House, and was close ly scrutinized, a result to be ex pected since so many Congressmen still feel sore over the Bristow re port. Publishers of papers are anxious that rural delivery carriers may be allowed to distribute the fruit of the press. By the close vote of 8K ts 80, out of a total membership of 480, the House agreed to give the Southern Rail road a subsidy of $142,728.75 to carry fast mails from Washington to New Orleans via Atlanta. Chi cago is to be allowed SIOO,OOO for mail service in its underground tunnel system. A general investi gation of the Post Office has again been voted down in the House, but in the Senate the Democrats have given notice that they propose to assume an aggresive attitude in favor of an investigation. The proposition to give a steamship company $45,000 a year to carry the mails to the island of Tahiti, "a pin head in the Pacific," has been rejected. At the close of yesterday's debate, the Post Office appropriation bill passed the House to the great relief of Republicans. The great Chinese question will soon occupy public attention. The Exclusion Treaty with China expires by limitation 011 the 27th of December. As China has form ally denounced the treaty a new one will have to be formulated which will be acceptable to both countries. It is claimed that many great employers of labor are in favor of admitting the Chinese, and that a new exclusion treaty has no chance of again being rati fied. It is already proposed to import some 40,000 Chinese iuto the canal zone of Panama to dig the big ditch, which can hardly be constructed without their aid. AVe spend millions in missions for the conversion of the Chinese. What stultifications to say th ey may be good enough for heaven but not good enough for the United States. There is still much controversy and indecision in the House over the proposed impeachment and trial of Judge Swayne of Florida. It is feared that if a trial is begun it may continue for a long while and postpone the adjournment of Congress. And there is doubt about the verdict. Since the charges against the Judge have been given to the House by the com ui ittee he should either be vindicated, or found guilty. It would be ungracious and inequit able to legislate him out of office without an investigation. The Judge has filed a brief in which he denies the charges. WANTED: 50 MEN AND WOMEN L. Tasgart the enterprising druggist, ie advertising today for fifty men aud women to take advantage oft lit; special halt-price offer lie is making on Dr Howard's celebrated specific fur the cure of constipation and dyspepsia, and get a fifty cent package at half-price 25 cents. £0 positive is he of the remarkable power of this specific to cure ihese dis eases as well as sick headaches and liver troubles, that he agrees to refund the money to any customer whout this niedi einc dots not quickly relieve and cure. If you cannot call nt L. Ta»gart's store to-day, send him 25 cents by mail, and he will send jour a package promptly, charges paid. 2-1 m. I Now Ready for Spring. 1 B W/l 3 ' have just received a fine ■ ™ line of CLOTHING for the 8 Spring trade and if you want H that are strictly up to date fl§ you should see our stock. Our Clothing is perfect in style, ! |§ workmanship and fit, for solid J ~p°V • 4 comfort and our guarantee accom- j ||| panics every article we sell. We v want all our customers tcT be perfectly satisfied. Never any 4 chance for a kick. We have pur | chased a large stock for the spring ■ trade, and our goods are sure to please in every particular. The place to buy your clothing is where you are [sure to get your moneys worth and we think you can find no better place than here. I Our prices are always reasonable. Gents' Furnishing Goods, Shoes, Hats. Shirts and in fact every thing to dress you in an up-to-date manner. Come in and see us and get acquainted. I Jasper Harris, T he People's Clothier. § ♦ I am n QrUfUCPC but °on't forget these £ LUUa tLoty rltnt PRICES and facts A t y JLABAR'SJ S3O Bedroom Suite, solid COC S4O Sideboard, quartered tfQft v< <*j oak at 4)20 oak, 4>OU 112 S2B Bedroom Suits, solid tfOI $32 Sideboard, quartered tfOC •£- oak at 3ZI oak, 4)Zu n oak at 4>ZU oak, J>ID Q A large line of Dressers from Chiffloniers of all kinds and 5*5 $8 up. prices. Q" $ $ We carry in stock the W / fjl)r I! □ >;jk ( largest line of Carpets u Q ( [©-■ Jj _Jj S V/ _ i'LkZ.' hi] Linoleums and Mattings JQ. v ¥ of all kinds ever brought W ||fe to Emporium. Also a big I j' N . Curtains that can- U r not nui - tc ' an y wliere $ $ *^ rt Squares and Rugs lr^" n l ' ie c ' lea P es '- 10 the jjjj H ' . . hi "" Ui "" i w A large and elegant line of Tufted and Drop-head w $ Couches. Beauties and at bargain prices. ♦ .Q, The finest line of Sewing Machines 011 the market, W the "Domestic" and "Eldredge". All drop heads and u' ft warranted. A fine line of Dishes, common grade and China, in W sets and by the piece. q As I keep a" full line of everything that goes to make W up a good Furniture store, it is useless to enumerate them ft a"- ' & L' Please call and see for yourself that lam telling you y £1 the tiuth, and if you don't buy, there is 110 harm done, as JU, it is 110 trouble to show goods. 1 GEO. J. LaBAR. 112 k r